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  • Register:12/31/2008 2:17 AM

Date Posted:01/15/2015 6:24 AMCopy HTML

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LOCATION: Madison Square Garden
DATE & TIME: Sunday 28th December 2014

Josh Nightmare
THEME: This is The Time by Nothing More

Opening Match

AJ Lee vs. Brie Bella vs. Cassie Montgomery vs. Telsia Brook vs. Lauren Li vs. Nikki Bella vs. Carhyse Stone vs. Raine
Stipulation: Eight Woman Ladder Match for 'New Years Resolution Wish'
 The new Years resolution is in effect as six women get the chance to get whatever new wish they want. Basically it's the Money in the bank type contest with a twist. The case above the ring can be anything the winner desires, from getting a championship shot at any show they want or the ability to throw an enemy into something embarrassing. The wish is limitless.
Second Match
Dean Ambrose vs. Shane Cage 
 vs. Justin Jupiter vs. Jason Carter vs. Seth Rollins vs. Lucas Atwood vs. Edward McGinlay vs. Jake Mathieu
Stipulation: Eight man Ladder Match for 'New Years Resolution Wish'
 The male version of the match where eight battle it out for the chance to get any wish they want. Who knows some might prefer a date with a vixen of their choosing over a title shot.
Third Match
Vincent Underwood vs. Abrianya Vega
Stipulation: Fall Count Anywhere / Winner battles Xtreme Champ on next Dark Oasis / Loser becomes slave for two weeks
 Recent rivals Vincent and Abrianya battle it out for the chance to face Lance Parker for the Xtreme Championship. While it is a good reward you can bet these two will be seeing a lot more of each other in the next few weeks.
Forth Match
Melissa Wright (C) vs. Hope Sweet
Stipulation: Women's Championship / Hope's Hardcore Playground / Special Referee:  Olivia Evveros
 Hope joined the company and instantly fucked things up. She first ended the stay of Taylor Starr in TXW and now she aims to destroy and humilate Melissa all in the name of her own entertainment.
Fifth Match
Johnny Mercer (C) vs. Finn Danielson
Stipulation: IC Championship
 Finn got past Jason Carter to earn his IC championship shot. Now he gets the chance to not only become IC Champ but to also face off with Trevor Marshall later for the main gold in the company. Can Finn do the unthinkable and become IC Champ and World champ in the same night? Or can reigning champ Johnny show how good he is.
Pre Main Event
Finn Danielson or Johnny Mercer vs. Trevor Marshall w/ Telsia Brook and Cassie
Stipulation: World Heavyweight Championship / Hell in a Cell
 Marshall expected to battle Ronda Rousey but instead she got fired leaving the gold vacant. He claims he should just be handed the gold but instead he will have to earn it against either Johnny Mercer or Finn Danielson
Main Event
Josh Nightmare, Jason White, CJA, Becca Nightingale and Rachel Slays vs. Calvin Bateman, Crystal Sweet, Dave Wilson, Tyrone Marshall and Michelle Wright
Stipulation: Five on Five Elimination Tag NO DQ
 Team Nightmare and Team Investor go to war in what is really bragging rights between the owner Josh Nightmare and investor Calvin Bateman. Which team will function the best? Who will have the bragging rights and just rewards?

BladeDJK Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #1
  • Rank:Diamond Member
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  • Register:12/31/2008 2:17 AM

Re:Apocalypse 2014

Date Posted:01/15/2015 6:25 AMCopy HTML

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LOCATION: Madison Square Garden
DATE & TIME: Sunday 28th December 2014

Josh Nightmare
THEME: This is The Time by Nothing More

The year of 2014 is at an end as the presentation of Apocalypse begins to the sound of This Is The Time By Nothing More who are playing live. It was a huge cheer since the TXW fans have turned up in their masses to sell out the forty thousand capacity arena which is the biggest attendance to date. Videos are shown of many heated rivalries going into this epic event which is sure to end the year with a bang. At ringside Ray Wallington is at ringside with the beautiful red head Tasia Wicha to present the second major event in TXW history.

“Here we are, TXW Apocalypse! Tasia Wicha here at ringside alongside my broadcast partner Ray Wallington.” Tasia said to get the show flowing with the attention switching to his broadcast partner Ray who has been by her side since the early days of the TXW revival. He also seems to have the eye of the banner on the side of the screen which showed all the beauties who will be competing in the opening contest on the show. They would all be fighting it out for a chance to win the New Years Resolution wish, which is just like a Money in the bank briefcase which means it can be cashed in at any moment. This is what Ray wanted to bring up from the get go.

“About time we’re here and I hope everyone has been having a very happy holiday. I know mine has been great especially with some of the matches we have lined up in this super show. I like the opening which features eight beautiful women, all fighting for my heart.” Ray wishes they were fighting for his heart, they are actually fighting for something more valuable than that.

The cameras panned to show ring announcer in the ring as they are set to introduce all the competitors in this first eight woman ladder match which will see one of their dreams come true. “The following contest is the first ever Eight Woman ladder match. The winner will receive a ‘Wish’ in the contract which allows them to cash in whatever their hopes and dreams may be for the next twelve months. The only way to win is to climb the ladder and pull down the briefcase.” Match rules announced there so everyone understands what it all means. This is a lot more special than the money in the bank since it could really be ANYTHING. Title matches are not what everyone wants for Christmas or the new year.

The attention went away from the ring to the stage as ‘’Beautiful Life” hits with Brie Bella making her entrance. “On the way to the ring, from Scottsdale, Arizona. Please welcome Brie Bella!” The announcer made sure to do her job as the fans cheer for the former Mrs Daniel Bryan.

 During her walk to the ring the broadcast team talk about the Bella giving their thoughts.
“Here comes Brie who is on the back of a win over Diane Steel, she must be glad about surviving that one.” Tasia informed everyone watching and also her broadcast partner about that Xmas bare all match which couldn’t really be out of everyone’s mind, at least not the end result. Ray began smiling thinking of it. “Oh you’re referring to the match where Brie had to rip off all of Diane’s clothes, oh how satisfying that was.” Ray showing no biased towards the outcome there. The less said about it the better since it got censored for those watching on television. Thanks to the investor of course.

Brie is in the ring and not letting her last ‘win’ slip into her mind, or at least that’s how many watching her right now will see it. She looked focused enough. Next The Devil Within by Digital Daggers hits as out walks the deadly Raine who had a jewel incrusted dagger with her, her trademark. “Joining her in this contest. Residing from Flamming Starr MA. Please welcome Raine!” There was an almost nervous sound to the ring announcers voice there considering not many people brought a deadly weapon to the ring. Some thought it wasn’t allowed.

The look on Ray’s face said it all when he watched her playing with it during her ring walk. “Whoa I don’t know if I should hide behind my desk or have a strange boner right now.” He said as Tasia couldn’t believe he would blurt that out, man oh man it seemed unprofessional. This is Ray however as he was a man who shared his thoughts.

Raine kept turning heads as she ended the ring with knife in hand, getting the full attention of Brie. This would be interesting if that weapon gets used while in the ladder match. The attention was soon taken away from her as “Troublemaker” by Olly Murs hits as out walks ‘Trevor’s Angel’s’ Cassie Montgomery and Telsia Brook. Tonight they had matching attires on just to continue with their eyes on me attitude. Revealing short shorts and small bras will do just that. They also liked to have the initials TM on their asses. “Next out are known as Trevor’s Angel’s. Please welcome Cassie Montgomery and Telsia Brook.” No mention there of Telsia being a former WORLD champion. Still baffles people today how that ever happened, many blame Josh.

The two get to the ring with plenty of whistles with looks from Raine who still had her knife with her. The more people saw it they felt it was going to come into play. No rules against it so this is totally legal. Speaking of crazy “Let’s Light It Up” hit as AJ Lee skips out. The former WWE talent might like to mix it up with Raine who knew. “On the way to the ring, from Chicago, Illinois. Please welcome AJ Lee” Or Mrs Brooks as most know her by now since she has the CM Punk chant wherever she goes, including here.

“Mrs CM Punk is looking lovely tonight. I especially like how she has got her attention on the night now she is in the ring.” Ray said as he watches AJ and Raine get close. Then there was a warning swipe from Raine who licked her lips after. The action didn’t seem to frighten the former divas champion.

The count in the ring is now five so it left three more to arrival out. One of those is Lauren Li to “Gasoline” By Porcelain and the tramps. The woman known as the Samurai gets cheered despite having a different reaction when she first showed up in the company. Goes to show you that kicking an ex fiancé’s ass can do wonders for the fans.  She is lethal in her own right with her feet so it might be good to see her try to kick away at someone who likes to play with a knife.

“Arriving next residing from Long Island, New York. Please welcome Lauren Li!” There is that crowd reaction once her name is mentioned. Yet no smile or sign of appreciation, this was focus time. The fans still loved her and not because of the way she looked either, because she could kick ass.

The sight of her pleased Ray who is having a hard time containing himself. “Wow Miss Li sure looks stunning tonight. I always was a fan of her swimsuit like attire, too bad it isn’t a two piece.” Ray said as Tasia just focused on the job at hand as they are almost about to call a match once everybody is in the ring.

Next to join everybody in the ring is Carhyse Stone, someone who has been making a name for herself in TXW. It isn’t just because of her recent sightings with IC Champion either. “How to be a heartbreaker” is the theme hitting as she makes her in ring walk. There are a lot of wolf whistles accompanying her and also cheers. Most of the whistles came from her looks and what choice of attire she had on. For a change there wasn’t any comments from Ray who probably couldn’t wait to see all these lovely ladies battle it out in the biggest diva match that has taken place so far. It’s also going to be risky considering that is a lot of people in the ring at the same time.

“Making her entrance, from Detroit, Michigan please welcome Carhyse Stone!” Jenny Gold made the introduction just as the entrance is complete. This means there are seven women in the ring, all deciding who they are going to try to go after first as they would have to choose someone.

“Everybody is almost out here. The only entrance left now belongs to Nikki Bella who was announced at the original line up.” Tasia said and is then surprised by the sound of ‘Problem’ by Adriana Grande as out walks Marie Reyes. Seems there has been a late minute change to this match which seems to irritate some already in the ring since they likely weren’t preparing for her. The Spanish Sapphire seemed pleased to be apart. “Last but not least, from Madrid, Spain please welcome Marie Reyes!” the last entrance into the match is announced, sliding on in as it’s almost time to fight for a new year’s resolution.

Prior to all this beginning Ray is surprise seeing Marie. “What the hell happened to Nikki? Not that I hate the sight of Marie, this is just a surprise.” It is a surprise but one that is finalised.

With everybody in the ring including the surprise inclusion of Marie Reyes, replacing Nikki Bella who hasn’t signed a competing deal, only a manager one. All eight women look up at the briefcase then the bells follows leading to them all to begin to fight it out. While it was supposed to be an all versus all Trevor’s Angel’s had each other’s back and went after Marie, backing her into a corner and double stomp away at her. Carhyse saw this right after she knocked down Brie with a clothesline. She rushed over and hit dropkick to the back of Cassie’s neck. This made Telsia stop stomping on Marie and turned to face the Detroit born vixen who had to duck under a clothesline in a Matrix Evasion. It showed great flexibility.

“Whoa what flexibility, I bet she is great in...” Ray is cut off by Tasia’s hand who didn’t want him finishing that sentence. In the ring everybody was trying to pick who they wanted to focus on as there was a lot of fighting going on between all eight of the women. They watched as Carhyse followed up clothesline avoid by Spinning Heel Kick right to the face of the Former World Champion Telsia. On the other side of the ring Raine is battling it out with someone who is also considered crazy, AJ Lee. The red head was getting the best of her and had her against the ropes, beginning to choke her when she gets the chance. All of this is legal letting her enjoy the extreme ways. The choking continued into it looked like the former WWE diva passed out as she collapsed. You’d think this would satisfy the twisted new arrival, she only decided to add to it all by taking out her knife from the sheath. Uh oh.

The broadcast team were watching this as were most of the fans as they weren’t sure what was going to happen next. They could easily witness a murder as it’s no play thing. Thankfully it never happened, or whatever she had planned was delayed as Lauren begins kicking away at the back of her knees then is able to hit a super kick right to the back of the head, sending the red head crashing through the ropes.

“Thank fuck for that. I thought for sure poor AJ was about to be murdered by Raine. Why is that knife being allowed? No wonder people are backing for new ownership.” Ray said as he is baffled this sort of weapon is allowed to be apart of the match. Still he couldn’t help looking over at the red head who is down on her knees on the outside.

The fast paced action went to Marie and Carhyse who were both positioned on the other side of the ring as they seemed to be watching each other’s backs. They worked on getting a ladder out and brought it into the ring causing the fans to get to their feet as they were finally about to see some epic moments. The ladder gets put in the ring as the two get back in also as they see the ring is emptying out already. Telsia is down from the spin kick, Cassie went out the ring after the drop kick to the back. Brie was still in the corner shaking off the early clothesline while AJ was still coming to her senses. Lauren was out of the ring using her series of kicks against Raine.

“The match could be won already.” Tasia pointed out as everyone watched the ladder get set up then the Spanish beauty climbs up one side first. Carhyse showed respect for her in the past but this was a match only one person can win. She went up the other side and they both reached the top around the same time. When there the fiery Spaniard is the first to throw a punch, hitting the side of the cheek and she tried to push her enemy for this match off of the ladder. Without hesitation a punch is thrown back as the two beauties try to get one another out the way so they can grab the case. Brie however interfered with this, climbing up behind Marie and pulling her down once grabbing the leg.  The same happened the other side with AJ preventing Carhyse being the only one up the ladder. Brie won the exchange of forearm hits with Marie and decided it is best to Irish Whip her right into Carhyse AND AJ, sending all three women to the canvas. The former Mrs Daniel Bryan then got a lot of yes chants as she began her climb up the ladder, not seeing anyone in her way.

Ray is looking up, trying to focus on what she is doing and not her body as he might be calling the end of the match. “Brie is on her way up the ladder and there isn’t anyone else stopping her. She’s going to back up that win with one of her biggest here. Dean Ambrose is going to be so proud.” Those words seemed to be the end as everyone watched Brie get to the top about to loosen the case. Yet there was a disaster for her because Telsia and Cassie both approached the ladder at the same time. There was no mercy as they tipped the ladder causing Brie to fall from it and land right onto the ropes, talk about nasty.

“Holy shit what a fall! Brie must be dead!” Overreaction from Ray but it did seem to eliminate her from the match. The Angel’s who should really be called the Devil’s enjoyed what they did there since they just took away Brie’s wish. The smiles weren’t lasting as Lauren is back in the ring and she is soon kicking a them. One connected with Telsia’s gut and she is soon thrown out the ring , close to where the ramp is. Cassie bitch slapped the Samurai across the face and it did nothing to slow down the attacks as she too was soon thrown out the ring. There was a rare look of enjoyment out of Li. It was only brief since Raine got in and hits her across the back of the head. She then adds to the body count outside the ring by violently tossing her right over the top rope.

The heard in the ring is becoming thinner by the minute with only Carhyse, Marie, AJ and Raine in the ring. Everybody else was on the outside near the ramp or in Brie’s case, at the side of the ring, not moving much. Sections of the fans cheer when they watch AJ cooly get out the ring and get her hands on the knife that was outside. She shouts over at Raine to get her attention then began to wave the knife.

Tasia and Ray weren’t sure about seeing this as toying with her wasn’t going to end well. The sight of someone else holding her knife made her scream randomly as she got out the ring to give chase. They ran around the ring in what looked like a Benny Hill styled chase. AJ slid into the ring, followed by Raine. Mrs Brooks looked at it closely and did the mistake of doing it too long causing the red head to spring an RKO out of nowhere or what she calls Sweet Sacrifice. It left the former WWE divas champ on her face and luckily the knife only dropped to her side, she didn’t land on it.

“Someone get that knife away from that mad yet very sexy woman!” Ray said as he feared for everyone’s safety due to that being in play. Everybody watches Raine drag up the hurt AJ then place her into between the middle and the top rope, leaving her rope hung. When in this position Raine licked the tip of the knife, following up by cutting open the back of AJ’s top, through the bra too. She kept cutting into all she saw was the bare back of Mrs CM Punk, who with what energy she had left was keeping the material at the front from falling away. This was to Ray’s enjoyment but there wasn’t anything more being cut off as Marie ruined it all by hitting a running soccer kick right to the ass of the red head which knocked her into AJ, leaving them both out of the ring as they fall out.

There was a big gathering near the entrance way as the Spanish beauty joined them by going after Raine. In the ring Carhyse sees everyone and she decided to go for something show stealing. The brave brunette makes a run and uses the ropes to spring herself right out the ring, landing on everybody bar Lauren, who moved out the way at the right time. The Samurai dashed into the ring while the fans were clapping for what they saw from Carhyse. The Asian got a hold of the ladder that is on its side from earlier and she pulled it into the middle of the ring. Her eyes light up seeing the briefcase above the ring knowing all she had to do is climb up.

Only one person was going to stop her and that was Carhyse who is able to recover from her dive as she used everyone out there as some sort of landing. No one else was getting up in a hurry. There fans weren’t sure who to cheer, they just hoped one of them would get the wish. The Samurai is the first to get her finger tips on the case, only for the debutant to be seconds behind her. They were in each other’s faces and the Asian tried a kick, which didn’t really work. Carhyse hits back with a chop to the chest then a hit across the cheek. Neither was rocking each other enough and they both put hands on the briefcase trying to have a tug of war with it. It resulted in the debutant using it as a weapon, slamming it right against Lauren’s face which knocked her from the ladder, taking a bump to the canvas. All that was left after that is for Carhyse to unhook the briefcase to win the match.

“Carhyse Stone you beauty! I have to feel sorry for Lauren though, she was so close to getting that briefcase.” Ray said as he stands up from the desk to applaud Carhyse who held the briefcase proudly above her head in what has to be one of the best debuts ever. Lauren sat on the canvas , not too beaten up by her fall yet she looked crushed by her loss. The show then cut to a teaser of the main event which will is being billed as the end of the world as we know it.


Apocalypse resumes live with the camera is angled showing the inside of the diva’s locker room. There isn’t anyone on the screen so the door opens a bit more and it shows Illy Sloane. She is bent over wearing only a pair of black lace panties. She has a foot on the bench strapping on a pair of bright pink heels. From the angle the camera is shooting you can only see the long curve of her back as she grabs a bra and puts it on hooking it behind her. Turning to wear the camera can see her, she steps into a black and pink micro mini strapless dress. She pulls it up over her chest and adjusts it briefly before turning and walking off camera. The last shot the cameras get is of Illy pulling the dress down her ass as it rides up as she walks off.

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  • Rank:Diamond Member
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  • Register:12/31/2008 2:17 AM

Re:Apocalypse 2014

Date Posted:01/15/2015 6:26 AMCopy HTML

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LOCATION: Madison Square Garden
DATE & TIME: Sunday 28th December 2014

Josh Nightmare
THEME: This is The Time by Nothing More

The attention is back at ringside where Ray enjoyed that little treat, he wasn’t the only one as eight other guys will likely turn their head to look at Illy. It wasn’t long into the sound of Sucker is heard leading to her walking out in that very outfit she teased to everybody. A lot of male eyes were looking her way, who could blame them. Illy Sloane may be new but she is playing the game perfectly. She plays with her hair a bit as she walks down the ramp, swaying her hips as she walks. She smirks at the camera with a wink straight down the lens, blowing a kiss into it shortly after. Then she joined the team at ringside about to watch the action from there.

The cameras panned back over to Jenny Gold in the ring as she prepares to announce everybody. First a reminded of what the match is. “The following contest is an eight man ladder match. The only way to win is to grab the briefcase after climbing a ladder. Whoever wins the briefcase gets a wish which can be cashed in at any point over the next year.” Once that stage is over it was entrance time.

‘Get paid’ by Emphatic Hit first as out walks the Prince of Cool Jake Mathieu who will be wanting to redeem himself since he lost a lot in the eyes of the people due to his public feud with his ex fiancée Lauren Li. Getting a ‘wish’ might help him. Jenny is about to announce his entrance when suddenly Edward blindsided Jake which means its one Prince versus another. Unfortunately the cool one ended up being Irish whipped right into barricade. The angry Scot then went over and started pulling off all the padding around the barricade which shows his intentions. This left the announce team speechless while Illy could tell why he was doing this much, this soon.

The fans all boo when they see Jake violently Irish Whipped into the exposed barricade. It must’ve done some serious damage to the back. The Tartan Titan seemed happy with what he did and he walks to the ring. When he gets in he goes over to Jenny and told her to get the hell out his way. Taking the microphone from her just so he could take over announcer duties. “No one bloody cares about everyone else in this match as the only one who matters is ME! Who am I? I am a man who hails from Glasgow, Scotland. I weigh in at an incredible and fine two hundred and fifty nine pounds. My name is the Glasgow Prince Edward McGinlay the third!” He smiles after introducing himself. No love from the fans in Madison Square Garden as they didn’t want to hear him.

Thankfully for the fans the sound of ‘Retaliation’ hit as outcomes Dean Ambrose who got cheered. There was no sign of fear from him as he charges out of the ring. Dean slides in and tries to attack from the get go. Big mistake for someone who is waiting for him. Running at him cause him to be lifted up and slammed on his face for a vicious Flap Jack. The Scot is already showing his intent. He grabs up the Lunatic Fringe and throws him out of the ring, right over the top rope. Right after he joins him on the outside and starts kicking away at him while he is down. The Prince grabs onto the shirt of Ambrose to drag him up and then he throws him head first right into the steel steps.

“The others better get out here as Edward is brutally attacking everyone out here. I don’t think it should happen this way.” Tasia said not pleased with how it’s going since this was supposed to be a match, not everyone gets beaten down by the Scot. It’s not too much of a shock as he is known to lose his temper. Ray was too busy watching Illy to bother watching what was going on right in front of him.

Next out is Justin Jupiter to the sound of ‘Soul Disintegration’. In recent weeks he has been quiet but this is the sort of match he loves. Ladder matches, anything extreme work for him. He also showed he is fearless due to how he charges to the ring to try to stop Edward taking everyone out. The fans then got a chance to get off their feet as Jupiter jumps out of the ring when in it for a Corkscrew over the top move, flooring the Prince. Finally the fans had a reason to cheer as this could now officially begin as it sure hasn’t yet.

‘The Second Coming’ hit as out walks the Architect Seth Rollins alongside Drago and Nikki Bella. His look was one of joy since he just saw what happened to his long term enemy Dean Ambrose. Nothing could please him more than that when in the ring. Seth moved quicker and went over to the apron, pulling out the ladder from underneath. Despite getting his hands on it he can’t win this way as everybody isn’t out yet. Suddenly Jason Carter makes his arrival without his music hitting. He charges down the ramp and steam rollers through Drago, knocking him to the ground. The big monster wasn’t best pleased when he sat up, not after being the victim of that. The former member of the Shield is at the top of the ladder at this stage and he saw Carter in the ring. With little choice he tried to do a dive down onto him but amazingly he was caught in mid air. The fans then watched him lift Seth above his head for a Gorilla Press. It is followed by a slam as he knocked him to the canvas hard. This made the fans cheer for him as he lifts up his arms. Anyone would get cheered if they hurt Rollins.

“Damn did you see that from Carter? He caught a flying Rollins and slammed him down like he weighted nothing. This is what roids can do for you.” Wisely he said that quietly since he didn’t want the big man to hear what he had to say. Carter then squared off with Drago as everyone is about to see the battle of two monsters.

Back on the outside Edward got the advantage over Jupiter by blatantly low blowing him when he had the chance. For getting too close he then got a Glasgow Kiss [Headbutt] right to the head. There was no soft hits from this Prince who was showing what he is like when he is in a fight. His eyes went to Illy who he smiled at and checked out her legs. Thinking about all the things he could do with her made him go back on the attack as he knocked Jupiter onto the announcers table. This wasn’t looking good. The Titan got on top and drags up the rookie, putting him in position for the Glaswegian Promise [Samoan Driver]. Some fans in the front row pleaded with him not to do it. One last look at Illy was all he needed to hit the move causing Jupiter’s head to bounce off the casing of the announcers table, ouch.

If this was a mission, this was surely working. The distraction of Illy was becoming a thing, as was Edward’s desire to do what she wanted by destroying everyone in sight. So far he has taken out three of the men in his way. The rest will fall soon if he has anything to do with it. The Scot got distracted looking at the blonde again and it left him vulnerable to an attack from Lucas who had quietly made his way out to the ring. Not a surprise as he has been assigned to take him out. A few punches left Edward on the floor while Nathan is now the one to look the way of the stunner. He rubs his chin and it was then his turn to get blindsided by Ambrose who had recovered from that nasty shot to the head. The Lunatic Fringe Irish whips Atwood into the steel steps, dislodging them this time.

“This is mayhem. When are we officially going to have the ladder match we were advertised? I know Illy’s here to provide the entertainment but this is getting mad. We just had a guy bounce off our table. I am surprised it didn’t break.” Ray is standing and looking paranoid while trying to keep his focus on the action, not on the blonde to his left.

At least when Cage arrived the match was officially at its beginning which means that after all this mayhem someone can take advantage and win the match. Carter had cleaned out the win, besting Drago and he sees the ladder set up already. He did hear the ring bell so he knew what could be done. However as he got to the top Illy placed herself on top of the announcers table and began dancing, showing off her curves in what little clothing she had on. Carter looked her way and it allowed Ambrose to get in the ring then knocked down the ladder, causing the big beast to fall right down and land right on the outside, not a nice fall at all.

While the fans were reflecting on that Ambrose set up the ladder and he didn’t seem to care what was going on with the announce table strip tease. Everyone else did care including Edward who watches the woman who he fancies very closely. It might be a test considering this was anyone’s eyes. Luckily watching her he was still able to see what was going on in the ring at the corner of his eye. The Prince charges into the ring and then runs over to the ladder, shoulder barging it to knock it down and Ambrose with it. The Lunatic hit the ropes hard and had to fall on the outside after as it wasn’t something you recover from fast. The bodies were scattered around leaving only one man in the ring. That one man WAS Edward into Cage got in after taking his time to join in. He goes face to face with the Scot as they both knew if they knocked the other down they could win.

“We’re down to two it looks like. I can’t see all that well due to someone on our desk.” Tasia said out of frustration as Ray enjoyed the show, especially when Illy took off her dress. This caught the eye of Cage who was facing the table, he looked past Edward. The Prince of Glasgow hit the Glasgow Kiss to spin Cage around then hit the Scottish Independence [Wheel Barrow Facebuster]. The Scot looked out at his favourite woman on the whole planet and smirked when seeing her in her underwear. While it was quite a sight he was focused enough to set up the ladder, climb up and grab the briefcase to win the match, win the wish.

Boos reigned out for him, but mixtures for Illy who stepped off the table to get a closer look at the man who now owns the briefcase. The mayhem sure was something and the fans got to see a lot of action. EMT’s had to make their way out to attend to some while others left on their own will as Edward went out the ring to take a closer look at his half naked ‘friend.’ “Nicely done lassy, you sure gave this fella a hard time winning that match, but it worked out in the end as not even that body could distract me from my goal. You see ladies and worms, I won the briefcase. I won the wish and you should all start listening to me when I bloody well speak. I am the Glasgow Prince, the Tartan Titan and tonight I will add to those nicknames by becoming the NEW Xtreme Champion. Forget that piece of piss Lance Parker. He’s a jobber. I want my title shot right this instant!”

The ambition is obvious from the Scot who demanded a championship shot. Turns out he gets what he wants as the champion himself walks out happy to get a chance to compete at Apocalypse. There was no sneaky tactics either like there could be with the money in the bank styled briefcase. Edward moved away from Illy to get into the ring. The sight of her was distracting but the lure of gold was more so. Parker left his title on the outside and all they needed now was for someone to referee then call the bell. The referee was already there as he was judging the ladder match so he got into the ring then says that this match is official, no announcements needed.

“Holy shit we have a championship match as a bonus. McGinlay must be tired out by now surely and look at what a distraction we have at ringside.” No keeping Ray’s eyes away from Illy who is edging closer to the ring. She watched the hot headed Scot get hit with a Running Big Boot which Lance called Parked. That wasn’t very good at all as this normally sets up his finishing move. The two toned Parker went to the top rope about to hit his finisher the Airways [Corkscrew Shooting Star Press]. The Xtreme champion is about to leap when he sees Illy get on the apron and tease pulling off her bra. It distracted him long enough for the Scot to pull on the rope to cause the champ to lose balance. From there the Prince went over and held him up on his shoulder. This is a perfect set up for the Glaswegian Promise. One look at Illy then a smile as he hits the move and that should be all she wrote. McGinlay hooks the legs as the referee counts. 1,2,3! New CHAMPION!

There were more boos that accompanied this as the Scot is soon rewarded the gold, the Xtreme gold. He seemed happy with himself but watched Illy closely as she made her exit. There wasn’t much celebration as he got blind sided by Lucas who ends up choke slamming him to the canvas. Message sent and the big monster then got his chance to look over to the blonde who went to the back. Looks like he got his target tonight, spoiling his big moment.

Ray Wallington and Tasia Wicha are probably hoping for an easier rest of the night after the wild first two matches. “While we get back our breath I will now like to hand you over to our collegue Bobby Beckett who is backstage with the winner of the women’s ladder match Carhyse Stone.”


Carhyse is shown backstage smiling brightly, brief case by her side as she stood there. She looked to see a monitor as it plays a recap of how she just won the epic divas ladder match. She can’t stop smiling as she lets Bobby Beckett take over. “Ms. Stone congratulations on winnign your debut match here in TXW.” Bobby says which is the nice way to start this interview. “Thanks..but you can call me Carhyse.” She beams as she rubs the outside of the case and Bobby nods at her.

Winning that case in a debut presents everything to her, it’s good to ask the right questions. Bobby knew this, it’s why Josh hired him. “Alight Carhyse...Well I am sure the Total Xtreme Wrestling universe is wondering the very thing that our management is and that is, what is your wish Carhyse? What do you want from out of that brief case?”

Good question as people wanted to know. What is her wish for now or for next year?? Everyone did just see Edward get his wish by going after the Xtreme gold and winning it. Could she be about to do the same?

“Well obviously any good, hardworking diva would want....a Women’s championship match.” Quick answer, pretty much letting the current champion know what will await her in the new year, whoever that will be. Bobby seemed to not be surprise by her answer, almost relieved someone still cares about the gold as anything could be used with that wish. “I had a feeling you’d say that, since rumors were abundant of you training with Johnny Mercer our IC Champion. Speaking of Johnny how are things going between two of you? Will we be seeing you at ringside during his match tonight?” Pretty intrusive question from double B but he was hired for this reason to ask the questions some would avoid.

Carhyse blushes and bites on her lower lip. “Well Bobby, Johnny helped me train and I helped him. We are both professionals in this business and know that we can win on our own accord. So I don’t think he needs me at ring side tonight. But I will be watching.” She smiles and plays with her hair a bit before shifting off camera leaving Bobby to avoid any more probing personal questions about her and Johnny. Bobby watches her leave smirking.

His mug then ends up the focus of the camera shot as he closes it out. “Well you heard it here first folks are newest rising star wants to head straight to the top. Carhyse Stone will be using her wish to get a title match. Whether that’s in the new year or if that’s tonight we’ll have to wait and see.”


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Re:Apocalypse 2014

Date Posted:01/15/2015 6:28 AMCopy HTML

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LOCATION: Madison Square Garden
DATE & TIME: Sunday 28th December 2014

Josh Nightmare
THEME: This is The Time by Nothing More


Back at ringside where the announce team are digesting the news that Carhyse will be challenging for the Women’s gold. “Good to see a true woman’s wrestler in our ranks. With our owner bringing in so many women interested in others things, it did have me worried.” Tasia said noting the state of the division considering how many women like to just be the owner’s entertainment. Ray disagreed of course. “Personally I was hoping for something more original. Like we all can see she has feelings for our IC Champ. Why not a live sex celebration? The show will go through the roof.”

Another head shake from Tasia as on the screen it shows the build of a hatred between Vincent Underwood and Abrianya Vega. It all started with twitter comments and has only gotten worse with several attacks on the Brit by Vega who seemed keen to not let the Brawler get to her. It’s also shown how Hope and Melissa are very much apart of this, especially with how cruelly the Women’s champion was dumped earlier this year.

Attention went to Jenny who was set to announce the rules for this unique match. “The following contest is a first ever Street Fighter rules match up. The only way to win is by pinfall or submission AFTER depleting the opponent’s ‘life’ bar which will be shown on screen. The competitors can’t win into the bar is emptied. Jenny turns to look at the stage as the sound of ‘Alive and Kicking’ hits allowing for the entrance of Vincent Underwood who gets booed loudly by the fans who used to cheer for him. Once he showed his true colours the love was lost. The Bristol Brawler seemed fine with what he did considering he has been getting a lot more spotlight on him since he became the Bastard everyone thought he might be.

“On his way to the ring. Residing from Bristol, England. Weighing in at two hundred and twenty four pounds. Please welcome Vincent Underwood!” There was no warm welcome for him as he is booed louder than previously. It doesn’t damage his confidence as he knew what he was doing when he publicly dumped Melissa. Also despite the rules he wasn’t going with a Street Fighter theme as he went with his regular attire. He wasn’t about to make a full of himself for the sake of a match he felt was only a one off, he didn’t expect to fight Aby any longer than he has too.

The Brit gets into the ring and looks at the screen which already shows the ‘health bars’. His plan is to just attack from the start then get the pinfall to put an end to this drama. It might not be that simple as there is an added stipulation which will see the loser become the winner’s slave. More of a reason he needed to win. ‘Beast Within’ hit next as out walks Abrianya Vega who is with her friend Serenity Carter. There is a lot more to her that meets the eyes. Who knows when she might show her true form?

While she is heading to the ring Jenny announces her arrival. “And now the opponent. Residing in Indianapolis, Indiana. Please welcome Abrianya Vega!” The fans responded with some cheers as they were backing her to win this one. Aby got into the ring, facing off with the Bristol Brawler as Serenity stood outside the ring to watch her friend take part in this match. The bell sounds and we get to have this unique contest. There was even a ‘Fight’ voice to go along with the ring bell.

Just like in fighting they tried to hit each other’s with kicks and punches, Abrianya got in the first kick connecting to the head with a roundhouse kick. That made the health bar on screen drop down. The kick did hit the side of the Brit’s jaw but his background history shone through when he didn’t’ drop, he just backed away to shake it off.

“What a hard head Vinnie boy must have to shake that one off, what a kick from Abrianya. I do wonder why so many crazy around these parts are so incredible hot, it doesn’t make any sense.” Ray said as he did seem to be distracted by Raine earlier in the show, now he is being the same way with Abrianya who is showing a lot of aggression in her attacks. She did a great headstand then turned into a hurricanrana to leave the Brit on his ass as he looked to be on the back foot here. This was reflecting on his health shown on the screen which still had a lot to go but he had to be careful.

The fans are on their feet chanting for the brunette as they wanted to see him punish the bastard for all that he has done. Aby has her game face on and she grabs hold of Vincent by the beard, getting him to stand up. She did the mistake of trying to use one of her trademarks the Jackhammer which she calls Over and Out. Her strength wasn’t enough to get him up and he gets pissed off about being the one getting his ass kicked so he headbutts her, connecting his forehead to hers. Following it up he hits a flurry of punches including one out of pure fury which connects his knuckles to the bridge of Aby’s nose, likely busting it as there was blood coming out of it shortly after. There was no care as he started punching her right near the eye with all his strength behind it. Most were squinting seeing this happen as they weren’t used to a man hitting a woman with such force.

“What hits Aby is taking and yet she is somehow on her feet.” That comment from Tasia came with pride as this is a woman in the ring standing up to a man and taking his best hits, not falling when really she should’ve by now. Her face is swelling up and she only drops to the canvas when a second head butt is connected. The second one bloodied Vincent while also bloodying Abrianya who is looking a mess.

All the fans hated the British Bastard as he looked at the screen seeing his opponent only had a slither of health left. The end could be near. He wanted to finish her off with the Welcome to the Underworld but he instead got out the ring to get a hold of a steel chair from under the apron, just to show how much he hates this woman. He gets the chair and finds Serenity in his way. Without a warning he just smacks her over the head with it, not caring at the damage caused. The bastard is in total effect tonight and he gets in the ring about to smack it over Abrianya’s head.

“Weapon in play and this spells bad news for Aby.” Ray Wallington pointed out as everybody watched the Brit take a swing only to see it get kicked back in his face. The hit rattled him more than the punch and they all then watched as Abrianya is able to use all her strength to get Vincent up onto her shoulders to then hit a Rolling Fireman’s carry. Right after the focus went back to the screen showing they both had a slither of health. The barmy Abrianya goes over to the chair and starts to use it, smacking it against the downed Brawler. The life bar emptied and yet the chair kept smacking off of him into it’s dented in many places. It sure was brutal. It made the Bastard desperate as he had to kick up as soon as he got the chance, knocking the chair from the violent one’s hands.

When he does stand back up he watches his opponent get the chair yet again. This meant he times his kicks as he goes for the lower leg, trying to knock her off balance. The chair was going to come into play again. Serenity got onto the apron trying to get back what happened earlier and the Brit knew what he had to do. He ran at Aby avoiding her chair swing then purposely knocked her friend off the apron. It wasn’t good to be ringside. The woman who is as mad as a hatter aimed the chair at his head when he turned around and tried to knock his head off. His reflexes came in handy as moved, making the chair hit the ropes then rebound, hitting Abrianya in the face from her own hit, the chair dropping to the floor canvas shortly after. A quick glance over to the screen showed her life bar was also at zero. So quick thinking Underwood decided to move behind her, roll her up into a school boy, pulling right on her pants to expose her ass as the referee counts.


Win for Underwood as the fans booed his obvious cheating at the end there. Aby was astonished at the way he won and very much pissed off. After Vincent moved away she pulled her pants up and something within her snapped. She looks straight at him and it almost looked like her eyes changed color from hazel brown to coal black. Vincent stood there smirking and mentioning how she is now a slave for two weeks. The taunting made her yell for a microphone, Jenny did the honours of giving her one.

“You want to play l I hope you’re ready for the fallout you insignificant little pissant. I'll be your little bitch for two weeks... but once day fifteen comes all bets are off. You want to play with fire you're going to feel the flames as they damn you to hell...” Aby pushes Vincent as he should take the warning. It looked like the fiery one is going to take a swing, only for the sound of Serenity calling her name and grabbing at her wrist. “Sarah, he’s not worth it. Save it for your next match.” Were the words said on mic by Serenity as everyone listening wondered who the hell Sarah is. Isn’t this Abrianya?

The words weren’t making the  bastard shake in his boots, he stood there happy with what awaits him, including a title shot. Still he wasn’t done hearing Aby who wanted more to vent. “Oh talking about matches pissant, I think I'm going to issue you a bit of a challenge. I think our fans will love it. Next time we meet in this ring, I'm asking for a no DQ match. Everything is allowed. You wanna win by cheating. I'll ask to make it legal.... Oh and I'm going to have a partner in this one.. You're going to have a handicap match you smug, arrogant, piece of...” Vincent smirks when gladly taking the microphone there. It looked like he was about to be lunged on when Serenity held her friend back. The Brawler left and didn’t seem worried at all. Who knows if the handicap match will even happen, it’s his choice since he has her as a slave now for two weeks.

Cut to the announce team as everyone involved leaves. “Interesting outcome there as we now know Vincent has earned a future shot at the Xtreme gold, if he wants it remains to be seen but we know Aby is furious. I can’t help think this one is far from being over, no one will ever forget being someone’s slave for two weeks.” Tasia said as Ray just smiled at her and puts his arm around her shoulder. “I wouldn’t mind being your slave for two weeks.” Out loud when he probably meant it in his head. Thankfully for him the cameras cut to backstage showing hype for the next match which is for the Women’s gold.

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Re:Apocalypse 2014

Date Posted:01/15/2015 6:28 AMCopy HTML

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LOCATION: Madison Square Garden
DATE & TIME: Sunday 28th December 2014

Josh Nightmare
THEME: This is The Time by Nothing More

The camera is facing Olivia Evveros, special guest ref for the women’s title match. She is smirking, flipping her dark hair off her Hardcore title which is placed on her shoulder. It hits over her ref shirt, which wasn’t the typical ref shirt. Since Santa Josh said she had to provide her own, Olivia is only in a bikini looking top with the black and white stripes over it and “TXW Official” sewn on the left breast side. She strokes over the title as she heads to the ring to prepare for the match. The camera follows her backside down the hall as it cuts to show a nervous looking Melissa Wright who is a standing by a car already dressed in her ring attire. She turned her back on the camera giving the man behind the camera an excuse to pan to her backside just like the other one. Who the guy’s will be focusing on is unknown but this will be a tough match for them to watch.

Focus on the ring as Jenny Gold made the announcements since this one would start out somewhere else, not the ring. “The following contest is Hope’s Hardcore Playground and it is for the TXW Women’s championship. The only way to win is beat your opponent in two out of three falls. The first fall will start in the parking lot, leading to the backstage area and then finally it will all end here in the ring should they both score a pinfall each. The winner of this contest will be the Women’s champion.” Yes they will be. All eyes are on the screen as they watched Melissa again show up as she has the Women’s gold. She is dressed like she always is with a buttoned up shirt with no sleeves on it in a shade of green. No butterfly wings are present this time due to no entrance and the hat isn’t around either. Most guys would eye her up but technically her knees are a weakness due to the lack of knee pads on her attire. In front of her is Hope in some tight jeans, big boots for kicking and a tank top which pushed up her cleavage just enough. The hardcore element will likely turn a few off as this won’t be your typical divas contest.

Still not everyone saw it that way. “Oh man I can’t wait for this fight to start. Look at Melissa, look at Hope and look at the referee!”

Appearing on screen is Olivia who could start this when she wanted. She called for the bell when they are all stood in the middle of the indoor parking lot and this fight begins. Melissa came Hope with more to prove, hitting a forearm to her jaw then follows it up by getting off her feet with a flying one knocking them both to the concrete. The fall grazed the champ’s knee, which those with a keen eye saw coming. Didn’t stop this Texan making the first fall by hooking the leg.

1,2,kick out as Olivia counted at a fine pace. She did promise to call this one fairly and would do so no matter what goes on. People would be asking if Hope will want to fight her too as she did take away the Hardcore belt from her.

Melissa let Hope stand and thought on her next attack. Taking one second too long ended her with getting kicked right on the grazed knee like the crazy bitch had figured out a weak point. She began attacking her strongly with punches, causing her to back off near a car. Hope scooped her up and power slams her right on the hood of the car, giving those watching a reason to cringe due to the pain that must be shooting through the eldest Wright’s back. On the hood a cover is made as Olivia again came over to make a cover. 1,2,Kick out from Mel who still had enough fight in her to deny the first fall to the Hardcore Whore.

“I am trying to see this as the hottest match ever but I am having difficulty’s. That slam was nasty looking.” Ray said and if he thought that was bad he had to watch Hope climb onto the car next and drag Melissa up. They walk up onto the roof of the car and Hope had Melissa where she wanted her. She then jumps up and hits the SEX [RKO] on top of the roof making the champion hit her face right on the roof. She rolled her over after and didn’t bother hooking the leg, just lay across her. Olivia climbed on up and counted down the shoulders. 1,2,3!

The first fall is over with the parking lot brawl at an end. Now the Hardcore Whore is ONE pinfall away from being the new champion. She climbs off the top of the roof and drags Melissa off of it too, then begins to pull her across the floor by holding onto her arm. Being dragged across the floor on her back was scratching away at her skin and the material of her clothes. The more she dragged her the dirtier, more cut up her skin and attire became. One tear in her jeans got bigger into they found themselves out of the parking lot, inside the arena itself which can qualify as the backstage area. Olivia followed and was ready for the second fall to begin. She witnessed Hope look at her and she walked over, standing very close to her. Since the champion needed a few minutes she didn’t think this would hurt her chances.

“I haven’t forgotten about our first meeting by the way. I remember when you took the Hardcore title from me and I’ll get it back. It was still fun to come across someone who loves the Hardcore lifestyle as much as I do.” She moved in closer and the fans got a shocking move when she kissed Olivia on the lips, not what you normally see between a referee and a competitor. There didn’t seem to be a lot of hesitation from Olivia either giving fans plenty to whistle about. It came to an end with them both looking at each other and Hope licking her lips, turning to look at Mel who is pulling herself to her feet. The crazy bitch kicked her right across the ass and then grabs onto her hair, pulling her down the hall , making her walk where she wanted to walk. They went far down the corridor with Olivia following and they ended up. The camera man also had to keep up or else the fans wouldn’t see this. It made his job difficult or enjoyable when he watched Hope shove Melissa right against the women’s locker room door, causing it to open up and let anyone passing by see inside. The two made their way in with Olivia behind them and the camera man was focusing on all the wrong places including more ass shots of the referee. Speaking of asses the camera man fell on his when going in the room, leading to the camera facing the floor not following the action, as there was just the sound of screaming heard in the room and the only visual everyone got was the ground.

“Get up you god damn camera man, what is going on? Why is there screaming.” Ray said as everyone was missing out. The camera man is began to fumble around and got a hold of his camera lifting it in time to see someone’s very bare ass pass by , not getting the shot of anything else or whose ass that was. He turned the other way to where some divas were looking towards the showers. Some looked like they came from there due to them being in towels. Going in the camera begins to get water dripped along it due to walking into the showers. In there he saw Hope choking Melissa with her own shirt, having torn it off and broken all the buttons as they were scattered everywhere. The fabric is being used like a noose around Melissa’s throat as Hope sat on her back demanding the champion tap out. The camera is focused on the choke even if he was also getting a shot of Melissa’s massive cleavage due to her now only have her bra on her upper body.

There was no tap out as the champion fought her way through the pain and pulled on the material enough to rip herself free. She crawled away as she had too and at the moment this is as expected, pure torture. Melissa gets to her feet and Hope went to punch her. She misses and Melissa kicked her right on the front of the knee cap, causing her to collapse. Both women are very soaked so slipping a little is to be expected. Melissa then put a lot of aggression into her next move, a Super kick right to the face which she calls Wright Ending! This knocked Hope on her ass and made the back of her head smack off the tiles. It didn’t look pretty and the champion lies across her trying to win the second fall. 1,2,3!

Fall two is over with and this one WILL end in the ring. First they both had to recover. Melissa did first as she didn’t just hit her head on the ground. She stood up and noticed the camera pointing at her chest. It made her push past him with anger and lucky for him it wasn’t his face she just hit but the camera, moving it out her way. The man focused back on Hope who is still down.

“This fight has gotten a lot more interesting. It’s been full of everything from violence to nudity. I wonder whose ass that was on screen.” Ray started to think, letting the image become the focus when it shouldn’t be. Tasia shook her head more interested in seeing how this one is going to end as they have both been through a lot, especially the champion who had been getting her ass kicked for most of the fight.

No one knew where Mel was after she went off camera but they assumed she was on her way to the ring. The focus is all on Hope as she sits up and seemed to enjoy what happened. There is a glare over to Olivia who was checking on her and she claimed that she was just taking a breather, no major damage done. Shows how much she loves all things hardcore as most people would be out like a light after hitting their head like that. This all suited Hope and she is followed as she went off towards the ring to attempt to finish this match, win the Women’s gold.

Melissa emerged at ringside and looked drained of energy. She wasn’t walking in a hurry and kept holding her back, and also her head as she wouldn’t shrug off that pain easily. No one can just shake off an RKO or a power slam on a car. Well maybe Hope can. When Mel got into the ring she dropped to her knees and looks distressed like she wasn’t going to be able to finish this one. Many were just distracted by her near topless state rather than the pain she is in. They all then watched Hope walk on out and she seemed a lot better than the champion did. Olivia is behind her and about to continue doing her job.

She got into the ring and the third fall is a go, this is where it ends. Melissa throws a weak punch and it gets blocked easily. The lover of Hardcore then bitch slaps the champion across the face. She gave her a second one. She then pulled her in close, gripping the material of her bra, teasing the fans like she was about to do something naughty. Typical Hope as she ends up headbutting Melissa following it up with a Twist of Fate which to her is a normal move. The champ lay flat, likely out of this one. She sure took her time with it like she wasn’t in a hurry to end it. The leg isn’t hooked as she covered her. 1,2,Shoulder up from the champion who survives again.

“So lucky there for Melissa. She almost lost her championship.” Tasia mentioned as Ray sat there staring at the places everyone knew he would look. “I wish she would lose something else.” Referring to her bra as some might be thinking.

Olivia soon got attention as Hope went back face to face with her after the near fall. Words were exchange, not many that could be picked up. Something about the gold not being her many want, she just wanted to beat up someone for fun. Out of control is the word that can be used on her next as she decided to head butt the referee and laughed when she watched her collapse to her ass. It didn’t take a genius to figure out why Hope then motions around her waist like she REALLY wants the Hardcore gold. The beauty from Finland stands up and touches her forehead, feeling a little blood from the head butt. She reacts like she knows how by attacking with a sudden shove. It made a shoving war begin and these two were about to go at it.

Only it was all put to a sudden halt when the weakened Mel back slides Hope, causing Olivia to do her job and count the fall. Despite being pushed into fighting she made the count a fair one. 1,2,3! No kick out from Hope which was surprising, especially with how fast she popped back up. It was almost like she wanted this over with so she could fight with Olivia. She lunges at her after and gets on top of her as she seemed to be a big enjoyment out of battling it out with her. The fight gets broken up yet you can see these two were going to contest the Hardcore gold a lot. Melissa was just thankful to get out of there as she keeps her women’s championship.


Bursting through the arena doors after the night has already gotten underway, “The Venom” Jason White and Becca Nightingale had finally arrived. As they did it didn’t take long before they were getting rushed over to by the TXW interviewer Bobby Beckett. At first he was ignored as Jason put his arm around Becca and pushed forward. But his patience was tested as he finally stops and looks at the camera. “You want a word about tonight? How about this. I don’t want to be here. Becca doesn’t want to be here. No one in this match truly wants to be here. It was forced on us. But tonight is going to come out on top. No ifs, ands or buts about it. Now fuck off..” With those words Jason slams the palm of his hand into the camera lens, shoving it away. He and Becca then carry on their way to their locker room as Bobby looks shook up. Still he did his job.


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Re:Apocalypse 2014

Date Posted:01/15/2015 6:29 AMCopy HTML

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LOCATION: Madison Square Garden
DATE & TIME: Sunday 28th December 2014

Josh Nightmare
THEME: This is The Time by Nothing More

Back to ringside where Tasia and Ray are reflecting on the main event plus the big championship match that is due next. “More questions are going to be raised about our main event tonight after Jason’s comments there. But we should now feast our eyes on what comes next as Johnny Mercer defends the IC gold against Finn Danielson. Not only is it an important title match but the winner will go on to face Trevor Marshall for the World Heavyweight title in the next match. It will also be inside hell in a cell.” Yes it would be and Ray seemed to look forward to seeing the cell since it would be a TXW first. At least for the new era. “Hell in a cell is the match everybody wants to watch. I can’t see past Trevor Marshall winning this one however as he’ll be the fresher man. It almost seems unfair.” It didn’t just seem unfair it pretty much was. Getting the main gold is always a hard road for anyone. You can’t really complain about things being unfair in professional wrestling, it’s the way the business works.

Jenny is ready for the announcement. “The following is for the IC Championship with the winner progressing to the World Heavyweight Championship match later tonight.” Lot of cheers and NOW there are a lot of eyes on the cell that’s above the ring and has been all night long. They were looking forward to seeing who will succeed Ronda Rousey in becoming the next World champ.

The first music to hit is that of the ‘Game Over’ which is the theme of Finn Danielson, who is making his name known very quickly. Not only could he win the IC title tonight he can also win the big gold. That would bring him some history as no one has ever won the two biggest titles on the same night. It’ll be like his Chris Jericho moment. “Introducing first. He is the challenger. Residing from Bray, Country, Wicklow, Ireland. Weighing in at two hundred pounds. He is ‘The New Millennium’ FINN DANIELSON!” Loud cheers for the potential history maker. Everyone loves history so they will be backing him to do the job, even over one of their other heroes Johnny Mercer.

Speaking of Mercer he is the next out to the sound of ‘Survival’ and he is carrying his IC gold. Tonight he has gone with a leather jacket on his entrance gear and he doesn’t seem as happy to see his fans. Yes he adores them but he had a big job to do here. Two wins and he has made this year his dream year. First he won a major gold, then he got to work with a woman her admired in Ronda Rousey and recently he has gotten very close to Carhyse. Something he wouldn’t publicly announce simply because he likes to be private.

“Now introducing his opponent. Residing from Los Angeles, California. Weighing in at two hundred and thirty pounds. He is the Intercontinental Champion. Please welcome Johnny Mercer!” There are cheers, just not as loud as they were for Finn. The two men meet in the centre of the ring and an handshake is offered from the champion, which is soon accepted by the challenger. It’s going to be the only show of respect they will show one another into the match is over with. The IC gold is passed out the ring then this one is underway.

Mercer and Danielson lock up, trying to win the test of strength. It’s won by Mercer who locks in a headlock prior to being pushed against the ropes. On the rebound he is knocked to his ass by a shoulder block and was forced to roll out the way seconds later when Finn tried an elbow drop. The champ is on his feet and is hit with an arm drag which sends him across the other side of the ring. He gets up for a second time and is hit with the same move to leave him down for longer. Finn then runs towards the ropes, jumps on the middle rope and then spins back to connect with a Disaster Kick as the champion did get back to his feet, only to find that waiting for him.

The move gets appreciation from the fans who watched the first cover get made. 1, Kickout. Mercer is off his back and throws out punches on the way back to his feet. This is a fast paced match and it was very exciting to watch. They did vow to steal the show and this might be possible with the way it’s started.

Mercer gets dragged up to his feet and he manages to get Finn caught in an inside cradle as he looks to get a surprise victory. 1,kickout from Danielson as he ended up shaking his head, though he did respect how fast his opponent was there at putting him danger.

“I normally am perfect when it comes to my predictions but with this one it’s close to call. Mercer and Danielson seem very equal in my opinion. They should also think about the next match as they don’t want to drain all their energy.” Ray made sense for a change as they really didn’t want to give it all here when they have another match still to come, one far tougher.

The two men are battling it out and Finn gets control with an fell executed Dragon Whip which he hit after Mercer caught his foot at a kick attempt. This time he didn’t make the cover instead he went to the top rope and awaits the champion to stand back up. When he did just that he dives off and hits a diving dropkick right to his chest, followed by another cover. 1,2, Kickout.

“This is fast and furious as both men want to get this over quickly.” Tasia said as she knew they didn’t want to wrestle for too long or it would damage the chances later. Marshall is likely watching this and hoping they destroy each other just so he can easily become the champion.

In control right now is Danielson who followed up his dropkick with a German suplex, one after the other. It was like he was taking a page out of Brock Lesnar’s book since he hit four of them to show how fired up he is. Mercer holds the back of his neck and is once again covered after those moves. 1,2, Kickout again which don’t forget takes up energy too. The champion is struggling and had to move closer to the ropes to get himself back to his feet. When he turns around he got taken to the canvas and locked in the Labelle Lock / Yes Lock, the Finn Danielson version. This made the fans get off their feet as this move usually results in a submission.

Tasia looks over feeling it may be near the finish. “Is it all over here for Mercer? He’s trapped in the submission hold.” The pain is obvious to everyone watches as they see the current IC Champion struggle with the pain. There are still fans out there cheering him on as they begin a ‘Mercer’ chant. The sound of his name made him fight, and his fight saw him drag himself closer to the ropes. There was a mixture of cheers and boos when he reached them, grabbing hold and breaking the submission hold. Finn gave him his due, walking back to the middle with his hands on his hips as he tries to figure out his next move.

Instead of it being his next move the IC Champ leaps to his feet and hits a lariat which left them both down in the middle of the ring. This one was getting excited. Then just as people thought Trevor Marshall shows up with his gold around his waist. Everyone knows he ISN’T the official champion. He’d have to beat one of these two to get that made his. Still he seems to be holding a grudge as he charges to the ring, and unstraps the gold when he in the ring. It looked like he was about to smash the gold in the face of Finn as if he did then it would be a DQ win for him. Marshall looked Finn  dead in the eye and said. “Fuck you!” Then blasts Mercer with the gold instead.

This left Finn holding his head as he watches the King Kong Destroyer laugh his ass off as he heard the bell sounds calling for a disqualification. It’s announced that the winner of this match and STILL champion is Johnny Mercer by DQ, meaning he advances to the main event. This played into the hands of Marshall perfectly as he knows he has the more damaged of the two.

“I don’t believe it. Mercer is still the champion and the winner. Yet it’s by DQ. Marshall just cost Finn the main event spot. I am not saying Mercer doesn’t deserve it, but not like this, not like this.” Tasia said as Finn was beginning to get angry as he watches the wannabe champ demand the the cell be lowered.

 Instead ‘All Nightmare Long’ hit as out walks the owner Josh Nightmare. The owner didn’t seem happy with what he saw, not by a long shot. “Nice move Trev, nice move. I didn’t really think about this happening, I should’ve made it no Disqualification or at least made it so the winner who advances actually knows they won. Since you’re so keen to get your hands on both of them I am going to give you what you want. I mean I am the owner and will continue to be well after tonight. So in the interest of fairness the main event will now be a triple threat match. Johnny Mercer versus Trevor Marshall versus Finn Danielson. Oh and how about this. First fall for the IC gold and the second for the World. Now lower that damn cell!”

Everyone cheered as they loved that. As did Finn who actually helped up Mercer and let him know who hit him in the face. The two men both agreed that he doesn’t leave her tonight with the gold, any gold. Marshall is irate and shouts at the owner that he’ll pay for this. The cell lowers as Marshall gets into the ring, World gold is left out the ring.

“Holy shit we have a triple threat match inside the hell in a cell. What a twist!” Ray seems happy just like the fans who then watch the three men get ready for war. No introductions were needed as they already know what it is for.

The bell sounds and the two baby faces team up on the bigger man Marshall. He is backed into the corner and beaten down into he is sat in the corner. When there the two men then take turns to hit him with baseball slides right to the face. Each one got a louder cheer. They kept taking turns into they hit three each, really rocking the self proclaimed King Kong Destroyer. Once they got that enjoyment out the way they face off with one another about to decide who will be IC Champ. If it will be Mercer he has to now earn the right to have it defended since his earlier defence won’t be something he will brag about. Finn Irish Whips Mercer against the ropes and on the rebound he hits him with the third arm drag sending him over to the corner of the ring. Once there he goes over, punches away at him when he is on his feet and is soon able to put him in a tree of woe position. This made the fans wonder what he is going to try to do. They all watch in awe as he climbs up the same turnbuckle Mercer now finds himself trapped on. When he gets up he then hits a diving double foot stomp right to the chest sending him crashing to the canvas. What a move!

“Finn Danielson is looking like the future of TXW. Can be suddenly become it’s present by winning both major championships? He has a chance.” Yes he does as he can make both falls then make history. The cover is made on Mercer as the referee counts. 1,2,KICKOUT! Right at the last second the survivor shows why he is nicknamed that. Many expected it to be the end there. Finn got up in disbelief and he was suddenly hit with the Battering Ram [Shoulder Tackle] by Marshall who sprang from the corner and boy was he mad. The target to him was Finn who everyone could see he was the main target. Marshall angrily throws him out the ring and he lands near the side of the cell. The arrival of his angel’s didn’t seem to distract the wannabe King.

When outside the ring he lifts Finn up like he is a small child. Then he runs towards the cell, slamming him back first into it. He should’ve dropped him after but he didn’t as he wanted to run towards the opposite cell of the cell. Yep he did just that and rammed him right up against the other side, causing great pain. Telsia and Cassie were pleased with what they were seeing. No smile from Marshall who was intent in destroying the Irish man. He still had him in his arms and he ends up powerslamming him right on the steps, leaving him there. That could’ve easily broken his back due to the force behind it, forget safety.

The powerhouse begins trash talking his rival as he looks down at him in agony. “Don’t fuck with me boy! This is my house, my championship. You’re fucking nothing!” Pure anger and hatred there. He seemed happy with what he did but he did one big mistake, forgets about Mercer. Then the fans have a moment of the night to go along with all the rest as the IC Champ dives out the ring for a suicide dive right onto Marshall but both their weight hit the side of the cell at the same time breaking it open! The fans chanted ‘Holy Shit’ after that considering that was crazy.

Every man in the match is out of it after the abuse they have put themselves through already. Mercer who has taken the least abuse manages to get himself to his feet and he goes over to the announcers table, then from there he looks up. “Oh no he isn’t going up there is he?” Ray had to ask as he wasn’t sure. Mercer seemed to have made his mind up and goes up, getting loud cheers. Following him soon is Marshall who wanted to kick his ass after being put through the cell there. Finn was about to follow them too as he had fought through the pain BUT he ends up being distracted by one angel Cassie who pulled open her top right in front of him while Telsia then low blows him from behind!

“Those damn angels!” Tasia said loudly and they did hear. It made them go over to her and knock the head set off her as they ask her what she is going to do about it. Ray stood there watching as he then saw them drag Tasia over the announcers table giving the colour commentator an upskirt shot of his partner. They were about to cause her serious harm when Lauren Li ran out with a kendo stick in hand. She is the friend of Finn and she chases off the Angel’s who run through the crowd, with the Samurai chasing after them. This at least saved the night for the main announcer.

Back up top Mercer and Trevor are fighting dangerously over the edge, one fall and they could be done for life. The IC Champ is the one closer to the edge and he was lucky enough to fire back with punches that made them go more near the centre of the cell. Mercer then takes a run at the destroyer only to end up being hit with a spinebuster down on roof. The force of the move almost made part of the roof give way, Marshall backing off as he saw the section Mercer was on wouldn’t hold much longer. This can be seen and it did give way, luckily the survivor was able to see it coming and he grabs onto the piece as it hangs down rather than having a straight drop. There he is dangling above the ring on a piece of a cell which had broken open. It was like a trap door.

“Fuck you you’re like a Cockroach that won’t just die” Mouthy Marshall shouted out as he tried to stamp down at him, not daring to be too risky with it. Mercer does drop but his fall isn’t as bad as it could’ve been. He landed on his feet and sees Finn in the ring with him, still not at his best after that low blow. The Irish man surprised him by being able to go for The Dreamcast [Corkscrew Roundhouse Kick]. Somehow this was avoided as the IC Champ had been training for ways to avoid it and he did so perfectly. Finn was then caught out and he gets lifted on Mercer’s shoulders as the No Mercy [GTS] gets hit as Marshall does his best Darth Vader impression by yelling out noooo. That’s because he couldn’t stop the cover being made. 1,2,3!

IC Championship retained which means there will be no historic achievement for Finn BUT he can still win the big one if he recovers. There is a lot of adrenaline going through Johnny’s body as his heart beats faster. He is only one pin fall away from being World Champion. He backs away from Finn and moves to the corner, trying to calm himself down. Again he is going to try the No Mercy. He crouches there in position, just waiting. Finn was dazed, the move took so much out of him. If he didn’t have so much heart he would be done right now especially with everything he has been through. Marshall is almost down from the cell and he was going as fast as he could. Mercer at the time lifted Finn onto his shoulders to go for a second finisher. Yet the drama continued as the Irish man escapes and lands on his feet then out of nowhere hits the Dream Cast! It was so sudden not even a man who practiced counters could stop it. Then DREAM OVER! Marshall gets in the ring and hits the Martial Law [Clothesline from hell] right on Finn as he stands. It left everyone in silence, like they were at a funeral.

“No damn it no! He was so close.” Tasia back in position let her biased shine through, almost upset as she watches Marshall hook Finn’s legs to end the match and the dream. 1,2,NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Kickout.

Everybody got on their feet and screamed with joy. The announce team were speechless! Finn KICKED OUT of Marshall’s finisher. It left the big man stunned, so very stunned. He stood up and put his hands on the top of his head, questioning everything. He then wanted to go for the snapper [Spear] to end this once and for all. Surely he couldn’t kick out of both?

Marshall is livid he wants this done with. He sets up his run like he were back in his NFL days and was about to put the finishing touches to Finn Danielson once and for all. The run is made and BOOM out of nowhere the Corkscrew Spin Kick also known as The Dream Cast is hit. Everyone got louder than before and watched the cover be made as they counted along. 1,2,3!

He’s done it, the dream to become World Champion has come true! Everyone is on their feet and it’s like a big party. Marshall has been DENIED his goal while Finn has made history by becoming main champion in record time.

Jenny finally got a chance to announce the winner and she was proud to do so. “The winner of the contest and NEW World Heavyweight Champion. Finn Danielson!” What a way to end a year with a new champion. The World gold has a home again. Finn isn’t able to stand, he is so drained. The cell raises to the roof as Marshall lay still on the canvas. Mercer is up on his feet and he offers a hand to help up Danielson. This offer is accepted as he gets him up then raises his arm up. The two main champions stand tall as they were soon presented with their gold.

“Oh what a night this has been and we still have one match to go. Probably the most important match of the night.” Tasia said feeling out of breath after experience a lot of action herself there. “Important is an understatement. We could have a new owner by the end of the night. He might want to reign all over Finn’s parade.” Ray said like was bitter but he wasn’t really, he has been enjoying himself.

More shots of Finn holding up his World gold are seen as Mercer took his leave, yet he was joined by Carhyse who he gave a kiss too right in front of everybody. Lauren was with Finn and she was praising him. The focus then turned to the screen which shows everyone the history of this epic match up. Team Nightmare versus Team Investor, the world as we know it will change. Once the video is at an end there is a live view of the backstage area.

The view backstage is of Team Investor Calvin Bateman, Tyrone Marshall, Crystal Sweet, Michelle Wright and Dave Wilson. The Investor is in front of them as they stand near Gorilla position. This was do or die. He wanted the ownership, he didn’t want to hand any money over to Josh Nightmare.

“I heard what Jason had to say earlier. He probably speaks for most of you, most of you don’t want to be here. But you’re all proud athletes. You all want the glory, the moment to shine. Crystal I signed you because you were hungry to show the world what you are like as a wrestler again. There are no better opponents than the ones facing you. Beating any of them is proof enough, beating them all is a legend making moment. Tyrone you are in the ring with CJA, the man who brought you to the stage to begin with. You’re also in the ring with someone he could NEVER beat on his best day, in his prime. That man is Jason White. Imagine what you could do. Imagine if you could not only beat the man who brought you in, but beat the man he never could. You’ll surpass him on night.” Calvin said as he let those two walk away from everybody with those words ringing in their ears.

Saying that should help or it might be something they already know. He then looks at Dave Wilson, who has been written off plenty times by both Jason and by Josh. “You want to shut up Jason? Wipe out as many members of his team as you can. I know how good he is but my team against only him would win every day. We work better as a team, we get this done. Prove to me why I was right to put you on my team, don’t make them right.” He had to say that as the guy have titles to back up his claims. Now he just has to show it to his two biggest critics while also best an own enemy CJA. Lastly he looked at Michelle. “Hulk smash.” He says to her as she looked confused then understood the reference as she walks behind him. Team Investor is ready.


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Re:Apocalypse 2014

Date Posted:01/15/2015 6:29 AMCopy HTML

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LOCATION: Madison Square Garden
DATE & TIME: Sunday 28th December 2014

Josh Nightmare
THEME: This is The Time by Nothing More

Focus on ringside as the nerve wrenching main event is here. Who will win? Jenny is in the ring about to make the introductions. ‘Bitter End’ hit first as out walks CJA who gets a loud cheer and is accompanied by his wife Kelly Nightingale-Archer. She is looking beautiful and ready to cheer on her husband. The old school TXW fans would still take getting used to this as in their younger days they would often fight in a TXW ring, not anymore.

“The following contest is the five on five elimination contest where the only way to win is to eliminate all five members of the opposing team. Introducing first, being companied by Kelly Nightingale-Archer, weighing in at two hundred and thirty six pounds. He’s New York’s own Christopher Jack Archer!” The fans cheered loudly, almost as loudly as they did for Finn but not quite. CJA seemed ready for this and he takes off his ‘Believe In Me’ shirt, tossing it to the fans in the front row. He kisses his wife as she goes over to the announcers table to actually join the team for the main event, seemed very fitting as her brother’s job is on the line. At least his job as owner.

Next to hit is ET by Katy Perry as red carpet is rolled out. The lights went a shade of purple then Becca Nightingale walked out in a pink tracksuit. The top half gets taken off when she pulled down the zipper and on underneath she has a Jason White shirt only modified to show off her toned stomach and fit her how she wanted it too. Males whistle at her while the rest who don’t care about just looks boo her as they knew she is a bitch. You couldn’t be an angel and be linked with the Venomous Jason White.

Jenny looked her way and introduced her. “And his partner. From Pittsburgh, PA. Please welcome Becca Nightingale!” There were more wolf whistles and less booing, especially when she pointed to her own ass on the way into the ring, of course she told them to kiss it.

Becca gives CJA a hug in the ring and they discuss things that couldn’t be picked up. Obviously they were going to work strategies. ‘Reincarnate’ hit next to allow the Venom Jason White to make his entrance. The music blasts over the PA system as the lights dim out. Shades of blue and green-yellow spotlights begin flashing and lighting parts of the arena. It’s not long before Jason is standing at the top of the ramp. As the boos fill the arena he does little more than look around, a half smirk on his face.

“Don’t you just love this guy?” Ray proudly says as he must be the only Jason White fan in the whole arena as the boos were terrible. This is what happens when you’re a super heel. He also couldn’t be trusted as he already gave his view on this match earlier and people were expecting him to be selfish.

“On his way to the ring joining the team. Weighing in at two hundred and eighty five pounds. He resides in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Get your hands together for Jason White!” As much as she tried not even a pretty face like Jenny can get the fans to cheer for Jason or clap him. They hated him, he hated them. There was only love for him in the ring when Becca welcomed him. He joins his corner as there was little said. They all had their game face on.

There is suddenly a sound of motorbikes revering their engines followed by a crowd chanting ‘Nightmare’. The live crowd chanted along with it also as they wanted to show appreciation to a man who helped make this main event possible, it’s the first and likely last of its kind. There is then an arrival of about twenty men on their bikes as they all drive from the side of the entrance, then start driving around the ring. They all looked like people who stumbled off the set of Son’s of Anarchy. They went around once then headed back as the sound of ‘All Nightmare Long’ hit next as out rides Josh Nightmare on his Harley with his wife to be Rachel Slays on the back. She has Badass on the ass of her trunks as made noticed by the camera man doing the behind shot of the entrance.

“And riding to the ring next are the final members of team Nightmare. Please welcome Rachel Slays and our owner JOSHHHHHHH NIGHTMAREEEEE!” Cheers from the fans as he rides to the ring and goes around it. He looked like a member of Samcro from the way he dressed. He even had his own custom cut on which said owner instead of President. He parked up the bike then took off his cut, climbing onto the apron and holding the ropes open for his ‘old lady’.

Ray is applauding the owner but he knew this could be the final time he calls him boss. “Trust our boss to have the best entrance of the night. I hope that brings him luck.” It could do or he might have the worst luck in the world. He gave Rachel a kiss when they are in the middle of the ring. Then he spotted his sister Kelly and got back out the ring to give her a kiss on the cheek too, wanting to show the days of the Nightingale being fractured are over, or well he is trying. Offering the same love to his twin sister proved more difficult as she told him to focus on what is ahead. He gave up with her for the moment and took his place in the ring, telling his team directly that he is starting the match. Surprisingly there was no argument caused. It’s like they already knew this would happen.

‘Badass’ by Saliva hit next as Crystal Sweet makes her entrance. Smoke fills the air, colors of blue, green and a bit of pink make its way through the smoke, as after a moment Crystal Sweet emerges on the stage. She stands there with a smirk as she raises her hands up high, and then does a little bow before she walks down the ramp way making her way down to the ring. “Now introducing members of Team Investor. Residing from Coweta County Georgia. Please welcome Crystal Sweet!” Mostly cheers for her yet a mixture by some sections as they weren’t sure what her agenda was. She didn’t seem to be in this to make enemies but you never know. It will be difficult not too when no one in the ring likes to lose in the big matches.

Crystal gets into the ring and she looked over her shoulder when the sound of ‘Becoming The Bull’ hits as out walked Tyrone Marshall, her boyfriend. There is a look from CJA too who helped train this young man and takes credit for getting him a lot. Yet at the same time there is a lot he did himself as not many want to break free of the academy and do their own thing, or learn from others. It will be interesting should they share the ring together which is likely since they are on opposite teams.

“And her partner. Weighing in at two hundred and eighty pounds. He hails from Houston, Texas. Please welcome Tyrone Marshall!” The unstoppable Bulldozer gets mainly booed but there are some cheers. He stops at the stage and then slams his fist against the ground in a stunning statement. That is his glove wearing hand so it’s not a surprise it doesn’t do that much damage, it’s just his signature. He stood up and beat his own chest as he lets out a roar letting the fans know he is coming through.

“Here comes the bull. A man who has a very promising future in this company in my opinion. He has all the tools to be as good as those opposite him, like CJA , like Jason White.” Big talk from Ray Wallington as that’s a big pressure to put on a young wrestler, he’s in the ring with legends. Out of everybody he is yet to make his name having only wrestled one match with TXW. Tonight could be the making of him.

The big man gets in the ring and stands beside Crystal as they look across at their opponents. ‘After The Rain’ hits next as out walks Dave Wilson. The veteran is eager to shut down the critical comments sent his way by Josh Nightmare, who snubbed him and also by Jason White who thinks he is deluded. There is also the added bonus of him getting the chance to battle it out with CJA, who he went to war with in the past.

“On his way to the ring, joining his fellow members of Team Investor. He weights in at two hundred and thirty five pounds. Residing in Los Angeles, California. Please welcome Dave Wilson!” The fans didn’t welcome him, he is booed. His own partners were watching him do his in ring walk and everyone caught him looking over at CJA, then over at his wife at the announcers table. She might have a headset on but has yet to add anything, just taking in what she is seeing. This match is quiet the sight.

Ancient history didn’t want to be brought up but it likely will be brought up due to everybody who is in the ring. Next up ‘Money on my mind’ hits as the Investor joins his team. The ‘leader’ of the pack appeared on the stage and it sure looked weird for the people to see him in wrestling attire. Believe it or not he has a background and isn’t inexperienced. He just always chose to be a business guy rather than a professional. Still he was likely not as ready for this as the rest of his team.

“Ladies and gentlemen. On his way to the ring. Weighing in at two hundred and fifty nine points. He is from right here in New York City. Please welcome TXW’s investor Calvin Bateman!” Jenny smiles not being able to take her eyes off the investor which is the same for most women watching. Only ones who weren’t looking at him are those taken on the teams. Tasia had to clear her throat first of all. “Our investor sure looks different.” Ray started to laugh his ass off as he has been criticised all night for checking out the ladies now he can see how the shoe is on the other foot.

Calvin looks at his team and unlike the other team he discussed about who would start. Yet they were still missing a member of the team. ‘Roar’ hits as out walks Michelle, the ‘Hulk’ of this team probably because she is considered a ticking time bomb. The comment was said out of jest but it was a good way to describe her.

“And lastly the final member of Team Investor. Residing in Dallas, Texas. Please welcome Michelle Wright!” The Texan gets booed along with the normal whistles that accompany every woman on the roster who looks the part.

The Texan made her walk quick wanting to be part of the team discussions. Everybody knew who was starting for Team Nightmare as Josh is the one in the ring while the rest are on the apron. The Badass shouts out how he wants Calvin. The two men had their relationship soured in recent weeks as they were a working unit, now they are at each other’s throats. Calvin asked his team what they think and it was agreed that he would start this out as we get to see the owner and investor fight it out for the very first time in history.

When it was all decided the bell sounds with the two team captains in the team. They did care about it the most. The two men locked it up and Calvin shocked a lot by getting the better of the owner. He throws him against the ropes and knocks him down with a body block, bounces off the ropes and drops an elbow on the man who brought TXW back from the death. The Investor made a quick cover. 1, kick out. Intention shown there by Calvin who was in the business to show he could hack it with anyone on the other team as many might see him as the weak point.

The Badass is rattled and gets hit with a few more punches, kicked in the stomach and then set up for a Pump handle slam. The strength shown to lift him up is impressive and the Badass gets slammed on his back then yet again covered. 1,Kickout. A struggle in the early goings here as his team only stood there in silence.

“The Investor is showing how well trained he is right here and it’s a surprise. Many thought Josh would kick his ass and that hasn’t happened.” Tasia said as Ray shook his head. “He’s not that impressive. You’re just distracted by his abs.” He got a look from Kelly for his comment who slapped him on the back of the head just because she could. After all this is the same guy who has been eyeing up divas all night long.

Back in the squared circle the Investor has control and hit his fellow team captain with a stalling suplex, again showing how much strength he has. The confidence was flowing through him and his team were impressed with how capable he is. Still he’s also a team player and tagged in Wilson who gets booed. The aggression changed when he got in as he pushed Josh into the corner and starts hitting vicious European Uppercut’s to him. He follows it up with punches and started to do mounted punches while the owner gets stuck in the corner. Seeing him pummel away at his head was satisfying for him as he started a count of ten punches. 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10. The violent one dropped after a did the owner who was struggling badly. Could it be due to him overlooking a lot?

“The Badass is having trouble here. The team seem to be punishing him for starting this out, he doesn’t look as fresh as he can.” Tasia said as yeah he was struggling. Kelly had no comment to make seeing her brother get his ass handed to him. She had to then watch him get hit with a rope hung spike ddt then covered again. 1,2,Kickout.

Every kick out must’ve been draining as it has been a poor start from his standards. Wilson dragged Josh over to his corner, having no intention of tagging anyone in but Tyrone slapped his partner’s back bringing himself in. This brought the first breakdown in communication as Wilson said he had this. Tyrone told him it’s his turn. There was a clear anger on the face of the former leader of a group known as the Generation of Perfection. He does crave perfection.

The bull gets in the ring and he starts hitting away at Josh into he is draped against the ropes. The powerhouse then backs away, does a charge and hits a big boot to the owner right over the ropes to the outside. It was something Rachel concerned herself about as the team just watched in silence. Tyrone got out the ring and then without mercy he Irish Whips the Badass shoulder first into the steel steps, dislodging them. There were no disqualifications in this match so anything goes. Since he was out there to make an impression he went after the top half of the steps and picked them up. It looked like he was going to use them on the owner.

“Uh oh Josh is in trouble here.” Ray said as then they all saw him get hit in the face with the top half of the steps. Tyrone let out a roar and throws the steps to one side, he was very happy with that. Oddly no one on Team Nightmare walked around to stop this happening. Rachel wanted too but she wouldn’t dare get in Tyrone’s way. While the rest didn’t seem interested.

The Bulldozer drags up the hurt Josh and throws him in the ring. This one was looking bad for him. He could be the first elimination. The powerhouse didn’t finish him off, instead went over and tagged in Crystal. The blonde also had no problem taking it to her boss. She let him stumble back to his own feet and then knocked him back down with a DDT. Crystal shrugged her shoulders when she got a dirty look from Rachel, the only one having a problem with this. Even his sisters weren’t overly concerned, this is part and parcel with wrestling.

Crystal rolled Josh onto his back and made a cover trying to eliminate the team leader. 1,2, Kick out from Josh who is still alive and kicking, just. “Josh survives yet he won’t he happy with how everyone is taking turns to kick his ass at the moment.” No he wouldn’t be as Crystal stood over him. Out of pure instinct the owner kicked her knee then crawled to his corner, trying to be tagged out. NO ONE reached out to tag. Rachel did try but CJA pulled her arm back and said that this has been discussed.

“Hm what’s this all about?” Tasia questioned as Kelly too didn’t know about it. “I don’t know, I think the team has made a decision without Josh. Chris never told me about it.” Kelly said as this seemed to involve the owner as they were likely isolating him on purpose. This wasn’t going down well with Rachel who did try again. The owner stood up and looked at them all questioning all of this. Jason just gave a trademark smirk while CJA told him bluntly that the team would be better off without him. The Badass was about to force someone to be tagged in when Crystal hit the back of his head, got him to turn around then Irish whips him into her corner. Over there the owner is held back.

More arguments broke out on Team Nightmare on the apron as Rachel was yelling at CJA, Jason and Becca. They all were not listening. On the other side of the ring Michelle is tagged in and she let loose. Punching Josh with every piece of anger she has, against his nose for the most part, damaging it. One punch also busted the Badass’ lip as he was being hung out to dry by his own team. This did cause boos as they weren’t expecting this and they watched Michelle slap away at Josh’s chest making it red beat.

“What do you think about all of this Kelly? Your brother is being isolated by his own team.” Tasia asked as Kelly wasn’t sure what to make of it judging by the look on her face. She would likely agree with what her husband CJA thought was best. Josh hadn’t been making it easy for any of his team members. Some might say he had this coming.

The Badass refused to go down without a fight so when Michelle went for another attack while he was in the corner, he grabbed her foot countering her, hitting a strong clothesline. The owner looked to his team and shook his head. No words were spoken as he fought his ex girlfriend and old foe like he was fighting for dear life. He reached down grabbing her hair and then set her up for a suplex. Josh grabbed a handful of her pants, lifting her up and then managed to connect with one of his trademark moves the Bad Timing [Jackhammer]. Is the fight back on? It sure seemed like it.

Too bad he didn’t go for the cover instead choosing to shout at his own team saying they were making a history, that they needed full numbers to win this one. Neither was listening, other than Rachel who was trying to help. Josh then suddenly got low blowed by Michelle who rolled him up in a school boy after. For some added revenge the Texan grabbed his trunks, yanking on them to cheat her way to victory much like the owner had done so in the past.



Terrible moment for the owner who was the first one out and he looked at his team right after he sat back up. He shouted at them. “What the fuck?” Neither of them seemed to care yet it was CJA who spoke out telling him this was better for the team as whole and if he wanted to win he’d be better off eliminated, he’s a liability.

The owner rolled out the ring, hands on the back of his head as he leaned on the announcers table and stared at his sister in disbelief. Back in the ring everyone witnessed a first ever clash between CJA and Michelle as he got into the ring next as the match is now four versus five. The two lock up with the Adrenaline Pumped Machine locking in a head lock. He then throws Michelle into the ropes and catches her with a dropkick after, making an early cover when he gets the chance. 1, kickout.

No elimination as Michelle still had a lot of fight in her. She seemed eager to kick CJA’s ass as they have been around the same companies for years yet never have any real issues. The only interaction they had in the past was when CJA was dating a woman called Meggan Slays and Michelle was her best friend. That was a lifetime ago.

When they are both standing Michelle starts throwing wreck less punches at him, getting one hit to the cheek then hitting an elbow to the nose. The more she hit him the more he covered up and soon ended up in the corner. Michelle begins to choke him letting her anger shine through, good thing there are no DQ’s in this one. The Sinful Manipulator gets some body blows in, pushing her back and bursting out the corner with a several kicks to the Abdomen then a super kick right to the face in a combo in which he calls Cleansed. He looks to the corner and sees his team are willing to work with him, it’s not a surprise.

He walks on over and tags in Rachel in an attempt to make peace with her. It worked as she seemed happy to be brought in. A classic Slays / Wright battle now gets to happen. She takes a run and hits a running clothesline that knocks Michelle down on her ass.

“Fiery one this Rachel Slays.” Ray said as it had to be mentioned that Josh is still out there standing off to the side, as his future is now OUT of his hands. It was very frustrating for him. At least he got to watch his wife to be kick his ex girlfriend’s ass. The former Golden Girl drags Michelle up and put her in a headlock, following it up with a Bulldog and then a cover. 1,2,Kickout!

The Texan survives another pin attempt as she didn’t want to be eliminated by Rachel of all people. Didn’t stop her being dragged up and slapped across the chest not once but twice. She then got kicked pretty hard across the stomach to cause her to bend forward. The fans then were shocked as the cradle ddt is hit, half of the Slaying U, a move once made famous by Rachel’s older sister Meggan. All she had to do now is hit a moonsault. She stands with Michelle to her back and goes for the standing moonsault only for the Crazy one to get her knees up, denying the finisher to be finishing combo to be finished.

Michelle sits up and looks to her corner, seeing many of them wanting to be tagged in. She saw mostly Crystal and decided to move over, tag her in and give her the chance to fight Mrs Nightmare. She came in and ran at Rachel, knocking her down with a clothesline. The brunette springs back up and is bitch slapped hard, knocking her closer to the corner. While in the corner she punches away at her, grabs onto her hair and hair tosses her across the ring, forcing her to land on her face.

Josh didn’t like that and he told Crystal to watch his fiancée’s face. She didn’t listen as she positioned herself behind Slays, grabbed onto her arms and lifted her then slammed her right on her face for the Glam Slam aka Sweet Kisses. The move left Rachel out of it and Crystal had no issue rolling her over, hooking her leg as the referee counts. 1,2,3!


The panic now became to set in as it’s now a three on five contest. Not good odds for Team Nightmare, not at all. The owner reached into the ring to drag out his dazed fiancée and he then demanded that Ray escort her to the back, leave his announce position. Ray did as asked, helping Rachel walk backstage as Josh took over his role, deciding to rant.

“These fuckers. I don’t know why they thought getting me out was the best of ideas. I had issues and they didn’t help me. I expected this from Jason but not from my own flesh and blood.” He shook his head at Becca who looked over at that time. Jason had got into the ring and is battling it out with Crystal in another first ever. The owner looked to his sister Kelly next to him and you could see he is concerned. His role as owner is important to him, he didn’t want to lose it, not to Calvin. “It would be easy to want to see my team lose now but I still don’t want that. I love my role as owner of TXW and I need these guy’s to prove me wrong, prove what they did was for the best interest of the team. Right now I don’t see that as we’re down two people while Team Investor is still full.” Josh isn’t happy as he watches Jason get the better of Crystal.

The Venom hit her a German Suplex without an issue, he didn’t normally approve of fighting women but in this case he knew winning is important, he didn’t want a second taste of victory not so soon after the first in what has been many years. In this first battle it was obvious Crystal couldn’t handle the Venom at the moment. It was nothing to be ashamed of, few could. She ended up backed into her corner moments later and she got a tag to the back by Michelle who was eager to hurt her ex boyfriend. She charged at him only for him to lift her up and hit a spine buster on her Batista style. He looked down at her and said he was disappointed in her, how it came to this and how she should’ve let it go.

Michelle is dragged up and got lifted over six feet in the air as Jason lifted her up in a Gorilla Press. The fans then watched Michelle groan in pain as she is slammed right down on her back, taking quite the fall. Yet another person unable to match up to the multiple time World champ. The Venom looked to his corner, seeing his girlfriend reaching out, badly wanting to tag in. Normally he wouldn’t but here he decided to give her the chance, hoping he wasn’t about to regret his choice.

“In the ring gets Becca as we get to see Jason’s current girlfriend versus his ex.” Tasia said as Josh looked annoyed by this comment, he didn’t like how his sister was now his enemies current girlfriend. It felt wrong. Tasia regretted the comment judging by the look Josh had on his face.

In the ring Michelle hadn’t gotten over that Gorilla press, holding her back as she crawled along the canvas trying to get to the ropes. Becca decided to go up high to the top rope, planning something very risky. Neither CJA or Jason were sure about this. They then watched as she dived off with the Fearless [Crossbody] straight into a pin attempt. 1,2,3!


The pin attempt was shockingly successful as Michelle sat up horrified she just got eliminated by Becca. The Night Dream is loving every minute and Kelly looked proud on the outside to see her old move used so well. However the looks of joy turned to horror when they watched Dave Wilson get in and boot Becca right across the back of the head as she sat there. It made Josh burst up from the announcers table as his protective nature clicked in there. He went over to the ring but was stopped by Michelle who got in his way then angrily kicked him between the legs. Clearly being eliminated pissed her off.

Back in the ring Dave was showing his true colours by mocking Jason White by dragging Becca to the corner, making her arm reach out to be tagged. Then he dragged her away, right into the middle of the ring. This wasn’t going to be very good. Every step of the way he is mocking The Venom, putting Becca onto the ropes then planting her head first with a Rope Hung Spike DDT. The Night Dream was just no match for him. Both CJA and Jason were pissed off seeing this as was Kelly who also wanted to get involved. She too was then hit by Michelle who clotheslined her from behind then kicked away at her while she is on the ground. An extra official tried to get her to leave but she punched them too then went under the apron for something. Under there is a pair of handcuffs. She walked over to Josh, puts them on him and then drags up his arm so she could attach the other half to the bottom rope.

After she finally left and smiled when seeing Becca being tortured by Wilson. Even his own team were shaking their heads, especially Calvin. Crystal offered to be tagged in but it was refused and finally Becca is put out her misery as the Perfection [RKO] gets hit, leading to another cover where he hooks both legs. 1,2,3!


“We’re now down to four versus two and I have to say that was uncomfortable.” It sure was but Dave had to now face the rage of Jason who got in and beat the shit out of him. The punches were like a boxer beating up a child as every hit was just too quick to be blocked. This was not something you ever wanted to be on the end of. No matter what Wilson did, he was second best. A stiff armed clothesline is hit. After he dragged him up and throws him into the ropes, knocking him down with a spine buster. What would usually lead to a cover didn’t as he was looking to cause maximum pain. It would soon be a regret to what he did to Becca.

The match spilled to the outside as The Venom wanted to make the most of this and get some pay back for Becca. Speaking of Becca she was helped to the back by Kelly, who had tried to free her brother Josh from his cuffs but had no luck. The owner is still standing there doing his best as he then saw Dave get floored by Jason. The two men then looked at each other. It looked like the hate between them had gone away for the time being. “Break his fucking neck Jason.” Josh said as Jason managed a smirk as for once in their life they were on the same page.

Everyone watched as the multiple time champion pulled off the covering off the announcers table, grabs a monitor then smacks it across Wilson’s face, busting him wide open. The rest of Team Investor were caught in discussions about what they should do. In the end it was decided they would break this up. Tyrone, Crystal and Calvin walked around to the announcers table as the Bulldozer lunges at Jason to stop him destroying Wilson any further. CJA came to his aid but it was generally a numbers game.

CJA got shut down by a Discus clothesline from his former rookie Tyrone, finally seeing them come to blows. Jason had to content with Calvin and Crystal who were double teaming him. His anger let him fight them off as he got a short arm clothesline to Calvin then hit a spike ddt on Crystal, he wouldn’t be denied doing more damage to Wilson. The slivering veteran had gotten himself back in the ring, blood still flowing down his face. The Venom followed him in and really wanted to rip him to pieces. However when he got in Wilson struck out of nowhere with the Perfection leaving the fans stunned while others cheered. Watching on is Josh who is helpless there, attached to the bottom rope. He shouts out nooo not wanting to see another elimination. Especially the one he knew was his heavy hitter, despite their differences.

“Out of nowhere from Dave. We might see the biggest elimination of the night and surely no way back for Team Nightmare, as it will be four versus one.” The cover gets made as Tasia was speaking and the count was made by the referee. 1,2, NO!

Kickout amazingly by Jason as Wilson is shocked that he didn’t get the biggest win of his life right there. All those words were about to be rammed back down his throat yet at the last second there is a kick out. This left him frustrated. Everything got back in order on the outside as CJA went back to his corner while Tyrone, Crystal and Calvin went back to theirs. Everyone was hurting at this stage. Tyrone wants to be tagged in and he thought it would be smart if it was done so. Wilson did so and that made the Adrenaline Pumped Machine want in too. The Venom saw this and the fans were cheering for it to happen. Even as a big heel, he did the right thing and let this clash happen, tagging in CJA. Plus he still hadn’t shaken off that RKO earlier.

Here we go as the student and the teacher squared off. Tyrone went at his former mentor, hitting him with multiple knife edge chops, trying to weaken him. The ArchAngel fires back with punches, Irish whips the Bull into the corner then ran at him, hitting him with a Double Knee shot, causing him to collapse. Up to the top rope goes Archer as he was about to do another tribute to his wife by hitting the same move Becca used earlier to eliminate Michelle. Tyrone stood up and CJA dived off for the fearless only to get caught mid air. It was the perfect set up for the Wrecked [Spinning World’s Strongest Slam]. The student slams down the teacher, as the fans went quiet expecting there to be a big win for the Bull. A cover is made. 1,2,NO KICKOUT!

Wait what is the look on most people’s faces as the finisher is kicked out of. That was unexpected. Right after an eager Wilson demands to be tagged in. His fury is taking over as he wanted to best his old rival. The shouts were ignored and Tyrone dragged up his teacher then throws him into the ropes close to his corner. When the big man walks over he gets into an argument with Wilson who says he wants in. That is again refused as he says he has this. While all the words are exchanged CJA is in the corner and he moves away, getting behind his student without him knowing. The move is warned by Crystal but her boyfriend is still busy arguing with Dave Wilson.

Suddenly he is span around, lifted onto CJA’s shoulders and hit with the A-driver. The leg is hooked as the referee counts. 1,2,3!


All thanks to the argument plus the lack of focus Tyrone has been defeated by his former mentor. This is what happens in the big leagues. It left Tyrone hurt on his back while Crystal was now mad at Dave who made his way into the ring declaring him the legal man. At this stage CJA decided to let Jason back into the ring.

“Round two of Jason and Dave. Here we go.” The two men faced off as Crystal suddenly got into the ring and she low blowed Dave! Everyone is stunned, including the Investor who couldn’t believe what he just saw. The Baddest bitch got confronted by Calvin after but she ended up kicking him between the legs too! She then left eliminating herself via forfeit.


The traitorous actions as the team got left much damaged and maybe staring at defeat. “I don’t believe it, Crystal has just turned on her team and is walking out of here. She must not be happy with what happened with Tyrone and blames Dave for that. Calvin must’ve just been at the wrong place at the wrong time.”

Yeah the team were in trouble. Jason didn’t seem to care about the agony Wilson was going through as he didn’t want to finish him like that. He drags him up and throws him out the ring about to finish what he started earlier. Dave Wilson gets thrown onto the announcers table. White gets on it too and then he was about to inflict great damage. Josh watches from his stuck positon and everyone then saw The Venom get hit right through the table, the Texas Tower Bomb!

The fans begin to chant ‘Holy Shit’ once more, seeing how sickening the landing was for Wilson and it’s what he deserved. Not going so fun for him despite his earlier attacks, he was now truly beaten down by Jason, who drags him up, throws him into the ring. The table was a mess and thankfully Tasia Wicha had moved away when the action happened, no harm to her.

In the ring the cover is made with both legs hooked, this seemed finished for Wilson who wasn’t moving at all. Calvin isn’t up still so the save wasn’t about to be made. 1,2,3!


The perfectionist isn’t feeling so perfect after that and he is out the match leaving the match as a two on one handicap match. The Investor versus CJA and Jason White, not a pretty looking outcome for him. The Badass looked delighted.

Tasia positioned herself back at the announcers table, putting her headset back on and she thought this one was nearly over. “The Investor is on his own, he is the only survivor for his team. Ironically it’s going to be the man  he signed to end his hopes of becoming owner.”

Jason was looking at him and seeing him struggle to get up. One last time a tag was then agreed between former bitter enemies CJA and Jason who had surprised many by working so well together. This was like the Venom giving his old foe the honours of ending this contest. He signals for the A-driver and Josh was happy to see it go this way.

Then came the twist in the tail as Michelle was back out at ringside with a chair in hand. She hit Jason with it when he hadn’t noticed. It knocked him off the apron. She then watched as CJA lifted Calvin onto his shoulders. The psycho then got in and wacked the Adrenaline Pumped Machine square between the eyes with the chair, causing him to drop. Calvin then put his arm across the downed ArchAngel as the referee did his job and counted down his shoulders.1,2,3!


Josh looked distraught as he asked Michelle not to do this. That they had good times once. The words were lost on her. Jason recovered from his chair shot to get into the ring. It’s now one on one. The Venom crawled through the ropes, getting to his feet slow. He then had to experience getting hit across the spine again with the chair. Every shot hurt more than the last yet he told her to keep doing it as it wasn’t going to stop him winning. Famously the Texan was responsible for Jason’s first loss in many years, not she was trying to give him another at a grander scale. One last shot is what he took as he decided to defend himself. The chair gets headbutted of all things right into Michelle’s face. It had to be the most brutal head butt in history and shows how The Venom can be that he’d use his own head like that. He looked deranged as Calvin went on the attack. The handcuffed Josh began trying harder to break the cuff, as he did not like any of this. It got worse when he watched Calvin get a strong kick to Jason’s gut, lift him up and slam him down for a Gutwrench powerbomb called Cash out.

Everybody was silent as they were going to see the biggest upset in history plus a change of owner. Josh had only words. “Kick out you bastard. You hate losing remember? You never lose!? Fucking kick out! Don’t ruin everything now.” The cover gets made as everyone watched the count, is this the changing of ownership.


KICKOUT at the last second as Josh shouted out yes as he had survived. Calvin sits up with hands over his face, he thought he had done it, done the impossible. The impossible does seem to be keeping The Venom down. Up stands Jason, slowly but he’s there. The Investor looked worried, he tried to reason with the man he signed. All he got back was a punch in the face. Blood was dripping down Jason when he head butted the chair, he still somehow fought. One punch caught the chin and then the Jasonator [Vertebreaker] was set up, Calvin placed on the shoulders of White, and then he is dropped on his head like a sack of potatoes. A cover is made and the referee counts.


Jason White wins it for Team Nightmare in end. Josh is able to free himself from the cuffs and he is so very happy. Everyone watches as he runs around the ring like a lunatic because he keeps his job while also inheriting one million dollars. What a bonus.

Jenny looking around at the wreckage announces the winner. “Here is your winner and sole survivor. Representing Team Nightmare, Jason White!” The fans did give some respect but most were still booing as it is Jason at the end of the day. The fans were still pretty interested when Josh got into the ring. Hate doesn’t go away that fast yet you could tell there was a new found respect when it came to Josh. The owner had his job saved by his enemy. Everything got silent.

The hand is then extended by the owner, as this looked like an end of an era, an end of this bitterness. His hand shake offer wasn’t a joke, it was serious. When it looked like the hand shake might be accepted the lights went off. The sound of Jason White’s old theme ‘Matador’ by The White Buffalo hits as everyone didn’t know what the hell was going on. The screen lights up only showing eyes. The eyes looked soulless. “Brother.” The voice is heard. The lights go back on and the screen goes to static. For a change Jason looked shook up. He moved out the ring as the owner stood there with a surprised look on his face. Apocalypse then comes to an end.

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