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  • Rank:Diamond Member
  • Score:2022
  • Posts:2022
  • From:United Kingdom
  • Register:12/31/2008 2:17 AM

Date Posted:06/04/2020 1:55 AMCopy HTML

• Picture Base: Tom Holland
• Real Name: Christopher Archer Junior
• Ring Name: Archer J
• Alias(es): Second Generation Sinner, A New Disaster, Junior
• Date of Birth (MM/DD/YYYY): October 17th 1998
• Born: Pittsburgh, P.A
• Residing From:
CJA's Estate in Toronto, Canada
• Height: 5'8''
• Weight: 170lbs
• Theme Music: "A New Disaster" By Cold Kingdom
• In Ring Attire: Flashy long tights with his name on it. No elbow pads. Often wears sunglasses to the ring like the arrogant kid he is.
• Favourite Match Type: Ladder Match
• Crowd Status: Heel
• Gimmick Explanation: Arrogant punk kid who has been gifted everything. Will not show respect

• Wrestling Style: High Flyer
• In Ring Tendencies: Quick and risks his body to gain the win.
• Strengths: Quick and has youth on his side so no burn out or old injuries. One of the most gifted athletes ever to wrestle
• Weaknesses: Strength and grappling aren't his game.

• Moveset: [minimum of 10]
Handspring Roundhouse
Springboard Forearm
Front Flip DDT
Springboard Uppercut
Over the top rope no-handed corkscrew moonsault plancha
Diving Crossbody
Jumping Reverse Bulldog
Uppercut Combo followed by a springboard kick
Spinning Wheel Kick
Disrespectful Slap
• Submission(s): [maximum of 2]
Sins Of The Father [Lebell Lock]
Reverse Figure Four
• Trademark(s): [maximum of 3]
Springboard Cutter
Corkscrew Shooting Star Press
Standing Shooting Star Press
• Finisher(s): [maximum of 2]
A-Legacy-Driver [Cartwheel Death Valley Driver]
Adrenaline Drop [630 Splash]

• Entrance: "A New Disaster" hits as Archer J walks out with his back to everyone , putting out his hands. He is wearing a shirt that says "Second Generation Sinner" on it and he turns around looking proud of himself. He is accompanied by personal trainer and bodyguard Jon 'SINN' Hatten , who trained him much like he trained his father. He is also followed by members of EMPIRE, the new faction his father has built. He kept on smiling as he went up the steps, climbs up the top turnbuckle and looks around. He gets in the ring and paces around, bounces off the ropes and then gets the thumbs up from SINN.

• Biography: The second generation superstar has lived a very complicated life. Born on accident, Chris Junior was raised briefly by his mother Kelly Nightingale into a break down saw him taken away from her and put into care. From there he lived in a foster home even if he was soon aware of his famous wrestling parents. After Chris Angle knew of his life as Chris Archer, he made up for the sins of the past and brought his son back into his life, all after Juniors foster parents were killed in a tragic accident. Over the years CJA has been making up to his son and the older he got, the more he felt he was better than everyone else. He has all the man he wants and had women throwing themselves at him maybe over his looks or the fact he drove around in flash cars or wore flashing clothing. It wasn't into 2019 where the training with his father became more intense as he decided to go for it as a career option. He wanted to carry on his father's legacy and in 2020 he made his shock debut in TXW 2.0, instantly winning the Global Champion from relative Zoey Mathieu.

• Achievements/Accomplishments: [list below]
TXW 2.0 Global Champion [x1] 
TXW Live GM [Ran TXW Live #11 and #12]
Son of wrestling legend CJA

BladeDJK Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #1
  • Rank:Diamond Member
  • Score:2022
  • Posts:2022
  • From:United Kingdom
  • Register:12/31/2008 2:17 AM

Re:Archer J [Stats]

Date Posted:11/24/2020 6:10 PMCopy HTML

•Picture Base: Tom Holland
•Real Name: Christopher Archer Junior
•Ring Name: Archer J
•Alias(es): Second Generation Sinner, A New Disaster, Junior
•Date of Birth (MM/DD/YYYY): October 17th 1998
•Born: Pittsburgh, P.A
•Residing From: CJA's Estate, Toronto, Canada
•Height: 5'8
•Weight: 170lbs
•Theme Music: "A New Disaster" By Cold Kingdom
•In Ring Attire: Flashy long tights with his name on it. No elbow pads. Often wears sunglasses to the ring as he is arrogant
•Favourite Match Type: Ladder Match
•Crowd Status: Heel
•Gimmick Explanation: Arrogant punk kid who has been gifted everything.

•Wrestling Style: High Flyer
•In Ring Tendencies: Uses his quickness and does what he needs to do to win.
•Strengths: Quick and has youth on his side so he has no burn out or old injuries
•Weaknesses: Strength and grappling aren't his game. He also lacks experience

•Moveset [Minimum of 10]
- Handspring Roundhouse
- Springboard Forearm
- Front Flip DDT
- Springboard Uppercut
- Over the top rope no handed corkscrew moonsault plancha
- Diving Crossbody
- Jumping Reverse Bulldog
- Uppercut combo followed by springboard kick
- Spinning Wheel Kick
- Disrespectful Slap

•Submission(s) [Maximum of 2]
- Sins Of The Father [Lebell Lock]
- Reverse Figure Four

•Trademark(s) [Maximum of 3]
- Springboard Cutter
- Corkscrew Shooting Star Press
- Standing Shooting Star Press

•Finisher(s) [Maximum of 2]
- A-Legacy-Driver [Cartwheel Death Valley Driver]
- Adrenaline Drop [630 Splash]

•Entrance: "A New Disaster" hits as Archer J walks out with his back to everyone, putting out his hands. He is wearing a shirt that says "Second Generation Sinner" on it and he turns around looking proud of himself. He is followed out by members of Empire who always watch his back, causing him to turn back to looking at them with a smirk on his face. 

He kept a smile and walks up the steps, climbs up the top top turnbuckle and looks around. He points at himself and shouts out that he is the best ever, showing he has as much confidence as his father used to have while he wrestled. He jumps down to the ring, hits the ropes and runs a bit then does a flip just to showboat and he again smirks.

•Biography: The Second Generation superstar has lived a very complicated life. He was always a kid they never planned for but Kelly Nightingale and CJA adjusted to life as young parents and did their best with him during the early days. CJA became very distance which led Kelly to looking after him but she had a mental breakdown and in the end Archer J or Chris Junior was put into care. From there he lived in a foster home even if he soon became aware of his famous wrestling parents, who showed no real love for him. 

Tragic events saw Junior's foster parents killed which led to CJA trying to make up for lost time by bringing him back into his life. 

It took years but eventually they bonded and became like a real father and son. CJA showed him the ropes, spoiled him and made him live a life many were very jealous of. In 2019 he decided to follow in his father's footsteps by becoming a professional wrestler. 

SINN and CJA himself trained him up as they let him have a run in Jon's short lived company Sinful Wrestling. Come 2020 the name 'Archer J' was born as he made his debut with TXW 2.0 and was handed a title match against his Aunt Zoey. Archer won the title making him one of the first to win a title on his debut. 

His next battle would come later as he had a back and forth with Hope Sweet, who has bags more experience than he has. Even with that he managed to defeat her at Xtreme Halloween 2020 in an excellent match and for a change he finally had someone he respected outside of his close circle. 

After Xtreme Halloween his issues with the 'Savages' began and he got to see what he really is made of come the rest of the year.

TXW 2.0 Global Champion x1
TXW Live GM [Ran TXW LIve #11 and #12]
Son of wrestling legend CJA

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