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  • Rank:Diamond Member
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  • Register:12/31/2008 2:17 AM

Date Posted:02/25/2014 12:48 AMCopy HTML

General Manager: Destiny Sweet
Show Time: Janurary 31st
Deadline: 11pm
Pre Deadlin: Janurary 30th 11pm

Interviewer: Madeline Blade

Commentators: Derrick Jackson and April Smith
Ring Announcer: Vessa

Match 1
Ryan Khaos w/Kitty Granger Vs Victor Justice
Stipulation: None
Match Type: Singles

Ryan overcome the mind games to score the pin fall over Victor Justice. However this war is far from over as once the match was over Victor attacked Ryan with the Ragin Cajun (Swinging reverse STO). After he took Kitty by the hand and forced her to walk backstage with him, telling her they are going to the promise land.

WINNER: Ryan Khaos

Match 2
Jimmy Tyler & Aidan Monroe Vs Lily Khaos
Stipulation: None
Match Type: Handicap

The odds were stacked against X division champion Lily Khaos. Despite this she put up a great effort against the two men. At one stage she hit her version of the RKO on both of them, almost scoring a sensational win. Her efforts were in vain however as she was caught with a right hook from Jimmy which knocked her unconscious. This was followed up by a frog splash from Aidan as he hooks the legs to score the win over the champion ,which most likely earned him a future championship match.

WINNER: Jimmy Tyler and Aidan Monroe

Match 3
Viro Sinnerance Vs Chris Mendryk
Stipulation: None
Match Type: XXX

Viro has won a lot of supporters after his win over recent Unified champion Gabriel Cannon. This shock win turned out to be Cannon’s final appearance with the company before his shocking departure. It led to calls to make Viro the champion however these claims were dismissed as he still has much to prove. His first test happened to be against Mendryk who has a very successful past with FWAR. The match was as expected, a lot of determination, a lot of near falls. The Deadhole had the fans on his side throughout which made him more determined than ever. With the support he even managed to kick out of one of Mendryk’s signature moves Tough Enough (Clothesline from hell). How he kicked out is anyone’s guess but he did do so. His effort was never in question but ultimately his end was soon met. While going for a top rope leg drop the move was missed, leading to great pain and then setting up the finish as the Phenom drags him up then lifts him onto his shoulders. The one hundred and ninety five pounder is then drilled to the canvas face first with the Phenomenal Pain (F5). It’s called a finisher for a reason as there was no kick out this time from the Deadhole as Mendryk scored an excellent win.

WINNER: Chris Mendryk

Match 4

Lorcan Balthazar Vs Jacob Night
Stipulation: None
Match Type: Steel Cage Match

Two mammoths went head to head in what seemed like the most dangerous match anyone can ever make. Lorcan and Jacob are no strangers to destroying everything in their path. Right from the start the beast Lorcan hit a chokeslam on Jacob. You’d think it would’ve ended right then only it didn’t seem to do much damage at all to Night as he was up to his feet quicker than a normal man would be. The fight soon became a slug fest as they just kept taking turns to punch the daylights out of one another. The cage was soon brought into play with Jacob being the unlucky son of a bitch who hit his face against it first. Hitting it once would’ve been acceptable yet he had to taste the steel several times in a row busting him open with a nasty looking gash. Still it didn’t slow him down as he gave as good as he got. Eventually the battle did come to a crashing end when Lorcan hit his version of the Tombstone (Darkness Demise) THREE times in a row. All he had to do next is leave the cage and once he does he has the victory. The final shot is of him staring back into the ring just as he sees his nemesis sit right back up.

WINNER: Lorcan Balthazar


Pre Main Event
Chris Jericho & Jasmine Barnes Vs Josh Nightmare & Michelle Wright
Stipulation: Unified Tag Titles
Match Type: Tornado Tag, Special Ref Tori Adams

The Wild Nights were never expected to be a tag team. Just a year ago the two were at each other’s throat. Now they are a couple AND a tag team. To make it stranger they are pairing for the first time in a match for the tag titles. Right when they all start in the ring Josh is distracted by his girlfriend’s choice of attire. It wasn’t quite the bikini he was hoping for but it was still some tiger stripe hot pants and sports bra. The Badass himself had some tiger trunks on just to show he is a supporter of his girlfriend. Once the match got underway Josh clashed with Jericho while Michelle battled it out with Jasmine Barnes. What surprised everyone is how vicious the CO Mayhem GM is attacking Jericho. The Fozzy leader is thrown from the ring which is where he is expected to get a rest, nope. Out of the ring gets the Badass as he then ends up throwing Y2J into the steel steps, causing damage. In the ring Michelle took down Jasmine with a strong clothesline then she looks at Tori who is the referee, no one can forget that. Words are exchanged and there is a surprise when Tori pushes Michelle out the way just as Jasmine was about to attack. The action pissed off the Canadian as she starts yelling at Tori for what she just did. Suddenly the blonde slaps the taste out of Jasmine’s mouth then is rolled up by Michelle allowing the devious referee to count a fast three, crowning NEW tag team champions! Michelle smiles when she realises she won and didn’t seem to care how it happened. The Badass joins his girlfriend in the ring then lifts her onto his shoulders as he is delighted at winning some gold. The titles are handed to Tori who then hands them to the champions as the Wild Night’s gain their first ever gold as a team.

WINNER: Josh Nightmare and Michelle Wright


Main Event
Shawn Blade Vs Trevor Marshall w/ Danica Grey
Stipulation: Winner becomes Number one Contender for the Unified Championship
Match Type: Twisted Hell in a Cell (Cell is lined with Barbed wire, and Weapons tied all over the Cell.)

At last Shawn and Trevor will settle their differences inside the Twisted Hell in a Cell. Violence was pretty much guaranteed. Once the two men are locked away in the cell, the war begins. Early on it’s the T man who took early control and he knocked the former Unified champion out the ring almost instantly. This means they are already dangerously close to the barbed wire around the cell. First to have their head thrown against it is actually Trevor as Shawn battles back from the early attack. It got bloody as the barbed wire cut at the former tag team champ’s flesh. The viewing just got disturbing for Danica who is on the outside. Losing blood made the big man weak and allowed Shawn to continue to control this main event match. The twisted Blade got his hands on a chair and starts battering the former marine with it. Eventually the shots with the chair do stop, only so the Slicing the Blade (Spear) can be set up. It was almost like the end was nigh as the more surely should’ve killed the match. When the move is hit the fans went dead silent and more so when the cover is made.

There was a twist when the T man kicked out at two, shocking Blade who then decided to argue with the referee. All it led to is time wasting, allowing Trevor to fight through the pain to stand up on his own two feet. Shawn turns around and is nailed with the Marshall Law (Clothesline from hell). This had to be the moment where it ended right? NOPE. The pin attempt is made but there is again a kick out after two which means this one is not yet over with. For once it's Trevor who looks like he's the one losing his mind. The big man backs into the corner and looks like he is about to go for his finish the Snapper which should be the end of this one.

The move isn't hit as all four members of FAB come out to attack Danica for reasons not yet known. The red head tried to fight them all off but it was too much even for her. Becca then starts screaming at Trevor who looked pissed at seeing what happened. Suddenly from under the ring comes Daniel Khaos as the fans are shocked that he was under the ring the whole time. The Khaos Maker gets into the ring then nails Trevor with the Khaos Theory from behind. He then stands over Trevor and starts saying something to him. Has Angelina Acid's husband struck up a friendship with the rest of FAB? Has he aligned himself with Shawn? Seemed to be the case as this set up the win for the former Unified champ. Blade waited for Trevor to recover only to hit his version of the spear again to score the three count!

Once the match is over the cell lifts up as all four members of FAB get into the ring just as Daniel goes face to face with Shawn. Khaos makes a title gesture around his waist as if to say that this will be the showdown everyone wants to see. Break Away goes off air with an interesting future set for the company.

WINNER: Shawn Blade

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