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Date Posted:05/03/2021 11:18 AMCopy HTML

LOCATION: Toronto, Canada
DATE: 6th October 2018
THEME: Feel Invicible by Skillet

Jacob Williams vs Charlene Layne (C)
Stipulation: Global Championship
Preview: Jacob Williams is only a couple months into his TXW career. Yet his impressive start means he will take on Charlene for the Global title. Charlene worked her ass off to get the shot and then the title to begin with. She'll not want to give it up so soon.
Chris Slaughter vs Dean Creed
Stipulation: Hardcore Match
Preview: Slaughter seems to have found himself a new position as Tyler York's personal torturer. Why a man like him would agree to this remains to be seen. Now he gets to test himself against Dean Creed, who was pleased with the heavy handed actions towards Lauren Li.
Karla Winchester (C) vs Tara Jeanne
Stipulation: Women's Championship / Emilia Pruzzi as Special Referee

Preview: Karla has her title back and is very happy to be a two time champ. Only she'll defend it right away against Tara, who lost the title far sooner than she wanted to lose. Adding to this is the fact Emilia Pruzzi will be the referee AND the next challenger since she has a rematch.
Kry and Gabriel Hunter vs Johnny Mercer and Raine 
Stipulation: Non Title
Preview: Mercer and Raine did well together as they starred in a non title match. Now they welcome the challenge of Gabriel Hunter and Kry, who have mixed fortunes as of late. Gabriel himself has now got a future match set against Dave Wilson. He'll want to start winning before he steps in the ring with the Punisher. 
Pierce Kingsley vs Dakota Huntress
Stipulation: Standard
Preview: The King has been named as the next contender. But while he waits he needs the highest level of competition. It's why he will take on Dakota, one former half of the tag team champions. She'll also likely have Malice with her so this will be a test for the man aiming to be a 2 time World champ.

Matthew Taylor (C) vs Tyrone Marshall
Stipulation: TXW World Championship
Preview: Despite recent invasions and the fact Tyrone is mostly apart of it, he gets his final shot at the World title. What's the catch? Well Tyler has bowed to fan pressure to make this match on one condition. If Tyrone DOESN'T win, he is fired from the company and can join Ashley Ricci as an ex employee of TXW. Big risk but high reward. Will Taylor be able to sent Tyrone packing from TXW for good? Or will Tyrone become a TWO time champion just like his big brother Trevor Marshall.

BladeDJK Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #1
  • Rank:Diamond Member
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  • Register:12/31/2008 2:17 AM

Re:Dark Oasis #72

Date Posted:05/03/2021 11:18 AMCopy HTML

LOCATION: Toronto, Canada
DATE: 7th October 2018
THEME: Feel Invicible by Skillet


Outcome: The show kicks off with Brian White back in the building. He addresses the recent attacks on himself and also Tyler York. Enough is enough as he opens the door for any member of the group to have a one on one chat with him in the middle of the ring. There will be no security he just wants to see if they are brave enough to tell him to their face what the problem is. Before he left he mentioned that the door is also open for unhappy employees. 

Jacob Williams vs Charlene Layne (C)
Stipulation: Global Championship
Result: Dark Oasis kicks off with a championship match as undefeated Jacob Williams took on Charlene Layne for the Global Championship, a championship Charlene just won recently. Although this wasn't personal to begin with, it soon became so with how aggressive Jacob decided to be. He wasn't here to mess about as he wanted to capture the gold in only his 3rd TXW match after the Mayhem battle royal and of course his match with Gabriel Hunter. It would be one of the quickest rises to a championship in the companies history. That's not to say Charlene was going to just lay down for him. She took his hits and gave some of her own including a perfectly hit roundhouse kick.

The hits left Jacob on the ropes and left the Global Champion feeling confident. That's into she got a little carried away by her momentum and went for her version of the Canadian Destroyer too early. It meant Jacob back drops her over him then suddenly smacks her with a superkick to the jaw when she got up. That's called the Red Light and it led to the 1,2,3! A bad moment for Charlene but a very good one for Jacob who is the NEW Global Champion.

The aftermath saw Denzel Brown come out to demand his rematch as he didn't give a shit about ruining the moment. DJH too turned up which led to a mass brawl between all those in the ring. Tyler had to get control as he is already having enough issues as it is with Anonymous and the battle that is going on. He got security to seperate everyone and announced a Fatal 4 Way match for the title on the next Dark Oasis between all those in the ring. That is the best way to settle any issue.
Stipulation: Tyler York is discussion Brian White's decision to give Anonymous a chance to say what they want. The owner has even decided to have a one on one 'chat' in the middle of the ring. Tyler seems nervous about it, claiming the invaders are a pack of animals. Brian seemed unconcerned and knows he can handle himself. It's just time to put a stop to the invasion for good.

Chris Slaughter vs Dean Creed
Stipulation: Hardcore Match
Result: The second match saw Dean Creed take on Chris Slaughter, who is trying to showcase he is a changed man now he is more aligned with the authority around here. He chose his side recently and even tortured Lauren Li, who is now nursing an injury. She wasn't anywhere to be seen here as Creed battled Slaughter in a hardcore match.

Slaughter put his torturous style to good use and made the most of the weapons when he got his hands on them. Creed was hit with several different steel chairs when he lost out in the fist fight leading to Slaughter getting a weapon. Several were bent across Creed's back and one was wrapped around the One Man Army's neck before he was thrown right into the turnbuckles. The former World Champion did fight back best he could but Slaughter seems a whole new man as he won the match in shocking fashion after a double powerbomb on multiple chairs. 

Creed lay in the middle of the chairs as he will need to figure out how to get out what is next as he is lost in the shuffle at the moment. He still has that briefcase to use for the Legacy title but on current form he most likely won't want to use it. Slaughter heads to the back after his first victory in a little while.
Stipulation: Charlene is given a chance to talk after losing her title earlier in the night. She is upset but takes confidence knowing a rematch is coming and has faith in her ability to regain the title on the next Dark Oasis. 

Karla Winchester (C) vs Tara Jeanne
Stipulation: Women's Championship / Emilia Pruzzi as Special Referee

Result: Karla defended her title next as she faced off with former champion Tara Jeanne, who won the title against all odds. Now she has to fight those odds again to regain the title and become another to join the club of winning the title more than once. It's far tougher than it seems, especially with Emilia as the referee. No one really knew her intentions as her hatred for Karla is known by all. 

When this match gets started it wasn't much clearer which woman Emilia prefers as she played it down the middle and counted each fall with the same speed. Karla was always judging her after every one of them and you couldn't help feel that tension would rise leading to a choice being made.

Tara gains the upper hand early on, showing that fight which got her the title to begin with. She had the fans behind her and doesn't seem to have the referee hating her either, unlike Karla. Some of the early falls were pretty quick which brought questions from the champion when she kicked out of them. There is an argument between the two leading to a shove from the Sexpot. Emilia reacts with a shove of her own and it leads to Tara rolling up the champion. A fast count later should've ended the match, only for the champion to somehow survive. 

Reacting to that Karla soon got back into the match and a Tornado DDT opens it up for her to finish the match. She locks in the Sultry Beauty aka Cross Legged STF which unfortunately ends the challenge for Tara despite her efforts. Emilia had to call this one and had to deal with Karla soon getting the title then shoving it in the Italian's face. Plenty more to come from these two in their never ending battle. 
Outcome: Emilia and Karla are arguing about what just went down despite how the sexpot is the champion. Tyler York overhears them as he near the gorilla position and he says he is not in the mood to see two of TXW's stars fighting it considering the whole invasion problem. That's why he agrees to put them in the ring as they will headline the Xtreme Halloween show at the end of the month. Prior to gave them a chance to pick each other's poison on the next Dark Oasis. Problem solved or is it?

Kry and Gabriel Hunter vs Johnny Mercer and Raine 
Stipulation: Non Title
Result: The Tag Team Champs were in action next against former Tag Champion Gabriel Hunter and Kry. The Justice Bringers were out first and Andrew addressed current events. He backed Brian White and claimed the invaders are bringing injustice back to TXW. Andrew also addressed Crystal's victory over him and surprisingly stated that he was wrong about her. Is there more to this? We never got an answer as the match soon begins.

Gabriel seemed out of sorts, perhaps his focus is all on what is to come when he does get his hands on Dave Wilson. He also wasn't much of a team player as he decided to battle Mercer alone. While he did well he seemed to be more focused on proving a point to Dave Wilson rather than working as a team and winning the match.

In the end this proved costly as Mercer hit his No Mercy GTS version which led to Raine quickly hitting her Sweet Sacrifice [RKO] and it led to the pin. Kry looked disappointed with the Menace of Manchester after but he got on microphone. Once he did he said enough of the delay, enough of the waiting. He challenged Dave Wilson to fight him on the Halloween Special. 
Outcome: Tyrone is interviewed by Bobby Beckett about his big match in the main event. His career with TXW is over if he loses as it will be a punishment for his actions towards the current ownership. Tyrone stated he has no regrets but said his time with TXW isn't over, even if things are frosty. He even suggested he isn't fighting the war with Anonymous. He only fights for himself and also for Ashley's reinstatement. In his eyes the title win should also bring Ashley her job back considering all she has done for TXW. When asked about Anonymous he states that they have enough numbers and he doesn't need to wear a mask. He gets why some do, but won't wear one himself. All he will wear is the TXW World title around his waist later tonight.

BladeDJK Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #2
  • Rank:Diamond Member
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  • Register:12/31/2008 2:17 AM

Re:Dark Oasis #72

Date Posted:05/03/2021 11:19 AMCopy HTML

LOCATION: Toronto, Canada
DATE: 7th October 2018
THEME: Feel Invicible by Skillet


Pierce Kingsley vs Dakota Huntress
Stipulation: Standard
Result: The follow up for Pierce's for his recent wins is a match with Dakota Huntress, who provided a fresh challenge to the 2016 and 2018 King Of The Ring. Dakota is a former tag team champion and is now branching off on her own, at least for the time being. The challenge is there , it's just a quesiton if she can bring it to the table. 

In the opening Pierce had control of the match and throws around Dakota like she isn't up for the challenge at all. The King hits a High Knee and follows it up shortly after with a spinebuster when the former tag team champion gets up. A piledriver later almost brings the match to an end, only it didn't as Dakota wasn't going to keep on fighting.

The Predator of wrestling just keep fighting and kept kicking out of everything Pierce is trying. She got in some licks in then managed to connect strongly enough with a gut kick. A hammerlock DDT later almost secured a stunning win. Most of it was on Pierce being shocked rather than being out of it. He still wasn't going to be carried away as nothing is easy in TXW. It just meant he had to raise his level in order to win this one as his opponent wasn't going to just let him have it.

Pierce brought more of a fight as he wanted to give another reason why he should be TXW World Champion again. We all know he is in line to face the champion at some stage as he won the King of the ring. Pierce got in the kicks and forced Dakota on her knees for the Pay Up! He looks at the crowd then follows it up with a kick to finish up the sequence. 

It knocked the fight out of Dakota who is then dragged up and hit with the sister Abigail followed by a springboard moonsault into a pin. Yes that's the Debt Collector and it got Pierce Kingsley yet another victory as he continues his run. 

Pierce left quietly as everyone thought he would now turn his attention to the main event where he'll get to see whether he'll meet Matthew Taylor or Tyrone Marshall again for the World title. Either way he'll expect to beat either man again, simply because he has already done it multiple times. 

Outcome: Taylor is questioned backstage about his thoughts on having an opportunity to end things for Tyrone Marshall. He said that it is going to happen whether the people want it or not. No longer does he cater to the fans, he caters to himself and points pointed out his face paint defines him as the new Venom. Forget Jason White, this is a new era. Big words from the champion as he looks to continue his impressive spell as champion. 

Matthew Taylor (C) vs Tyrone Marshall
Stipulation: TXW World Championship
Result: Main event time which could very well see the end of Tyrone Marshall's career in TXW. If he loses then not only is he out the title picture, he is also out the company. Tyler has set this stipulation and seems to be the punishment chosen for Tyrone. Prove his worth by becoming the champion or leave alongside Ashley Ricci. Despite all that the Bull came out looking confident. His brief spell as champion will be something on his mind, yet he doesn't look like a man on the verge of a TXW exit, a forced one.

Taylor came out looking demon like in his Venom face paint. No he isn't promoting the movie as he claims to be the new Venom in this place, a replacement for Jason White. Big words considering who has been invading the company recently. He is a very focused on himself now and that has made him dangerous. It should be noted he is also out here by himself as he wasn't about to give Tyrone any excuses if he won. It's all about who is the better man and the winner will be a deserved World Heavyweight Champion.

Once this got started in a shocking way as Tyrone hits the snapper, a move he adopted from his brother. The match looked to be over straight away, into Taylor kicks out right before the three! It got the fans into it right away especially when the champion gets up and is then hit with the Seeing Red aka Superman Punch. Yet another cover gets made only for yet another kick out.

The fast paced start showed Tyrone's intentions as he wasn't going to let his career come to an end easy. He targets the ribs right after his early going and really doesn't hold back. Only the Venom wasn't holding back either as he managed to kick Tyrone in the face at one point after a counter. It was then his turn to work on the ribs and he even hit a Spear of his own for a near fall. There really isn't any love lost between these two. They want to destroy one another and just close the chapter. It really is all over if Matthew Taylor walked out of this one as the champion still. 

Taylor's new aggressive style gained him the upper hand as he put Tyrone through a lot of pain. There is even a moment they end up outside the ring and the challenge is thrown against the steps, then the ring post and eventually thrown back first into the barricade. A dropkick followed that as the champion did the damage and looked to be closing the chapter on Tyrone's TXW career. 

The champion laid Tyrone out in the ring near the closing of the match and leaps off to connect with the Phoenix Splash aka Breathless. A stunning kick out put an end to the thoughts of it being over with that as Taylor couldn't quite believe what has happened. He expected it to be over after all he had done. The demonic looking Brit rolled out and grabbed his title about to end things the way he wants to as he is sick of facing Tyrone, sick of everything about him. 

The Modern Day Conqueror tried to hit Tyrone with the title but the Bulldozer knocked it out his hand when he enters the ring. They fought back and forth into a Pele Kick is hit by Taylor. He then sets up for the Curb Stomp or his version only to see Tyrone move out the way leading to the champion stomping nothing. They continue punching the hell out of each other into Tyrone is thrown against the ropes. The Brit went for the Superkick only for the challenger to roll out the way of it and then he stuns the champion with a sudden Snapper. Both legs hooked as the referee counts down the Venom for the 3 count! The fans went crazy as the Bulldozer has saved his career and captured the World Championship for a second time! It is a great moment, especially after everything that has happened. 

Tyrone is delighted at equalling his brother's achievement of being a champion twice. To make it even better he knew his career in TXW would continue. Tyrone raised his title above his head and hopes this means he will be able to finally keep the title for an extended amount of time.

However his joyous moment is ruined when Pierce Kingsley makes his way out. He got in the ring and got on microphone where his words were surprising. He used the word Congratulations first only for a brief pause to leave it with a chance of an extension. Indeed it came as he said congratulations to Tyrone and Taylor for making the World title a joke, a hot potato. He points out how he is the best by far and the king yet he is has only held the World title once. Yet combined Matthew Taylor and Tyrone Marshall have held if four times this year alone. It's why the King declared it over with and challenged him to a match, not at the next PPV, not even the Halloween Show. He wanted the match on the next Dark Oasis. Tyrone accepted right away , no second thoughts as he has beaten Pierce before, even if he has lost to him more than defeated him. 

After that Brian White made his way out leading to fears from the fans that we are about to see Tyrone Marshall punished. He could easily make the match now and give a reason to keep the title off of a clear enemy of Brian White. However the owner gave him a reprieve yet warned him that he sidelines himself from the on going 'Invasion' as it would risk not only his future but also the possible future of Ashley Ricci. Seems he would be open for her to return. 

Is this a ploy to get more numbers on his side or less against him? Most likely but Brian White has always been a very smart man. It's why TXW is his creation as no one else thought if it first. No one thought a very Xtreme wrestling company could exist in 2007, let alone exist in 2018 in this soft new world. Even so Tyrone didn't have anything to say. He said what he needed to and now has to defend his title on the next Dark Oasis. It could turn out to be a very brief title reign yet again if Pierce has anything to say about it.


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  • Register:12/31/2008 2:17 AM

Re:Dark Oasis #72

Date Posted:05/03/2021 11:19 AMCopy HTML

LOCATION: Toronto, Canada
DATE: 7th October 2018
THEME: Feel Invicible by Skillet


Outcome: There was a brief commercial break and Tyrone Marshall has now left the ring, as has Pierce Kingsley. Now it's just Brian White alone in the ring like he promised as he wants to talk it out with the group of Legends who have attacked his company not once but twice. It's time to talk and the fans are excited at the prospect of them all being invited out here.

Brian gets on microphone and asks for one of the members of the group to make their way out. A one on one conversation is set to happen after two shows of invasions. Would anyone answer? There are a lot of masked people in recent weeks and no one knows for sure who is under the mask. Who would turn up? No one knew for sure and everyone is left waiting to find out.

We eventually do find out when the cameras switch to the back where the car park is open for all. In walks Josh side by side with Jason White , Michelle Wright and even CJA with a bunch of others without masks. Who would speak on behalf of the group. Seems they nominated Josh Nightingale as the rest stayed in the back and were soon looking right then left to see nothing but security then the roster who weren't behind masks. Some had already gone home as they weren't involved in this, some were heavily involved. 

It wasn't long wait as Josh Nightingale  is soon face to face with Brian. The platform is given and the Badass isn't afraid to say the message. He says TXW isn't Brian's, it belongs to the group now and those who bleed for the name. Brian was never anything in ring wise to TXW and was only a 'suit'. While the Badass credits for him for giving him the licence to revive the TXW brand, he also said if it was up to the owner, TXW 2.0 would've never been a thing. Some careers would've never become a thing. Openly the Badass challenges Brian to a match, not just any match but a War Games match. Five vs Five. Josh already named his team of himself, Michelle, CJA, Jason White and Wrath. What does the winner get? Simply control officially. A fair solution and a way for the war to end.

Brian gave it a thought then dismissed it entirely and gave him a no. He stated that Anonymous have no control over him but he would love to show how much TXW is his by beating up all those disrespectful so called legends. He accepted a battle of the best five vs the best five. However not in War Games, something in his vision only. He also stated that Josh's team might not even be able to compete. The solution might just be what he had planned tonight. He confessed Josh had walked into a trap and the Badass knew that himself. However he felt he had trumped Josh easily enough. First he tells him about how Jason will never fight against him, brother vs brother won't happen. He also said Michelle will have second thoughts too as he put some further motivation by leaking Jason and Michelle's medical records via an info source. Jason and Michelle have a kid , a smarter kid than Josh has. They want to not be crippled by the thought of facing him and even showed footage, disturbing footage that he admitted he didn't want to show. Why? Because his power play was a very risky move to make. 

What was he showing? Well the footage is outside Jason and Michelle's house. Andrew Parker is cradling their kid , their Logan. We are instantly shown a view of Jason White and Michelle Wright backstage who are both furious. Michelle mother's instincts kicked in as she turned back around wanting to go back home. Jason wanted to flat out murder his brother. He however turned as Michelle pleaded with him to leave this for another day.

Brian gloated in the ring suggesting he is only looking after his nephew. No harm will come to him but it's reminder to his brother and Michelle what is important. This isn't for them and gloated in Josh's face to suggest he has lost his strong point. Without Jason there is no war, there is nothing. Those backstage are beginning to move forward as they look tempted to hit the ring. 

Instead the owner tells them not to as he then gives off more footage outside CJA's academy. Seems some masked vandals are outside smashing the place to pieces. That's all the way back in New York, so no chance of the Adrenaline Pumped Machine rushing back there. Yet another master stroke by Brian as Josh at the moment is speechless especially when he watched CJA turn his back on the group and possibly realise this might be beyond even him. His wars have left him half the warrior he once was. 

Again Brian gloated and instead suggested Josh beg for mercy , for forgiven and admit that TXW doesn't belong to Anonymous, it belongs to him and always has. Josh just stood there and now the masked people he came with are all he has. The Badass balls up his fists as he is just about to fight. Brian seemed unthreatened as suddenly we hear the voice of Johnny Mercer. He has a microphone in hand and is the only Justice Bringer who didn't travel to Jason's house. Johnny is backstage somewhere and more disturbingly he has Chris Slaughter with him. They have someone tied to the chair and Mercer seems happy enough to hit them right across the face. They wimpered and Josh couldn't put it together. That's into Johnny pulls off their mask and it's Rachel. Seems they found her and brought her here. Now we're seeing what power Brian has when he has all the infomation. He looks out at the crowd and labels Calvin Bateman and Lauren Li as those in masks. Both just gave in yet seemed willing to fight. 

Josh begins smirking realising he has been trumped when those behind Calvin Bateman and Lauren Li turned out to be betrayers to the cause. One was Tyler York and one was Crystal Sweet. The Baddest Bitch is with them and she gladly took out Lauren while Tyler throws Calvin Bateman into the steel steps. Anonymous have been taken apart and now only Josh is left.

Brian begins cracking his knuckles and Josh just calls him a pussy. They fight it out into Brian gets the better of him. Crystal and Tyler join in the ring as the fake members of Anonymous join in on the beat down of Josh Nightingale. All of them get in their kicks and punches, Crystal hits her finisher on him and Tyler just super kicks him in the face. 

Everything else is left to Brian who punches at him into he bloodies his face. He states that TXW is his and there is no war, only survival for the legends of old. He still says the challenge is accepted only the Badass has no team, he only has himself and Brian will wipe his legacy from the earth at Apocalypse. 

Dark Oasis goes off air with Brian covered in Josh's blood and the Badass left in a pool. Anonymous have started this war and Brian has just finished it in his eyes. Now it's about Survival , if there is any more fight left in the Badass' team. On this evidence they might be done. 

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