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Date Posted:05/03/2021 11:20 AMCopy HTML

LOCATION: -TXW Arena in Toronto, Canada
DATE: - Sunday 21st October 2018
THEME: -'Invicible' by Skillet

Jacob Williams (C) vs DJH vs Charlene Layne vs Denzel Brown

Stipulation: Fatal 4 Way / Global Championship
Preview: Jacob Williams cut short Charlene's Global title reign with victory on the last Dark Oasis. Now he is set to face even more challengers as Denzel Brown and Charlene Layne get their rematches while DJH also gets a shot. Can the egotistical newcomer remain champion or will he be yet another short reigning champ?
Karla Winchester w/ Dave Wilson vs Kry & Gabriel Hunter
Stipulation: Handicap Match chosen by Emilia Pruzzi
Preview: Women's champion might be getting a little closer to Gabriel Hunter than she wants. That's because Karla will face Kry, who is a very close ally to the Menace Of Manchester. What match will it be? Emilia will pick that.
Chris Slaughter vs Lauren Li
Stipulation: Slaughter House

Preview: Slaughter has rose from the dead and gained a big win over Dean Creed on the last Dark Oasis. As a reward Tyler has granted Slaughter permission to fight Lauren Li in the slaughter house. Turns out this is Li's punishment for joining up with the rebels known as Anonymous. She'll now fight for survival against the most vicious fighters on the TXW roster.
Andrew Parker & Raine (C) w/Johnny Mercer vs ???
Stipulation: Tag Team Titles
Preview: The Hackers of Justice made their mark and chose their side. Now they are back to focusing on defending their gold and have laid out an open challenge to any team on the roster. Who accepts?
Emilia Pruzzi vs Tara Jeanne
Stipulation: Chosen by Karla Winchester
Preview: -Emilia the challenger takes on former champion Tara Jeanne in a match decided by Karla Winchester. Will it be embarrassing? Will be Xtreme? Only Karla knows.
Tyrone Marshall (C) vs Pierce Kingsley
Stipulation: TXW World Championship
Preview: -Tyrone got the title off of Matthew Taylor at last, only to be challenged right away by Pierce Kingsley. Will the King finally get the title back after all this time without it? Or can Tyrone prove he is no paper champion by besting the man everyone considers the man to beat on the active roster. 

BladeDJK Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #1
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  • Register:12/31/2008 2:17 AM

Re:Dark Oasis #73

Date Posted:05/03/2021 11:21 AMCopy HTML

LOCATION: -TXW Arena in Toronto, Canada
DATE: - Sunday 21st October 2018
THEME: -'Invicible' by Skillet



Outcome: Tyler York kicks off the show by declaring the end of Anonymous and says that Brian White's offer for a team versus team match is now pointless, Anonymous have been defeated. That got loud boos as no one wanted it to end this way. We're then given a recap of the beating Josh suffered which then ended with a Brian White tribute as Dark Oasis is now presented by him. Officially. 


Jacob Williams (C) vs DJH vs Charlene Layne vs Denzel Brown

Stipulation: Fatal 4 Way / Global Championship
Result: Dark Oasis is underway and it starts with a battle for the Global Championship. It sees Jacob Williams defend his newly won title against former champions DJH, Charlene Layne and Denzel Brown. All of them would love to regain the title. So yeah Jacob has a tough task ahead of him as he looks to make sure he isn't a short lasting champion.

He started this one with confidence taking out DJH early with a sitout spinebuster then working on Charlene, who came into this one with a lot of energy. The former champion did fight back only for Denzel to intervene and take her out with a well placed big boot. It was certainly getting interesting as all four wanted to leave with the title.

The gentleman worked his way back into the match, getting the best of Denzel which sent him rolling out the ring. It made for a great exchange with Jacob, which the baby face won and led to the champion being knocked against the ropes. Charlene returned to the ring only to try a roll up on DJH which very well almost ended the match. If it had she would've regained the title after a very short amount of time without it.

Unfortunately that was as close as she got as Jacob Williams took advantage of Charlene going all out as she went for a Canadian Destroyer aka Layne's Closed on Denzel. The Revolutionist back dropped her and right as she got back to her feet she is hit with a superkick from Jacob aka Red Light. Legs hooked as the referee counts the 3 count. 

Right after Denzel , who was too slow to get up ended up confronting Jacob. That's into a woman gets inbetween them. Some felt it was some fan but she seemed to know Denzel as she is able to get him to back off. She also seemed close to Jacob as she raises his hand. The Revolutionist then turned his attention to Charlene as he ends up teaming up with the woman and Jacob to beat down Charlene. DJH tried to make the save but he too fell to the numbers game. Have we seen a new alliance born here?


Outcome: Bobby Beckett has questions for this new alliance after the break and he wondered who the new woman is along with connections to both men. Denzel interrupts and says it's none of his business. He also said he should be happy the title is at least on someone worthy and he can accept it being on Jacob's shoulder. All of them then walk off with more questions than answers.


Karla Winchester w/ Dave Wilson vs Kry & Gabriel Hunter
Stipulation: Handicap Match chosen by Emilia Pruzzi
Result: The poison has been chosen as up next women's champion Karla Winchester takes on Kry AND Gabriel Hunter in a handicap match. It wouldn't be a plesant experience for Karla considering her history with Gabriel. 

The Women's champion wasn't alone as she made her way out as Dave Wilson is with her. It was meant to be him just supporting his wife while Gabriel was meant to be supporting Kry. Only Emilia's decision changed this all up as now the Punisher can't involve himself. If he does he'll cost his wife the match in what will take away momentum ahead of the showdown on Halloween. 

Match starts with Kry taking it to the champion as she looks to possibly earn herself a future title opportunity. She hits a spinebuster early and goes up top then hits a moonsault which gets a near fall. The Princess of Xtreme Hell decides to tag out after as in comes the Hooligan. Right away he starts taunting Dave Wilson, who he is sick of. 

You'd think Gabriel would go easy on Karla but he roundhouse kicks her right in the face when she stands up. Following that up he locks in the Rings of Saturn as he attempts to make her submit. Karla screams in agony only for Wilson to jump on the apron and shout towards Gabriel. It worked enough to make the Brit walk on over. 

All of this sideshow turned out to be a distraction for the Punisher not just Gabriel. Kry drops off the apron and goes over before delievering a low blow to former World Champion. He drops off leading to Gabriel to laugh about it.

Only he wasn't laughing much when Karla rolls him up and tries to steal the win. She got very close, very close indeed. Gabriel just about kicked out and he was pissed about almost losing that way. More punishment for the Women's champion followed. Gabriel showed her no mercy as he hit her in the face after her attempt of fighting. He then manages to connect with the Hunted aka Powerbomb Into Double Knee Backbreaker. Kry is then tagged in who then covers Karla to gain the win for her team. It lived up to it's name by being a poison here tonight.

After the match is over Gabriel gets back in and starts shouting at Karla, telling her she is a whore. He then drags her up by the hair and puts her over his knee. Kry found it amusing and joined in by pulling down the champion's booty shorts to expose her bare ass. Gabriel then slaps her across the ass a couple times into Dave Wilson storms into the ring. The Hooligan and Kry get out of dodge as Wilson is furious. Has the Menace of Manchester just cross another line? We'll see this blood feud settled at Xtreme Halloween. 


Outcome: Backstage Karla is seen nursing her bruises from that defeat at the hands of Gabriel and Kry. Her challenger Emilia confronts her after and makes fun of what happened to her out there. She then promised to take back the title in just over a week's time at Xtreme Halloween. Before she left Karla stopped her and told her she should watch her mouth as it will get into trouble. 


Chris Slaughter vs Lauren Li
Stipulation: Slaughter House

Result: Last show we saw a newly reformed Slaughter, who now seems more interested in dishing out pain than taking it. Perhaps he was enjoying the punishment he was taking in the past very months. His win over Creed showed he has changed his ways and might be a very dangerous ally to Brian White. It will hurt more so especially with Anonymous likely in trouble when it came to their war against the owner. 

This wasn't a match as it was in the Slaughter House which is in a cold dark area of the backstage area. It looked like a Slaughter had been busy as there was all sorts of toys around and the doors were bolted shut. Both competitors are already in there and neither are in wrestling gear. Lauren's in jeans as she had no intention of exposing her flesh to Slaughter who is known to cut into people. The fact he had slabs of meat hanging from the ceiling says it all. 

How do you win such a 'match?' You escape. It's pretty much the boiler room brawl only this is far more sadistic. The fact the special doors on the room are bolted shut will prevent anyone else getting in. The poor camera man probably wishes it wasn't there or the official who will call the match when it's over with. 

Lauren grabbed weapons right away actually grabbing a machete which could end badly. Slaughter doesn't let any of this intimidate him as he ends up knocking the weapon out of Lauren's hand then takes control of the fight. 

The 6'5 German made the most of his mass and throws Lauren against the wall several times then gets a hold of a butchers knife. This might be hard to watch as he ran the tip of it down Lauren's arm, leaving a nasty looking cut. He put it near her throat while standing behind her and tells her to surrender. The Lethal one looked frightened but she bravely elbows him across the stomach. 

Most of this was a game of cat and mouse as Lauren could only throw out kicks. Keeping her distance at all times as Slaughter is a scary man. If you can even call him a man. He stalks Lauren around and catches one of her kicks. He then runs the knife along her leg, cutting into the jeans but also cutting into the leg. 

The Lethal one didn't back down but when she got badly punched in the face, it bloodied her face. Slaughter went over to a meat slab and pulled it away leaving a meat hook hanging from the ceiling. It was looking bad as he fully intended to hang Lauren up there and really end things for her.

However she got back up and kicked him right between the legs. She then jumps up and kicks him flush across the face in a desperate act of several. Lauren hurries to the door and unbolts it as she looked to escape from hell. The door opens anyway and in steps Wrath. He doesn't stop Lauren's escape so she 'wins' even if it feels more like an escape from hell than a win. Wrath then steps inside as he is more interested to fight Slaughter as he welcomes this sort of challenge. What they get into now will not be something the camera man wants to see. 


Outcome: EMT's tend to Lauren who gets a bandage on her leg. Tyler York approaches her and congratulates her on her 'lucky escape'. He then states that she won't be getting out with the match with Raine which could end her TXW career. She'll either fight injured or give up her TXW career without a fight. She had over a week to decide. 


BladeDJK Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #2
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  • Register:12/31/2008 2:17 AM

Re:Dark Oasis #73

Date Posted:05/03/2021 11:21 AMCopy HTML

LOCATION: -TXW Arena in Toronto, Canada
DATE: - Sunday 21st October 2018
THEME: -'Invicible' by Skillet


Andrew Parker & Raine (C) w/Johnny Mercer vs ???
Stipulation: Tag Team Titles
Result: The open challenge is up next as Andrew Parker and Raine put their goal on the line against any team that wants them. The Justice Bringers are willing to fight just about anyone as they are sick of not having competition. Their only competition has gone away after Malice and Dakota failed to get back the titles. Now the question is , who will step up for the challenge?

It wasn't a question people had for long as Dean Creed accepted the challenge. After his recent loss to Slaughter and Kingsley he admits he is questioning his future in wrestling. It wasn't long ago he was at the top of the mountain but he has felt different ever since his injury. His form has never been the same, even if the championships never stopped. It's why he is out here, to test himself out and if he loses he will take an extensive leave from the company. Perhaps it might be his last night in TXW. 

Big challenge ahead for the One Man Army as he accepts a handicap match. It started well for him as he got the better of Andrew Parker early on. Creed gets Parker in the corner and hits him with several trapped clotheslines, followed by a strait jacket German suplex. It actually got the fans on his side which would be a first for him. Creed has never really been a big fan favourite. Maybe times have changed. 

Parker was saved by Raine who broke up the fall when the Brit made the cover. The red head is tagged in eventually which gives us a preview of a possible match up for the Legacy title. Creed still does have a shot at the gold should he want to use it due to the title shot briefcase he ended up sharing with Lauren. The fact he has delayed his shot makes people think he has lost confidence as he never seemed to take his time in the past, especially since he hasn't held a single's title in a very long time. 

Raine got in a middle of a fight into people with masks started to come from the crowd again. Anonymous are here! Or so it seems as the fans went crazy at the sight of them coming from all sections. Are they alive after all? Creed and Raine continued in the ring only for Parker to go over to Mercer to prepare to defend themselves. 

Security walked out only for the masked intruders to stand in front of them and hold the line as 3 others jump the barricade near ringside. They fought it out with Parker and Mercer which did distract Raine. She made a mistake of turning her attention away from Creed, who just hit her hard across the side of the face. Then he booted her across the stomach and moments later the Creed Bomb is hit. Legs hooked as the referee counts down Raine's shoulder's to end her spell as a tag team champion. 

Creed just watches the fight outside and just gets out the ring then leaves with the Tag Team titles which he now holds all on his own. At ringside Parker is taken out by the woman with a mask while security seemed to mow down the rest. Suddenly Wrath makes his way out and mows down security all on his own. He's bloody from his fight with Slaughter and no one knows who ended up winning that one. Wrath's appearance might suggest he has but it's hard to say.

Mercer is thrown in the ring and left at the mercy of one of the masked people who are holding a baton stolen from Andy. He starts mercilessly hitting Mercer with the Baton, busting him open with it and then starts punching him after throwing it to one side. Mercer is left in a bloody mess as the intruder removes his mask and it's Josh Nightmare who smiles at the fact he just gave a beating to the man who hit his wife. The show then cuts to a commercial as the company looks to regain order.


Outcome: The show resumes and there is a stand off as Tyler York is out there with more security, who must be getting more expensive by the show. Flanking him is also Slaughter who is a lot more bloodier than earlier, Crystal Sweet and Chloe Middleton who seemed unimpressed with what is going on. York warns Wrath that he is on the verge of being fired. His match with Crystal is now in doubt. Wrath just stands there with Josh and the others who haven't got much to say. Josh had a live microphone but it was cut off which led to him just standing there and holding the show hostage. Tyler said he is tired of this and told the other unmasked people to leave, it's not worth fighting for the Badass. 

That's when one of them pulled off their mask and it turns out to be Ashley Ricci. Turns out she is back and has picked a side, a way to get back into TXW. It didn't please the GM as he admitted he thought they were all smarter than this, smarter than agreeing to the battle of survival with Brian White's team. He said this stand off couldn't continue so he dares Josh to name his team since Jason is out, Michelle is out and CJA is out. It didn't leave much as the Badass just refused. Instead he challenge Tyler to a fight on the next Dark Oasis. He actually challenges each member of the team Brian has picked for a fight. The Badass said if agreed, he'll end the stand off and the show can continue.

Despite not wanting to agree Tyler does agree but says it's a fools mistake as each member of his supposed team will get picked off. Most will already be fired by then as he expects Lauren and Wrath to lose at Xtreme Halloween. Ashley just smirks at the decision as the stand off ends with them all making their way back through the crowd. What 5 matches are we going to get? Does Anonymous even know what their team is?


Emilia Pruzzi vs Tara Jeanne
Stipulation: Chosen by Karla Winchester
Result: -The drama is over for the time being as Anonymous are not dead after all. They even have their wish as Tyler has agreed to let them fight in the ring. Of course they won't have a contract or any medical clauses. They will fight one on one with someone as we get a preview of what is to come at Apocalypse. Can the group even win this one if strong members CJA, Jason White and Michelle Wright are out? Who does Josh have on his side.

 Into then we have a very important match as Emilia faces off with Tara Jeanne in a match type chosen by Karla Winchester. Earlier the Women's champion LOST in a handicap match and that hasn't given her any momentum going into Xtreme Halloween in just over a week. It left people wondering what match type would be chosen for the Italian Rose. That was answered as the screen referenced the tweet from earlier int he week. We're about to see an Evening Gown Paddle on the pole match, the pole is already set up. 

Karla Winchester had a place at ringside as she brushed off her loss and the follow up embarrassment to be here. Maybe the plan was to see Emilia humilated worse in this match which will very much end in a spanking since that's the winning outcome if you get your opponent out their gown. 

Emilia went with a green gown while Tara had a nice black one. It didn't seem to stop them going for it when they begin the match as both are recent Women's champions. Tara got the better of Emilia and connects with a superkick to the jaw. It then allowed her to rip off the top half of the Italian's gown, showing off her bra. She did survive that but it did get a lot of noise out the fans. 

The tables turned later when Emilia got in some hits and connects with a knee lift discuss clothesline. From there she had to chance to set up her finisher. Instead she choose to direct her attention to Karla as she gestures that the title will soon be around her waist. 

That seemed to just set off Karla after the night she is having so she stormed the ring. The referee tried to get in her way but there was no stopping her as she tackles Emilia to the ground lays into her with hits to the face. There is no disqualification so all of it was allowed. 

Emilia went cheap by poking Karla in the eyes, only this allowed Tara to RKO her then take off the rest of her gown. The former Women's champion then came over with the paddle before she slaps it right across the ass of Emilia. It gave her a win and an important one at that.

The Women's champion however got the last word as she pushes Tara out the way and grabs the paddle off of her. Emilia stands up only to end up hit across the head with the paddle to leave her laying back down on the canvas. Karla kept hitting her and then grabbed her hair making her stand up. It ended with Emilia over her knee, much like she was over Gabriel's knee earlier. The Sexpot is happy to make Emilia ea her words , since she made fun of her earlier as she made her go through the same experience as she pulls down the Italian's panties to expose her bare ass and slams the paddle across it several times before she let her go. It's a message sent back and it also shows she isn't going to let Gabriel and Kry's mind games stop her from focusing on beating Emilia at Xtreme Halloween. 

BladeDJK Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #3
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  • Register:12/31/2008 2:17 AM

Re:Dark Oasis #73

Date Posted:05/03/2021 11:21 AMCopy HTML

LOCATION: -TXW Arena in Toronto, Canada
DATE: - Sunday 21st October 2018
THEME: -'Invicible' by Skillet


Outcome: - The cameras show Anonymous leaving as they are escorted away by security, to make sure they are going. That's when suddenly an angry Brian White charges at leader Josh Nightingale, tackling him to the ground and punching away at him. Ashley gets herself involved, hitting the owner right in the face as mayhem happens outside of the arena. Brian is about to hit Ashley back when Police officers are on the scene. It seems Tyler York had this planned as they already had judged the guilty party. Brian steps back as he sees what is happening. Tyler told Anonymous to enjoy their time in Jail and their new criminal record. The Rebel just seemed to smirk as she probably already has one. Yet this is something added to things ahead of a future showdown on Dark Oasis. Brian had the last word as he told them they wouldn't make it to Apocalpyse. 
Tyrone Marshall (C) vs Pierce Kingsley
Stipulation: TXW World Championship
Result: -The Anonymous drama is tot he side for the night which leaves the focus on the main event. Tyrone looked to make sure he didn't lose the title in quick fashion again, much like his brother did back in the day. It wouldn't be easy as Pierce Kingsley is hungry to get back the World title, the title he hasn't held for almost a year. The chip on his shoulder he couldn't make go away.

It showed how much he wanted as he brought the fight to Tyrone, besting him in a fist fight and then using a lot of his arsenal to really do some damage. A tiger suplex showed the power of the King and Death Valley Driver, made famous by CJA, almost ended the match with the nearest of falls. This sort of fight really showed how things would pan out for the rest of the match.

The King has faced Tyrone before and beaten him more than he has lost to him. It showed as he continued the control. A stiff arm clothesline is hit followed by Pierce going to the top rope which led to him going for a top rope leg drop. Did it work out? No as Tyrone moved out the way then hits the Seeing Red aka Superman Punch when he is back on his feet. Unbelievably it DIDN'T end the match as Pierce is able to kick out of the finish, leading to a longer match, much like people expected. 

Tyrone got the upper hand for a time as he hits a Full Nelson Slam moments later and then goes into the corner to signal for the Snapper aka Spear. He makes a run towards him only for Pierce to jump up and hit him with a knee right to the face. It knocked Tyrone back and lead to him being hit with a super kick which left him in position for the possible end to the match. 

Pierce went to the top and dove off for the Six Feet Under aka Swanton Bomb, his former finish. He drags up Tyrone after and sets him for the Sister Abigail or as he calls it Debt Collector followed by a springboard moonsault to lead to the pin. Normally it would've ended things but Tyrone is able to kick out right at the last minute to save his championship.

The back and forth continued as each man throws everything they had at one another. Tyrone looked like he was going to get the win when he hit an onslaught of punches, ran against the ropes to hit another Seeing Red. However Pierce avoided it and Tyrone hit the referee. Pierce then throws Tyrone up and connects with a Say10Spike aka Pop Up Double Knee Breaker which is impressive in itself, especially to someone the size of Tyrone. Cover made and it would've been the end of the match, had it not been for the referee being out.

Suddenly the lights go out and then Matthew Taylor, all painted up appears in the ring. He has a lot more red paint this time and he made sure to grab the World title during the black out. He stares off with Pierce who looked ready to kick his ass. Taylor just points to Tyrone as he has revenge on his mind as this is the man who ended his title reign TWICE. Now he looks like he wants to end it again. 

Taylor went to hit Tyrone with the title but he ends up missing and hits Pierce who was about to intervene in this as he didn't want Taylor to help him win, not even close. Taylor is surprised he hit Pierce and knocked him down briefly. Tyrone then clotheslines him down and focuses back on Pierce as the referee gets back up. The champion then hits the Snapper on the challenger right when he gets back up, far quicker than others would. However the finish kept him down long enough for the Bull to retain the title. 

After the match Tyrone just grabbed his title and left, leaving the 'Demon' alone with Pierce. Matthew Taylor is furious at that outcome but he points at Tyrone and vows to take back the title for a third time on Halloween. The Bull doesn't seem bothered as Pierce got back up and just puts a beating on Taylor then sends him out the ring. The King might be out the picture for the moment but he wont' accept that kind of defeat. Tyrone raises his title up on the stage as the show comes to a close. 

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