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Date Posted:05/03/2021 11:23 AMCopy HTML

LOCATION: TXW Arena in Toronto, Canada
DATE: Saturday 10th November 2018
THEME: "Invincible" By Skillet

DJH & Charlene Layne w/ Vincent Underwood  vs Jacob Williams & Denzel Brown w/ Aubrey Hudson
Stipulation: Tag Team Match
Preview: Denzel teams up with Global Champion Jacob Williams as they take on the two who just won't go away, DJH and Charlene Layne. Can they pop the ego of the champion by beating him in his first tag match in TXW 2.0?
Matthew Taylor vs Wrath
Stipulation: Last Man Standing
Preview: Just because Taylor has a shot , doesn't mean he is going to get to Apocalypse easy. He'll fight it out with former champion Wrath in a last man standing match to see how ready he really is.
Andrew Parker & Johnny Mercer w/ Raine vs Dean Creed & Dakota Huntress w/ Mike Malice
Stipulation: Tag Team Titles 

Preview: Creed shockingly named Dakota Huntress as his tag team partner, revealing that he has reunited with best pal Mike Malice. Instead of picking the currently injury prone Malice, he picked hard as nails Dakota who was one of his top picks. While the Huntress hasn't said much, we'll see how she really feels when she teams with him to defend the titles against the former champions the Justice Bringers.
Ashley Ricci vs Raine
Stipulation: Raine's choice / Non Title
Preview: The Rebel as apart of Anonymous is granted an appearance on Dark Oasis, despite stealing the Legacy Championship. While it won't be on the line, she'll share a ring with Raine who is after her blood.
Kry w/ Gabriel Hunter vs Karla Winchester w/ Dave Wilson
Stipulation: No Holds Barred
Preview: Karla finally has put Emilia behind her which means she gets to focus on her current feud. Yep that feud is with Kry who is a firm ally of Gabriel Hunter, who still wants to make Karla and her husband Dave's life hell. One beating won't stop him anytime soon.

Calvin Bateman w/ Rosemary Price vs Pierce Kingsley
Stipulation: Singles Match

Preview: The Reaper won his biggest match to date yet has he changed that much? He'll go down memory lane as he shares a ring with Pierce Kingsley once more. How far has he really come?

Josh Nightingale vs Chris Slaughter
Stipulation: Lumberjack Match / All Anonymous Banned From Ringside
Preview: Is this Josh's death sentence? He provoked the powers that be to give Anonymous a chance for one on one fights. This is the main event of that but it could also be the chance for Brian White to snuff out the threat before Apocalypse takes place. Will Slaughter shit all over this big return?

BladeDJK Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #1
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  • Register:12/31/2008 2:17 AM

Re:Dark Oasis #74

Date Posted:05/03/2021 11:23 AMCopy HTML

LOCATION: TXW Arena in Toronto, Canada
DATE: Saturday 10th November 2018
THEME: "Invincible" By Skillet

Outcome: Invincible hits to kick off another edition of Dark Oasis. Once the pyros shoot off, as yes TXW still has those unlike some other wrestling companies, we are introduced to owner Brian White. The owner had a lot to say and he addressed many questions, including why he let some members of Annoymous wrestle on his show despite saying he would fire supporters. It was explained that it was to showcase a bleak future for all of them and says their legacies will be wiped out in just over two weeks at Apocalypse. This isn't a bluff as all members who fought against him will be fired and deleted from the record books. It's a big statement and one you know Brian isn't lying about.

DJH & Charlene Layne w/ Vincent Underwood  vs Jacob Williams & Denzel Brown w/ Aubrey Hudson
Stipulation: Tag Team Match
Result: The match up to kick off Dark Oasis saw DJH team up with Charlene Layne, two former Global Champions as they took on Jacob Williams and Denzel Brown. Both were thrown together teams but they were all determined to win as this is now the road to Apocalypse, the final stop. The champion has already stated he is fed up with facing either DJH or Charlene having defeated them in previous matches. He has control over whether they are out his crosshairs or not. 

It started with the Dentist taking it to DJH, trying to get back to winning ways himself. The Revolutionist vowed that his teaming with Jacob isn't the start of a new tag team. They just agree on the same things, like how DJH and Charlene do not belong in TXW. Of course the fan favourites had to prove that wrong. It's all good when the Gentleman took Denzel's best hits then gave some of his own to start the fight back. When he connected with a Death Valley Driver everyone thought it was over, only for Jacob to make the save. 

After that it wasn't long into Jacob Williams got back in the ring. DJH took a beating once that happened as Jacob seems to have gained even more confidence with Aubrey by his side. He was already confident anyway so this just made him more dangerous.He is however not perfect as he went for the Cash Out aka GTS far too early and that meant DJH fought out of it with elbows to the side of the head. Once he is back on his own two feet he connects with a discus Elbow Punch then tags in Charlene. It is a good moment when the former champion takes Jacob off his feet. 

Charlene did best Jacob for the next couple of minutes, forcing him to tag out when he gets the chance. Denzel came in like a house on fire and almost knocked Charlene's head off with a knee to the face. He looked to be ready to finish this one off when Vincent decided to pull Jacob off the apron. That made Aubrey react as she slapped Vincent across the face, only for him to push her over. That distracted the Revolutionist who is defensive of his cousin. He got out and clotheslines down Vincent. Only this is a ploy by the bastard as once Denzel gets back in the ring he is hit with a DJ Driver aka Double Underhookn Brainbuster from a freshly tagged in DJH. The Gentleman then makes the cover and gets the win for his team.

Seems DJH and Charlene made a good team after all or at the very least were helped out by the bastard Vincent Underwood. 

Outcome: Backstage Jacob Williams isn't pleased about losing the match, all be it through Denzel being pinned. The two didn't seem to have the same view on the loss but they were soon interrupted by Tyler York. The GM said he realises Jacob is sick of some of his challengers, yet that win has put them back in the mix, all be it on more time. He then announces that at Apocalypse Jacob Williams will defend his title in a 5 way elimination match against Charlene Layne, DJH, Vincent Underwood AND his tag team partner from tonight Denzel Brown. It wasn't the greatest news yet it's Tyler's call to make and Jacob gets to prove how much of a fighting champion he really is. 

Matthew Taylor vs Wrath
Stipulation: Last Man Standing
Result: The test is upon Matthew Taylor up next as he takes on Wrath in a last man standing match. This is a very tough task for Taylor as he warms up for what could be his final shot at the World title at Apocalypse. He knows if he has any chance of defeating Pierce Kingsley and Tyrone Marshall, he has to win this match and keep getting wins over the monster known as Wrath. Since he has defeated him in the past, it's going to give him confidence.

This one started as most expected given the size of both men. Wrath throws around Taylor and completely shows why he was once the World Champion. While he has tasted a couple defeats since he burst on the scene, he is still a major threat. He's also not been in this business very long so the fact he has achieved so much so quick shows how good he is. His size gives him an advantage in any fight, so he took advantage here.

Taylor ends up outside the ring and just like that he is put through the table with a chokeslam. It should've ended things and well it looked like it did as Taylor wasn't moving much as the referee made his count. However the Modern Day Conqueror DID get up, stumbling to his feet but made it non the less. Was it wise? That was the question some had as Wrath seemed very annoyed he hadn't ended things with that. 

The big monster lifts Taylor up in a gorilla press and ends up throwing him into the ring. After that the angry former World champion ends up taking out several chairs, tables and all sorts as he fills the ring full of weapons as he looks to be the last man standing. 

However this is a mistake as Taylor got his hands on a chair and started using it as much as he could to do the damage to Wrath. He went for the arms then the knees as he knew taking him off his feet was the best way to win this. Several hits later and the big man dropped to his knees. The Brit then wraps the chair right across his head after that in a deverstating blow. A blow that would've knocked out another man yet Wrath was up from it unbelivabliy quick. 

No matter how many hits Wrath took, he kept getting back up. Taylor throws everything at him and eventually a Curb Stomp aka Taylor Made was enough to keep the former World champion down for the count of ten. It was a big moment for Matthew Taylor as he once again conquers the monster. It also shows he is ready to challenge for the title at Apocalypse and try to make history.

The moment of his is over as the Justice Bringers and Slaughter enter the ring. Taylor leaves as members of Brian White's team prey on Wrath, going after the legs as they look to sideline him. No one could make the save as Brian White has the rest of Anonymous watched individually by a member of security. It's why the damage is done to Wrath, putting his place in the main event of Apocalypse at risk. 

BladeDJK Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #2
  • Rank:Diamond Member
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  • Register:12/31/2008 2:17 AM

Re:Dark Oasis #74

Date Posted:05/03/2021 11:23 AMCopy HTML

LOCATION: TXW Arena in Toronto, Canada
DATE: Saturday 10th November 2018
THEME: "Invincible" By Skillet



Outcome: Daniel Khaos confronts the Justice Bringers and Slaughter after their attack on Anonymous. He too has to deal with the numbers as they end up leaving him laid out after doing some damage to his arm. The group are on a rampage and looking to make sure there is no Anonymous left to face Brian White. With CJA and Jason White ruled out through failed medical examinations. It left the group short of numbers in what could end up being a massacre. 

Andrew Parker & Johnny Mercer w/ Raine vs Dean Creed & Dakota Huntress w/ Mike Malice
Stipulation: Tag Team Titles 

Result: Up next on the show Anarchy defends the titles against the Justice Bringers in an interesting tag match half way through the show. Many were questioning how Creed and Huntress would get along considering this is the first match as champions. If they lose the titles already then it was clear they were never meant to be and Creed made a big mistake.

From how it started it didn't look that way as he allowed Dakota to kick it off. She battled Parker and handled her own, much like she has done with every other person she has shared a ring with. The fact he couldn't just dominate Dakota did frustrate the hell out of Parker, who is determined to bring back the titles for the Justice Bringers. Raine is out there cheering them on and in an ideal world she would be teaming with her husband to be. Only reason she isn't is due to the fact she'll be facing off against Ashley Ricci coming up next. All she had to do is look up to a reminder of what is to come, something she can't go into with half energy. 

Anyway this one continues and Dakota went for Walking Wounded a Hammerlock DDT. Parker punches away at her stomach to get out of it then jumps up to hit the knee to the face. That allowed him to bring in Mercer, who is in the form of his life. He picks away at Dakota and tries to prove Creed has made a mistake. Raine seemed pleased as Dakota is put through some punishment after having this in control earlier. It shows you how quickly things can change. 

Mercer hits a Falcon Arrrow and climbs up to the top rope to attempt a Frog Splash. The Legend of Tomorrow dives off only for Dakota to get her knees up for a very painful landing. Mercer got up holding his ribs. Dakota tags in Creed who charges at Mercer and clotheslines him down, doing some damage. The momentum is now with him and the fans surprising get behind them. The One Man Army is ready to put an end to this as he looks to successfully defend the titles for the first time.

Only out came Slaughter for an unknown reason. As soon as he got to ringside he attacks Malice and throws him into the steel steps. It's clear that Brian White's team are now on a mission tonight having already taken out Wrath and Daniel Khaos. Now it seems they are aiming for some others and perhaps want the Justice Bringers to have the tag team titles ahead of Apocalypse. Creed kept his focus somehow, while Dakota confronted Slaughter. 

The referee ended up being distracted which Mercer to attempt to cheat. He went for an eye poke but Creed blocked his attempt then just kicked him between the legs. The fans liked that as Parker then charged in only to be hit with a clothesline. Creed isn't letting the screw job happen as all of a sudden Ashley rushes out just as Slaughter was about to strike Dakota. Ashley throws herself at Slaughter to knock him off his feet. Raine then gets knocked down too as things get crazy on the outside.

Creed hit Mercer with a Creed Bomb then watched as the referee turned around while the cover is made. It meant the shoulders are counted down as somehow Creed has retained the titles for he and Dakota. It didn't stop the battles happening but he managed to avoid this screw job. It led to more fighting into Tyler York came out to make his team back off. Clearly this was a botched job unlike the previous attacks. Creed stared down at Tyler and looked angry. Tyler claimed it is nothing personal, he just felt the Justice Bringers should be champions going into Apocalpyse. 


Outcome: After that mess at ringside Tyler told Slaughter to focus on destroying Josh in the main event. The Justice Bringers remained at ringside while Creed and Dakota soon came through the curtain. Tyler tried to cool the situation only for Creed to tell him mistakes have been made. Mistakes he will regret.

Ashley Ricci vs Raine
Stipulation: Raine's choice / Non Title
Result: The Rebel stayed in the ring during the break and Raine stayed on the outside with the other Justice Bringers. They were not happy with the fact they never regained the tag team titles and were now focused on making sure Ashley LOSES her match here. It could also be the final one on one match she ever has in a TXW ring. She is only one a brief appearance contract which is unpaid. Brian allowed them to be here just so they can all get picked off. It's clear now it was the plan as Khaos is out injured while Wrath had to go to the hospital too with arm injuries. That left only Josh, Lauren, Ashley and an unconfirmed Michelle on the team. 

The cage at least begins to lower when Raine steps into the ring. She chose a steel cage match on fire which is unclear how that will work. The side of the cage have been attached with what is used in inferno matches so the chances of escape are none. Some officials had fire extinguishers at ringside for safety purposes and also if the women somehow set themselves on fire. Could happen if they are thrown too close especially with their long hair.

This one starts as Ashley took out months of frustration by going at Raine like a wild boxer. She lands several hits and actually took her down then locked her in a crossface. The Legacy champion is in anony early on and the fans love that. The Justice Bringers however don't love that as they didn't want ANOTHER loss going into Apocalypse in two weeks.

Ashley is looking to make sure it happens as she doesn't look rusty at all. She throws Raine into the cage several times meaning she got to feel hot hot that steel is getting. It burns into her face and will be something she remembers if she ends up hitting against it too many times.

The red head does fight back, targetting Ashley's knee as she tries to slow her down. It proved that sometimes not wearing a knee pad is not the best option. It is a weakness that can easily get hurt, which is what Raine is making the most of. You also can't forget she has been Legacy Champion for most of the year at this stage. She hasn't been holding it that long by fluke. 

Raine shows off her viciousness and actually busts Ashley open with a bunch of punches to the head. It made things look bleak for the former World Champion. She kept fighting on and that's even when she got hit with the Sweet Sacrifice aka RKO. That kick out said it all about Ashley and how much fight she has in her. Kick outs like that only pissed off Raine. She couldn't even bring in a weapon due to the fire surrounding the cage. There is no escape, you just had to pin your opponent or make them submit to win. The tempertures don't help as you can see the sweat on both of them. The referee wasn't having a fun time either.

Ashley looked in danger into she managed to plant Raine on her face with a flap jack after a running move attempt. She then went over to her and locked in the Koji clutch as Raine screams in agony. She is being choked out and attempted to get out, only for Ashley to hold the submission in even tighter. Raine couldn't breath and she really didn't want to pass out. Parker and Mercer are helpless as they watch Raine tap out, her first loss in a very long time. 

After the cage is lowered the Justice Bringers attack Ashley as they seemed to want to do that the whole night. They beat her down and open that wound even more causing more blood. All of a sudden the tag team champions ran out in a surprise save. Creed, a firm hater of Ashley laid out Parker while Dakota forced back Mercer. Raine got out of there too as the Justice Bringers are not pleased about this interferance. Ashley looked hurt but also surprised about who came to her aid. It sure wasn't expected but perhaps Creed is tired of the group, tired of how things are around here.

BladeDJK Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #3
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  • Register:12/31/2008 2:17 AM

Re:Dark Oasis #74

Date Posted:05/03/2021 11:24 AMCopy HTML

LOCATION: TXW Arena in Toronto, Canada
DATE: Saturday 10th November 2018
THEME: "Invincible" By Skillet

Outcome: Things are getting pretty messy in the build up to Apocalypse. Tyler York is quick to confront the tag team champions after they helped out Ashley, preventing her becoming yet another member of Anonymous to be taken out tonight. Creed and Dakota didn't seem bothered when confronted as the Brit explained why he did it, claiming he has no love for Ashley but is sick of everything Tyler and his stooges are doing. He felt provoked and has decided that if Anonymous need more members, he and Dakota are onboard. The Dark Oasis GM shook his head as he said that it's a mistake as everyone on Anonymous have very bleak futures in the company. Neither seemed bothered by what he had to say. After Tyler had them escorted out by security which means they won't be able to help out Josh in the main event. The Badass is on his own. 

Kry w/ Gabriel Hunter vs Karla Winchester w/ Dave Wilson
Stipulation: No Holds Barred
Result: A new challenge was ahead for Karla as she took on Kry, someone who has been a thorn in her side recently. Many believe Kry's interest is all because of Gabriel Hunter, yet it seems she may also be interested in the Women's championship.

Kry started this one by throw her best at Karla. She hit a Spear, dragged her up and hit multiple suplexes then decided to work on her back. She hit a couple backbreakers then went for a cover which got a near fall early on. It didn't slow her down as she kept going, kept working on the spine and kept looking to damage her. One backbreaker gets reversed as Karla didn't want to be put on the shelf, especially when she is looking to make her current Women's title run one worth remembering. After getting Emilia Pruzzi out the picture, she'll be hoping to do the same to Kry, just to stick it to Gabriel. 

The women's champion had the control and she put Kry through a lot of pain, including throwing her right over the top rope which causes her to land badly on her ankle. Karla showed no mercy as she got out the ring, only Gabriel decided to stand in the way of the Women's champ. She went to slap him only for him to grab her wrist then pulls her in for a kiss! Wilson lost his shit and ran around to start a brawl between the two. It is no holds barred so anything is allowed. 

Karla is angry about all of that as she takes it out on Kry, attempting to just hurt her and beat her down. She left her laying in the ring and decided to grab the Women's title on the outside. The Sexpot then planned to hit her with it to knock her out. It would've also sent a statement if she knocked her out with this then won the match. Maybe give her a close look at the title she may never have. 

The hit never came as Kry moved out the way just in time. She then drop kicks it out of Karla's hands when she turns around. Karla's anger got the best of her as she attempted a clothesline shortly after losing the title from her hands. Kry suddenly rolls her up and gets a sudden three count to defeat the champion. Right after Kry made her exit as Karla is furious she has tasted defeat.

Outcome: Tyler York questions Lauren Li backstage after she had decided not to get involved to help Anonymous during the attacks, despite being present. He then made her an offer to join the 'winning' team. He states that she will get her TXW contract back and also have a much brighter future than fighting alongside Nightingale's. He also mentioned how Lauren only ever had a loyalty to Jason White, who will no longer be fighting for Anonymous. The Lethal one had a chance to answer later as the main event will be the ultimate preview. 


Calvin Bateman w/ Rosemary Price vs Pierce Kingsley
Stipulation: Singles Match

Result: The Reaper stepped into another match with Pierce Kingsley as he has been boosted by the arrival of Rosemary Price. This might be a big test too early in his revival but the fact he faced it without fears showed a lot. Not many want to willingly step in the ring with Pierce Kingsley, especially when they have issues. 

Calvin started this by throwing out his best hits, looking to do the damage and set him on the path to victory. Pierce knew he wasn't going to just have an easy push over fight, he was at least going to be tested by someone who has everything to prove. Calvin got hit back and he stood on his feet despite how hard hitting Pierce is. Some just dismiss him as a high flying expert, a heel Jeff Hardy. But he is so much more judging by how this turns into a fist fight early on.

Eventually the high flying ability and also the class difference begins to show. Calvin took most of it well but even Rosemary knew on the outside that this is a BIG challenge. He isn't near the main event scene and might be a couple years away from it. Or he might not just reach that level since not everyone does.

When it looked over for Calvin he found a way to kick out and that left Pierce having no choice but to throw everything at him. He punches away at him into he is forced to his knees then kicked in the side of the head for the Pay Up. The former World Champion then drags him up and connects with the sister Abigail followed by a Springboard moonsault. This one would've ended right there if not for Rosemary who slides in the scythe then gets on the apron to distract the referee. 

Calvin rolls over and grabs the scythe only for Pierce to kick his arm to make him lose the grip on it. He attempts to drag him to his feet only for Calvin to low blow Pierce. He then stands up and then hits the Reap What You Sow aka End Of Days. Both legs are hooked as the referee has his attention back on things. It could've been the end had Pierce not been near the ropes and aware of his surroundings. He just grabs the rope to stop a defeat from happening. 

The Reaper can't believe it and grabs the Scythe as he thinks about using it. Only Pierce avoids the swing when it happens and then he kicks it out of Calvin's hands again. This time the Fixer hits the Say10 Spike aka Pop up Powerbomb onto the Reaper and this time Rosemary watched as she knew on this occasion Pierce had too much. It ended there with Pierce Kingsley winning ahead of Apocalypse.


Outcome: At ringside Josh had to walk through a 'corridor' of security as they are lined up either side of the ramp. He is out here early to talk about how his team have been picked off. Despite that he had offers from unlikely places to help him fill up the numbers. CJA can't wrestle, Jason White can't wrestle while Khaos and Wrath have been ruled out now through injuries substained tonight. Ashley Ricci, Lauren Li and Michelle Wright seem to be the only allies Josh has left. That's with Michelle not even being here or confirming she is apart of things since she hasn't done much since Brian placed people at her home to take her son. Lauren also has an offer, one she might take. So what does this mean?

Josh didn't look concerned as he managed to smile. He told the world that Brian is a desperate man, which shows with all his attacks. He says Anonymous will be fine and they will be at Apocalypse in full strength no matter what Brian does. He then clears up what the group is after, saying Josh wants to be reinstated as president of TXW. He wants the fun back and he feels Brian White has become a 'different' man in the Badass' absence. He says the plan was always about protecting TXW and not driving Brian White out. The Badass feels Brian is blinded and needs an ass kicking to open his eyes to what he has turned his own creation into. He says they are both needed and once Anonymous wins, TXW will be saved. 


Josh Nightingale vs Chris Slaughter
Stipulation: Lumberjack Match / All Anonymous Banned From Ringside
Result: The main event is here as the roster of TXW minus a select few surround the ring. Josh is already in the ring after his promo earlier and is ready for his first match in a very long time. There weren't many friendly faces out there so he knew they were all selected by Brian. Speaking of Brian he walked out with Slaughter who also had Tyler York and the Justice Bringers with him. The team that looks to destroy Anonymous is here. 

Slaughter is soon in the ring and the match starts. It is quickly shown how those years out the ring have put Josh at a disadvantage. Slaughter dictated this and does some damage to the Badass. Josh is quickly thrown out the ring and that's when chaos began. All the lumberjacks seemed to be on orders to take hits and most of them did. Josh is thrown against the stairs, thrown against the barricade and then finally the ring post. After that he is put back in the ring for a waiting Slaughter. 

The former tag team champion hits a Double Powerbomb on Josh which looked to put things to an end. It could've been if he hadn't decided to throw him back out to get more hits, this time from the Justice Bringers. 

Enough was enough as the remaining members of Anonymous showed up. Ashley Ricci and newly aquired Creed and Huntress , who now have a beef with Tyler York for the most part. They came out with weapons as they had to deal with the numbers game. They took out security, they then took out some members of the roster into they were fighting it out with the Justice Bringers. It is pure mayhem as the referee had trouble keeping his eyes on the match.

Josh is put back in the ring and is barely moving. As much of a Badass he is, he did get hit from several different people and that's after the double powerbomb. Brian White decided to get in the ring as he starts to take shots at Josh Nightingale. His demands are clearly not something he considers worth agreeing to. The referee didn't dare to disqualify him as it continues. 

Suddenly Michelle gets in the ring as clearly she is here afterall. She clears out Tyler York when he gets into the ring then she made sure to hit Brian right across the face. Without a second thought Brian grabbed her by the throat, only for Josh to make the save. He knocks Brian down, then kicks Slaughter on the stomach before hitting the Lights Out aka Pedigree. Cover made as this one ends in a big win for Josh. After he raises Michelle's arm as Ashley, Creed and Dakota join them in the ring. 

It wasn't over there as Brian wants them all attacked. The Justice Bringers, a bitter Slaughter and other members of the roster surrounds the ring. Lauren then rushes out and is now given the choice. Seems she made her choice as she joins everyone else in the ring. Anonymous stand together but they soon find the numbers game too much even for them. Brian got his hands on Josh while Emilia Pruzzi is involved too as she took Ashley out with a spike DDT. Eventually the group are laid out as Dark Oasis ends in a depressing sight. 

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