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Date Posted:05/04/2021 10:08 PMCopy HTML

LOCATION: TXW Arena in Toronto, Canada
DATE: 13th January 2019
GENERAL MANAGERS: Tyler York & Mike Hawk
THEME: "Scars" By In The Verse


Preview: The first Dark Oasis of 2019 us underway as "Scars" hits and pyro shoots off. New CO GM's Tyler York and Mike Hawk welcome everyone to the show. Despite their differences they do intend on making the show the best that it can be, especially following RC's successful return. Now it's time for the main show and it looks to kick off with an excellent match between two Brits. 

Matthew Taylor vs Gabriel Hunter
Stipulation: Singles
Result: The former World Champion Matthew Taylor opened the show up against Gabriel Hunter as the two Brit's looked to climb the ranks here in TXW. The Menace went after the legs of Taylor early, knowing he would be slowed down if he was unable to run around the ring. While both are similar height, Gabriel clearly had the strength on his side as he was a much bigger person mass wise. He's also an aggressive bastard as he wasn't holding back against the multiple time World Champion. One day he'd like to be the same, so a victory would make that goal come a step closer. 

Gabriel did do some damage but he isn't able to slow down Taylor, who surprisingly has the fans behind him despite his actions in recent months. The Modern Day Conqueror fought his way from a superplex attempt and knocked Gabriel to the canvas below. He dives down from it and connects with a 450 Splash which almost ends the match. If it weren't for Gabriel's determination, perhaps it would've been over there. The Brit's are kicking off the new year with the match expected out of them, both equally wanting to open the year with a win. This is also a chance at a fresh start. 

That fresh start made for risks, risks by both men as Gabriel ends up leaping out the ring for a suicide dive at one point. It ends with them fighting some more on the outside, eventually leading to Taylor being Irish Whipped right into the barricade. That clearly hurt as why the hell wouldn't it? These two were just going to war, even if Gabriel tried to win it after that by count out as he got into the ring.

It didn't work how he wanted and eventually his attempts to win the match backfired. He ends up being hit with a Curb Stomp aka Taylor-Made out of nothing. He then pins the Menace for the victory, a 2019 victory for Matthew Taylor! 

It is a pleasing moment for him, one that is almost ruined when it looked like Gabriel was about to attack him after beating him. Vincent Underwood however played peace keeper as he rushed out there and had two flasks in hand. He hands them one both as he attempted to get them working on the same page, even if neither seemed interested. The Menace tosses his aside and exits the ring, holding his head from the pain of that Curb Stomp. Matthew however celebrated his victory and knocked back whatever it was then posed on the top rope as the Bastard claps.  

BladeDJK Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #1
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  • Register:12/31/2008 2:17 AM

Re:Dark Oasis #76

Date Posted:05/04/2021 10:09 PMCopy HTML

LOCATION: TXW Arena in Toronto, Canada
DATE: 13th January 2019
GENERAL MANAGERS: Tyler York & Mike Hawk
THEME: "Scars" By In The Verse

Outcome: The Global Champion is interviewed by Jenny Gold, expressing how he is unhappy about facing 'unworthy' challengers. That's despite the fact Calvin Bateman won a battle royal to earn a title match in the future, just happened to be for Jacob's title. Tyler York interrupts the interview and reminds Jacob that the Global championship will be defended regularlly to increase it's stature and make it more unique than the major titles. He wishes him luck but confesses he is sick of being questioned. If the champion bitches going forward, should he retain, it's likely only going to end up with more defences or a future where the title is removed from the egotistial champions waist. 

Emilia Pruzzi vs Raine
Stipulation: Singles
Result: Emilia Pruzzi stepped into the ring with Raine next, determined to get a big win to relaunch her career in a new year. She also has a problem with Raine, who is apart of the Justice Bringers targetting Pierce Kingsley, Emilia's boyfriend. Mrs Parker wasn't interested in Emilia's story or her desire for some kidn of revival. Instead she attacked her brutally when the bell sounds to begin this one. She gets her down and gets in several forearm hits to the face, followed by throwing her across the ring with a hair pull. Not the start the Italian wanted.

You'd think it would change due to Rome's Rose's talent. She IS a former two time Women's champion which isn't something many have achieved. Even Raine hasn't held the title more than once, although it was a record breaking run. 

Only talent means nothing sometimes as Mrs Parker dominates this, bloodying Emilia after more forearm hits in the corner. Maybe this is another thing that Emilia can blame Ashley for as all this anger is on her. The Rebel did strip her naked at her own wedding AND take her title all in one night. It's not a night Raine will ever forget, she's out for Ash's blood. 

Instead she gets Emilia's blood, who has a nasty looking cut above her eye and she has blood on her shirt. She is having trouble even seeing due to the blood and is not getting much out of this. Raine is just so angry and wants to make someone pay for everything. The Flamming Starr press is hit which left Emilia more vulnerable. If there were someone with a white towel, we would be seeing it right now as she might have her career cut short if this continues. We might be needing that more so when Raine hits the Sweet Sacrifice aka RKO and DOESN'T go for the pin, when clearly she could to end everything. 

The red head grabs her dagger and looked to be leaving a mark on Emilia , a lot more than many were expecting. She sits her up and ran the dagger down her arm, leaving a mark and it could've been worse if she pressed harder against the skin. She then held it against her throat as Emilia looked terrified into Ashley Ricci of all people rushed out. It seemed to be a way of bringing her out. Either that or bringing out Pierce but he never seemed the type to run to anyone's rescue, even his girlfriend's. Probably because you need to swim on your own here in TXW's dangerous waters. If you can't cope, it's not the place for you.

Raine stood up and seemed happy Ashley is here. The Rebel reaches into the ring and drags her old friend Emilia out the ring. She dragged her back and actually saved her ass as Raine ends up getting the win through countout. 

Raine seemed happy but she soon tells Ashley that she owns her and she'll regret ever ruining her great moment and stealing her title. Payback is a bitch as she says and that doesn't seem to bold well for Ashley, who has to defend her title later on in the night. 

Outcome: After the break Emilia is seen in the trainers room getting treated for her head wound. Despite being saved she didn't have a lot to say to Ashley, who is also there looking her over. Just when it seemed things weren't tense enough, in walks Creed who seemed to smile upon seeing this. He claims the Rebel should just hand over the title and let him deal with Raine. He suggests Ashley is far better parading around naked than she is at being a top level champion. Of course he points out that Ashley was a forgetable World Champion. The Rebel smirks and fires back with questions over when he last held the World title, a lot longer than when Ash last held it. Creed shrugged it off and said he will just be fine later, when he wins his first ever Legacy title. 

Jacob Williams (C) w/ Aubrey Hudson vs Calvin Bateman w/ Rosemary Price
Stipulation: Global Championship

Result: The title is on the line up next as Jacob defends his newly won title against Calvin Bateman. However due to sickness, The Reaper ended up coming out alone which seemed odd given all this time with Rosemary. It also seemed to suggest that maybe this wouldn't be Calvin's night, as he seems to have another level whenever Rosemary is there. Aubrey Hudson is out there which gives Jacob some kind of adadvantage in what is always an important match, especially when the Global title is on the line.

Jacob is given a challenge as Calvin is determined to capture his first championship. He also wanted to shut him up after he claimed the Reaper wasn't worthy of a title shot, despite winning a legit match to earn a title shot. It might've fired him up too much as he was being reckless and just throws Jacob around, knocks him into the corner then soon out the ring with a vicious clothesline. The match continues in Calvin's favour and almost ended with a victory when the Soul Destroyer [Muscle Buster] is hit. However he is surprised when Jacob kicks out and denies Calvin a victory he'd love to get, especially with Rosemary not here tonight. Perhaps that was the difference as Jacob does fight his way back into the ring and shows everyone why he is a two time Global Champion. Despite everything the Reaper tried, everything he knew, he still couldn't avoid the Red Light aka Superkick which ends his challenge. Jacob gets the three count and is smug about going through another 'unworthy' challenger. He at least defended it successfully and we'll soon see if anything changes for him, or if Tyler continues his vow to make the Global title a championship that will be defended EVERY Dark Oasis. It's a unique position to be in for the champion, yet it is the third best title, so it makes sense why it will be a very active title. 


BladeDJK Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #2
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  • Register:12/31/2008 2:17 AM

Re:Dark Oasis #76

Date Posted:05/04/2021 10:09 PMCopy HTML

LOCATION: TXW Arena in Toronto, Canada
DATE: 13th January 2019
GENERAL MANAGERS: Tyler York & Mike Hawk
THEME: "Scars" By In The Verse

Outcome: The Global Champion is met by the CO GM Tyler York once he exits to the back. Tyler congratulated him on the victory, yet reminded him that the Global title is going to be defended on EVERY Dark Oasis going forward. He also said he is a fan of Jacob, so this isn't anything to do with 'punishing' him instead this is about the title. He wants it to have the uniqueness of being defended often. That's when he introduces him to his next opponent,his next challenger. That challenger is Dakota Huntress, a former tag team champion and someone who beat Tyler York on the recent RC. Jacob Williams still didn't seem happy, yet he knows the only way he can get past it is to give up the title, which is not likely going to happen. So next Dark Oasis he will defend his title against Dakota, who gets the chance to win her first single's gold. 

Zoey & Tara Jeanne vs Kry & Chloe Middleton
Stipulation: Tag Team Match
Result: -We're given the treat of highlights from Santa's Little Helper which saw Zoey win the Women's title for a second time. It's not something anyone expected, even if some question how she got a title shot to begin with. Even so she was in action up next as she teamed with BFF Tara Jeanne, another former Women's champ , up against former friend Chloe Middleton and Kry. With all the personal stakes, it's no surprise when Chloe shared the ring with Zoey, she tries to injure her. She goes after her knee, since she refuses to wear knee pads, probably something she should've picked up in training. It seemed to be a successful plan as after it being worked on for a couple minutes, her knee buckles from under her when she flips over a backdrop attempt. You hear her yell out from the pain and it just made the knee more of a target. Ray called her stupid while Tasia went on about possible ligament damage. It didn't help Kry was tagged in and she is more vicious than Chloe is. She even exposes the steel at one point in the corner and when the referee's back was turned, Zoey gets thrown against it with the back of her knee hitting up against it. Tara is worried about how this is going and tried to get the fans to motivate the Light in the Night to get the tag. It didn't work out as Chloe and Kry work together so well that they keep the champion in the ring. Brainiac hits a brainbuster and then tags in Kry, who locks poor Zoey in the figure four leg lock aka Kry 4 Mercy! Tara rushes in to try save her friend , only to be hit with a dropkick from Chloe. The Women's champion fought the submission best she could into the pain was just far too much and she tapped out to avoid being given a long term injury. Zoey has just been welcomed to the world where she is a big target in the division. Chloe and Kry stand over her, very pleased with the work they have done. 

Outcome: The 'Lethal' one has finally arrived to the arena, only it isn't how you expect. She is carried in by Slaughter who has her over his shoulder and Wrath is behind him. Lauren is dropped to the ground and looked in agony. She hasn't seen since Black Xmas and seems to be in the same attire from that show. She also looked a bruised mess and had cuts all over arms and legs. Slaughter just walked on like he just dropped off trash while Wrath looked down and shock his head. Before long EMT's rush over to her and have to check on her. How can she even wrestle up next? She looks like she is barely breathing. 



Lauren Li & Aiden Calderwood vs Wrath & Slaughter
Stipulation: Tag Team Match
Result: The alliance of Wrath and Slaughter is a surprising one. Mostly because once upon a time Wrath was the first man to defeat Slaughter, if you can even call him a man. Ever since Apocalypse they seemed to be on the same page. It's even more obvious now that they are indeed forming an alliance. Their goal? Destruction for all as they won't be your throw away team that goes after the tag team titles and nothing else. Nope instead they are picking apart anyone and everyone. Lauren Li was their first victim, or at least Slaughter's. Wrath might want to make Aiden Calderwood the next. The newcomer has been thrown into this simply for being a good guy and trying to be a helping hand. Maybe after tonight he'll take his own direction to avoid being another throw away superstar who made a bad decision. Sometimes alliances with some people are a mistake, especially if they have monstorious enemies. 

The big men entered first and got a lot of loud boos, probably because of what happened to Lauren. They showed no emotion as they look set to make the next match quick as they weren't the type who needed matches to be long. Putting people through pain is enough for them , win or lose. They share a same desire to see people suffer and also see a lot of destruction. Their names say it all really. Aiden makes his entrance first and he didn't seem to be scared of them, which is a good thing for someone new to TXW. If he looked scared he'd not last very long. Then again he is still human so probably knew this wasn't going to be pleasant or easy. It might very well be impossible due to the circumstances of the match. Good guy Mike did come out, as surely they couldn't let someone compete in a match like this. Sure the fans booed but it seems there will be no Lauren in this match. Mike clearly had made the decision to replace Lauren in this match just to avoid complete destruction. However Lauren herself walked out, freshly showered and wearing basic training gear, she didn't have her attire. She took the mic from err Mike and proceeded to say she doesn't need protection from those animals and promised to have Aiden's back. Clearly Mike wasn't so sure, yet he let it happen simply because he can't deny people a fight. The fight did begin and Aiden went at it with Wrath. Despite the size difference he showed he can be a star of TXW's future, as he gave Wrath a test. Remember the big man is a former World Champion, so giving him a fight is worth noting as not many do. He knocked the big man to his knee and proceeds to attack him with a big boot. Seeing Wrath fall to his back got a loud cheer, probably the loudest cheer of Aiden's TXW career so far. Slaughter paces on the apron then proceeds to just stare at Lauren, who he seems to have scarred again as the camera focuses on the large cut on Lauren's forearm. Who knows how scarred she has ended up. She didn't look her normal self at all, just standing there. This would come into play as she wasn't calm at all, she tagged herself in when Aiden got close then kicks at Wrath with a scream before each one. She then unwisely went for her finish early and gets smacked down by the monster, who shook his head at her again. Once Slaughter is brought in, it was the beginning of the end. He got his hands on Lauren and didn't take long to hit her with a Double Powerbomb aka Go To Hell! He made the cover and Wrath stopped Aiden making the save, adding to Lauren's misery as she loses on this return. To make it worse Slaughter drags Lauren out the ring and looks to be kidnapping her again. The 'Lethal' one screams when she sees what is happening and is then thrown to the ground. Slaughter seemed to find that amusing which is rare for him. He clearly has got under Lauren's skin and she looks terrified of him. At least her torment is over as Slaughter leaves with Wrath. This time Lauren isn't kidnapped, yet she looked very shaken and another loss isn't helping her ongoing career.


Outcome: The Justice Bringers are asked backstage about their plans for the next two matches. One sees Ashley defend her title , while the other sees Kingsley battle it out with Johnny Mercer. The Survivor did claim he would've beaten Kingsley at Black Xmas, had he been the challenger and not Lauren. His words will prove hollow should he lose in the main event. Parker just told Bobby Beckett that he should wait and stream but promised that any enemies of Justice, will always lose in the end. 


BladeDJK Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #3
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  • Register:12/31/2008 2:17 AM

Re:Dark Oasis #76

Date Posted:05/04/2021 10:10 PMCopy HTML

LOCATION: TXW Arena in Toronto, Canada
DATE: 13th January 2019
GENERAL MANAGERS: Tyler York & Mike Hawk
THEME: "Scars" By In The Verse


Ashley Ricci (C) vs Dean Creed
Stipulation: Legacy Championship
Result: The pre main event saw old rivals clash again as Ashley Ricci defended her Legacy championship against Dean Creed. With a target on her back, Ashley must've felt like watching her back. However she still remained the woman she always has been, a woman with confidence. Creed has always been the polar opposite to Ashley Ricci, especially with how they see championships. The One Man Army saw this as a path to greatness , especially after his fall from the very top has never seen him fully recover.

His aggression here is for all to see, he attacks Ashley like a man possessed. An Inverted DDT it hit, followed by a near fall. A Fisherman's Suplex is hit, with a near fall. It went on like that for the first few minutes into Creed just decided to wear the Rebel down with a headlock. He's kept on top as that's the smart way of attacking the champion. We all saw what she is capable of in the past with big victories over Creed himself, Pierce Kingsley and even recently Raine. It's in her locker. Creed knew her better than most, it's why he didn't give her an inch, at least early on. The power house part of him came into play as he starts working on her back, hitting a couple suplexes, a couple of backbreakers and a good sideslam for good measure. His hat trick of atomic drops also hurt the spine as he wasn't planning on letting Ashley do him over. The title has now become his obsession. However this is Ashley Ricci, the mother fucking Rebel. She got a way into the match when a sitout powerbomb attempt is countered into a flush DDT. It's followed up by a senton. Yeah she's light but it's never fun to have that amount fo weight falling on you at high speed and at a decent height. A couple elbow drops after weren't so great either, forcing Creed to roll himself out the ring for his own health. 

Creed is pissed off by this and Ashley is telling him to get back into the ring. While this happened all of a sudden the lights went off, which is never a good thing. When the lights go on the referee is down and Raine is now in the ring. She stares right at Ashley and has a baton in hand. The Rebel didn't react quickly enough and ends up being hit with the baton. Raine hits her several times with it across the back as she looks to cause her all kinds of pain. She went to hit it right over her head, only for Ashley to grab it then fight back against the woman she took the title from. Seeing Ashley getting the better of her, despite the lights tricks. Raine is thrown out the ring just as the referee starts to recover from what just happened, likely a baton to the back of the head. 

Ashley seemed happy about fighting off Raine, only she made the mistake of turning her focus off of Creed. The One Man Army gets into the ring, rolls up Ashley and grabs her shorts to cheat. The referee focuses on Ashley's shoulders and not the fact Creed is exposing her ass through cheating. The Rebel struggled and the referee counted down her shoulders, Creed has taken the title off of her already!

The Rebel sits up after that as Creed rolls out the ring and grabs the Legacy title. He lifts it up above his head as Ashley just shook her head while slight amused that he would resort to that to win the title. Didn't matter to the Legendary Creed as he has a NEW title in a brand new year. 


Outcome: The new Legacy champion is confronted by the Justice Bringers, who congratulate him on also having a Winter wedding. The rumours have been swirling for a while on who his bride is, yet he dismissed their congratulations as he wanted to know what they wanted. Parker offered him a place in the group, now he has a title. He felt they could work together and bring in a new era to TXW in 2019. Just because they fought against each other at Apocalpyse. Creed laughed off the offer, he then directed his attention at Raine, challenging her to face him on the next Dark Oasis , just so he can wipe her out the Legacy title picture. The Justice Bringers don't like being told no and would've likely started a fight had Parker nto talked Raine out of it. At least the title is now off Ashley. 

Pierce Kingsley vs Johnny Mercer
Stipulation: Non Title
Result: Mercer had his big moment in the main event as he battled it out with Pierce Kingsley. Big words have been spoken prior to this by the Legend of Tomorrow. What were those words? Well he said if had taken on Pierce at Apocalypse, he would've won, not lost like Lauren did. Now he has a chance to prove it. The last time these two men met, it was in the KOTR tournament. Back then Mercer was very different and it was actually the night he snaped. After losing in a straight forward lumberjack match, Mercer attacked one of he lumberjacks to turn his back on the fans for the first time in a long time. He then went on to dump Zoey which was something no one ever saw coming. Later he would join the Justice Bringers and here we are. His loss to Lauren Li is seen as his only blip since joining them. 

We do see a very different approach as he took his time and didn't attack like a mad man. He let Pierce get in the first couple of shots, which is something not many would even risk. Mercer was confident in taking them and it showed as he does take them then give some of his own. A jumping facebuster gets Mercer early control as he looks to slow down Pierce's winning streak. He has seemed unstoppable again in recent months, including getting back and then defending the title. What's more interesting about this is Mercer doesn't want any assistance from the Justice Bringers. It would defeat what goal he has set out to achieve here if he just called him his friends. 

That type of thing might've felt needed when he lost control after an elbow drop attempt from the second rope. Kingsley is quick, very quick and it's something many forget about. He also puts his body on the line as he uses the ropes as his ally and soon dove right onto Mercer to leave both of them down. 

Kingsley who has experience in main events like this, shows it by getting to his feet quickly. He then kept control of the man who wants to be king and soon lays him out with a superkick from nothing. Mercer gets up which is surprising, only to get hit with a wheel kick. The survivor does the same once more only to this time get kicked into he drops to his knees. He then gets insulted by Kingsley, who reminds him of their past battle. More of the same here? Sure seems that way as the Pay Up is completed with a kick to the side of the head. 
Kingsley felt good about this, you could sense it. He dragged Mercer up and sets him up for the Sister Abigail, the swinging STO and he connects without an issue. He looks to the ropes, makes a run as he goes for the springboard moonsault. Only suddenly Mercer gets his knees up and Kingsley lands right on them. The champion hurt himself from that as no wonder. It also saved the Justice Bringer from certain defeat. 

Both men took time to get back up yet when they did Mercer suddenly gets Kingsley onto his shoulders and hits the GTS aka No Mercy. He then waits to add the superkick combo since Kingsley landed right on his back after his jaw hit off the knee. The dazed champion does just that only for him to dropkick Mercer with his last bit of energy as both men are just back on their backs. They certainly countered out of those finishers at times no one expected. Mercer and Kingsley look hurt from it regardless. 

They continue to fight and once again the champion takes the upperhand. He punches Mercer into the corner, lifts him up and then we see a bone crunching superplex. Not that it did much to the champion, who is used to the worst kind of punishment. He gets up pretty quickly and ends up going over to the top turnbuckle. Moments later he dives off and connects with his trademark with the Six Feet Under [Swanton Bomb], his former finisher. It sure the hell took a lot out of Mercer, possibly setting him up for the end. 

Tasia commented that it looked over for the would be challenger. He gets forced to his feet, looking like he is moments away from the end. Only he was playing possum and punches Kingsley right in the gut, right when he doesn't expect it. Mercer then reacts quickly by getting him on his shoulders and nails him with yet another GTS. It knocked Kingsley senseless, yet he stayed on his feet. That then left him to eat a superkick right after as No Mercy is actually hit this time! Cover is made and the kick out happens, only Kingsley kicked out AFTER the three, like a split second after. It means he has lost and Mercer can't believe it. He did it, he beat Kingsley, even if it took two of his finishers. 

The show then ends with the Justice Bringers helping Mercer get out of there as Kingsley sat up, held his jaw and realised for one night, he has been defeated by someone who just had enough in him to win. It also means the Justice Bringers have a shot at the Legacy and World title next show. What a Dark Oasis that is going to be. 

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