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  • Register:12/31/2008 2:17 AM

Date Posted:05/04/2021 10:12 PMCopy HTML

LOCATION: TXW Arena in Toronto, Canada
DATE: Thursday 31st January 2019
GENERAL MANAGER: Tyler York and Mike Hawk
THEME: "Scars" By In The Verse


Outcome: The next edition of Dark Oasis kicks off at the TXW arena with another amazing line up of matches. Tasia Wicha and Ray Wallington run through the card, hyping up all the title matches which include a title defence for Pierce Kingsley. A title defence no one saw coming. 

Jacob Williams (C) W/ Aubrey Hudson vs Dakota Huntress w/ Mike Malice
Stipulation: Global Championship / Singles
Result: The beginning of the show saw Jacob Williams put his Global championship on the line again, this time against Dakota Huntress. For weeks now he has been unhappy about defending the gold on every show, only that is not something he is going to convince Tyler over. The CO GM has made it his priority to make the Global championship the one championship that is regularly defended. It's bringing excellent matches and unpredictable outcomes. This could've easily been another.

Intergender wrestling isn't unfamilar in TXW as we see Jacob use his strength to gain the upperhand against the more experience Dakota. He uses his clearly bitter attitude and puts her through some punishment. A brainbuster almost ended the match with the nearest of near falls, leaving Malice worried that his tag team partner would lose out in this big title match. Jacob continued to put her through it a lungblower,a  Discus clothesline and his signature Vegas Strip [Revolution Knee], all bringing near falls. 

What this led to is frustration from the champion. It led him to gesture to Aubrey, as she got to the apron and distracted the referee. Jacob rolled out the ring and grabbed his championship,about to bend the rules and make sure he retains the championship anyway he can. He got in the ring only for Malice to slide on it then grab it off him. The Main Attraction is furious and hits Malice with a hard right hand, flooring him. However Dakota then starts attacking him, grabs his wrist and irish whips him towards the referee. The referee saw him coming and moves, only for Jacob to knock Aubrey off the apron. He deeply regrets that yet when he turns around Dakota uses her strength to get him onto her shoulders, then connects with the Gang mugging [GTS], an impressive feat of strength. Cover gets made and the referee counts the three to crown a NEW Global Champion! Malice raises Dakota's hand when he gets back up from the strong punch. He is happy to see her capture her first single's gold in TXW, a title he once held before. Jacob is not pleased as he might want to blame others for losing the championship again. 


Outcome: The now former champion Jacob Williams is furious at his title loss as he points fingers at Tyler York , while standing in front of him. The CO General Manager is surprisingly backed by his fellow CO GM Mike Hawk. Mike says the title is going to remain on the line whenever Dark Oasis is on air, which includes the next one. Jacob Williams gets an instant rematch for the gold and he dares him to find a way to moan about that. The Main Attraction is quiet for that.


Johnny Mercer vs Matthew Taylor
Stipulation: Singles
Result: Next on the show we got to see Johnny Mercer compete against Matthew Taylor. When they last met Taylor was victorious and it would go on to bring out a different side to the former fan favourite Mercer. For years he has been considered a nice respectable guy. That all changed with that loss and his alliance with the Justice Bringers further completed his road down to the darkside.

In this match we see both men go for it as they are determined to continuing their winning ways, especially Matthew Taylor. The former World Champion might be out the picture yet he knows after Mercer's shock win last show, he can put himself in the frame with a victory. He started his mission towards that with an impress few minutes in this match including a point where he hit Mercer with a superplex from the top rope after a failed attempt from Mercer to go high flying. It wasn't the most pleasant of landing for either, yet allowed the former World champion to stay on top. A spinning DDT, Exploder Suplex, Slingblade later had Mercer really rattled. Perhaps his victory last show has taken a lot out of him as he really struggled with the quickness from Taylor. Maybe the Brit is just more fired up than Mercer ever can be, hence why he has been the World champion multiple times. 

Mercer is hit with a spiked brainbuster which allows Taylor to go to the top. He then proceeds to dive off for the Breathless [Phoenix Splash], only for Mercer to get his knees up to stop the onslaught of moves. It also made people wonder if he is now going to call to his fellow Justice Bringers. He didn't do that grabbed at Taylor's legs and locks him into the Walls Of Mercer [Liontamer]. It put the Modern Day Conqueror through a world of pain , as he claws his way towards the ropes. Managing to get to them was tough but he did it and broke the submission hold. 

The fans cheer on Taylor as he starts his fight back, only it really turned into a back and forth contest between the two. Neither man wanted to give in to the other. There are a lot of high spots, including a time Taylor dives off for a suicide dive on Mercer.

The match didn't last much longer as Taylor got Mercer back in the ring, laid him out then went up top for another attempt at the Breathless finish. He dives off and gets the rotation, yet eats the canvas as Mercer moved out the way. Mercer took advantage of that fall, soon lifting Taylor onto his shoulders and nailing him with the No Mercy [GTS] then a superkick while he collapsed to his knees. Cover gets made with both legs hooked as the referee counts. Two for two for Mercer as he shows his win last show was no fluke, by beating another top tier talent. Is 2019 the year of Mercer?


Outcome: The questions are asked to Aiden Calderwood ahead of his match against Wrath. Up next he'll test the monster himself in what will be his biggest challenge so far. After a decent start to life in the company, he could really put his name on the map with a victory over the former World Champion. He seems laid back enough during this interview, yet we're about to find out if he can survive this test.


Wrath vs Aiden Calderwood
Stipulation: Singles

Result: Wrath Vs Aiden seemed like a mismatch, mostly because one is a former World Champion while the other is still very new to the company. Early on it shows as Wrath throws Aiden around like he was a very small man, when really he isn't. Aiden is hit with a spinebuster and almost defeated off that, mostly because of how much power was put into that. Future's Gift continues his attacks, wanting to do as much damage to 'The Clairvoyant' as possible. We see a brutal German Suplex that causes Aiden to land right on his head, looking like it knocked him out. Instead of going for the victory, Wrath throws his opponent out the ring. He gets out the ring with him and throws him into the barricade. It looks like Wrath is trying to win through countout. He lifts him onto his shoulders and looks to hit a spiked Death Valley Driver. Only the fans get to cheer when Aiden fights his way off his shoulders. He drops behind him and kicks both his knees out. At that stage the referee had got to an eight count and instead of deciding to go with his emotions by attacking the big man back for all the pain caused, he rushed back to the ring and beats the referee's count. The monster however doesn't make it, despite getting up pretty quickly. A loud cheer for the win via count out for Aiden Calderwood. 

While the fans are happy about this, Wrath understandably is not. He gets in the ring and attacks Aiden right away. Wrath then lays him out with Future's Gift [Chokeslam] as he is booed loudly by the fans for that. 

BladeDJK Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #1
  • Rank:Diamond Member
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  • Register:12/31/2008 2:17 AM

Re:Dark Oasis #77

Date Posted:05/04/2021 10:12 PMCopy HTML

LOCATION: TXW Arena in Toronto, Canada
DATE: Thursday 31st January 2019
GENERAL MANAGER: Tyler York and Mike Hawk
THEME: "Scars" By In The Verse


Outcome:  The Justice Bringers are seen talking just behind the curtain in the backstage area. Mercer is congraulated on his victory, while now they motivate Raine in her attempts of regaining the Legacy championship. It could be the best night for the group as they could leave with the tag team titles, the Legacy title AND the World Championship. It could be a Justice Bringers takeover.


Dean Creed (C) vs Raine
Stipulation: Legacy Championship / Dumpster Match
Result: Creed defended his title next for the first time after winning it in shocking fashion during the last Dark Oasis. Not that his win was an upset, it was just how quickly Ashley lost it. Even if a lot of it come from Raine and her desire to rip Ashley's head off. Now Raine gets her chance to regain a title she held for a record amount of time. 

This wasn't your usual match either as they fought it out in a dumpster match. The dumpster is there at ringside and once this got going, Creed is determined to throw Raine into it right away. He got her out the ring pretty quickly, only she ended up pushing him face first into it. Only the struggles with it happened shortly after that as she tried to lift him out. Seems the choice of battling alone has come back to bite her as there is no Parker or Mercer to help her out. 

Raine decided to just weaken Creed and pokes him in the eyes then grabs hold of a baton gifted by her husband. She uses it against Creed and beats it across his chest into it's bright red. You could see the damage is being done at that point and the champion knew this was far from an easy task. 

The champ is hit with a spear when he tried to mount a comeback and to add to his pain, Raine got a hold of a kendo stick. She starts using it across Creed's back as he lays there and clearly he is going through all kinds of punishment. Raine got a little too used to connecting with it and wasn't best happy when the champion grabbed it off her, then broke it over her head. 

That could've led to the end but instead it led to Creed punishing Raine. He knocked the top half of the steps up. It looked like he had extreme pain in mind for the challenger, especially if he drops her onto the steps back first. He set up the Creed Bomb about to drop her onto it, causing as much damage as possible. 

Raine fought out of it however and landed on her feet. A gut kick later and she hits a DDT right onto the steel step. It gained her a big momentum swing and a great chance of regaining her title. However she had trouble lifting up Creed then dumping him in the dumpster. Far harder than it looks, especially for Raine. 

Parker rushed out, breaking what he said by helping her try to win the championship off Creed. Parker lifts the out of champion onto his back and looks set to put him in the dumpster. However out rushes Ashley, who lost the title to Creed on the last Dark Oasis. The Rebel picks up the dropped Baton and hits Parker between the legs with it. She then fought it out with Raine, who is quick to knock the baton out of her hand. 

The war between the Rebel and the Justice Bringers if far from over as she fought with Raine, while Parker and Creed are down. Raine actually got the better of Ashley and sends her face first into the dumpster. However all this allowed Creed to recover, throw Raine up and hit the pop up punch aka Sucker Punch. He then proceeds to lift her up, then throw her in the dumpster to retain the championship. 

The Rebel has got Raine back here by distracting her enough to lose the title. It's something that makes Raine scream as she sits in the dumpster. Creed just grabs his title and leaves, not bothering to thank Ashley as he never would. Perhaps now he has moved on from both of them and is interesting in finding a new contender. 

Outcome: The Legacy champion is strolling backstage and he seems happy with how he retained the title. Someone made a comment, questioning why he seems so smug about that. Turns out that person is Matthew Taylor, who once held the Legacy title twice. Creed dismisses Taylor as jealous and tells him to stay out his lane. Taylor just reminds of what happened the last time they met in the ring. Creed just says he is welcome to try his lucky at Genesis, considering how he has put his former contenders in the rear view mirror. Creed even challenged him next week to a tag match, Creed and his girl versus Taylor and wheover he could find. Bold challenge yet it seems to make the most sense. 


Zoey (C) vs Karla Winchester vs Kry
Stipulation: Women's Championship / Triple Threat / Two Out Of Three Falls
Result: The women's title was up for grabs in the pre main event as injured Zoey battled it out with Kry AND Karla Winchester in a highstakes triple threat. It would take more than one fall to win the title, so we're about to see who deserves the title and who doesn't. 

Once everybody is out, Kry and Karla decided to team up on the champion. It gets them a lot of boos but they were wisely trying to find a way to make sure there is a new champion crowned here tonight. Zoey did her best to fight them off but once they kicked out her legs, she was in trouble. Karla and Kry teamed up to go after the braced up knee, knowing where the weakness is. All that training seems to have come for nothing as teaming up allows them to remove the brace. Kry then viciously attacks the knee into Zoey is crying in pain. She got obsessed with hurting her, which left her vulnerable as Karla turned on her. The red head hits a wheel kick right to the back of Kry's head, drags her up and soon set up then hit the Burning Stake [Leg trapped sunset flip powerbomb] right into the pin. 

Karla gets the three count to put her one fall up as she is one step closer to become champion again. She throws Kry out the ring and sees Zoey struggle back to her feet. Sadly the baby face is then hit with a drop toe hold and locked into the STF, bending the injured knee while locked into this. Zoey is in agony as Karla yells at her to tap out, to give up her title and save herself from a long time injury. 

It looked like Zoey would tap, only for Kry to break it up. She gets in some hard shots to Karla and is angry about being blindsided like that early. Kry lays her out with Kry's Evil Trap aka Widow's Peak, then lays her next to Zoey who has rolled on her back hold her knee. Moments later we see the challenger dive and land on both the champ and Karla with a Deadly Vixen [Swanton Bomb]. She covered Karla and got the three to gain a fall herself. Now Zoey's challengers are closer to winning the title than she is herself, meaning her reign might be ending already. 

Kry licks her lips , looking happy to be this closer to her first ever Women's title. She kept Zoey down by kicking her knee then attacks Karla again, kicking at her to keep her down. Zoey struggles to the corner and watches Karla get beaten down. Then the champion finds a way to make a run and she hits a running knee shot right to the back of Kry's head. It was her good knee but it looked like it hurt like hell, maybe even doing more damage than she wanted to cause herself. Cover made as Zoey gets a fall for herself because of that hit. Even if the damage is done and now all three women are not standing up. 

This went on for a couple more minutes as Zoey couldn't stand back up. She went over to the corner, tears in her eyes from the pain in her knee. Karla is up and mocks her by pretending that her knee hurts. She gestures around her waist, saying she wants her title back asap.

The sexpot grabs at her leg and drags her to the middle of the ring. She grabs her by the hair, makes her stand and is about to do some more damage. However Zoey rolls her up in a small package and shocks everyone by getting the three. It means she has retained the title! An unexpected but great win for the fans to see as Kry got up to see that shock outcome. 

Once the announcement is made, Kry blames Karla and calls her an idiot. However they then decided to attack the champion, who still couldn't stand up. Zoey is left laid out as Kry gets her hands on the title. She then raises it up as she gets in Karla's face. Things are getting heated, yet Zoey , the ultimate underdog retains here tonight.


BladeDJK Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #2
  • Rank:Diamond Member
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  • From:United Kingdom
  • Register:12/31/2008 2:17 AM

Re:Dark Oasis #77

Date Posted:05/04/2021 10:12 PMCopy HTML

LOCATION: TXW Arena in Toronto, Canada
DATE: Thursday 31st January 2019
GENERAL MANAGER: Tyler York and Mike Hawk
THEME: "Scars" By In The Verse

Outcome: Parker is backstage with Raine , who is still pissed off about how the title match earlier turned out. Parker says she will be able to destroy Ashley Ricci soon enough , yet there is no need for the night to end on a bitter note. Parker says he is going to become the NEW World Champion to cap off the show. A mixed show that it's been for the Justice Bringers.

Pierce Kingsley (C) vs Andrew Parker
Stipulation: TXW World Championship / Falls Count Anywhere
Result: The World title is up for grabs as Pierce Kingsley defends against the leader of the Justice Bringers Andrew Parker. Parker came out without his allies as he looked confident of claiming his first championship. Pierce however controlled the fight from the bell as he is much better in a pure fight than Parker is. At one point he even head butts him which dazes the Hacker and leds to him being hit with a Bicycle kick right to the jaw. It silenced the fans as it was a hard hit and could've possibly knocked out the challenger. 

Turns out he wasn't as Parker kicked out of the pinfall attempt. Not that it helped him much as he continues to take a beating, even when they end up outside the ring. Parker is thrown over the barricade which forces some of the fans to move the hell out fo the way. It wasn't the best place to be as Pierce could do all sorts of damage on the outside, maybe even more than he can do inside the ring. 

The Hacker climbed through the crowds of people and ends up grabbing a chair one of them is sitting on. He then uses it on Pierce, who didn't see that coming. It at least gave Parker a chance to get back into the match in this falls count anywhere match. He made the most of it as they ended back at ringside. A superkick there led to a near fall as Parker tried to capture the gold. 

They continued to fight it out, throughout the arena and ended up going backstage. They did a lot of damage and at one point Parker was even put through a nearby table. It was a crazy brawl that really summed up a main event in TXW. You always get something crazy and extreme in this company, even in matches you don't expect. 

Eventually they ended up back in the ring where Parker was pretty beat up but he was holding on. At least he was into Pierce avoided a springboard knee attack and ended up hitting his version of the sister Abigail then the springboard moonsault to complete the Debt Collector. Despite the fight it ended the match there as Parker didn't kick out. It meant the Justice Bringers have failed twice tonight and wouldn't be taking control over most of the titles here in TXW.

Pierce gets his title back and lifts it above his head. "Devil You Know" hits as out walks the man who defeated Kingsley on the last Dark Oasis. Seeing him arrive and looking eager to go face to face with the champion said a lot. He gets in the ring and ignores his fellow Justice Bringer Andrew Parker. Instead he gets face to face with Pierce. He points at the championship then himself as if to say he should be the next one challenging. The fans cheer that idea as we are left with the face off. Will it be Mercer versus Kingsley at Genesis? We'll find out soon enough but it sure seems that way.


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