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  • Rank:Diamond Member
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  • Register:12/31/2008 2:17 AM

Date Posted:05/04/2021 10:16 PMCopy HTML

LOCATION: TXW Arena in Toronto, Canada
DATE: Sunday 17th March 2019
GENERAL MANAGER: Tyler York and Mike Hawk
THEME: "Scars" By In The Verse


Outcome: "Scars" hits as the last Dark Oasis before Genesis begins. Tyler York and Mike Hawk walk out to hype up the show while also mentioning Genesis. Tonight is the chance to earn a place on the first PPV of the year if they are already not on. It's the last chance saloon. 

Jacob Williams & Aubrey Hudson vs Dakota Huntress & Mike Malice
Stipulation: Tag Team Match
Result: Dark Oasis kicks off with a tag team match between the Global Champion, his girlfriend up against Dakota Huntress and Mike Malice. The spotlight is on Aubrey, who steps into the ring for the first time. On paper it seemed like a handicap match, yet Aubrey has plenty of time to at least learn the basics. Malice and Williams started it out, with the former champion taking control early on. Since his return from injury Malice hasn't hit the heights he hit before injury. At the moment he is just there and that is not good enough for him, not for a man who once held the Global title and tag team titles multiple times. 
Malice hits Jacob with a couple of European uppercuts, throws him into the ropes and hits him with sitout spinebuster to leave him in trouble. The Dastardly one then demands that he tags in Aubrey, wanting to test her out. Jacob refuses and a little later Malice tags Dakota into the match. The former champion vicious damages Jacob as she wants to try to regain the title in the next few weeks, perhaps even as soon as Genesis since she might still be a contender. A win here will help that in many ways. 

The champion isn't going down quietly as he is probably sick of the merry go around surrounding the title since he first won it. The Global title is a lot more active than it has ever been, making it more relevant than it once was. Still Jacob will probably want to fight new faces, or at the very least get the better of Dakota once and for all.

It wasn't going to be easy as a snap DDT gets the Huntress control. She took a walk over to Aubrey and told her to stop standing there being useless. Aubrey went to slap Dakota for the trash talk, only to have it blocked then she gets knocked off the apron after a hard hit. It seemed like a good idea to hit her like that, only Jacob Williams then rolls up Dakota and almost catches her out as he gets a two count. 

The focus continues for Jacob Williams as he controls Dakota, hitting a brainbuster shortly after the near pin attempt. He then looks over at Aubrey, who is back on the apron. She is pissed about what had just happened earlier and wanted to get in the ring. Jacob made the risk, he brings in Aubrey and she spears down Dakota then starts hitting her right in the face, causing a lot of cheers since that was deserved. 

It continues this way as Aubrey shows off a lot of moves that she picked up, most if not all out of Jacob's moveset. We see an impressive bankrupt [Side effect] that got a near fall, the nearest of near falls as Dakota was almost defeated there. 

Later she went for the finisher, the Red Light Superkick, a move that has won Jacob so many championships already. She went over, went to hit the move but Dakota avoided it. The Predator of Professional wrestling hit Aubrey hard with a spinning roundhouse, lifted  her up onto her shoulders and then hit the Gang Mugging [GTS]. Cover gets made just as Malice rushes over to prevent Jacob getting into the ring to make the save. Dakota Huntress and Mike Malice have won the match, handing a defeat to Jacob and his girlfriend. 

Jacob Williams wasn't done as he did get into a fist fight with Malice. He hits a Red Light and then just as Dakota went to attack, he hit her with one too. Despite the loss Jacob Williams has had the last laugh here. 


Outcome: The furious Global Champion Jacob Williams is backstage, sick of the run of matches he is having. Tyler York approaches him and tells him to calm down. The Global champion goes nose to nose with Tyler and says he is sick of the biased booking. This makes the Dreamboat smile as there is nothing biased about it, he just thinks Jacob Williams likes to complain at everything. Tyler tells him that he will defend his Global title against Dakota Huntress, Mike Malice, Aiden Calderwood and Calvin Bateman in a fatal five way match. He told him that he can even have the choice of match type which can be gauntlet, Xtreme five way or an elimination contest. Either way the title will be up for grabs against four other hungry superstars. 


Aiden Calderwood vs Calvin Bateman w/Rosemary Price
Stipulation: Singles
Result: The next match on the show was a match between Calvin Bateman and Aiden Calderwood. A few weeks ago these two men teamed up, only for the Reaper to turn on Aiden. Now they settled the differences, even if both would fight again for the Global championship at Genesis. The title picture is very interesting, so the winner here will fancy their chances at the very first PPV of the year. 

When this one got going, Aiden showcased why he is one of the promising new superstars. The only mistake he has made is getting on the bad side of the Beasts of War. Other than that he has impressed whenver he has been in the ring. Here he had most of the control, hitting a few of his chops with some European uppercuts following them. Aiden hit a neckbreaker and followed it up by hitting a German Suplex. It wasn't going so well for the Reaper.

After going through all of that, Calvin got out to the ring and had words with Rosemary. He did seem to be letting his anger get the best of him, causing for his girlfriend to try to talk him down. Aiden seemed calm in the ring and just waited for the Reaper to return to the fight, if he was even going to do so. The referee gets close to counting him out, into the Reaper does return.

The match goes back and forth after that, with Calvin showing he is a much better wrestler than he used to be. Calvin gets control after a brief distraction from Rosemary, leading to a kick right to the back. It led to a reverse swinging DDT called No Soul which got a near fall. It sure frustrated the Reaper and of course the holder of the scythe Rosemary. They really thought Aiden would've been done and dusted there. Instead he is still kicking, the match resumes. 

From here Calvin just got more aggressive, taking the chance that he might get disqualified. Calvin throws Aiden across the ring, trash talks and is given advice by Rosemary. She just said to put this to an end and get into momentum right in time for Genesis. 

The Reaper throws Aiden into the corner, lifts him up to the top turnbuckle and looks to finish this one with a set up for the muscle buster, the move he calls Soul Destroyer. Aiden however throws some punches, kicks and just fights his way out of the set up attempt. He isn't a high flyer so he got off the top before running towards Calvin and hitting a big boot. It rocked Calvin, even if he did stumble to his feet. He just ends up being hit with a claymore kick which took the Reaper down. Rosemary looked worried, especially when Aiden followed it up with an atomic leg drop to complete the Clairvoyance combo. 

The move ended the match despite Rosemary's best efforts to get the referee's attention. Aiden gets the win ahead of Genesis and heads there with momentum. Now we'll see if he can do more now he might be out of the picture with the beasts of war, well maybe. 


Outcome: The Justice Bringers are together as they discuss how big the month of March is for them. Tonight they face off against TXW's biggest names while teaming with another. At Genesis they will defend the tag team titles while also look to take the World title away. It's a big night and Parker seemed confident they could get the biggest wins of their careers. Mercer had little to add but his actions have already gave people an answer on whether or not he can defeat Pierce Kingsley. 



Chloe Middleton vs Vincent Underwood
Stipulation: Single
Result: The Know It All returns to Dark Oasis yet she still shared a ring with Vincent Underwood. The two have had many matches against one another as this is the fifth time they have met over the last few months. Chloe wants the rivalry behind her as she looks to find some sort of path. Seems her reward has been a place in the Global Championship match up at Genesis. Only she might lose the place if she loses tot he ironman of TXW here. 

Vincent plays mind games when this one gets going, offering Chloe a hug and a kiss. She was having none of it and hit various elbow strikes to do the damage to the bastard. It would take more than that to finish him off as he has been in nearly every match you can imagine. The Brit also can take a lot of punishment as most wouldn't want to wrestle as often as he does, especially with the win / loss record he has. 

Chloe kept control and managed to lock in a scissored armbar, attempting to get an early submission victory. The Bastard fought his way out of it and got to his feet. The Know It All went for more elbow strikes only for Vincent to block her strike then pulls her in for a kiss. He knew what he was doing as Chloe almost got herself disqualified by lifting her knee to try strike him between the legs. Lucky for her Vincent caught her leg and broke the lip lock. His smile said a lot, only for Chloe to jump up then hit an enzuigiri.

All of a sudden Blair comes skipping out just as Chloe had gained the upper hand. The Know It All kept her focus however as she knew all about the mind games that are played by Blair. She interestingly had a Fearless shirt on to show things are not over between Kelly and her, not even slightly. Tyler York had an announcement about that later.

Vincent got motivation seeing Blair and fought his way back. He went for his finisher to get a rare Dark Oasis win, only for Kelly Nightingale to appear at ringside. She's a RC talent but seemed to have problems with Blair Black. Seems the shirt belongs to her as she was demanding for it back at ringside. This caught Vincent's attention, just after he had hit a clothesline on Chloe after the failed finisher attempt. He remembers what happened at Reality Check and instantly protected Blair. Kelly moved past him only for Blair to empty the contents of the flask by throwing them at her. Kelly gets soaked which caused the bastard to smile, smile from ear to ear.

Only he got back in the ring just as Chloe had done a springboard, right into the cutter for perfect timing. She hooks Vincent's leg and the referee counts down his shoulders to get the know it all a win. She rolls on out very happy while Blair just gets in the ring then pats Vincent on the head as he sits up. Kelly is still furious about being soaked there. 

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  • Rank:Diamond Member
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  • From:United Kingdom
  • Register:12/31/2008 2:17 AM

Re:Dark Oasis #80

Date Posted:05/04/2021 10:17 PMCopy HTML

LOCATION: TXW Arena in Toronto, Canada
DATE: Sunday 17th March 2019
GENERAL MANAGER: Tyler York and Mike Hawk
THEME: "Scars" By In The Verse

Outcome: The aftermath of the match spills over to the backstage area as Kelly is being held back by Denzel Brown. When she gets backstage security is there with Tyler York, who questioned how Kelly even got here. She is an exclusive Reality Check talent which means she has no place at any Dark Oasis. Kelly swears and seems to like being angry. Tyler says he is sick of all the angry people, the people who attack people from behind then say things are over. That's why he made a match for Genesis which will feature the Fearless one. It will be a tag match, a rematch of RC. Only this time it will be a Xtreme Fun House match, the first of it's kind. He never went into more details but it seems like Kelly would be seeing Blair sooner than she wanted.



Lauren Li vs Chris Slaughter
Stipulation: Single
Result: Lauren won the match by disqualifcation after Slaughter didn't break the choke hold he had Lauren in. It forced out the GM's who demanded that he stop before he kills Lauren. Slaughter agrees but demands he is given the chance to finish playing with his food at Genesis. Mike didn't seem to want to agree, since they reveal that Slaughter wants another Barbed Wire Death Match. Tyler agreed to it however and Slaughter has got what he wants. Will Lauren even survive that type of match? Seems unlikely, even for a Lethal one. 

Outcome: The Fine Ass Bitches are back and discussion Diamond's return up next. They all expect her to become the new champion sooner rather than later. It's also stated that the state of the division was proof that FAB are needed in TXW. We'll see if that comment turns out to be true or not.


Zoey & Tara Jeanne vs Diamond Jackson & Kry
Stipulation: Tag Team Match
Result: Diamond Jackson had the perfect return as she pinned Zoey for the win, proving she can defeat the champion. After she tried to blindside Kry, who saw it coming and the two of them fought each other. They were both interrupted by the sexpot Karla, who turned up and ended up laying out both women then standing over the hurting champion. Seems the hunt is on for the women's title.

Outcome: We see the bizarre sight of seeing Dean Creed, Pierce Kingsley, Ashley Ricci and Tyrone Marshall all standing near each other backstage. On paper it's a dream team but you could see the resentment Creed has for all his partners. Ashley, Pierce and Tyrone were handling it better than he was. But even so they had a tough task as the Justice Bringers are more of a unit, even with Matthew Taylor thrown in as their partner.


Dean Creed, Pierce Kingsley, Ashley Ricci & Tyrone Marshall  vs Matthew Taylor , Johnny Mercer, Raine & Parker
Stipulation: 4 on 4
Result: The crazy main event ended with Ashley pinning Andrew Parker after Tyrone hit him with the snapper. Creed and Taylor had taken each other out with a nasty spot on the announcers table, while Pierce put Mercer through the barrier at ringside, while also injuring a fan. With Genesis so near, it just hyped up the matches rather than gave you any clear winner. Either way the show ended with mayhem everywhere.


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