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Date Posted:05/04/2021 10:19 PMCopy HTML

LOCATION: TXW Arena in Toronto, Canada
DATE: Saturday 27th April 2019
GENERAL MANAGER: Tyler York and Mike Hawk
THEME: "Scars" By In The Verse

Ciara Fierce vs Aiden Calderwood
Stipulation: Singles
Result: The show begins with a clash between Ciara and Aiden Calderwood. Interestingly Ciara had J.T Marshall with her which confirms her as his newest client. At the beginning Aiden showed what he can do now he is free from the sights of the deadly Wrath and Slaughter. Still no one really knew his direction or his goals as he has just been thrown about in recent months. Seeing is Believing almost put an end to this match as the dis-arm-her style ambar was applied after the Angle slam. Usually it would've ended things but Ciara was near the ropes at the time, denying Aiden that all important win. It didn't end with one for him which sucked for him. The winner of the match was Ciara Fierce after a brief distraction from J.T Marshall to allow the Irish beauty to gain the roll up victory. 

Outcome: The Justice Bringers are interviewed backstage by Bobby Beckett, asking them all the big question about the main event. Andrew spoke for the team, despite Mercer being the World Champion in the group. He doesn't confirm who would be teaming up to take back the titles, it would be left a mystery.

Scarlet DeLuca vs Zoey
Stipulation: Singles
Result: Next up we got a battle between two former Women champion's. Zoey held it more recently but Scarlet has returned with a fire in her belly. She dominated most of this, showing her what she has come back here to do. At one point they ended up on the outside and Zoey ends up being thrown back first into the barricade. That move almost ended the match as the more recent former champion just about got into the ring before being counted out. It continued to go in Scarlet's favour into she went for a suicide dive after knocking Zoey out the ring. She missed and landed awkwardly, hence why they call it a suicide dive. From there Zoey got Scarlet in the ring, eventually setting up and then hitting the running knee aka Night Time. Big win for the former champion. 

Outcome: Ciara Fierce was followed by the cameras backstage as she ends up finding and confronting Chloe Middleton, The Global champion. Chloe is without her fellow Justice Bringers for a change and knew this wasn't going to be a polite chat. Ciara told her what she was after and challenged her for the title, aiming for it to be the start of her success. J.T Marshall was there to observe and even with him there the challenge was accepted for the next show. 


Blair Black vs Kelly Nightingale
Stipulation: Bathtub match
Result: At Genesis we saw Kelly and Denzel overcome Blair and Vincent once more. Only the talking point was when Blair tried to undress Kelly and throw her into the bathtub that was present. Tyler ended up liking what he saw and granted Kelly a one show appearance on Dark Oasis. Kelly walked out confident as she has already got wins over Blair recently. However that confidence was soon gone when Blair came at her in the fight like a dragon from Game Of Thrones, she really did have fire. Kelly couldn't handle her, quickly being thrown from the ring. The Fearless one went into retreat and went to hop the barricade. Blair chased her down and grabbed her by the waistband of the pants. Moments later Kelly pants are pulled all the way down to her ankles, exposing her thong. She is then dragged by the hair towards the bathtub, showing that even someone tiny like Blair can pack a lot of strength. She did start a small fight back but she unleashes more attacks from Blair, who kept telling her that it's bath time and she can't wear her clothes in the bath. 

Kelly ends up having her head hit right against the bathtub, that left her dazed. Blair then starts stripping her of her clothing, first off came her top which meant she is down to her underwear. Everyone was expecting a last minute fight back, a last minute escape. But soon her bra gets unhooked then taken off, it exposed her breast to those watching and she was more concerned about losing this fight than being exposed. She only got hit hard across the head which made her drop to her knees. Blair grabs her by the hair, stands her up in front of the tub then just pulls down her thong right in front of everybody! Kelly is naked and despite her attempts to cover, she didn't do a very good job as she is thrown right into the bathtub to win Blair the match. A horrible moment for Kelly, who sat up and hand her hands over her face from the seer embarrassment of not only losing but being stripped naked and thrown in the tub. Not how she wanted a special one off Dark Oasis appearance to go.

Outcome: Tyler York is asked about his problems with Jacob Williams. Of course that didn't last long as Pierce Kingsley comes by and says that no one cares about that. He just told the world that Johnny Mercer is on borrowed time, that he will be the first person to win the World title for a record third time. Tyler actually says that he will get his chance should he win against Jacob. 


Pierce Kingsley vs Jacob Williams w/ Aubrey Hudson
Stipulation: Single
Result: Almost a month ago Pierce Kingsley lost the World title to Johnny Mercer. Was it an upset? In many cases it sure was as no one saw Mercer as someone who could be a World champion. He did the job and now here we are. Pierce didn't look like someone you wanted to be in the ring with. Jacob got the worst of it from the ring bell as Pierce was here to win, simple as that. Pierce hit an ear clap, several punches and was quick to really knock Jacob about. Even as a multiple time Global champion, fighting Pierce is another level. Sure he did have some help in the form of Aubrey but she ends up being hit with a forearm by the Fixer, showing that was a big mistake. 

Jacob did fight back, showing he isn't some cannon fodder. He managed to get in some decent European uppercuts and gained some sort of momentum, even with Aubrey needing medical attention on the outside. We even see a headbutt from Jacob yet that just lights the fire, bringing Pierce more into the fight. He was then quick to end things as he hits the Say10 Spike leading to an unanswered three count. It gave Jacob back to back defeats but he likely got off easily considering the mood Pierce is in. This could've got far more bloody. 

Outcome: Jacob is recovering backstage as Aubrey is getting some treatment after that hit she took. Jacob is followed by the cameras as he goes to confront Tyler but instead is met with Mike, the other CO GM if people forget. Mike informed Jacob that Tyler has gone home, leading to frustration. He got angry with Mike but he was told it is probably best he doesn't attack two GM's. 

Slaughter & Eddie McGinlay w/ Wrath vs Matthew Taylor & Dean Creed
Stipulation: Tag Team Match
Result: The arrival of Eddie McGinlay made for some interesting news at Genesis. However we didn't really know what his goal was or why he joined the Beasts of war. Creed and Taylor found out pretty quickly as right after their entrances they are ambushed by the trio. The referee tried to gain control of what was going on but even he got frightened off by who he was trying to deal with. Taylor was getting the brunt of the attack, mostly from Slaughter. Wrath dealt with Dean Creed despite his best efforts to win the fight. Once the damage was done Eddie called for the bell and was surprised when his pin attempt right away didn't end the match. He continued to do the damage but Matthew Taylor had the heart to keep kicking out, keep fighting back. He didn't even have a partner as Creed looked injured and wasn't getting back on the apron. 

Taylor fought back and got the better of Eddie. Only it soon ended when Wrath got in the ring to boot Taylor right in the face. The disqualification loss didn't seem to bother Eddie, who showed signs of ring rust but was soon leading a brutal attack on the champion. Seems he has his target and the beasts are as danger as ever. 
Outcome: Tyrone is backstage with Ashley as they are having their last minute talk ahead of the title defence up next. The Bull states that he is happy to keep teaming with his girlfriend as long as they win, as long as they are champions. But without the titles, he has his own path to go on. The Rebel seems to agree as big stakes are ahead. 

Tyrone Marshall & Ashley Ricci (C) vs Justice Bringers
Stipulation: Tag Team Match
Result: Everybody was ready for the main event as it was a big one. After fighting for an hour against the Justice Bringers, Ashley Ricci and Tyrone won the gold. Now they defend against two members of the group, only they didnt know what set they were going to go up against. All of them made their entrance and all seemed ready to compete. It really was the best mind game that they can play as they knew Ashley and Tyrone had no time to prepare. Parker gets on microphone and is about to speak, only it's a distraction as Mercer and Raine suddenly attack them. Parker rolls out as does Chloe as the match officially starts in the worst way possible for the champions.

The battle continues on but Tyrone is taken out early by Mercer's No Mercy GTS. After that the Rebel was in a handicap match. She fought them off well into Raine and Mercer worked together to really do some damage. Ashley fought them the best she could into Raine Parker hits her with the Sweet Sacrifice [RKO]. Covers gets made and Ashley doesn't kick out, ending another one of her title reigns. 

The Justice Bringers are once again the tag team champions as Parker and Middleton join the winners inn the ring as they are handed the Tag Team titles. It's a good moment for the group into the Beasts Of War turn up. The trio blind side the Justice Bringers as Wrath boots Mercer right in the face. Chloe is then clotheslined while Raine is hit with a spinebuster. That left Parker at their mercy as he is attacked by all of them. Wrath and Slaughter then lift him for a chokeslam only they carry him towards the ropes. The leader of the Justice Bringers is then chokeslammed right out the ring, right to the outside. Dark Oasis ends up going off air with the trio admiring the carnage they have caused.


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