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  • Rank:Diamond Member
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  • Register:12/31/2008 2:17 AM

Date Posted:05/04/2021 10:20 PMCopy HTML

LOCATION: Toronto, Canada [TXW Arena]
DATE: Sunday 26th May 2019
GENERAL MANAGERS: Tyler York & Mike Hawk
THEME: "Scars" By In The Verse


Outcome: "Scars" opens up the show and we're given a run down of the card by commentators Tasia Wicha and Ray Wallington. They hype the main event which sees a unique tag match but want to hype Immortality more. The big PPV is just around the corner and we have a lot of scores to settle. The night is going to be good.

Emilia Pruzzi & Scarlet De Luca vs Aubrey Hudson
Stipulation: Handicap match
Result: Dark Oasis opens up the show with a handicap match as Emilia Pruzzi and Scarlet De Luca take on Aubrey Hudson. On paper it's not a fair match at all as both Italians HAVE been the Women's champion. Aubrey has barely been in the ring as her only experience is from whatever Jacob Williams taught her. It begins with Tyler York making his way out as he looks to make peace, a surprise to many. He tells the TXW fans that while he is mad at Jacob's constant complaining and recent attack, he is willing to move on since he doesn't want to be another one of those GM's, the GM's who feud with the wrestlers. Jacob Williams is confirmed for the Xtreme Lottery, yet Tyler York asks for an apology to scrap the handicap match. 

Unfortunately after minutes of waiting, Jacob Williams doesn't show up to give an apology. Instead he comes out with Aubrey, telling Tyler that he will never say sorry. He even brings up how he had a talk with Brian White about his recent behaviour. Tyler just smiled about that shaking his head as he confirms that he already knows. He then brings up how Brian White would've just fired him for the assault had it not been Tyler's decision not to press charges. While he doesn't take away the spot Jacob has been given for the Xtreme Lottery, he does say he will enjoy seeing Aubrey take a beating for Jacob's stubborn ways.

The match did get underway and we do see Aubrey's wrestling ability. Only the problem is she isn't in the league of these two women's champions. They are not FAB either who might give Tyler a show, he had no interest in that type of show. Instead he enjoys seeing how aggressive both Italians are. Emilia slaps the hell out of her, forearms the hell out of her and then does great team work with Scarlet. They do back damage with a double backbreaker and even do a powerbomb after Emilia lifts up Aubrey onto the waiting shoulders of Scarlet. The Italians then end the match after Emilia Irish whips Aubrey right towards Scarlet, who then facebusters her aka Lights Out then pins her for the win. These Italians are a dangerous combination. Right after their win they throw Aubrey out the ring, right where Jacob is standing. His anger hasn't gone away yet he can at least focus on the Xtreme Lottery now he is in it.


Outcome: The gleeful Italians are backstage after winning as they are approaching by Jenny Gold. They are asked about their recent performances and how they seem unbeatable as a team. Both are happy to talk about it, even when the questions turn to the Xtreme Lottery match up. Emilia and Scarlet say they will share whatever they get, whether good or bad because they are a team now. It puts the other four on notice as two working together will make it a lot harder for the rest involved. 


Ashley Ricci vs Denzel Brown
Stipulation: Singles
Result: Next up was the chance for Ashley Ricci to break the streak of Denzel Brown, a man who has yet to taste defeat in 2019. The Black King walked out with the swagger of a man who has yet to lose and also had the recently retired Kelly Nightingale in his corner, all leather clad as usual. Ashley didn't lack for confidence either as she is the Rebel after all. The Revolutionist got the upper hand early in this one, showing he has all the confidence in the world. He overpowers Ashley and gives her no reason to smirk, especially when he dumps her outside and then throws her right into the barricade back first. Honestly at that stage he could've got for the cheap count out victory , yet he didn't as he asked Kelly to throw her in the ring. The Fearless one might've became a failure as a wrestler during her last few years but she wanted to have a great new life as a successful manager. It meant her past ties with Ashley were cut as she throws her back in the ring like she is trash, hoping Denzel ends this quick.

It never ended quickly as Ashley is one of the toughest on the roster, even if she is someone takes things the least serious. She kept kicking out, even when there was a superplex that could've knocked out all the energy of Ashley. She just kept kicking out, leading to the anger building within the Black King.

His anger grew when Ashley fought back, showing why she was once a World champion. She is VERY good at winning titles. It's just keeping them has always been the problem and maybe why she isn't talking about as being one of the best on the roster. You might even forget she has been World champion.
The display at least reminded you, even if she took a shot at Kelly by hitting a flying crossbody and then a spiked DDT, both very familiar to the retired Nightingale. 

The Rebel gained control and knocked Denzel onto the ropes, about to go for the 619. She made the run but when she went to kick him right in the face, Denzel moved out the way. The Black King steps back and Ashley thought it was a good idea to jump up on the ropes then launch herself across the ring. Yeah she can do it but the former Global Champion caught her with a gut to the kick, he then steps back then hits the Revolution Beings [Trouble In Paradise]! He covers her after and gets the win in what is a very big win. The Black King is ready for the Xtreme Lottery. 


Outcome: Backstage we already have problems between the Fine Ass Bitches, Zoey and Kry. They seemed to have met backstage and whatever was said has got Kry in the mood for a fight. Zoey , who doesn't get on with her is actually holding her back while Frank is standing in the way. Diamond, Diane, Angelique and Angelina trash talk them both. Diamond even calls Zoey Mike's pet , calling her dickies bitch. At least someone had a calmness about them. The man 'labelled' Dickie by FAB does show up to the scene e and admits he doesn't mind when women get hot under the collar. He brings up a chat with Josh which has become a reality. He then announces that the triple threat at Immortality will be hosted in a Gentleman's club in Vegas. He confirms he'll have a 'front row' seat for it but also says Frank will too. Along with that he says neither can get involved and it will between the three ladies only, no other members of FAB. Big stipulation even if he didn't cool the current situation. It's not what he wanted to do, even when his girl's involved. He probably knows she can handle herself. 


Diamond Jackson & Diane Murphy w/ Angelina & Frank Stone vs Zoey & Kry
Stipulation: Tag Team Match

Result: The backstage incident added to this match and of course the announcement that they will be fighthing at a Gentleman's club for the Women's title. Here though they were teaming up in a tag match. Diamond was good as she had her bestie Diane Murphy as her partner. For Zoey and Kry, they had to learn to trust each other. 

At first it went horrible as Kry started it out and told Zoey to stay in her lane. Kry was angry about losing the Women's title so soon and wanted Diamond's blood. She could've got it by the way she fights her early on. The champion didn't know what to do as she was getting straight up dragged into a boxing match. Lucky for her she has those long legs because that let her kick Kry on the knee and change the way this one was going.

Frank watched from the outside without blinking as he is a scary sight, someone who will always keep FAB safe. Angelina and her undefeated sister Angelique were giving a lot of encouragement vocally as FAB turned this into a match that is going their way, isolating Kry from her partner. It was a tough time for the former women's champion as FAB are a great team ,no matter who you pair up in the ring. Diane and Diamond worked well to hurt Kry.

At one point in the match Diamond flirted with the referee, grabbing his attention as she has great cleavage. It was only a ploy as Angelique and Angelina dragged Zoey off the apron then throw her against the steel steps. Once that was done, Diamond laughs at the referee and points at Frank, in other words watc
FAB tried to put Kry away after all of that but were unable to do so. There was just too much fight in her and she ended up fighting off Diamond, forcing her to tag Diane bac
k in. Zoey got back on the apron and it got the fans excited. 

A loud cheer when Zoey is brought back into the ring. She took it to FAB and even knocked Diamond offf the apron. Not long after she hit the Night Time [Running Knee] putting Diane out. It was enough to get her team the win, even if it looked to hurt that same knee Kry once injured. It seemed to be worth it as the win was hers. Kry and Zoey raised each other's arms to show a sign of unity.

Well it looked that way into Kry decided to club her right in the back then attacks the knee. She screams at her and tells her that they are not friends. Kry then pointed at Diamond and warned her about what is to come. Even then she got out of there when FAB started to get in the ring, including big Frank. While the fans didn't want to see this, Diamond sure the hell did. She looks at her man then points at Zoey. Somewhere Mike might be watching this but it isn't exactly illegal. Frank does anything for his woman and he lays out Zoey with a vicious clothesline. A statement as the Fine Ass Bitches are also the dangerous bitches, all because of the bodyguard they have.

Outcome: The Fine Ass Bitches gloat backstage to Mike Hawk, Frank especially who says he looks forward to seeing Diamond tear off Zoey's then beat her with it. Mike remained professional as he knew this sort of thing could happen. He gets his own back by mentioning the strict dress code and mentioning he wonders if a suit can even fit Frank Stone or if Diamond can find a dress that her fake tits won't fall out of.


Raine vs Chris Slaughter
Stipulation: Singles
Result: Dark Oasis' mayhem doesn't go away as Raine had to contend with Slaughter next, the same man who kidnapped Lauren Li and damaged her mind. It was something that needed a reminder since something was going on backstage. Parker is seen fighting Wrath, hitting him many times in the arm with the baton. It's not doing a lot, which is scary in itself. Wrath pushes Parker back and takes the Baton off of him. Then SNAP the baton is broken over Wrath's knee in a scary display of strength. Off camera Eddie comes charging and boots Parker right in the face. The cameras then focus on the broken down door of the Justice Bringers. No sign of Mercer or Middleton as Raine is soon dragged out. She is bloody but she has some blood on her lips. Slaughter is dragging her and has a bite mark on his arm, clearly Raine went down fighting. 

Security had a face off with them soon after but wanted nothing to do with them. Slaughter drags Raine up and places her over his shoulder as Eddie says something to him in Russian, not much but something. Slaughter nods and exits meaning whatever match they were having, will no longer be happening. Eddie drags Parker up and then tells him to make sure his Justice Bringers stand down to avoid certain death. Parker refuses and is booted in the face again for his troubles.

Outcome: Tyler is seen later trying to calm down the situation as he actually had the security follow Slaughter as he was going outside the arena with a hurting Raine. Tyler York knew how it went for Lauren and didn't want Raine disappearing for the next few weeks. Slaughter wasn't listening as he just opens his trunk to his car then puts Raine inside, slamming it closed. After that he just stood off with security as this tense moment remained this way for the time being. 


Matthew Taylor vs Eddie McGinlay
Stipulation: Non title / Falls Count Anywhere
Result: The war is truly on as chaos was everywhere after the Beasts had decided to strike first against the Justice Bringers. Matthew Taylor made his entrance like normal despite everything that went down as he is scheduled for a match with Eddie McGinlay, the man who has attacked him on a number of occasions. He was bandaged up but that never stopped Taylor from fighting, it never would. He continues on and soon is left waiting.

The wait wasn't long as Eddie did make his way out, blood on his hands from what just happened. He is ready to get more blood as he is really isn't here to mess around. The Beasts Of War are not going to be a joke, you can tell that already. Eddie is more powerful than he ever was. You could just tell by how aggressive he has become during his time away. It's hard to believe this is the same man who used to date Ciara Fierce. 

He shows no mercy as he goes after Taylor's ribs and we get a massive one sided beatdown for the opening few minutes of this. Taylor as good as he is, IS injured and Eddie is the best he has ever been. It's a bad thing this match was a falls count anywhere as they end up getting out the ring. Eddie breaks Taylor through the side barrier with a spear. He hits him over the head with the ring bell and he pulls the top layer of the table away. 

Fortunately Taylor fights back right when he's at risk of going through another table. He uses his experience and instinct to make sure he gets his punches in, his hits in. He even manages to drop kick Eddie at the right moment that knocks him back first into the ring post. It was the most cheered Taylor has got in a long while. Maybe he has won his following back despite losing it when he sided back up with Diane Murphy. As gorgeous as she is, the fans know she is a bitch.

The fight ends up going through the crowd, right up the stairs and even into one of the VIP boxes. Matthew throws Eddie right up against it, smashing through the glass and doing some damage at last. Eddie is almost defeated after that but is able to kick out despite his back being cut from all the glass. He is truly a monster as he managed the pain better than most would. Still he got his ass kicked a little more as Taylor lays in the punches. 

They ended up back in the ring after an extended fight. When back in the ring Eddie turned the tide, punches him several times in the gut. It was enough to leave him weak and he ends up setting him up then dropping him on the head for the Tartan Tomb [Tombstone]. It kept Taylor down for the three count and gave the Scot a big victory. 

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  • Rank:Diamond Member
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  • From:United Kingdom
  • Register:12/31/2008 2:17 AM

Re:Dark Oasis #83

Date Posted:05/04/2021 10:21 PMCopy HTML

LOCATION: Toronto, Canada [TXW Arena]
DATE: Sunday 26th May 2019
GENERAL MANAGERS: Tyler York & Mike Hawk
THEME: "Scars" By In The Verse


Outcome: The situation is still going on outside the arena but back inside it, Pierce Kingsley is walking through the corridor. He stops when he sees who is waiting for him, it's Ciara Fierce and her manager J.T. Ciara says something but Pierce directly looked at the man he retired, the man he ended. He labels him Trevor and that is all he says. The name of his past victim. While there are monsters and beasts around TXW, there is only one Pierce Kingsley. Someone you feel always goes back to the top of the food chain, even when others sit there.


Johnny Mercer & Chloe Middleton vs Pierce Kingsley & Ciara Fierce w/ J.T Marshall
Stipulation: Tag Team Match
Result: The main event had all eyes on it, especially with so many questions. Like where are Johnny Mercer and Chloe Middleton? Neither had been seen all night and they weren't outside helping Parker. We even cut to a shot of Parker looking for Raine and he is furious. He gets outside just to see Slaughter in the drivers seat. The window rolls down and he says something in Russian then drives off. The Hacker rushes off and breaks into someone's car as he then gives chase, wanting to rescue his wife from the Beast. Turns out it was all a game of scare tactics as once Parker was gone, Wrath walks out with Raine over his shoulder. He drops her on the ground as she begins to stir. Wrath tells her to remember this as he is soon joined by Eddie. The Scot seems happy with his work as he leaves with Raine. 

Back at ringside Ciara Fierce had finished her entrance and was being hyped up by J.T. She is soon joined by Pierce Kingsley who looked ready to kill. Team work seemed unlikely here as everyone waits for the arrival of the other half of the Justice Bringers. Tonight they seemed like a fracture team and it seemed like it was for a reason.

Chloe did end up making her entrance, going as slowly as she could and lifting up her Global title. It was meant to be a ploy as Mercer slides in the ring with chain wrapped around his fist. He still has the marks from when Pierce used it against him and he wanted to give a taste of his own medicine. But this is Pierce Kingsley, he saw it coming and turned to block the punch then gave some of his own. Mercer is a great fighter but Pierce probably fought his way out of the womb. He headbutts Mercer and kept doing it into he drew blood. It made people cringe as it was a sickening sound. 

Ciara went after Chloe who was happy to fight her as they ended up doing so on the stage. Back in the ring Mercer was somehow on his feet but it looked like his eyes were looking in two different directions. He got headbutted again and this time he dropped, then used his survival instincts to get the hell out of there, even with the chain wrapped around his hand.

The women took over from this point as Mercer kept his distance from Pierce, who went after him. Chloe was getting her posh little bum kicked and Ciara was showing her a thing or two. It was fun to watch since most thought the Brit needed her nose knocked out of joint. Was happening here, almost embarrassingly. 

Chloe was set up for the exploder suplex but she suddenly was able to counter it into a inside cradle. The referee counts and Ciara didn't kick out after being caught off guard by it. She sat up shocked that Chloe has got lucky over her once again, like she is curse to lose to this woman no matter what. 

The Know It All got out of there as the cameras cut to Mercer who had made it backstage. He had retreated from his opponent and was just angry with how everything is going here. Pierce was possessed by the fight and Mercer knew he couldn't be a pussy. He turns around and decides to just fight him, laying into him with some hits from the chain. They did damage yet Pierce fought back like he was made of steel. It led to him hitting the Sister Abigail type move known as Debt Collector right to the concrete floor. Mercer was out cold and you think his days of being World Champion are coming to an end. Pierce Kingsley won't rest into he is at the top of the food chain once more as Dark Oasis ends. 

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