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Date Posted:05/04/2021 10:26 PMCopy HTML

LOCATION: Toronto, Canada
DATE: Sunday 18th August 2019
GENERAL MANAGER: Tyler York and Mike Hawk
THEME: "Scars" In The Verse


Outcome: Dark Oasis is underway as we're finally past Summer Mayhem as the road to Tokyo Terror begins. It was confirmed earlier in the night that the event in Tokyo will see a Japanese Death Match and a Slaughter house, should Slaughter retain his championship.

Raine vs Hope Sweet
Stipulation: Hardcore Match
Result: We kick things off with a match between the returning Hope Sweet and the Crimson Curse herself Raine. It promised to be bloody and it was, right away! Raine busts Hope open early with several hard hitting punches followed by a headbutt. It got her into the mood and she realized this is no ordinary opponent, Raine is one of TXW's best. The Hardcore Whore did find her way back into the fight which led to them being outside the ring. Once there Hope brought in some 'toys' which included a kendo stick, a table and a baseball bat. She broke the bat over Raine's back, smacked the red head across the ass several times with the kendo stick then proceeded to German suplex her through the table. All of that in a space of minutes and REALLY it should've ended the match.

Of course it didn't as this one continued with Hope breaking all the tables that were under the ring and Raine really was feeling it, even if she did kick out of several pin attempts that were to happen after the beating. 

They did end up back in the ring and it was there Raine hit the Sweet Sacrifice aka RKO. Normally that led to victory but Hope KICKED OUT! It got a loud cheer as they were all really enjoying this fight, especially after the company was away from Toronto for so long. Now that it's back home they are being treated to this hardcore match. 

The violence continues as Raine got hold of her dagger and ran it down Hope's back at one point. She got it knocked out her hand and was on the end of several hard hitting punches from the hardcore whore. Raine ends up in the corner, feeling all kinds of pain but also enjoying herself. Hope slaps the hell out of her chest and follows it up with punches, leading to the Crimson Curse being left sat in the corner.
Hope had all the momentum but all of a sudden Gabriel Hunter makes his way out. The Menace is proving to be one here as he holds up the Badass championship, the title he took from Hope. He is a very happy man and he got her attention. Hope opens the ropes and invites him to join her in the ring to be added to the fight. Of course he refuses and it seemed we were having a stand off.

This distraction proved costly as Raine grabbed a chair that had been left in the ring then smacks it right across Hope's back. She didn't drop but felt that. She then got turned around and is hit with Sweet Sacrifice aka RKO leading to the 1...2.....3!

Gabriel is pleased to see that as he got in the ring and stood over the hurt Hope. She looks up at him and suddenly reaches up then grabs him between the legs, making him cry out in agony. Hope did let go but only then Raine attacked him then hit a Sweet Sacrifice on him. The referee then counts down Gabriel's shoulders for the 5 to crown a brand new Badass champion! 

This moment gets a cheer as Raine helps up Hope and they raise each other's arms to show they had fun with that hardcore match. It also is fitting they just teamed up to take the title off of Gabriel. 
Outcome: Josh refuses to discuss any recent firings as he felt the company is ready to move on. Names would always leave and new names would be brought in. He mentioned how the company only got better once CJA and Jason White had retired. That wasn't a knock, but it let other names such as Pierce Kingsley and Tyrone Marshall become even bigger than they already were.

Isaiah Thorne vs Jacob Williams w/ Aubrey Hudson
Stipulation: Singles
Result: -Next we saw the man, the myth the legend known as Isaiah Thorne. For a man who didn't succeed at Summer Mayhem, he sure the hell didn't look like he had lost any confidence. If anything Isaiah had more confidence than ever as he went into battle with Jacob Williams. Jacob got the better of him early on, showing why he has been a multiple time Global champion. He also wanted to get back on track after losing some momentum by not getting to the final of the KOTR tournament. 

Jacob almost won it with a Vegas Strip aka Revolution Knee that led to a 2 and a half count. From there he continued to put the beating on Isaiah, wanting to make him lose that confidence. There isn't much Thorne can brag about if he keeps on losing matches . This is a real chance for him to win a big contest considering how Jacob can be the next World champion, if he uses his briefcase wisely. 

Here however he started to get frustrated as Isaiah kept fighting back from everything and didn't seem like he has broken a sweat. Jacob hits Butterfly lift twisting cutter, which as expected get a near fall as Aubrey even wondered what her man had to do.

Jacob called for the end aka Red Light [Superkick] and went for it, only for Isaiah to catch his foot then give him a superkick of his own. The Narcissist seemed to question how this man got the World title shot, as he is taking a lot yet surviving it all so far. 

Aubrey got pissed off and got on the apron, which distracted the referee. She then did her whole shoe trick where she kicks it off and tries to make sure Jacob gets a hold of it. Instead Isaiah saw this coming and he ends up with the shoe. Aubrey sees this at the last minute and is horrified , especially when Isaiah hits Jacob across the face. 

Sure it's just a shoe but its enough to do some damage with the force it was used. It allowed the former Global champion to set up then hit the Perfect Bomb [Blue Thunder Bomb]. Aubrey couldn't even distract the referee longer as he tells her to get down or risk disqualifying her boyfriend. Instead the referee counts down Jacob's shoulders when he turns around for the 1....2......3! 

After the match Aubrey is angry her tactic did not work and it has handed Jacob a second loss in a row. Maybe the couple need to talk about things going forward. As for Isaiah he is quickly asked by Jenny Gold if he is going to reveal his new target. He declines and instead heads to the back to reflect on his victory. 
Outcome: Raine is seen with Hope as they talk about what just happens. Hope asks if she can have a closer look at the title, which Raine seems fine with. Only then along comes Gabriel who pushes Raine right into Hope, who hits the wall. The Menace then grabs the title, nails Raine across the head with it then pins her for the 5 count to become champion once more. The Menace Of Manchester stands over the woman he defeated for a moment, just to mock her as she is still recovering from her war with Hope. Doing so is a mistake as Hope again low blows him which done enough to keep him down for the 5 count as the Hardcore Whore became the champ. 

Diamond Jackson & Rachel Slays vs Emilia Pruzzi & Scarlet De Luca
Stipulation: Women's Tag Team Titles

Result: The next part of the show saw the women's tag team titles on the line as we crowned our first set of champions. Emilia had her share of history with FAB, so this added to the match. The fans were behind the Italians, who looked to continue their unbeaten streak as a tag team. Rachel and Diamond had other ideas as they wanted to bring some gold back to FAB.

Diamond started out for her team and she really beat the shit out of Emilia, making people question if her head has ever been right since the kidnapping. She was put through a lot of pain and almost got pinned off a big boot. It is clear Rome's Rose needed to tag out, as she wasn't doing so well in this match up.
The leggy blonde didn't allow her to tag out, instead worked well with Rachel to hit her with a double backbreaker. They continued to work together, tagging each other in and out as the Golden Girl is fitting in well to the Fine Ass Biches. Angelina seems proud on the outside as she cheers them on as she wants to see them leave with the gold. 

Rachel who was a big fan favourite is extremely aggressive here, slapping the heck out of Emilia's face and planting her with a strong ddt. Slays tagged back out just as it looked like things might be coming to an end. 

The Heartless bitch set up and went to hit her finish, the Diamond Cutter [Belly To Back Inverted Mat Slam]. Only Emilia fought her way out of it, right when she was about to be lifted up. From there Scarlet is tagged in. Right away Scarlet connects with the Lights Out [Sitout Facebuster]! She had Diamond beat but Rachel made the save, kicking right at her. Slays then got to the apron and reaches in, really wanting Diamond to tag her right in.

Slays gets into the match, remembering clearly what Scarlet did at Summer Mayhem. She took the fight to her and knocked her in the corner, stomps away at her. She is perfectly set up for the Stink face and backs up about to use the move. Scarlet however pushes her away and got out the corner. She clubs Rachel with a hard right hand, grabs at her leg and trips her up. She then locks her into the Modified Figure four best known as Drop The Beat! 

The move caused Rachel great pain and she wasn't saved by Diamond, as Emilia rushed in and knocked her down before she had the chance. Rachel held on but in the end the move is just far too painful, so she taps out. The new Women's tag team champions are Scarlet De Luca and Emilia Pruzzi! 

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  • Rank:Diamond Member
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  • Register:12/31/2008 2:17 AM

Re:Dark Oasis #86

Date Posted:05/04/2021 10:26 PMCopy HTML

LOCATION: Toronto, Canada
DATE: Sunday 18th August 2019
GENERAL MANAGER: Tyler York and Mike Hawk
THEME: "Scars" In The Verse

Outcome: Hope Sweet is walking around with confidence after she won the Badass Championship. She heads to catering knowing full well that Gabriel will be after her, he is always after the title. She sat down at a table only to be served a cake by Chef Marvin of all people. She seems to be enjoying it into Gabriel ends up attacking her with a chair. He then pushes her face into the cake then suplexes on the floor. After that he covers her and gets another 5 count to reclaim the title. However his actions weren't so pleasing for the Chef, who uses the dish and smacks him over the head with it. It left Gabriel flat on his back but instead of Hope covering him, it was Vincent Underwood who had been near catering too. Cover made and he got a 5 count to become a champion once more. 

It didn't end there as Blair skips over and asks Vincent if Ducky can have the title. The Bastard seemed unsure at first but he then gave into Blair's cute face. He lays down and Blair puts the duck on top of him as the referee looked confused. Blair screams at him and he gets scared of her so does the job. The 5 count is counted as Ducky becomes the new Badass champion! Blair picks up the title and ducky then skips away.

Dean Creed w/ Queen Chloe vs Gage Steele w/ Tara Malice
Stipulation: Singles
Result: Creed faced Gage Steele next as both wanted to recover from what went down at Summer Mayhem. It started with Creed firing out the blocks, looking to get one over Gage for that semi final loss. The big distraction at ringside is of course the 'Queen' Chloe Middleton at ringside. She seems to be boosted from that victory, even if people are wondering what is going to happen next. What is the next target?

In the ring Creed soon found it tough against Gage as he is a lot younger than the One Man Army. He throws him about and hits a belly to belly suplex, just to show he is in this fight. Gage has already defeated Creed once and you could tell he was confident of winning yet again. Tara is out there, watching over the Queen and making sure she has no role to play in this one. Turns out she didn't have any role to play as Gage set up a rope hung triangle choke, attempting to choke out Creed. While it did choke him, it also gave him an opportunity to win the match. The opportunity isn't one he passed up as he manages to use his raw strength to lift Gage up from the other side of the ropes, hoist him into a seated position on his shoulders and then spin around for the Creed bomb! Cover made and the match ends right there as they tie things up 1-1 in terms of head to head.

The 'Queen' joins him in the ring and raises his hand as they seem very cozy with one another. A victorious moment here tonight but an important win all the same for the Knight of the realm. What happens next remains to be seen, but this will have been a confidence boost for Creed who gets a big win, a first one in what must feel like a while. 

Outcome: The 'Queen' Chloe Middleton is with her 'Knight' Dean Creed, who happily kissed her on camera as Jenny Gold approaches them. They ask her what comes next as normally the King goes on to become a champion. She is confronted by Raine, who successfully got through a hardcore match. The Crimson Curse claimed Chloe only got her success because of her, mentioning how she had got her to join the Justice Bringers. Chloe went to say something but Raine pushes her over , forcing Creed to step in the middle. The One Man Army told her to run along to her husband and never put her hands on Chloe again. Raine hissed then said it wasn't over between them.


Dakota Huntress & Tara Malice w/ Mike Malice vs Roxanne Marshall & Tyrone Marshall
Stipulation: Tag Team Match
Result: Eyes were on Dakota Huntress aka Miss Mayhem and new Women's champion Roxanne Marshall in this one, mostly because they achieved big moments at Summer Mayhem. Here they were in a tag team match. It started with Tara and Roxy fighting it out, with the Brit looking determined to get one back over the woman who beat her. Tara is a vicious woman and clearly had no love for Roxy. At one stage she throws her into the corner, ran over then jumped to ram her knee right into the face of the champion.

Most of the match went that way as Tara chose to work on Roxy's knee. She even pulled her knee pad away at one point and really wanted to rip her leg off. Tara has never been Women's champion or held a title that has been exclusively hers, so Summer Mayhem clearly got to her. She's out for Roxy's blood here and it would be a fight Roxy needed to be ready for.

Luckily she is a Marshall, so she kept fighting through the pain barrier and kept kicking out at every fall Tara attempted to make. Roxy began a fight back as she has that strong heart which gives her something extra in all fights. She also overcame the danger of Tara once before, so she is going to try it again. 

After a back and forth, Tyrone was brought into the match. He wanted Dakota and he got her as she never got the chance to defeat him. After all it was Ashley who eliminated him. Here he wanted to get his win back after going on a losing run. 2019 also hasn't been his year after his heights in 2018, he'll want one big moment to happen this year. 

Despite his size and power, Dakota is a difficult woman to fight. She has the experience and seems more fired up now she has won the Mayhem elimination contest. Many ruled her out of doing anything major in the company, yet she has a chance of gaining any title shot she wants. 

Dakota later survives a Seeing Red superman punch, all thanks to Tara and ends up bringing her back into the match. Tara locks up with Roxy again, attempts to Pedigree her but Roxy ends up hitting the Fox Trot aka Straight Jacket Neckbreaker Slam to secure the win. It's also the second time that Roxy has got the pin on Tara. 

The Marshall's win here as Tyrone raises his sisters hand. Tara rolls out and looks furious considering how much she really wants the women's title around her waist. 

Outcome: The Menace of Manchester is seeking for Blair Black, desperately to get back the Badass championship. He kept looking around and he is surprised to find a door marked ducky's home. He decides to open the door and it turns out this is the boiler room. Oddly he found Blair down here and she is in a bath tub, full of water and is playing around with ducks. She's naked in there too but decided to cover her chest when she saw the camera man and Gabriel. The wacky Blair told him why is he interrupting Ducky time! She seemed mad but the Menace wanted the title back. 

He ends up reaching into the bathtub and took out one of the rubber ducks. He then drops it on the floor and steps right on it , telling the referee to count. Blair is horrified as the referee does count and he regains the title for a fifth time. Gabriel tells the psycho to enjoy her time with the ducks as he turns his back then looked like he was going to leave. 

That's into Blair jumps on his back and bites his ear, causing him a lot of pain. It was like being attacked by an animal, but thankfully he shook her off and got out the room with his ear in one piece. He is then left surprised when outside he is confronted by Calvin Bateman and Rosemary Price. He starts backing away only to end up being low blowed yet again by Hope Sweet. She pins him again and gets back the title in what surely is the final title change of the night.


Nick Gallagher vs Ciara Fierce w/ J.T Marshall
Stipulation: Singles / Non Title
Result: Next Ciara was out for revenge as she took on Nick Gallagher in a non title match. At Summer Mayhem Nick decided to attack Ciara, breaking her finger in the process. Here she wanted to break his face and put him at the back of the line.

This time she appeared without J.T, who decided not to be involved this time around. Nick didn't have Frank either, so it really was a singles battle between them. Right from the bell Ciara fired at him with very angry hits, mostly forearms to the face. It was the wrong way to approach this as Nick kicked her knee, grabbed her hand then pulls back her wrist. He then grabs her finger and bends it the wrong way. It left Ciara in agony as Mr Nasty had her at his mercy.

Nick kept working on her body parts, looking to see what he can bend. The champ didn't just roll over as she kept trying to fight back. She got in some forearms, plugging away into she can get this guy on his back and out of the match. Ciara didn't become the champion for nothing as she has got past some difficult challenges. 

In the end however it wasn't enough as Nick bends back her fingers one more time when she went to punch him. That led to him setting up then hitting the Nasty End [Sitout Tombstone Piledriver] to hand Ciara her first loss in a little while. After the match Nick stepped on Ciara's hand then proceeded to tell her tick tock, referring to her title reign coming to an end.

Outcome: The 'Rebel' Ashley Ricci is being investigated in the ring as they look to figure out who is responsible for the office attacks. When Ashley pleaded her innocence, she only got half the vote as both Mike and Josh felt she wasn't responsible. Jake and Tyler took another stand as the co gm called for her suspension into they can officially rule her out. The Badass disagreed as he was the one leading the investigation and decided to clear Ashley. She smirked only for the screen to interrupt with a loud nails down a chalk board type noise then static. It then showed 'First Son' once more which led Josh to decided to roll out the ring then rush to the production truck.

He went alone as he got all the way backstage and then gets to the truck. What's at the truck? Inside just a bunch of scared looking crew members along with some blood on the wall. Josh questioned who it was but all they could say is it was someone who wore a mask, a mask that looked like someone's face.


Ashley Ricci vs Chris Slaughter (C)
Stipulation: Legacy Championship
Result: -The main event was all about Ashley getting her title match against newly crowned Chris Slaughter. She was already out there waiting for him after being cleared by Josh over attacking the offices. But as she was there staring at the screen, Eddie comes through the crowd. He climbs over the barricade and catches Ashley's attention. The newly crowned World champion stands out the ring, without his title as he looked to add her to his list of victims. Slaughter made his way out at the same time, which made it difficult for Ashley to chose who to focus on. She chose Slaughter and that ended with her being attacked by Eddie. He drops her on her head for the Tartan Tomb [Tombstone] then rolls out the ring. This is his way of making light work of her as he is pleased to have damaged her like this. 
Slaughter got in, hands his title over and the referee wasn't even sure if he should start the match. Ashley's stubborn cry to start it was the only reason he did. While Ashley stood up she is grabbed by the throat by the Son Of Perdition. He then throws her right across the ring as she became his plaything. 

Ashley is thrown about and puts up no fight what so ever as she had nothing left in her after that tombstone. Vicious forearm shots busted Ashley open and then locked in the Bear Hug aka Death Grip. The Rebel screams but in the end she couldn't get out of the hold and she ends up passing out, giving Slaughter his first defense. 

After the bell, Eddie drags Ashley out and puts her over his shoulder. Is he going to kidnap her? Many thought so into Josh came out to put an end to this, reminding him of what happened to Wrath. He also threatened to strip them both of the titles. Eddie put down Ashley after that but only to then see Josh covered in blood as it fell from above him. The message is there again on screen followed by a flash of what the person looks like. The Beasts seemed unmoved but Josh had to handle the fact he is covered in blood. 

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