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Date Posted:05/04/2021 10:27 PMCopy HTML

LOCATION: Toronto, Canada
DATE: Sunday 1st September 2019
GENERAL MANAGER: Tyler York and Mike Hawk
THEME: "Scars" In The Verse


Outcome: Dark Oasis #87 is here as Josh opens the show up with his fellow members of management in Tyler York , Mike Hawk and Jake Nightingale. They discuss recent events and then discuss the big one, the fact that someone is causing mayhem in the company. The Badass vows to figure out who the person is by the end of the night as he faces his first real test as president. 

Ciara Fierce (c) vs Nick Gallagher 
Stipulation: Global Championship
Result: The match to kick off the show was between Ciara Fierce and Nick Gallagher for the Global championship. When this one got going, Ciara attacked with aggression as she wanted to get pay back on the man who broke her finger and has generally been a pain in the ass. The champion really takes the fight to Nick, even working on his arm AND getting some revenge by stamping on his hand at one point during the match. She also showed how strong she can be by hitting a sidewalk slam on Nick, which led to a near fall. 

Mr Nasty did fight back and starts attacking at the broken finger of Ciara, it's a target. He then grabbed another one of her fingers and looked like he was going to break another. That forced the champion to end up hitting him with a low blow, to avoid another broken finger. It gave Nick the win but only by DQ and the Irish beauty is pissed off. She got on top of Nick and starts hitting him with her forearm, knocking out his mouth guard and busting him open after about twenty hits. 

The referee had to pull her away as she had Nick's blood on her forearm. Despite all of this , Nick sat up and starts laughing. The referee held back Ciara as Tyler York walks on out. He then sets up a match for the two of them at Tokyo Terror which will see them face off in a Japanese Death Match.
Outcome: Ahead of his match next, Isaiah is asked about whether or not he plans on telling the world what he is aiming for next. Isaiah just went on to talk about himself and completely ignores the question. He then said Gabriel will only take less than five minutes to defeat, which will give Isaiah the rest of the night for himself. 

Isaiah Thorne vs Gabriel Hunter
Stipulation: Singles
Result: Isaiah got match next as he faced off with the man who is obsessed with the Badass championship, that man is Gabriel Hunter. He fought Isaiah like you expect, with pure anger in every strike. He uses his power to do a lot of damage to Isaiah as he looks to try and get back to winning ways. Just when it looked like he was about to win, he chose unwisely when going for a standing hurricanrana which led to the Perfect Bomb being hit [Blue Thunder Bomb]. That led to the win for Isaiah as he continues his winning run. 

Right after the bell he is questioned again by Jenny but he again gave no answer, instead talking about how he is a man of his word and how no one can question Isaiah.
Outcome: Andrew Parker aka the Justice Bringer vows to Tyler York and Mike Hawk that he can figure out who is terrorizing TXW. He even puts a list of prime suspects on the wall which includes CJA, Jason White, Michelle Wright and even Aleksandr Grigory. He claims the old faces usually turn up every year, especially CJA and Jason White. They can't let go of the past. Mike and Tyler thought about it but they weren't so sure. Parker vowed to continue his investigation. 

Emilia Pruzzi & Scarlet De Luca (C) vs Zoey & Tara Jeanne
Stipulation: Women's Tag Team Titles

Result: The newly crowned champions defended their titles next against Asian Sensation which is Zoey and Tara Jeanne. The challengers looked good to start off with as Tara made light work of Emilia. She used her experience to control large portions of the opening in this match up. Scarlet looked worried for her friend, as this looked like the second time where things weren't quite right. Fortunately it did get better as Emilia managed to show some fight, doing a lot of damage to Tara and showing why she is a multiple time Women's champion. 

Later Scarlet and Zoey were tagged, allowing them to fight it out for a little bit. Zoey had the fans support , mostly because she is one of the nicest people inside and outside the ring. She really did want the tag team titles and Scarlet was on the end of many of her moves. Zoey is another who is a multiple time Women's champion, even holding it recently.  

All of this forced Scarlet to tag out, which led to the end as Emilia came in with extra fire, then finished off Zoey with the Rose's Are Red to retain the titles for the team. It's a good moment for the new champions, even if they are interrupted by Blair, who decided to skip on out and goes around the ring. 

That left the Italians confused into Rose attacked them both from behind with a double clothesline. Blair giggles on the outside as Rose lifts up Emilia and hits her with the Reap What You Sow. She then hit the same on Scarlet as Blair joins her back in the ring, just to skip around and show the Italians, a new team has emerged to challenge them next. 

Outcome: Hope talks it out with Raine, while talking about the match that is coming up next. They had a good battle last week, one that both enjoyed. Neither were interested in fighting for the Badass title, at least not right now. Raine went off to make her entrance while Gabriel suddenly uses his chance to attack the Hardcore Whore. He attempts to throw her into the wall but she fights out of it then starts fighting him off. She throws him up against the door then smiles, saying she had missed him. 

They fight some more into Hope is the last one standing. When she turns around, she barges right into Creed who seemed to be on his way for his match. He shook his head then suddenly pushes Hope against the wall, holding in place. Chloe is then there as she smacks Hope right across the back of the head with a chair to lay her out. The Queen put one foot on Hope as she lay down and got a humiliating pin on her to capture the Badass championship for the first time. Queen Chloe looked glowing in her golden dress and now the newly won championship.

Dean Creed w/ Queen Chloe vs Raine
Stipulation: Singles
Result: Raine is already in the ring ahead of what came next, a match with the Knight of the Realm Dean Creed. The former World champion has taken a liking to the newly crowned Queen, that is easy for everyone to see. To add to everything she now has a championship that is hers after winning the Badass championship off of Hope. You just knew the Hardcore Whore wasn't going to forget about that at all, simply because it's not in her DNA. 

That aside, the clash between Raine and Creed was everything you expect considering how both are very successful. Creed overpowered her and really did some damage, even hitting multiple back breakers and then a spinebuster at one point. The Queen is pleased as she knew what an incredible talent Creed is. The One Man Army continued to have the control, aiming to put Raine to the sword once again. He really put her back through a lot of punishment and wanted to show her that she is useless without the Justice Bringers, especially without an ally like Chloe Middleton. 

All of a sudden Hope Sweet makes her presence at ringside, not about to forget what happened backstage. She confronts the Queen, who didn't back down from her. She actually kicked her knee, forcing her to one and then kicks off her heel just to shove her foot right into her face. Clearly the Queen of the ring wants everyone to bow before her and kiss her foot. Hope didn't take kindly to that, getting up then getting in her face. A slap was blocked and Hope slaps her back then starts knife edge chopping her right across the chest. Since it's Hope, she claws at the top of the Queen's dress and pulled down the top to give Chloe a nasty shock when her tits are exposed. Just because she covered up, doesn't mean Hope didn't get a lot of shots to her face. That's how you humiliate someone back. 

It caught the eye of Creed, who rolls out the ring then gets in Hope's face. He gets her away from the Chloe as he goes over and helps with her 'wardrobe malfunction'. It led to Hope smiling at Raine, who distracted the referee. Hope then low blows Creed, throws him into the ring allowing the former Justice Bringer to then win the match off the Sweet Sacrifice RKO! After the bell Hope ends up tearing off Chloe's dress as she lay there placing her hands over her chest, it left her in her underwear and Hope got payback by putting her foot on the Queen's arms that are over her chest. She knew she wouldn't kick out, which she didn't. That's the way you get payback. 


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  • Register:12/31/2008 2:17 AM

Re:Dark Oasis #87

Date Posted:05/04/2021 10:27 PMCopy HTML

LOCATION: Toronto, Canada
DATE: Sunday 1st September 2019
GENERAL MANAGER: Tyler York and Mike Hawk
THEME: "Scars" In The Verse

Outcome: Creed is pretty pissed off backstage as he had helped Chloe to the back after giving her his shirt. The dress she had on was over the Knight's arm but they had no time to put it back on her from the walk from the ring. Jenny tried to approach but Creed never let her get close. Instead he answers and says Hope stepped on the wrong toes, the games are over.

Dakota Huntress vs Tyrone Marshall
Stipulation: Singles
Result: Miss Mayhem battles next as she took on Tyrone Marshall. The Bull was more than ready to send a message as he knew how important this win was going to be, if he could get it. From the way it started it looked like a quick night for him as he almost won off an early Wrecked aka World's Strongest Slam. 

Dakota fought on from the brink and showed why she won the big match at Summer Mayhem to begin with. In the end she avoided a Snapper and won off a sudden roll up. It continued her momentum, even if the finish was mostly unexpected. 

After the bell Tyrone really did see Red as he went on the attack, managing to hit his Snapper on Dakota after all. He lifted her up and then hit the Seeing Red aka Superman Punch as he looked to do as much damage as possible. The attack was one Tyrone had no regrets about as he drags out the veteran, carries her over to the announcers table and is about to put her through it. 

The only thing that stopped him was the fact Malice and Steele rushed out to make the save, using their numbers to put down the Bull. His only help was Roxanne Marshall, who attempted to save her brother. But she gets ambushed on the stage by Tara, who damages the knee of the women's champion. It was a bad move for the champion and a bad moment overall for the Marshall family. 

Outcome: The cameras catch Eddie McGinlay and Chris Slaughter just outside their room. Eddie has kicked the door off it's hinges and seems very mad about something. He approaches the cameras and informs them that Wrath was attacked while in prison , left in a comatose state. He knows Pierce Kingsley is responsible and labels him a criminal. He said that their first meeting was all about showing him who the real monster is. The next battle will be where Pierce Kingsley is exposed to the world for what he really is. He vows to damage him tonight inside the cage and show no amount of danger will scare off Eddie McGinlay. 


Tara Malice vs Roxanne Marshall
Stipulation: Singles / Non Title
Result: The next match looked to be at risk when Roxanne was still at ringside having her knee assessed. Tara had stripped out of her jacket and seems eager to fight. She had her brother Mike, Dakota and Gage Steele all there with her as Tyrone had recovered. Right now he was checking on his sister as she had a big match, a big fight on her hands. 

The match did eventually get started as Roxanne fought through the pain to have the match with Tara. The champion fought well despite her bad knee and had Tara on the ropes many times. She also had the support of Tyrone, who has a lot of problems with those at ringside. It also helped the fans are fully behind the Women's champion as she looked to continue her winning ways. 

In the end a lot of mayhem happened around the ringside area, which involved Mike Malice and Gage Steele. They provoked Tyrone which led to a fight and more importantly a distraction for Roxanne. It led to Tara hitting the Pedigree for the win, to gain a big non title victory over the champion. More fighting happened, which did end up involving Denzel Brown. In the end Tyler York made a four vs four match for next show, if Tyrone, Denzel and Roxanne can find another partner. That remains to be seen.

Outcome: The Justice Bringer Andrew Parker attempts to question Pierce Kingsley, since he is leading the investigation. Pierce had no interest in answering questions and pushes Parker away. He seemed to have no care about being labelled a criminal and also had no comments on the news that has hit, Wrath was attacked in prison. Did that have anything to do with Kingsley? Eddie seemed to think so.


Ashley Ricci & Pierce Kingsley vs Chris Slaughter & Eddie McGinlay
Stipulation: Tag Team Cage Match
Result: The big main event match came next as the Beasts were locked in the cage with the Rebel and the Fixer, or as Eddie calls him 'the Fallen King'. Ashley fought it out with Slaughter, the man who defeated her on the last show to end her Legacy title hopes. It didn't seem to stop her getting into fights with him and despite how good she is, Slaughter easily throws her around due to the big size difference. It wasn't enjoyable to see Ashley struggle to deal with the mammoth Beast. 

Even if that fight was good, it wasn't THE fight people were paying to see. Eddie and Pierce near killed each other last time and this was no different. They didn't wrestle, they fought and really punched into each other. Pierce might be smaller but you wouldn't know it judging by how hard they hitting each other. It's a fight Pierce ended up getting the upper hand with, leaving Eddie leaning against the cage. Pierce then charges at him and hits him with such force, the side of the cage gave way and they fell out the ring! It's a stunning moment which left the officials very confused with what happens next. 

Inside the ring Ashley's speed was saving her from more punishment as she used what was left of the cage to throw herself at Slaughter. One crossbody off it worked, another did not as she is caught, lifted up and locked into the Bearhug. It defeated her last time and looked like it might defeat her again as she screams in agony at having her body crushed in Slaughter's big arms. She held on so long that blood started coming out her mouth as the fans started to worry about her general health, wondering if she is going to explode into a big puddle of blood. 

Her savior this time? Pierce Kingsley who got back in the ring and punches the hell out of Slaughter to get him to release the Rebel. Pierce had already laid out Eddie and looked to be doing the same thing with Slaughter. It was a good fight but it's one that was won by the former World champion who was able to pin Slaughter down after the Debt Collector [Sister Abigail followed by moonsault]. It was pure carnage at the end of the show as McGinlay and Kingsley are left staring at one another.

Outcome: Tyler York , Josh Nightingale and Andrew Parker are all discussion what they have figured out about the mysterious attacker. Josh did briefly discuss what a mess TXW has become, even under his leadership as President. Only they then notice that Mike hadn't turned up like planned since he did say he'd be a little longer. Josh looks at his watch and realizes how long it has been. They have been in this office for half an hour discussing things. Suddenly they hear a scream from the hall as all of them rush out, run down the corridor and see Zoey looking distraught as she has found Mike. There is blood on the wall, Mike is tied to a chair and dressed in lace, his mouth is gagged and their are sex objects everywhere. On the wall near the blood you see pictures of all those who have been a friend with benefit over the years. Josh checks his pulse and he is breathing. Zoey is relived as she hugs her boyfriend as they all suddenly hear a laugh. Parker rushes out but can't see anyone. Dark Oasis then ends with TXW's new found terror, continuing. 


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