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Date Posted:05/04/2021 10:28 PMCopy HTML

LOCATION: Toronto, Canada
DATE: Sunday 15th September 2019
THEME: "Scars" In The Verse


Outcome: Dark Oasis begins as we get a recap of the previous show. Last week Rais struck and tormented Mike Hawk. It led to panic and fear across the roster as people questioned if they were the target next. Security has locked down the building and Josh has advised Tyler York to carry a weapon with him seeing how he is currently the last Dark Oasis GM standing. In other news the World Champion spent time on lockdown due to the heated tension between him and Pierce. After Wrath was left in a coma, it's feared things will get out of hand between the two. It's why they have been kept apart even if they are both in the same building tonight.

Ciara Fierce w/ J.T Marshall vs Isaiah Thorne
Stipulation: Pick Your Poison / Nick's choice
Result: The opening match was a non title match between Ciara Fierce and Isaiah Thorne, with Nick Gallagher picking the stipulation. Nick chose for the champion to wrestle with one arm tied behind her back in what would give her a major disadvantage. Isaiah may have lost to her recently but you'd never know it judging by his confidence. He got a little too confident of winning which led to Ciara showing him she can still him in her face, even with one hand.

 Isaiah grabbed control eventually as he is far too talented to be beaten by an opponent who had one hand tied behind her back. He gave her a hard time and showed no mercy as he wanted to show why he is one of the best TXW has ever seen. 

Along the way Isaiah talks trash and kept telling Ciara who he is, how good he is etc. He hits a 1,2 (Superkick / Pendulum elbow) , drags her up then hits the Perfect Bomb (Blue Thunder Bomb) for the 1,2,3!

Isaiah gets his win back over Ciara, even if she had a disadvantage. After Isaiah tried to rub salt in the wounds but J.T is still out there to stop that from happening. Isaiah still had a lot to say and left in a good mood. Maybe if he wants it could've put him back in the hunt for the Global title. But of course he still doesn't tell anyone his plans for what is to come next, choosing to keep it to himself. 
Outcome: Hope and Raine are seen talking while wearing crowns, just to mock the Queen and her Knight. They seem in good spirits despite having a match against one another recently. Hope is a casual person, so it's no surprise she isn't enemies with Raine. She IS enemies with Gabriel Hunter however, as he ends up rushing over and Raine got in the way of his chair. Hope then starts fighting him off as they fight down the corridor. Gabriel ends up besting her and ends up slamming her down right onto the floor. He pushes over a table onto her then sits on it as the referee counts down the champion's shoulders. Gabriel rushes off once he has become Badass champion once more. 

Ashley Ricci vs Angelique
Stipulation: Spanking Match
Result: Of course when Tyler gained more control, he decided to throw Ashley in a gimmick match. It's a big change from her last battles with Slaughter and Eddie McGinlay inside a steel cage. Ash still walked out with a smirk, even if she is up against a very determined Angelique. The former FAB member has a bright future and isn't interested in being squashed by Ashley, especially in a spanking match. 

Once the bell starts, Angelique attacks Ashley with many aggressive attacks. She outwrestles and out fights her early. She treated this as a match despite it being a gimmick one and works on Ashley's legs, attempting to cause her issues going forward. If she hurt her long term, it wouldn't be a problem of her. Angelique isn't here to be just another name on the roster. 

We soon see the quality of Ashley as she starts her comeback, throwing Angelique around and we even get a spot where she jumps from the top to land on her fellow blonde with a high knee. The fans are right behind her as they always are and Ashley starts kicking some ass herself. 

It's a lot closer than people thought but Angelique is a determined competitor, even against a former World champion. She is impressing and giving Ashley a far harder test than some might've fought. She just kept fighting back and hit a nasty looking backbreaker late in the match, leaving a reminder for The Rebel to feel much later. 

A knee to the face later rocks Ricci and allowed her to be set up for the Canadian Destroyer. But Ashley counters it into an Alabama slam which made Angelique land hard on her back. She is then dragged up hit with the Edge of Ricci [Razor's Edge] which did more for the back damage. Angelique is lifted once more, put over Ashley's knee then has her tights pulled down allowing the Rebel to slap her ass to win the match!

Ashley looked tired after the win and had actually let her opponent go after the first spank. After Angelique had pulled her tights back up, she is offered a handshake of Ashley. The former FAB member slapped her hand away however then stormed away as she isn't one to take a loss well. 
Outcome: The holder of the World title shot Jacob Williams is interviewed backstage. He is asked all about whether or not he will use the main event to make it a title match, he is capable of doing so. Jacob refused to answer the question but did suggest tonight's main event is a preview of what is to come. While many fear Eddie, he does not. He aims to be at the top of TXW very soon. 

Emilia Pruzzi w/ Scarlet De Luca vs Blair Black w/ Rosemary Price
Stipulation: Bathtub match

Result: The return of a match no one expected, the bathtub match. Match is simple as there is a bathtub full of room temperature water and all you had to do is throw your opponent in the bath, naked. It happened to Kelly Nightingale and now Blair will look to make sure it's Emilia who has a bath. 

Blair and Rosemary came skipping out as they looked to be in a good mood. That's into they are attacked on the way to the ring by the Ferocious Italians, who weren't holding back. Emilia targets Blair and Irish whips her right into the barricade. Scarlet mean while knocks Rosemary on her ass and rubs it in by doing a moon walk. 

Rome's Rose says something in Italian as she angrily kept attacking Blair, throwing her into the barricade again. Emilia connects with Rose's are red (Falling Powerbomb) right onto the stage just as Scarlet hits Rosemary with Lights Out (Sitout Facebuster) as they laid out the would be challengers. They get booed for this but neither seemed to care as they wanted to be seen as a force to be feared, women you don't want to fuck with.

Blair is hurt and it's sad for the fans to see. Emilia didn't care as she goes over and starts stripping her out her clothes. She takes them all off then drags Blair by the hair and ends up throwing her into the bathtub. It won the match for Rome's Rose but it didn't stop Scarlet from stripping down Rosemary naked too then throwing her into the tub too. They kick it over after and then back away looking very pleased with themselves. Emilia shouts out more in Italian as we have seen what they really are capable of here. 
Outcome: Justice himself is seen backstage as he is holding two batons and on the look out for Rais. He challenged him despite being a very dangerous man to mess with. The attack on TXW is done by him alone which shows how impressive it is. Parker ends up seeing Gabriel chatting up some make up ladies as he brags about the Badass title he just won. Parker ends up seeing his wife sneaking down the corridor and about to make the jump. He decides to beat her too it and hits Gabriel right in the face with the Baton. Instead of going for the title he looks at his wife and is happy when she rushes over then pins the Menace for the 5 to win the title. The Justice Bringers might be done but Parker is always willing to help his wife.

Nick Gallagher vs Pierce Kingsley
Stipulation: Pick Your Poison / Ciara's choice
Result: Nick sent his message later when he put Ciara into a match with one arm tied behind her back. Flash forward to now and it's Ciara's turn to pick what match type Mr Nasty had to go through. It wasn't going to be easy, even if he had no poison to go through. Just happens he is fighting Pierce Kingsley who is gunning for Eddie McGinlay at all costs. 

What did the Global champion choose? Well she went with a stipulation that sees Nick Gallagher wearing a blindfold to go up against one of the most dangerous men on the roster. It would make most people fear for their lives. But Nick seemed prepared for it, fired up even as he tells Pierce to not hit him like a pussy.

 It isn't the best request, even if Pierce ends up giving him what he wants as for the next few minutes he just punches the hell out of him. Anyone else might want to stay down and go on to fight another day. Not Nick however as Mr Nasty wanted to leave an impression considering he is in the ring with someone who was recently named best of all time in TXW history. That's a big award, even with the company still with life ahead of it over the next couple of years. Nick was a stubborn opponent as he kept kicking out when pin attempts were made. But in the end his poison just put him on the back foot and he is put away with the Say 10 Spike (Pop Up Double Backbreaker). 

Pierce surprisingly just decided to leave after his win, looking to save his anger and the punishment for Eddie McGinlay. Nick managed to recover, only for Ciara to rush out and go on the attack. She locked him in The Tweak The Arm (Disarmher Armbar) as she looked to break the arm! Nick was able to get out of it before that happened but it hurt his arm and made him back away from the furious Irish lass. She got some payback there and is more than ready to face him again for the title.


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  • Register:12/31/2008 2:17 AM

Re:Dark Oasis #88

Date Posted:05/04/2021 10:28 PMCopy HTML

LOCATION: Toronto, Canada
DATE: Sunday 15th September 2019
GENERAL MANAGER: Tyler York and Mike Hawk
THEME: "Scars" In The Verse


Outcome: The Beasts are seen for the first time as Eddie steps out his room. He is approached by Jenny Gold who asked him about the main event, while also the problems that have been increasing with Pierce Kingsley. Eddie stuck by his words and vowed to expose Pierce for who he truly is. He'll put the so called best ever out the title picture for good as it's time for a new face at the top of the mountain, his face. The Glasgow Monster wasn't threatened by Jacob Williams either , who he calls a fish out of water.
Dean Creed & Chloe Middleton vs Hope Sweet & Raine
Stipulation: Hardcore Tag Team Match
Result: The next match is a hardcore match which suited both Raine and Hope Sweet just fine. Many wondered if it suited the newly crowned Queen Chloe. She came out determined as she and Creed carried weapons to the ring, aiming to punish both Hope and Raine for everything they have done. It's never a good thing to disrespect the Queen. 

When the match starts, Chloe shows up all her frustration by taking a swing at Hope. She had a kendo stick and intends to use it, break it and break Hope. Hope seems to be enjoying seeing the violent side of Chloe, who is missing all of her shots thus far. It sure was frustrating for the queen. 

While that happened Creed gets the better of Raine, gets her out the ring then ends up throwing her right against the side of the announcers table. Many might forget who he is just because Chloe calls him a Knight. He's not a drone who serves, he kicks ass and has his own plans. He's invested in this as he wants to kick Raine's ass after her recent wins over him. You could tell he is angry by the fact he goes under the ring and grabs a baseball bat wrapped in barbed wire! He then ends up hitting Raine across the head with it to take her out the match pretty much. 

That led to Creed teaming up with his Queen as they finally got to hit Hope with weapons. Chloe breaks the kendo stick over her head and then attempts to force Hope to tap from the armbar. In a move that may surprise some, Hope powered out of it and lifted the queen right off the apron then slammed her down to the canvas. She had to deal with the One Man Army after that, who is happy to punch Hope in the face for what she has done to his queen in recent weeks. The hits are hard as Creed had no problem beating the shit out of her, as he knew it's needed to get the win over her.  

After all of that Creed hit a backbreaker on Hope then held her in place as the Queen recovered from the slam. Queen Middleton then rushes over and knees Hope right in the side of the head for a great tag team move. It's so good that Creed got Hope up and hit the same backbreaker. Only this time Chloe pulls down her knee pad all the way to her boot, rushes over and drives her knee right into the side of Hope's skull. 

Anyone else would've been knocked out from that but Hope manages to kick out of the move, much to the frustration of the Queen. They plan on a double team move on her, a double suplex only for Raine to make the save as she got in the ring with a chair. She hits both Chloe and Dean across the back at the same time with one swing. Hope got free and low blows Creed, who ends up being hit across the back of the head with a chair also. Raine then hits Chloe across the back too. 

The Queen is in trouble as she is at the mercy of the woman who embarrassed her last show. Hope is fine embarrassing her again as she got Raine to help her out this time. They knock her to her knees then start pulling off her sports bra. To help get it off, Raine cuts into it with her dagger which gets loads of cheers. It came off causing Chloe to cover her chest as quickly as possible as she had nothing else on in terms of her top half. She attempts to escape only for them to grab hold of her by the shorts. They drag her back then the red head decides just to cut into them with the dagger too! 

After they had their fun Chloe is only wearing a thong and is pulled up to her feet. Then the new Hardcore duo hit a double RKO, roll her on her back and then both cover her to win the match! 

Another horror night for the new Queen as she is left laying on her back , exposing her tits to the world. She did manage to have enough left in her to roll onto her stomach but she is really out of it. Raine and Hope stand over her at the end, enjoying themselves even if they know Chloe will continue to attempt to get revenge for this. Creed got his queen out of there at the perfect time as Raine was considering removing the last piece of clothing Chloe had on, judging by how she stood out of there. Creed made sure his Queen kept some small amount of modesty as he helps her to the back.
Outcome: The near naked Queen is shown backstage as Creed has found her a shirt to put on. It wasn't great to be stripped down like that and the One Man Army decided to address it to the camera crew. He said Hope's fun and games are over as he'll deal with her on the next Dark Oasis. He also said his Queen would make Raine also regret her choices, as he promises to make sure she gets embarrassed back. 

Tyrone Marshall, Roxanne Marshall, Denzel Brown & ???? vs Tara Malice, Mike Malice, Gage Steele & Dakota Huntress
Stipulation: 4 vs 4 / Non Title
Result: The next match is hyped up as we have a 4 on 4 clash, that's if the Marshall's and Denzel can find another partner. Turns out they couldn't as Tyrone , Roxy and Denzel are the only ones to make the entrance. To make it more surprising is the fact the other team came out with just the 3 also, with Tara Malice missing. No one explained why she is missing but Mike seemed to want to talk about it. He got on microphone and accuses the opposite team of doing something. 

Of course those type of words would piss anyone off and it led to the match beginning. Tyrone is the one kicking his ass and showing him not to run his mouth. Malice isn't having a good time and almost lost the match early after a powerslam from the Bull. 

Later the tide did turn when Gage got into the match. It shows why he got all the way to the final of the tournament and shows why he is one of the companies most promising new talents. Gage forced Tyrone out and battles it out with Denzel in what was a great clash between the two. 

In the end after a back and forth, Gage Steele got the pin on Denzel to win the match for his team. It helped continue their momentum while also dooming the Marshall's to yet another loss. This is another bad look for the Bull who has a terrible year followed by his best year ever. He loses it at the end and hits a Seeing Red on Malice, then Dakota and a Snapper on Gage. Denzel tries to stop him but he is then hit with a snapper too as the Bull has really seen the red here. The only one who got spared was Roxy.
Outcome: The Bull is knocking things over backstage and gets stopped by Tyler York, who told him that doing this right now isn't the greatest idea. Tyrone didn't seem to care as he headed towards the exit. Elsewhere Mike, Gage and Dakota are soon on the look out for Tara as they really have no idea what happened to her. It didn't cost them in the end but it was a much tougher night than it needed to be. 

Eddie McGinlay vs Jacob Williams w/ Aubrey Hudson
Stipulation: Singles / Non Title
Result: The main event is up next as Eddie McGinlay takes on Jacob Williams. Was it a preview of what is to come? No one knew for sure as no one even knew when Jacob wanted to cash in his briefcase, his title shot. Many expected him to turn this into a title match but he has decided not to do it on this occasion. 

This starts as expected with Eddie overcoming Jacob with his pure power. It remains to be seen if he has recovered from his battle with Pierce as both men don't seem 100% even all this time later. You saw it earlier in Pierce's match and now it's here in Eddie's match. 

Jacob just started to get the upper hand when all of a sudden Pierce Kingsley shows up! The roof of the building came off as he rushes to the ring, even when security are quick to chase after him. Pierce gets into the ring and charges right for Eddie. He attacks him which causes the referee to call for the bell as the two men start to brawl. Security rush the ring and are now in dire need of making sure these two men are pulled apart. Jacob looked furious but when he went to confront Pierce, he gets punched right in the face and dropped to the canvas. 

Both Eddie and Pierce start taking out security as they got their hands on each other. Eddie headbutts Pierce and starts punching into him. That just brought back hits from Pierce as this is going to get bloody fast. Luckily security are eventually able to drag them apart which was very challenging. The management have a lot on their hands, especially with Mike not here and the whole Rais situation. 
Where was Tara Malice? That was the question on the mind of everyone at the moment. Backstage Josh and Tyler were nearly surrounded by her brother, Mike, as well as Gage Steele and Dakota Huntress. They all wanted answers on her location, answers that they didn't currently have. Both members of management were doing their best to settle the trio at the moment until they were interrupted by a random crew member. It was enough to silence everyone for a moment as they turned to look at the person who was holding the leather jacket of Tara Malice. Quickly Mike reaches out and grabs it, demanding to know why they have it. Of course Josh plays the role of a level head and simply asks the crew member to lead them to the spot.
A short walk down a corridor later and they were at the spot, though there was nothing else to be found. Naturally everyone starts looking around, even calling out for Tara until finally something more was found a short distance away. Gage picked up a shoe that belonged to Tara. Everyone rushes over and continues walking in that direction until they come to an intersection backstage. For a moment they look back and forth and then split up into two groups. That didnt last long though as the group of Josh and Tyler have a bunch of long black hair on the floor. Not just one or two hairs, there was a decent amount, Tara wasn't going to be bald but these were put here with a purpose. After rejoining with Mike, Gage and Dakota the walk continued until they came to a door at the end of the hall and sitting in front of it were two fake black nails, the kind Tara was known to wear. When Josh picks one up he quickly drops it when he sees part of a real nail still stuck to the back with blood...they had been removed with force. Was this the place? There was only one way to find out, open the door.

As the door was pushed open yet another horror scene was upon them. A room that was dimly lit, black candles flickering. On one wall there was pictures of Mike, Gage and even Dakota along with other things Tara had in her life. All of them had large "X" painted on them in blood. Near all of that was some other pictures, mostly random but with two stand outs. One was the TXW Women's championship and the other was of Pierce Kingsley. None of these photos had been crossed out. On another wall the word "ENVY" was painted in blood. But that wasn't it because in the center of the room, forced to stare at all of this was Tara Malice, stripped down to a bra and thong, tied up and tossed into a bathtub full of freezing cold water. Her body had become so cold she couldn't move, couldn't even speak, her eyes were barely open. Hypothermia was likely setting in for her. naturally everyone tries to rush over to her, Mike being the first to get to her so he can get her out of the water. Tyler rushes out of the room to call for someone to get some towels, blankets...anything dry and warm. However as they all rushed to aid Tara, Josh tripped over a wire and triggered a small tv in the room to flick on. On it was the face of Rais, glaring at them from the same dark room as his last message. Though he wasn't only staring, he started to speak.

"You are never satisfied with what you have in your life and instead desire what others have, you want what doesn't belong to you. Your eyes have looked upon things in this world that they should have been blind to. You ENVY what others have instead of being thankful for what you have now. Your ENVY has driven you to try and take what doesn't belong to you, take from others. This is your punishment, to stare at what is not yours while your body shall freeze."

The video recording stops there, the message had been sent. Tara Malice was charged with Envy by Rais, becoming his next victim. At this point Tyler returns with some crew bringing everything they could find to wrap around Tara to warm her body back up.


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