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Date Posted:05/04/2021 10:30 PMCopy HTML

LOCATION: Toronto, Canada
DATE: 17th November 2019
GENERAL MANAGER: Tyler York & Mike Hawk
THEME: -"Scars" In The Verse

Andrew Parker  vs Chris Slaughter
Stipulation: Singles / Non Title
Result: For the past few months Parker has been sidelined with an undisclosed injury. That left many baffled when one of his first matches back pitted him up against Chris Slaughter , who overcame Ashley Ricci and Tyrone Marshall at Tokyo Terror. This one started as expected as Slaughter uses his superior power to throw Parker around like a rag doll. He then starts clubbing on his back at one stage, leaving a lot a swelling on the back of the 'Justice Bringer'. 

It wasn't much of a surprise when the fans started getting behind Parker due to the beating he was taking. It didn't help much at first as Slaughter almost won off a vicious strike right to the head. It honestly looked like it had knocked out Parker, but he was able to kick out right before the referee counted down his shoulders for the three. 

Slaughter hits his trademark, Slaughter to Prevail which ends with a knee right to your face. It left Parker in a bad state and likely near the end of this match up. The German born Russian lifts up Parker and sets him up for the double powerbomb aka Go To Hell. He lifts him up for the first but as he does Parker starts punching away at his face, then is able to turn it into a Franksteiner right into a pin as he hooks both legs. To everybody's shock, he is able to keep the champion's shoulders down for a three with the kick out happening far too late. 

Slaughter sat up instantly and Parker is smart about it by getting out there as soon as possible. The 'Justice Bringer' has brought an end to Slaughter's winning streak while also maybe starting one of his own. 
Outcome: Gabriel Hunter is looking at his watch while standing outside the women's locker room. Natasha Ivanov walks out of the room holding a bag and hands it over to Gabriel as she says something in Russian. The Menace responds by saying something in Russian then smiles at her as she walks past him. He then unzips the bag and inside is everything that belongs to Lauren Li. Clearly she has been caught short in the shower and now everything she brought to the arena with her is in Gabriel's possession. He walks off with it as the cameras follow him. They then watch as he empties the bag out into the dumpster , clearly happy to be doing this. 

Gage Steele w/Mike Malice & Dakota Huntress vs Dean Creed w/ Queen Chloe
Stipulation: Leather Strap Match
Result: The next match on the card saw Dark Order's own Gage Steele battle it out with Dean Creed. These two men have met twice already this year, but this time they have people backing them up. Gage had the entire Dark Order with him which included Women's champion Tara Malice. It didn't make much different to Creed, who used the strap to his advance early by balling it up with his fist then using it for extra damage when punching Gage in the face. This did turn into more of a fist fight than wrestling match with Gage giving as good as he got. 

Creed went low with a gut kick and then clotheslines him using the strap as he looks to rebuild what after a very mixed year. It's been a while since the One Man Army has been at the top of the food chain and many feel he will never get back there. Pierce Kingsley knocked off the perch and he hasn't climbed back. 

Here he is doing well despite the games Tara and co were trying to play. He knocked down Gage at one point with a pop up punch and dragged him to two corners, almost winning the leather strap match right there and then. 

Instead Malice ended up getting involved and clobbered his old mate with a high impact elbow smash. Chloe went to make the save but she was taken out by Dakota, who ends up picking her up and slamming her right into the barricade. 

That allowed Gage to eventually gain the upper hand and hit Creed with the Back To Belly Piledriver aka Raging Canjun. Once he had hit that move the rest was easy as he dragged to Creed to each corner, touching each one to eventually win the match. Once the bell sounds it ends with Gage wrapping the strap around Creed's throat. The rest of the pack join in as they beat down on the One Man Army. The numbers weren't good for him or for Chloe who was thrown in the ring. 

All of a sudden Denzel Brown and Roxy Marshall run out to get involved. Roxy battles it out with Tara right away while the 'Revolutionist' boots Malice right in the face. This is similar to the scenes seen on RC as security is rushed out to put things into order. Tyler York walks on out and suggests he will let them settle this on the next Dark Oasis as the Dark Order will fight Creed, Chloe, Roxy and Denzel in a four vs four elimination match. 
Outcome: Shockingly Lauren has left the room and is wrapped in a towel. It appears she hasn't had much luck in the way of finding clothes. Her night seemed to get worse when she ran into Isaiah who questioned her attire. Lauren didn't have a lot to say but did ask if she knew anyone who could spare some clothing, at least for her next match. Isaiah appeared to be carrying merch and shows her a number of his newly released T-shirts. Those would be ideal for a temporary situation but not for a wrestling match. He then shows he has merch for women too as he knows women love Isaiah. That merch is some hot pants with Isaiah's face on it and a tube top. It wouldn't be the best clothing to wear but Lauren just decided to go for it, grabbing it off Isaiah. The cocky contender for the World title did stop her when she went for the shirt too as he mentioned how nothing is free, even if she can borrow the merch for tonight. 

Lauren Li vs Gabriel Hunter
Stipulation: Singles / Special referee Ciara Fierce

Result: We see a confident Gabriel in the ring next as he made his entrance pretty quickly. Seeing Natasha Ivanov with him did give many questions, especially with what we saw earlier. The Menace gets on the mic and suggests he should be named the winner as Lauren will forfeit. He also wants Ciara to raise his hand then name him as the new number one contender for the Global Championship. He states he won't fail where his old mate Nick did. Ciara refuses at first as she stood in the middle of the ring with her referee shirt on. The Menace grabs her by the shirt as he tells her to do her job. 

Lauren suddenly makes her way out, wearing the pink Isaiah Thorne branded hot pants and tube top. Not exactly something she wanted to wear but at least she made it out to the ring. 

The match did begin, even with Lauren in that attire. She didn't bring any less of a fight as she kicks the hell out of Gabriel while also moving around the ring at pace. She went for a quick finish but it ended with her being on Gabriel's shoulders and hit with Hunted [Powerbomb dropped into double knee backbreaker]. 

Normally it could've ended things but the Menace decided to make a pin attempt by putting one foot on Lauren to make the cover. There was no real surprise when she kicks out from that which led to Gabriel arguing with Ciara, telling her she is trying to screw him over. Ciara warns him she will DQ him if he continued to act this way. Gabriel ends up getting back control, putting Lauren through a painful night. He gets cocky and went to set up the powerbomb into a double knee backbreaker yet again.

 This time Lauren fights out of it when she is on his shoulders, hitting him enough to get out the hold. One kick to the head then floors Gabriel allowing him to be hit with Backflip moonsault then the Taste Of Korea [Front row then kick] when Gabriel stands. 

That put an end to Gabriel as his shoulders are pinned to the mat to give Lauren her first real win since returning. Ciara raises her hand and knows full well she has a real challenge coming her way sooner rather than later.
Outcome: Josh is seen talking to Tyler York and Mike Hawk as they try to figure out the Rais situation. Rumours have been swirling that he is in Toronto and he has another victim tonight. Josh vows to stop him, whatever it takes.

Hope Sweet vs Raine
Stipulation: Hardcore Match
Result: The next battle saw Hope Sweet fight it out with Raine in a hardcore match. Raine brought the silence since she had that dagger and used it to cut into Hope's flesh. Soon it is out her hands but the blood did have it's effect on the Hardcore Whore, who gets her ass kicked for most of the fight after that. Raine put her through a table, suplexes her on a ladder then grabs a monitor off the announcers table and hits her over the head with it. 

Now by the sounds of all of that, this one ended early didn't it? No as Hope managed to kick out of all of that including Raine's Sweet Sacrifice RKO which didn't put an end to the match at all. 

Hope is a badass and not someone you can keep down easily. She fought through the pain barrier and in the end got the win after hitting her own RKO known as SEX. She kept Raine's shoulders down to get the win and progress towards a clash with Slaughter.
Outcome: Gabriel is angry about his loss to a half dressed Lauren and has confronted Ciara about it. He challenges her to a match next show where he will find a way to become Global champion. Ciara didn't back down as she accepts the challenge as she wouldn't ever back down from one.

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  • Rank:Diamond Member
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  • Register:12/31/2008 2:17 AM

Re:Dark Oasis #90

Date Posted:05/04/2021 10:30 PMCopy HTML

LOCATION: Toronto, Canada
DATE: 17th November 2019
GENERAL MANAGER: Tyler York & Mike Hawk
THEME: -"Scars" In The Verse


Isaiah Thorne vs Ashley Ricci
Stipulation: Singles Match
Result: The man who led Dark Oasis to victory faced off with Ashley next. Isaiah confidently controlled this match, showing why he is one of the companies rising stars. The Rebel struggles as she has lost a step or two in the last year. Her chances of grabbing titles have been plenty yet she hasn't won as many as she might've liked. It also doesn't help she recently had a bombshell dropped on her when Tyrone confessed to cheating then ended the relationship between them. 

Ashley did attempt a fight back and even hit her 619 move, about to go for the foot stomp that follows it. Only Isaiah then manages to get to his feet pretty quickly and hits a superkick on her. It knocked her silly since that really connected flush on the jaw.

 From here Isaiah hits his trademark Sex Appeal and then drags up the out of it Ashley, picks her up then drops her for the Perfect Bomb [Blue Thunder Bomb] right into the pin. The Rebel has no answer for it as she doesn't kick out. 

Another win for Isaiah who poses with some of his new Merch after and stands over Ashley while he does so. It's rubbing salt in the wound as this is a big win for Isaiah and another big loss for Ashley.
Outcome: The women's tag team champions are seen as they have an open challenge for any team on the roster, daring anyone to try and take the titles away from them. They then show the man who is watching over them as Wrath is there. There won't be many teams stepping up to this. 

Tara Malice (C) vs Roxanne Marshall
Stipulation: Singles / Tara can't keep her title via countout or DQ
Result: Next up it's a battle for the women's championship as Roxanne challenges Tara for the gold. The pressure was put right on the champion since she couldn't retain through countout or DQ, so she had to fight Roxy. The former champion is really pissed about how things went in Tokyo and it shows by the way she attacks Tara, beats her down and really didn't give her a reason to breath. Tara gets cut open after a strong forearm to the head and Roxanne shows that famous Marshall temper. 
The champion got dominated for so long and is even locked in the Rock Off [Bridging Crossface] which almost brought an end to the match early. Many were a big fan of that as they cheered Roxy's name, hoping to see Tara tap out after her 'dark arts' got her the title to begin with in Tokyo. 

It didn't end there however as Tara managed to get out of the submission by fighting through the pain barrier and then managing to counter it into a pin attempt. Roxy almost got caught out with that but she did manage to survive which let this match continue. 

At one stage Roxy continues to do the damage to Tara's face, causing Bloody Mary to want to back the hell away. She tried to get out the ring but Roxy grabs her by the hair , gets behind her then managed to find another way to lock in the Rock Off submission. 

Tara looks like she is about to tap into Mike Malice of all people gets out there and he is holding a chair. He smacks it right across Roxy's back then puts Tara on top of her as the referee counts down her shoulders. It let Tara retain when her title reign looked like it was ending already. Mike carried his sister out of there as she kept the title. Roxy won't be forgetting that any time soon.
Outcome: The moment arrived as Josh has entered the ring and he is dressed to fight. He got on the microphone and says he is sick of Rais. The Badass even accuses Brian White of putting his brother up to this game, just to make his run as president fail. Josh said he brought back the fun even if the safety of the wrestlers has now increased under his reign. 

After the events in Tokyo it has led Josh to make a challenge, a challenge for a fight. He stomps around and is not pleased with Rais threatening his wife and child. It crossed a line and the Badass wanted to put Rais down, by any means. 

Now everyone has to wait to see if Rais is really in the building and ready for this fight as the Badass is ready to bring it as he paces. Many weren't sure what was going to happen next as no one knew if Rais would even respond to a challenge. Many have challenged him before, including the man he didn't show up against in the shape of Matthew Taylor. 

Music did hit but it didn't belong to Rais. Nope it belongs to CJA of all people as the Adrenaline Pumped Machine walks out unannounced. The last time we saw him was when he turned his back on Josh's Annoymous in the way with Brian White. CJA is greeted with boos as he soon joined Josh in the ring. 

CJA went on to talk and jabbed at the Nightingale's temper, while also stating their stupidity. He took everyone back to the moment Josh led the team to victory yet pointed out it was all for show. Brian White allowed it to happen because of course he did. If he didn't want Josh in power, it would've never happened. 

He then went on to point out that Rais has nothing to do with Brian, just that it showed a big hole in Josh's management style. CJA said the experiment is over and that Josh is fired from TXW for good. The Nightingale purge is here as he feels the family have had their time but now it's over with. Josh is caught off guard and looked ready to fight CJA, especially when he announced his new role as President of TXW while also announcing the new partnership with his own academy that is now stationed in Toronto. He also said that Rais is WELCOME to come and go as he pleases as TXW needs to be unsafe working environment as it's not called Xtreme for no reason at all. 

Josh hit back by questioning Brian White's sanity in hiring a man who is a former drug addict, how he should go back to looking like John Cena's deformed twin and leaching off the Angle name. CJA responds by calling Josh the clown brother of a whore, clearly referring to Kelly. That almost led to blows but the new president brought out 'family'. First Tyrone stepped in then so did Wrath as he looks to be still loyal to the man who taught him. The Badass attacks Tyrone but is then laid out by Wrath. It ends with the former President being hit with a Snapper then dragged out the building by security. 


Eddie McGinlay vs Matthew Taylor
Stipulation: Steel Cage Match / Non Title
Result: Main event time as Eddie McGinlay was trapped inside a steel cage with Matthew Taylor, a man he has beaten several times already. Taylor has had a crazy year yet he aimed to end it on a high note , especially with how things are now going to change again in TXW. 

While Taylor did wear his war paint, it didn't do him much good early on as Eddie isn't scared of being in a cage. He throws Matthew into it, aiming early to make him bleed. He looked like getting lucky by the way he kept throwing him head first into the cage, leading to the fans wondering if it really is a good idea  for this match to even happen. Eddie has been destroying all in his path, so he won't be afraid to destroy another. 

The main event didn't last as long as many thought as Eddie still hasn't recovered from his war with Pierce and Jacob. That meant it didn't take much when he ended up hitting the cage face first. Matthew works on Eddie's injured ribs but eventually hit his Curb Stomp finish aka Taylor-Made to be the first man to defeat Eddie in quite some time. He escaped the cage to win the match and the fans seemed to have forgiven him for his recent actions that saw him get fired. 

Unfortunately for him , someone didn't forgive him. That man is Rais who turned up right after the lights went out. He attacks Taylor and ends up putting him back through the door of the cage. Eddie leaves, allowing for this to happen as Taylor is left blood and then made to pass out by Rais who has just added another victim to the list as Dark Oasis ends.

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