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Date Posted:05/04/2021 10:31 PMCopy HTML

LOCATION: Toronto, Canada
DATE: Sunday 15th December 2019
GENERAL MANAGER: Tyler York & Mike Hawk
THEME: "Scars" by In The Verse

Outcome: The LAST Dark Oasis of the year begins as we get a recap of CJA's speech on the pre show. He stated a few things which included RC and Dark Oasis being equals, DQ's being eliminated from TXW and the fact he is going to make life tougher for his students. When it kicked off after that Tasia and Daniel ran down the card, including a blockbuster main event which sees Eddie McGinlay defend against Matthew Taylor.

Ashley Ricci vs Scarlet De Luca w/ Emilia Pruzzi & Wrath
Stipulation: Singles
Result: The opening saw Ashley Ricci take on Scarlet De Luca, a match many thought on paper would be a one sided contest. It didn't turn out to be that way at all as Scarlet put Ashley through the pain barrier after getting her knee pad off early and started working on damaging the knee. The Rebel doesn't just take it as she does fight back and shows why she has achieved so much in the company. 

Those in attendance are behind her as she knocks Scarlet on her ass and has Emilia worried. Of course there isn't much written on Wrath's face , even when he has much history with Ashley Ricci. No one can forget the time he injured her by throwing her out of the ring. He's been known to injure a lot of people prior to being attacked himself. His time outside the ring will be brief, so we'll see how long he stands behind the Italians. This Italian battle kept going and was one of the longest opening matches we have seen in quite some time. Ash got control when she kicked Scarlet in the back and had her set up for the tiger faint combo. 

Instead 'Hawaiian Man' hits and no one knew who this even was. Out walks Tyrone Marshall, complete with a Hawaiian shirt and he had some people with him, almost a conga line. Ashley and the whole of the TXW fanbase were confused. This is a big change and he seemed far happier in life. He has a coconut in hand and raises it up before smashing it on the floor as he laughs, having the time of his life. 

During all of this Ashley got distracted badly and ended up being rolled up by Scarlet who got the win. After the match the tag team champions celebrated while Wrath joined them in the ring. The newly christened Hawaiian man got in the ring and left his conga line outside the ring. He lifts his arms up and reacts to the fan base. He then goes over to Ashley, who still looked confused as hell. Tyrone explains that he reflected on his cheating ways and went to his roots, his mothers home land as even though he was born in Texas, he is half Hawaiian like his brother and his baby sister Roxy. Tyrone says he became too angry and too bitter as the bull. He's embraced his happy place. Tyrone asked her to join his conga line which can be seen as a way of getting back together. 

Emilia however interrupted as both Italians said something to Ashley in Italian. She translated it in English and said Tyrone has lost his mind, that he has become soft and she requests 'William' show the world that very fact. Turns out he isn't too soft as he held his own with Wrath and ends up knocking him out the ring. The rage is still within the Hawaiian man as he pulls off his shirt and lets out an angry roar. The tag champs attack Ash only to end up thrown out the ring too. That left Tyrone and Ashley standing tall as they shared a look into the Hawaiian man rejoined his conga and led them all to the back.
Outcome: CJA is backstage and already being asked about his students, especially Tyrone who has embraced a new 'happiness'. He states that the former Bull hasn't lost his toughness which he displaced and he knows whatever happens next, will be worthy of his name. He does question his former student Ashley however, who he thinks has gone stale. How will Ashley react to these comments ? Who knows.

 He did seem to be waiting for someone as he soon gets the chance to talk to the women's tag team champions. He praises Emilia on her improvement over the years and admires everything Scarlet has done. But he admits he isn't a fan of the women's tag team titles that Tyler York brought in. That's why he makes the call to scrap them and announce them as the brand new Tag Team Champions. Both Italians seem unsure as even though they have gained a new achievement, they are now open to defending them against ANY tag team. CJA whistles and the tag team titles are brought over, while the women's tag team titles are taken away. It's a big change already from the new president of TXW.

Isaiah Thorne vs Jacob Williams w/ Aubrey Hudson
Stipulation: Singles
Result: Two egotistical men competed next as they looked to end 2019 on a high. Isaiah has been a force of nature recently as he looks forward to his championship match against Eddie McGinlay, whenever that will be. Jacob had the distracting Aubrey in his corner as she wanted to see her man reclaim some momentum after missing out in his recent title match. He fought like a man who had something to prove, looking to end Isaiah's winning run. He almost got the job done early, which would've surprised many people, but his spike DDT wasn't enough to keep Thorne down. 

The match started to go back and forth after that with both men showing why they have been incredible this year. Isaiah's only downside has been his failure to get the Global title off of Ciara Fierce. He isn't the only one on that long list of people who have failed at the same thing. Isaiah got the upper hand which had Aubrey worried. It got more so when Isaiah hits the Perfect Bomb aka Blue Thunder Bomb and looked to get the three. 

It would've happened had Aubrey not reached in and dragged out the referee, showing she is a strong woman. But she gets a ticking off for it and had CJA not got rid of the DQ rule, maybe this would've been one. Isaiah isn't pleased as he felt he had the match won. 

He is about to go out into Denzel Brown sneaks in after jumping the barricade. He then hits The Revolution Begins aka Trouble In Paradise right to the back of Isaiah's head. He collapses and Jacob pins him as Aubrey left the referee alone. He saw the pin, even if he had his idea of what just happened. He did his job anyway and counts down Isaiah's shoulders to end his winning streak. Jacob and Denzel then attack Isaiah which gets some boos along with some cheers. Isaiah isn't liked so this is understandable. Jacob verbally says he is the next World Champion, not Isaiah. The numbers were just too much even for someone as talented as The Narcissist. All of a sudden Global title challenger Lauren Li rushes out. She seemed to be out here for a reason as she kicks Denzel right in the face. That allowed Isaiah to fight back against Jacob and eventually throw him out the ring. While Lauren seemed happy about it, Isaiah dusted himself off and made his exit without thanking Li . He might be more annoyed by the fact he was screwed over here tonight to end what has been a long winning run.

Outcome: Isaiah is backstage and not exactly thankful for Lauren Li, despite her making the odds even. He ends up talking to Tyler and Mike about it as they the loss hasn't changed anything about their plans. Isaiah will challenge Eddie McGinlay for the title on the first ever Dark Oasis of 2020 and could bounce back in the best way possible. Isaiah seems happy enough with that despite the fact he will remember what happened tonight.

Andrew Parker vs Raine
Stipulation: Singles / Raine gets added to Legacy title match if she wins
Result: Next up is a battle between husband and wife as they fight it out for a chance at the Legacy championship. Parker got a win over Slaughter last time out, so he'll be confident of beating his wife. Even so he wont be happy about it as this is the first time they had to fight each other. While they shook hands, they weren't shy about fighting it out either. Parker controlled the early going and even drove his knee right into his wife's face, all in an attempt to win the match. It didn't get the job done which is no surprise to the Justice Bringer. Parker knew he would have to damage his wife and beat her down into she had no fight left. 

His wife is far trickier than that and she gives Parker a headache by fighting back, taking control of this match. She wanted the Legacy title opportunity after not getting in the title picture for a very long time. Many forget she still holds the record for longest title reign. It's a back and forth battle which ends when Raine catches her husband with the Sweet Sacrifice after he went for a frog splash. She got the win and many wondered if Parker would be pissed at losing already after his big win. He is fine and raises his wife's hand. They are then greeted by Mike Hawk who was about to announce something, into he is cut off by his girlfriend Zoey. She announces that Parker and Raine will both challenge Slaughter or Hope for the Legacy title on the main event of the first ever 2020 RC. Zoey seems happy with that as Mike smiles then announces he'll be giving his girlfriend her first ever return match in early 2020.
Outcome: The Hardcore Whore is asked about her big match with Slaughter later in the show. She seems confident but as she is talking she is suddenly rolled up by Gabriel, finally recapturing the Badass title. Hope sat there shaking her head but promised to 'play' with Gabriel once she is done with her hardcore 'pleasure' with Chris Slaughter.

Ciara Fierce (C) w/ J.T Marshall vs Lauren Li
Stipulation: Singles / Global Title
Result: Ciara wins in a close fought battle.

BladeDJK Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #1
  • Rank:Diamond Member
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  • Register:12/31/2008 2:17 AM

Re:Dark Oasis #91

Date Posted:05/04/2021 10:32 PMCopy HTML

LOCATION: Toronto, Canada
DATE: Sunday 15th December 2019
GENERAL MANAGER: Tyler York & Mike Hawk
THEME: "Scars" by In The Verse

Chris Slaughter (C) vs Hope Sweet
Stipulation: Hardcore Match / Legacy Title
Result: Things were about to get violent here in TXW, more so than normal that is as Hope Sweet was going to challenge Chris Slaughter for his championship in a hardcore match. Both were known for not exactly being sane and neither was shy about pushing boundaries in the ring. This one was about to be a good show.

The lights go out and "Crazy Bitch" by Buckcherry begins to play, the arena filling with coloured lights. Hope comes walking out, a smirk sat on her face, wasting little time before walking down the ramp towards the ring. Once she was at ringside she stands there for a moment before heading over to the steel steps. Walking up them since eventually crawls into the ring, taking time to pose and tease the crowd before her music cuts out.

The arena is filled with a deep gravely voice as "Nihil Strength" starts to play. The arena had been blacked out only to be lit by a white and red strobe light that flashes to the heavy beat of the song. Out comes Chris Slaughter, dragging his title on the ground behind him and looking as demonic as always. Standing at the top of the ramp he looks around at the crowd before letting out a roar unleashing a waterfall of pig's blood from his mouth. He glares straight down the ramp at Hope for a moment before starting his march to the ring. He wastes little time getting into the ring once there, he was ready for a fight.

His music barely had a chance to cut off and the ref didn't have a chance to grab the title before it was tossed aside and Slaughter went on the attack. He wasn't playing games after his last showing, even more so because his gold was on the line. As much as Hope liked the pain eating this heavy shots from Slaughter wasn't doing her any good in the long run. It was clear this wasn't going to be a technical match, not that it ever was with Slaughter but this truly was a fight. He used his size to his advantage early on, giving Hope no moment to rest from his onslaught. After getting endlessly punched and tossed around the ring a bloody nose had made an appearance. The attack didn't stop there though as Hope is lifted up into a gorilla press position before getting tossed over the top rope and out of the ring. She comes crashing down on the outside, leaving the lover of hardcore motionless for a moment.

Slaughter lets out a roar as he could feel the adrenaline pumping through him with this brutal attack and he wasn't going to give Hope a moment. He climbs out of the ring and his eyes are set on Hope who had been showing a bit of life again by crawling around. Slaughter grabs a handful of Hope hair and goes to pull her up only for her to explode and hit him with something in the face. That something is revealed to be a screwdriver she found in a toolbox under the ring. This is a hardcore match after-all and CJA had done away with the DQ rule anyways. The action opened up a good cut across the forehead of Slaughter leaving him in a mask of his own blood early on. Hope went on the attack from here before Slaughter could clear the blood from his own eyes, jumping at him and attack with her claw like nails. She wasn't going to be able to ever lift Slaughter so she needed to bring him down to size in another way, going after his knee. Over and over again she kicked at his knee, even pulling a chair away from the crowd at ringside to better assault the joint. Her attack works as it drops the big man to one knee, putting him on a better level with Hope herself. To show her twisted mind she plants a kiss on Slaughter, blood and all, before planting him down for a DDT on the outside.

Hope took it all in for a moment though was showing some trouble getting Slaughter back into the due to the size difference. She decides it might be best for her to set up her next attack as Slaughter was starting to stir. She starts tossing everything she can find under the ring into it. Chairs, trash cans, sledgehammer, a full tool box...even a table. All of it gets put into the ring with Hope climbing in after. She sets the table up before grabbing the trash can. Slaughter had got up, shaking the cobwebs out though his face was still crimson. He sees Hope in the ring waiting for him. The big man slides in and quickly gets to his feet. As he was doing this Hope charged at him with the trash can only Slaughter was quicker, getting his boot up and kicking the can back into her own face. It caused the already bleeding nose of Hope to explode and was followed up with a clothesline that nearly took her head off. Slaughter could smell the finish and didn't give Hope a moment to rest. He drags her up her her hair, smashing his fist directly into her jaw nearly knocking her out cold. Instead though he sets her up in the turnbuckle before walking to the opposite side of the ring. He charges at her before slamming his knee into her face which is know as 'Slaugher to Prevail'.

The match could've ended there but Slaughter wanted to make a point, picking Hope up into a powerbomb position before putting her through the table she set up earlier with not one but two powerbombs known as 'Go To Hell'. At this point Slaughter does pin her though in a very suggestive way. Putting both of Hope's legs over his shoulders before pinning her shoulders down. The ref counts three and Slaughter gets his hand raised. Hope fought hard and even left the big man covered in his own blood but tonight wasn't her night.
Eddie McGinlay (C) vs Matthew Taylor
Stipulation: Lumberjack Match / World Championship
Result: It was time for the main event and this one was sure to bring the action. The current TXW World champion Eddie McGinlay and Matthew Taylor had been having a mini war brewing between them that needed it's least for this year. They would meet in a lumberjack match in the final match of the year.

Of course that means the ring would be surrounded by members of the TXW roster. "Scars" plays to signal the arrival of the lumberjacks for this match. A large portion of the roster was out here, some that had even been part of the show tonight. The most notable out of the sea of bodies were Eddie's partner, Chris Slaughter, who has stitches in his forehead from his match just before this as well as all of The Dark Order. Once they were all out it was time for the people actually taking part in this match. "Hail to the Victor" began to play first and with it came a thick crawling white smoke. Matthew Taylor had made his way out and had his back facing the ring for a moment before turning around looking to do his gun gesture however he is clubbed from behind by Eddie McGinlay. It was clear he couldn't wait to get this one started.

The shot from behind sent Taylor flying down the ramp, coming to a stop about half way before simply getting hit with a clothesline the moment he got back to his feet. McGinlay grabs him by his jacket and tights before tossing him down the rest of the ramp. The lumberjacks around the ring do their job of getting Taylor into the ring before McGinlay can do further damage before the bell even sounds. Once he got into the ring himself, parting the lumberjacks like the red sea, the ref called for the bell to make this one official. Taylor was attempting to regain his composure but wasn't given the chance as Eddie continues his attack, pummeling the smaller Taylor with clubbing shots across the back before ripping his jacket off him and tossing it out at the lumberjacks. Taylor himself was quick to follow as Eddie tossed him over the top rope as well.

Taylor had already taken a beating simply because of the power from Eddie, each shot was enough to end this match. His back was red and bruising from the attack though he was getting helped to his feet by the lumberjack who were ready to slide him back into the ring. Eddie however had other plans which saw him getting out of the ring to go after him. He gets a clear path to hit Taylor with another clothesline, this time doing it after running towards him. However the attack is stopped when a bit of a commotion happens on the outside with the lumberjack and in the process Eddie it poked in the eyes. The camera didn't catch it but it was done by a member of The Dark Order.

As the commotion continued, Slaughter stepped in to get everyone to back away from his partner. Even though they were out numbered there was still a fear about picking a fight with them. Eddie managed to clear his eye and turned his attention back to Taylor who had been rolled back into the ring. As he reached up to grab a rope to pull himself up Taylor rushes at him and hits him with a baseball slide dropkick. The force was enough to knock Eddie back and into the barricade though it seemed to only piss him off. The second attack slowed him down slightly more as Taylor puts it all on the line, jumping between the ropes for a suicide dive which hits it's mark. The momentum was shifting in his direction now even with the lumberjacks making quick work of getting the men back into the ring, though Eddie eats a few cheap shots once again for his trouble.

Taylor backs up looking like he was calling for Eddie to get up, likely wanting to go for another charging attack to make up for the size difference. As Eddie gets to one knee Taylor runs towards him but out of nowhere Eddie grabs hold of Taylor and plants him down with a Fallaway Samoan Drop. Taylor was instantly winded from the move, coughing up a lung. A Glasgow Kiss (running headbutt) followed by a Tartan Tomb (tombstone piledriver) was enough to end Matthew's night here despite his brief rally midway. Eddie McGinlay is still your TXW World champion. 

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  • Rank:Diamond Member
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  • Register:12/31/2008 2:17 AM

Re:Dark Oasis #91

Date Posted:05/04/2021 10:32 PMCopy HTML

LOCATION: Toronto, Canada
DATE: Sunday 15th December 2019
GENERAL MANAGER: Tyler York & Mike Hawk
THEME: "Scars" by In The Verse

With the main event finished it was time for everyone to clear out. Matthew Taylor gets some assistance getting to the back while Eddie McGinlay was celebrating his victory. The lumberjacks also started to clear the ringside since their job was done. Not everyone leaves though as Slaughter stays out there with Eddie as does all the members of The Dark Order. As the sea of bodies vanished they remained standing around the ring glaring in at the Beasts of War. It didn't take long for the big men to take notice of what was going on around them and they took a fighting stance. The Dark Order remained motionless for a moment before all grouping together on the ramp side of the ring. Were they leaving without doing anything? It seemed like a bad idea to all attack from the same direction. Suddenly the reason is revealed as someone else slips into the ring from the other side, diving into the back of Eddie's leg and chopping him down.

The brawl was on with Slaughter turning to look at who just launched the attack but before he gets his hands on the person The Dark Order flood into the ring, Mike Malice being sure to go after his former partner. It's pure chaos for a time, the Beasts showing why they have been so dominate this year as even with just two members now they are bringing the fight hard. Both Tara and Dakota had been tossed out of the ring by them but the number were eventually too much. Slaughter was tossed out of the ring first, his face one again covered in blood as the stitches ripped open. Eddie was quick to follow getting tossed out of the ring before every single member of the Dark Order was back in the ring including the unknown figure. For the first time a clear look of them was had though they were covered in a long black cloak and had a mask on, one that a plague doctor would have worn. Had they just recruited another member? The was unknown as it seemed that everyone besides Mike were actually unsure of who this person that just helped them out even was.

The final shot of Dark Oasis is that of the Beasts slowly walking back up the ramp, shouting at the Dark Order in the ring. The song "Savages" playing...a theme no one had heard before either. But the Dark Order stood tall in the ring and the mystery person remained with them.

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