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  • Register:12/31/2008 2:17 AM

Date Posted:05/04/2021 10:35 PMCopy HTML

LOCATION: Toronto, Canada
DATE: Sunday 26th January 2020
GENERAL MANAGER: Tyler York & Mike Hawk
THEME: "For The Glory" By All Good Things

Outcome: Dark Oasis is here as "For The Glory" hits as the fans cheer as we finally get the show underway. We get a rerun of the last Dark Oasis plus the events of Reality Check where tension is growing between the Savages and the Beasts of war. Mike Hawk and Tyler York then make their way out as they discussion a new idea of CJA's. They confirm that the card is always subject to change and feels the way CJA does where some talent need to fight their way onto shows. That's why they reveal that tonight will have some unannounced matches which of course will follow suit over the year and of course at Bloodlust. 
Tyrone Marshall vs ????
Stipulation: Singles
Result: We begin the show with Tyrone's music hits as it looks like he is going to be one of the surprise competitors here tonight as he is in his gear. He returned to winning ways on the last Dark Oasis and of course took a closer look at Ashley during Reality Check. Here he got on microphone and calls out Ashley again, saying he wants to face her in a match and prove he is much better than her. He calls her a leach and suggest she slows down the careers of anyone she gets close too. He said he won't be leaving the ring into he gets the match he wants. 

The Rebel doesn't answer the challenge, instead the fans cheer as out walks Chef Marvin! He starts throwing some cookies to the fans then claps his hands as he is holding a frying pan in his other hand. This isn't the challenger Tyrone was expecting, not at all. 

Chef tells Tyrone to suck his big chocolate balls which got a loud cheer only for the Bull to punch him right in the face. The bell sounds as Tyrone then bounces off the ropes and connects with the snapper to win the match. After he gets on the microphone and tells Ashley to stop being a coward and he'll try again at Bloodlust.
Result: Mike is enjoying himself as he talks to the women involved in his 'Sweet Tart' match which includes his ex Zoey. Despite that they seem to be on good enough terms to share the room and there was no talk about the rivalry between the two shows. However this fun gathering as he explained the match soon came to an end when Gabriel Hunter bursts into the office. He demands that Mike give him a match with Hope Sweet TONIGHT for the Badass championship. He points out her 'assault' on him on Reality Check. Mike agrees to the match but did tell him to knock next time. The Menace laughs then tells the 'whores' to have fun at Bloodlust. Not exactly a good way to get over with the women.

Isaiah Thorne vs Denzel Brown w/ Jacob Williams & Aubrey Hudson
Stipulation: Singles
Result: The next match is one that was officially announced as Isaiah Thorne battles it out with Denzel Brown, an ally to Jacob Williams. Everyone remembers how Denzel cost Isaiah the match against Jacob Williams all those weeks ago. Isaiah hasn't forgot about that not at all as he walks out there with a purpose as he looks to win ahead of his title match at Bloodlust. If he doesn't win many will doubt if he can win the big match since he hasn't got as much momentum as he wants. 

Here he took the fight to the 'Black King' early as he uppercuts him several times, throws him into the other corner then superkicks him when he's in the corner. Isaiah got some support despite being one of the biggest egomaniacs TXW has ever seen. It's probably because they don't like Jacob Williams or Denzel Brown either. 

The 'Black King' does get back into the fight due to when Aubrey grabbed Isaiah's foot when he ran against the ropes. Denzel hits a brainbuster after and then follows that up with a belly to belly suplex as he looked fired up at this point in the match. Denzel makes fun of Isaiah by shouting in third person that he Denzel Brown is better than Isaiah Thorne. 

Not a wise thing to do as Isaiah might be arrogant but he always backs up what he says for the most part. Being mocked there is what turns this match as he avoids Denzel's version of the Trouble in Paradise aka The Black Excellence. 

Isaiah hits the 1,2 aka Superkick then a pendulum elbow to regain the momentum , only for Aubrey to get on the apron. Isaiah superkicks her off which got a good reaction fromt he fans. Luckily Jacob was standing right there or Aubrey was hitting the floor. She is still out like a light and Jacob is furious. 

As he held her Isaiah dragged up Denzel to his feet and hit the Blue Thunder Bomb aka Perfect Bomb to get the win , gaining some revenge for what happened a few weeks ago. 

After the match Jacob confronts Isaiah and they have a fist fight, with Isaiah winning it then tossing Jacob right out the ring as we get a preview of what the two men might do when they meet at Bloodlust. Of course they can't forget Eddie who will be defending his title against them both.
Result: Tyrone is backstage after his win over the returning Chef. He still didn't seem satisfied as he wanted a match with Ashley Ricci, a clash between two of CJA's best students. He is looking for her but doesn't see her as he goes down the corridor. 

Blair Black & Vincent Underwood (C) vs Emilia Pruzzi & Scarlet De Luca
Stipulation: Tag Team Match / Tag Team Titles
Result: The next match of the show saw Vincent and Blair defend their 'children' against Emilia Pruzzi and Scarlet De Luca, the unimpressed former champions. This one started as expected as Scarlet dominated Blair as she looks to get back the titles already. Scarlet isn't here for the games the champs like to play and she wants to continue her impressive record as a tag team wrestler. She and Emilia have been racking up wins for months, so they want another one. 

Emilia gets tagged in later as does Vincent, who ends up being slapped hard by Rome's rose. She then kicks him between the legs considering no match has a DQ anymore due to CJA's changing of the TXW laws. It got the Italian a loud boo as she bows as she milked in the noise the fans are making. 

Tyrone suddenly walks out with a live microphone as he starts calling Emilia's name. He asks her if she knows where Ashley is hiding as he is sick of her avoiding him. Emilia got caught up in what he was saying, even with Scarlet shouting at her and telling her to ignore him. 

While that happened Blair skipped around and knocked Scarlet off the apron. Vincent then rolls up Emilia and pins her AGAIN as the wacky two retain the titles, they keep their adopted 'children'. Emilia sat up after and swears in Italian as she has lost the match for her team again! Tyrone shrugs his shoulders and decided to turn back around then walk backstage as he continues his search for Ashley.
Result: The Beasts arrive to the arena for the first time tonight and they surprisingly have Hope Sweet with them. She doesn't even know about her match that has been made out of nothing but she is always ready for a fight. Eddie told his fellow Beasts to stay on guard as they know the Savages are around and they know the bad blood from Reality Check is only going to increase. 

Dakota Huntress w/ Savages vs Angelique
Stipulation: Singles / If Angelique wins she faces Tara at Bloodlust
Result: The Savages are around as they accompany Dakota to the ring as she looks to deny Angelique a title shot. Angelique is all on her own but didn't seem to be afraid of all those who are around the ringside area. 

Tara confronts her right near the ring and tells her to lose to avoid being ripped to pieces at Bloodlust. Those words caused Angelique to slap Tara which got a loud cheer. The smile on her face said it all as Mike held back his sister after that since she isn't fighting here, Dakota is. 

When the match starts Angelique gives Dakota a much tougher fight than expected as she learns from the last time they face off when it ended up being a no contest. 

Angelique almost gets the win off a roll up which did worry the Savages as they wanted her to win ahead of what may go down at Bloodlust. Dakota isn't a rookie so she doesn't panic when not in control of the match and manages to counter the bulldog attempt into a back drop. Tara cheers her on as she wants to see her finish her off as she got her up, put her on her shoulders then drops her on the canvas for the Death Valley Driver.

 It didn't end the match as Angelique kicked out from that and refuses to be denied a title shot for the second time. The blonde beauty fights back and goes for her finish, the Canadian Destroyer aka Twisted Angel. But the veteran read it and turns it into an Alabama slam. 

The match kept going back and forth into a turning point when Tara got on the apron as she attempted to distract Angelique. They did have some words but Angelique read the attack from behind coming, so she moved out the way and Dakota accidentally hit Tara off the apron. When Dakota turns around she is kicked across the gut then hit with the Twisted Angel which led to the pin, since none of the Savages chose to break it up. 

When the match is over with however, Tara did go on the attack and knocks Angelique on her ass. She then takes off her belt from her jeans and uses it to slap down across Angelique's back. The champion then wraps it around her throat and chokes her with it as Malice has to calm down his sister before she did some long lasting damage. Now Tara has a challenger and it's going to be Angelique. 

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  • Rank:Diamond Member
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  • Register:12/31/2008 2:17 AM

Re:Dark Oasis #93

Date Posted:05/04/2021 10:35 PMCopy HTML

LOCATION: Toronto, Canada
DATE: Sunday 26th January 2020
GENERAL MANAGER: Tyler York & Mike Hawk
THEME: "For The Glory" By All Good Things


Outcome: Isaiah Thorne is backstage with Jenny Gold as she asks him about his win tonight and how he feels going into the title match at Bloodlust. He makes a claim that he will be the next World Heavyweight champion of all of TXW and how no one can deny Isaiah his destiny. 

His comment about Eddie overlooking him is responded to with an appearance from Eddie who had been standing nearby. The Scot calls him a little man and said no male model can defeat a monster, defeat a beast. He says he will make light work of him and also his 'lookalike' Jacob Williams.


Gabriel Hunter vs Hope Sweet (C)
Stipulation: Badass Championship
Result: The match that was made earlier is happening next on the show as Gabriel Hunter got his shot at the Badass championship against Hope Sweet. BOTH of them wrestled the previous night as Gabriel lost to Chris Slaughter while Hope got the better of Tara Malice. The Menace demanded this and Mike saw no reason to deny him the match, even if he did push his way into the office. 

When Hope walked out she isn't in her ring gear as clearly she wasn't expecting to compete so this became more of an unsanctioned match if anything. Luckily she is a brawler so she had no problem fighting in her jeans. 

This brawl soon became violent, which is no surprise, as Gabriel just hates this woman and he headbutts her a few times. They end up on top of the announcers table at one stage which led to a suplex being hit on it by the Menace, Hope landing on it back first. They kept fighting around the ring and not in it as both wanted to one up the other. 

Eventually Gabriel took out a trash can from under the ring, put it over Hope then tripped her over. He then double foot stomps the trash can and pins her which was enough to keep her shoulders down for the five count, giving Gabriel back the Badass championship for a tenth time! 

After he kept stamping on the trash can, not letting Hope get out of it as he is pretty angry about everything she has ever put him through. 

He stands tall with the Badass title into Kry turned up. She hasn't forgiven Gabriel and she ends up catching him by surprise since his focus is all on Hope. So that meant Kry rolled him up then kept him down for the five count to win the Badass championship back off of him and to leave him with yet another headache. 

Kry rushes off as Gabriel ends up getting up and swears. It all ends for him when Hope recovers to give him a low blow and then a kiss on the forehead just to continue to mess with his life.


Outcome: Kry is seen rushing down the corridor after taking the Badass championship from Gabriel after he took it from Hope. She went past Ashley who is eating a donut and minding her own business despite the fact Tyrone is looking for her. She decides to trip Kry up forcing her to land on her own face. Ashley looks at her and sees the referee that is following her around. She throws the donut to one side then says screw it and decides to pin Kry! She kept her down and actually won the title off her. When Hope comes rushing down the corridor Ashley hides the title behind her back and sneaks past her as she looks at Kry in a heap. Hope put two and two together but before anything happened she sees the Savages down the corridor staring down at them. This time the 'Plague Doctor' IS with them as he looks in their general direction. Neither women went that way as they knew what would happen, instead Ashley went the other way and rushed past Hope who still wanted the title just to rub it in to Gabriel.


Ciara Fierce & Lauren Li vs Andrew Parker & Raine
Stipulation: Tag Team Match
Result: Next up is the tag team match that everyone was talking about as Lauren Li teams up with dominating Global champion Ciara as they take on the Justice Bringers in Andrew Parker and Raine. All eyes are on Ciara and Raine when they fight considering how they will be fighting it out for the Global championship at Bloodlust. Ciara connects with a spear early and almost got the win off it , had Raine not kicked out. 

The Crimson Curse violently fought back, rips at her hair and pokes her in the eye. A spinning chick kick later and Ciara is on her ass. Raine grabbed her hair again and throws her across the ring, forcing her to land right on her face. From here the Justice Bringers worked together to pick apart Ciara, pulling off her knee pads and damaging both of them as they look to cripple her ahead of Bloodlust. 

While Lauren could charge in, she also knew doing so would leave her at a disadvantage also and she also had faith in Ciara to fight back out of this. 

Her faith is warranted as Parker made a mistake when he went for a frog splash, alllowing Ciara to move out the way and land hard on the canvas. Lauren is tagged in and we see what is so Lethal about her as one kick winds Parker right away, flooring him shortly after with another to the head. 

Parker got a lot of foot stomps to the chest before Raine had enough and got in. She pokes Lauren in the eye then pulls on her hair, yanking her back then just throws her into the corner. Since the DQ rule is gone, this is perfectly fine. This turns into Lauren being attacked and having her knee worked on. Parker is even handed a baton and uses it on her knee, causing her a whole lot of pain. The Justice Bringers controlled things and Raine even used the dagger to cut off the bottom half of Lauren's red pants, just to expose the knees and really work on them. 

Lucky for Lauren she is able to fight off the attacks and brought in Ciara. The Global champion is suffering too but she goes for Parker anyway and then hits him with a Fire Cracker out of nothing aka Exploder Suplex. Raine tried to make the save but she got one too and then Ciara pinned Parker to get the win for her team. After the bout there was no tension between the two women as Lauren raised Ciara's hand as they have got through this tough challenge together.


Outcome: After the break the Justice Bringers are licking their wounds. Parker didn't feel too down however as he still had faith in his Raine. He could see it in Ciara's eyes that she is afraid of her and it's even better she must be hurting after that match. 



Eddie McGinlay vs Gage Steele
Stipulation: Singles / Non Title
Result: The main event closed out the next as Eddie got the chance to warm up for his title defense by taking on a member of the Savages. Gage and Eddie started out there alone, allowing them to have a match which was interesting to a lot of people considering one is the dominating champion and the other is still looking to make his mark, even as a member of the Savages. 

Gage gave a good fight to show his potential but in the end Eddie was just too much for him, putting him away with the Tartan Tomb [Tombstone]. 

Once the match ended that brought out the Savages and shortly followed by the Beasts. The Beasts are extremely outnumbered but a bunch of others joined in on the mass brawl including Hope Sweet, Gabriel Hunter and Ashley Ricci which gave security a nightmare. 

After all the chaos Eddie is left in the ring with the 'Plague Doctor' and the fans cheered when seeing this. Eddie shouted at him to tell him to take off the mask. While he did that he was eventually blind sided by Isaiah who had grabbed the champions title. He then hits him across the head with it then raises it above his head. 

The Savages used a unique fighting style to overcome those who opposed them and eventually joined the 'doctor' in the ring. Isaiah was allowed to leave as he wasn't a target and they all stood over the fallen Glasgow Monster as Dark Oasis ends.


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