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  • Register:12/31/2008 2:17 AM

Date Posted:05/04/2021 10:36 PMCopy HTML

LOCATION: Toronto, Canada
DATE: Tuesday 3rd March 2020
GENERAL MANAGER: Tyler York & Mike Hawk
THEME: "Scars" by In The Verse

Outcome: Scars hits as Dark Oasis gets underway with it's opening video package. We get some highlights from Bloodlust, the least Romantic day in all of TXW as everyone was beating each other up. Now that is over, it's the road to War Games where the Savages will headline against the Beasts Of War. Tonight we see a preview of that in a tag team main event.

Johnny Mercer w/ Hyde vs Matthew Taylor
Stipulation: Singles
Result: The opening match saw the return of Johnny Mercer as he is accompanied by Hyde. Many are also wondering what his connection to Rais is. Has he been working with him ever since being out injured? Rais' grand plan and he has been quiet in recent weeks. Only he seems to have it out for Matthew Taylor more than anyone. The Brit had a lot of work today and he had his eyes set on defeating Mercer here then going on to challenge for Ciara's championship. 

The match started as Taylor drop kicks Mercer right out the gate. He attacks him when he stands up and hits a snap suplex. Hyde just watches on as he sees no appearance from Kitty by Matthew Taylor's side. Was that done out of safety since Hyde doesn't seem like a type of man who has issues hurting just about anyone. It might also be something to do with Kitty's loss on Reality Check. Some blame Matthew for that. 

The match continued in Matthew's favour as he hits a slingblade, drags Mercer up and then sets up a powerbomb. He hits one and lifts Mercer up for a second which is an impressive feat of strength, especially considering Mercer is two hundred and forty five pounds. Matthew got him up again hits some forearm clubs and then a European uppercut. He Irish whips him into the corner and runs towards him about to go for the drop kick. He rushes over but Mercer moves meaning Taylor drop kicks nothing but the turnbuckle padding. Mercer seems calm enough into he starts hearing his name coming from the audio system in the arena. 

He is told to wake the fuck up and he suddenly snacks then goes on the attack, punching the hell out of Matthew Taylor. It became a whole different fight as the two sides of Johnny are seen here. He really does the damage as a cut above the eye of Taylor starts to emerge after all the hits. 

He does his best to battle back, catching Mercer with another forearm to give himself some breathing room. They exchange blows into Matthew Taylor gets in a gut kick, lifts up Mercer and drops him for a spike brainbuster. 

Taylor proceeds to climb up and then leaps off for a Phoenix Splash attempt but as he dives, Mercer jumps back up to his feet and catches him in mid air. He then lifts him right up onto his shoulders and hits Mercy Road aka FU and picks up the 1,2,3. 

Mercer stands over him as Hyde stands beside him. All of a sudden "Rosemary's Baby" hits as the lights go on and many expect another message from Rais. But the veteran is in the ring and he stands in front of Mercer and Hyde. Both just watch as the psychopath reaches down and grabs Matthew Taylor by the throat, lifts him up from the ground then hits the chokeslam. He drags him to the corner and climbs to the turnbuckle then jumps off for a Vader Bomb, completing his finisher the 9 Circles Of Hell. The lights go off for an extended amount of time and when they go back on, all three men are gone as Taylor is left laying which is becoming a common problem when it comes to him and Rais.
Outcome: After the break Taylor has an ice pack and is healing from his attack. Kitty is with him and is happy to have taken his advice to stay out of harm's way this time. Ciara ends up walking over looking smug as she had J.T for company. She makes fun of Taylor and says he is too busy playing with a clown to threaten her championship reign. Taylor says he will not only settle things with Rais but he will also be the one to end Ciara's record breaking run as Global champ. He reminds her of all his achievements in TXW and how he is ready to gain some more. Ciara just wished him good luck yet seemed unimpressed by the next to challenge her for the title. Can Taylor do something where others have failed, including the currently World champion.

The Cult Of Justice (Parker and Raine) vs Vinnie & Blair
Stipulation: Tag Team Match
Result: The show resumes with the debut of the Cult of Justice. They are the Justice Bringers no more as they have evolved and Parker vows to do things differently. Surprisingly they have recruited Tyrone Marshall into the cult ahead of him fighting for Team CJA at War Games. He has been fighting against them so long but feels the word Justice appeals to him as he feels a lack of Justice exists in TXW, which is how it's left him so far down the card. 

Tyrone took a seat at the announcers table after having his rant and watches Parker team with his wife Raine against Vinnie and Blair, the former tag team champions. This could play a role in who gets a shot at Wrath and Hope Sweet in the near future since many tag teams are out there, looking to get to them. Parker and Raine work well together which is no surprise, even if Vincent and Blair are not here just to get their asses kicked. They are still looking to reclaim their 'children' known as the tag team championships. 

Raine is legal with Blair and hits her with a hard clothesline. She drags her up by the hair and grabs hold of her jean shorts then lifts her up, dropping her for a brainbuster. She hisses and then tags in Parker who has Blair at his mercy. 

He drags her to her feet, lifts her up and then hits his Hack the System finish also known as the Bitter End. Vincent went to make the save but Raine rushes in and hits him with a Sweet Sacrifice [RKO] , which allows her husband to pin Blair for the win. 

After Tyrone got in the ring and he congratulated his new ally, raising up his hand. Parker got on microphone and vowed to make the Cult of Justice matter by representing CJA's name at War Games. He trashes Kelly's name as he suggests the team representing her should quit before the War Games match even happens. 

Ashley walks on out and smirks at their comments. She then announces that she will gladly welcome Vincent and Blair onto her team alongside herself and Zoey. Tyrone is too busy looking over and laughing about her choice to see that Vinnie and Blair are back to their feet. Vincent grabs Raine and lifts her up then hits the Welcome To The Underworld on her while Blair takes out Parker with a chick kick before they are both hit by a snapper by Tyrone. Ashley rolled in and kicked Tyrone right between the legs then hit him across the head with the microphone. Team Kelly has made their move.
Outcome: Ashley got backstage with Vinnie and Blair as they end up seeing Kelly Nightingale backstage. The Fearless one still has a protective boot on and is still very much retired after CJA's trick. She questioned if Ashley's choices are the best option. Blair just went over and hugged Kelly as she sighed. Ashley smirked and said she can lead the team could rise up then win. Ash names Tara Jeanne as the final member of the team and suggest she would be Women's champ when joining them. Big words but everyone knows the Rebel has a lot of confidence in herself. 

Asian Sensations vs Tara Malice & Dakota Huntress (The Savages)
Stipulation: Tag Match
Result: Two members of Team Kelly are in action next as the Asian Sensations are up against the Savages Dakota Huntress and Tara Malice, the women's champion. Dakota has been disappointing herself lately so she needed to pull this one out of the bag. 

Dakota started out in this tag match against Zoey and got the better of her early, showing how much she wants this. She floors her with a Spinning Roundhouse Kick , drags her up and puts her on her shoulders then hits a Death Valley Driver , which almost ended the match if not for Tara Jeanne making the save.

 Tara's help there got Zoey back into it as she fights back once dragged to her feet. The Black Bird hits a superkick and when Dakota stands, she clotheslines her out of the ring. 

Zoey backs up and smiles at her partner Tara. She then makes the run and jumps out the ring for a suicide dive, pushing Dakota right into the barricade. The fans are on the side of the Asian Sensations clearly here tonight as they chant their name and wanted to see them overcome the Savages. 

Once the fight resumes in the ring, Zoey hits a superkick and drop kick combo and brings in Tara Jeanne. They then both drag up Dakota and hit her with a double suplex. Zoey got out just as Tara drags up Dakota then hits the Asian Beauty Kick which is her version of a super kick. 

The Asian Beauty smiles as the fans cheer her and she follows it up by climbing to the top rope then launching herself off with a Second Chance aka Swanton Bomb. Tara M rushes into the ring after that, headbutts her and then sets up the Pedigree which she calls Tattooed. Move is hit and Zoey gets back in to aid her friend. She brawls with the women's champion but they end up outside the ring. 

Dakota gets up first as she looks pissed at how it's going. She got up and goes over to the downed number one contender then drags her up. Dakota then sets up and hits the Gang Mugging as she put Tara on her shoulders. GTS is hit as the fans boo as they then see Tara J pinned for the win. 

Zoey did try to break it up but she is pushed over by Tara as they fight outside. Now she had to sit there and watch as the champion gets in the ring then raises the hand of Dakota as the Savages have won here.

Outcome: There is a shot from backstage where the Savages have gathered around a monitor backstage as they watch Tara and Dakota win. Pierce then turns to Mike Malice and says they need to do the same in the main event. He says it's his chance to show he doesn't need help or cheap tactics to best Chris Slaughter. Their in a cage it's very much two versus two and Pierce has claimed Wrath in the fight. He expects Malice to take care of Slaughter.

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  • Register:12/31/2008 2:17 AM

Re:Dark Oasis #94

Date Posted:05/04/2021 10:36 PMCopy HTML

LOCATION: Toronto, Canada
DATE: Tuesday 3rd March 2020
GENERAL MANAGER: Tyler York & Mike Hawk
THEME: "Scars" by In The Verse

Jacob Williams w/ Aubrey Hudson & Denzel Brown vs Kry
Stipulation: Singles
Seeing his title dreams go up in smoke wasn't too easy for Jacob Williams but he is determined to get yet another shot. He has every chance now there is a Gauntlet match happening at War Games. He'll very much like to be in that match considering how many of the talents are going to be placed in the War Games matches itself. 

Here he is focused on defeating Kry as Aubrey has motivated him with some words before the match. He dominates the fight as Kry struggles to handle him. She has lost her way in recent weeks but isn't the type to give up. Even with that spirit Jacob NEEDED this win more than anything after coming up short at Bloodlust. He hits a brainbuster, drags Kry up and then hits her with a Bankrupt aka Side Effect. Kry is rocked and when she gets up she is hit with the Red Light Superkick for the victory, a very impressive victory for the main attraction. 


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  • Rank:Diamond Member
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  • Register:12/31/2008 2:17 AM

Re:Dark Oasis #94

Date Posted:05/04/2021 10:37 PMCopy HTML

LOCATION: Toronto, Canada
DATE: Tuesday 3rd March 2020
GENERAL MANAGER: Tyler York & Mike Hawk
THEME: "Scars" by In The Verse


Outcome: The GM's Tyler York and Mike Hawk are in discussion backstage as they are coming up with the names for the gauntlet match. Mike agrees that Jacob Williams should be the first one of the six names to appear in the contest. Tyler also agreed since he felt the list of names was shorter since obvious contenders Pierce Kingsley, Eddie McGinlay and Tyrone Marshall are in the War Games matches. 

CJA just told them to come up with a list of others since he is sure even other champions can get their chance. Tyler liked that idea as he felt Ciara Fierce would be a good challenger since she has been the woman of the year and if she manages to beat Isaiah later, she seems even more of a fair contender.Mike names Lauren Li due to her return to form but admits maybe some deserve an earlier spot in the gauntlet opposed to others considering it IS for the World title.

CJA does agree as World title shots shouldn't just be handed out so he named Lauren as the first to kick off the Gauntlet match. The next names brought to their attention are Johnny Mercer and Matthew Taylor, since one was World champion before his injury while the other is number one contender for the Global championship. It all seemed logical which leaves them with five names. 

CJA comes up with the last one as he believes he wants to throw Rais in the ring after spending months tormenting the roster. Will he even care about the title? It's a mystery but it gives Matthew Taylor the chance of getting his hands on the man who has been making his life a misery.So there we have it, the six names in the gauntlet match are Lauren Li, Ciara Fierce, Jacob Williams, Matthew Taylor, Johnny Mercer and Rais. Who will get through the match and go on to challenge Isaiah Thorne the same



Hope Sweet vs Ashley Ricci
Stipulation: Falls Count Anywhere
Result: The next match saw a falls count anywhere between Ashley Ricci and Hope Sweet. The last time they shared a ring it was a battle over the Badass championship. Now it's more of a case where if Hope wins, she can put herself in the Legacy title picture since Ashley was rewarded a shot at the title for her win at Bloodlust.

The Rebel remembers being hit with a pipe by Hope backstage so there was no time for respect between these two. She hits some forearm shots, elbows Hope then backs away and runs towards her. Hope is taken off her feet by the Running Lariat. Of course she gets cheered for that as out of the two, she is the babyface here. Hope meanwhile has sided with the Beasts, even if that has brought her a lot of success recently, including being the current tag team champions with Wrath.

The Rebel went for the early finish, going for her 619 but Hope stood up as Ashley used the ropes. She then hit her across the face which knocked her out of the ring. The Hardcore Whore goes on to show what makes her so 'hardcore'. She throws Ashley into the steps, lifts her up after and carries her over to the barricade, she then rams her back first right into it as that one hurt the Rebel.Hope dominates from here, hitting a German Suplex on the outside and then setting up a powerbomb. She ends up hitting the move and Ashley hit the back of her neck right on the apron , leaving her looking right out of it.

Hope is enjoying herself as she throws Ashley back into the ring, drags her up and hits the SEX [RKO]. Cover gets made at that point by somehow the former World Champion kicks out! The Hardcore Whore calls Ashley a dumb bitch for kicking out and starts punching away at her face. She cuts Ash open, lifts her up with ease and drops her for a hard hitting powerbomb. Hope proceeds to climb up to the top rope, jumps off and connects with the Primal Urge aka Spinning Moonsault which gets her the win over the Rebel. Hope stood over her after and got a microphone. She then says Mike Malice has a nice title that she wouldn't mind taking next week ahead of War Games.


Outcome: The Hardcore Whore is now backstage and seems happy with her win over Ashley. Tyler then approaches her and informs her that next show she'll be challenging Mike Malice , ahead of Ashley Ricci , as they battle for the Legacy title. Hope seemed fine with that as she aims to add the Legacy title and become the first person to hold three titles
Isaiah Thorne vs Ciara Fierce
Stipulation: Non title / Champion vs champion
Result: We have a champion vs champion match for the pre main event as Ciara Fierce battles it out with Isaiah Thorne. This is a match that happened many months when Isaiah wanted to reclaim the Global championship. Instead he was defeated by Ciara and many believed he was done with the company for good after that. How can you talk so much then not back it up by winning the title? Well since then he has won pretty much every match he has been in and has risen to becoming the World champion, all while the Irish Badass broke records as the Global champion. Many feel Isaiah has surpassed Ciara, but she wanted to prove that just isn't the case. 

The match starts as Ciara brings the fight to the World champion. She hasn't tasted defeat in a very long time , so wanted to continue that run and repeat what she did in August at Summer Mayhem when she defeated the returning Isaiah. It almost happened off the Fire Cracker aka Exploder Suplex as she managed to hit it on him and if not for the ropes, the match may have ended there. Isaiah was saved by the ropes but he wasn't out of this fight and he wasn't here to let Ciara walk all over him. He took her down with a double leg takedown, drops an elbow on her, gets her up and throws her into the corner. Once she is in the corner, he runs and hits a stingers splash as he has turned this match on it's head. The match kept going back and forth with both refusing to take a loss.

Funny enough it was Isaiah who defeated Ciara last, right back in September. Isaiah spiked her with a DDT and looked ready to end this for good. Hell he might have to fight her again if she can run the Gauntlet. Matthew Taylor made his way out, having recovered from the attack by Rais. He kept an closer eye on Ciara who was fighting for the match here and just avoided being hit by the super kick. She clotheslines down Isaiah and looks over at Matthew, who is just taking a closer look at the person he will soon be challenging, a person he will soon be fighting against in the Gauntlet having been one of the names listed by the GM's and CJA. Isaiah knew he could be fighting Ciara forever with neither of them winning, so he used this and rolls her up while she is focused on Matthew Taylor. He grabs a handful of her leather pants and kept her down for the 3 count to win the champion vs champion.                                

Isaiah poses with his title shortly after as Ciara glares at Matthew who just crosses his arms. We've seen Ciara defeated her for the first time in several months and she'll blame Matthew for settling the contest.

Outcome: The Global champion Ciara is annoyed her back and forth contest ended the way it did. Who knows who would've won if Matthew Taylor didn't walk out to take a closer look. She asked Mike if she can defend her title against him on the next show. He doesn't have to think about it long as he agrees they should battle next show as Ciara puts her Global gold on the line.
Mike Malice & Pierce Kingsley vs Wrath & Chris Slaughter
Stipulation: Tag Team Cage Match
Result: The show ended with a battle between the Savages and The Beasts locked inside a steel cage. The rest of the Beasts and their allies were banned from ringside, as were the rest of the Savages.
As planned Pierce Kingsley took the fight to Wrath and used a different tactic against him this time, since you're not going to match him brawn for brawn or strength to strength. He went for the knee and got him to one knee then drop kicks him in the face. Pierce has become very different since his disappearance all those months ago after a loss to Eddie McGinlay, but he's as dangerous in the ring as ever. Malice meanwhile is having a fight with Slaughter, a much different one we saw when they last met at Bloodlust. Slaughter overpowers him and throws face first into the cage. Slaughter lifts him up after and hits a brainbuster as he then helps Wrath in the fight against Kingsley. They double team him which allows the Beasts to gain some control. Both grab him by the throat and chokeslam him down to try end things for him. Wrath drags him up, puts him on his shoulders and hits the Wrath Driver on him aka Spike Death Valley Driver on him then covers him. 

The referee in there is probably terrified when Pierce kicks out of the move, surviving that onslaught. It just shows you need to do a lot more damage to keep him down. Malice gets back into the fight and manages to back Slaughter up against the side of the cage. He then backs off, makes a run and launches a jumping forearm right to the face. He then picks up the two hundred and eight pounder when he's in the corner, lifting him to the top rope. That itself is a challenge but Malice has enough strength to do it. He punches away at Slaughter, headbutts him then all of a sudden hits a superplex.They land but they break right through the ring in a stunning moment that shocks a lot of people, including Wrath who has knocked Kingsley down again.

There is a hole in the ring and it seems both of them are out of commission. It's left for Kingsley and Wrath to fight as they do so by avoiding the hole in the ring. It's a brutal fight and doesn't involve many wrestling moves. Kingsley is getting hit hard but he is somehow taking it from the monster of a man. His headbutt to Wrath sends the big man back and then the Plague Doctor steps forward, grabs him and hits him with the Sister Abigail.                          

It left him tired out but at this point Wrath is hurting too. Kingsley then does something unexpected as he climbs up the cage, gets to the top and has his back to the ring. He has a cold expression on his face as he jumps off for the moonsault and lands right on Wrath! The fans chant holy shit as that was a crazy fall but Kingsley had done enough to hook Wrath's big leg and kept him down to get the win for the Savages.
The cage raises up as the rest of the Savages make their way out to check on Pierce and their fallen member Malice. EMT's check on Slaughter and Malice as Kingsley just stands up. All of a sudden Eddie charges out. He big boots Tara and then uppercuts Dakota to knock her down, followed by another big boot to Gage. He then hits a spinning heel kick before Kingsley could react as he was still recovering from that moonsault dive. The Glasgow Monster lifts Kingsley up, picks him up onto his shoulder and then sets up the Tartan Tomb. Eddie hits the move as he has laid out the Savages all on his own. It shows how dangerous he can be but also shows the group took their eye off the former World champion. He stands over his enemy Kingsley as Dark Oasis ends.

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