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Date Posted:05/04/2021 10:37 PMCopy HTML


LOCATION: Toronto, Canada
DATE: Sunday 22nd March 2020
GENERAL MANAGER: Tyler York & Mike Hawk
THEME: "Scars" by In The Verse

Zoey vs Roxanne Marshall w/ Denzel Brown
Stipulation: Submission Count Anywhere
Result: The opening of Dark Oasis got people talking, mostly because it paid tributes to the fans prior to the first match of the night. No fans are here as we are in a local gym, a location not yet used by the company. Yet it may be a one time thing as everything around the world changes around us. The night kicked off with a match between Zoey and Roxanne in a fan voted submission count anywhere match, which provided valuable entertainment. 

These women went for it as the new 'Bad' Roxanne gave Zoey a beating early on, throwing her out the ring, dragging her by the hair and throwing her into the side of a treadmill. She screams at her and wanted to do everything to make sure she wins this match. As a part of Team CJA, she wanted to make the name mean something while also proving how good she really is.

They kept fighting around the gym as Roxanne got her outside and hit a snap suplex right onto the stone slabs that were leading to the gym. She then locks her in Fox Trot aka Bank Statement as Zoey struggles to breath due to the grip around her throat. It is enough pressure to make her tap out. 

Roxanne gloats after she wins and Denzel smiles that his girl has also got a win over Zoey ahead of War Games. Roxanne smiles and told Zoey that team Kelly sucks. Denzel raises her hand as they look at the camera and have made their statement to open DO. 

Eddie McGinlay vs Dakota Huntress
Stipulation: Lumberjack Match
Result: Prior to this match starting we see a promo that Eddie cut earlier on in the day from his home. He states that he found another weakness in the Savages after Tara Malice lost her title. He knows of Pierce Kingsley's ability in the ring but doesn't think it means anything when it comes to picking allies. 

He picked poorly and he'll pay for that at War Games.That led to this next match which was supposed to be lumberjack match , which the fans voted for. Instead everyone was banned from the ring instead as we got a flat out match between Dakota and Eddie. 

It's a good match that sees Dakota take a lot more than many might've expected. Only in the end Eddie overpowered her, dropped her on her head as he hit the Tartan Tomb. That's yet another member of the Savages that Eddie has defeated. He is on a warpath and more than ready for the Savages. 

Ashley Ricci, Vinnie & Blair vs Cult of Justice [Raine, Andrew Parker & Tyrone Marshall]
Stipulation: Six Person Tag / Shark Cage Match
Result: Kelly is in one of the back rooms in the gym with crutches as she talks with Blair, Ashley and Vincent as they think about who will be in the cage. Blair volunteers which no one on the team seems to disagree with. Vincent vows to free his Blair Bear asap and secure the win for his team. Ashley smirks as she does and seems happy with her team tactics.

The match later starts as we get Blair up in the shark cage while Andrew Parker volunteers for his team. Tyrone gets his hands on Ashley and throws her about like a rag doll. He sends her packing out of the ring which allows Raine and Tyrone to double team Vincent. Of course that doesn't go down too well with the fans.

That was the pattern for a while as Vincent is hit with a Sweet Sacrifice RKO and then a snapper from Tyrone. It looked like the end when Tyrone hoisted Raine onto his shoulders and held her as she stood up then reached for the cage.

Ashley came out nowhere, jumps on the ropes and dropkicks Raine to send her crashing to the canvas. It is the spot of the night as both women crash to the canvas and it leaves Tyrone wondering what to do. He rushes over and attempts to hit a snapper on Ash, but she moved out the way and he ends up on the ropes, then hit with a 619 followed by a double foot stomp.

Vincent got up, picks up Ashley and she climbs up then gets her hands on the door of the shark cage. She pulls open the door then Blair jumps out, ending up hitting a crossbody on Raine!  Fantastic win here for Ashley, Blair and Vincent over the Cult of Justice. 

Pierce Kingsley vs Wrath
Stipulation: Chain Match
Result: The show resumes after a commercial as we are back at the gym where Pierce Kingsley is walking to the ring with a chain in hand. He is almost an expert at this type of match, even when he is about to go up against Wrath, a man who has defeated him before.
Here he is at a disadvantage because of the size difference.

Wrath uses his power to throw Pierce around, like not many could do. He grabs the chain and uses it to whip Pierce like a dog with it. You have to be tough to take some of these hits as most would want to give up. He wraps it around the Plague Doctor's throat, drags him up then hits a chokeslam which would usually end things, but not this time. 

The violence increases as this is more of a fight than a wrestling match and ends when Pierce gets behind Wrath, wraps the chain around his throat then has him in a chokehold.Wrath thrashes about, does everything to get Pierce off of him but he started to tire. Eventually he drops to a knee, then another and he ends up being choked out by it causing the referee to call for a bell. No one has ever seen anything like this, the big Beast being choked out.

But it has happened and Pierce sends a message back to the Beasts. Eddie walks out there to confront him but luckily even at this gym there is enough people to prevent an all out battle happening at this gym. The fight waits for another day.

Ciara Fierce (C)  vs Matthew Taylor
Stipulation: Global Championship / Break Them All
Result: Ciara is talking to J.T from one of the back rooms. She seems confident of winning the break them all match and putting an end to Taylor's trash talking ways. He claims she hasn't beaten anyone impressive despite defending against the current World champion Isaiah Thorne. 

Ciara walked to the ring with swagger as she held up the title and points at the camera. She looked at all the tables and pictured Taylor going through all of them. Of course if they break two each, they will need more.

The fight begins and Taylor dominates the champion after catching her off guard. He throws her about and stomps away at her when he has her trapped in the corner. He picks her up and put her on the apron then drop kicks her off to send her crashing through one of the tables.                                  

She fought her way back up to her feet and gets picked up then put through another as Taylor is on the fast track for the Global title. It would be stunning if he were to win with ease and put her through them all to make sure he wins the match. 

That isn't the way it goes as Ciara is tough and she survives being put through another. Instead it ends with Taylor laid out on one which allows Ciara to climb onto the apron and jump off with an elbow drop, crashing the challenger through one. She followed it up not long after by putting Taylor through another with an exploder suplex. They fight it out for about ten more minutes where another table is put into the ring. All it took is for one of them to be put through it to end the match. Taylor attempted to make sure it was him but in the end he gets caught with another Exploder Suplex and crashes through it. That means Ciara Fierce again retains the championship.                                 

Mike Malice (C)  vs Hope Sweet
Stipulation: Legacy Championship / Hardcore Inferno Match
Result: Another championship is defended next as Mike Malice defends against Hope Sweet. It is meant to be an inferno match but due to it being in the gym with a fire proof system in place, we get a hardcore falls count anywhere match instead. Hope loved this and showed from the get go by how violent she gets from the start. We see every weapon that is placed under the ring used as Hope even starts using pieces of the table broken in the earlier match. It became about what could she use against the Dastardly one.

The champion took everything she had including the SEX [RKO] which he kicked out of at two. He eventually was able to set up several chairs then hits her with his mauled [Cross rhodes] finish right on the chairs to retain the title.

After he hits his other finisher which is the suplex backbreaker on her, only he uses the chairs as the backbreaker and it at least kept Hope down long enough for him to stand tall.

Isaiah Thorne vs Lauren Li
Stipulation: Non Title / Broken Mirrors / Choose Opponents Attire
Result: We see a bunch of mirrors up in the ring as we see our first ever broken mirrors match. The aim is to throw your opponent into a mirror , break in order to try to secure a pinfall. If you don't manage to do that then you won't get the win.

We're informed that Lauren didn't make her choice regarding the attire, maybe because she wanted a straight up fight. Only Isaiah didn't offer her the same 'mercy'. Isaiah walks out posing as always and is confident as always since he never shows a lack of confidence. Lauren on the other hand came out in a robe which didn't hide the fact she has stockings on. She mouthed something at Isaiah at the beginning but then disrobed and she is in her lingerie. She also has a garter belt on which means Li is wrestling in something very revealing. The one benefit is probably no fans to react to this with whistles, as they would.

Lauren looked extremely uncomfortable and hated it more when Isaiah slapped her ass after a kick block. It's a clear move to get under her skin and make her less lethal. Isaiah had no issues attacking her and gut kicks her, sets up a suplex and grabs the side of her panties. He lifts her up and slams her down causing a lot of pain but more discomfort.

Lauren is dominated for a while and at one point she gets a massive wedgie after another suplex. Isaiah taunts her and touches his own ass, asking her if it hurts.                                  

This brought more of a fight from Li who gets in some kicks at last after being provoked. She kicks at him and suddenly kicks him so hard it actually knocks him into the mirror, smashing it! Li then spin kicks him right in the face and gets a near fall which almost shocked the champion there. Lauren gains confidence from this and starts kicking the crap out of Isaiah. She even kicks him enough across the chest where it looks beat red.

He blocks another however then superkicks her out of nothing which knocks her back, right into another mirror with enough force to break it. Her feet are pretty cut up but her back is also after that. She gets hit with a pendulum elbow for the 1,2. Li gets up but is lifted up about to be hit with the perfect bomb. It's reversed and Li ends up on her feet, all be it around glass. She lunges forward with a kick but MISSES. Isaiah ends up behind her , rolls her up to slam her back into the glass but also yanks down her panties at the back to expose her bare ass but also cheat to win. He manages to keep her down and winks at Lauren after she had rolled out then ended up flat on her stomach, her ass still showing. Isaiah rolls out and takes his title to end the show, just as Lauren pulled her panties back into place then adjusts to the pain she has been put through but also the loss she has taken.                                 

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