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  • Register:12/31/2008 2:17 AM

Date Posted:05/04/2021 10:38 PMCopy HTML

LOCATION: Toronto, Canada [CJA Estate]
DATE: Saturday 4th April 2020
THEME: "Scars" by In The Verse

Outcome: The camera is rolling as 'Scars' hits over CJA's Sound system in his Estate. The Legend Of All Eras walks out from his back door, right out to the yard where he tells the camera man to turn around. He does just that as he shows off the temporary set up in the yard. There are no barricades, no stage, just a ring for everyone to fight in. The camera man turns back to CJA who starts walking and talking directly to the camera, his way to connect to the TXW audience during this pandemic. 

He tells them that TXW won't be stopped and will continue to provide Xtreme action throughout. He states the move of date shows the roster is always ready for a fight and he vows to keep bringing quality entertainment. He says nothing is on limit here and he is excited to bring War Games to the TXW arena at the end of the month. 

He takes the camera man on a wall around the ring then points at his mansion, letting those admire the view of all the hard work CJA has put in. He knows it's risky putting on a show in his house, especially if some don't respect him. But he knows the risks and doesn't regret his choices. He decides to stay close to the ring, getting one of his chairs and sits in his yard. Curious.

Tara Jeanne (C) vs Tara Malice
Stipulation: Tara Jeanne's choice / Women's championship
Result: The match is for the Women's title as Tara Malice gets her rematch. The Savages Tara Malice gave a glare to CJA on her way out from inside the house, then entering the ring. Tara Jeanne seemed more positive to see the Legend Of All Eras. The choice the current champion made ended up being a bare ass spanking match, as Tara Jeanne felt her fellow Tara needed one in the wake of all that has happened. 

Has CJA influenced this? No one knew but he seemed fine with it and claps at her as the two women throw everything at one another. Malice is far more vicious and is determined to get back the title to bring it back to the Savages fold. She built up momentum and then nails Jeanne with her version of the Pedigree. She drags her up and goes to place her on her knee when Lana Starr makes her presence felt once more. 

The Scot just got into the ring and attacks her, which is perfectly legal. She trash talks as she lays out Malice. She calls her a softy and drags her up then hits her with Starr Struck aka Legdrop Bulldog. Lana drags her up, looks at Jeanne who is back up, then helped her as she put Malice over her knee. The Scottish blonde yanks down Malice's hot pants and thong to expose her bare ass, then Jeanne retains by slapping her across the ass. Lana laughs and leaves while Jeanne is handed back the title then raises it above her head. Malice quickly fixes her 'wardrobe malfunction' and is in no mood to stick around as she is after Lana's blood.


Outcome: Another camera man caught the moment Lana walked into part of the house where Eddie is waiting for her. He lifts her up and kisses her as she once again cost Tara, which in the big picture costs the Savages a piece of gold. Tara comes rushing towards them but Lana knocks her down again. Eddie holds his girl back and says to leave the trash alone. He does state that Lana is now the sixth member of the Beasts as it appears the Savages have found someone else. Eddie tells Tara to run along to her owner and vows to make the rest of the group feel as worthless as she must now feel.



Zoey vs Vincent Underwood vs Blair Black
Stipulation: Triple Threat Bathtub / Special Referee: Kelly Nightingale
Result: CJA is still sat near the ring but this time has Tara Jeanne sat next to him, with her women's title. With the mass gathering rule being changed, the chances are that most of this shouldn't even be happening. But he has his work arounds and is keeping people at a distance. He also hasn't got any crew here as no one is commentating on the matches. 

The strange thing for the next match is there is no sign of the bathtub as advertised. That brought a reaction from CJA who called the camera man over. He looks right at as he puts his arm over Tara Jeanne's shoulder. He states that he is bored with the feud between himself and Kelly already. He admits the feel issue is with any 'Legacy Carriers'. He claims Zoey is doing her best Kelly Nightingale impression and feels that should be beneath her. But he says since she wants to try, he's going to test her. That's why the next match is a handicap match as Zoey takes on Denzel Brown and Roxanne Marshall, who are no longer on paid leave. 

Zoey walked out and looks disappointed at her fellow Asian Sensation. She asks CJA if he can just make a tag match if Tara wanted to team with her. CJA left it to Tara but she didn't want to. Now Zoey feels CJA has brainwashed her friend. We get the handicap match and Zoey struggles since she is not used to being in the ring with a man. If she wanted the Kelly Nightingale legacy then she needed to fight like her. Zoey IS her own person but many did believe she had more to give on her own. 

The half blood did show something as she gave a fight back to Denzel and even took out Roxanne's legs. She kept going even after she was hit with a double suplex, she refused to be pinned again after losing to BOTH of them in recent weeks. 

CJA enjoyed seeing her desperate, enjoyed seeing her fight and in the end she impressed him by catching Roxanne by surprise with a small package and winning the handicap match because of it. Roxanne is furious at the end as she attacks Zoey then locks her in the Rock Off. Denzel didn't break it up, instead he grabs Zoey's legs and lifts them up so the move is even more painful. Tara looked like she might budge into CJA just kisses her to make her give up on any thought of being a savior. Roxanne got some revenge by forcing Zoey to tap, even if it didn't count as a win. 

After it was all done and dusted with Roxanne and Denzel leaving, Raine walks on out as she picks up the pieces of Zoey. CJA announces a surprise match which starts and ends right away as Raine hit the Sweet Sacrifice RKO and then pins her as the bell sounds. Quick match and CJA confirms the two will meet again at War Games with Raine picking any stipulation she wants as the winner will be rewarded with a championship opportunity.

Outcome: Ashley is with a camera man as she stands by CJA's indoor pool and she has a bikini on as she shows how threatened she felt by Tyrone. She is disappointed in him and feels he has become another generic bad guy who wants to blame her for his problems, when he has always failed to become the man he was meant to be. The Bull interrupts her little segment and states looks are all she has , how she'll never be a World champion again and also how she's not in his league. This ends when Ashley ends up pushing him into the pool as he wasn't expecting her to come at him with such force. It also didn't help how close he was standing. The Rebel jumps in herself but the Bull isn't happy to stay in there with her. He just tells her it will be short and painful in the pre main event but much longer at War Games.


Pierce Kingsley & Mike Malice vs Wrath & Hope Sweet (C)
Stipulation: Tag Team Titles
Result: The tag team titles were on the line next as the Savages took on champions Wrath and Hope Sweet. It is a very risky match to have considering the building war between the two factions. As expected the war wasn't any less intense as things got started. Wrath went at it with Malice and throws him about, really wanting to get his hands on Pierce Kingsley who choked him out with a chain last show. Even without his wish, he gives the Legacy champion a very difficult time. Malice's life didn't get any easier when it came to Hope, who is still after the Legacy championship. She kicks his ass for a little while into he catches her with a strong short arm clothesline. From there he tags in Pierce aka the Plague Doctor. He doesn't let Hope have as much of a say and puts her through a tough time herself. She kicks out of his Death Valley Driver which does raise an eyebrow from the watching CJA, since that is basically a version of his finisher.

 It did continue and eventually we got to Pierce versus Wrath. The former World champions beat the piss out of each other as Malice ends up dragging Hope down from the apron and they end up fighting it out all around the yard of CJA. In the ring Pierce actually gets taken down by a huge chokeslam. We then see Eddie emerge as he rolls into the ring and he gets Wrath to drag up Pierce. That happens only for Dean Creed of all people to rush on out, chain wrapped around his fist as he hits Eddie. Wrath tried to take his head off but he manages to roll out the ring and gets out the ring. Pierce kicks up to his feet and ends up putting Wrath in another choke. This time he uses his arms as he Savagely chokes him, eventually making the giant begin to fade. We get a repeat as the big man is again choked out as this shows how dangerous Pierce can be. The referee calls it just as Hope has her leg grabbed by Malice as she attempted to save the match. But in the end we have NEW Tag Team champions!

Outcome: Since this was at risk of getting out of control, CJA demands that people start to leave his house or risk being fired. The bitter Beasts are the first out the door as Eddie didn't get the chance to get his revenge tonight. Hope and a hurting Wrath join him as their night has ended in disappointment. They cost the Savages one title but they themselves have now lost the tag team titles. Eddie does tell them not to lower their heads as War Games is a chance at redemption.


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  • Rank:Diamond Member
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  • Register:12/31/2008 2:17 AM

Re:Dark Oasis #96 [Stay At Home Edition]

Date Posted:05/04/2021 10:39 PMCopy HTML

LOCATION: Toronto, Canada [CJA Estate]
DATE: Saturday 4th April 2020
THEME: "Scars" by In The Verse


Tyrone Marshall vs Ashley Ricci
Stipulation: Singles
Result: The war between the Savages and the Beasts might be intense but the same can be said for the battle of CJA's former students. The War Games match may have been cancelled but there are still bragging rights at stake when Ashley and Tyrone meet in an Ironman match for ONE HOUR. The Bull always said he wanted to fight the Rebel after their year long relationship came to an end. We saw their little tussle by the pool but Ashley did come out fully geared up for this one. 

She seemed confident but that seemed to change when Tyrone walked out with Emilia Pruzzi by his side. Why? When? How? No one knew what this is about but many might believe this has to do with mind games. With Emilia struggling in her career and her best friend taking time off, this might be her new career path, siding with another who came out the academy. 

Ashley looked more unsettled as she probably didn't like who Tyrone had with him. Even so she put up a fight in what turns out to be a preview of the iron man match. Ashley managed to get some momentum, gets a dropkick right to Tyrone's spine and he ends up draped over the ropes, perfectly set up for the 619 aka Ricci's Rebellion. 

She ran towards the ropes and hit the move, but as she went to climb the top rope for the double foot stomp, Emilia grabs her leg. Ashley shouts at her and kicks her away as she then proceeds to climb back up to the top rope. She jumps up but Tyrone gets to his feet quick, then hits her with the Seeing Red [Superman Punch]. Ash looked like she got hit with a truck as the Bull pins her to win the match, win the preview of War Games. Emilia raises his hand as her new job seems to have started well, at least for this night. 

Outcome: Creed is given a chance to talk to the camera before his exit from the Estate. The last we knew he is a commentator, not a competitor. Creed said he isn't known for telling the truth and admits he likes what the Savages have going. When asked if there will be major issues between himself and Pierce, he shakes his head. He tells the camera man that Pierce exploited a weakness and it opened up his eyes. Creed has been improving himself for months , figuring out his path. Now he knows his place and he is known for winning War Games matches. He'll be victorious alongside the Savages, he is sure of it. 



Isaiah Thorne & Lauren Li vs Ciara Fierce & Matthew Taylor
Stipulation: Tag Team Match
Result: The main event saw a clash between everyone who will be involved in the Gauntlet match, where Isaiah will defend the World title. Here he had to team with Lauren , who he made wear lingerie last time and then he cheated to win. Isaiah has no shame but how does Lauren still feel about it? Many felt she would betray him the first chance she gets, as what an impact that would be. Instead both teams seemed to be on the same page early on, even if Isaiah encouraged Lauren to do most of the work, mostly because she needed to prove herself. The Lethal one did just that as she used her legs to get the better of Taylor, making him look stupid at points as Ciara wanted to get in asap. 

Taylor didn't tag her in, instead he fought back against Li and looked to remind the world of who he used to be, long before he was fired from the company. Isaiah did get tagged in as he too had no problem with Taylor. The Brit is forced to tag in Ciara as she brought the fight to the man she has defeated in the past. If she can do it again, that might just show everyone that she is here to be the best of the best. She has been the Global champion for nearly a year now, breaking all the records along the way. Isaiah and her were having a pretty good back and forth, into Lauren tagged herself in when the champion is thrown to the corner. It turned out to be a rash and stupid decision from Lauren, who gets hit with the Exploder Suplex and pinned , right before Isaiah could do anything about it. Isaiah is left standing there as Ciara stood over Lauren. The Irish Badass gets handed her Global title and lifts it up as she points to her waist with her free hand as she wants another by the end of War Games, Isaiah's World title.

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