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Date Posted:05/04/2021 10:39 PMCopy HTML

LOCATION: Toronto, Canada
DATE: Sunday 10th May 2020
GENERAL MANAGER: Tyler York & Mike Hawk
THEME: "Scars" by In The Verse

Preview: The show kicks off with a recap of the mid week draft which sees a split in the roster for the first time in TXW 2.0 history. This gives everyone an opportunity to make the most of their career instead of just making up the numbers. Mike Hawk and Tyler York are then seen as they both seem happy with the outcome, sharing the thoughts that they had 'won' the draft. 

Roxanne Marshall w/ Denzel Brown vs Kry
Stipulation: Singles / Queen Of The Ring Qualifier
Result: The opening contest saw Reality Check stars Roxanne Marshall and Kry facing off against one another in a Queen of the ring Qualifier. Both women were looking to make the most of their final appearance on the so called A show by winning here. 

They brawled around the ringside area including a spot where Roxanne suplexes off of the steel steps after both had climbed up onto them. It went back and forth from there as both of them wanted a place in the next round. At one stage it looked like it was edging towards Kry, who sent Roxanne head first into the barricade when she tried to run at her with a high flying move. 

In the end the Foxy one was put in the ring and looked like she was at risk of being finished off. But she managed to get behind Kry , hit the double knee backbreaker then locks in the Bridging Crossface aka Rock Off to secure the tap out victory. 

Roxanne is happy but emotional when Denzel raises her hand as this is the last time they will have each other's backs, since both are now on separate shows. They embrace and now we know who advances to the next round.
Outcome: The cameras are on Jacob Williams and Aubrey Hudson next as both discuss War Games with Jenny Gold. Neither were happy with it as they call Isaiah disgusting. Aubrey still calls him a paper champion despite the fact he retained the title twice in one night. Jacob speaks for himself and he says his focus is now on becoming King. But he does promise that Isaiah will pay for what he did. It remains to be seen if that's true or not as both are going to be on different shows going forward.

Jacob Williams w/ Aubrey Hudson vs Vincent Underwood w/ Blair Black
Stipulation: Singles / King of the Ring Qualifier
Result: We see Jacob Williams in action next as many have lost respect for him due to his quick loss at War Games. Here he fought Vincent in a qualifier to see who could be this year's king. Many thought this would be a quick match but Vincent put up a decent fight. 

The Bastard is motivated by being a new fiance after he asked Blair to finally marry him. It made the bubbly Blair all the more so as she cheered on her man along with her 'children'. Vincent almost got the upset win with a roll up but Jacob just kept surviving by the skin of his teeth. 

Some words were given by Aubrey Hudson which helped as Jacob regained his focus and within minutes of that he took control of the match. He ends up hitting the Red Light aka Super Kick which is enough to get the job done. 

After Aubrey calls her man the future king and says his rise to the top begins now with Dark Oasis going to be his playground. We'll see if he can follow this up with more wins. 
Outcome: The victorious Jacob is seen again as he is delighted with his win over Vincent, which could've easily ended up with another embarrassing night. Instead he has won. Isaiah confronts the pair and made sure to keep mentioning what happened at War Games. As far as Isaiah is concerned the door is closed on Jacob, as he has defeated him already. 

That's when Tyrone Marshall shows up as he questioned if Isaiah is brave enough to put the title on the line in the main event. Isaiah looked at his title then looked at Tyrone as his confidence is sky high. He accepts the challenge but doesn't want the Bull blaming a former relationship if he too is defeated quickly. The Bull doesn't seem too worried as Isaiah makes a comment about Aubrey's ass before walking over. Aubrey had to hold her man back to avoid a fight happening right there.

Ciara Fierce (C) vs Zoey
Stipulation: Singles / Global title
Result: The rise of Zoey has been an interesting story in recent weeks, but no one can forget what Ciara Fierce achieved in the Gauntlet match. On paper this seemed like a mismatch only because Zoey has to step up her game. She's been known as a women's champion more than someone who can step into a division such as the Global division. But anything is possible in TXW. 

Ciara dominated early when this got started as even while still recovering from War Games, she still has a lot of fight in her. She is closing in on a year as a champion and that is not something that can be taken away from her. She is the record holder regardless what happens going forward. 

The match still went in her favour for the next few minutes as she didn't hold back against the Light in the night. 

Later she throws her out of the ring and seems confident of keeping her title even longer. J.T told her to keep her focus as he is always giving her advice, even now. She nods gets out the ring and throws Zoey back in as things looked like they might be coming to an end. 

For whatever reason Wrath walks on out as it seems the Beast is keeping a closer eye on things for some reason. He caught J.T's eye as he wasn't sure what on earth was going on. Why is he here after everything that happened at War Games? 

Wrath gets into the ring and looks down at Ciara as she is actually brave enough to stand her ground. She asks what he is even doing here and J.T is unbuttoning his shirt after taking off his blazer as he is ready to defend his woman. She seemed fine on her own into Wrath grabbed her by the throat and chokeslams her right to the canvas. J.T got in the ring after that but is taken out by a shoulder tackle. In that time Zoey recovers and looked ready to attack Wrath herself. Wrath grabs her throat as she unwisely runs towards him. He then mouths the words 'CJA's gift' as he lifts her up and slams her right down onto the Global champion. 

She lays right across the champion and since Ciara's shoulders are down, the referee counts and everyone watching at home are shocked as the referee counts to three! Zoey has ended the record breaking run in the most bizarre of scenarios. She is handed the title but can't even stand but does hug the title as she has won a major title in the company for the first time.
Outcome: The cameras catch up with Ciara Fierce and J.T Marshall backstage as the Showcase has to talk his girl out of hunting down Wrath or any other member of the Beasts for ending her title run. Zoey appears with her new title and right way offers her a rematch since she didn't exactly feel like a champion. Ciara declines saying even though she hates how she lost it, she is ready to move on and wants to kick Wrath's ass. J.T refused to let her do it alone and will lace up the boots to face off with the big man in a handicap match. Tyler York overhears this and seemed to like the idea. That seemed to claim the situation as J.T guides his girl away while Tyler looks at Zoey, then the title. He smirks and then tells her that this was all made possible because CJA. He comments how the Legend of all eras makes everybody and he has just made her. She didn't seem happy with that but either way she is the NEW Global champion.


Dean Creed & Pierce Kingsley (c) vs Eddie McGinlay & Chris Slaughter 
Stipulation: Tag Team Match / Tag Team Titles
Result: The next clash saw the tag team titles on the line as the Beasts hunt the Savages once more. Creed teamed up with Kingsley for the last time while Eddie teamed up with Slaughter for the last time. As expected it was a vicious battle between the two sets of teams as the referee completely loses control of everything. Creed brawls with Slaughter while enemies for life Eddie and Pierce brawl around the ringside area. Creed and Slaughter end up back in the ring which is soon controlled by the bigger man, the Beast. The One Man Army is getting his ass kicked and is almost hit with a chokeslam into Kingsley makes the save, after he had dispatched McGinlay with a clothesline. 

The Savages double team the big man and hit him with a double suplex. It was still something you couldn't quite get used to as Creed and Kingsley have always been known as enemies. They worked so well at War Games, which is why they ended up winning the big match. Now it looks good again as they build momentum and set up another double team move on Slaughter. 

Only Eddie makes the save this time as he gets involved as all four men fight it out. The back and forth continues into for whatever reason, Creed gets himself out of harms way. He then started making his way to the back as the commentators were confused by his actions. 

He left Pierce in a handicap match despite fighting along him so well for so long. Kingsley did his best but unlike at War Games, he is unable to overcome the odds as Slaughter hits him with a brutal double powerbomb then Eddie drags him up, puts him in place for the Tartan Tomb aka Tombstone which got him a pin on the Plague Doctor. Slaughter's last action as a Beast is to bring the tag team titles back to the group. Creed's last action as a member of the Savages is to walk out on his partner. 


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  • Register:12/31/2008 2:17 AM

Re:Dark Oasis #97

Date Posted:05/04/2021 10:40 PMCopy HTML

LOCATION: Toronto, Canada
DATE: Sunday 10th May 2020
GENERAL MANAGER: Tyler York & Mike Hawk
THEME: "Scars" by In The Verse


Outcome: The One Man Army is seen leaving after the commercial break as Chloe is waiting for him in the car. He is asked by Jenny Gold why he decided to back down from the fight and ultimately cost the Savages the tag team titles. He says his time in the Savages was always meant to be brief and he had no interest in putting his body on the line for Pierce Kingsley anymore, since he already did at War Games. He's a solo act now hence the name 'One Man Army'. He also vows it's time to become the World champion again. He leaves after as a new chapter begins for DC on RC.
Tara Jeanne & TBD vs Kitty & Steve Sullivan
Stipulation: Tag Team Match
Result: Kitty looked for some payback next as she teamed with the returning Steve Sullivan against Tara Jeanne and a partner chosen by CJA. Nobody knew who this was but it seems Abigail Locke turned out to be the woman chosen. We see a meeting from earlier and it appears Abigail seemed less than excited about going up against someone like Kitty, who she got along with. CJA uses his casual threats as he questioned if she really wants to make it in the business or if she wants to try to pretend she is a student of Michelle Wright's when that's far from the truth. So in the end Abigail took the challenge. 

Most of the match ends up a battle between Kitty and Tara as Steve cheers on his partner. Kitty got the best of Tara and almost got the pin on her early. 

Eventually the champion had to retreat and tag in Abigail. The Dragon seemed keen to mix it up with Kitty as offered a handshake which was accepted before they started hitting one another. Tara didn't like any of this and after a good battle between the two, Kitty ends up being the first to pin Abigail after pinning her with Bad Kitty [Killswitch]. 

After the match Tara got in and starts attacking Abigail, calling her useless and every name under the son. Kitty stopped the attack and started to fight her off then dumps her out of the ring. The champion hasn't had a good night as Kitty shouts that she will get a title shot one way or another, even with them now being on different shows. Steve and Kitty help up Abigail as they then celebrate their win. Abigail isn't bitter about it as she congratulates them.

Outcome: Tara is seen furiously stopping around backstage as she didn't like CJA's choice this time. Mike walks over and seemed amused by it all but said she can't go around attacking people after the match. That's why he gave Abigail a chance on the next show as she will fight the champ one on one. Tara seemed fine with that as she will take out all her anger on the fake Michelle Wright student. 

Mike Malice (c)  vs Hope Sweet
Stipulation: Singles / Legacy Title
Result: The rumours going around before this match is that Hope paid a visit to Malice's hotel room and caught him short. She attempted her mind games and next we saw if they would work out for the best. Malice walked out with a mission as he wanted to put Hope down for the count for what she had done. The Dastardly one wouldn't forget that and was looking to retain the title once again after doing it the last time they met. The Hardcore Bitch brought the fight to him and looked to make up for the fight she did lose. She got the better of him at War Games but ultimately it was still a loss for her. This just becomes an all out brawl as they end up backstage. 

Malice throws her against the wall and beats her down, including grabbing a chair and hitting her with it. He knew she would be tough to be kept down so he had to keep attacking. They kept brawling and Hope takes most of the punishment. At least they finally end up back in the ring where Malice sets up for the Mauled , which he hits and leads to a cover. 

But it DIDN'T end the match as Hope manages to kick out, much to the surprise of the Dastardly one. He got annoyed and thought of how he wanted to end it. His sister Tara got involved as she brought in his title and looked ready to do everything she could to help her big brother retain the title.

 Hope however fights both of them off and knocks Tara on her ass. She low blows Malice not once but twice then hits him with her new finisher, her version of the Cross Rhodes called Sadistic Sweetness! She sits on top of him, her ass on his face as she hooks his leg and the referee counts the THREE! Hope Sweet has done it and has won her first ever major title in TXW after spells as the Hardcore Champion, Badass Champion and Adrenaline Champion.
Outcome: The main event is coming up next but at first we see a shot of Tyrone Marshall and Isaiah Thorne backstage as they stand an opposite side of a table in the lounge as Tyler York and Mike Hawk are talking to them. Both regret not having them on Dark Oasis going forward but they have to announce the superstar of the month award. At first it was tied but they then got members of the office to vote on who they think should be the winner as only one can win. Turns out they voted for Isaiah to win the award and he starts holding up the award to go with the others he already has. The Bull just nods and he'll settle for winning the World title off him in the main event. 

Isaiah Thorne vs Tyrone Marshall
Stipulation: Singles / TXW Championship
Result: The main event is next as Isaiah put his title on the line against Tyrone Marshall, in a match that was originally meant to be non title. But after super quick wins over Ciara Fierce and Jacob Williams, he is confident enough he can also defend against the Bull. Tyrone hasn't held the World title since his best year which was in 2018. Even then he never held the title for very long so many didn't even believe he was much of a player when it came to the main event seen. It's a chip that is on his shoulder and he seemed very much interested in removing that chip.

 The start was all about Isaiah side stepping any of the Bull's attacks. He even caught him with a nice couple of superkicks and then elbows that followed it up. He even tried to end it quickly by trying to pick him up for the Perfect Bomb, but Tyrone did witness the Jacob Williams challenge so he didn't get hit with it that early. 

Isaiah still found ways to control the match and even had time to trash talk as he mentions how he is so much better, how he has won the superstar of the month three months in a row. It is a first as the award never used to exist. He also became the first man since Dean Creed to retain his World title TWICE in one night. It kept going back and forth into Isaiah hit another superkick. This time inside of doing his usual standing elbow, he decides to climb up to the top rope. He looks at Tasia and James then tells him this match is over and how great he is. He dives off but Tyrone jumps up and catches him with a mid air Snapper! Tyrone then backs away as Isaiah somehow gets to his feet after that but is holding his stomach. He is then hit with another one as the commentators are stunned by this. Tyrone hooks both of Isaiah's legs and the referee counts 1..........2.............3!

 Yep Tyrone Marshall has done it again as he is now a THREE time World Champion, equaling the record while also making sure he has now won more World titles than his brother Trevor. 

Tyrone is handed the title as Isaiah's confidence has come back to bite him as he is no longer the champion, The Bull now is. Dark Oasis ends with Tyrone Marshall lifting up the title which he will now take to Reality Check going forward.

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