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  • Register:12/31/2008 2:17 AM

Date Posted:05/04/2021 10:40 PMCopy HTML

LOCATION: Toronto, Canada - TXW Arena
DATE: Saturday May 30th 2020
GENERAL MANAGER: Tyler York & Mike Hawk
THEME: "Scars" by In The Verse

Outcome: "Scars" hits as the premiere of the new Dark Oasis is here. The draft split officially begins tonight as we are about to see which show come out the other side with the stronger roster. Dark Oasis has always been known as the superior show, but now they have to prove it all over again. 

Tyler York aka The Dreamboat walks out as the arena has been changed up to deal with the fact fans are no longer welcome. Making the noise is developmental talent as most show respect for Tyler, while some asked where's Mike. 

Tyler soon had the answers when he got into the ring and had a microphone in hand. He hypes up the show and believes the roster split is just punishing people who are now stuck on Reality Check. He's glad with the way the split turned out but does wish some talent had the opportunity to quit and get picked up where needed. He told everyone watching that Dark Oasis will not be threatened as the best show in TXW. 

Someone chants Mike again which made Tyler respond to it by saying he's not going to be seen on camera tonight and instead will be having a drugs test to see if he is even fit to continue with his duty as general manager. Mike however shows up almost like he saw a signal from the sky to make him take the walk out. He had his unbuttoned white shirt on and didn't bother with any shoes. His hair appeared as long as it did in Tweets as mentions how he has rejected the drugs test as there is no need. Instead he is going to make everyone had the time of their lives as he winks at no one. Did he see someone in the non existent crowd. It's possible. Tyler had nothing to say as we're in for an interesting ride here on Dark Oasis.

Steve Sullivan vs Lauren Li
Stipulation: Singles
Result: To kick off the show we get a battle between Lauren Li and Steve Sullivan. This was difficult to call simply because the 'Lethal One' hasn't been winning as many matches as people expect her to do. If anything she has been one of the biggest underachievers since her arrival in the company. She walked out with a purpose and use those black belt skills to good use. 

'Mr Live Action News' had other ideas as he walks and he has some people carry out a small desk then place it on the stage. Steve is wearing a tie and blazer over his ring attire and he takes a seat near the desk. It appears he has some breaking news. 

He starts telling the world that his opponent Lauren isn't as evil as many seem to believe. The news today is that Lauren is a good person with a good heart and he doesn't think the 'Lethal' Persona is working well for her, not at all. So his news is that he along with a team of writers have rebranded her as 'Lovely one'. He backs it up with some concept art of her plus some actual photoshoots she has taken it. Lauren didn't seem to take the joke well as Steve is having fun with his news. Once the news segment is over , Steve is greeted by the Lethal one as he is attacked with some strong kicks. He didn't even get to take off his blazer. Lauren kicks his ass and almost ended him with a Taste Of Korea, if not for the ropes being there. That anger is there and it can be an unhealthy thing. Many believe that is why she isn't that successful, easy to read and that's never a good thing. Lauren backs away and goes for a second kick, only when she rolled Steve caught her with a boot to the face. He then lifts her up with ease and then hits a Vertical Suplex powerbomb. 

After that he gets her up, kicks her stomach and then hooks her arms in a pedigree position. Breaking News then happens as he hits the move then pins Lauren for the three count. Shocking outcome which now gives the returning Steve Sullivan two wins out of two since he came back to the company. His wrestling career is on a good path, Lauren's not so much after challenging for the title at War Games.

Outcome: A disappointed Lauren is seen walking the halls, fresh from her surprising defeat to Steve Sullivan. She is approached by Jenny Gold, who asks her about next moves as many thought this premiere was the way she takes steps forward and puts War Games behind her. Instead she has lost and might be lost in the shuffle. 

She gets approached by champion Tara Jeanne , as she tells Jenny to get lost. The interviewer decides not to risk a confrontation and does as the two Asian's go face to face. Tara disagrees with Steve and his jokes about Lauren being 'lovely' and then suggests Li do what she did, align herself with the genius CJA. Tara knows Lauren once trained with Jason White, but it's time to train and work with the best of all eras, CJA. 

Lauren is handed a card as Tara makes her exit, only for Mike to be watching on. His hair looks darker for some reason and he has undone another button by the looks of it. He thinks it's 'groovy' that CJA wants her to join him and questions his taste in Asian's all of a sudden. He then leaves with him switching to a more serious tone by saying he needed to talk to her in his office about her 'future'. Lauren sure has a lot to think about tonight.


Jacob Williams w/ Aubrey Hudson vs Axel Gunner
Stipulation: Singles
Result: The next match saw a clash between Jacob Williams and Axel Gunner. The two have had a lot to say on Twitter, which means nothing when it comes to what you do in the ring. This would be where they show the other what they can do in a fight. One person who had a lot to say at the beginning is Aubrey, who introduced her boyfriend and had a lot of negative things to say about Axel, even calling him a rip off and a loser. The match soon began as Jacob gets the better of the new comer to the company. Jacob is a very angry man after his losses recently and of course what happened to Aubrey at the hands of Isaiah. That is at an end now with Isaiah on Reality Check, so focus needed to be put on what he can do on this show. 

Jacobs hit his Side Effect aka Bankrupt then stood up with arrogance as he gestured to put this one to an end. He slaps his own thigh as he signals for the red light Superkick which caused some of the trainees to boo this. Some of course cheered but Jacob could hear some of the boos. He tells them to fuck off then rushes towards Axel and goes for the super kick. 

The superkick misses which gives the Messiah Of Sexy a route back into this match. He gets in some punches, a strong clothesline and then when he gets back up, he grabs at his legs and locks him in the Liontamer aka Unlucky. It really is. 

Jacob is in a lot of pain as he is long way away from the ropes and might have to give in if he doesn't get out of this, especially if he doesn't want to end up injured. Aubrey however gets on the apron and throws her shoe into the ring, which causes the referee to go over and question what she is even doing. Axel goes over and starts having words with her. She repeats what she said earlier and reaches over, slaps him across the face and then Jacob rolls him up for a sudden pin attempt. It DIDN'T end the match as Axel manages to kick out. He gets right up and gets into a exchange of punches with Jacob. He lands one to the side of the jaw and floors him him. 

Aubrey decides to get in the ring and pushes past the referee, one shoe and all as she wanted to make sure her man got the win. Instead her slap attempt fails and she ends up on the knee of Axel. He pulls her skirt up and slaps her across the ass. Jacob makes the save before it reaches Isaiah levels and he punches away at him, going through with all that anger he once put towards Isaiah. Putting your hands on his woman is a bad idea. 

He punches away at him into he cuts him open and knocks him into the corner. He then rushes into a Red Light Superkick once he walks away from the corner, he misses and Axel connects with an elbow that spins him around. He then goes over, hooks the arms for the full nelson then hits the Russian Leg Sweep part, which slams Jacob's head hard against the canvas. That's the Full Cocked and is enough to keep Jacob's shoulders down for the three. He'll be thankful this wasn't a King of the Ring match, or he'd be out.

Outcome: Hope Sweet is seen doing some last minute training as she is readying herself for a what should be an epic main event. She is looking confident into she is confronted by Tara Malice. The Savages have a message for her but Hope wisely turns around and avoids Mike Malice's hit to the head. She starts fighting him off, only for Tara to kick her right across the back. The siblings double team her with no Beast in sight to help her out. She's tough but the attack is too much even for her as they look to weaken her before the main event. Malice picks her up and slams her against the wall then shouts at a referee. 

An official goes over just as Malice picks up a chair and slams it right against Hope's head as she sits up. Tara pins Hope as the referee counts to five to make her the new Badass champion! It's a meaningful title but they did it to get under the skin of the Legacy champ Hope. Mike Malice tells his sister to walk away and deal with their other objective tonight, which she does and Mike tells Hope he will see her in the main event.


Dakota Huntress vs Lana Starr
Stipulation: Singles
Result: Wild night so far as next up Lana takes on Dakota Huntress. Surprisingly Dakota doesn't have Mike or Tara or Pierce by her side as she enters alone. Might be because of what just happened backstage or might be because they have a main event to think about. That match is a vital moment for the group that had a very bad show last time out. Here Dakota fought Lana and at first it looked like a squash match as the Savages member dominated most of the match. 

People forget Lana isn't a veteran and has a lot to learn. She is however tough after being trained by Eddie and the Scot just took this punishment and fought through the pain barrier. It turned out to be a short match as even after all the punishment, Lana found enough in her to hit the Lucky Starr [Sunset Flip Powerbomb] then win the match. 

After the match ended, Tara Malice showed up and got a cheap shot on Lana. She attacked her but it ended up being much more of a brawl than expected, especially after Lana had that match already. The two ended up where some of the make shift crowd are, aka the trainee wrestlers and Lana grabbed a drink off one then throws it all over Tara. 

The Bloody Tattoo screams out of anger and the brawl ends with poor Lana laid out on the ground after a brutal looking DDT. Message sent.

BladeDJK Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #1
  • Rank:Diamond Member
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  • Register:12/31/2008 2:17 AM

Re:Dark Oasis #98 [Season Premiere]

Date Posted:05/04/2021 10:41 PMCopy HTML

LOCATION: Toronto, Canada - TXW Arena
DATE: Saturday May 30th 2020
GENERAL MANAGER: Tyler York & Mike Hawk
THEME: "Scars" by In The Verse

Outcome: Tara is seen walking away from the attack on Lana and seemed annoyed her jacket had been covered in soda. She rushes towards the women's locker room while still carrying the Badass championship. She places it on a equipment box outside the room then walks right in. The camera man stayed outside but then we see Hope Sweet walk into shot. She has shaken off her attack and seems out for blood as she smirks while looking at the Badass title. She looks over at the camera man and then reaches over, drags him into the room with her as we get a first person view of life in the women's locker room. Normally it would have more women as the only one inside is Tara, who has stripped down to her underwear. 

She is shocked when Hope bursts in and backs away, saying now is not the time. Even requesting she let her get her pants on. Hope refuses and hits her right across the face, knocking her back into one of the lockers. Hope then starts bouncing Tara's head off each one, as she drags her around the room. Not ideal since Tara is just in her bra and thong right now. Hope throws her about and knocks over one of the lockers by Irish Whipping her into it. The Hardcore Bitch grabs her by the hair, picks her up and then slams her right onto the ground as she pins her. No sign of the referee however which just prolongs all of this. Hope liked putting her through pain and continues to do so. 

They end up outside the locker room as Tara is hating this whole experience. She gets slammed against the wall then lifted onto the shoulders of Hope, who hits the FUCKED aka GTS which knocks the Badass champion out. Just as she is about to pin her for the title back, Mike Malice ends up being spotted down the corridor. He calls Hope a bitch who should know when to stay down, so of course they end up fighting. A couple minutes we cut back to Tara who is stirring but when she sat up, she sees Mr Blobby standing there. Who is in the suit? No one knows but whoever it is decides to jump down on her for a body splash then hooks her leg to get the count on her as a referee rushed over. Mr Blobby shouts out his name several times then rushes off with the Badass title now his. WTF

Tara Jeanne vs Abigail Locke
Stipulation: Hardcore Bedroom Brawl / Non Title
Result: Next up is the match that was decided by GM Mike Hawk, which in reflection seemed like a bad idea given his recent actions. His choice is a hardcore bedroom brawl which meant they either had to make up a bedroom in the ring or find an actual bed room. Turns out they found a bedroom at the TXW hotel. Tara was at the arena but made the small journey over to where she is now, standing in the middle of a bedroom. She is in her ring gear so no special outfits BUT there are weapons about, everything you find in a bedroom. Of course Mike had earlier decided to decorate the room as it turns out this a room he paid for to make the match official. 

Tara stepped onto the bed and made fun of Abigail, saying she wouldn't last very long with her. She vows to punish her which prompts Abigail to go on the attack. The Dragon is known for having a temper, so maybe this is where her weaknesses are. It is pretty big mistake as Tara fights her off and pushes her down so she hit her head against the head board. 

The women's champion pushes her face against one of the pillows and attempted to make her pass out by doing so. Luckily for the Dragon she fought out of this position. They both roll around on the bed, which ends with them on the floor. 

Once there Abigail gets on top of Tara and then slams her head against the floor. She gets up, waits for the champ to get up and when she does , she picks her up and spinebusters her on the floor. Sadly it only got a near fall not the win. Abigail climbs onto the bed after and attempts a diving elbow, only for the champion to move out the way so 'The Dragon' elbows the hard floor. Tara loves this as Abi hurt her arm which means for the next couple of minutes the champ works on her arm. At one point she even opens the drawer, puts Abi's arm in the drawer then slams it shut to crush it in a very painful way. Tara enjoys being the bully so she goes over to the closet and sees what is inside. 

There is a few outfits , one which included stockings. The champ then grabs one and decides to slip off her own boots, sliding on the stockings as she is enjoying herself. She then looked at the lingerie before decided to roll her eyes at the camera. 

Tara goes back over and has a look through the drawers as she then finds Mike's famous outfits such as his mankini and his 'Meggan Slays' briefs from a few years ago. Is this really Mike's room? That was a question but Tara was out to win and also embarrass the would be challenger. 

Abigail played possum a little and almost got the win from a superkick to the face but it's only a two and a half count, not the win she really wanted. They fought some more around the room into Tara hits a superkick of her own. Abigail is then thrown onto the bed as Tara Jeanne grabs the mankini. She then starts putting it on Abigail over her attire and kept hitting her every time she started to fight it. The end result is the mankini over the 'Dragon' and Tara enjoying her bullying. She didn't like the look though and drags her up on the bed then hits her with an TKO aka RKO, taking her right to the floor. That one hurt Tara's back but did more damage to the rookie. 

The look needed to be improved she told the camera man and she proceeds to take the mankini off her. She then instead chooses to start stripping her out of her ring gear. This is probably what Mike wanted to see, since what else do you want to happen in a hardcore bedroom brawl? Poor Abigail isn't moving after that vicious TKO so her red and white sports bra is yanked up her body from the back then just taken off her. Her boots are removed as are her knee pads as the bully is showing no mercy here. Tara stripped Abigail out of her hot pants and out of her underwear, baring her ass and a lot more if she had chose to turn her over. 

Instead she forced her back into the mankini, drags her up then finishes her off with the Sticky Webs aka Widow's peak. It got the win for the champion, who stands over Abigail on the bed. An embarrassment for the rookie but she was in a fight with a dominate women's champ.

BACKSTAGE SEGMENT: Would you fuck me? I would fuck me
Outcome: The cameras catch up with Lauren Li, who had been called to a meeting with Mike Hawk for some reason. She likely is sweating her future or maybe being talked out of joining forces with CJA. If he is recruiting then he's very much trying to make Dark Oasis a show all about his favourite talent. We saw his influence when he cut Ciara Fierce's reign short, doing his best to plague Zoey's mind. She had zero interest in thanking him, which probably means she is now on his list to bring down. 

While we follow Lauren down the corridor we hear "Goodbye Horses" and it's playing loudly from the office. Lauren took her time but then opens the door as she sees Mike doing his best buffalo bill dance which means he has his dick tucked between his legs. 

He asks "Would you fuck me? I would fuck me.", she responds with a look of shock and horror. She angrily screams at him which then prompts Tyler York to turn up. Tyler appearing prompts Mike to stop playing his best Buffalo Bill but by doing so he flashes his dick at them and the camera man would've got all of that if not for being position behind Lauren and Tyler. Tyler shook his head, face palmed and told his fellow GM to put on some clothes. 

Mike refuses and says doing so would be agreeing to the government's wishes and says he is a free spirit. Tyler walks away as Lauren stood there for a little longer. Mike says Lauren should stand up to the government too, aka by being naked too. She just turns and walks away, ending the 'meeting'. Mike turns the music back on and goes back to being Buffalo Bill. Maybe that's the last we see of Mike tonight.

Ciara & J.T Marshall vs Wrath
Stipulation: Handicap Match
Result: Not much has been said about this coming up match as it's been billed as a handicap match, yet news is that J.T failed his medical and isn't healthy enough to compete in the ring. It makes sense as he did retire from injuries after years of battles in the ring. Unlike some he knew when to retire and knew he could do something else with his career. Being at Ciara's side has been good for him but this is a big test for her, a big step to make. Wrath made his way out and the big Beast is looking in the mood to make this quick, to get a big win and show he is as dominating as he once was. He used to be the World Champion and not standing in the background. Many believe he might be happy with his place, while others might wonder why he has stepped back. Ciara walks out with J.T and it seems we're not getting a handicap match but instead a one on one match. 

The make shift crowd seemed happy with that but Tyler York's theme soon hits. He shook his head at the decision that seems to be made and addresses that he doesn't think Ciara will hold her own against Wrath. He also reminds her that she is still banged up from War Games , which makes it even more unwise to make her wrestle one on one. The last thing the show needs is one of their top talents sidelined, since Ashley Ricci is already out for an unknown amount of time. He tells J.T's blind faith in her will get her injured, so he will choose a tag team partner for her since J.T refused. 

He ends up choosing World Champion Tyrone Marshall, a man who can roam freely on both shows since he is the champ. 

Tyrone went face to face with his brother and he lifts up the title. It's no doubt a bragging point that he has held the World title more times than his brother did. It's not something J.T can ever overwrite either as his in ring career is done. The Bull stepped onto the apron and allowed Ciara to start things off for them. It didn't start so well with Ciara being thrown around by Wrath, an unpleasant thing due to the sheer size of him. Many might've wanted to stay down but the former Global Champion was not doing that. She kept fighting on and started giving back some of her own. She went after the knee as what better way to take down a giant than to take out his legs. It took about three drop kicks but he did eventually end up on his knee. She kicks him right in the face as her fight is impressing the trainees who get to watch this up close. It continued with a back and forth, Wrath showing his power but Ciara showing her fight. 

Eventually Ciara hit the ropes, only for Tyrone to tag himself in. It caused an exchange but the Bull ignored her, ran towards a tired out Wrath, who had been chasing the quicker Ciara, and hits him with the Snapper aka Spear. Tyrone then picks up the win for his team without doing any of the hard work. They got into another exchange and the Bull just dismissed her. J.T cut off his brother's path and says that Ciara has something to ask him. That's when the red head got a microphone and challenges him for a match. He smiled at her but then accepts as he isn't afraid of any challenge. But he warns she isn't ready for the next level.

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  • Rank:Diamond Member
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  • Register:12/31/2008 2:17 AM

Re:Dark Oasis #98 [Season Premiere]

Date Posted:05/04/2021 10:42 PMCopy HTML

LOCATION: Toronto, Canada - TXW Arena
DATE: Saturday May 30th 2020
GENERAL MANAGER: Tyler York & Mike Hawk
THEME: "Scars" by In The Verse

SEGMENT: Kitty Litter
Outcome: The women's champion is seen looking proud of herself after beating and embarrassing Abigail Locke in the hardcore bedroom brawl. She's on her phone to CJA and tells him that Lauren would be a nice addition to what they are planning. She also likes the 'other guy' and expects him to make CJA's group a much better group than any other in the company. However her conversation is cut off when Tara sees Kitty standing in front of her, clearly heading to the RC arena which is down here on the ground floor. 

Tara just couldn't help herself and calls her stupid, reminds her what she did to her friend and lifts her title up then says she will never get it. Kitty chose not to bite and went to walk past her. Tara decided to attack her from behind and Irish whips her right into the door of the elevator. 

More trash talk provokes the RC talent to fight back and she got the better of the champion, throwing her right into a trash can which falls over with the trash going everywhere. Luckily security for the hotel rushed over to pull the women apart or it might've ended with one of them badly hurt or both. Seems even with Kitty now on RC, she is still having her issues with the women's champion Tara.

Zoey (C) vs Denzel Brown
Stipulation: Singles / Global Championship
Result: The gift was given to Zoey and she became the Global Champion, ending a record breaking run along with it. Of course she didn't feel like a champion since she was choke slammed right onto Ciara to win the thing. It wasn't done herself and she sure doesn't feel like a champion at the moment. CJA wasn't happy with getting no respect for his gift or the fact he aided in giving Zoey her biggest win ever. Now she has to defend against Denzel Brown, a move you expect the Adrenaline Pumped Machine made. The champ walked out first and just places down her title, not even raising it above her head with pride as she had none for it at the moment. 

The Black King walks out with a Believe shirt and seemed smug about it. Has he joined ranks with CJA? Seemed like it as he takes the shirt off holds it up and then puts it down. He gestures around his waist as he wants to get back the Global Championship. As he walks to the ring he smiles as he sees someone jump off the barricade, get in the ring then super kick Zoey right in the back of the head. Denzel stops and claps as he makes his way closer to the ring. 

The guy in the ring is actually a kid as he looks very young. But he has some skill to him and picks up Zoey, places her on his shoulder then hits a cartwheel death valley driver. He then looks at the referee who nods and then calls for the bell. 'The Black King' watches on as this kid goes to the top rope, jumps off and hits a 630. He then hooks both of Zoey's legs and the referee counts the three. 

Those watching are shocked as the kid has just won the Global championship on his debut. He holds up the title and has his hand raised by Denzel. Zoey is hurting but is dragged up by both of them then forced to watch the screen as Denzel holds her head up. CJA appears on screen and seems very happy. He has a lot to say and mostly trashes on the bloodline that Zoey has. He sees a lot of Kelly in her, the worst of Kelly, the one that made her miss out on all the great moments. He says he is a proud father and then admits his 'gift' was just a way to stick it to the Nightingale blood. Then he introduces the new champion......Chris Archer Junior, wrestling under the name Archer J. The now twenty two year old has been training with his father for years and is one of those typical rich kids. To make it worse he has a lot of ability and now the true gift to the world is here in TXW. A second generation TXW superstar, which is a first.

BACKSTAGE SEGMENT: The Legacy Continues
Outcome: Jenny very much wanted to keep up with the second generation superstar Archer J aka Chris Archer Jr. He has put some sunglasses on and is very happy with himself. He checks out Jenny and says he would be happy to take her home tonight, if that's her offer. She instead had a question which he is disappointed with. He did answer it which is all about his father and of course this new group that seems to be forming. 

Archer J calls the new group Empire and labels Tara Jeanne and Denzel Brown as official members along with the overseer Jon 'SINN' Hatten. He brags about his father's legacy and trashes on his mother's, suggesting she was the reason he had a complicated life and how he had to grow up in a foster home before his father 'saved' him. He says this gift is appreciated as his father has always been good to him, but he says he can whoop anyone's ass and lays down an open challenge to anyone for the next Dark Oasis. Denzel is asked why he gave up his title shot and he answers simply by saying he aims to be the king , since he always claims there is only one, time to prove it. 


Hope Sweet & Eddie McGinlay vs Mike Malice & Pierce Kingsley w/ Tara Malice
Stipulation: Last Team Standing
Result: The wild night ends with an epic main event as Mike Malice and Pierce Kingsley team up to take on Hope Sweet and Eddie McGinlay. To make it even more epic, the match was a last team standing match which means this is going to be a crazy battle. It might even match War Games. 

When it got started the fights happened between Eddie and Pierce, as well as Mike and Hope. They fought all over the arena with Malice attempting to use everything he could to hurt Hope some more. At least Tara is there now and has some clothes on after her experience earlier. She was following where her brother was fighting Hope and it's no surprise when she got involved. The Malice's teamed up on Hope as they headed up the stairs of the arena, fight all the way. Back at ringside Pierce got the better of Eddie and set up the announcers table. He puts him on top of it and punches away at him to keep him on it. Many then expected him to get on the apron or go to the top rope. Nope, he instead got a ladder and starts climbing up. He stands at the top for a while but then dives off and lands right on Eddie, putting them both through the table. 

Of course the Glasgow Monster got the worst of that , considering he had Pierce land on him then he had the pain of going through the table also. Tasia and James had to move out the way or they would've been crushed. The referee starts to count them out and it looked like it might be over for them, but of course it wasn't. The Malice's fought Hope to the backstage area and that meant the referee had lost control since he had no idea what was going to happen with them. Hope took out Tara by throwing her into the drinks machine and then starts punching away at Malice. They end up in the lounge which means some chairs get flipped over. 

They end up near the pool table which allows Hope to grab the cue , she then hits the Dastardly one between the legs with it to gain an upper hand. She has fun with that but her fun stops when Dakota gets involved as the Savages have the numbers here. With Dakota's help, Malice ends up putting Hope right through the pool table. They then pick up one of the chairs and drop it on her to keep her down for the moment as that's one heavy chair. Back in the ring Eddie and Pierce are fighting again as they always have a war whenever they step in the ring together. The Scot overcame an onslaught of punches and head butts Pierce, busting them both open. 

The Glasgow Monster rolls out, grabs the steel steps then throws it into the ring. He gets in , picks up the steps then hits Pierce right across the head with it. Of course he then drops them right onto Kingsley's chest for double the damage. It looked like a move that would defeat any other person on the roster. So it might be doing the same to the 'Plague Doctor'. 

It didn't end up being the end, at least not for Pierce as he got up at nine to avoid being the cause why his team are down a person. Remember both members of the team had to be laid out and unable to stand. That soon happened backstage as Hope had a three on one situation and was unable to deal with the numbers. It eventually led her to being counted out when another official got involved to keep control of the madness. The Legacy Champion has had a mixed night since it started with her losing the Badass title, then she kicked Tara's ass and now she has been eliminated thanks to all the Savages. In the ring Eddie was struggling to knock out Pierce, so he of course set up several tables and started putting Pierce through them. For the last one he tried a top rope tombstone. Pierce fought out if before he is put into place and it ends up being a brainbuster off the top rope through the table instead. A bloody Pierce moves the last table and puts it on top of the steps as there is a lot of carnage in the ring. He drags up Eddie, throws him into the ropes and then hits a pop up backbreaker right through the table. Only the backbreaker wasn't by his knees, it was when Eddie crashed through the table and hit the steps. That is one hell of a Say10 Spike. 

Eddie didn't respond to the referee's count after that and the Savages have won this match, bouncing back from their defeats on the last show. Kingsley didn't look like a winner as he only sat up after dropping when he hit the finish. He did at least stay seated so he wasn't counted out as well. The lights suddenly go out as we hear the name of Pierce being said. On screen we see the articles about the investigation into him along with some of his biggest wins. Rais' voice could be heard again as he says that he sees Pierce. It's a very creepy thing and the lights go on. We see Eddie standing up but he has Rais' mask on and he says it again, that he sees him. The lights go back off again and then when back on, Eddie is back where he was, still hurting and the debris of the table. A memorable premiere of Dark Oasis ends with Pierce Kingsley looking as confused as everyone else, a message has been sent. 

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