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  • Register:12/31/2008 2:17 AM

Date Posted:05/04/2021 10:43 PMCopy HTML

LOCATION: Toronto, Canada
DATE: Monday 15th June 2020
GENERAL MANAGER: Tyler York & Mike Hawk
THEME: "Scars" by In The Verse

Outcome: The time for kicking off the show is here as "Scars" hits followed by the intro video. Due to cost cutting there is no signs of pyro and this week we don't have any development talent in the audience. What we do have is a whole lot of cardboard cut outs of Mike Hawk, which seemed to have caught many off surprise, especially Tyler York who is meant to be trying to help keep Dark Oasis as the more professional show. Might be difficult with this sight but it most likely will go down well with the fans watching from home since Mike's 'madness' did bring in some ratings which edged out the premiere of Reality Check. What are we set to see here tonight?

Steve Sullivan & Zoey vs Tara Jeanne & Archer J w/ Denzel Brown
Stipulation: Tag Team Match
Result: The opening of the show saw Steve Sullivan team up with Zoey to take on women's champion Tara Jeanne and Archer J, the NEW Global champion. CJA has dubbed the group around his son as Empire. 

It's only made him more of an egomaniac than ever since he has back up like the women's champion, 'The Black King' Denzel Brown and of course his bodyguard slash trainer Jon 'SINN' Hatten. There is also talk of Lauren Li joining the group after CJA got Tara to talk with her. The 'Lethal One' might benefit from joining someone as good as the President of TXW as look what he has done for his son. 

For the beginning of this match we see a clash between Zoey and Tara Jeanne as both women were once the Asian Sensations but Tara chose to accept CJA's offer, while Zoey didn't ever want it. Her reign as Global champion ended up being forgettable but she'll want to win here to at least get a win over one of the champions. Tara got the better of her former best friend after an eye poke and starts trash talking her as she kicked her in the face. She stamps on her back when she left her laying face down, then brings in Archer J. 

The cocky kid mocks his Aunt and says she is just as bad as his mother, suggesting she shouldn't think she is something she isn't. He uses his high flying and quickness to take her down then leaps off the ropes after a springboard to add to Zoey's misery. 

'The Second Generation Sinner' hits his Aunt with a Front Flip DDT and then decides to tag in Tara, asking her to finish her off as this needed to happen. The women's champion locks her in an Ankle lock aka Breakdown and screams at her, telling her to tap out to end things here. Zoey gets out of it by losing her shoe and she tags in Steve.

 'The News Breaker' gets in slowly as he wasn't about to clothesline Tara's head off, he instead told her to tag in Archer J, a man he once teamed up with outside the world of TXW. Tara instead slaps him and tells him to tag in Zoey, wanting to beat her little ass. She went to kick Steve between the legs, only for him to catch her foot. He then calls her a naughty girl then gives her a belly to belly suplex. 

After that the women's champion seemed more keen to tag in Archer J, which she did. 

The two former partners have a back and forth into the cocky kid is out wrestled by the more experienced Steve Sullivan. Steve hit him with an Olympic Slam and then drags him up, soon setting him for the Breaking News aka Pedigree. He hooks the arms but at that point Denzel Brown gets on the apron as he gets the referee's attention. The finisher is hit but there is no one to count down Archer J, so the match would continue. 

Zoey then watches on as SINN gets into the ring and hits Steve with a big clothesline. He then knocks Zoey off the apron which prompted Denzel to then jump down. Archer J makes the cover but before he is able to win the match, Nick Gallagher of all people drags out the referee and then clotheslines him to take him out of commission.

 'Mr Nasty' is back and he smiles which shows off his gum shield. Denzel confronts him as the two men fight it out. Nick floors him with a hard punch only for Tara to then cross body him from the apron. Things are getting chaotic. A replacement referee gets sent out as Archer J looks on at all the mayhem. He sees Zoey outside the ring and decides to make a run then do an impressive diving attack on her. He struts then winks at Tasia as he then slides back in the ring. 

He took another look at Tasia and is then suddenly rolled up by Steve as the referee counts him down! Stunning win for Steve Sullivan and Zoey as the baby faces have shocked the heels here. Jon shook his head at Archer J, who might've been gifted the world but he still has a lot to learn, never take your eyes off your opponents.
Outcome: The Empire are backstage as Archer J is making up excuses about why he was pinned by Steve Sullivan. He blames Tasia's good looks and says she should be punished for it. Since he is CJA's kid most didn't want to tell him the truth, as the 'Black King' kept his mouth shut. Jon however did tell him he didn't focus on the task at hand. Tyler walks on over and tells him that he is impressed with the kid, but notes that the Global championship will now be defended against his Aunt Zoey AND Steve Sullivan in a ladder match at Dark Oasis #100. Archer J seemed fine with it as he says bring it on. What no one expected is for Tyrone Marshall, Raine and Andrew Parker to walk over. The Cult of Justice are wearing matching hoodies and all have championship gold. 

Tyrone called Archer J cute but said even he is sick of CJA's prints on everything. He says it's time for him to step aside and this new 'Empire' are shit. More heated words are exchanged into you hear a crack of a kendo stick across Raine's back, then Andrew's. It's Lauren as she and Empire attack the Cult of Justice. The trio hold their own and it's becoming mayhem backstage. Tyler York yells for security as a ton had to keep everyone apart. Denzel then laid out a challenge to the tag team champions, even saying 

"Fuck the King Of The Ring, I want the tag team titles for our new Empire." Big challenge there as Parker screams he accepts on behalf the cult. Tyler York then makes it official for Dark Oasis #100 as he names Lauren Li and Denzel Brown as partners against the Cult of Justice. Big match there but what now for the tournament matches?

Denzel Brown w/ Tara Jeanne & Archer J vs Axel Gunner
Stipulation: KOTR
Result: The enemies for the new Empire are growing as now we have a tag team match announced with a team who haven't even competed alongside each other before. Denzel seems to have now set his focus on taking the tag team titles from Parker and Raine having never held them. So Axel walks out as he looks at add his name to the finals at #100. Jacob Williams is already there and he will be joined by Axel or his opponent, Gage Steele or Matthew Taylor , Andrew Parker or Isaiah Thorne as the final four names. Axel had an interesting spectator as Diane Murphy is there watching on and seemed to be enjoying herself. 

The replacement opponent ends up being Nick Gallagher who is surprisingly with Kelly Nightingale. The two walk out alongside each other and it seems like the 'Fearless' one has recruited someone to manage. She raises his hand then tells him to get Nasty. He seems fine with that as he walks to the ring and now we see why he was so keen to fight it out with CJA's new Empire. It's also strange to see Daniel Khaos' only student being alongside someone who has been written off a half a dozen times. Nick is more vicious and ever , damaging Axel and cutting his face which Diane was annoyed by. Axel didn't hide in hear as he fought back against the returning superstar, almost catching him out with a roll up. They fought on with Nick having his gum shield kicked out by a kick from Axel. 

That made Diane stand up and applaud for him as Kelly hoped to see the man she is managing actually win, or that might not reflect well on her. Nick seems improved from his last run and made this more of a brawl than a fight. 

They end up near the barricade and Nick's attempt to Irish whip Axel into it back fires when he reverses it. Kelly wasn't happy with it nor with the confidence gained from Axel there as he then winks at Diane. The FAB member seems happy to watch this up close and hopes to see him win, to see him advance to the finals at Dark Oasis #100. 

Things looked like they were close to ending into Jacob Williams rushed out in street clothes. He has had a rough few days with the news he had broke up with Aubrey and it is showing, especially with him losing last show to the man in this very ring. Williams hits Axel with the chair to knock him down and hits him some more while he is down. Gallagher attempted to make the save but he is hit in the gut too then laid out with the chair. Williams keeps using it into he has dented the chair as he has gone off his rocker. 

The Main Attraction drags up Nick and hits him with the Red Light superkick, then gets up Axel as he hits him with the Cash Out aka Vertebreaker. 

Jacob gets on the microphone and looks at the camera as he says he doesn't care about past mistakes or people who have been lost along the way. He says he will be King come Dark Oasis #100, nobody else! With that he left and since neither man can continue, it's considered a no contest.

Outcome: Kelly is seen helping Nick after he was hit with the chair and has had an interesting night so far. Tyler York comes over and says despite Jacob's claims, he isn't getting a bye to the final. Instead he announces one of the semi finals at Dark Oasis #100 will be Jacob Williams Vs Axel Gunner Vs Nick Gallagher. Seems Jacob's anger has made things harder for himself as he faces the man he attacked AND the man who defeated him last show. That is a big challenge to get to the final and back up what he said in the ring.

BladeDJK Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #1
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  • Register:12/31/2008 2:17 AM

Re:Dark Oasis #99

Date Posted:05/04/2021 10:43 PMCopy HTML

LOCATION: Toronto, Canada
DATE: Monday 15th June 2020
GENERAL MANAGER: Tyler York & Mike Hawk
THEME: "Scars" by In The Verse

Lauren Li vs Lana Starr
Stipulation: Queen of the ring / Decided by Mike Hawk
Result: Mike is out in the ring and has everything set up for his concert. His hair looks different this time and he is ready to be the rock star TXW deserves. He starts to play the guitar and sing a song which in his head was the best thing he has ever sung. He gets really into it and you could see the referee hold his ears, as did James Reynolds who actually went for a walk. Tasia was trying to be nice about it as Mike sings and stands up, trying to get everything into it. He then takes a break and sips some of his water. He then says it's now time for the next act as he then mentions how the next match is in the Queen of the ring. Lana Starr walks out as she wasn't afraid to tell Mike how much that sucks as he moved from the ring to the ringside area. 

He told them to cut the theme and says he will treat everyone's ears to his version of the theme. That's when he starts singing his own version of Lana's theme , which made her cringe and made her want to strangle him. She then waits as he still hasn't announced what the match type is. We are then greeted to a surprise as out walks Abigail Locke who seems to have got her place back after an injury scare. Her knee is heavily bandaged however which shows she was injured in that embarrassing match on the last show. 

'The Dragon' could put it behind her as she got into the ring and all eyes are on Mike as he once again had to decide which match to chose. His last pick also involved Abigail, so it must make you wonder what he will go with this time. Mike says since this is a concert, he wanted the women to take part in it. He mentions how Abigail is meant to be a skilled singer , so he says he wants to hear her voice. Abigail is put on the spot as this 'match' became more of a talent show. Lana shook her head at the idea but it was something unique. Abigail got handed a microphone , shrugs her shoulders and starts to sing a song. She has a good voice and Mike does the 'rock on' gesture as he seems to enjoy this so far. 

Lana is then handed over the microphone as he is curious to see what kind of voice the Scot has. She didn't seem to be interested in doing it but then does sing some words, one beginning with F and the other beginning with Y. Yep she just swore at the co GM. 

He gave his view and says Abigail might just edge the first round of the contest. Lana however hits the 'Dragon' with the microphone and then tells Mike he better make an actual match type or she'll go have a word with her boyfriend Eddie. 

Not exactly someone you want to deal with. He seemed to give in as he said fine fine then proceeded to sing badly that he has chosen for it to be a simple 'Fight Against The Government' match which turns out to be a strip your opponent naked type match. The fight then got going as the referee got a chance to actually officiate something. 

Even if it's something you don't really see every day, even in TXW. Poor Abigail is beaten up a lot over the next couple of minutes as Lana actually goes for the knee pad, pulling both of them off of her then the bandages too as she looks to increase the damage done by Tara Jeanne. Mike decides to roam around the ring playing his guitar horribly and singing as well which annoys Lana. She focuses and hits the Starr Struck aka Leg Drop Bulldog on her. She then starts undressing Abigail , or trying too into Mike starts playing the guitar louder. She had enough or well her ear drums had enough as she gets out the ring. Lana tells him to shut up as she grabs the guitar and tells him to give it to her. He shook his head at her and suddenly Abigail jumps out with a suicide dive.

 Mike manages to side step so it means he doesn't end up knocked on his ass. He is having fun and he smiles at the 'fans' which are just cardboard cut outs of himself. He waves at one and acts like he got a wave back as he starts playing some more. 

Abigail gained control her and throws Lana into the ring. The Scot is then grabbed and hit with the Breath Of The Dragon aka Rainmaker. Abigail then starts stripping Lana of her clothes, taking off her ring attire and then she strips her out of her bra too. Lana put up some weak fight when Abigail starts stripping her of her thong but soon there is a naked Scot which means 'The Dragon' has advanced and has made up for the last show. As soon as Lana realizes what has happened, she rolls out and screams in anger at the fact she isn't wearing any clothes. 

Even her boots have been taken off. She manages to cover herself well enough with her hands but not her ass as she hurries backstage after losing this match. Mike after starts singing again as she he tries to convince Abigail it's hot in here and she should take off all her clothes. 

While Abigail did smile she didn't join Lana in being naked, instead left as Mike continues his concert. He goes through another song into enough is enough as Tyler walks out and does a cut throat gesture. It cuts the noise as now Mike's microphone doesn't work. 

York says his fellow GM needs to focus. He ends the concert as Mike sees security come out as York moves the show on.
Outcome: Mike is backstage and he is disappointed his concert in the ring came to an end but now he is in Tyler's office and seems to be staying there to continue with his song on the guitar. Tyler did tell him off and says he needs to remember they are wrestling on Dark Oasis #100. Chloe and Calvin are not known for joking around, so it will cost them if he continues to mess around. Mike just told him to "Chill out man." 

Probably words he wants to tell Eddie McGinlay who entered the office and wasn't mad about how Lana ended up very naked out there. Eddie wants to put his fist through Mike's skull. Tyler talked him out of him reminding him that they can make any match they want. He also told Eddie that he should be focusing more on the contract signing later, not beating up a GM of Dark Oasis. 

After the Scot left, Tyler told Mike he owes him one. Not that he seemed to be paying attention as he starts singing another song, this time without playing the guitar.
Mike Malice vs Jacob Williams
Stipulation: Singles
Result: Next up Mike Malice faced off against Jacob Williams ahead of the big title match that Malice has against Hope. Jacob also has found out by now he will be fighting in a triple threat semi final match at Dark Oasis #100. Here he seemed focused on being ready for that as he took the fight to Malice. Jacob wanted to prove he could win big matches and Malice seemed off key as he struggled throughout in this match. Many believed he was losing the battle of the mind games with Hope Sweet who managed to take the Legacy championship away from him. 

Jacob hits with the Bankrupt aka Side Effect and is looking on course to win this one, to get one over the former Legacy champion. 

Jacob went for the super kick as he tried to gain the win, but Malice caught his leg and then hits him hard with a forearm smash right to the face. He felt good after hitting that move but is then surprised when Hope Sweet makes an appearance, holding the Legacy title over her shoulder. Hope seems happy with getting a close look at her opponent, a man she has gone back and forth with. 

It also shows she isn't done playing mind games and takes a place at the commentators table. Malice tried to focus on the task at hand as he wanted to follow up his win on the last show by getting one here. He went for a running high impact smash elbow but he misses and he then ends up being hit with the Red Light aka Superkick which gives Jacob Williams the win. 

It's a big win too over a member of the Savages and the man who is doing battle for the Legacy title on the next Dark Oasis. It pleases Hope Sweet who gets up and starts making her exit , not without making a comment to Malice as she questions if he is ready for their fight. 

That just made him get out the ring as the Dastardly one goes on the attack. They brawl all around the ringside area, leading to Hope being thrown against the steel steps. She recovered from it before many might expect but they were left alone to fight it out. It ended with them near the stage where they both clothesline one another down. 

Eventually the fight had to be stopped since if they weren't pulled apart, they wouldn't make the next show on Dark Oasis #100. It also saved the match later when Hope Sweet meets Mike's sister Tara in a match that Tyler York will be making. Mike's mood won't be getting much better if Hope is able to get a win over Tara, especially since he has lost here tonight.


Outcome: We see the Cult of Justice who are asked about their actions tonight when they got into a scuffle with the New Empire. Tyrone had a lot to say including hyping up his main event match with Ciara. He says he might find a better challenger in the group run by CJA, the man who brought him to the 'dance'. 

Tyrone dismisses Ciara Fierce as he says just because she had a good run at War Games in the Gauntlet match, doesn't mean she can win an actual one on one match. He brings up the last show where he claims Ciara would've been destroyed by Wrath, not on the side of a winning team. Parker then has his chance to say something as he announces that he and Raine are not afraid of 'Headless Sheep' Li and token Black man Denzel Brown. He says the Cult are running both shows and no one is going to stop them, not Empire, not the Beasts or the Savages. TXW belongs to the Cult of Justice. 

Right when they were set to walk away, Tyler interrupts them and says he hopes Raine and Parker are not going home as he has plans for them tonight, especially with the fire they have made here tonight. We will see how this pans out.

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  • Register:12/31/2008 2:17 AM

Re:Dark Oasis #99

Date Posted:05/04/2021 10:44 PMCopy HTML

LOCATION: Toronto, Canada
DATE: Monday 15th June 2020
GENERAL MANAGER: Tyler York & Mike Hawk
THEME: "Scars" by In The Verse


Pierce Kingsley & Eddie McGinlay
Stipulation: Singles / Contract Signing
Result: In the ring we have Tyler York and Mike Hawk, who has changed clothes and even his hair looks different again. Even so he is more professional now after his concert as they now need Eddie McGinlay and Pierce Kingsley to sign their contracts for the One Night In Hell match. It's a match only seen once before and it led to the end of TWO legends in one night. Hell even the winner of that match CJA had no interest in seeing the match again. 

But it's happening and both the enemies are fighting in it on the next show. This could be the last show we see them standing as two healthy talents. Eddie walks out first flanked by Wrath as they are the remaining members of the Beasts of War. The Scot knew he had a match so he is in his gear and he seemed ready to fight. Shortly after Pierce makes his way out and he has no one with him. The Savages have Dakota missing , Creed and Gage gone which left the Malice siblings as the only ones who could. Neither are here as Tara likely is getting ready for her match up next while Malice just had a brawl with Hope Sweet. 

Even so the two men got the chance to have a lot to say as Eddie started by repeating what he said on Twitter, how Pierce won't be staying in hell for one night, he will be living there after their match is done. He promises to bury him deep and make sure he doesn't get back up. Pierce didn't seem to react how Eddie wanted as it didn't get under his skin. He simply tells him he has heard better men say the same thing as Eddie and fail short. He does get under his skin by mentioning how he ended Daniel Khaos' TXW in ring career. Since that's Eddie's cousin, he didn't like that at all. Tyler made sure he told them that coming to blows means the other person gets to pick all the stipulations that go into ONIH. It made things very tension as Eddie begins to pace. He stood behind Wrath who seemed keen to fight the Plague Doctor but he didn't start anything. 

Tyler then says he wants both men to sign the contracts as they know the risks that come with the match, it IS career threatening. Eddie signs right away as he states it's not his career that is at risk, it's Pierce's. Pierce also signs the contract and then flips the table as he goes face to face with the Glasgow Monster. Eddie is taller but these two have had destructive fights before and will have one more as the pay off is the One Night In Hell match. 

Tyler and Mike leave the ring with the contract after that as they watch at ringside as now each man gets to take their frustration out on an opponent. Their opponents have been well paid to take the beating they know they are about to take. No one wants to really step in the ring with these men, it's a risky thing. Mike and Tyler weren't willing to risk those on the Dark Oasis roster this close to 100, so we get two development talent. 

One is Ricky Starks, a man who looks like he is regretting his life choices as he steps in the ring with Eddie. As expected Eddie completely destroys him and within a minute he finishes him off with the Tartan Tomb aka Tombstone. Eddie glares over at Pierce and dares him to do it much quicker than that. The next developmental talent is Joel Walton who is a much bigger task than Starks was. 

Either way Pierce had no issue with him and kicks his ass, just like Eddie destroyed his development talent he shared the ring with. Pierce wins with the inSANE submission [Modified Rings of Saturn] as the developmental talent passes out. They have both done what was expected of them as both men end up going face to face. They exchange words and Eddie decides to headbutt him, breaking the no contact rule. Tyler attempts to calm things down but the two men brawl after that strong headbutt. It came with such force Eddie cut his own head when doing it, just showing the hatred the two men have for each other. Tyler tried to get in the ring but he is knocked off by Wrath who then helped his fellow Beast of war member fight Pierce. 

Mike Malice ends up rushing out, confirming he is still in the building from earlier. He had decided to stay in the back, feeling it's Pierce's business to handle on his own, but not anymore. Despite this Wrath takes him out pretty quickly which left the Plague Doctor fighting them on his own.
The numbers are just too much for Pierce who wasn't getting any back up from the Savages, simply because of what they have already gone through tonight. Wrath chokeslams Pierce and then Eddie drags him up. He then puts him in place and hits him with the Tartan Tomb. Eddie stands over his enemy and seems fine with costing himself the choice of what goes into the One Night In Hell. Mistakes made? We won't know into Dark Oasis #100 on Canada day.
Outcome: Tyler York is annoyed by what happened during the contract signing, even if Mike points out he knew they would let out their true selves, aka become savage monsters. Tyler bans Wrath from the main event next week and gives Pierce full control of what goes into the match. While he is shouting Hope is watching and finds it all amusing. She then asks Tyler if she should even bother wearing her ring gear for her next match. Mike seems to think she should be a free spirit which prompts Tyler to cut in, saying he won't be doing a match like Mike picked earlier. He instead said has secured the Boiler room for a boiler room brawl. Hope seems to like that idea. 


Hope Sweet vs Tara Malice w/ Mike Malice
Stipulation: Decided by Tyler York
Result: The cameras caught up with Hope who has walked to the Boiler room and follows her as she goes in. All of a sudden she is hit across the back with a pipe as it seems Tara was there ready for her. She stamps on her while she is down and then makes an early cover, almost getting the shock win over the Legacy champion. Tara screams at her when she kicks out and then decides to take off her belt. She starts using it as these two women are not holding back on the violence. 

'Bloody Alice' attempted to choke her out with the belt but Hope has been through this all before and managed to get out of the chokehold then starts punching at Tara once back to her feet.  The two brawl around the boiler room and at one stage Hope Irish whips Tara right into one of the Boilers. She then kicks at one of the loose pipes and breaks it open as it started to leak hot steam. She tries to point it down towards Tara but she rolls out the way before the steam burns her. She is sweating a lot as it's very warm in here and the pale Malice seems to be regretting being involved in this. Last time these two women came to blows Tara Malice ended up being in her underwear. 

Won't happen here as Hope seems more interest in beating a Malice black and blue as a preview of what she is going to do against Mike Malice on Dark Oasis #100. Tara gets cut open from punches and attempted to get out the room, but the door was locked when both entered. She screams in anger but then brings the fight to Hope when she knew there was no getting out of this. This only ends when someone gets a pin , gets a submission or knocks the other person out. For the longest time it looked like the former Women's champion was going to get knocked out, especially when she hit off one of the boilers head first which doesn't help with her cut. But she kept fighting on and some dirty tactics allows her to set up the Tattooed aka Pedigree. 

She hits the move and hurts her knees in doing so but it also hurt Hope who landed face first on the concrete floor. She rolls her over and hooks her leg, expecting to get the job done but the Legacy champion manages to kick out at TWO! 

It made Tara go after the referee, grabbing at his shirt and threatening him, she even tries to rip it off of him as she tells him isn't worthy of being an official. She looks at the camera and demands they get another one in here. Hope gets involved to prevent the referee from being left shirtless or beaten up by an angry Tara. 

Hope kicks her across the ass and when she turns around she bitch slaps her so hard it knocks Tara into standing in a different direction. Hope backs off, makes a run and hits the spear. Then lastly she drags her up by the hair, lifts her on her shoulders and hits the FUCKED aka GTS which knocks Tara the hell out which ends the match as the official sees Tara is out cold. Hope is nice enough to push Tara on her side but grabs her leather jacket and decides to wear it while leaving the very sweaty Boiler room. She gets out and her mood seemed good, into Mike Malice blind sides her when she exits. He connects with a High Running Impact Elbow that floors the champion. He then picks her up and starts carrying her outside. He gets her all the way out and then carries her over to a car, he pops open the trunk then throws her in, slamming down it down after to close her in. He then goes around to the front of the car and Dakota is in the drivers seat. Malice then nods as he gets in and they drive off with the Legacy champion in the trunk. Who knows where he plans on taking her but we might not find out into Dark Oasis #100. 

Outcome: J.T Marshall is having some last minute words with Ciara as the main event is getting closer. He says he won't be out there tonight since he feels she needs to do it all on her own , just to prove how far she has come. Ciara agrees and feels she can defeat Tyrone to set up a championship match at Dark Oasis #100. It would be a big step up for her but it is something she is capable of. We've all seen how much she has improved since hiring the 'Showcase' as her manager. The former World champion has faith he will witness his girlfriend become a World champion herself. All she had to do is get past Tyrone once to set up the title match itself. 


BladeDJK Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #3
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  • Register:12/31/2008 2:17 AM

Re:Dark Oasis #99

Date Posted:05/04/2021 10:44 PMCopy HTML

LOCATION: Toronto, Canada
DATE: Monday 15th June 2020
GENERAL MANAGER: Tyler York & Mike Hawk
THEME: "Scars" by In The Verse


Impromptu Tag Team Match
Stipulation: Tag Team Match
Result: The next match was supposed to be the main event but instead we get an Impromptu tag team match as out walks the Tag Team champions the Cult of Justice. Parker and Raine don't have any back up as Emilia Pruzzi isn't allowed on Dark Oasis while Tyrone Marshall is competing in the main event up next, so he isn't taking any chances by being involved in a scuffle here. 

Empire are led out after by Archer J, who lost her first match earlier on in the show. He has words for Denzel Brown and Lauren Li, who have newly aligned with this new faction. 

CJA is the mastermind behind it all really as he chosen these to lead the new era of TXW. Jon 'SINN' Hatten and Tara Jeanne are with them too as they all stood at ringside while the 'Lethal One' and the 'Black King' teamed for the very first time. 

The match soon got underway as Denzel did battle with Parker, giving those watching at home some flash backs as they used to fight a lot during the early days of TXW. Now here they are in 2020 as apart of two of the newest stables in the company. 

Parker got the better of Denzel at first, showing off his speed and doing a lot of suplexes at one stage. He went to the top rope and dove off for a splash which gave his team a near fall. Denzel fought back and had more power than Parker, managing to hit a brainbuster on him then tags in Li. 

Once Li is in she starts showing off her kicks and really doing damage to Parker's mid section. Lauren hits a hip attack after kicking 'Justice' into a seated position in the corner. She then follows it up with a superkick once he stands up and we're seeing a more focused Lauren, who has never reached her potential in the six years under contract with TXW. She did leave briefly but she's still been apart of the company mostly from the start, just like Parker. 

Parker brought in his wife who viciously attacks Lauren. Raine lifts her up and hits her with brainbuster for a near fall as the tag team champions started to show why they won the titles. The husband and wife duo work together to hurt Lauren and try to injure her legs, working on both of them as Denzel paces on the apron. 

It led to a confidence for the Cult but it is misplaced as Li got her knees up when Parker went for the Justice Falls aka Corkscrew Shooting Star Press. After that Lauren brought in Denzel and he rushes over then hits the Black Excellence aka Trouble In Paradise on Parker. 

It wasn't enough as Raine made the save for her husband. She attacks Denzel and slaps him across the back of the head. Then when he stands up she hits him with the Sweet Sacrifice aka RKO. Parker rolls over to hook the leg but Lauren breaks up the pin, denying the champions a victory. 

Later Lauren and Raine are tagged in as the two women have a vicious brawl which ends with the red head hitting Li with a spinning chick kick as the Cult of Justice looked to close the deal on the win here. It all changed when Archer J started running his mouth as he starts saying things about Raine and then at one point grabs her foot as she hit the ropes, drags her out then slaps her across the face. 

When she went to strike him, he backs off and Jon 'SINN' Hatten stood in the way. He is a very good body guard. That led to Parker jumping on them as he knocked down the bodyguard who in return knocks down Archer J. 

While that is going on, Tara Jeanne slides in a small container or something that Lauren drinks. Raine then gets in and Lauren spits red mist right into Raine's face, who screams at being temporary blinded. Lauren then locks her in the Hurt You aka Tazzmission which makes one half of the tag team champions pass out. What a win for the Empire as Lauren has won alongside Denzel as they target the tag team titles at Dark Oasis #100. 
Outcome: The Empire members are seen looking pleased with themselves after winning the tag team match. Jenny Gold catches up with them and wanted to talk to Lauren, who many have now considered someone who has sold their soul to the devil. Lauren denies that she has and instead says she needed to change something as a lot of what she has tried to do, just hasn't worked. Archer J then takes the microphone and flirts some with Jenny but told her to stop asking stupid questions. He says that every single member of Empire will hold gold soon enough as his father has recruited them all personally. He also calls his Aunt Zoey and his mother Kelly stupid, along with Nick Gallagher who must not rate his career to get managed by a deadbeat mother. Those comments would've hurt Kelly but Archer J likes to talk.

Tyrone Marshall vs Ciara Fierce w/ J.T Marshall
Stipulation: Singles / Non Title / Ciara Fierce HAS to win to secure title shot
Result: The main event happens next as Ciara Fierce battled it out with Tyrone Marshall for the right to fight him at Dark Oasis #100. The Bull walks out with confidence as he holds the title over his shoulder. He is the joint record holder when it comes to how many World Championships he has held, sharing the record with Pierce Kingsley who has also held the title three times. Everyone now wonders if Ciara Fierce has what it takes to win two matches in back to back shows to add her name to the list of TXW World Champions. Tyrone seemed relaxed as he always comes across that way , but here he is a little more disrespectful. 

He asks her to take the first shot, which she did and he wasn't impressed. He asks again and once more he didn't think much of her hit. 

However her third was enough to make him hold his face and realize Ciara isn't here to play around. The Bull charges back into this one after the free hits with a shoulder tackle. He deadlifts her up and then suplexs her which leads to an early near fall. From there 'The Bull' continues to dominate as he gets to see what the Irish Badass can take. 

He hits an underhook backbreaker then followed it up with a Full Nelson Slam. He gets her up again and again as he slams her to the canvas THREE times with a Full Nelson slam, which is a big height too as he lifts her almost to the height that he is. Tyrone then backs away , shouts at her and then eventually hits her with the Snapper followed by the legs being hooked to end the match. 

Only he DOESN'T end the match as Ciara is able to kick out of all of that. It made Tyrone sit up, look confused as he is sure that should've got the job done, but it didn't. It made him get to his feet pretty quickly, move to the corner again and signals for another one. 

He rushes over and this time Ciara boots him in the face when he charges at her. He gets caught pretty good that rocks him. He attempted to shake it off but Ciara went on the attack, hitting away at his stomach and jumping up to reach his face. Ciara hit an uppercut when he lowered his head after a gut kick and she grabs his hair to keep him that way as she gets in several uppercuts, ten if you're counting.

 One more uppercut and she hit the ropes then knocked Tyrone on his ass for the flying lariat. Ciara double foot stomps him twice then proceeds to go up to the top rope. 

She connects with a moonsault senton which knocked the wind out of Tyrone's lungs and led to her making a cover, getting a near fall of her own as she is proving she belongs in the main event picture. Or it would prove it if the match ended up with her winning and going on to Dark Oasis #100 to challenge. Ciara went high again and leaps off but Tyrone got to his feet, catching her with a Superman Punch aka Seeing Red. 

It almost knocked her head off so no one would be surprised if she was out cold. Tyrone drags her to the corner and instead of pinning her decided to throw her out the ring. He lifts her up and carries her over to the announcers table. He then runs over to it and slams her right through it with a running World' Strongest Slam, breaking the casing and making the commentators move back for cover. The Bull has seen red as he lets out a roar and then goes over to the mats as he then starts pulling away the protection. 

It looked like he wanted to end her and really make a statement that he isn't a World champion that you want to mess with or fight with. He stands right back and pushes Ciara closer to where the exposed concrete is. The Bull then makes his run and looks to hit the Snapper on her but instead he is hit with a drop toe hold, making him end up the one who went face first onto the concrete. That was a hard hit and he is laid out after that, even when he tried to get his hands up to protect his fall. It didn't do that much.

 Luckily for him he isn't passed out as he rolls over and looks up at the ceiling, looking a little out of it. 

Ciara gets into the ring, still recovering from all she went through herself as she was hit with so much and is cut on the side of her face from the Seeing Red. She looks out of it herself but has done enough to look the better out of the two. 

Tyrone did get up, rolls into the ring but as soon as he stands Ciara hits him with a Bicycle Kick to leave him laid out. Ciara then goes up top with her back to the ring, then jumps off for the Split Legged Corkscrew Moonsault, her new finisher called Twisted End. The move did it's job as it got the three count making everyone open up their eyes and see Ciara Fierce is capable of being in the World title picture. She is now THEE contender as she has defeated Tyrone in this brutal back and forth. There is still a lot more they can both give and we're going to see it at Dark Oasis #100. 

The show goes off air with J.T Marshall joining Ciara in the ring and raising her hand after a very impressive win, the biggest of her career so far.

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