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  • Rank:Diamond Member
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Date Posted:11/20/2015 3:03 AMCopy HTML

LOCATION: Toronto, Canada
DATE: 31st October 2015
GENERAL MANAGER(S): Josh Nightmare / Hammad Haider
THEME: State Of My Head by Shinedown

TXW Insane Asylum begins with ‘State Of My Head’ playing alongside a video package of all the feuds going into this massive event. We get a historic look back at the history of the One Night In Hell match. Also shown is how Michelle and Calvin got to the point along with the Women’s title drama. Over to the announce team Mike Hawk who is dressed as Thor constantly asking women to find where his hammer is. As usual beside him is Tasia Wicha who is dressed as Harley Quinn.
Hansom (C) vs Tyrone Marshall vs MDS vs Deric Quake vs Devil's Advocate vs Dustin Cage vs Johnny Mercer vs Kry vs John Dagger vs Dean Creed
Xtreme Title / IC Title
The opener of the night will be for the Xtreme Championship AND the vacant IC Championship. That aside it will also decide the fate of the group known as W.A.R who will all lose their place on the roster come the end of the night. Once it is the first of November they will be free agents which will delight many. IF they want to remain with TXW they have few choices since the first one will be to resign as single’s competitors leaving the group as a dead one. Only way the group can even stay together a little is if two of them walk out as champions. Even then it will deem the other two free agents and it really is a shake up for them. We also might not see any of them anymore if none of them make it to the last two. Always possible.

Over to Jenny Gold who is on standby to make the introductions. “The following contest is a gauntlet match and it is for the Xtreme AND IC Championships. The runner up will be crowned the Xtreme champion while the winner will be the brand new IC Champ.” It is said to make it all the clearer.

Some may ask if the Xtreme title is the worst of the two and well it is. Only because it makes you have to defend it every week on RC, no shows off. That will remain even if no member of W.A.R holds onto it. The IC title is the superior of the championships hence why the winner gets that.

Speaking of W.A.R ‘Friction’ hits first as out comes the whole group. Hansom leads them with his Xtreme Championship over his shoulder with Devil’s Advocate, Dustin Cage and Deric Quake following him. They are all wearing their colours so it was clear they weren’t just about to throw in the towel. Not after everything.

“Looks like W.A.R will start this gauntlet match together. It might be a smart strategy for the moment but what happens when there are four of them with only two places up for grabs?” Tasia questioned about the thought progress here. Whether they liked it or not TWO of them would be out of the group even in the best case scenario. There will be no four man group come the next Dark Oasis.

“Introducing first. They are the collective unit of Hansom, Deric Quake, Dustin Cage and Devil’s Advocate. Please welcome We Are Rebellion.” Jenny introduced them as the fans just boo them. It’s funny how things have changed as they were once seen as the heroes when up against Kingdom. Now they are not even close to heroes. They are the villains.

The four men are waiting in the ring as they were about to team up on whoever gets out here first. It won’t be a fair fight but it’s not illegal to do this. It was probably expected they will try to team up to help the group survive. The man or woman who goes up against them will have to be at their very best as it’s never easy to go through that many people on your own.

‘Descent’ hits first as out walks the powerful John Dagger who is six foot ten. If anyone can handle his own it should be him. He also has previous with W.A.R as he recently challenged for the gold against Hansom. Now he has to fight them all on his own as no one else can arrive into a elimination is made. What makes it complicated is the group is essentially acting as one man.

“Now introducing the entry number two. He is from parts unknown. He weighs in at two hundred and twenty pounds. Please welcome John Dagger!” Announcement made as the former number one contender steps into the lion’s den. You could never tell what he was thinking. Was he scared? Was he unaffected by what is in front of him. No one could predict it but he at least entered the ring.

Bell sounds and as expected, Dagger is teamed up on. He does his best to fight off three of them as Hansom stands back, but it is just not enough as he is overwhelmed. While he might not be a favourite he would be cheered over the mob as they knock him off his feet. Devil’s Advocate, Dustin and Deric all stamp away from him into Hansom yells at them to stop. This is when the Xtreme Champion wanted in on things. The rest of the group are almost becoming his minions as they do what he says.

The crowed are quiet as they watched the Anti Venom drag up Dagger. The big man is dragged up, thrown against the ropes and on the rebound he is incredibly thrown up then snapped back down with the Pop Up Powerbomb. To see that happened to a man well over three hundred pounds is impressive. It also was painful to watch as the fans knew that the first elimination is now set to happen as the cover is made.



“Looks like Josh may have overlooked a few things when it came to this gauntlet match.” Mike said as yes things have been overlooked. A faction of four counting as one didn’t work well for all those trying to run through them. Now that one person is eliminated there aren’t many more to go. If they continued this way then it would be uncomfortable to watch the rest of this.

‘Sweet Sacrifice’ hits next as out walks a nervous looking Kry. So far she hasn’t lost yet now is up against four others in an attempt to progress in the gauntlet match. She’ll be hoping to be one of the survivors of this since getting a place as the last two is the only way you get the championship.

“On her way to the ring. She resides from Flamming Starr, Massachusetts. Please welcome Kry!” Jenny announces her as the fans give her a mixed reaction. Usually she is booed but for tonight she is given some kind of respect due to what she is being put up against. Stepping in gave everyone an idea of what she faces. Yet she attacked Deric, punching him right across the jaw. Hansom stood back rather amused as he saw his ‘brother’ struggle with her. You could see the aggression as she kept hitting and every response from him is avoided. One hard kick across the gut gave her motivation to bounce off the ropes and make a charge. Likely going to try a spear.

Instead on the rebound she gets a hard kick to the gut from Deric who then pulls her closer and hits the World Disaster [Swinging Reverse STO Into Cutter Variation]. Kry’s leg gets hooked as the count is made.



Second elimination as Deric stood up and checked on his lip that had been busted from the punch. It made him want to inflict more damage. Hansom however made sure that never happened, telling them to focus on what is next. Kry made her leave looking disappointed as we all turn our attention to who is next. Who could it be?

‘Survival’ hits next as the fans cheer. They see Johnny Mercer walk on out in his wrestling gear, likely leaving his Halloween outfit into later. The fans loved him and he looked ready to add a FOURTH IC championship to his name since he’ll want to be a record setter. No one else has captured the championship more than once so it really is something.

“Introducing next. He resides from LA, California. Please welcome The Survivor Johnny Mercer!” Jenny announces him as the Survivor himself shouts out ‘Fucking Yeah’ as he is pumped by the noise the Canadian TXW fans are making. He will see his girlfriend later go for the Women’s gold, so he’ll want to do his part by making sure that happens. The only boost he can give her is by winning gold himself.

However just as he was about to enter the ring. A man in a skull mask jumps over the barricade. He has a baton in hand which he uses across his back. Then he throws him into the steel steps head first. It is no shock who it is when he pulled the mask off showing it is indeed Andy Parker. This has been brewing for a while and is now set to continue. Parker is proud of himself as he ends up throwing Johnny into the pack of wolves.

“What kind of Justice is this? Andy is a thug, nothing short of it. He has just damaged the chances of Johnny here. Just when we were all hoping W.A.R might get taken down a few steps.” Tasia said, venting the feelings of the fans as they weren’t happy with this one bit.

All of W.A.R are happy with this as Dustin drags Johnny up about to put an end to him. However he is surprisingly caught with an inside cradle as the referee counts while the rest of the group are all taking time to taunt the fans. They weren’t expecting this as the referee counted.



Shock elimination but unfortunately despite being classed as one, they all needed to be pinned individually to get thrown out this match. What it does mean is Dustin is OUT of W.A.R. He is also out of work unless he agrees to be a wrestler on his own. Johnny is hurt and somehow got that despite being damaged.

“Unbelievable! I never saw that coming as Dustin is gone and the numbers of W.A.R have narrowed down to just three. This will make them more nervous now especially with enemies yet to come out like MDS and Tyrone Marshall." Tasia said, literally in shock.

Hansom is furious about this and he attacked Johnny right away. He throws him against the ropes, throws him up and hits the Anti Bomb! [Pop Up Powerbomb]. Survivor or not this had to be the end for Johnny as the count is made.



The fans booed when seeing the former IC Champion lose his place in this match. Now only MDS, Dean Creed and Tyrone Marshall could slow down the group. Hansom starts flipping off the fans as he felt good about getting one threat out the match. Despite the fact everyone knew Justice had a big play in that one. Now we all have to wait on who is next.

‘Terminator’ hits next as out walks Dean Creed. The multiple time champion moves out slowly as they cheer for him. The man who has named himself the Terminator will want to Terminated the rest of W.A.R here as he knows he can be the one to end them should he beat all three of them. On his way to the ring he is confronted by Dustin. The fans ended up cheering loudly when Dean knocked him on his ass. Dean then took off his leather jacket and slides into the ring as he is ready for a fight. He ducts under a clothesline attempt from Devil’s Advocate and suddenly kicks him where it hurts. Deric tried to get on the action but ends up getting hit right away with the Terminated [KO Punch]. It was some fight from the man who hasn’t yet broken free of RC. This is his biggest match to date.

“Dean’s cleaning house! Just look on the face of Hansom.” Tasia pointed out how shocked the Xtreme Champion is. He is shocked more when he is hit with some quick hits then gets hit with a flurry of kicks. A roundhouse kick then floored the champion who had to roll out the ring for his own well being. Dean is fired up and he shows what he is capable of as he is easily one of the wrestlers of the future or well the present.

The Terminator followed him out and starts attacking him. Eventually the Xtreme Champion is leaning over the announcers table and soon had his head bounced off it over and over. Each hit caused the fans to count along as they were enjoying this. It did soon come to a stop as Dean had to get back in the ring.

Unfortunately when he did he is double teamed by Deric and Devil who showed their experience as a tag team. They knocked Dean to his knees and it eventually allowed Devil’s Advocate to set up then hit the Devil’s DDT [Scorpion Death Drop]. It killed what excitement the fans had as they were hoping the group would be narrowed down further. Wasn’t to be as the cover is made.



The rising superstar doesn’t have his dream moment as he is out this match and will not be leaving with either title. Now only TWO men stand in the way of W.A.R. If they eliminate one more than unfortunately the group will have one member at the minimum leaving with a title. No one outside the group wanted to see that.

“We’re closing in a possible disappointment moment here as W.A.R may yet survive in some capacity. If they eliminate Tyrone or MDS, they will leave with a championship.” Tasia wasn’t pleased to say that, you can tell in her voice. But it is the truth as whoever came out next will be still in a three on one situation.

Suddenly ‘Bonecracker’ hits as out walks MDS, the former member of W.A.R. He looks down at his former ‘brothers’ as they dared him to get in. Hansom was confident they could get rid of him easily but well he seemed to look over his shoulder and mouth that they really thought he would come alone? They looked confused into it was made less confusing when ‘Becoming The Bull’ hits. Looks like neither man is doing this alone. They put their fists together and start walking for W.A.R.

The fans went crazy as Jenny announces them both. “Now introducing Tyrone Marshall and Micheal Davis Simmons!” She said as the fans started to chant for them. Could this be how it ends for the group? Are We Are Rebellion finally done? They did have the numbers but it wasn’t what they wanted as one man is already eliminated.

The fight starts once they are in the ring as the fans cheer just seeing it all happening. Tyrone aka the Bull is aggressive in his hits. There was no way he was going to let this chance slip, not tonight. Alongside his bud MDS they took it to W.A.R as the trio are beaten in a fist fight. They are sent out the ring one by one.

Seeing Hansom rattled said it all as he tried to regroup as they were only one elimination from surviving in some form. They put their heads together and each start to go to a different corner of the ring. They were about to use the numbers as Tyrone and MDS tried to figure out how to work this. The group gets in the ring and the numbers were about to start coming into play. Tyrone was doubled up on by Deric and Devil’s Advocate while Hansom took it to MDS. The strategy there worked as they each targeted in a smart way. Not happy viewing at all as these two men were the last hope.

Tyrone and MDS are knocked down, stamped on as the fight was beginning to be beaten out of them. Hansom is mouthing off as he said they won’t be dying tonight. Instead they are about to go home with TWO championships. No one could really argue with them as it wasn’t going well for Tyrone and MDS who are now down, almost ready to be finished off.

Suddenly the lights went out which caused confusion. This is Halloween so the darkness is a norm but this didn’t seem to be some kind of malfunction. The lights go back on and right away the group check their backs. Nothing there as Hansom laughs it off, claiming it was a good one. That ‘good one’ wasn’t a bluff however as ‘World Belongs To Me’ hits as the fans actually cheer when Daniel Khaos walks out on the stage. The Khaos Maker is back in TXW!

The fans saw him grin and he stares down at a now rattled W.A.R who were readying up to fight him. He starts walking towards the ring without any intention of backing away. The distraction appeared to be enough as MDS ends up throwing Devil’s Advocate out the ring while Deric ends up walking right into the Seeing Red [Superman Punch]. Hansom got out of harms way BUT he ended up outside the ring where Khaos was. The Khaos Maker went on the attack as the fans cheered every hit. Oh what a difference a few months makes.

“Daniel Khaos is back, what a shock! He might be the one to help end W.A.R after all!” Tasia said with excitement as in the ring MDS looks at Tyrone as they have laid out TWO members of W.A.R. The former member then makes the cover on Deric who has been taken out while Tyrone covers Devil’s Advocate. A double pin which would see them  both eliminated if they don’t kick out.



Clearly the rules have changed as this thing has gone along but either way W.A.R have only one man left. That man ends up getting thrown back in the ring by Khaos so he is left to face the two men he has been in battle with in recent weeks. It wasn’t good for him as he gets hit with the Seeing Red upon entry. The move made him spin around and it allowed MDS to lift him onto his shoulders then slam him on his face the Secret’s OUT! [Fireman Carry Clutch into Seated Senton]. Seeing that made the fans delighted but what made them more so is seeing the legs of Hansom being hooked as the cover is made.



“It’s over! W.A.R are finished and MDS has ended his own group with assistance from Tyrone along with Khaos. This is truly a historic moment as the factions have come to an end!” Tasia said with delight as MDS looked happy with his achievement. However he seemed to think he would be given time by Tyrone when instead he ends up walking into the Seeing Red when he turned around. Never take your eye off an opponent. Even one who has been having your back as this contest is still live.

The fans weren’t sure to make of that as they watched Tyrone drag up his ally, lift him into his arms and then slam him down for the Wrecked [Spinning World’s Strongest Slam]. The slam after the spin knocked the wind out of MDS as the cover is made. Are we looking at the new IC champion?


Turns out we are as the match is won, Tyrone Marshall is the NEW IC champion while MDS is the NEW Xtreme Champion. The Bulldozer has finally gained his first ever singles championship in TXW while MDS has done the same. To show there is no hard feelings, the Bull helps MDS to his feet and raises his hand. The cameras are focused on them as they are handed the new championships.

While that is happening the camera ends up panning over to Hansom who was making his exit. Khaos is long gone as his work is done. Now the future is up in the air over the powerhouse who only suffered his second single’s loss here. It wasn’t easy to defeat him but on this night his group have failed. W.A.R are dead.
We cut to Josh Nightmare who is about to host the annual Halloween Costume Contest. Of course he is dressed up too in a spin on Captain America’s outfit which he has changed to make him Captain Canada. It was just his way of being different he hopes bigger nerds than he don’t bring up some fact about there really being a Captain Canada and looking nothing like this. This is just his way of being fun even if he isn’t Canadian, only adopted. His sister ends up entering the office. Unlike nearly everyone else she isn’t dressed for Halloween. Probably because of what is happening later. There is no fun in the main event.

“Hey sis. How are you doing? I know the main event isn’t what you dreamed about but I am sure Chris will be fine.” Josh had to say that. Even if he wasn’t too sure himself. Kelly looks at him and she can read him like a book. It was odd having her where she is no longer under contract. It’s only  because they are family that she gets to come and go as she pleases.

Kelly looked like she wanted to say something but in the end just takes a seat. Josh could tell his sister is upset by all of this. “Look sis. You might not want to think positive about tonight’s main event but you need some faith. Believe in CJA.” Josh tried to make it better as sat next to his sister, pulling her in for a hug as the emotion of tonight is getting to the Fearless one. Will tonight’s main event really just be CJA’s execution?

BladeDJK Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #1
  • Rank:Diamond Member
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  • Register:12/31/2008 2:17 AM

Re:Insane Asylum 2015

Date Posted:11/20/2015 3:04 AMCopy HTML

LOCATION: Toronto, Canada
DATE: 31st October 2015
GENERAL MANAGER(S): Josh Nightmare / Hammad Haider
THEME: State Of My Head by Shinedown

Halloween Costume Contest
Stipulation: Costume Contest judged by Josh Nightmare, Robyn Bryce, Mike Hawk and Claire Valentine
Result: Now it is time for the Halloween Costume Contest. In the ring are Josh Nightmare as Captain Canada, Robyn Bryce is a hot teacher, Mike is dressed as Thor as explained earlier and Claire Valentine as Ms Marvel. All of them are seated with a table in front of them in the ring. Each would give a score. Whoever gets the highest score combined wins the contest. IF it is a tie then whoever it involves will compete in an over the top rope contest. Only true way to settle ties right?

Josh has a microphone as he smirks. “Happy Halloween everyone and welcome to the very first Halloween Costume Contest here in TXW. For those who don’t know, this will be decided by the four of us. We give a vote to what we see and at the end whoever gets the best score, gets the Halloween Costume winner trophy for 2015. If it’s a tie we’re about to see some brawling as we will settle this with an over the top rope challenge. Let the gods be kind and if we do have a tie, I sure hope it’s between two women. Well that might just be me.” Josh said as the contest is now officially underway.

Now it’s over to the contestants who all start to enter the ring to the sound of ‘This is Halloween’ by Marilyn Manson. Johnny Mercer led the pack dressed as the Blonde Wolverine. Behind him is Harlyn as X23 prompting her to growl when she sees the camera man following them close. Jezabel Jezzi is dressed as Black Widow including accessories such as the guns and the glowing batons. Jake Mathieu is out there as the Flash which made him do a running on the spot motion when passing the camera. Karla Winchester looks good as a sexy pilot which will make most men want to go into the cabins more often. Kry is dressed as up with a creepy gothic look, almost doll like and Raine is dressed as an Angel. Madison Wright came out dressed like Princess Leia which to most men’s disappointment wasn’t as slave girl Leia. Rachel is dressed as a sexy version of Mario which clearly gave Josh a whole new opinion on everyone’s beloved plumber. Completing the line up is Becca Nightingale who has dressed herself as Harlyn which meant she painted herself white trying to say she is really that pale.

The look didn’t pass by Harlyn who just stood by Johnny laughing off the whole thing as the line up is complete. Now it is over to the judges as Josh kept looking at his wife into he is nudged by Robyn who had to try keep her boss impartial during this whole thing. He’d want to be biased.

First to strut their stuff in front of the judges is Kry, who just gave them all look without emotion. She also had a doll in her hand that she decided to leave in front of Josh who pushed it over towards Claire not wanting to have that thing staring at him all night. They give a vote with Josh only giving Kry a six due to the doll. While that might seem funny that a Badass is afraid of such a creepy thing, but hey we all have our weaknesses. Claire and Robyn both gave it a seven while Mike gave it a one for not showing off much skin. Good thing there are more than one judge on this show.

Next to step up is Jezabel who starts posing with the batons. She does a front flip and puts one baton down, picks up a gun and aims it at Josh. As a joke he puts up his arms to pretend to surrender. After the little show we’re over to the votes. Josh gave his ex an eight, Robyn stuck to a seven while Claire went to eight also. Mike’s score was higher than his last as he went with a five. Might be better but still not going to get the high points, not yet.

Third in line is Jake Mathieu who uses the ropes to start running past them several times as he does his best to be the character he is dressed as. He DID put a lot of money into making it as accurate to the television show as possible. He did have to stop at some stage just so they could see what he is dressed as. Robyn seemed to like it as she gave it an eight probably due to how accurate it was. Josh also was impressed with his brother’s effort by giving him an eight also. Claire went with a six probably not familiar with the show like the rest while Mike went with a five. If anyone’s being the Simon Cowell of the group, it’s him.

Harlyn steps forward next as she starts spinning around her claws. She moves closer to Mike and growls at him as she continues to play the part of her char. Showing off a lot of her midriff might help her. What almost helped her too was when Becca went behind her and pulled on her top, trying to pull it down. It almost flashed her boobs and she had to pull the top back up to prevent that from happening. It made the Night Dream laugh but Harlyn shrugged it off and continues with her poses much to her annoyance. The scores then came in also as Robyn and Claire went with an eight each while Mike and Josh went with a nine. That’s the highest score so far.

She stepped aside and just smiled at Becca who took the chance to try to beat that. Becca holds out a phone and starts taking selfies in a way to mock Harlyn. She holds her boobs after and tells everyone how big and fake they are to continue to insult. After she turns around and pulled her shorts up a little, wiggling her ass which causes Josh to look away. He chose to focus on his wife instead who is shaking her head at this performance. Robyn and Claire weren’t impressed as they gave Becca a two. Josh gave his sister a zero while Mike gave her the highest score of a six BUT made sure to shout out that Bianca had done a nice job. Not her name at all.

Raine stepped forward next in her angel outfit. It is pretty much a one piece bikini with angel wings attached to the back. How a lot of men hope angels are when they meet their maker. Still the revealing nature of all wouldn’t get you the win as there are two women on the judging panel. Claire went with a three, not convinced it was anything special. The GM assistant Robyn went a little higher with a six, while Josh stuck to his biased zero. Mike was the last to score asking her to do a little turn. She does just that and he gives a seven based on how much of her ass is on show.

Step forward the sexy pilot Karla Winchester who gave a wave to both the men judging the contest and starts doing some poses. At one point she twists around so you could see what is under her skirt which is some sexy underwear. Good thing to look sexy during a contest such as this and after her struggle in the ring, she needed to find a way to win something. The scores came in and surprisingly she got high scores with both women judges. Robyn gave her an eight along with Claire leaving both the men to give her a nine. It meant she has equalled Harlyn’s score. One tie confirmed.

Johnny takes his turn next as he is the blonde wolverine. He takes a play out of his girlfriend’s book by grunting and using his claws in a threatening manner. He also calls Josh bub and that should show he is into character. It also helps he grew out some mutton chops and shaved off his goatee. It did make him a spot on blonde Wolverine. Over to the scoring as Josh gives an eight as he approves of the look and how he has pulled it off. Robyn gave a nine while Claire went with an eight. It meant Mike would decide if he joins the group of ties. To do so he needed a nine. Unfortunately for him it wasn’t what he got as he got a six. Nowhere near what he needed as it meant he won’t be joining the over the top challenge after.

We’re down to just two in this contest as we still don’t have a winner. Step forward Madison Wright as Princess Leia as she smiles at the judges and does some poses with the pistol she has. With the new Star Wars movie coming out at the end of the year this was a perfect time to dress as the classic character. The votes get made as Josh gives Madison a nine. Robyn gives her an eight which has given her a good start. Claire adds in on it with an eight. It’s over to Mike again who could add her to the tie list. You could see he is thinking about it and after a little while he does give her the nine she needs. Perhaps he wouldn’t mind seeing Princess Leia battling it out at the end.

Last one to try her hand at getting to the final over the top rope challenge is Rachel, the wife of Josh who was likely going to be as biased as possible. It is why he had three other judges to help bring down the score if his wife’s costume isn’t as good as he thinks it is. Rachel smiles and takes out a mushroom looking sweet from her pocket then pretends to get bigger. It was what usually happens with Mario only he doesn’t eat it. After the little show Josh gives his wife a ten, the first to do so and no one was shocked by that. Robyn brings Rachel back down to reality with a score of seven. It meant she needed a nine and an eight to tie or two nines to win the competition. In the end she gets what is needed as Claire gives her an eight while Mike gives her the nine. It meant we have FOUR battling it out to be crowned the winner of the Halloween Costume Contest.

“Right there you have it. Thanks to all who entered this now but if you will all kindly exit the ring so we can begin the over the top rope challenge.” Josh said as the people who didn’t win made their exit. Johnny gave his girlfriend a kiss for good luck while Josh just gave his wife a slap on the ass to motivate her. The table is left behind as the bell sounds to begin the over the top rope part.

Soon as it begins Becca jumps onto the apron and starts shouting at Harlyn. It caused her to get distracted and unfortunately it meant she is the first one out as Karla grabs her then throws her over the top rope to the outside. It made the Night Dream happy as she high fives Raine as the two exit. Harlyn however wasn’t happy as she chases after them and it took Johnny to hold her back. That would play into the match later on tonight when she gets a chance at a little revenge.

Back in the ring Rachel is quick to eliminate Madison which leaves just the two of them. Could Josh’s wife send out a message to all those she will be competing against later? She lifts Karla up and starts carrying her towards the ropes. The fans are behind her as all she had to do now is drop her over them. Karla however ends up finding a way to escape as she drops behind ‘Mario’. She then delivers a dropkick to the back that sends Rachel over the top rope. It didn’t send her to the floor as she held onto the bottom rope but was in a very bad position. Karla then bounces off the ropes, makes a run and drop kicks Rachel right off the apron to become the winner of the Halloween costume contest.

“Here is your winner of the 2015 Halloween Costume Contest. Karla Winchester!” Jenny announced as the fans give a mixed reaction. She is handed the trophy by Josh as Rachel makes her exit looking disappointed. She’ll hope to do much better in the Women’s title match later on tonight.
In the back an angry Hansom is being held back by security as he was trying to break into the President’s office to have a word. Probably all about the end of W.A.R and the likely hood his career with TXW is done. Hammad Haider however ends up coming by as security continues to hold back the former Xtreme Champion. It should be noted that Hammad has a contract in his hand.

“I suggest you calm down Mr Hansom as I have a message from Mr Nightmare. He told me to tell you that you need to get over W.A.R. Forget they ever existed as despite him not being a fan of the group, he sees a lot in you. Yes he doesn’t like certain actions you have taken but he doesn’t have to like the person to see their value. It’s well known our boss doesn’t like Jason White but isn’t stupid to overlook what he brings to TXW. The same can be said about you which is why he wanted me to inform you he has a contract for you. It’s for three years and has a pay rise. Not only that but should you sign it in the next day or two you will be one of the names thrown into the tournament to determine a new contender for the World Heavyweight Championship. All you have to do is forget W.A.R ever existed. He felt the group was becoming long in the tooth and all good things must come to an end.” Hammad said as he handed the contract to Hansom.

Now the question is will he sign it any time soon? If he does he’ll have a job but his partnership with his ‘brothers’ is dead. Sometimes you just have to look out for yourself and yourself alone. This is a good chance for Hansom. An upgrade that not many get the chance to have.

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  • Rank:Diamond Member
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  • Register:12/31/2008 2:17 AM

Re:Insane Asylum 2015

Date Posted:11/20/2015 3:05 AMCopy HTML

LOCATION: Toronto, Canada
DATE: 31st October 2015
GENERAL MANAGER(S): Josh Nightmare / Hammad Haider
THEME: State Of My Head by Shinedown

Trevor Marshall vs Dave Wilson vs Blair Black  vs Lauren Li  vs Vincent Underwood
Scramble for Briefcase
Over to ringside where it’s time for the Scramble for the briefcase. It will help solve a lot of issues and we will get to see who really is worthy of holding the championship. TXW needs someone who really does deserve it, not someone who got help. Trevor has a lot to prove and he knows it. In recent months he has failed when it comes to the big match. He can’t afford to do so here or the briefcase will no longer be his.

“The following contest is the Scramble for the Briefcase. Two competitors start it out and every five minutes someone new will enter the ring. Within the time limit pin falls and submissions can happen but it is the person who gets the last fall when the time limit expires that will be the holder of the briefcase.” Jenny made it clear what the match is about and it will take a lot of luck along with skill to come away with it.

‘Ready For War’ hits first as out walks Trevor Marshall, the briefcase holder. He didn’t look to be in a good mood as when is he? The big man has a lot of people aiming for him and it sure doesn’t help his closet allies aren’t carrying their weight either. No wonder he has trust issues as he charges towards the ring. He climbs into the ring and beats his chest with his free hand. The briefcase gets raised above his head as the focus went to Jenny.

“Introducing first. He weighs in at two hundred and sixty seven pounds. Residing from Houston, Texas. Please welcome the holder of the championship briefcase Trevor Marshall.” Jenny announces as the T man is in the ring. His briefcase gets handed over as he can see the time on the screen. Twenty minutes is the limit and he’ll fight someone for five to try to score the first fall. If no one gets a fall then he’ll automatically keep the briefcase. Of course the more people out here, the more difficult it will be to get a pinfall. So he’ll want to defeat whoever he shares a ring with next.

‘Gasoline’ hit next as Lauren Li walks out, the former TXW Xtreme Champion. The Lethal one has not hit those heights after her short spell as champion, so she’ll want to get a big victory here and go on her way to something big. It would put her on the map as lately she has been fading away. Not good at all for her.

Over to Jenny once more for the introductions for Lauren. “Now introducing his opponent. Residing from Long Island, New York. Please welcome the Samurai Lauren Li!” It is said as the fans react with a mixture of boos and cheers. The cheers coming from those who want to see Trevor Marshall taken down a few steps. You could see how he was pacing that he didn’t find the five foot five Lauren all that threatening, especially when he is six foot four.

Lauren gets into the ring and right away she is attacked by Trevor. He slams his full body weight into her, knocking her down and he starts stamping on her, mostly right across the back as she lay there for a moment. Each stomp caused her pain as the Apocalypse was looking to get an early pin. Reaching down he gets a hold of her hair and drags her into the corner. Once he has her there he holds her against the turnbuckle pads by the throat. Then he lifts up his right arm and ends up slapping her right across the top of the chest. It wasn’t a nice sound and it was repeated five more times. Despite some fight, Lauren couldn’t prevent Trevor placing his other hand around her throat. With ease he lifts her up to the top rope which wasn’t going to end well.

The Samurai uses her legs to start kicking out just to prevent being thrown across the ring. One kick caught the upper chest of Trevor. It should’ve got him to back away but he just grips her throat tighter and tighter. It was becoming difficult for Lauren to breath, eventually leading to her being tossed right from the top rope, all the way across the ring, landing on her back on the other side.

“Trevor isn’t here to play, he’s here to win.” Tasia said as she may not agree with how he does things, it’s just not easy to argue against results. Trevor doesn’t look happy with what he is doing, probably because he knows it isn’t enough to put her down for the count, more had to be done.

Trevor drags her up and starts punching her across the gut. He gets a couple kicks back for his trouble but one of her high kicks is caught which meant her leg is up high. Using that he manages to lift her up with ease into a powerbomb position. From there he runs over to the corner and throws her right into it, causing her head to snap back off it. She took a couple steps forward and got knocked back into the corner with the Battering Ram [Shoulder Tackle]. The result was Lauren in a heap holding the back of her head as that had to hurt badly. Not just her head either but her back.

The briefcase holder took a look over at the screen which gave him a few more minutes. Not many but still enough to try to get the pinfall on Lauren who is struggling so far. She is slowly getting to her feet but you could tell the move had either knocked her senseless or had even led to a concussion. When she saw Trevor walking over she starts kicking out in attempt to fight her way back into this. One kick caught him across the stomach but it wasn’t hard hitting enough to wind him. A second kick is attempted but caught. The T man pushes her leg back down, grabs her arm and throws her against the ropes. He then bounces himself off the opposite ropes and almost took her head off with the Marshall Law [Clothesline From Hell]. It made Lauren flip over and land hard on her face. Ouch.

“No one that beautiful should ever land on their face that way.” Mike said as it’s true, that wasn’t pleasant and it seems to have knocked her out. Trevor could give her some care but he didn’t give a shit as he grabs her feet and flips her over then drops down to make the cover.


Trevor Marshall gets the first fall in this scramble just as it reaches the four minute mark. Not bad as it means all he has to do now is prevent everyone else from getting a fall. If he does that then he retains what is his. He’ll be very happy to do so. For the remaining minute he drags up Lauren and throws her right out the ring, just under the top rope. She lands in a rough way and is hurting after what she has been through so far. The Destroyer is living up to his name.

The buzzer sounds to signal it is the five minute mark. ‘Black and Blue’ hits as out walks the Punisher Dave Wilson, a man who recently got a victory over Trevor Marshall. The aggressive ultra heel is another man who normally fails when the big matches come along. He’ll be hoping his victory over Trevor last time out will be a good chance for him to change all of that. Trevor is there waiting for him, determined to get some payback by denying his former ally the briefcase. To do that he just needed to make sure he never got the pin fall

“On the way to the ring. Weighing in at two hundred and thirty pounds. He is the Punisher, Dave Wilson!” Jenny Gold announced Wilson as he continued to walk to the ring. Trevor looks impatient so he ends up getting out the ring to start a brawl. He gets his wish as the two men start fighting outside the ring. It is hard to imagine that these two men were once allies.

Trevor wins the exchange once he drives his knee into the gut of Wilson. Following it up he throws his latest enemy into the ring. Winning the exchange also seemed to give him reason to smirk as he felt good about getting some payback. It at least looked like payback as he did win the brawl. However when he gets into the ring he is left stunned when Wilson jumped back to his feet and connected with the Perfection [RKO]!

“Perfection out of nowhere! Trevor looked to have gained controlled but now he is looking worse for wear.” Tasia said as it’s true, Trevor was staring up at the lights after that move and he soon found his legs hooked as the former IC champion makes the pin.


Wilson is now the current briefcase holder as he has once again gained the pin on Trevor. It got a mixed reaction as he stood up. Being the current owner is important and well things looked like they were about to get worse for the King Kong Destroyer. Why? Because Wilson had that look on his face that usually leads to bad things. He backed away into the corner and waited for Trevor to start to climb to his feet. He was about to try to punt him. Doing so will likely disable the chances of the Apocalypse from retaining what he won all that time ago.

A minute passed and eventually Trevor is in position. Wilson made the run to try to hit the Death Snap. Trevor rolled out the way right in time however and gets out the ring. It left the Perfectionist seething as he seemed really determined to make sure the punt happened. Out the ring Trevor just starts shouting at him, calling him a fool and every name under the sun. These two were no longer allies, they were bitter enemies.

The big man challenged his enemy to get out the ring, which he was about to try to do. By the time he went too, Lauren was back in the ring and she starts kicking the back of Wilson. It shows she has recovered from how things went for her earlier. Wilson arches over after a stinging kick to the back and then one to the kidney. He turns around looking pissed off only to end up being kicked a couple more times, this time across the chest and the stomach. She tried to Irish Whip him next but didn’t have the strength to get it done. Instead she is the one who entered up being hit with a clothesline. It meant the momentum has turned. Or so it seemed.

That was into Trevor got in the ring and caught out Wilson by surprise, hitting him with the Snapper [Goldberg Spear]. Instead of going right for the pin he starts roaring and telling the world to never doubt him. Big mistakes as Lauren kicks him between the legs then makes the cover on Wilson. Was she about to get the pinfall with the clock ticking down?


The Perfectionist does not kick out which means Lauren Li is now the current holder of the briefcase. She did steal the pin in the way but it was Trevor’s fault she was given the chance to do so. It is a good time too as it’s hit the ten minute mark which means another entrant is due, the fourth.

‘I’m An Albatraoz’ hit next as out skips Blair Black. She got the attention of Lauren as the only two women in this match might just be set to battle it out. “On the way to the ring. Residing from Boston, Mass. Please welcome Blair Black” Jenny announces while the skipping continues. She joined Lauren in the ring and they were about to test each other out, into Wilson is back up meaning he pushes Lauren right into Blair which knocked the unpredictable one out the ring.

It was a good time to pounce as Wilson followed up what he did there by attacking Lauren. He throws her onto the apron and drags her through the ropes, planting her face first onto the canvas with the rope hung Spike DDT. It’s the second time during this match the Asian beauty has landed on her face. This one made her nose bleed as that was clear when she was rolled over and is covered.

1,2, BREAK UP!

Trevor breaks the pin and starts slamming his fists down onto Wilson. He had recovered from being kicked low a moment ago and he knew as things stood, he wasn’t going to be the briefcase holder. Wilson is made to stand up, hit with a few boxer jabs and knocked into one of the corners. When there he starts driving his shoulder into his gut which was going to damage the former IC Champion. He got to about ten turnbuckle thrusts using his shoulder into he backed away.

“Trevor using his power to gain back control of this one. He is going to need do everything in his arsenal, because right now, his briefcase is leaving him.” Tasia said as yes that is true. If he fails to get a pinfall over the next few minutes.

His focus has turned to Lauren who he is dragging around the ring by the hair. She is still shaking off that DDT.  The T man lift her up and lifts her into a Fallaway Slam clutch. Holding her there he then drops her down for a Powerslam which is the start of his sequence. One powerslam, then another, then a third, then a fourth. It all led to one thing, a strong backbreaker that really did inflict damage to Lauren’s back.

After that he is ready to try to back another pin. He backs away into the corner and is about to hit another Snapper. This time he expects no one to get in his way as Wilson is still seated in the corner while Lauren is struggling with that back pain. Once she stands, she is in line to be hit with the Snapper. Instead mid run Wilson springs up and cuts off Trevor by hitting the Perfection! It was an amazing sight and the fans soon chanted ‘Holy Shit!’. The moment did not last as Lauren responded by kicking Wilson right in the face to knock him down. Was the Lethal one about to hold on? We are getting closer to the five minute mark.

“What a Perfection and what a kick from Lauren. This match isn’t short of spills and thrills.” Tasia said just as Blair, who had been forgotten, gets back into the ring. Lauren sure did as she was shocked when she got kicked across the back of the knees which left her on them. Following it she got knocked on her ass with the Shinning Wizard! Cover made and the referee counts.


No kick out as with six minutes remaining, Blair Black is the current holder of the briefcase. The news thrilled her as she started skipping around as the other three are all down. She’ll be making an instant impact if she manages to leave her with the briefcase. That’s if her boyfriend Vincent Underwood doesn’t want to try to win it from her himself. Deep down everyone WILL want it as it’s a guaranteed title shot of any kind for a whole year. You don’t get chances like that every day.

The five minute mark is reached as ‘Born This Way’ hits next. Vincent Underwood makes his way out and the first thing he does is give a smile then a wave to his girlfriend Blair. She ends up climbing up to the top rope and sitting there, staring back at her man.

“Introducing the last contestant in this match. He resides from Bristol, England. Weighing in at two hundred and twenty four pounds. Please welcome, Vincent Underwood!” Jenny announced the very last person to enter the scramble. Only it’s not the best place to have as he has the less time to make an impact. Five minutes to be precise.

Vincent slides in the ring and he was expected to try to pin someone. Instead he does the opposite by first dragging up Lauren and throwing her out the ring. Then he does the same to Wilson and Trevor. It’s been cleared out which means if it stays this way, no one an get the pin. It was a smart plan and it meant they only had to watch the clock tick.

“Hmm not a bad strategy by these two. It seems they have their mind set on sharing it or Vinnie here is just pussy whipped. Not that is a bad thing.” Mike said as he gives his view on what is happening. The clock is ticking and sooner or later the match will be over. As it stands Blair Black is leaving with the briefcase.

Blair jumps down and ends up in the arms of Vincent. Some were wondering if he would take advantage of this but all he ends up doing is kissing his girlfriend. Tick tock as the counter kept going down. Trevor recovered and is angry about everything that is happening. He reaches under the ring and grabs himself a chair. With it he felt he had a good equaliser. That was into Lauren got up too and saw this. She didn’t think much about it but ends up running over, jumps on the apron, only to jump off it and kick the chair right into the Destroyer’s face. Talk about punishment.

The ‘Holy Shit’ chants start again as the make out session in the ring has stopped due to what they just saw. They were distracted and while that happened Wilson has moved from where he was. He ended up sneaking in the ring. Like a snake he pushes Blair out the ring then spins around Vincent. The Brit is then hit with the Perfection. With two minutes to go this could be the winning fall as the legs are hooked.


Vincent kicks out as Wilson is shocked and pissed off. The Brit ends up finding a way back to his feet as Blair held her leg after landing on it after being thrown out. She knew the chances of her getting back in the ring any time soon were unlikely. It is all on Vincent to make sure he doesn’t get kicked. He is on his feet but still out of it. Despite being hurt and dazed he starts throwing out punches when Wilson got closer. He is doing everything in his power to hold on just for what little time remains. One strong uppercut gave him an advantage and what also helped was a strong kick to the stomach that had the Perfectionist in a position for the Brit Brutiality [Curb Stomp]. The bearded Bristol Brawler backs off, makes a run and jumps up about to hit the move. Was it over?

Answer is no as Vincent misses when Wilson moves out the way. He then springs up and nails the Brit with a second Perfection. Blair shouted no as she gripped onto the apron trying to pull herself onto the apron as we reached ten seconds on the clock. Leg hooked as the referee counts.


Buzzer sounds seconds after as Dave Wilson has won the briefcase. Blair screams about it as her boyfriend has not held on. It was close but what a finish it was. Still Blair shook off her leg issue and starts making her way to the briefcase, knocking the referee down who was about to hand it to Wilson. The Punisher demands it back but the bubbly one just skips away and exits through the crowd. It was irritation for the former IC Champion who couldn’t even take his punishment out on  Vincent as he too had managed to roll out the ring, head pain and all to make his escape. We might have a new briefcase holder BUT it’s in the possession of Blair Black once more.
A commercial for the January 2016 PPV is shown prior to the view of an angry Dave Wilson. He isn’t happy that despite victory he has had his property stolen. His first visit it to Josh Nightmare who had Robyn Bryce open the door when there is a knock. Wilson came in without an invitation and went right up to Josh.

“What the hell man? I get the job done and achieve the biggest victory during my time here. All for what? To be robbed of what is mine. That dog and that goat shouldn’t be here. They shouldn’t be stealing my things. I demand you fix this!” Wilson said as yeah he is pissed. Can’t blame him.

Yet the reaction from Captain Canada is to just laugh as he always did find it funny when people ‘demand’ anything from him. He wouldn’t be given Brian White’s blessing to run this new brand of TXW IF he was a push over. Yeah it’s odd he once didn’t want to sign Jason BUT he was always given the right to sign whoever he wishes. So there is that and well now a man he doesn’t favour much is making demands.

“First of all, never demand anything from me. I could easily just reverse how things went out there. Instead I’ll say this, congratulations. You did well for once in your damn TXW career and it could be the start of something big. As for that little cutie Blair and beard man, I have plans for what happened out there. On Dark Oasis you’ll be fighting them BOTH in a tag team match. You can either call on your Halloween Costume winning beauty or somebody else. Either way that is what will happen on the show." Josh says as he lays down the law.

Wilson doesn’t seem too happy he has to wait but its how it is. Blair and Vincent are likely long by now. They also don’t have to report back to work into the next Dark Oasis or RC. At least Wilson won and so did his woman. It’s a step in the right direction. He’ll just have to get over the fact his briefcase is being messed around with.

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Re:Insane Asylum 2015

Date Posted:11/20/2015 3:05 AMCopy HTML

LOCATION: Toronto, Canada
DATE: 31st October 2015
GENERAL MANAGER(S): Josh Nightmare / Hammad Haider
THEME: State Of My Head by Shinedown

Michelle Wright vs 'The Reaper' Calvin Bateman
Stipulation: Ultimate Submission Match
Result: The atmosphere has changed now in the arena as next it’s the ultimate submission match. It’s a match that will mark the end of a feud between two former lovers, former allies. The psycho versus the Reaper.

Over to Jenny Gold who is about to explain what these two are about to go through. “The following contest is under a fifteen minute time limit. The only way to win is to get the most submissions within the time limit.” It’s explained, pretty simple really. Unless you add the fact that Michelle has only tapped ONCE in her near ten year career. Almost killed Josh to even achieve that so to do it more than once may be near well impossible. No one counts when Calvin made it happen as everyone knew he was playing games with his ex. He is using his money and his games. Will they get him out of this? No one thought it would.

‘Scars’ hits next as out walks the Reaper Calvin Bateman. He has a new skull mask and his long sleeved shirt has bones on them. You couldn’t tell how he was feeling as he has always carried himself with confidence. That’s despite running from his ex the last few times she tried to get in the ring with him. No running here. This is where the talk is over and the fighting happens.

“Introducing first. Residing from New York, New York. Weighing in at two hundred and sixty five pounds. Please welcome The Reaper Calvin Bateman.” Jenny says as Calvin enters the ring, kneels down then just sat there. It didn’t make much sense when he pointed to the stage. It was made clearer when people in skull masks made their way out. It was just like him to have some kind of security. He made them surround the ring and this wasn’t going to be easy for Michelle, not at all.

The Reaper begins laughing more so when two of them drag out Melissa and Madison. Where was Dean and Jake? Probably taken out by this mob. Who were these people? No one knew for sure. But it seems Calvin has a new way of winning this match through kidnapping and attacks on the Wright family. A microphone is demanded as he is about to vent about this match he has, clearly it’s at his disadvantage.

“Michelle. I always had this plan to lure you into this. To make you face me in a match where you the favourite to win. The whole world is waiting for me to get my punishment but the truth is, this is where I leave my mark on TXW. TXW should’ve always been mine and it would’ve been mine if it weren’t for those damn Whites. I hope Jason and CJA murder each other as the world would be better without them. Who else would it be better without? You Michelle. I tried to make you a better person. Instead you chose to stay as this psychotic mess who craves the love of a man without love inside. For that I will inflict sorrow on your life by ending you in front of all these people. I will break you, make you bleed, embarrass you in ways you have never been embarrassed. You’ll actually be doing most of it to yourself because if you don’t. Your dear sisters do. They have so much ahead of them. Look at cute Madison in her Princess Leia outfit. Bet she didn’t expect her dumbass boyfriend to get hit in the head with the side of a hammer did he?” The Reaper laughs as he looks down at Madison who is on her knees, being there by one of the skulls. Was this the W.A.R replacement?

No more talking as ‘New Way To Bleed’ hits next as everyone was waiting for Michelle to walk on out. She would be welcomed by several skulls upon entry as this could be the worst night of her young life. Suddenly in the crowd is someone with a mask on. Only this mask had blood all over it and they were full of it head to toe. Whether it was real or not isn’t known. The fear factor is laughed off by the Reaper. That was into he saw another enter through the crowd in two other directions.

“Whoa wait a minute. Michelle stop with your games sweetheart. I have all the money in the world and all the brains. That means you listen to me when I threaten your family. I don’t know who else is out there with you but you better tell them to get lost. This isn’t their fight. Come in here and accept your punishment. Accept your end!” Calvin said as he directed all the women shaped mask people. One then appeared on the stage this one is a man judging by his build. This one has a microphone and he walks towards the skulls who end up gathering near

“This is where it ends for you Calvin.” The man said as he then tears off his mask. It’s Josh who has a costume change and he goes the skulls as the others jump the rails to assist. They start cleaning up the ringside area. More came to help as this new mob has found another mob to fight. The numbers get narrowed and Calvin was watching it all from inside the ring. He saw all his allies sent running for their life’s as most of them are not wrestlers, just henchmen he has hired to back him up.

Josh laughs as he circles the ring as those who helped him out made their exits. The Wright sisters minus Michelle got into the ring, both pissed off about the damage he has caused to the family. He didn’t seem threatened as Josh taps on the ring apron. Why? Because out came Michelle. Calvin wasn’t watching as he was looking at the other Wright’s. The Texan got into the ring with blood war paint on her face, taps Calvin on the shoulder then pounces on him when he turns around.

The Badass calls for the bell as everyone watches all three of the Wright’s kick the crap out of the Reaper, especially Michelle who tore off his mask and started punching right across the nose, busting it and his lip. Every hit was fucking up his face further as she was just going to town on him. Head butts, punches the lot and the others were stamping on his body, kicking at anything they could.

“This is called comeuppance ladies and gentlemen. Calvin has been pushing the buttons of the Wright family and this is what he deserves.” Tasia says as yes it’s going bad for Calvin, who had to crawl out the ring to avoid more damage. Once out he wasn’t greeted by a welcoming sight as Josh is out there. Josh drags the Reaper over to the announcers table and starts slamming his head off the table. After about ten hits, he throws him back in the ring. Once in the Reaper gets Super kicked in the face by Melissa then dropped with a drop toe hold. The Crazy Pain aka STF gets locked in as the fans cheer when seeing this submission hold applied.

This ultimate submission match has only really begun so to tap out already will be disappointing for him. The pain on his face is clear as not many get out of this move. You could see by the way his head is being pulled back that this not a painless move. He did try to fight it, drag himself towards the ropes. BUT both Madison and Melissa took turns stamping on his fingers. That ended up making him tap out giving Michelle a one nil lead in this one with most of the time still remaining.

The referee did their job by breaking the hold and although it wasn’t illegal to have the other Wright sisters in the ring, he felt the need to tell them to give the competitors space. Outside Josh is continuing his role as part of the ‘Blood Pack’ since he is no longer Captain Canada. He had to come out here to settle the score as the Reaper is someone he wants to get rid of. All the misery he has caused him needed to come to an end.

During this Calvin found a way to get out the ring. He is bloody and hurt from what he has been through. Looking over at the screen shows only a few minutes have passed, not even half way through. Now he needs to make his ex tap out twice to take the lead. Doing so will mean he makes history as being the first person to make that happen twice. The Reaper struggles around the ring as Josh stands back for the time being. He allows him to go over to Jenny and take the microphone from her.

“Congratulations. You got through my very first plan, my first idea that came to my mind. I didn’t expect all of you to be out here but it doesn’t really change my main plan. You see Josh. For so long you have been living in this bubble, believing you are an untouchable Badass. Well your day has come where I found your weakness. Someone you fear.” Calvin says as he just gets attacked by Josh who got cheered for shutting him up.

Again the Badass throws him into the ring as Michelle is there waiting. It seemed the match was going to continue going in the same direction. Only that was when a big man walked out onto the stage. Everyone looked towards him as Josh looked stunned. Who was this man. Whoever it was made the Badass get into the ring just to tell Melissa and Madison to get the hell out of there. They listened to him as Michelle looked at Josh confused. The Reaper is laughing as the big man jumps onto the ring apron.

“Josh looks like he has seen a ghost. Who is this man?” Tasia asked the question everyone wanted to ask. He gets into the ring and right away Josh goes on the attack. He punches hard but no damage seems to be done. The powerhouse throws Josh across the ring like he is nothing as he eyes up Michelle. The Texan doesn’t back down into Calvin took out her leg then locked her in her own submission. Turn around as the big man attacks Josh, picks him up and suplexes him across the ring, multiple times.

Everyone is just speechless as they watched the President get thrown out the ring. This wasn’t going to go well as he is dragged near the announcers table. Once he has that done he puts him in a powerbomb position, putting him through the table. Whoever it was has just left the Badass unconscious while the Wright sisters look on concerned. In the ring is more concern as Michelle is in pain while in her own hold. The Reaper yells at her to tap out. She held on for about three minutes into she looked like she was beginning to pass out.

Becca made her way out and is ready to aid her husband to be. She wanted to see Michelle tap out as much as anyone as she reaches under the apron to grab a kendo stick. Madison and Melissa didn’t do much as they were both checking on Josh while waiting for the EMT’s. Becca got in the ring and aimed for Michelle’s legs, anything to apply more pain to her. Instead she hits Calvin across the back of the head with it breaking the hold.

“What the hell?” Tasia said as everyone is confused. The Reaper is out like a light and he has again been betrayed by the woman in his life. Michelle’s was a little different as she just didn’t back him in a vote, Becca has slammed him across the back of the head. Could it be something to do with what just happened to Josh? Seemed that way as she throws the ring down on him.

The clock runs down as Michelle sits up on her knees. She could just let the time expire and that be that. Instead she just locks in a second Crazy Pain. The referee checks on Calvin and he is out cold, no movement. That meant he called for the bell giving Michelle a two nil lead. Into the last minute and well not much else happens as the Texan just enjoyed the sight of her ex destroyed, beaten, bloody and betrayed. The bell soon rings when the time expires and this is over.

“I never thought Michelle would look sexy with blood all over her AND still win the match. But there you go.” Mike says as he watches Michelle get her hand raised by the referee. She is joined in the ring by her sisters as they all watch Josh being wheeled out on a stretcher. It looks serious and there are questions to be asked. It was also fitting that Calvin also ended up being stretchered out. The two men who were once at war having the same fate by two different people.

A distraught looking Rachel is shown backstage while standing with Harlyn. With her match next it’s a wonder how she is going to get her head right knowing her husband is going to hospital. Becca ends up walking over and Rachel is mad about what Calvin just ordered. She slaps Becca across the face.

“This is your fault as much as Calvin’s. What you did doesn’t make up for that and I am going to kick your ass out there!” Rachel says as Becca is frozen in place at what she just went through. Seems there is no mend and no secret plan. Clearly the Night Dream has made her bed and now she will lie in it.

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  • Register:12/31/2008 2:17 AM

Re:Insane Asylum 2015

Date Posted:11/20/2015 3:06 AMCopy HTML

LOCATION: Toronto, Canada
DATE: 31st October 2015
GENERAL MANAGER(S): Josh Nightmare / Hammad Haider
THEME: State Of My Head by Shinedown

Raine (C) vs Harlyn vs Rachel Nightingale vs Jezabel Jezzi vs Scarlet Monroe vs Becca Nightingale
Stipulation: Six Pack Elimination Challenge / Women's Championship
Result: Destruction from the last match aside as we head into a six pack elimination challenge. It will be for the Women’s title and many predict it is when Raine’s two month reign as champion comes to an end. Ever since winning it there have been doubts over her reign. Everyone saw how she won it and many believe if it weren’t for Michelle eliminating herself, she would’ve never held it to begin with. Now there can be no more doubts, she is on her own for this one.

Over to Jenny who is about to announce this match. “The following contest is a six pack elimination contest and it is for the TXW Women’s championship.” She said as we all get to focus on the stage as the first entrant is due.

‘Psycho’ hits as out walks Harlyn, still in her Halloween outfit from earlier minus the claws which will be illegal in a match such as this. Despite things not going all that well for some people she considers friends, she is still doing her best to stay upbeat. If she can win the title it will bring something to what has been a miserable night so far.

“Introducing first. She resides from Pasadena, California. Please welcome Harlyn!” Jenny announced as Harlyn poses at the ramp. She casually strolls down the ring with a smirk, interacting with the fans which gets her more love from them. She is being dubbed the favourite here.

Harlyn enters the ring just as her music cuts off and is replace by ‘She’s A Bitch’ as out walks The Red Queen Scarlet Monroe. “On the way to the ring, from Los Angeles, California, please welcome Scarlet Monroe!”Jenny announced as the fans start booing. Scarlet strikes a pose and walks to the ring in her signature stunna shades on, no Halloween outfit for her. She mocks the fans on the way and joins Harlyn in the ring. The two of them go face to face as Scarlet says she is going to be the next champion.

‘Grown Woman’ hit next as out walks Rachel Nightingale, still dressed as Mario BUT not as happy and bubbly as she usually is. That’s likely because of what happened to her husband Josh. If it weren’t for this important Women’s title match, she’d likely already be gone from the ring and on her way to the hospital. She couldn’t let down her fans, that wasn’t her.

“Introducing next, Residing from Miami, Florida. Please welcome Rachel Nightingale!” Jenny announces her as the former glamour girl begins running to the ring. She jumps onto the apron and points around at the fans as they cheer for her. Rachel gets into the ring and yells that the Slayer is here, causing more cheers. She is still energetic and wouldn’t mind leaving the ring tonight as the brand new Women’s champion.

‘This Is What Rock And Roll Looks Like’ hits next as out walks Jezabel Jezzi, the Pretty Punk Princess. “Introducing next, residing from Liverpool, England. Please welcome Jezabel Jezzi!” Jenny announced as the entrance continues. Jezzi is still dressed as Widow as she dances around on the stage and makes her way towards the ring. She jumps around and poses once in the ring, showing she is ready to challenge her. One thing is for sure, this isn’t going to be easy for the reigning champion. All these talents in one place is a rare thing.

‘ET’ hits next as out walks ‘Harlyn’ or well Becca Nightingale who is still dressed as one of her opponents. She walks towards the ring and ignores all the fans, focusing on Harlyn as she wants to get her back for what happened when they met one on one recently. She seems to think the loss on that occasion was a fluke.

“On the way to the ring. She resides from New York, New York. Please welcome The Night Dream, Becca Nightingale!” Jenny announces her as the FAB diva couldn’t keep her eyes off Harlyn. These two were bound to fight it out when the bell does ring.

Once Becca is in the ring, all eyes are on the last competitor, the champion Raine. ‘The Devil Within’ hits allowing for the champion to walk on out. She is still in her Halloween outfit too as we are almost having a costume contest of sorts. The champion is booed despite being dressed an angel. It seems pretty amusing that she is dressed as an angel when her song is about having a devil within. Clearly she did this on purpose.

“Now introducing the final contestant. Residing from Flamming Starr, Massachusetts. She is the current TXW Women’s champion and one half of the TXW Tag Team Champions. Please welcome Raine!” Jenny announces the last entrant as the six pack elimination contest is set to get underway. Can the red head overcome her biggest challenge to date? Can she prove she is the worthy champion?

Bell sounds to begin the match. Becca goes after Raine, Rachel fights it out with Raine leaving Jezabel to go to face off with Scarlet. It was difficult for the referee Marie to focus on what is going on but she made sure to look around.

Becca pushes Harlyn into the corner and bitch slaps her across the face. It got an instant reaction from Harlyn as she fought her way out the corner using her fists. She gets in some basic kicks, punches and sets up a suplex. Grabbing a handful of the short shorts, she suplexes her hard onto the apron then rolls over into a cover.


Becca got her shoulder up, preventing herself from being eliminated in this match early. Harlyn doesn’t just take time to let her recover, she goes back on the attack when she is on her feet. The Night Dream gets thrown across the ring into the corner. Harlyn made a run after and ends up doing a handspring elbow right to the face. The elbow smacked right off Becca’s face as she dropped to the canvas. It gave the fans a reason to start a ‘Harlyn’ chant.

“The woman I backed to win this one is looking good out there. And no it’s not because she promised to give me a hug.” Mike said as he has always been a supporter of Harlyn. No one was sure if she would win, but she did take it to Becca there.

Meanwhile Jezabel is already sitting on the top rope having lost a fist battle with Scarlet. The ally of Trevor Marshall is about to try to set up a superplex. She grabs onto the belt of the catsuit, attempting to hit the move BUT Jezabel starts punching away at her midsection. The punches get her a result as she is able to knock Scarlet down to the canvas. It got the fans excited when they see her hit hard, especially when it set up the pink haired beauty for one of her finishers. She showed how skilled she is by jumping off with a perfect 450 Splash. The move is called Candy-Gram and she lands right onto Scarlet. Loud applause as the leg is hooked. No one around seemed interested in breaking it up.



“Scarlet is out of here. It has not been a good night for either her or for Trevor. Back to the drawing board for both of them.” Tasia said just as Raine made Jezabel couldn’t celebrate. She did so by throwing Rachel right into her and the two of them end up down on the canvas. Raine looks to be enjoying herself. It is rare to see that especially with the amount of bad luck she has been getting recently. More so when she was stripped naked by the two of them in a match Josh made involving cookies. She is very much dressed here but will not forget what happened.

The champion walks towards them a minute later and drags them both up by the hair. She sets up a double suplex, about to show what strength she has. Doing this move to them both will be a good momentum boost for her. While she does try, each of her opponents use their legs to block the attempt. Jezabel and Rachel then worked together to suplex Raine, giving her a taste of her own medicine.

“I never thought I would see the day Mario and Black Widow team up on an Angel. You see anything here in TXW.” Mike said referring to their outfits. If it were real then that would be messed up and something out of science fiction.

While that is happening Harlyn still has cover over her doppelganger Becca as she has just knocked her down with a bulldog. Once she has her in the middle of the ring, she looks around and made sure there is space to try the Rolling Thunder. Harlyn bounces off the ropes, flips over and is about to land when the FAB one gets her knees up. It gave Harlyn a painful landing as she held her back after hitting the knees. Becca made the cover right after, trying to make the elimination.


It wasn’t a surprise when Harlyn kicked out BUT it take away some of her energy and when she sat up after the kick out, she is put in a chin lock. Becca ends up sitting behind her also and locks her legs around her, forcing the hold to become a rare naked choke variation. Could she cause a tap out? Or just a choke out. Either way she will want to eliminate her early to increase her own chances.

“Don’t tap to Beyonce Harlyn!” Mike shouts out, still not getting the name correct for Becca Nightingale. Either it’s because he hasn’t taken time to learn or it’s a running joke he does on purpose. What is happening right now is just enjoyable for him as he watches Harlyn struggle to find a way out. Becca is really holding her in the submission.

While that struggle continues Raine is has recovered from the double team to now have Rachel in the corner, choking her with her foot. Jezabel got elbowed in the face so she is still shaking that off. It explained why she isn’t stopping the choke from happening. It stopped soon anyway as Raine grabbed her by the hair, made her stand and ended up sending her across the ring with a hair toss. The champion is bringing her A game here as she needed to narrow down the field. Five remain with only one eliminated. Unlike the other matches tonight, there is no time limit on this one.

Jezabel gets back and ducts under a clothesline attempt from the champ. The bubbly one ends up catching her across the jaw with a super kick, just to show how quickly she can hit the move. The Brit got up high, facing away from the ring. She shows her aerial skills next by jumping off with the Starstruck aka Split Leg Moonsault. Move hit and the cover is made right away after.

1,2, NOOO!

Becca breaks it up. She is on her own on the other side of the ring as while all of that was happening, Harlyn had got to the ropes to break the submission. Then Becca tossed her out the ring out of anger. It gave her time to break the hold as she starts attacking Jezabel. The FAB one ends up throwing the Brit out the ring as she gets fired up. When she turns around however, Rachel is there and she starts hitting her sister in law across the face, knocking her into the corner. Once there she backs off, makes a run and jumps up to hit the Falcon Punch which left Becca in a seated position. Across the ring Raine is in the other corner, having used the ropes there to get back up. The Golden Geek looks over, smiles and runs over to hit a second Falcon Punch. It meant TWO of them are in seated position.

“Oh I know what Mrs Nightingale is going for here.” Mike said with delight as she slaps her own ass. Then she goes over to Becca and gives her the stink face aka Kiss My Behind. It was an unpleasant experience for Becca who pulled herself out the ring after. Raine then gets the same experience as the fans cheer as they chant for Rachel.

The booty in the face might be a joy for some but not for these two who look disgusted. Becca went over to Mike and took his water as she poured it all over her face, wanting that experience out of her system right away. What she didn’t expect is Harlyn to have recovered and ran over to hit the Dead Bite [Super Kick] right on her, sending her crashing onto the debris of the announcers table. Not much left of it.

Back in the ring Jezabel Jezzi joins the act as this is becoming some kind of team battle as she is again teaming up on Raine with Rachel by her side. Of course this would change as time goes by but they both wanted to find a way to eliminate the champion. The double team soon become a triple team when Harlyn gets into the ring. All three of them combined tossed Raine out the ring which leaves just the three of them for the time being.

“Now we see if these three will fight it out. Friendships have to be pushed aside when championships are up for grabs.” Tasia said as everyone knows every woman in this match wants to become Women’s champion. If they didn’t want to walk out as champion, they were wasting time being in this match. The fans were buying into the idea of seeing them all battle it out, so we’re about to see what they do.

Rachel offered out both her hands as her friends shook her hands. Then the gloves were off when Rachel started it with a slap to Jezabel’s chest. Harlyn got in a basic hit to Jezabel then to Rachel as they weren’t holding back on one another. The Golden Geek is the one who gets Irish Whipped into the corner allowing the other two to battle it out. At first the Brit gets the better of Harlyn as she hit her with several hits to the face, throws her against the ropes and knocks her down with a chick kick on the rebound. She had no chance to make the cover however as Rachel runs over and jumps up, connecting with a Running Single Leg High Knee to the face.

Mean while outside the ring Raine and Becca were recovering, watching the three of them battle it out. Once the high knee is hit Raine slides back into the ring, she sneaks up to Rachel and spins her around. The fans booed when they watched her jump up then hit the Sweet Sacrifice aka RKO. The champion rolls her over and hooks both legs as this wasn’t look good for Mrs Badass.



Raine is all smiles as she has got the best of Rachel here tonight. It pleased the champion who may have finally ended the feud between them by besting her. Jezabel is getting back to her feet and looks disappointed she wasn’t able to break that up as ideally they would’ve been the last three. She tries to get Raine out by fighting her and knocks her down with a clothesline. It looked like she might try to gain momentum but suddenly Becca gets into the ring, spins Jezabel around and nails her with the End Of Show aka Snap DDT. It left the fans upset as they watched the cover. Harlyn still wasn’t up so this being broken is unlikely.



Down to three and not the three the fans wanted to see. Raine and Becca’s alliance which hasn’t reared its head much yet is now doing so at the moment. Harlyn finds out just that as the two of them team up on her, trying to make sure she is the latest eliminated from the match. If she is gone then all hope will be lost. Becca holds her arms back while Raine starts hitting her across the face with hard punches. The champion follows it up as she kicking Harlyn across the stomach, doing as much damage to her as she can.

“This match isn’t as fun anymore.” Mike says as he sees the two heels switch roles with Raine holding Harlyn back while Becca is the one doing the attacks. Becca is mouthier as she grabs her face and starts calling her names, saying she doesn’t belong here etc. It was her typical attitude and she went to bitch slap her. Only Harlyn lifts up her feet and catches the Night Dream’s midsection. She then throws back elbows to escape the hold Raine had her in. The fans were delighted to see this, as was Mike.

Raine counters Harlyn’s attempt to throw her into the ropes, by doing the same to her. The champion made a run and was about to try a spear when Harlyn showed her vertical leap by jumping over her. She then throws back her leg, catching the champion with the Dead Bite. Becca tried to attack her right away after that, but missed with a bitch slap. Harlyn then sets up and hits the Regards To Pasadena [PTO], followed by a cover.



We’re down to two as the champion is left with just one challenge along with no allies. The fans are fully behind Harlyn as she could feel the women’s championship coming ever closer. The punch exchange ended with Harlyn on top as the champion is rocked. Are we about to see a new champion? A swift kick to the stomach allowed her to set up the Harlyn Drop aka Sliced Bread number two. She flipped herself over BUT Raine countered it into the Sweet Sacrifice [RKO]! What a counter it was as the cover is made while everyone went silent.


Harlyn kicks out as Raine looks shocked. Is she just not meant to prove herself as champion? It seemed that way as the challenger somehow managed to kick out. The kick out made her furious as she mounts Harlyn and starts punching her right across the face, screaming at her and everything. Every hit did damage into Harlyn blocked one then pushed Raine away. Her lip is cut and her face is bruised. It will just take more than that to finish her off. She stood back and told the champion to come at her.

Raine did just that and walked right into a strong right hand. It dazed her and gave Harlyn enough time to hit the Regards To Pasadena [PTO]! Loud cheers as the cover made with the fans counting along with the referee.


Raine is able to get her foot on the rope which Marie noticed. It meant no new champion as Harlyn sat up and looked disappointed as that was almost it. She got close during the original battle royal for the championship and now this is her second chance to win the gold. Harlyn kept her calm and stood up as she waits for the champion to recover. Once she does, the move is attempted again.

This time it is blocked as Raine fires back with punches. It is desperate time for her as she fights for survival. She backs Harlyn against the ropes and leaves her there. She has some bad intentions as she backs away, makes a run and looked like she wanted to spear her opponent out the ring! If that happens it might just end the contest as it wouldn’t be a good landing at all. The run gets made only for Harlyn to get her feet up, hitting the champion right in the face.

“Great timing there from Harlyn as she just stopped herself being speared out the ring.” Tasia said as yeah a spear outside the ring might not be something you recover for. Instead Harlyn gets in some kicks rattling Raine.

One of her kicks catches the champion on the chin it was that high. It allowed her to set up and connect with a THIRD Regards To Pasadena. What she didn’t notice is Andy Parker makin his way through the crowd. Once he saw the cover being made he jumps the barricade, ran to the ring and pulled Marie Reyes out the ring just when she was about to count.

“Oh for crying out loud! Not again!” Mike said as everyone was tired of Justice. They cheer when Harlyn jumps out the ring right away, hitting the suicide dive onto Andy. It was revenge not only for herself but also for her boyfriend Johnny. She is tired of his interfering ways. Most people are. Hell maybe Raine is tired of being assisted as that is what got her into the mess to begin with.

With Andy dealt with, Harlyn gets back into the ring. Only she had Raine waiting for her as she was playing possum, pretending she was still recovering from the finisher. Instead she was fine enough to jump to her feet and she hits the Sweet Sacrifice [RKO] ! Cover is made as Marie slides back in and what the referee doens’t notice is Raine putting her feet on the ropes during the cover. As a rookie referee she was focusing on the shoulders.


No kick out as Raine slides right out the ring screaming in delight at retaining the title. Harlyn sat up distraught that her chances have been ended in the most bullshit of fashions. Raine runs over to Andy who hugs her and raises her hand.

“This is sick. I hope whoever runs Dark Oasis puts this right as once again Raine is still the champion. She retains and Harlyn is not the new champion.” Tasia said as the title has been retained here tonight. Will it ever leave Raine’s waist while Andy is by her side?
In the final segment of the night we see Robyn Bryce, Hammad Haider and Aleksandr Grigory thinking over the future of TXW. It didn’t look good for Josh and it took the mood out of the night. What is to come next will not help matters either as it’s a match where people want to believe CJA will survive. Many might think he’ll join his brother in law in hospital. There is just no stopping Jason White. Robyn out of them knows that best.

“Let’s not think about what happened to my friend. I’ll just have to run Dark Oasis with Robyn as he always told me that was the plan if anything happens to him. I can’t let shit like what I just saw happen anymore. Josh will want Raine’s title spell ended and that Justice guy dealt with. That is why I am going to make a match. It will be what Josh wanted as it will be Andy Parker and Raine versus Johnny Mercer and Harlyn. No outside interference, no DQ. Winner takes all. If Parker and Raine win, they remain tag champs and Women’s champ. If Mercer and Harlyn win, not only will they be new tag champs BUT Harlyn will capture her first TXW Women’s title. That to me is how Josh would do it.” Alek said as the other two agreed. Things would not stand still and now the stakes have been raised for Dark Oasis 31.

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Re:Insane Asylum 2015

Date Posted:11/20/2015 3:07 AMCopy HTML

LOCATION: Toronto, Canada
DATE: 31st October 2015
GENERAL MANAGER(S): Josh Nightmare / Hammad Haider
THEME: State Of My Head by Shinedown

Jason White (C) vs CJA
Stipulation: One Night In Hell / World Heavyweight Championship
The sight of the One Night In Hell structure being lowered was pretty terrifying. Two cages, one surrounding the ring. This truly is hell as we are now awaiting the competitors or for this match they should be called warriors. Over to Jenny who had to explain what we are about to witness. The hell come to life.

“The following contest is the One Night In Hell match. The contest will consist of three phases. The first phase to escape the first cage, the competitor will need to use the bolt cutter hanging above the first cage. Once in possession the competitors need to use them to cut the chain off the door. For phase 2, once the contestants escape they will fight it out in cage number two. In cage number two the only way to win is to put your opponent through the table. If the match is still tied up after two phases, the final phase will require the competitor to climb the cage and grab the World Championship.” Jenny explained simple stuff although it won’t be easy for any of the two men to do that. Nothing is ever easy in hell.

‘Adrenaline’ hits first as CJA reverts to his old theme for what could be his swansong, his farewell. With him is his wife Kelly as she tried to put on a brave face. CJA walks backwards showing off the word’s ‘Always Believe’. Who believes? Not many judging by how the fans chose to just clap rather than cheer. It wasn’t often you saw this, it’s almost like a funeral. He kept his calm and just enters the structure as the door has been opened. The referee was also in the large cage as he had to be the one to lock them both into the first cage. CJA got in and looked back out at his wife who had walked around the side. She is now looking in and would just have to watch all of this. The Adrenaline Pumped Machine grabs onto the steel and begins shaking it. Testing it out as he takes in where he is, where he will fight, where he can win or where he can meet his demise. He took a deep breath taking in the sounds. It was still oddly quiet. Not what you want and he’ll have to bring the fans into believing this isn’t the end of him.

Next the arrival of a man that could be considered the most dominating superstar alive today was upon everyone. The lights in the arena dim down, smoke begins to crawl down the ramp. Slowing filling the area, making basic lines of sight nearly impossible. "Hush" by Hellyeah finally begins to play. Bright white lights start to pulse and flash to the beat of the song. It was blinding in a situation that was already tough to see in. Slowly walking out from the back was The Venom, Jason White.  His pace could only be described as methodical before he came to a stop at the top of the ramp. The TXW World Heavyweight absent from his waist since it now hung high above the ring. But his skull mask made of real bone sat over his face, stained with age and old blood. The standard boos are heard filling the arena but they get no reaction from Jason. His focus was on the structure he was about to walk into. His journey to the ring had begun, once again a slow pace as he moved to the pace of the song. Once at ringside he stands there looking up at the hell made of steel in front of him. The slightest of smiles could be made out as he tucked on the outer cage. This was going to be home to him.

Jason was in no rush to get inside. Not out of fear, he was simply doing this on his terms. He was taking a lap around the ring and structure, crossing paths with Kelly along the way. There was a pause as they glared at one another. Kelly forced to look into the eyes of a man vastly different than the one she once knew. A man that could have been in the place of CJA if things had gone differently years ago. "You shouldn't be watching this, my sponsor is here in full support today. I'm dragging Chris to hell but only I'll be coming back." The words weren't heard by those around but Kelly's face said it all. Pure worry and fear for her husband that was about to be locked inside two cages with this monster. Before Kelly had a chance to reason with Jason, attempt to find the softer side inside of him, he was gone. Finishing his lap around the ring and coming back to the door of the outer cage. He wastes little time walking inside, both the first and second cages. The two men now stood across the ring from one another. CJA staring into the eyes of insanity. Jason pulls the mask off his face and tosses it to one of the officials before they all leave and lock the doors behind them both.

Trapped they both now were although you could tell The Venom enjoyed it more than CJA would. There is still a silence into Jenny had to announce the two competitors. “Introducing first, the challenger. He resides from New York, New York. He weighs in at two hundred and thirty two pounds. He is the Adrenaline Pumped Machine. Put your hands together for C J A!” Jenny announces as the fans finally cheer while some still chose just to clap. You could see for the first time in his life how nervous CJA is. Not as calm as he would like to be. This is it for him, his last achievement. The holy grail.

“And his opponent. Residing from right here in Toronto, Canada. He weighs in two hundred and eighty seven pounds. He is the current and defending Total Xtreme Wrestling World Heavyweight Championship. The ‘Venom’ Jason White!” Jenny is doing this in the safety of the ringside area, or at least it was safe for now. The introductions are made and now all we have is two TXW legends about to fight for the main championship. This is hell and only one of them will be leaving hell with the main championship.

Bell sounds and this one starts. CJA thinks about his first attack as Jason just stands there. He then had to absorb the first hits as CJA uses his quick hands to get in some strikes to the side of the face. They were finding their mark yet not moving the champion all that much. It was almost like the brawl they had a few weeks back when you could see a lot of power being put into the hits. The power isn’t what it used to be for the legend which was stated by The Venom during the build up. He said that his old foe is half the man he used to be, that muscle loss has changed him. Clearly by the hits that statement is being backed up. Out of pure frustration CJA bounces off the ropes and attempts to try to knock him down with an old school shoulder tackle. Instead he is caught mid air and placed in a bear hug. Not a good place to be.

“I know we haven’t said much yet but this is really a match we weren’t expecting to ever see again. Seeing these two in one ring in 2015 is a sight to behold. We just have to worry about how this ends considering how much damage Jason has done to everyone he has faced.” Tasia said as we watch the bear hug still locked in. Since there are no submissions, this is just a case of damaging the body.

Seeing this the fans start to clap their hands trying to fire CJA out of this one. When he was starting to fight, Jason runs towards the side of the cage and slams the Adrenaline Pumped Machine against the steel. He moves over to the other side and does it there, eventually doing it to all four corners into he dropped his lighter opponent. Kelly tried to not get worried about what she was seeing but it wasn’t a great start for her husband.

The Venom stalks his prey ready for whenever he stands back up. The Arch Angel does just that as he is forced on the back foot as Jason attacks him. He hits him with some punches and a couple of body blows. Grabbing onto his arm he pulls him close to hit a short arm clothesline as he is starting to show case why he is in a league of his own. At the moment CJA has struggled and it didn’t bold well if he continues to struggle like this.

Despite his struggle he is still getting back on his feet. It would take a whole lot to keep him down for the count. Jason strikes at him again with some forearm shots, an elbow smash and he throws him against the ropes for a second time. On the rebound he catches him and suplexes him across the ring belly to belly style. You were beginning to wonder if there was ever going to be a time when it wasn’t one sided.

“Jason in control here and this isn’t pleasant viewing. The Venom wants to conquer here to show once again, his words are not just words.” Tasia said as Jason drags CJA up. He goes behind him and locks the waist, hitting a German Suplex soon after. He throws him half way across the ring as for the first time Jason White looks at the boltcutter hanging above them. If he grabs it and unlocks the cage, he gets the first phase. However CJA is standing again as he continues to show his resiliency.

Finally he starts a fight back, using his quick feet to kick at Jason. Each kick is stronger than the last as he gets his opponent to finally back against the side of the structure. Jason throws out jabs back but CJA is able to floor him with a dropkick to continue his moment. The Venom did pop back up but close to the cage. CJA runs at him and jumps up, hitting his Double Running Knee Shot. It did the damage and now this has changed. At last this is going to be a fight.

CJA begins to stalk Jason as he wants to hit the A-driver now. Doing so will give him the best chance to grab the boltcutters. He waits and waits, eventually Jason stands up. The fans cheer when they watch the Adrenaline Pumped Machine lift the champion onto his shoulders. A fight on as the Venom does his best to get out of the position. To counter it CJA moves sideways and ends up slamming Jason right against the steel. He did it again and the fans actually started to count as he did it.


Ten straight hits to the steel and no blood yet but damage done. CJA then starts spinning around and he hits the A-driver as the fans cheered! It took a lot to do just that just due to the weight of Jason but the Adrenaline often gave him a lot strength than he actually had. He is on one knee and already trying to gain back his breath. His eyes went to the boltcutter and he is able to go over to grab hold of it. Now that he has the time, he goes over and breaks the chains to free himself. Ending the first phase.

With the first phase now over, things were about to get a lot more intense. Not only is this a table match of sorts but the area around and under the ring were going to be covered with various weapons for the two men to use as they please. Phase one had come to an end without blood. The same wouldn't be said for phase two. As Jason was slowly stirring back inside of the ring, CJA was now outside of it, looking around at what they had to use. There was multiple tables for them to use. A person only needed to go through one but there was a chance something would break out of their control. Or someone could slip through one without actually being put through it. As he looked around the outside did have too much. But what stood out the most was the two trash cans that held fluorescent tube lights in them. Under the ring you could find chairs, ladders, pipes...almost anything you could imagine. But what caught CJA's eye the most was his weapon of choice. A sledgehammer tied to one of the cage walls. While Jason's chain was tied on the opposite side.

Wasting no more time, CJA is quick to set up a table. His idea was to get this over with quickly. Catch Jason before he fully recovers and achieve victory. Jason finally makes his way outside of the first cage, giving his head a shake. CJA is quick to meet him with more stiff shots right to the jaw, doing his best to keep the champion rattled. As he grabs on the back of the head of Jason, he begins walking him over to the table he had setup only for Jason to explode, breaking CJA's grip. Jason forces his opponent to eat three hard shots right to the mouth for his troubles before he gets whipped into the turnbuckle post shoulder first. For now both men where away from the danger that was the table. On the outside Kelly was grabbing at her hair seeing Jason returning on the attack.

"Looks like Jason plans on wasting little time getting back into this. CJA probably took too much time sight seeing here." Mike was quick to call out CJA's possible mistake. A mistake that was now seeing him tossed around by Jason. They had limited space which saw Jason using his surroundings more creatively. Tossing CJA into the cage over and over again, giving him a bit of a taste of his own medicine. Jason follows it all with a hard kick to CJA's calf and then midsection, seeing him hunch over. And a second later he was being flipped over with a snap suplex, his back slamming down hard on the thin mats outside of the ring. He sits up, yelling out and holding onto his back. All while Jason sits there and smiles. He was sensing control coming back to his side.

As CJA held onto his back, Jason made a point of seeing what weapons where available for him to use. After a quick glance under the ring he pulls out the classic chair. “This is going to be very bad. Jason had found his first weapon." The statement made by Tasia wasn't to be taken lightly. A weapon of any kind in the hands of Jason was a very bad thing. As CJA pulled himself up to his feet, he is met with the cold steel of the chair smashing into his body. But Jason had targeted an unexpected location, choosing to swing the chair at the left knee of his opponent. He reacts as expected, grabbing at his leg before Jason smashes the chair into it once again. He follows it up with a crack across the back before tossing the chair to the side. CJA is again forced down, sitting on his knees. Jason simply looks around and smiles, taking a moment to look around. As he turns around he is met with glass shattering in his face. CJA as spotted of the one trash can filled with lights at his side. In a last ditch effort to stop the attack he swung with little regard for safety. It was enough to make Jason back track as he rubbed at his eyes. The powder and gas inside blinding him for a time. 

"We have blood everyone!" Mike called out as he was able to spot a line of blood coming from Jason's hairline. He continued to rub at his eyes, attempting to clear them. CJA pulled himself back to his feet, a slight limp on with him. It was time for him to stop playing around. Using this time to walk over to his sledgehammer. He unties it and smiles. Now was his chance. Jason turns around and is met with the head of the hammer smashing into his ribs. And for the first time, Jason let out a groan and seemed to show a sign of weakness. A chink in his armour. But the success Is short lived as it seemed to just piss the champion off. He violently lashes out, nearly taking CJA's head off with a stiff arm clothesline. With CJA down again, Jason was finally letting his rage take control. He had been forced to bleed and now he was made to feel some true pain. CJA wanted to use the special weapons, so be it. But not before he gets to feel with a light bulb smashing on skin feels like. The target was his back and Jason assaults him without remorse. Swinging one, two, three, light bulbs across his opponent's back. Only stopping when the trash can was empty. CJA's back was now a gory mess of blood.

It was starting to become what everyone was saying, a bloodbath. Jason rubbed at his eyes again, taking a moment to wipe the blood off his face. It was time for his fun. He gets his hands on his chain, a weapon he has caused extreme amounts of damage with. Some superstars never returning after the attack. CJA was about to become the latest on a long list. The chain is wrapped around his throat and with all his strength Jason tugs on it. CJA does all he can to create space so he can breathe but he was getting overpowered by a man that had snapped. After a few moment of being strangled, Jason looks to the cage at his side and smiles. Leaving the chain around the neck of CJA, he pulls it through the cage, tying him in place by the neck. As CJA hung there, Jason continued to attack. Booting him over and over in the ribs, only stopping when the chain came loose.

Again Jason goes under the ring, this time pulling out a small tool box. As he looks through it a look of pure evil sits on his face. Out comes some lighter fluid and a lighter. Kelly saw this and instantly started calling out for CJA to get up. “Fire? What is this sick man thinking of doing now? Someone has to stop him." Tasia spoke for just about everyone. For a time Jason looks directly at CJA, as if that was the target for the flames. But instead he walks over to the table that had been setup earlier. He soaks it with fluid before tossing it away. The next step, he sets the table on fire before tossing the lighter down. He stares at the flames and smiles. Kelly continued to call out to CJA to get up. Even calling out to Jason, asking him to not do this. He just looks at her, cold and without remorse. All he needed to do now was get his victim. As he turns around his is met with a blast of flame to the face.

As Jason was distracted CJA had got back to his feet, seeing the lighter fluid and lighter. Taking a big risk and squirt of fluid into his mouth and then sprayed it through the lighter into he face of Jason. CJA wipes his mouth of the remaining fluid then looks back at Jason. The table sitting on the others side of it. He rushes towards Jason only to be picked up, spun and slammed through the burning table with a violent spinebuster. Jason gets back up and looks down at CJA as the second phase had come to an end. Leaving the men even at one a piece.

"This is absolutely insane." Unintentional pun aside, Mike spoke the truth. And as the second door was unlocked, Jason merely had to look up to see the final goal hanging high above him. CJA still wasn't moving. But he wasn't finished here. Lifting and dragging CJA to his feet. Jason was free to win this match but he wanted more damage done to his opponent. With a roar he lifts CJA to his shoulder and makes him come crashing down with a Canadian Backbreaker. Tossing his lifeless body off to the side.

Was there anything left to give after that? It was no joke when the description for CJA is that he is lifeless. His wife is having trouble just watching this, she actually turned when she knew he was going through that flaming table. If his back wasn't in a bad shape before, it was more so now. He has scars for life for certain as the Venom is just stepping over the mess of the table. Out of pure anger he is stamping what is left of the table which is still on fire. There didn't seem to be any intention to just get it over with, despite many fans probably wanting that to happen.

CJA should've stayed down but he begins to get up. A lot of fans were watching with their eyes barely open, some had hands over their faces completely. The blood and the smell of burnt flesh was not pleasant at all. Tasia had trouble sitting still at ringside while Mike was just fixed on it. Like he said, this is insane.

The champion allowed CJA to stand, to face him. His legs almost gave way but his strength, his determination meant the Adrenaline Pumped Machine stays standing. His eyes are open as he stares at the bloody beast. From the opposite direction the door is left open. EMT's were on standby should this end with a collapse. Although the main reasons for it being open is because this match had to end with one man grabbing the gold.

CJA widens his arms and makes almost a crucifix pose as he stands there. His bloody body looked like he had taken severe lashes as a capital punishment. Instead he is just in a war with a one of a kind beast. Satan come to life. Surprisingly there was no look of defeat, only deviance. "Is that all you have Jason? I asked for the Venom. I asked for the Darkness!" Is this his sanity going? Or is this an attempt of a desperate man. A final act of defiance before the ultimate end. Jason stepped forward and he had fallen for it. With a burst of Adrenaline CJA dropped him, toe hold style. It shocked everyone watching and more so when he locked in an Ankle lock, twisting the ankle as far the wrong way he possible could without it snapping. It put tremendous pressure on the muscles around the ankle. It could easily just snap at any moment.

"Holy shit! Where did that come from?" Mike spoke for everyone watching. What they thought as they watched the ankle continue to twist where it shouldn't. The sight of pain on Jason's face, the sound he made and the blood dripping from his face said a lot. It showed this wasn't over, not yet. Light over darkness lasted a few more moments into Jason used his strength to roll forward, sending the ankle lock holding CJA head first into the steel. It caused a collapse not too dissimilar to what you see when someone has a heart attack. He just slumped down, not moving a muscle. Had he been knocked out? No one knew as they just watch Jason stand, his limp showed the damage done to the ankle.

His interest in remaining in the cage seemed to wane. He exited through the door with the limp still remaining. The fans hoped he was about to give an old foe a mercy. Instead he crushed that hope by pulling away the safety mats around the ring. Each one just uncovered the concrete and this barbaric match had more yet to come. Tasia looked at this, not as doing her job but as witness a potential murder in front of her very eyes. Jason is deranged, he is unlike any other. You can't reason with him. The silent arena watched as he tore away the majority of the mats around that part of the ring. There is plenty of concrete so it was very unlikely he would miss if he tried cracking a skull. Perhaps deep down he wants to add CJA's skull to his mask, make it his trophy of war.

Watching him enter the ring is something you normally see out of horror movies as he walks over to CJA, drags him up across the cage and throws him out the door, landing near where he concrete has been exposed. Still not much movement from CJA as his wife Kelly looked tempted to move across from the side to try to prevent this getting worse. To prevent her losing a husband, her kids losing a father or at the very least changing the life she has forever. But she found a fear and is looking right at it. Jason White is the fear.

There is few gasps as they watched Jason drag up CJA near the concrete, grin, and go to set up the Jasonator. "Don't do it Jason. Don't push it this far, that man has a family, he has children. You have proven you're the best TXW has. Enough is enough." Tasia said as she watched with almost tears in her eyes as they watched the hero of this story about to be dropped on his head.

Suddenly out of nowhere CJA, while standing in front of Jason slams his fists into the injured ribs. A kick follows and then without remorse CJA hits the Night's Over [Snap DDT] right onto the concrete! Holy shit chants filled the arena as the move had hurt CJA too but he did it out of survival. The hairline cut has just got worse and Jason wasn't moving. It caused the ArchAngel to sit up, stare to the roof of the arena as he looks to where the World Championship is.

The support can soon be heard as they all chant 'CJA'. They want to see him get up and climb, reach the top to get what he wants. To get the biggest title in TXW and to break the curse, beat Jason White. Standing was a problem but he fought through the pain to get onto his feet. Only one problem, Jason White is moving too. The DDT has NOT finished him off.

"I think we have found the real Terminator ladies and gentlemen." Mike said as it seemed that way. Was he human? It seemed that way as he just didn't stay down. It gave CJA reason to get frustrated as he moves away from where he was, limping all the way but he went around the side. He walked past his wife who tried to hold him back. He didn't let her as he went around and took the chair that the time keeper is sitting on. He folds up the chair and carries it back around the cage. Kelly grabbed at his arm. He stopped and looked right at her. She didn't want to see him become Jason to beat Jason. There were no words, only looks. The look was all she needed to give. CJA pushed past her as he saw The Venom is almost standing. When he does stand up, the chair is smacked across his head. It made him collapse back down to the concrete, his head almost bouncing off it.

You can hear a pin drop as there was silence after as you could see how much of a struggle it was for CJA to move. His back is a mess, his body is a mess. He is not going to just shake it off. Despite what he is going through he started to climb the cage, keeping the chair in hand. Climbing with one hand was dangerous but he managed to do it without falling off. The chair was his equaliser as he reaches the cage. By time he does he is crippled with pain causing him to collapse to his knees. He looks down and the fans were worried about him.

Amazingly Jason is standing and he is climbing too. CJA hadn’t noticed as he is dealing with his own pains right now. It was so close for him yet so far as he had to find a way to manage it, to stand up and grab the championship. It just wasn’t going to have a quick ending. The fans noise did at least come in handy as he soon was made aware about Jason climbing up. The Venom wasn't going up that fast, he was suffering much like CJA. He just didn't want to admit it. CJA held up the chair as he stands and he ends up throwing it down towards Jason. It knocked him down and it left the challenger with a massive opening.

"Is this the opening? Can he just get the championship?" Tasia broke her silence as you could see how loud the fans are getting. he instead shook his head. Why? He didn't want it like this. The fans thought he was crazy as he begins climbing back down the cage slowly. His wife didn't know what to make of it. Why did he come down? He could've won. The Venom is back on his feet by the time he is down and everyone watches him grab the steel chair.

More silence into they watched CJA lift the chair then smack it right across Jason's head, denting the chair. It shockingly didn't knock Jason down, he barely looked hurt. That is when CJA looks bitter so he took another shot. The same result happened as these shots to the head could give you brain injuries. Kelly hated seeing what this match was making her husband. He was becoming the monster to kill the monster. There was no satisfaction with seeing his foe standing. A third shot finally rocked Jason as he dropped to one knee but yet he didn't fall. He remains standing. You could see he wants to do more. His soul was dying.

"Chris stop. Please stop! This isn't you, this is him. Don't do this to win! It's not worth it!" Kelly shouted with tears in her eyes. CJA looked over, his eyes that were cold became soft but he didn't seem to be willing to stop. "I'm sorry." He says as he then slams the chair again, it didn't send Jason down. Again and again into finally the bloody champion drops, his eyes closed. Panting heavily and in the worst pain, the chair is dropped by CJA.

There is silence as everyone watched CJA struggle to climb back up. Both hands were used this time as he needed them. He gets half way up to the top and somehow Jason is moving, he is still going. Everyone watched CJA climb up fully and sit down while looking over the edge. He has given his all but the monster, The Venom still ticks, he still breathes and he is still climbing. His body is as broken as CJA's as it became a game of who can survive. Who will die last.

In a rare sign of respect, CJA just waits for Jason at the top. They soon meet and the warriors haven't got much left. They begin walking closer into they stop about a foot apart. "Into The Bitter End." CJA says as he had to avoid a punch from Jason. He ends up behind him and lifts him with all his strength left to hit the Angle Slam!

It rattles the roof around and both men are left laying down, breathing heavily. Could any of them stand after that? Could they finish the fight? CJA starts standing up first as he inflicted the most damage there. His back was looking worse each time you saw it. His head was killing him. How he kept going no one knew. His wife watched from below, terrified of where this goes from here.

Once he is stood up, he begins laughing when he sees Jason pulling himself back up too. His bloody self wasn't going away into the night. The laugh was through pain and endless torture. CJA took a swing , only for it to be blocked. Jason fired at him with several punches pushing him closer to the edge. One more punch would've made him fall all the way to the concrete. If it wasn't dangerous already, it was more now.

Jason went for the last punch but it gets blocked. Punches were hit by CJA and one last headbutt. It send Jason to his knees and gave the Adrenaline Pumped Machine double vision.  He coughs up blood as he eyes up the world title, all two of them. It wasn't that simple as he watches Jason forcing himself up to his feet. They stand toe to toe again for what seemed to be never ending. Another punch out from The Venom made CJA cough up more blood. The reaction was to go for the kill as the former Angle fights back with several punches to the rib area. Some knees to the gut as he roars out in pure anger kneeing his foe about twenty times in the ribs. Then with everything he has left he hoists him up onto his shoulders and A-drivers him right onto the roof of the cage. It almost broke through but not quite as now this must be it.

"Please don't move anymore Jason. Let this end. These two are the best TXW has over the years from 2007, they were apart of this brand.  Now we're seeing the final battle." Tasia could hardly watch as they saw CJA drop to a seated position as his legs were killing him. He again looks at the title but gets amused by seeing Jason sit up. He couldn't see, blood covered his eyes. It was just how he was, a man who doesn't know when to die. The two warriors didn't know how. They would not surrender.

CJA looked down at his wife. It gave him that last little bit he needed to stand up. He needed medical attention but couldn't get it into this is over. No matter who wins. Jason stands up on his own, he wipes the blood away from his face. His bloody hand then touches CJA on the chest smearing his blood with the blood already there. "Crazy bastard." Were the last words into he hits him in the rib again. He lifts him up and hits a second A-driver. The roof was giving way at least a section of it. CJA drags him up again knowing what he had to do. Lifting him onto the shoulders he gave a look of knowing what he was about to do. "Thank You!" He shouts as he then slams him down for a third time, only he let him drop and didn't go down with him for the whole move. It was almost an FU as Jason hits the roof, it breaks and he collapses all the way down onto the second cage which breaks too. It ended with Jason in a star shape in the middle of the ring, which broke. Cactus Jack eat your heart out.

No one could look. The fall was horrible, there wasn't even any holy shit chants. Kelly had dropped to her knees. CJA hadn't looked down as he avoids the big hole in the roof. He walks over to the title and pulls it down. Soon as he does he collapses on the roof with the championship laying across him. The lights go out as Insane Asylum goes off air.


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