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  • Register:12/31/2008 2:17 AM

Date Posted:09/26/2015 12:32 AMCopy HTML

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LOCATION: Madison Square Garden
DATE & TIME: Saturday 28th March 2015

GMs: Josh Nightmare / CJA
THEME: Demons by Heartist

‘Demons’ Hits and it’s time for Midnight Massacre. The fans in Madison Square Garden are on their feet for the third pay per view since the rebirth of TXW. Cameras switch to ringside where Jenny Gold sings America the Beautiful which got a lot of fans on their feet, well those from the country. Once that is over the attention went to the beautiful Tasia Wicha at ringside with Ray Wallington.

“Welcome ladies and gentlemen to Midnight Massacre!” Tasia welcomed all the viewers to the show as it’s always good when a major TXW event rolls around. This has potential to be the biggest event that has been held here due to what matches are set to take place. The card is run through starting with the big main event. “Tonight we have a lot of scores to settle and one no bigger than the match for the World Heavyweight Championship.” On screen all the viewers could now see is an image of Jason White and Finn Danielson, the two who will square off for TXW’s biggest prize.

“We have a champion on the brink of walking out against a man who has lost his sanity. It really does seem like the strangest main event TXW has ever had.” Ray a realist as he knows about the rumours and he isn’t’ afraid to share them on live TV.

Tasia took in his opinion and gave one of her own, one of the group who are excited about the match. “I think Finn just feels disrespect by our boss, it’s now going to unleash a new side to him we have never seen. Just like we haven’t seen this side of Jason. It leaves us with an unpredictable main event.”

Focus went to the Corridor of Hell structure built beside the ramp which is where the fans will see six people trapped inside into one of them submits. It’s the only way they can win and it’s going to be a match no one in it can escape from.

“Our main event is going to be excellent but we can’t take our eyes off the Corridor of Hell structure which is our first unique match in this era of TXW. I’ve never seen anything like it.” Tasia did look over at it as the camera is showing nothing but it. The rest of the run down was shown through a series of past show clips. This is Midnight Massacre.


Ryan Burgess vs. Shawn Blade
Stipulation: KING OF THE RING semi final 1

The fans have been given the rundown of the night and they get to see who will be in tonight’s final. The sound of ‘Nightmare’ hits blares over the PA system, After a moment Shawn Blade walks down the ramp. While he does that the camera pans to Jenny Gold who made the introductions.

“The following contest is scheduled for one fall and it’s the King Of The Ring Semi Final! On the way to the ring from Los Angeles, California, weighing in at two hundred and fifty five pounds. Please welcome Shawn Blade.” Jenny did he best to hype up the fans but all they did is boo the annoying sadistic heel who knew how to interact with them as he is just that type of person who can annoy someone easy. Still he is a former World champion so he can’t be underestimated.

Shawn got into the ring and gave Jenny a slap on the ass to show his perverted ways have no boundaries. The professional ring announcer didn’t react how she probably wanted too as the sound of ‘Awake’ by Godsmack hits. The lights start flashing on and off while this is going on as Ryan comes out from the backstage area in his wrestling attire, black tights, black wrist bands, black knee pads as he started to walk down the ramp. While he did that it’s again over to Jenny for the introductions.

“And his opponent. From Coweta, Georgia weighing in at two hundred and ninety five pounds. Please welcome the Bad Bad Man Ryan Burgess!” There were a lot more cheers from that than expected as the big powerhouse will want to dispatch of Shawn fast so he can go into the final as fresh as a daisy. Happens both of them are thinking the same thing as it will give one of them an advantage should they reach the final.

The two men square off when Ryan’s entrance is over and this should be good. The fans started to chant for the Bad Bad Man as they wanted to see him knock out Shawn’s teeth. Bell sounds and this one is underway as we get to see who wants this more. Right away it was hard to say as they both went on the attack, trying to tear each other apart. They lock up in a test of strength which ended with Blade thrown right across the ring. It left him shock and he had to get out the ring as soon as possible after that.

“Whoa did you see how far Shawn was just tossed across the ring?” Ray said really impressed with what he saw, despite being a bigger fan of Shawn over the two of them.

The man who loves his doll which he calls Liz might be searching her after that bump as he wouldn’t have enjoyed it for one second. The fans taunt him as he begins to pace around the ring debating what he will do. Unfortunately for him he doesn’t get time to think as Ryan is out the ring with him and he is on the attack. Right hands hit to the face as the fans oh and ah enjoying the power the big man is putting in each hit. He gets a hold of Shawn by the wrist when the hits connect and he follows through with an Irish Whip that sends the sadistic heel shoulder first right into the ring post. Talk about a painful moment.

“Right against the ring post, you could hear the sickening sound of flesh and bone smacking off pure steel. This might be all over for Shawn.” Tasia said almost with delight as there has been many times the perverted people of this company have crossed the line. Could this be the night there is comeuppance.

Ray just watched shaking his head as he looked like a typical man who backed the wrong horse. Yet it is still far too early to count this semi final as over with as remember Shawn has been a world champion in the past. He is thrown into the ring next like a rag doll and the fans watched the Bad Bad Man crawl back in, hook the legs of the nutter to see if he has done enough.


Life still there as the unprofessional Wallington punches the air then follows it up by readjusting his tie like he was embarrassed to admit what he just did. “What? I am happy to see this one continue.” He said like there wasn’t more to it than his desire to continue watching this semi final.

The passionate Burgess lifts up Shawn when he didn’t put him away. He scoops him up and impressively lifted him into a powerbomb position. Next he takes a run and hits a running powerbomb to get more of the TXW fans on their feet. They get a chance to count next as the cover.


Another near fall as the man from Georgia sits up on his knees thinking about what he should do next as he could taste the final yet hasn’t secured his spot. He had to remain focused or his dreams die here tonight.

“Ryan has got close to advancing to the final. Now look at him, he’s going for the kill.” Tasia said just as they all watched the Bad Bad Man lift up a seemingly defenceless Shawn onto his shoulders about to hit the Mean Ender [F5]. Would it be all over here? The swing is made which normally ends with a face plant and a three count, however during it the maniac countered it into a tornado ddt to leave Ryan face planted instead. What a counter!

The ‘unbiased’ Ray stood up and begins to clap as he seems to have let his professionalism disappear yet again. Not that it’s anything new as he normally backs the people who are hated the most, no matter what they do or what they say. The counter there left both men down as the fans were a little quieter than they were earlier because of that counter.

For a few minutes not a lot happened as the referee had to check the two were still conscious. Of course they are as they get to their feet roughly at the same time. Burgess was starrier eyed so had to use the ropes to help him up. Standing on his feet might’ve felt good but not when he turned around as he with the Slicing The Blade [Spear] which silenced everyone. Could he have just stolen this one? Seemed that way as the cover is made.


Yep the cover is made far too close to the ropes and it Shawn pulling on his hair as it should’ve been over yet it isn’t. This one is still in the balance. The crazed Blade blames the referee telling him he should’ve ignored the rope break. Of course the referee stood his ground and said it was only a two count.

“Referee’s never want to help out the wrestlers who belong in our bigger matches. The ref there should’ve looked the other way and pretending he didn’t see the foot on the rope. Shawn has been robbed!” Ray said as Tasia shook her head and didn’t make a comment. There is now the viewing of Shawn getting out the ring to get Miss Liz which means he has resorted to plan B since his finisher wasn’t the match ender he hoped it would be. Still he’d be disqualified if he uses this in any way.

Bringing ‘her’ into the ring meant the referee warned him. He was about to use it on Ryan who is standing only for the referee to pull it out his hand. It caused the sadistic heel to focus all on the ref who is now holding Miss Liz. You’d think this would mean curtains for the referee.

However Burgess swings Shawn around lifts him onto his shoulders and connects with the Mean Ender [F5] to cause Ray to slouch in his seat while the fans cheered loudly. They watched Burgess hook the legs right after and the referee, now free of Miss Liz, makes the count.


Win is official for Ryan Burgess as his second attempt at his finisher is a success leading to him gaining his place in the final of the King of the Ring later. It’s a proud moment for him as he has his hand raised.

“Congratulations to Ryan Burgess for advancing to the final. That was a close one in the end but overall I think he deserves his place.” Tasia says giving her opinion on what just took place. Ray just remained silent as the focus switched away from the ring to show the backstage area where something was about to happen.

Backstage Segment


In the back the fans see Xtreme Champion Edward McGinlay who is on his own about to have a short interview with Bobby Beckett about what is about to happen next as he defends his gold against his enemy Blake Underwood in what will be his SECOND defence. Of course his first defence was as controversial as it can get as he got his ally to kidnap Marie and force Blake into laying down to allow the victory to happen OR something bad would’ve happened to the Spanish beauty. Turns out it worked.

“Up next Edward you defend the Xtreme title against Blake Underwood in a match many are describing as a revenge mission due to wha.” The words from Bobby are cut off by the fact the champ took his microphone away as he didn’t want to hear any question, he just wanted to lay down a bottom line.

“What a pathetic thing to say. This isn’t a revenge mission, this is about Blake getting his arse kicked for real this time. It’s an arse kicking I allowed him to avoid during our last encounter as I was going to show him some kind of mercy. Instead it became this big thing because I had his little wee girl taken hostage. It was merely a scare tactic and again like I said, I did it to spare him what he’ll get if he fought me in a real match. Turns out he was dumb enough not to see what I was trying to do. So I’ll have this two out of three falls, retain my title and go home. Blake might overachieve when it comes to his women. But as a wrestle he is not going to overachieve by taking MY title. It’s going to be a bloody thrashing Bobby Boy.” The Glaswegian walks off with a big smile on his face. His destination is the ring as his match is NEXT.


Edward McGinlay (C) 
vs. Blake Underwood
Stipulation: Two Out Of Three Falls / Xtreme Title.

We’re back at ringside where Jenny is standing in the middle of the ring set to announce the contestants in this forthcoming Xtreme championship match. The champion has already been seen but now we’re set to see the challenger who will want to give the fans yet another reason to cheer as they have been pleased with the start to Midnight Massacre so far.

“The following contest is for the Xtreme Championship and it will be held in a no Disqualification two out of three falls match up.” Jenny said just as ‘Like A Machine’ hits to allow the challenger Blake Underwood to walk out with his girlfriend Marie Reyes by his side. “On the way to the ring accompanied by the Spanish Sapphire Marie Reyes. He hails from Dallas Texas. Weighing in at two hundred and three pounds. Please welcome the challenger Blake Underwoodddddd!”

The introduction of the baby face is greeted with cheers and some whistles directed at the Spanish beauty on his arm. This one did involve her last time but for tonight she is in eye sight so there can’t be any dirty tactics or so you would think.

Blake releases his girlfriend’s hand so he can enter the ring and he hypes up the fans as he bounces around getting them louder than they already were. He knew this is his biggest match in TXW so far so he wants to be able to have the fans right behind him.

The noise did get lower when the remix of Scotland The Brave hits meaning the Xtreme champion Edward McGinlay is due to arrive. “And now introducing his opponent. Residing from Glasgow, Scotland. Weighing in at two hundred and fifty nine pounds. He IS the TXW Xtreme Champion. Please welcome Edward McGinlayyyyyyy!” Boos reign out right after the name is said out loud by Jenny. It was nothing against her, they just don’t like the Motor mouth or his tactics.

“Why would they boo this man? I don’t understand the way the TXW universe thinks sometimes.” Ray said of course defending the vile like always. Tasia wasn’t impressed as she had to bring up what exactly there is to hate about him. “They likely don’t like how he kidnapped Marie and made Blake surrendering. In the eyes of the people he isn’t a very good champion.” This is a spot on view but champions aren’t always doing things the noble way.

Back in the ring the bell is called for as this one starts. With his name ringing in his ears due to how loud the fans are, Blake came charging out the gate with a flying clothesline. Loud cheers as they then watched him already climb to the top rope. What was he thinking? Well turns out he was already going for a 450 splash as he dives off as the champion lay prone. Shockingly the move is hit and this could already be one fall over with.


Kicking out at the last second saves the champion a shocking quick loss yet he had to retreat out the ring after to get back his breath as he is rattled. Too bad rest is not what he gets as Blake dives out for a suicide plancha into a ddt causing the champ’s head to smack off the outside mats.

“What a move by Blake! The champion is out of it.” Yes he is as Edward is left looking unconscious as Marie looks on in delight shouting some encouraging words her man’s way. Blake gets to his feet, drags up the helpless champ and throws him in the ring as he needed to try getting the pinfall to secure the first fall. Eddie is rolled over onto his back and the cover is made as this one could be over or at least the first fall.


Yet another kick out from Blake who wasn’t too surprised, he just wished he was one step closer to being the champion as it would be the ultimate revenge considering how long they have been fighting for the gold.

“Now you are starting to see why Edward McGinlay has held onto since December. He just doesn’t quit, he is a proud champion and I personally don’t think Blake has what it takes to take it from him.” Ray putting out his extreme biased ways once more as he predicts the current champion to keep hold of what championship he has. Whether he’ll actually do that remains to be seen as at the moment he isn’t having the best of matches as he is still recovering from the ddt that left him on his ass.

The momentum is with Blake who can tell this as he stands up just figuring out his next move while The Motor struggles back to his feet. The challenger goes on the attack when he is standing hitting against him with some strong kicks and closed fist punches into he is left in the corner blocking more punches. One connects against his cheek and he is left in the corner which is perfect for Blake as this sets him up to finish this first fall.

All the fans knew what to expect as they got on their feet to start calling for the Running Blake whether it be a Helluva kick or a double dropkick, they didn’t care. They just wanted to see the move hit. His name is being chanted out loudly as they all watched the run get made. Is this it?

NOOOO is the answer as Edward bursts out the corner with a running elbow smash to the face that floors Blake. The Scot is furious and he aggressively drags Blake up and ends up launching him right over the ropes, onto the outside. It was a very aggressive move.

“Hahaha air Blake as he goes flying almost into the arms of his beloved Spanish beauty. Too bad she lacks the brains as she must to be with an idiot like Blake.” Ray kept his ways as Tasia stayed quiet as they watched the challenge lay out the ring holding his right ankle. The landing wasn’t great and he could’ve done some damage to his ligaments.

The champ is very pleased yet he wasn’t taking time to gloat as he got out the ring about to do more damage only for Marie to stand in his way like some kind of shield. The Scot yelled at her to tell her to get out the way yet she refused. Edward ignored her and chose to get out a steel chair form under the ring instead as remember this is a NO DQ match as stated by CJA. Is he now regretting giving the arrogant Scot a chance to use some weapons?

Now everyone got to see the Scot threaten Marie with a chair if she didn’t move out he way. The threat here made her back off yet Edward kept following her into she was against the steel post. He told her she made a huge mistake backing Blake and took a swing! Luckily the Spanish Sapphire moved out the way so the Scot hit the ring post and THEN he was low blowed from behind as the Spanish beauty backed up her words with actions and boy did the fans love what happened.

“That’s what you get Edward for trying to slam a chair against a woman like Marie’s head. She has been treated like a piece of meat by him for far too long and I bet he regrets doing that now.” Tasia is happy with what happened while Ray along with every other man knows that is painful. It is a cringe worthy moment.

No matter how painful it is the fans are fully behind it and Blake is on his feet putting aside fears he suffered a serious injury. He drags the hurt Glaswegian up and throws him into the ring. Getting in himself he watched as the Scot is still in pain and is pleading with him to give a break, even shouting for mercy. He got none as he is hit across the face and knocked again into the corner. For a second time it allows him to go for the Helluva Kick. Aka Running Blake. His run this time is much faster and he hits his foot right against the jaw of the champion who collapses to the canvas as the fans let out a loud cheer.

“Running Blake this must be it!” Tasia says out loud as they all watch as the challenger hooks the leg for what could be the end to the first fall.


First fall goes to Blake Underwood as we could be set to crown a new champion as if he gets another. Now all the hard work is for the champion as he had to win back to back straight falls to retain his title. To make it worse he is still struggling with the earlier low blow also his jaw must be sore from the kick.

Typically Ray Wallington is quiet as the champion is up on his feet and is soon on his backside when hit with a running knee kick from the determined young buck Blake Underwood. The fans are enjoying this and they watch as the challenge goes to the top rope, stands facing away from the ring and went for a split legged moonsault.

But his landing wasn’t so great as the champion got his knees up to cause a painful landing for the man who did have all the moment. Ray is again pleased. “Yes that’s what everyone gets for backing against the Xtreme champ.” Sure it’s a good counter but the favourite still has to be Blake Underwood who is a fall up.

The score could be evened up as finally the champ is able to shake off the pain he had been put through or at least enough to let him start stamping away at the champion. There is pure aggression in the strikes and he drags up Blake once he has booted him square on the jaw while he struggled to stand. Getting him up is ideal as he throws him onto the apron with his back to the ropes and this allows him to start hitting forearm clubs right to the chest. Very strong painful hits from the Scottish Warrior who is determined to just remain the champion at any costs especially since he has now been champ for three months.

Unlike earlier the Scot gloated once Blake had fallen from the apron to the outside once the clubs are over. Marie checks on him which turns out to be a mistake as the champion got out the ring then got a hold of Marie, grabbing onto her locks and he viciously Irish whips her right into the steps. Not a way to treat a woman such as her but he was angry about the earlier low blow.

“Oh come on that’s disgusting why is he doing that?” Tasia wasn’t a fan as she watched the Motor drag Blake up and throw him back into the ring as he looks to get a pinfall back. Getting back in himself he stood tall and signals for the end as he wanted to hit his finisher. The seemingly lifeless Blake is lifted upside down over his shoulder and is set up for the Glaswegian Promise [Samoan Driver] which will surely tie this all up.

While it seemed like it would happen the fans got to cheer once again when Blake is able to escape, drop off of his shoulders behind him. The angry Scot swings around  trying to punch him but is shocked when Blake jumps against the ropes, springboards off them towards him and hits a ddt! Worse yet was the fact he was able to lock in an anaconda vice from a transition. Talk about a top range move.

“Oh look at that. Now Edward is in trouble!” Happy days for the lead announcer as the champion struggles and begins to shout out no as Blake put everything into making this move as painful as possible. No matter what the Scot did he couldn’t escape and finally he was forced to tap out!

Loud applause and cheers as Blake let go leaving him thrilled. Edward lay back holding his head as he has been defeated in two straight falls, not scoring a win for himself to make it close. We have a new champion and it’s Blake Underwood.

“Here is your winner and NEW Xtreme champion. Blake Underwoodddd!” Jenny announced the winner and the fans are very happy. They saw the referee get handed the Xtreme title who hands it to Blake. The moment isn’t ruined at all as Marie is able to get back in the ring, a little worse for wear but she is a tough cookie. The couple have their moment as Tasia got to her feet also to clap for the new champion.

Backstage Segment


The Hardcore champion is shown backstage as the fans boo when seeing him on screen. However he is blindsided by Hope who knocked him against the wall by throwing herself at him. She had a referee with her too and the surprise of really had taken its toll on the champion who is pinned right there in the backstage corridor.


No kickout from Marshall who hit his head while knocking against the wall. The Baddest Bitch grabbed the title and stood over her the now former champion. “Back home with me. Told you I would get it back.” Hope gloats and walks off as we have just been treated to seeing a new Hardcore champion.


Johnny Mercer (C) vs. Lorcan Balthazar vs. Justin Jupiter
Stipulation: IC Championship 

Back at ringside where Tasia and Ray are having a discussion at all the night’s current events along with the back predictions from the colour commentator who is going two to zero for the time being.

“Not a good night for me so far but I don’t think Trevor or Edward will be happy that they are former champions. We’ve seen that fluke artist Blake somehow become champ and now the obsessive Hope has taken the Hardcore gold just hours before we see them locked in a Corridor of Hell together. Speaking of which, I can’t wait for it” He did mention as it’s the most eye catching of structures.

That wasn’t into much later in the show as up next it’s the match for the IC Championship as the video package begins to play about what Lorcan has been doing since his debut including a lot of wins into Justin Jupiter upset the odds on the last Dark Oasis. It didn’t prevent him attacking both men while telling everyone he will be the new champ. He’ll be the one to end Johnny Mercer’s SEVEN month reign as champ.

“The following contest is a triple threat match scheduled for one fall AND it’s for the TXW IC Championship.” Match type announced just in time as out walks Justin Jupiter first to ‘Soul Disintegration’.

The lights are already dimmed down with the arena flooded with purple and blue spot lights. It doesn’t take long for Justin Jupiter to come walking out onto the stage. He is dressed in his usual all black, a black leather jacket tossed over top of everything. While he continues his walk it’s over to Jenny again to introduce him.

“Introducing the first challenger. Residing in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. He weighs in at two hundred and thirty pounds. Please welcome Justin Jupiter!” Jenny said as the fans cheer for the man who ended Lorcan’s unbeaten run. It really was unexpected but it can be the beginning of things for him as one big win can always set you up for a bigger one, especially this match as it is for the IC championship arguably the second best gold you can get in TXW.

The entrance is complete by Jupiter just as another challenger is due out. That challenger is Lorcan Balthazar as he walks out to ‘The Unforgiven’. This six foot six monster is determined to be the champion and will do whatever it takes to be the man. It didn’t seem unlikely he won’t achieve his goals but you never know as we all saw what Jupiter did.

“On the way to the ring residing in Death Valley. This man weighs in at two hundred and fifty pounds. Please welcome the challenger Lorcan Balthazar!” Please welcome seemed the wrong choice of words as the fans boo the big man. They weren’t going to approve of how he has continued to chokeslam anyone he well damn pleases.

Lorcan stares over at Jupiter and already goes on the attack shortly after as the rookie is forced to defend himself early on. There is a big height difference and it meant Lorcan was able to hit easier than Jupiter was and he grabbed onto his throat about to inflict some serious damage as it looked like he was about to chokeslam him from the ring to the outside. Thankfully this never happened the champ charged to the ring with his title in hand, he slides in and without thinking about it he nails the monster across the back of the head with the title to knock him from the ring instead. Since this match isn’t official things are perfectly legal.

“Needed hit there from Mercer as he sends Lorcan outside the ring.” Tasia mentioned what just happened while Ray shook his head not sure if that should be allowed as a weapon was used despite the fact most triple threats don’t have a disqualification rule for obvious reasons.

Mercer had given one of his opponents a hand there but is still ready to fight him when this mess gets sorted out. The referee Aaron Bateman took back control as he took the IC title then pointed out what it’s going to be for. All he had to do next is wait for Lorcan to recover and get back into the ring. As soon as he does this match is officially underway.

Right from the get go Mercer and Lorcan battle it out, while Jupiter stands back for the moment. He watches as the fired up long term champion loses the fist fight and gets tossed against the ropes. On the rebound he is floored by a Big Boot. Right after Justin goes in on the attack hitting a back elbow, a forearm smash, whatever does the damage. One elbow caught the chin forcing Lorcan back against the ropes. Once he is there the rookie takes a couple of steps back, makes a run and hits a running cross body that sends both of the challengers to the outside near the announcers table.

“Justin with the great attack there as he wants to follow up his upset victory by winning again here, where he is once again seen as the underdog.” Tasia said as yeah he’s always going to be the underdog into he has gone on a run of wins or achieved a championship. This could be the day he levels up.

Mercer saw what just happened as his two challengers are outside the ring. The time is now to wait for them to stand up. When they do the champ dives out the ring and knocks both men down with a suicide dive as the fans cheered.

“Suicide dive from Mercer right here in front of us as he tries to remain the champ.” Tasia said as Mercer is fired up. He drags up Jupiter putting him in the ring as he leaves Lorcan on his ass on the outside. The rookie is rattled as he stumbles around when in the ring. Suddenly he finds himself lifted onto the shoulders of Mercer who was about to finish this with the No Mercy [GTS].

The predicted outcome didn’t come as the Jupiter battles out with elbows to the side of Mercers head. Enough to escape from his shoulders and end up on his own two feet. Jupiter looks over at the turnbuckle, takes a run and is able to leap from canvas to top rope then dive backwards with the Black Hole [Whisper In The Wind] as his legs hit right against the head of the champion Johnny Mercer. This also got a cheer also as the fans watch the rookie go for his biggest victory as he hooks both legs of the current IC Champ.


“That bastard keeps kicking out. I have to give him credit he never seems to know how to lose.” Ray said as Jupiter tried to not let the disappointment get to him as he was very close there to becoming the new champion. Some were wondering if Mercer was struggling with past injuries as he did have a tough time recovering.

The rookie can sense blood as he went on the attack hitting some elbow hits to the face. A strong forearm hit is followed up and he throws him against the ropes eventually knocking him on his ass with a flying clothesline. Champ down and in trouble as we could be seeing the making of Justin Jupiter.

Mercer is back on his feet but out of sorts. He then gets a sharp kick to the stomach as Jupiter sets up the Angel Wings move he calls Crash Landing. The arms are hooked, Mercer is lifted and slammed right onto his face as another pop follows as this might be it, this might be where the seven month reign comes to an end.

“Crash Landing. Justin Jupiter might’ve just become the brand new IC Champion right here. Mercer hasn’t recovered from that earlier Black Hole and now this looks to be over.” Tasia said as everyone watches the cover being made as we could be seeing a new champion.

1,2, NO!

Lorcan breaks the cover up just when Aaron Bateman was about to count the three to crown a new champion. The monster drags him up hits him with Deaths Grip which is a thrust to the throat. Following it up he hit a side walk slam aka Harlots Laughter. It left the fans no choice to boo as Lorcan has been out of this match for a while now but here he is denying the dream of Jupiter who was SO close.

“I should’ve brought up more about this guy as I knew he wasn’t out of it just yet.” Ray bringing his view to it once more as he watches Lorcan flatten Justin with a big boot as it looked like his dream was slowly dying.

Current champion gets back involved as he goes on the attack on someone who wasn’t looking with it. He hits a bionic elbow and bounces off the ropes shortly after to try to hit a lariat. Too bad he is hit with a big boot aka Condemned Souls when rebounding. Following it up he drags up the champ, grabs him by the throat. This was surely the end. Mercer is lifted up and slammed down for the 666 [Chokeslam] as everyone went quiet as now they expected a new champion. Cover made.


This time it is Justin Jupiter who is the one breaking the pin, preventing Lorcan becoming the champ. He kicks away at him still unable to stop him standing up. Despite his fight the monster had more in his arsenal able to hit some fists of fury known as Tainted Sweet. The moved had left Jupiter dazed. It left him vulnerable and he is grabbed by the throat then hit with the 666 also. It was pretty heartbreaking to see as the cover is made and there didn’t seem to be any chance of this being broken up.


No kick out as a NEW champion has been crowned in the shape of Lorcan Balthazar. The beast has got his wish to become champ. It wasn’t a good feeling for the fans made all more real when the championship is handed to the man from Death Valley.

“Here is your winner and NEW IC Champion Lorcan Balthazarrrr!” Jenny said just to give the fans a reason to find their voice again as they boo very loudly. Lorcan sees the bruised and battered bodies of his opponents. He left and people will now wonder who can take it from him.

Backstage Segment


The King is seen with his Queen as they had back to back matches ahead for them. One is for the King Daniel Khaos who wants to be the official TXW King by getting to the final at least by defeating MDS. Something he is yet to do. Right after Angelina will challenge for the Women’s gold in what will be an excellent back to back moment should they both win.

“These losers are going to hate us even more after tonight. Next I am going to rip MDS to pieces. He thinks he has my number only because of his friends. Just wait into he sees what I have planned for his friends this time around. They will regret costing me in our match. They will regret ever getting on my bad side.” Khaos said as he seems to have found a way of handling the group known as W.A.R or at least he thinks he has.

His beautiful wife wouldn’t be with him this time around as she had a match following his so this is the only chance they will get to talk prior to those matches happening. “I can’t wait to see what you do to them Daniel. I know you’ll enjoy seeing what FAB and I will do. We’ll going to bring all the gold home with us tonight.” Angelina is equally as confident. They really are two peas in a pod as they kiss causing a loud sound of booing.


MDS  vs. Daniel Khaos
Stipulation: KING OF THE RING semi final 2

Focus switches back to the ring where Ray and Tasia are about to have a discussion about the next King Of The Ring Semi final which will see the winner battle it out with Ryan Burgess for the right to be TXW’s King. Ideally the man who claims to be the King would win it. But the majority of the fans and the roster do not want to see this happen. More importantly W.A.R don’t’ want to see this happen.

“We’re finally at the stage of the night where two hated rivals go head to head. We’ve got the man I back as King going against a man TXW should’ve never brought back. That guy is MDS who is ruining matches by having his friends win them for him. It’s a joke. I wish I knew what Josh or Calvin were thinking by letting these guys stain the name of the company.” Mini ramble there from Ray who was a big supporter of Daniel Khaos. Many felt he was being screwed over because he is outnumbered in his war with...W.A.R. However his mood seems to have changed for some reason.

This semi final is overshadowing the whole tournament as many people aren’t sure is this thing won’t break down. Tasia has this question in mind herself. “The only part of this that makes me worry is if we’re even going to get a clear winner of this semi final. If the war breaks down right here then we might not even see the final happen.” It is true.

However ‘Bonecracker’ hits as out walks MDS on his own. Well it seemed like he was into the spotlights focused on his friends in W.A.R all scattered through the arena as they walk through the crowd. Deric Quake is out there, The Devil’s Advocate and newest arrival Dustin Cage. Things are expanding and with the rumours SVD is around too it just posed more questions than answers.

“The following contest is scheduled for one fall and it’s the King of The Ring semi final match. On his way to the ring. He resides in Cleveland , Ohio. Weighing in at two hundred and twenty four pounds. Please welcome MDS!” Jenny did her job despite the distraction of three others making their way to ringside.

W.A.R all place themselves at ringside as a confident looking MDS is shown. Will he be the one sitting on the throne later? Anything is possible considering he has good back up here. Now it’s over to the self proclaimed King to prove if he really is a King or if he is going to choke when so close to the final.

‘The World Belongs To Me’ hits as the fans now expect to see the arrival of Daniel Khaos. Instead his video plays with no sign of the man himself for the first couple of minutes as Jenny stalls announcing him because of it. It left the announce team confused.

“Is Daniel Khaos avoiding this match up because of W.A.R?” Tasia asked the question yet no one really knew the answer as just a moment ago everyone saw him talk to his wife, expecting things to be fine. Now this?

The music kept hitting only for a static sound to replace it. Words then appear on the screen which state ‘W.A.R meet The Kingdom.’ The sound of ‘Courtesy Call’ by Thousand Foot Krutch hits as out walks Vincent Underwood, Dagon and Demer all with weapons in their hands. This really is a war as Devil’s Advocate, Deric Quake and Dustin Cage all walk over to the bottom of the ramp. They were ready for this as the fans were going ballistic at the thought of a big brawl. All six men went into battle as they met half way up the ramp and there is a big fight as MDS stood in the ring leaning over the ropes as he watched his comrades go to war. However a sneaky Daniel Khaos had slipped into the ring. The fans tried to warn him but by the time he had paid attention to them he was hit with the Khaos Theory!

“No way! Not like this!” Tasia said as she is shocked by this as Khaos demands that the referee start this. He does just that as the man who would be King makes the cover as the count is made.


It’s already over and Khaos has progressed to the final due to the distraction caused by the big brawl taking place. Security had to intervene but was having issues as this was spilling out everywhere. Simmons is down in the ring and Khaos slips out the ring as he tells everyone he is going to be the king by the end of the night whether they like it or not.

While he takes his leave through the crowd it’s left to the announce team to pick up the pieces of that as the brawl is still being contained. “See that man should be the King. He has got even with that waste of space MDS and he can’t have any complaints. It’s the same way he won that two on five handicap match. I for one can’t wait to see our King with his crown.” His words could hurt more if it actually happens. Now only Ryan Burgess stands in his way.

Backstage Segment


In the office of the owner as he is seen looking relaxed ahead of what is supposed to be a big punishment from the Investor. Putting him, Rachel and Trevor Marshall up against three of the most violent women in the company in Michelle Wright, Hope Sweet and Raine seemed like a death sentence. It didn’t bold well for Josh who has two of them on his enemies list while Hope will fuck him up just because she enjoys everything violent. Yet he is sat there are chilled out as his gorgeous wife to be gives him odd looks.

“Why are you so relaxed?” A less than relaxed Rachel asked him because it was a question worth asking. Why is he so relaxed? Surely this tough match would make him worry as well he has been on the end of a mini losing streak as of late and he wouldn’t want to be seen as anything less than a BADASS.

“Why am I so relaxed? Because tonight is going to be a great night. I’m finally going to show Shelly and Raine that they have made a mistake involving themselves in a war with yours truly. Without me they would’ve become irrelevant at this stage. Shelly was a faded force and then hit the headlines when she battled me. I made her a person of interest again. Raine’s the same as she wasn’t going anywhere into she got on the wrong side of me and my family.” The Badass said as yes he feels he is responsible for putting the two crazy women on the map again. He’s quiet about Hope as he doesn’t have an issue with her. Hell he doesn’t expect to have to fight her as he sees her unable to get her hands off Trevor as they are at war.

While he is very confident he could tell his wife to be is letting her nerves get to her. Hardcore battles just aren’t her. To give her confidence he stood up and put his arm around her. “Remember how many times you kicked my ass at Dead or Alive? Bring that to tonight. Bring that ass kicking woman that you truly are to the cage. You can again show Raine she isn’t as good as you are. I’ll be the one to deal with Shelly. We are going to win and as an added bonus we can announce our wedding date right after. That should make some headlines.” He smiles and gives Rachel a kiss as the couple are feeling good ahead of the war.


Melissa Wright (C)  vs. Angelina Acid
Stipulation: Women's Championship

Ringside is where the focus is next as the women’s championship will soon be defended as Melissa Wright defends against the self proclaimed queen Angelina. Many don’t even think she has earned a shot as she is yet to have a one on one match shockingly. This all has to do with the powers of Josh Nightmare who of course favours the group.

Jenny stood in the centre of the ring as she is now due to tell the people in the sold out arena what this match is all about. “The following contest is scheduled for one fall and it is for the TXW Women’s championship.” Simple enough as all the eyes went to the titantron as the challenger is due to make her entrance. Questions have been asked on whether she’ll be bringing FAB with her. That question should be answered momentary.

‘Mirrors’ hits the solo theme of Angelina Acid BUT she isn’t alone as she is accompanied by Becca Nightingale, Diane Steel and Diamond Jackson who all look dressed up like they were about to have a party. Clearly shows how much faith they have in Angelina winning the gold here.

“Introducing first. Residing from Coweta County Georgia. Being accompanied to the ring by Diamond Jackson, Diane Steel and Becca Nightingale please welcome ‘The Queen’ Angelina Acid!” Jenny did her job yet you could tell someone had told her to label the blonde the queen. Perhaps the owner or just a request from Daniel Khaos. Eventually their treatment will start pissing people off, it’s already got on the nerves of the champion.

Ray stands up from his position at the announcers table as the FAB trio were going to join he and Tasia at ringside. There we spare chairs provided for this and Ray moved them closer to him. Becca sat next to him, while Diamond was next to her and on the other side next to Tasia is Diane. Talk about uncomfortable reading should the main commentator want to criticise FAB’s tactics.

“Glad to see you join us ladies. I expect you are all dressed this beautifully for the eventual FAB party when Angelina is crowned the new women’s champion.” Ray kissing ass like he does, especially around beautiful women. There weren’t many headsets provided so Becca took the spare one to confirm what everyone thinks about them. “The title already belongs to Angelina. Melissa is just carrying it out here for her and the official crowning ceremony will begin shortly after.” Arrogance isn’t never too far away from a Nightingale showing here.

Speaking of Melissa she makes her entrance to the sound of ‘Blackout’. The fans cheered for her unlike what they did with Angelina. “Now on her way to the ring. She resides from Dallas, Texas. She is the current defending Women’s champion. Please welcome Melissa Wright!” Another cheer as the Texan moves her way down the ramp getting a look from Angelina who looks over at her best friends to say to them it won’t be long.

“Look how her fat folds move around as she skips to the ring. This woman is such a bad representation of the division. It’s sad when the day comes where someone like her wants to claim to be the better example of a woman’s wrestler.” Diamond said as she leaned in to talk into the headset over Becca’s head.

In the ring Melissa hands over the title to referee Aaron Bateman who lifts it up to show everyone what it’s for. Once he is done with that it’s passed out the ring as the two women go face to face. Melissa mouths something and Angelina reacts as expected by acting like she has bad breath. The Texan responds by shoving her on her ass as the fans cheer. This one is officially underway.

Wright had enough of the insults and went on the attack first, hammering her forearm against the face of the queen. She grabs a hold of her head in fast fashion and is able to snapmare her down, following it up with a sharp kick to the spine.

“Wright is out of the blocks doing her best to shove Angelina’s insults right down her throat.” Tasia said bravely as the rest of the Fine Ass Bitches gave her dirty looks like she was ever so wrong to say anything in favour of the champ.

Melissa got a handful of Angelina’s hair, Irish whipping her into the corner. It was an aggressive throw which is followed up by a stinger splash that left the so called favourite on her ass. This was great for the fans who wanted to see the Queen get her ass handed to her by someone who has been a fan favourite since day one in TXW. Yep she has been here since the start.

“No wonder that hurt our queen, Melissa must weigh about five hundred pounds.” Ray said much to the delight of FAB. Harsh comment yet we all knew why he was saying it. It is to please the beauties beside him as Tasia just rolled her eyes, not surprised he would stoop that low to gain some points with FAB.

In the ring the Texas Butterfly was figuring out her next move as she looked to continue the momentum. She’ll rank this as her biggest win if she is able to finish the Queen off in the next few minutes. It would be really embarrassing for them seeing how they are already planning a party for what would be a title celebration party. They would sure have egg on their faces.

The champion climbs up to the top rope as the fans cheered about to see a high flying move. It’s a risky action to take as high flying moves can always back fire. Mel dives off and HITS the diving Thesz Press, going straight into a cover as she sits on the challenger.


Survival there from the Queen as her best friends looked annoyed at how this is going so far. Diane stood up from the desk and decided to get closer to the ring. “Where’s Diane going?” Tasia asked as Becca gave her a shove as if to tell her to mind her own business.

The socialite climbs onto the apron and starts shouting at the woman they have labelled ‘Miss Piggy’. The champion took the bait as she went over about to knock her off the apron. She took a swing and the blonde moved, dropping back down to the outside as she called her too slow. The Queen took advantage as she back drops Melissa with power, dropping her violently on the back of her head. All the FAB members at the announcers table are delighted as they watched Angelina make the cover this time.


The Texan is able to kick out at the last minute as Angelina shouted at the referee to stop denying her what is hers. Everyone has seen how Aaron has been kind to Melissa in the past and some think he might be biased towards her.

“This Aaron guy shouldn’t be the referee. It’s obviously that the Bateman boys just love the Wrights yet they want to complain when our boss likes us. At least our boss has an eye for talent.” Diamond brought up as many think because the Investor dates Michelle he has a biased towards her and thinks Aaron is the same with another Wright.

Back in the ring Angelina showed why she is so perfect for Daniel Khaos as she aggressively stamps on the hurt Texan. She gets a hold of her hair only to shortly bulldog her down after. This was going to be a painful next few minutes for the Texas Butterfly. The Queen is in an unforgiving mood as she again drags her up, says some word and bitch slaps her across the face. It caused boos as the fans were not enjoying the turn around.

“What a fantastic Queen Angelina is as she has the control here. I expect a new champion to be crowned any minute.” Ray said as he again backs the people who most wouldn’t ever back.

Mrs Khaos drags up Melissa yet again as she tries to put this one to bed. She throws her into the ropes and gets her leg up high enough to attempt a big boot to the face, however gets shocked when Mel takes evasive again to avoid being hit. She ends up behind Angelina and kicks at the back of her knees into she falls to both of them. This wasn’t looking good as this sets up perfectly for the Wright Ending [Superkick].

AGAIN FAB made a bother of themselves as Diane hasn’t gone back to the announcers table so is able to climb onto the apron for a second time. This time it is Aaron who took the bait as he went over to warn her not to get involved. Diamond had sneaked around the other side and had taken off her heel as she was about to smack Melissa in the face with it. The Texan turned around jsut in time and ducts under the attempt of being hit in the face with a heel. This meant Diamond hit Angelina in the face instead! Mel then super kicks Diamond and makes the cover on Angelina as Aaron turned back to make the count, despite Diane’s best efforts to make him focus all on her.


Melissa has retained despite FAB’s best efforts to rip the title off of her. Angelina is furious as she sits up shortly after holding her head. The fans now want her to blame Diamond for the loss but it’s highly unlikely as she knew who was to blame, Melissa.

“What bullshit! Melissa shouldn’t be the champion” Ray said with anger as he saw all the remaining members of FAB go over to the ring. While the referee Aaron Bateman lifts Melissa’s hand, the Queen strikes by pushing the champ over as she has shaken off being smacked in the face with the heel. The ref tells her off trying to get in her way only for Becca to get in the ring then low blow Aaron. Fans boo as the rest of FAB get into the ring to cause some damage. Melissa gets to her feet and charges at Diamond along with Diane, hitting a clothesline on them both.

The fans cheer her but those were premature when Becca hit her with the night’s over to leave her face down. This is something the Queen approves of as she wanted to show her who is really better. Angelina is mad about not being the champ so she is looking to humiliate like she has done to many before. She tells her besties to embarrass the fraud champion which they all approved of. The Night Dream and Diane grab onto the sleeveless shirt of Melissa, pulling at it into they pulled it up over her head as sections of the fans whistle. While those two do that Diamond and Angelina yank down the ripped jeans leaving the champion in her red laced lingerie which was likely to come off next due to how the most dominate female group are.

However just as Angelina got a hold of the waist band of the champion’s panties out rushes Madison Wright, Jezabel Jezzi and Amari Rose, all past victims of FAB.

 “Boo what are these bitches doing out here?” Ray said as he didn’t like this at all as he watches the three of them get in the ring about to battle it out with the four members of the heel group. Tasia seemed happy with it pointing out why they are here.“They are here to save the dignity of our champion.”

The Fine Ass Bitches stand their ground as the fight begins with them all cat fighting each other and the heel group still has the numbers advantage. Well that was into Melissa stood back up to fight it out despite being in her lingerie. Her involvement helped them knock the bad girls on their asses as it turned out their choice of dresses and heels came back to haunt them as they couldn’t fight as effectively as normal. The fans began to cheer as they watched Amari tear off Diane’s dress. It got better as Diamond’s is torn off too by Madison while Becca loses hers thanks to Jezabel. All members of the heel group were now in their underwear.

“No don’t do this! Leave them alone!” Ray is worried and he has reason to be as the four bitter girls attack FAB, kicking and punching at them. All four of them can’t get the momentum and are all grabbed by the hair, then placed over a knee one by one. Angelina was over Melissa’s, Becca was over Amari’s, Diane was over Madison’s and Diamond was over Jezabel’s. This sight got cheers but those only got louder when Melissa yanked down Angelina’s bottoms, showing off her bare ass. The other three then did the same to the other three members of FAB by yanking down their panties as they then gave the bad girl group a spanking each.

“Hahaha. I think they just got what they deserved after all this time.” Tasia said as the foursome were released, managing to readjust their panties and bottoms on the way out the ring without any more exposure but they were all very pissed off. The Queen shouted that they would all suffer for this as Melissa just lifts up her women’s title to show her what really matters.

Backstage Segment


Champion Finn Danielson is seen doing some last minute stretches as he is readying himself for the main event which sees him defend his title against Jason White. Bobby Beckett tried to get a word from him but he just refused, looking to keep himself to himself. This reaction caused boos from the fans who think he is not giving them any respect anymore. He demands it so much yet isn’t giving any. It’s a wonder what his frame of mind even is.
Daniel Khaos vs. Ryan Burgess
Stipulation: KING OF THE RING final

Back to Tasia Wicha and Ray Wallington as they are discussing what just happened. How will it affect the mind set of Daniel Khaos seeing how his wife’s ass was just shown to everyone and spanked. Won’t please him one bit and that could be very bad news for Ryan.

“Our Queen was disrespected earlier and I hope our owner suspends all four women involved. He honestly should even just crown Angelina as the new champion as she was screwed. At least now I can see Khaos going on to become King just so his Kingdom can have a half successful night.” Ray said as he is almost like a royal supporter due to how he goes on about the self proclaimed King and Queen.

Focus went to the stage as the throne for the King of The Ring winner is brought out and placed on the stage. It was a remarkable piece and would be something any King would be proud to sit on. It had even got a crown placed on the seat which will be worn by whoever wins.

Jenny is the focus next as she is due to talk about the next match. “The following contest is the King Of The Ring final!” The fans cheered as they looked forward to seeing this one. No one was sure who would come out on top. ‘The World Belongs To Me’ hits first as out walks Daniel Khaos all on his own. During the entrance it’s noted that SVD has taken his seat at ringside which will raise questions about what role he will play in this one, if any.

“Introducing first. He resides from London, England. He weighs in at two hundred and twenty five pounds. Please welcome the Khaos Maker Daniel Khaos!” The fans boo as they did not want to see Khaos sitting on that throne when this match is at an end, it would be the worst thing they could imagine happening. They would rather see him end up like his wife, suffering bitter defeat. It’s also likely that the war going on between W.A.R and The newly formed Kingdom will continue as it’s only just started earlier in the night when the man who would be King outsmarted MDS to make short work of their semi final match. Everyone knew this is not over with, it has more legs to run.

The loud mouth Khaos is soon telling the fans about what happened earlier as he says they will soon be seeing something much better later when he is going to be sitting on the throne. Bold words but he really felt this would happen.

Next ‘Awake’ hits as out walks the man who wants to prevent any crowning ceremony for Khaos. He’s already gotten past Shawn but can he now get past the man who already claims to be King. It isn’t going to be easy to call.

“And now introducing his opponent. Residing from Coweta, Georgia. Weighing in two hundred and ninety five pounds. Please welcome the Bad Bad Man Ryan Burgess.” Fans cheer as they start a ‘Bad Bad Man’ chant as he takes a look at the throne on the way to the ring. Could that be his? If he is to win then yeah it will be his.

Khaos is in the ring waiting for his chance to get his hands on Ryan Burgess, a man who has defeated him in the past elsewhere. The wait wasn’t long and right away the Khaotic one went on the attack. The Brit knocked Burgess down and started to throw down elbow drop, knee drops, whatever it takes to keep the powerhouse kept on the canvas. You can see the aggression on the face of Khaos who took a moment to look at the throne.

“Look at our King. He is already looking at the throne he will soon be sitting on.” The words of Ray might come back to bite him as the fans got reason to cheer when they watched the six foot Georgia boy fight his way to his feet and blocks a punch with one his own. Following it up he spine busters the would be King to the canvas, letting out a roar shortly after. He would not bow.

No rest for the arrogant Brit as he is forced back to hit feet, unable to try to recover on his own time. Burgess picks him up onto his shoulder as the fans cheered. The cheer gets louder when they watched him hit a running powerslam right to the canvas followed by the first cover of the match.


“Phew the true King survives!” Ray is happy with that as the fans boo. It didn’t last long as they watched the big man drag Khaos up, lift him and he charges with him over his shoulder, knocking him right into the corner. The pain continues as shoulder thrusts are hit in the corner as the momentum really isn’t with the man who already calls himself King. The control continues for the next few minutes as Burgess starts to hit some non-release German suplexes. Domination is real.

After the fifth suplex is hit Khaos found a way to slide out the ring to avoid being hit with more. It wasn’t good at all for him as he wanted to enter this match and make it a quick win. Instead he is finding out just how tough Burgess is as he is just as close as he is. There seems to be more determination from Burgess especially when he gets out the ring to not allow any type of break for the Brit. Outside the ring there is a brawl between the two men which involves a lot of punches. The bigger of the two gets control following it up by throwing the would be king right into the steel steps, dislodging them and giving the fans yet another reason to cheer.

A worried look is all over the face of Ray as he watches Ryan lift Khaos up over his shoulder for a second time as it looked like he was planning to do something which involved the lower portion of the steel steps. A run is made the in brutal fashion the Khaos Maker is hit with a running powerslam right onto it. Talk about a painful move.

“What a move! Daniel Khaos is in agony after that running powerslam.” No kidding as Khaos is hurting as he lay there trying to find a way to recover from that yet his back must hurt like a bitch as no one can take that move without severely hurting.

With this one in his control Ryan forces Khaos back into the ring as he wanted to put an end to this so he could be the king. It’s as important as winning a title as whoever gets the honour becomes the first ever TXW king, it’s history making.

History is within Ryan’s grasp as everyone watching in the arena and at home see him lift the hurting Khaos onto his shoulders, setting up the Mean Ender [F5]. Hitting this would make him King , make him the first. He lifts him up and spins him around, connecting with the move as the fans jump to their feet. We have our King as the cover is made in what surely is the final moment.


Somehow, someway Daniel Khaos is able to kick out right at the last second. It’s almost a heartbreaking moment as it was so close there yet this one is NOT over. The Bad Bad Man is shocked and he is pissed off. He doesn’t waste any time as he forces Khaos to remain down, he moved over to his stomach and immediately locks in the Baddest Hell [Crossface] as he looks to now secure the tap out victory.

The sound of the Brit crying out in agony said it as Ray watches through his fingers. “This isn’t right. How can we have a shaved gorilla as our King?” He sounded defeat as he hears all the fans chant ‘Tap’ to the man who claims to already be King. It looked like he was about to do it when suddenly Kingdom arrive. Yep that meant Vincent Underwood, Dagon and Demer all walked on out. The Brits and the German’s have unified.

The British Bastard jumps onto the apron shouting at the referee causing him to lose focus on the hold. It wasn’t good as soon as he turns his back Dagon gets in the side of the ring and hits the referee across the back of the neck with a clothesline sending him flying out the ring, landing badly. It got boos especially when the two German powerhouses went on the attack. The watching SVD almost looked tempted to get involved as he sat there. Many felt he was apart of W.A.R yet he remained seated. W.A.R did at least show up as MDS, Devil’s Advocate, Deric Quake and Dustin Cage all made their way out leading to what will be a big brawl for the second time tonight.

“God damn it I hate this group. W.A.R shouldn’t be involved.” Ray said as he is angry. He watches as Khaos and MDS fight it out showing their pure hatred towards one another. It was all becoming a mess as Dagon fights with Deric and Vincent is fighting out with speedy Dustin. They were all soon scattered around ringside and the Khaos maker found himself double teamed by Ryan. However Burgess took out MDS too, almost knocking his head off with a clothesline from hell.

However dirty Khaos then low blows Burgess from behind and snaps him down with the Khaos Theory [Zig Zag] just as the referee recovers from his horrible looking fall. He is slower than earlier but he counts when seeing the cover as the fans shout out no hoping he would realise what just happened.


It’s over and the self proclaimed King is now the actual King of TXW. He looks delighted while the fans boo, even resorting to throwing trash into the ring as they were not happy one bit with that outcome. The brawl is still going on in the outside as Khaos pushes past the referee to start walking to the ramp where he will get to sit on the throne for the first time while also putting on the crown. It’s a horrible picture for everyone who hates the arrogant Khaos. Cheating has prospered here tonight.

While Ray is happy clapping Tasia is less than impressed. At least the mood changed when MDS made his way to the stage to continue his war with Khaos. The two men started a brawl right in front of the throne with MDS taking a page out of Khaos’ book by going low. It was a moment they loved and they loved it more when he ends up throwing the newly crowned King off the stage causing him to crash through several tables laid out. Talk about a horrible crowning.

“What the fuck is this! How dare that son of a bitch do thi-“ Ray shut up when he saw Devil’s Advocate point his bat at him. Kingdom had also fallen in the brawl. Everyone then witnessed MDS put on the crown and sit on the throne which shows this war is far from over.

Backstage Segment


Backstage the Fine Ass Bitches are shown not looking all that pleased despite the fact Angelina’s hubby has become the champ. They were now dressed after most of them lost their dresses out there and they all ended up showing off their bare asses thanks to Melissa, Madison, Jezabel and Amari. Now they wanted to go to Josh to try to get him to punish those who dared to upset the dominate female group. They walked in just as the owner is doing some push ups ahead of his match which is next.

His sister got his attention and she sure wasn’t happy. “Josh did you see what happened earlier!? I just went through the worst experience of my life! You can’t let those peasants get away with what they did! It was so embarrassing! They ruined my dress! None of them deserved to see what they saw” The fans likely disagree with that as they all saw something they didn’t mind seeing.

“Yeah Josh, I know Daniel is going to be pissed off that I was just mistreated like that. I should be the women’s champion not treated like one of those whores!” Angelina believed she should’ve been the champion. Especially since they had planned a party out to celebrate the occasion. That wouldn’t be happening anymore.

Josh thought about it as he knew that what happened was just revenge. However he is biased towards the ground and his twin sister especially. What he saw is something he wishes he never saw and the only way to erase it is by putting the attackers through some hell which will make them regret treating FAB the way they did earlier in the night.

Josh stopped with his push ups to give his sister and his pal Angelina some good news as yes he would punish those who did that despite the Fine Ass Bitches doing worse things in the past. “It was bad I know. But don’t worry I have a good plan for Dark Oasis twenty. It will be Melissa defending her championship against all four members of FAB in a gauntlet match. I’d like to see her fight her way out of that one. She did always say she likes to fight.”

The mood changed as both seemed fine that as now it’s highly unlikely the title reign of Melissa lasts much longer considering how she will now have to beat all FOUR members of the group. Not at all easy and you wouldn’t back Mel no matter how talented she is. The Queen herself is happy as she states as much. “Good as the title should belong to FAB. What about the other three though? Miss Piggy would’ve never got the best of us if it weren’t for them.”

The owner thought about it as he only came up with an idea for the champion after what he saw earlier. What of his pal Jezabel, Madison and Amari. He almost wishes his pink haired ex wasn’t out there as really he didn’t want to throw her into a very bad match. Yet he is too biased towards his sister and FAB to not punish them, they asked for it.

“They’ll all be in a special Easter chocolate bowl match which I think will be entertaining to see. I’m sure they won’t have a problem being in lingerie for that one but I doubt they will enjoy fighting one another.” Best he could come up with which may or may not be a punishment. He isn’t sure how the group really feel about it but that is what he has gone with as he now had to leave as his match is next.
Hope Sweet, Michelle Wright and Raine vs. Josh Nightmare, Rachel Slays and Trevor Marshall
Stipulation: Six Person Corridor of Hell

No more time for the ring at least not next as the attention is all on the Corridor Of Hell. A rectangle structure made out of barbed wire with thumb tacks all over the floor. It’s really something from hell and pretty fitting that three crazy women are thrown into it. However this match was not the choice of the owner as well he would never want to be back inside his own structure, especially when his fiancée is in it too. You can bet he’ll want to hurt the Investor for making this match by hurting his long term enemy Michelle Wright.

Over to Jenny who is still in the ring despite the fact it won’t be used here. “The following contest is a six person Corridor of Hell. The only way to win is through submission.” That part is going to raise some serious questions as a lot on one side are not used to tapping out. One would have too if this one is to end.

‘Freak Like Me’ hit first as out walks the Texan Michelle Wright who is always up for a good fight. She’ll likely go right after Josh as that is always expected.

 “Introducing first. Residing from Dallas, Texas. Please welcome Michelle Wright.” The fans boo her as despite everything most are still on the side of Josh Nightmare as they think he brings the fun. They think Calvin wouldn’t be the best of owners as he’ll make it all serious, perhaps turn it from a violent playground to one with rules and regulations that will turn it into modern day WWE. They do not want that at all.

Next ‘Crazy Bitch’ hits as out walks the current Hardcore Champion Hope Sweet who had taken back the championship during the show in what is a first ever as normally it changes hands when there is no show going on. Shows Hope knows how to raise the temperature even higher as now the King Kong Destroyer is going to be pissed off. Extremely.

“Now introducing her partner. Residing from Coweta County Georgia. She is the current Hardcore Champion. Please welcome Hope Sweet!” The fans boo her too as she raises her hands up. The fans did go a little quiet when she shakes her ass upon entering the structure which would shut up some of the biggest haters.

She joins Michelle as they both were exploring the structure which is new to them. The barbed wire all around meant you’ll unlikely to see any forms of Irish whips that end well. You’ll also not see many suplexes as the roof isn’t high enough. What you can expect to see is a lot of blood.

‘The Devil Within’ hit next as the last of the first team makes her way out. Raine has been making headlines for all the wrong reasons because recently she has burnt down the home of the owner which should’ve got her fired then she tried to attack him at his sister’s house. Who knows how things will go this time around but it is noted she is without her dagger meaning she is going to show everyone she doesn’t need it in a match like this.

“Next to enter the structure. Residing from Flamming Starr MA. Please welcome Raine!” More boos as the violent red head joins what has to be the most dangerous collection of women ever. They all enjoy everything violent and are against a team they wouldn’t mind fucking up. The trio are frightening yet Ray couldn’t help viewing them like few would care to admit.

“What a collection of sexy women. I really wish this was more like a bra and panties match. Maybe Josh will resort to that when his team suffering a crushing defeat as they really don’t have much of a chance against this trio. It’s not even a fair team as Rachel Slays is just a pretty girl without the ability to survive in a structure like this. The Investor really picked a match that wouldn’t suit them at all.” Ray brought up as he doesn’t think Miss Slays will cope with the demands. This match is unlike her as she has never struck anyone as a violent woman who can deal with hardcore stipulations.

‘Run This Town’ hit next as out walks the powerhouse Trevor Marshall who is pissed off about not walking out here as the champion. He didn’t like being blindsided like that. Surprisingly he stops in his tracks and makes demands of Hope, telling her he wants to fight her out here, not in there as he wants to throw her all over the arena and end her for good. Despite attempts to talk her into staying she isn’t the sort who backs down from a fight. She walked back out as the two are set to fight, not even letting Jenny take the chance to introduce Marshall. Instead everyone gets treated to them already fighting. The destroyer lifts Hope up right on the stage and went to body slam her onto the stage area. He did just that and made the cover as he seemed to be more obsessed in getting back the hardcore gold instead of fighting in the corridor of hell.

No one is there to make the count so Hope just moved up her shoulder and made her way back to her feet. When on her feet she gives as good as she gets in terms of punches as she aims for the body rather than the face due to the height differences. Marshall grabs her hair and purposely drags her to the back as he wanted to destroy her all over the place. The two of them fight past the waiting Josh and Rachel as this was going to get crazy for them as they didn’t seem to give a shit about the rules or what matches they are in. All they cared about is fighting one another.

“Looks like we won’t be seeing those two in this match as they are now fighting through the backstage area. We should’ve suspected as much especially with Marshall just wanting back his championship.” Tasia said as yes those two were not paying attention as much as they should.

‘All Nightmare Long’ hit next as out walks Josh Nightmare and his wife to be Rachel Slays as they will be entering the structure. We will at least see a two versus two which makes the most sense as all four of these are at all opposed to Trevor and Hope who only care about their own war with one another.

“Now introducing their opponents. Residing from New York City, New York. Please welcome the owner of TXW Josh Nightmare and Rachel Slays!” The fans let out a loud cheer and begin chanting Nightmare as it showed where their loyalties lie. He applauses them himself and is ready to put the two women against him to the sword.

Josh and Rachel enter the structure which meant everyone is in as it’s unlikely either Hope or Trevor will return. The structure gets closed off to now prevent anyone from getting out as there is pad lock on it. Everything else is made of barbed wire so it is about to get painful. We’re now set to begin.

The Corridor Of Hell is officially underway when the bell sounds. Both Michelle and Raine were targeting Josh into there is a surprise as Rachel runs at them and hits a double running clothesline to cause them to both fall onto the thumb tacks below. Rachel herself got some stuck on her knee pads as she dropped to her knees after the double hit.

“Didn’t see that coming from Rachel, she has knocked Raine and Michelle down.” Tasia said as Josh got involved first helping up his fiancée. When he has her up he drags up Michelle and lifts her up, making her head hit off the top of the structure. Good thing she had her hair tied back or a lot of it would’ve got stuck on the barbed wire. It still grazed her head. She ended back on her ass shortly after as the Badass showed no love for her by hitting a double leg takedown to add more thumb tacks stuck in the back of Michelle.

Meanwhile Raine is on her feet and is attacking Rachel for knocking her down at the beginning. The red head really does see red as she hit Rachel so hard it span her around. She then hit the chick kick to the back of her head sending her collapsing into the barbed wire face first. Talk about a moment where her beauty can be lost. She got a cut across the face which drew blood and she let out a scream but lucky for her it wasn’t a deep looking one so it could heal. It was no relief as she got lifted up and back body dropped right onto the thumb tacks to likely give the future Mrs Nightingale her worst pain experience as she got thumb tacks stuck in her back and some in the back of her head. Ouch.

The only two now remaining standing are Josh and Raine. The owner would usually smirk but he is pissed off when he sees his wife to be in agony on the floor trying to overcome the pain. It left him angry and he starts throwing punches, missing them all as Raine uses her reflexes. The red head slaps Josh across his muscular chest into it’s beat red, much like her hair. She is pokes him the eye followed by a strong smack to the side of the face. It was a good attack and she finishes it off with a jumping Superkick known as Krycufix, sending the owner crumbling down onto the thumb tacks below.

“This is pretty hard to watch especially with the gorgeous women in the ring. It’s not so bad seeing Josh going through this but his wife , Michelle and Raine, it’s difficult. I bet you hate seeing Josh go through this as I can see him being your type.” Ray said as Tasia doesn’t comment, focused on everything that is happening in the horrific structure.

More pain follows for the owner as he is locked in the figure four lock known to Raine as the Bloody Rose. If she forced a submission here it would be the end. The only issue she would have is also laying on the tacks as there was just no way to avoid them here, they were everywhere. The pain for Josh seemed to be worth it for her as she tries to make him tap. His struggle was made worse when Michelle got up and sat on him, punching him in the face to cause him more agony. The Texan elbows him across the nose twice to cause blood to eventually come out from it as this was becoming torture.

The TXW fans are quiet as they soon watched the psychotic Texan force Josh to sit up as he is in the figure four. She wrapped her legs around the back of his arms in what was a full nelson with her legs known more commonly as the Lotus Lock. Her legs are as strong as her arms and even for a man the size of Nightmare, he sure struggled with this.

“Tap out Josh, give the beautiful crazies a win.” Ray demanded as everyone could just hear the pain Josh is going through. In all honesty he couldn’t tap out, he’d only have to shout out that he submits.

Good thing he has a kick ass fiancée as she is able to rescue him. First she jumps and knees Raine right in the face to break the figure four. Then she goes over to Michelle and dropkicks her right in the face. Breaking two moves there to help out Josh showed she isn’t afraid to bring the fight.

“Rachel Slays makes the save as it looked like Josh was in trouble there, especially with the double submission.” Running through what just went down there by the lead announcer as Josh has to shake off the pain he just went through. Normally he’d wait for a few more minutes but he is bitter, he wanted to strike back right away.

First he grabs hold of Raine’s leg as she lay on the thumbs, he then spins her around for an airplane spin, finishing it off by slamming her up against one of the sides giving her a close encounter with the barbed wire. Next he sees Shelly aka Michelle standing up near the barbed wire and takes a run prior to launching himself at her hitting a shoulder tackle than bashes her into the barbed wire. It digs into her back, into her clothing and she is agony from it. Didn’t mean Josh didn’t hurt himself as upon landing he adds a few more thumb tacks to his body. This is a painful and bloody affair.

Raine is on her feet able to cope with the amount of cuts and bruises all over. She gets attacked by Rachel with some forearm hits. That was into she was able to counter one and she hits her with Sweet Sacrifice [RKO] right onto the tacks leaving many in the face of Rachel while she is out of it and Raine had plenty more in her back. It was so painful she stayed grounded no longer wanting to get back up.

Will this bloody match ever end? It did look like it was getting closer as Josh forces Michelle away from the barbed wire, as it tore a hole in the back of her shirt showing just how badly the barbed wire is. The perverted fans out there hoped it had taken her shirt completely. Hell if Josh were in his normal mind set he would’ve taken it off for her, fiancée or not. But he is in a kill or be killed mind set. He had to survive this for his future and that of his wife’s. He had Michelle hurt and he knew it would only last for so long. It’s why he started punching the crap out of her, unlike ever before. He hit her across the jaw several times it was disturbing to watch. Then he drives his knee into her face bloodying her into she was bending over in front of him. Not for pleasure sakes but for the set up of the Bon Voyage [Cradle Belly To Back Inverted Slam]. Lifting her up and putting his hand between both her legs seemed like fun any other time but here he slammed her right on her face, right on the thumb tacks. He knew somewhere the Investor was watching not happy with his choice as his girlfriend is going to need a few weeks to shake this off.

“That beautiful face destroyed!” Ray said as he saw how messed up Michelle was looking. It wasn’t permanent but she’d be bruised for weeks. It also showed a new side to Josh as he was not letting her off easy like he would in the past.

This was Josh fighting for survival and he now tried to end the match, locking his ex in the move she made famous, the STF. He yanks back her head so far it’s almost like he was about to break her neck. It wasn’t something he’d ever normally do, not even in the worst of times. This just had to be done. Raine was struggling to recover from her own move, Rachel is out. There was no one left to save her. At this time the Texan had to either tap out, or have her neck snapped. Ultimately she seemed to think about her long term future and shocked everyone by slamming her hand against the tacks, tapping out!

There is a stunned silence almost to the same degree of when Undertaker lost his streak in the WWE. Michelle has tapped out for the first time. She has lost this for her team and she lay there with a mixture of pain and sadness. The Badass shouted at the referee on the outside of the structure as he told him to open it up. Soon as it is open, Josh picked up and Rachel to leave.

“Here is your winners. Josh Nightmare, Rachel Slays and Trevor Marshall!” Despite never being in the structure Marshall counted as part of the team. But you knew this was far from over as this bloody battle will be one of many.

Backstage Segment


Many questions are being asked about the location of Hope and Trevor. Turns out they were destroying places all over Madison Square Garden as they were fighting everywhere. Marshall is bleeding as is Hope as she seemed to be enjoying every minute while Trevor is pissed off. At this point they were outside. The now former Hardcore champion had a steel pipe and he took a swing as his foe while she is leaning on an expensive looking car. The pipe shot is missed but the car takes a beating.

Security are soon on the scene having had trouble chasing them this whole time. The Investor is with them. “I am getting tired of seeing how out of control everyone is, enough is enough. If you want to remain in this company I suggest you both stop.” He didn’t mind seeing fights but not when they break away from the match that was booked. It also annoyed him that the match where he wanted Josh ruined, the guy actually won.

More bad news as the Investor sees it is his car that is damaged making him more pissed off. “Fucking hell my car! You two have gone too far this time. That’s why I am going to demand you two put these differences behind you for the sake of TXW. You’re both going to be teamed up into this problem is resolved. Lay another hand on one another and you’re fired.” The investor looked at the big dent on his car as Marshall is shocked by what he has been told to do. Hope probably has an attitude to where she doesn’t care but the King Kong Destroyer will want to keep his job so he’ll have to agree to this.


Crystal Sweet vs. Dave Wilson
Stipulation: Number One Contendership for TXW World Heavyweight Championship

Finally time for the pre main event as Crystal Sweet battles it out with a revived Dave Wilson. Months ago the Baddest Bitch turned her back on Team Investor which ultimately cost the team the win. The victim for the team was Dave Wilson who has been looking for revenge ever since. Now it’s his chance to do so. Win and he’ll be next in line to face either Finn Danielson or Jason White. Lose and his chance at revenge is likely to go out the window for good.

“The following contest is scheduled for one fall and it is for the Number one Contendership for the TXW World Heavyweight Championship.” Jenny says as this time the ring will be used. The corridor of hell is being dismembered so everyone can get that match out their minds, it’s all about this one right now.

‘Badass’ hits first as out walks Crystal Sweet amongst the colours of blue, green and a bit of pink. She smirks and raises her hands up high and does a little bow as the fans boo her. She is on a role, undefeated one on one. It would take a lot to put that to an end, the person might have to kill her first. “On the way to the ring. Residing from Coweta County Georgia. Please welcome the Baddest Bitch Crystal Sweet!” Jenny says as the walk to the ring continues. The blonde is a fierce competitor and it will be interesting to see her against Wilson in this contest as unlike before they won’t be backstage.

“Crystal is sexy as fuck, I can’t deny that. I just can’t see her winning run continue as in my opinion she has got a little soft around the edges after turning her back on Team Investor.” Ray is all over the place with some views as he likes some of the matches Josh picks but like some he feels his job would be more long term under Calvin who is the life blood of TXW. Without his cash it would likely fold as big name wrestlers would not be getting paid as much as they are.

Crystal stood in the ring awaiting Dave as she wants to go two wins out of two over him. It will shut him up and make him more bitter considering he also lost to Tyrone Marshall, Crystal’s boyfriend recently also.

Next ‘Black and Blue’ hits as out walks Dave Wilson alongside his girlfriend Diane Steel who has a different dress on this time opposed to the one she had torn off her earlier in the night. Boos rained down on Wilson as he looks ready to get some redemption. He’s only a few steps away from becoming the world champion. If he were to win the big gold it would help cement his TXW legacy as he was a prior hall of famer when the company was in business before. That was something no one could ever take away from him, ever.

“Now introducing her opponent. Residing from Los Angeles, California. Weighing in at two hundred and thirty five pounds. He is accompanied by Diane Steel. Please welcome Dave Wilson!” The sound of boos only increases when Jenny introduces him. The perfectionist doesn’t care and gets a good luck kiss on his way into the ring.

It wasn’t into the bell sounds giving them no time for a pre match face off. Crystal hits an early bitch slap followed by a ddt as she is the one who makes the cover first in what will be a quick win should she hold down the shoulders long enough.

1, Kickout!

No chance of a fast win there as Wilson gets back to his feet as fast as he could. He’s angry and he avoids another slap, hits a couple of rapid forearm shots then takes the Baddest Bitch to the canvas with a snap power slam followed by a cover of his own.


“Quick action here as both competitors go for the early win. They both want this badly as the chance of fighting for the world championship is the biggest chance you can get as a professional wrestler.” Tasia said just as Wilson is booting Crystal while she is down, doing everything in his power to make sure every inch of her hurts for what she did, for how she has treated him.

There is aggression in this from Wilson as he brought Crystal near the ropes, throws her over them into she is left on the apron. His hands grip her hair and he pulls her through the ropes so she is balanced on the second rope. When she is there he finishes his rope hung spike ddt, really doing some damage there as he looks to destroy everything about his opponent. It’s the only way he is going to redeem himself as he will not rest into he is the current holder of the TXW World Heavyweight Championship.

Instead of making the cover after the ddt he actually did the same set up again, planting her for a second time as he beginning to enjoy himself as to him it’s good momentum. The Baddest Bitch wasn’t expecting this as she stayed down face down and had to recover fast or she might be on the end of a defeat shortly. On the apron Diane is cheering on Wilson as he continues to go for the throat. First he stamps on her back, then the back of her head. Two stamps there really were causing Sweet problems.

“Dominate performance so far from Wilson as he looks to show everyone he has got what it takes to be our next world champion. Our owner might not like him but the Investor sees big things from a man who has won multiple major titles. It says a lot when he’s been around as many years as our biggest names here like CJA, Jason White etc.” Praise from Ray as Wilson lifted up the hurt Crystal, put her on his shoulders and eventually drives his knee right in her face for the Greatness also known as the GTS.

It is a good spell for him as the hall of famer looks to put this one to bed. He thought that might be enough as there has been a lot of damage inflicted to the head of Crystal Sweet. Cover made and could we be seeing the new number one contender?


Last second kick out there as the Bitch herself is able to survive much to the disappointment of Diane who ends up shouting out about how he should punt her across the head to destroy her. A punt would destroy anyone as Wilson began to lose control. He ran his hand across his own head as whatever is inside is telling him to just throw everything he has at it. His actions are more than what his girlfriend said to him. The fans went quiet as they watched the perfectionist back into the corner, like he was about to take a run and punt the blonde right in the head to finish her off. Shows how sadistic he is, especially when he names the move the Death Snap.

The run is made but Crystal is able to jump up, hit her own version of the RKO to really get people off their feet as this is an out of nowhere tide change. “What a move!” Ray said as he almost jumped from his seat.

Changing the tide gave Crystal time to get her breath as he looked at the downed Wilson. She crawls over, hooks the legs and hopes her move there can also be the end to this match.

1,2, NO!

Kickout in the nick of time by Wilson who prevents himself from being defeated. The kick out is a relief to Diane. Crystal just gets up and readies herself for whatever the next attack will be. Wilson struggles to his feet, gets up and gets slapped across the cheek again. An attempted punch is block which ends with the Baddest Bitch thrown outside the ring, crashing right in front of the announcers table.

There is that crazed look on the face of Wilson again as he goes out the ring. When he does he goes over to the announcers table, pulled off the top and reaches onto Crystal’s long locks to get her onto the table. This wasn’t good, he has very bad intentions and his girlfriend seems happy to see what is about to happen.

Tasia and Ray got out of harm’s way just in time as Wilson hits the Perfection [RKO] right through the table! It collapses under the weight of them both leaving them both in a heap. It did damage to them both but more so to Crystal who landed face down after everything. The announce team are shocked by what just took place, especially since there table is nothing more than debris now.

“These two are destroying one another amongst other things.” Tasia said from the side of the announcers table as Wilson begins to slither away, gets back in the ring and heard the referee’s count as yes this is a match that can end in count out. The referee could very well reward the win to Wilson via count out which will be a disappointing way to determine a new number one contender.

Wilson begins to count along with the referee as it gets to the count of seven. We’re getting closer to seeing Wilson’s hand raised in victory. It keeps going into the count of eight when there is movement from the Baddest Bitch which actually gets a cheer since no one wanted to see this end in a count out.

They got their wish as Crystal got back in the ring to avoid the count out defeat, yet right when she got back in the ring she is hit by Perfection [RKO] for a second time! This has to put an end to this as the move is devastating. Legs are hooked and Wilson seems to have achieved the unthinkable by becoming the NEW number one contender.

1,2, NOOOO!

Kickout somehow by Crystal just to show how tough she is. Very few would have it in them to find that kick out especially after being put through the table. It left Wilson furious as he started to blame the referee for not doing his job. He looked like he was going to lose his temper and strike the referee.

“Don’t do it Wilson you’ll get disqualified and lose this match. You can still defeat Crystal. Look at her she is a beaten person. That was all she had left in her.” Ray warned against this as it was getting close into the seemingly lifeless Baddest Bitch is on her feet and she hits her opponent across the back of the head. Talk about poking a shark.

The perfectionist angrily swings around attempting to punch Crystal yet he missed with them all. She bitch slaps Wilson hard across the face and follows it up with a shot with her elbow. The anger is growing for Wilson who kept trying to fight back with punches but he was throwing them at such a pace that they are easier to counter as they are obviously coming. One does catch yet he goes for a THIRD Perfection. This one gets counted which results in Wilson landing on his ass. When he does pop back up he gets kicked hard in the gut. This allowed for a perfect set up a Crystal is able to hit the Nightmare [Canadian Destroyer] planting the perfectionist on his head.

Diane put her hand over her mouth as she watched her boyfriend’s head hit that way. She had to then suffer as the cover is made, could we now be seeing the finale of this match up.

1,2, NO!

The count is stopped when the Socialite herself gets on the apron to distract the referee. It gave Wilson longer to recover and he sure as hell kicked out even by that point it should’ve been a five count or more.

Seeing this happen pissed off Crystal as she had the match won. She went over and gave Diane a right hook teaching her it was a mistake to bother getting involved. Wilson leaped to his feet and ends up rolling up Crystal from behind, grabbing at her tights to try to cheat to win. However she kicked out of the pin attempt instantly then reverses it into a roll of her own doing the same to Wilson what she did to him. Tights are pulled and the referee counts.


Dirty tactics exchanged but The Baddest Bitch is able to do it for one second longer and better than Wilson could giving her the win. Despite both of them doing the same thing Ray Wallington is shaking his head as he watches the hand get raised of Crystal while Wilson sat up in disbelief. He has lost AGAIN to the woman who just has his number. It pissed him off and he tried to attack her only to have her side step him as he ends up out the ring on his ass. This is an achievement for Crystal as she is now the number one contender while Wilson is left to reflect on what is next if anything at all.

Backstage Segment


The Investor is seen watching that from a monitor backstage. It made him shake his head as it wasn’t what he wanted to see happen. From there he walks on into he sees Rachel Slays and Josh Nightmare about to leave the arena, this was when he stopped Josh.

“You must feel like the luckiest son of a bitch on the planet. A woman who is out your league, as your wife. A win over Michelle, making her tap out for the first time in her career when I set it up so you can fail and then Crystal overcoming Dave Wilson. You must be so proud of how TXW is going.” The Investor said as he isn’t happy. Josh response is to smirk but that was to be expected as he is in a good mood after how everything is going.

“TXW is in safe hands with me. I am sick and tired of this battle between us. You’ll never be an owner, never. You didn’t play your cards right and your job is to provide MY company money. Do I need you here still to give the money? Hell yes. But you’re not becoming my boss. Get it through your thick head blondie.” The Badass responded as Calvin looked bitter and so he should.

“It’s funny you think you earned the right to still be owner because of the actions of Crystal Sweet. I wonder if you’re brave enough to prove how good you are by also solving this whole war between us. You always strike me as a gambling man. So how about we set up another match. My girlfriend Michelle wants a rematch with you. How about we give it to her. When she wins, you can defend your ownership in a match I choose for you. IF you win. I’ll keep funding the company into I am on my death bed.” Bold move as it could result in something bad. But did it mean he would pull out if things remained the same. If Josh said no?

Josh thought about it as he would like that. He would like the power play to come to an end. It only continues because the Investor believes he was screwed over by the fact Crystal turned on Team Investor. Does seem like a big reason behind this. The investor is a clever man. He knew this risk is worth having as he too is tired of how this is going.

“So let me get this straight. IF I agree to face Michelle one on one on Dark Oasis Twenty. IF she wins, I have to put the ownership at stake in a match of your choosing. BUT IF I win then you never again try to take the ownership from me and keep investing as long as you live.” Josh asked as he needed to be clear. The Investor doesn’t exactly say it’s exactly the way it is as he has a whole plot beneath the surface yet he nods. “Sounds good but I don’t know if there is enough on the line for Shelly. When I win, not only do I want you to keep investing and shut up. I want Shelly to either be at my bachelor party as the stripper OR her contract agreement with you gets handed over to ME. Which means I can book her how I want to book her.” Up the stakes. There is no handshake or answer as Josh just leaves it with the Investor to decide, turning it around on him. It’s not going to be easy to get the Texan to make that kind of agreement but it all depends on whether the risk is worth taking.

Finn Danielson (C) vs. Jason White
Stipulation: World Heavyweight Championship / Badass Rules

Time is here for the MAIN EVENT which will either see Finn Danielson rise up his biggest challenger ever OR we will see the ever declining Jason White take the title. Now that isn’t declining because he’s getting worse, it’s just his sanity that is being called into question.

Over to Jenny who is ready to make the announcements for this blockbuster. “This following contest is for the World Heavyweight Championship and it’s a Badass Rules Match. The only way to win is via submission or via five count.” Rules announced there as the people weren’t sure who they even wanted to back. Finn’s attitude has been changed ever since he has been in the crosshairs of the Venom Jason White. Is he afraid?

‘Reincarnate’ hits first as the fans get to see the person who has been scaring people for weeks on end while also destroying anyone in his way whether it be rookie or legendary competitor. The fear was real as he is also carrying a chain with him, dragging it along the floor as you could hear the noise of it. His face is plank as if he were a robot walking to the ring. It’s a different side to him that’s for sure. He’s always been dominating but now he does it just because he can, rather than only do it when he needs too. There doesn’t seem to be an off switch, he is like this day in and day out whether in the ring or not. It’s not healthy for society.

“On his way to the ring. Residing from Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Weighing in at two hundred and eighty five pounds. Please welcome ‘The Venom’ Jason White!” Jenny said just as Jason stepped into the ring. The fans boo him as expected much louder than they have booed anyone tonight or any other night. They saw him as dangerous and seeing him with the biggest title will be a worry for the future of TXW. As much as Finn has gone quiet, in many eyes he needed to REMAIN champion.

You couldn’t miss the big chain in his hand which is perfectly legal. It wouldn’t be nice if he were to hit it anywhere on Finn as it would do some big damage especially with how he has been lately. ‘Game Over’ hit while the focus is on Jason. The fans give him a mixed reaction as he walked out with the World Heavyweight Championship around his waist. His tactics have been odd hence why some fans have turned on him.

“And now on the way to the ring. Residing from Bray, County Wicklow, Ireland. He weighs in at two hundred pounds. He is the current, reigning and defending World Heavyweight Champion. Please welcome ‘The New Millennium’ Finn Danielson!” Jenny said as the fans lean towards booing him more than cheering him. This was going to not be a good match to watch then as no one is standing out as the hero.

The champion got into the ring where he gets the chance to go face to face with the man who wants his title. Seeing him holding that chain made him want to rethink going out without a weapon of his own. However he had to hand over the title and Aaron Bateman held it up. Bell sounds shortly after this.

Soon as it starts Finn wisely tries to get that chain away from the grasp of Jason. It worked as one timed kicked made the chain drop leaving it laid on the canvas. Finn aggressively went on the attack kicking at the Venom as many times as he can. Each was stronger than the last. One kick connected to the mid section allowing him to hit a quick snap suplex. It the six foot six Jason White on his back on the canvas. The champion then went up top as he looks to hit a high flying move on the man everyone is tipping to be the new champion.

Finn dives off and hits a diving double foot stomp right in the centre of the ring. It’s a variation of what he hits normally but it still as effective. He smiles and makes the cover thinking he has just done something that will defeat the man everyone says is undefeatable.


White just knocks off Finn like nothing has happened to him, he sits up and there is a look on his face that says it’s game on. Finn tries to go back on the attack instantly but is hit with a stiff arm clothesline that left him seeing stars.

“Whoa what a hit from Jason there. I know this man is crazy but he is the best wrestler we have here, Finn’s time is over with.” Ray says just as Jason lifts up Finn to hit the same move for a second time. What follows is him lifting him up for a Gorilla Press, walking over to the ropes and throwing him right out the ring. It wasn’t a great landing for the champion and it sure as hell was painful to watch.

The move itself was leaving everyone speechless. They all watch as Jason eyes the chain which made people worry. Leaving it behind wasn’t much better as he got out the ring, kicked at the steel steps and took the top half off, about to do some damage. Finn stood up, recovering from his fall and gets smashed in the face with the steps.

It did the damage as Finn lay with his face paint faded off his face, replaced with blood. Worrying the steel steps are still in Jason’s hands as he looked like he was going to do more. More is exactly what he did do as the champion stood back up, got hit with a second blow to the head. This is becoming unwatchable viewing.

“Jason is destroying the champion, this isn’t good at all.” Tasia said as the champion did look to be in major trouble, especially when everyone notices that the now bloody steel steps have not been dropped.

Pain is what followed as Finn is able to climb back onto his feet only to get hit in the head for a third time. This one looked to be a knockout blow as there wasn’t much movement after that. The steps are tossed to one side as the Venom enjoys the carnage. Will the champion even be able to recover from this? It seemed highly unlikely as he wasn’t moving much. It left everyone silent as they watched the champion get thrown back into the ring. It was quite an image when you just see him not moving, just laying there. The Venom gets into the ring, walks over him as the fans wonder what is next. Is the champion going to move? Or is this the end?

The Venom decides to instead get his hands on his chain. He begins wrapping it around his fist as everyone begins to worry about the state of Finn who is moving a little more but not exactly getting to his feet. The chain was likely going to come into play as there is a reason Jason brought it out here. People just watch as Finn uses the ropes to get himself back to his feet. Along the way he is coughing blood, he isn’t in a good place. The chain is wrapped and well that is set to go against his face.

“This isn’t good for Finn. We might be seeing the end of his title reign right here, no matter how good he is.” Tasia said almost in a defeated tone as no one really wanted to see The Venom as the main champion. It would be damaging as he will not limit himself, he’ll destroy all in his path if needed.

The chain is about to strike when out runs Lauren Li as the fans knew she wouldn’t be able to sit by to watch this destruction happen. She slides into the ring, gets in between the champion and the challenger. She pleads with Jason to stop as Finn is barely standing but he didn’t seem to want to back down, it’s not in his nature. The champion puts his hands on his girlfriend’s shoulders attempting to tell her its okay and what happens happens. With Finn directly behind her it seemed like the words from him are calming her down. But shockingly she mule kicks him right between the legs!

“Wait a minute what the hell?” Tasia said as Lauren moves out the way as Jason slams his fist right into the face of Finn. The sound of the chain hitting off flesh was sickening. The Venom drops the chain onto the canvas, hooks the legs as the referee counts.


Was it a kick out? No Jason White broke the count himself. It left everyone baffled as he has the World Championship won. The Venom shouts out not like that as Lauren is watching on not looking like she regrets a thing. She isn’t exactly cheering on Jason almost like she did that for her own agenda. What it was nobody knows.

The Venom drags up the unconscious Finn, lifts him up and hits the Jasonator, dropping him right on his head. This had to be it as everyone continues to remain silent. It wasn’t what they were expecting to happen as the champion really is at the mercy of the animal that Jason has now become. Cover made as this one should be over.

1,2, NO!

Again Jason doesn’t end the match when he should. Which was getting the fans too boo, some even begged for it to stop. All the challenger did is force up Finn again, to hit a second Jasonator, then a third, then a fourth!

“Jason is fucking crazy. This is no way to treat this Finn guy, even if he is a loser.” Ray said as he always likes to back the bad guys so it’s easy to see why he insulted Finn. But still seeing FOUR finishers is a little much and it showed you how far things have dropped for him mentally. Usually he would just hit one and be done but not tonight. His mind is really out there.

The referee had a word with him telling him this needs to stop. He was even tempted to call the match right then and there but he knew it wasn’t going to be over with into Jason felt satisfied. It seemed like he wanted to go up to the top rope, which is what he did as Finn just lays there, likely in need of a break as he is out of this as far as a contest goes. His neck must be killing him. It didn’t get much better as Jason dives off for the Shooting Star Leg drop! One of his trademarks. Finally he lifts him up again and drops him for the Venom also known as the Texas Tower Bomb! Cover made and this could finally be it.


Finally the Venom was satisfied with ending the contest. The match might be over but the important news is we have a NEW World Heavyweight Champion! It belongs to The Venom. Aaron goes to raise his hand but Jason snaps, grabs onto his shirt and throws him right out the ring, almost landing on his head. That is the brother of the Investor right there.

This brought out the Investor just as the title was put in the ring. This seemed to be an issue. Especially with the chain picked up again. Finn was thrown out the ring onto the apron with Jason’s free hand as the other is holding the chain. Fans in Madison Square Garden just cringed as they watched Jason start to wrap the chain around Finn’s neck as he is held on the apron. The Investor tells Jason to stop which seems to be on deaf ears. The newly crowned champion forces Finn to stand, wraps the chain around his throat and then kicks out his legs hanging him by the chain. It was barbaric, animalistic and forced the Investor onto the apron as he shouts at him to stop or else his title reign is already over. NO RESPONSE.

It forced Calvin’s hand as instead of staying out of it he hit Jason right in the face to free Finn who dropped to the canvas. The Investor took off his suit jacket got into the ring and was about to do something that seemed suicidal. Especially since there is rage on the face of the Investor. Suddenly ‘Bitter End’ hits as the fans went crazy. Out runs CJA, who slides in the ring and gets in the middle of them both, pushes Calvin out the way then goes face to face with Jason. The two men give the fans reason to cheer, the old rivals, the faces of what TXW is. It got more intense when the Adrenaline Pumped Machine picked up the TXW World Heavyweight Championship. For a moment he looked at it in his hands with the title in it but eventually put the gold on Jason’s shoulder.

The Investor left the ring pissed off with what happened. It left Jason and CJA. Eventually CJA made his leave too as the Venom, the dominate force is left standing alone, your NEW World Heavyweight Champion as Midnight Massacre ends.

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