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  • Rank:Diamond Member
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  • Register:12/31/2008 2:17 AM

Date Posted:02/22/2021 12:53 PMCopy HTML

LOCATION: Moscow, Russia
DATE: Saturday 28th May 2016
GENERAL MANAGERS: Frank Stone and Aleksandr Grigory
THEME: 'Someone To Hate' by Demon Hunter

Daniel Khaos vs Hansom
Preview: ----
Andy Parker and Raine (C) vs Blair Black and Vincent Underwood
Stipulation: Tag Team Titles
Preview: ----
Chris Orton (c) vs Lucas Prodigy vs Ashley Ricci vs Devil's Advocate vs Blake Underwood vs Edward McGinlay

Stipulation: Elimination Chamber / Xtreme Title
Preview: ----
Pierce Kingsley vs Lauren Li
Preview: ----
Dean Creed (C) w/Madison Wright vs Michelle Wright
Stipulation: IC Title
Preview: ----
Jezabel Jezzi (c) vs Kry vs Rachel Nightingale vs Cassie Montgomery / Telsia Brook vs Angelina Acid / Diamond Jackson and Diane Murphy vs Karla Winchester
Stipulation: Elimination Chamber / Women's title
Preview: ----
--- vs ---
Preview: ----

Josh Nightingale vs Frank Stone
Stipulation: Grudge Match
Preview: ----
Dave Wilson (C) vs Crystal Sweet vs Trevor Marshall
Stipulation: World Championship
Preview: ----

BladeDJK Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #1
  • Rank:Diamond Member
  • Score:2022
  • Posts:2022
  • From:United Kingdom
  • Register:12/31/2008 2:17 AM

Re:Moscow Massacre 2016

Date Posted:02/22/2021 12:53 PMCopy HTML

LOCATION: Moscow, Russia
DATE: Sunday 29th May 2016
GENERAL MANAGERS: Frank Stone and Aleksandr Grigory
THEME: 'Someone To Hate' by Demon Hunter


Outcome: Mother Russia here we are as Moscow Massacre is upon us. Video package of all the build up to this event are shown to get the fans into the mood for what is going to be an epic show. Jenny Gold sings the Russian national anthem to show respect to the country they are in. It’s then over to Mike Hawk and Tasia Wicha at ringside.

[Tasia Wicha] Welcome to Russia, welcome to TXW Moscow Massacre.

[Mike Hawk] Here we are in the land of the shit, about to fuck up all the plans the new bosses have. Let’s hope this is the last time we are in Russia.

With that said it’s time to get this started with the opening match of the night.
Daniel Khaos vs Hansom
Result: The Russian fans are fired up to see their first live match in TXW and they are in for a treat. The first match they get is between two bitter enemies who will do everything they can to destroy one another. What adds to this is the fact it is a King of the Ring Semi Final. It meant to become king they had to get through one another. How will this rivalry end?

‘Friction’ hits first as Hansom makes his way out seconds after. He slowly walks down the ramp and then ascends himself upon the steel steps. All while Jenny Gold made the introductions as she had to tell the fans in Russia who these two are. The video packages alone won’t get through.

[Jenny Gold] The following contest is the King of the Ring Semi final and it will be NO DISQUALIFICATION. Entering the ring first. He is a former Xtreme Champion, the Anti Matter, The Anti Everything. Weighing in at two hundred and eighty eight pounds. Please welcome Hansom!

The Russian heard that through a translator right after to help them understand what was said for those who don’t know. Hansom seemed to be buying into the new audience as never before has TXW crossed over to this country. It was special that this was where the Pay Per View is happening.

Hansom enters the ring as the former W.A.R leader is determined to make this his night. Considering he has failed to live up to his early days hype, this is the night he had to get the job done. If he doesn’t he’ll become one of TXW’s greatest underachievers as he promised so much.

‘The World Belongs To Me’ hit next as out walks the King from last year, Daniel Khaos. The Brit walks out with a swagger but without anyone by his side or any fancy entrance. Gold lights are still flicking everywhere and he went with the over the top gold trunks. That is just who he is and he’d love to be the man who holds the Kingdom for two reigns. Winning it once was a feat but twice will be a moment no one can take away from him.

[Jenny Gold] Now introducing his opponent. He is the 2015 King Of The Ring. The ‘Khaos Maker’ Daniel Khaos!

 The Brit is actually greeted warmly as they wanted to see what he can do. Is his passion still there as he once used to be THE MAN. Now he has to live in a world where he isn’t in the thoughts of the bosses. Many probably see him as just one of the old guard despite not yet hitting thirty. He’ll be wanting to prove he is important to the future, more so than Dave Wilson aka the man right now.

Both competitors are in the ring, having issues holding back as the official has a talk with them. What he says isn’t caught on audio but we do see Khaos spit at the feet of his hated rival. That got things going as Hansom went on the attack. His first punch landed only for the reigning King to fight back with punches of his own. One uppercut later is what gave the multiple time World Champion control. Two more later and he had the bigger Hansom against the ropes.

[Tasia Wicha] Look at that aggression from Khaos. He is out to kill.

[Mike Hawk] Well yeah he can’t do that toots as it’s not even legal here in this shit hole.

[Tasia Wicha] Careful Mike.

Mike shook his head as Khaos punches and stomps at Hansom into he is laid out on the ground with his head hoisted up only by the rope. Khaos kept stamping into the Anti Venom had only his head under the rope. From there the Brit grabbed at his legs, lent back and hit a Guillotine. It caused greet discomfort in what is a light description of it. Hansom is left holding his throat, feeling very unpleasant. Not that Khaos cared as he is more than happy to start stomping on him the first chance he gets. If he had his way he’d stop his enemy from ever wrestling again or walking.

[Tasia Wicha] Khaos looking to end this quick to allow himself to be fresh for either Lauren Li or Pierce Kingsley.

Khaos drags up the hurt Hansom as he kept control. He grabs hold of his hand, Irish whips him to the nearest corner and makes a charge after. Once he gets close he jumps in with a Jumping European Uppercut RIGHT into the corner. That floored the Anti Venom as the fans here in Russia loved to see the big man drop.

[Mike Hawk] Down goes fat boy. Did you see how the ring shook there?

The King sure did see how he fell but didn’t roll him into a cover. Instead he followed it up with more stamps to his fallen foe. The more damage he does, the better it will be as he wants to make sure his long term rival is defeated for the final time in a memorable fashion. Ending this quick might be the logical choice but Khaos can’t bring himself to do that. Not when these two men have been at war for a very long time.

Khaos hits a knee drop to continue the control as the fans are behind him, shockingly. Of course he didn’t want this support so he just shouted at them to shut the hell up. Even in another language you should understand he isn’t here to be cheered. Instead he is here to beat his foe to the ground. It might seem boring but as a wrestler it is the smart thing to do. He didn’t want to take his eye off his enemy as he drags him to his feet about to set up another move.

However this time Hansom starts the fight back by throwing out jabs which connected to the body. A couple more allows him to grab hold of Khaos’ hand, throw him against the ropes and on the rebound he hit a flying crossbody. It certainly was a way of making the fans realise this one isn’t yet done. The Anti Venom is here to progress, not to become someone no one will ever remember.

[Tasia Wicha] Fight back on here from Hansom as he is looking to make this semi final competitive.

Hansom drags the downed Khaos into the corner, leaving him seated there. A couple stomps helped keep the Brit in a vulnerable position as this perfectly sets up the move known as Haaa aaaaa aaansoom! [Cannonball]. The fans went dead quiet as Hansom runs, launches himself and hits the move which takes a whole lot out of the reigning King. The brawler grabs hold of the Brit’s leg and drags him into the middle of the ring in order to make the cover. He made sure to hook both legs while doing so in hopes he could win this one.


The King survives as he is able to kick out of that. Hansom sat there looking in disbelief at the referee as he really thought his attack there could put this match to an end. The big man could’ve just sat there doing nothing but moaning. He decided it be best he went back on the attack as his foe has yet to stand up fully.

Hansom made sure he did stand as he drags him up, only to set up a suplex, lift him up and drop him on his head for a brainbuster. Khaos held his head when he landed but it soon forced back up only to be dropped for a second one. It would give him a headache when this one is done. Hansom sure looked more focused than ever as he tries to kill off his foe for good.

[Tasia Wicha] How things have changed. We were all expecting Khaos to finish this match off yet Hansom has kicked back into life.

[Mike Hawk] Someone must’ve offered him a special on the beef burgers here in Russia. I could’ve sworn I saw someone leaning over the barricade and looking his way.

Jokes aside this is no laughing matter for Khaos who has been struggling as of late. He is struggling here again tonight as his chances of progressing are looking bleak as he is on the back foot. Hansom is growing in confidence and he even had time to throw insults Khaos’ way. The Anti Venom made sure his opponent is back on his feet as his plan now is to end this one.

To do so he throws Khaos against the ropes about to finish this one off with the Anti Super Bomb [Pop Up Powerbomb]. On the rebound he throws Khaos up to try to hit the move BUT the Brit shows how great of a vertical leap he has by jumping over the powerbomb attempt and landing right behind Hansom. He spins around, faster than Hansom would’ve hoped. The Khaos Maker kicked his foe low without regrets and then snapped him back for the Khaos Theory [Zig Zag] in what was a quick turnaround. Cover made as this one looks to be over.


No kick out as Hansom is defeated here meaning he won’t be advancing to the final. Daniel Khaos is going to be the man as he looks to retain what he won last year, the King of the Ring. All he has to do now is get past either Lauren Li or Pierce Kingsley. No one will want to back against him from doing that.

[Jenny Gold] Here is your winner and advancing into the final. Give it up for Daniel Khaos!

The fans here in Russia gave more of a mixed reaction as the King gets his hand raised. He’ll be happy to end the feud on a high. Hansom however will be wondering if his moment will ever come as he has once again been bested in a big match. Is there a new path he can take or is this the last we see of him? No one knew but they weren’t talking about him. They were talking about the winner Daniel Khaos.

Outcome: The cameras are following Josh Nightingale, who is on his own. The Badass seems to be on his way somewhere and they watch him approach the office of Aleksandr Grigory. Once he gets there he is stopped by two security guards at the door.

[Security Guard] Not here Nightingale. You’re not allowed to approach the boss at any point. Now get lost.

[Josh Nightingale] I’m just here to give him a big friendly hug.

[Security Guard] I won’t ask again Nightingale.

Josh laughed at how the security HE once hired are now talking to him this way. Perhaps they just got jealous of how they often had to guard his door while he slept with his wife, getting her to moan his name in several different ways. This is likely their payback. Josh clearly has a reason for being here and he didn’t beat around the bush. He’s a fighter, so he came to fight.

The security who were standing guard were soon attacked and the Badass showed why he isn’t always the joke people think he is by taking them both out. One gets knocked against the wall while the other just got taken out with punches. At least now Josh could go into the office. Once he did he is ‘greeted’ by an old friend. Alek stood from his desk and stood in the way of Claire.

[Aleksandr Grigory] Now is not the time old friend.

[Josh Nightingale] Now’s the perfect time.

Josh went on the attack as the two men started to fight one another. Claire did her best to stay out of harm’s way as the fight between them went on. Eventually Josh knocked Aleksandr down. Without saying anything he pushed past Claire, opens a draw and takes out some documents. It seems that’s all he came from. He winks at the blonde on his way out as the big Russian will now want to make his old friend doesn’t make it out of the country in one piece.
Andy Parker and Raine (C) vs Blair Black and Vincent Underwood
Tag Team Titles
Result: The PPV rolls on despite what we just saw. The next match has a lot at stake as the tag team champions are in action as they look to also end a rivalry by besting Blair Black and Vincent Underwood, two who have been out for a big win for a very long time. It all started with the action of Andy Parker when he decided to destroy the couple’s beloved ducky. Now this battle is all about the tag gold. Can the wacky pair end one of the longest title reigns in TXW history? Or will the champions continue their brand of justice by keeping the titles safe? We’re about to find out.

[Jenny Gold] The following contest is for the TXW Tag Team titles and it is a Tornado Tag Elimination Match. The only way to become champions is to completely eliminate the other team.

Jenny made the announcement to tell the fans what this match is all about just as ‘Point Of No Return’ hits as out walks the champions. It did seem odd at first to see Raine without the Women’s championship. But her quest may yet become about that once this match is over as this should settle the rivalry. At least that’s if Parker and Raine win. If they don’t we might see more of these odd couples.

[Jenny Gold] Introducing first. They are the TXW Tag Team Champions. Weighing in at a combined total of three hundred fifty eight pounds. Put your hands together for Raine and ‘Justice’ Andy Parker!

The fans didn’t do what Jenny suggested as no one wanted to put their hands together for the pair. Their brand of justice has not been welcomed in the states so it’s not going to be welcomed here in mother Russia. The Justice bringers of course don’t as they see a lot of the fans as the reason for so much injustice in the world.

Parker and Raine get into the ring as they lift up the titles to the fans. That alone made the fans boo them which isn’t a surprise as it was clearly them gloating about what they have. Will they have it when their opponents come out? No one knows for sure but it should be interesting as Vincent and Blair have more to prove.

‘I’m An Albatraoz’ as out skips Blair shortly followed by Vincent Underwood. Just for the Pay Per View special they have got duck themed wrestling attires on complete with a ‘mascot’ which is clearly a man in a suit. Half way down the ramp Blair jumped on Vincent’s back and he ran down the ramp with her as if they were charging.

They actually never gave Jenny a chance to announce them as they both got into the ring then went on the attack right away. The fans cheered while the mascot clapped his hands on the outside. It appears ducky has come to life in a shape of a man. It caused great amusement for those who have been following the updates inside the world of the wacky Vincent and Blair. But you can’t say they aren’t kicking ass as they are right now. The hits cause the champions to flee the ring as the fans went nuts for the challengers.

[Tasia Wicha] Blair and Vincent are here for the gold as they have the champions on the retreat.

[Mike Hawk] I’d run too if I were them as I think Blair bites. That’s a turn off.

Speaking of Blair, she seemed pretty happy in the ring. She is skipping around and daring her enemy Raine to join her. Parker seemed to be telling his partner not to but she didn’t listen and suddenly unattached the dagger from her thigh as she wasn’t playing games anymore. The words from Justice fell on deaf ears as the former Women’s champion got on the apron. BUT as soon as she did Blair lunged at her and put her body at risk by doing so. She went through the ropes, collided with Raine and the two landed on the outside with a thud. To make matters worse for Raine she twisted her knee on the fall and is in agony as she held it.

[Tasia Wicha] That did not look good at all for Raine.

There was a concerned look on the face of Andy but he had no time to go see her as he is instantly attacked by Vincent who jumps out the ring. The two men then start to brawl around the ringside area as Blair sat there not looking too worried about what she did. The referee makes the X sign which means this injury is serious. Blair just stands up and starts skipping around her fallen foe into she got bored. When that happened she grabbed Raine by the hair, forces her to stand and throws her right against the ring. The red head is hurting and she couldn’t’ stand on her own two feet anymore.

Parker on the other side managed to get the better of Vincent and ends up flooring him with a spin kick. That’s when he saw what Blair had done which pisses him off. He goes over and hit the bubbly one across the back of her head when she wasn’t looking. Then without any second thought he grabs her by the hair and whips her face first right into the ring post leaving her laid out.

[Tasia Wicha] Oh come on now! There was no need for that.

Tasia shared the opinion with most of the fans who booed Justice after his action there. Andy tended to Raine and lifted her up when he saw the stretcher being wheeled out near the top of the stage. Looks like this one might be called off or the very least we might see it become a handicap match.

However when Andy goes near the duck mascot, he is stopped as the ‘duck’ waves his wings about in a threatening manner. This drama pissed the hell out of Andy who puts down Raine so he can start threatening the duck. He starts by just shouting and shoving him to get the hell out the way. The duck continues doing what he is doing which led to the Justice bringer attempting to punch him. Only the duck blocks it and punches the former Xtreme Champion in the face, knocking him to the ground.

[Mike Hawk] HAHAHAHA Holy shit!

Mike couldn’t contain his laughter and neither could most of the crowd. A furious Parker stood and went to get his payback but Vincent got back involved. He came over, hit a few right hooks, a European uppercut and sent Parker into the ring. Right after he high fived the duck which was one of the funnier moments in TXW history. The Brit acted like it was all normal as he went in the ring about to kick more ass.

Parker is back on his feet and he went to attack back just by charging at the Bristol Brawler once he had entered the ring. All he got instead is a kick to the stomach and shortly after the Brit Brutality [Curb Stomp] is hit. Vincent makes the cover and this could be one half of the champions eliminated.


Andy Parker eliminated as the fans cheered knowing the wacky duo are a step closer to becoming the champions. All they had to do now is finish off Raine who looked in a bad state. Or at least it appeared that way into we see her slide into the ring. She sneaks up behind Vincent and despite struggling on one leg, she is able to low blow the brawler and roll him up in a school boy / girl. She went as far as pulling the tights too as the referee counts knowing this is legal in a tornado styled contest.


[Tasia Wicha] Wow just like that we have two eliminations. Just when we counted out Raine, she eliminates Vincent.

The brawler isn’t very pleased as he sat up not happy about being eliminated by the one legged woman. At least he is cheered up when Blair gets back in the ring as he had faith in her now winning this for them. Raine didn’t look confident as she still had trouble staying on her feet. She is pretty much hopping around the ring in an attempt to keep her titles.

Blair just screams, makes a run and jumps up to hit a jumping shinning wizard. The fans cheer when it hits as that’s her finisher and the sight of Blair’s foot smacking off the back of Raine’s head is pleasing. Cover made right after the fall as the fans counted along with the referee.


They have done it! Blair and Vincent are the champions as the fans in Russia cheered at the crowning of new champions. The Bristol Brawler lifted his girlfriend up as soon as she got the job done and put her on his shoulder. This made up for a lot of pain they went through as they have added gold to their family.

[Jenny Gold] Here are your winners and NEW Tag Team Champions, Blair Black and Vincent Underwood!

The fans cheered once more at the announcement being official as the champions had their moment in the ring including a lengthy embrace then a group hug involving the giant duck which may be renamed as ducky come to life.

Outcome: We see Josh again, who has managed to shake off Alek’s lust for revenge so far. Despite his best efforts to avoid the camera men, he couldn’t quite shake them all. They see him meet up with Michelle and hand her the document he stole from the official. All he did is hand it over and leave her too it, she seemed to know what it was by the way she shaded it from the camera and gave a threatening look should the camera man not know what a safe distance is.
Chris Orton (c) vs Lucas Prodigy vs Ashley Ricci vs Devil's Advocate vs Blake Underwood vs Edward McGinlay
Elimination Chamber / Xtreme Title
Result: Chamber time as the structure has been lowered into place as we are set for the match to determine the Xtreme Champion. As it stands Chris Orton IS the champion but with five challengers standing in his way it won’t be easy to survive the night as champion.

[Jenny Gold] The following contest is an elimination chamber and it is for the TXW Xtreme Championship.

Now everyone knows what match is next if that isn’t already clear. ‘Scotland The Brave’ hit first as out walks former champion Edward McGinlay, eager to regain the championship he lost a long time ago to Blake Underwood. The Scot will want to erase that experience from his mind due to the fact the man who took it from him is in this match.

[Jenny Gold] Introducing first, he is the challenger. Weighing in at two hundred and forty nine pounds, the ‘Glasgow Prince’ Edward McGinlay!

Edward enters the structure as he looks around and thinks about the dangers it provides. He also looks at the pod knowing there is a chance he will be locked in one of them for a while as he isn’t going to be one of the two to start this off. The first four out will enter the pods, the last two will start this match out.

‘Wild’ hit next as out walks the Italian Blooded Rebel Ashley Ricci, a former champion. She turned walked to the ring and pointed to her shirt that said down with power. While on her way to the ring she made sure to walk around the whole structure just to go to Mike and give him a brief embrace. Clearly not afraid to keep showing that these two know each other well.

[Jenny Gold] About to enter the ring. Please welcome the ‘Rebel’ Ashley Ricci!

Ashley did indeed enter the structure as she goes over to one of the pods. Edward is already in his and he doesn’t seem interested in giving Ash any sort of attention considering he doesn’t see her as a threat. Then again he doesn’t see anyone as a threat.

‘Animal I’ve Become’ hit next as out walks the Powerhouse of Professional Wrestling Lucas Prodigy. The six foot twelve mountain of a man is accompanied by ‘The Reaper’ Calvin Bateman and his wife ‘The Reaperette’ Rebecca. The two have been quiet in recent weeks as many wonder if they are staring to doubt Lucas. He didn’t manage to keep hold of his title as long as they were both hoping he would.

[Jenny Gold] Introducing next. Being accompanied by Calvin Bateman and Rebecca Bateman. Weighing in at two hundred and seventy five pounds, Please welcome Lucas Prodigy!

The big man enters the structure leaving behind his allies as they will have to watch from outside. It is a test for him to see if he can shake off his recent disappointing losses, including a tag match where his partner Ashley took the pin. Now he has no excuses as no one can lose him the match other than himself.

‘Slay Me’ hits next as out walks the Devil’s Advocate, a man with a point to prove. He’ll want to prove he is more than just a former member of W.A.R as that group faded such as long time ago. Now it’s his time to shine, his time to prove he can be a champion just like Hansom has gone on to be.

[Jenny Gold] Now on the way to the ring. Weighing in at two hundred and forth seven pounds. He is the Deity of the Devil. Please welcome The Devil’s Advocate!

A lot of boos for the face painted Devil. He is the fourth to enter which means the next two will be the ones who start out the match. It is good for those who have already entered as they get some rest bite while also a chance to study who they are about to fight. Also don’t forget that this match is also the survival of the fittest.

‘Like A Machine’ hit next as Blake Underwood is confirmed as one of the two to start out. The fans cheer for him as he arrived very pumped up for this. Blake is clearly the most liked in this match, but it doesn’t always mean he will get the win he wants. Still it would be a special moment for the event if he were to come away with the gold.

[Jenny Gold] Introducing next. He weighs in at two hundred and three pounds. Please welcome Blake Underwood!

The fans did welcome him as they were happy to see him out here for this chamber. He gets in and sees four of the others all in the pods. Edward right away starts banging on his just to get Blake’s attention. He did just that but the baby face had no interest in what he had to say as he would be ranting for no reason.

‘Breaking The Habit’ hit next as we are introduced to the final competitor in this match, the champion himself Chris Orton. The now two time Xtreme Champion gets to take the walk to the ring slowly, taking in the sights. Blake is in there waiting for him while everyone else is in their pod, unable to do what they want to do just yet.

[Jenny Gold] Introducing last, He is the current TXW Xtreme Champion, Weighing in at two hundred and twenty pounds, Please welcome Chris Orton!

Another warm reception as the fans cheered the defending champion who enters the ring which means the official on the outside can lock the door. The chamber begins as Mike and Tasia are ready to call what will be an entertaining chamber. That’s if Mike can stay impartial.

[Tasia Wicha] Here we go, first chamber of the night, who are you going for?

[Mike Hawk] Is that really a question? I am going for the only one in this match with tits.

[Tasia Wicha] I thought you would.

Doesn’t take a rocket science to work out who he means as there are five men in this match and one woman. Hansom is also nowhere near this match so his tits can’t be included in this discussion. But his prediction might not go as smoothly as he hopes considering there is no telling when Ashley will get into this match.

The match does begin with Blake locking up with Chris, One former champion against the current champion. Both men get into a test of strength which soon became a headlock from Blake. Push against the ropes by the champion, which led to a shoulder block that left the challenger grounded. It was an exciting exchange the fans appreciated. More so when the former champion kicks up and is soon standing on his feet, telling Orton to bring it on.

The champion did just that as he runs over and hits a dropkick. Following it he drags him back up, knees him in the gut and sets him up for a suplex. Blake blocks the first attempt, but getting a few more blows to the gut after meant he got hit by the second attempt.

[Tasia Wicha] No blocking those moves forever.

Orton made sure to keep in control as he lifts up Blake, drags him to the corner and starts punching away him. After the punches landed he starts using his elbows instead which really do the damage to one of his many challengers. The champion backs away, makes a run and attempts a flying clothesline right there in the corner. Instead he doesn’t get the chance to do it as his arm is met with Blake’s knee as he lifted himself when in the corner. It caused Orton to move away holding his arm.

The momentum swing is real as Blake pulls himself right up to the second rope and jumps off hitting an impressive lariat from where he is. It took quite the leap but he managed to do it and the fans responded with cheers. The former Xtreme Champion is feeling good after that.

[Mike Hawk] Look at ginger go.

Blake waits for Orton to stand up because when he did, the underdog jumps up and connects with a flying clothesline. He jumps back to his feet right away after and goes to the top rope. Once he gets up there he doesn’t waste any time by going right for the 450 Splash. It showed how high flying he is as the move is executed beautifully, knocking the wind right out of Orton. Cover made and this could be a shocking first elimination.


Orton gets his shoulder up right at the last second. It is a good effort by Blake but he will have to do a lot more than that to guarantee a new champion here tonight. He had to think of something else. Not that he had much time as the buzzer goes off which means the random selection of entry order is about to take place. Which chamber will open first? All eyes were on Edward McGinlay’s which just so happened to be the one that opens.

[Tasia Wicha] Oh here we go!

The rivals get to face off as an angry Edward bursts out of the pod once it’s open. He gets into the ring and goes to try clothesline Blake’s head off. His effort is missed and he is dropkicked across the knee. He drops to one and Blake takes advantage by hitting a quick leg lariat while he is in that position. The Prince wouldn’t have wanted that at all. Then again Blake didn’t want what he got right away after either as he is hit with a Stone Cold Stunner when he turns around. Cover made as we might be saying goodbye to the former champ.


Survival from Underwood as the fans cheer. Orton hit the canvas with his hand as he really was hoping to narrow the playing field there considering many are going to be aiming to get him out just to make sure a new champion is crowned.

Edward goes on the attack, hitting away at the champion not allowing him to get any time to breathe. He throws him into the ropes and on the rebound he boots him right in the face for a big boot. The Glaswegian is delighted with that and shouts at the fans that he is going to be the champion again. You can really see the similarities between him and his cousin Daniel.

[Mike Hawk] Edward sure has an annoying voice, why doesn’t he shut up.

Mike is likely speaking for the people, especially when the Scot continues ranting as he changes his target to his enemy Blake. He stamps away at him and tells him to just give up as it is over for him. Placing him in a headlock he makes shit up, like saying how he enjoyed fucking his girlfriend last night. It is all the type of talk to get under someone’s skin. It did at least light a fire for Blake who throws back his elbow to fight out of the head lock.

Once he broke loose he gets in some more punches to show the kind of fire that helped make him a champion to begin with. He blocked a fight back attempt from Eddie, grabs his hand and Irish whips him into the corner. The fans then went nuts as he ran towards him, while he is in the corner, to connect with the Running Blake [Helluva Kick]!

[Mike Hawk] Good night Eddie.

Blake went for the cover as his enemy looks to finally been put in his place. The referee gets down to count as the fans cheered at the thought of this moment happening as it would be special for the underdog.


Edward McGinlay is eliminated from this match! The fans loved that and Blake got up looking delighted. It meant the task became a little less difficult, but only just as defeating the other four will still be a major challenge. The buzzer did just go off so it means another person will be in the way.

That person is Ashley Ricci, another former Xtreme Champion herself. She rushed out and straight away went towards the top rope. Blake noticed just as she jumped off attempting a Diving Thesz press. However she misses as the underdog moved out the way. Ash is able to get back to her feet after the landing BUT walked right into a leg lariat. Cover made where we could see the second elimination.


Kick out from Ashley who survives an early elimination. Blake gets back to his feet only to walk into Chris Orton who hit a running clothesline once he turned around. The champion sure is pleased with that as he feels the fans energy as this is picking up.

[Tasia Wicha] Chris Orton as the only man standing here. Can he make the most of this and find a way to eliminate a few more opponents.

Orton sure is going to try as he went on the attack to Blake. He Irish whips him against the ropes, jumps up and hits a dropkick. The move is well executed as it did its job by knocking Blake to the canvas. The champion waited for his opponent to get back up as once he does, he has a move ready for him. No one knew what he is going to go for but whatever it is won’t be very good.

Up stands Blake who is instantly set up for a version of The Rock Bottom. He didn’t stand and take it however as he starts fighting back with elbows. Each hit gets him cheered as he managed to fight his way out of the hold which would’ve led to Rock Bottom. Fighting out of the move was the good part for the underdog but when he bounced off the ropes in an attempt to attack, he is taken out with a well timed dropkick by the champion.

[Tasia Wicha] Momentum shut down for Blake as the champion did well there.

Ashley gets back involved by jumping on the back of Orton, trying to find a way to choke him out. The former CJA Academy student wants to regain the title she lost a while back as at the time she was making good strides. Now without the title she is at risk of being lost in the shuffle especially with the new bosses running things.

The buzzer sounds again just as the submission move is locked in by the Rebel. Lucas Prodigy is the one who ends up being let loose, as his supporters outside cheer for him, those being the Reaper and the Repearette.

[Tasia Wicha] The monster has been freed. This isn’t good for anybody.

Nope it sure wasn’t as Lucas broke up the submission Ashley had locked in, booting Orton in the chest which had enough force to knock the Rebel down too. The towering man then made sure Blake is back on his feet, just so he can throw him across the ring like a ragdoll. It really was a sight to behold.

[Mike Hawk] Well this guy’s fun.

Mike said that in a sarcastic way as all Lucas did for the next few minutes is throw everyone around. Ashley got the worst of it being the smallest in the match, as she got lifted up in the air and landed badly on her back. It is good work from the monster as he looks ready to start eliminating everyone in sight.

That was of course into Rebecca starts opening the door, revealing she has been handed a key to the chamber. The referee tried to stop her but she entered along with the Reaper, who had a chair. Soon as he enters he starts hitting anyone who gets close with the chair. First smacked over the head with it is Blake, then the champion Chris Orton. The Reaper handed the chair over to his wife to do the honours of hitting Ashley, who she hit across the back several times into she got one last shot over the back of the head. This isn’t good at all as Lucas is the only one standing.

[Mike Hawk] This sucks. Why can’t these idiots stay out of this?

Mike isn’t sure and neither are the fans as the Reaper looks pleased with what just happened. Lucas is too into he ends up getting his smile wiped off his face. Why? Because Becca suddenly decided to kick him between the legs. Even a man of his size fell and Calvin then just boots him in the face following the stunning turn. The couple then add to it by dragging Orton over Lucas as the referee counts.


Lucas Prodigy is eliminated and it looks like they have sided with the champion but that isn’t the case at all. They simply were eliminating people as it seems they have sided with someone new. That new person appears to be Devil’s Advocate as he steps out and smiles are all around. The former W.A.R member talks a simple walk over to Ashley, grabs her legs and locks her into the Lucifer’s Will [Sharpshooter]. The Rebel screams in pain and despite her attempts to break free, she couldn’t. Tapping out was all she could do , thus eliminating her from the match and making it even less people.

[Mike Hawk] Shit!

[Tasia Wicha] Ashley eliminated, Lucas eliminated two of the favourites. We’re down to just Chris Orton, Devil and Blake. One of these three men will be the champion.

The Reaperette and The Reaper left the chamber as they have faith Devil is about to wrap it all up. Their faith isn’t misplaced as he drags up Blake, goes behind him, sets up and hits the Devil’s DDT [Scorpion Death Drop]. Clearly those chair shots had taken its toll on Blake who is now in danger of being the next one eliminated. Cover made as this should be over for the underdog.


Blake Underwood joins the others in being eliminated meaning we are down to just the two for the gold. Devil’s Advocate OR Chris Orton will be walking out of this match as the Xtreme Champion. It might just end up being a great achievement for the Devil’s advocate.

The fans here in Russia boo the hell out of what is happening, cheering only for Orton in hopes he can survive the blows he has already taken. It didn’t look very good for him, especially with the Devil’s Advocate growing in confidence. The champion does come battling back once on his feet, throwing out as many right hand shots as he can get. It didn’t last as long as he hopes, getting one punch blocked.

What it led to is him being thrown into the corner ran at, hit with the Stinger Splash and left on the canvas. His new support applauses what he is doing as the fans boo every move. The Devil wasn’t going to give them any moment of happiness as he just goes over, grabs the legs, locks in the Lucifer’s Will to put the pressure on Orton.

[Tasia Wicha] This isn’t looking very good for Orton. We might be looking at a brand new champion.

Those words weren’t wrong as despite his best effort, Orton taps out and in doing so lost his championship. The fans in Russia boo as Devil’s Advocate is the new champion of the Xtreme division. The chamber raises up allowing Rebecca and Calvin to join him in the ring.

[Jenny Gold] Here is your winner and NEW Xtreme Champion, Devil’s Advocate!

The Reaper has joined forces with the Devil to form a new unit. The sight of the former W.A.R member getting his title was disappointing for most fans but it shows Calvin Bateman knows a winner when he sees one. Lucas wasn’t working out.

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Re:Moscow Massacre 2016

Date Posted:02/22/2021 12:54 PMCopy HTML

LOCATION: Moscow, Russia
DATE: Sunday 29th May 2016
GENERAL MANAGERS: Frank Stone and Aleksandr Grigory
THEME: 'Someone To Hate' by Demon Hunter


Outcome: Lauren is seen making some last minute preparations ahead of her match next, which might just be the biggest match of her career. She’ll be hoping her kicks can take her past Pierce Kingsley and into the final.
Pierce Kingsley vs Lauren Li
Result: Right at the start of this one, the fans are given a replay of what happened in the earlier round in the tournament where Daniel Khaos defeated Hansom, ending a long standing rivalry between the two. Now we need to find out who will face Khaos in the final. Will it be new comer Pierce Kingsley who has barely been here five minutes? Or will it be Lauren, a woman who was very close to becoming World Champion just a few months ago. Now she has been fading away and looking for a way to get back into the spotlight.

[Jenny Gold] The following contest is scheduled for one fall, and it’s in the King of the Ring tournament.

The slow and low sound of a guitar strumming begins to play. It’s soon followed by the sound of multiple monotone voices, speaking almost like a chant. ‘Four Walls’ by While She Sleeps had started to play signalling the arrival of Pierce Kingsley. Smoke begins crawling down the ramp and timed perfectly with the song as it kicks in, a pop of pyro goes off as Pierce walks out from the back. While he continues he is introduced to the fans.

[Jenny Gold] Introducing first, From Vancouver, BC, Canada, Weighing in at two hundred and twenty four pounds, please welcome Pierce Kingsley!

Pierce has entered the ring, sliding under the bottom rope with great speed. Wasting little time he rushes to the turnbuckle, the hood of his trench styled coat pulled down. He stands for a moment looking out to the crowd. With a stroke of his beard he hops down, tossing his jacket to the outside, just as his theme cuts away to be replaced by ‘Gasoline’.

Next out is Lauren Li walking out complete with a kendo stick as she didn’t go for anything fancy. This Asian beauty is a serious competitor and know she can defeat Pierce, having defeated the more experienced Khaos at the past PPV New Dawn.

[Jenny Gold] And his opponent, from Long, Island, New York. Please welcome ‘Lethal’ Lauren Li!

The fans give her a mixed reaction as she isn’t a baby face despite everything she has been doing in recent months. Compared to Pierce, she is more liked, so that’s where the baby face comparisons could come into play.

Once Lauren is in the ring, the bell sounds to begin this one as both will give everything to make it to the final. The Lethal One was a bit rushed as she went on the attack first, aiming kicks at the legs of Pierce. But he has done his homework and knew her strongest kicks usually come from her right leg, the same leg she had knee problems on when she fought Khaos at New Dawn. The 2015 King will not have forgotten that BUT Pierce hasn’t forgotten it either. One mistimed kick meant she got her leg grabbed and then the fixer violently punches the back of her knee, followed by a corkscrew typed take down that twisted her leg upon takedown.

[Tasia Wicha] Uh oh, looks like Pierce is targeting that knee, the same one that put Lauren out of action.

Pierce had Lauren in pain already which wasn’t very good for her. He held up her leg and pulled off the knee pad, dropping his elbow right on the side of the joint once he had removed that. A repeat was planned once he stood back up but Lauren used her left leg to kick at him, forcing him to take a couple steps back.

The former Xtreme Champion stood up, now using her left leg to go on the attack. She gets in some kicks against the calf, backs off and bounces off the ropes, jumps up to hit a Leg crossbody throwing herself at Pierce’s legs to actually knock him down. It got her a cheer and also showed how annoyed she was with the early targeting of the knees.

[Tasia Wicha] Lauren fighting back with a vengeance.

Pierce is soon on his knees which is a bad position for him as Lauren just starts kicking against his chest with all her strength, using the hurting right leg to do as much damage as she could. The only way she’d win is by giving it her all, no matter how much pain she may be in from the shots to the knee.

Lauren kept going and finished off her combo of kicks by kicking Pierce across the bridge of the nose to knock him onto his back. Cover made surely after with a hook of the leg as the referee gets into position to count.

1.......2.........POWER OUT

No match ending moment for Lauren, at least not yet. Pierce wasn’t about to let his early promise amount to nothing. His power out there proved how much energy he still had. Also the fact he stands up pretty quickly after the kick shows you can take more than Lauren has given him so far.

[Tasia Wicha] Pierce isn’t about to go down without a fight as that strong kick across the nose wasn’t enough.

[Mike Hawk] Sometimes I wonder why people go for an early pin when it’s clear they won’t win that way.

[Tasia Wicha] It might’ve not got Lauren the win but she knows that will have taken away some of Pierce’s energy. That could help her in the long run.

Good assessment but Pierce seemed to not lose a step at all. If anything the kicks only woke up him like a cold shower. Lauren started to become predictable with her kicks, so much he managed to grab her leg, lift her up using his power to get her onto his shoulders. Then he just spins her around so she ends up sitting on his shoulders. All this is perfect as it set up the Electric Chair Drop forcing Lauren to land right on her back and the back of her head. The Fixer sat up and gave a smile about that as he knew that wasn’t a pleasant fall for the Lethal one.

Pierce could’ve gone for the cover but he didn’t. Instead he reaches down to grab the arm of Lauren, forcing her back to her feet. Once he has her on her feet, he throws her into the ropes, lifts her up and slams her back down for a spinebuster. The match again has swung in momentum as the fans went quiet on the latest move.

[Tasia Wicha] I think we’re starting to see why Pierce has so much belief in himself. He has stated many times that this tournament is his for the taking.

The Fixer grabs onto Lauren’s hair, drags her to a standing position and then disrespectfully slaps her across the face. It angered the Asian but she didn’t have time to react as she is hit with a super kick to the chin right after to leave her seeing stars.

[Mike Hawk] Lauren looks like she could use a night off.

She sure does look out of it and being laid out like that made Pierce signal for the end as he went to the top rope. It looks like we’re about to see Six Feet Under [Swanton Bomb], a move we have yet to see as a finisher here in TXW. The fans did make some noise, simply because they did enjoy seeing a great highlighting move. Pierce took a moment to look around, only to dive off a second after.

BUT he misses the target simply because Lauren rolled out he way. It caused the new arrival to crash and burn as his chances of booking his place in the final just took a hit there. The Lethal one managed to avoid being hit with it well and right away she rolled out the ring. She took a walk over to the announcers table, picks a small bottle up full of green liquid. Mike looked at it curiously.

[Tasia Wicha] Wasn’t that your drink?

[Mike Hawk] No, it was there earlier. Is this how she does green mist?

Lauren gets in the ring and purposely stands right in front of the referee. She seemed to have a plan as she waits for Pierce to stand up. Once he does that he didn’t think as well as he should as he went for a clothesline.

No surprise then when Lauren avoided it and made Pierce knock over the referee. It allowed the Lethal one to then spit the green liquid into the face of Pierce, blinding him temporary as that’s what the green mist does best. It showed you that there was no limit on what the former Xtreme Champion will do to book her place in the final alongside Khaos.

[Tasia Wicha] Green mist! We haven’t seen this for a long time from Lauren.

It is a good move to make as Pierce can’t see, so he is easy to kick which is what the Lethal one does. She kicks him across the stomach then kicks at the front of his knee to make him collapse. It isn’t a good place to drop, especially how he ended up on both knees. Why? Because it allowed Lauren to move forward and hit the Put to the Sword [Buzzsaw kick]! It got a loud cheer, especially when a cover is made right away after AND the referee is recovering.

[Tasia Wicha] This could be it for Pierce. Being blinded has put him in a vulnerable position as Lauren has taken advantage.

The count is made as Lauren is determined that this is the end.


Pierce Kingsley kicked out and Lauren is shocked about this as she thought that would be enough. Pulling out a rare move AND hitting her finisher seemed like the right amount she needed to do. At least she didn’t freak out as she kept her calm and just stood up, waiting for Pierce to do the same.

[Tasia Wicha] What a surprising kick out there form Pierce. He survived nearly everything thrown at him by Lauren.

The fixer wipes his eyes, not letting what he went through bring him down. His confident remains as he stands up without worry or a look of panic on his face. Once stood up he had to feel more kicks from Lauren, all hitting his rib area. Each kick brought Pierce closer to the corner, kicking away at him as she really wanted to win this one.

AGAIN one is blocked as Pierce bursts out the corner and just clotheslines Lauren to the canvas. He looks fired up now and likely sick of the beating he had been taking. The Asian beauty stands back up as she span around when he came close and attempted to roundhouse kick his head off. Pierce instead caught her, lifted her up and slams her right down onto the canvas.

Pierce doesn’t let her just lay there, he lifts her up again, brings her in close just so he can hit the Debt Collector [Sister Abigail] or at least part of it as he had to then run towards the ropes, springboard off and hit the moonsault. Pin made right after as the referee counts what could be the finish.


No kick out from Lauren who this time around falls at the first hurdle in the Semi Final, no battle for the King this year. Pierce sat up looking happy about what he just did, staring out at the fans and ignoring the referee who wanted to raise his hand. Instead he leans closer to Lauren and grips her throat, telling her he told her this would happen. He proceeds to call her stupid and slams her head against the canvas, leaving her alone after that.

[Jenny Gold] Here is your winner and advancing into the final, Pierce Kingsley!

The fixer has done it but he has gained new hatred from the fans as they boo him for his bad treatment of Lauren once the bell had rang. Pierce exits the ring as he now gets to ready himself for one more. That will be against the King.

Outcome: We’re given a few shots of a beach, then some highlights from previous events and shots of some of the current crop of TXW women in bikinis. Then the tag line ‘Summer Mayhem 2016’ appears which is now confirmed for August.
Dean Creed (C) vs Michelle Wright
IC Title
Result: Show moves on as we are now set to see the IC title defended. It’s a championship Michelle Wright once held briefly but due to distractions she now has found herself on the end of two losses in a row versus the man once written off a single’s star. Now he has found his place and he believes it will all end in tears for Michelle when they meet for this third time.

[Jenny Gold] The following contest is scheduled for one fall AND it is for the TXW IC Championship!

The sound of ‘Freak Like Me’ hits next just as Jenny got telling the fans what this match is for. Only the match type itself has not yet been revealed considering Dean said he would reveal that when he comes on out. First we had to sit through Michelle’s entrance. She walks towards the ring with her hooded top on, hood up and avoiding eye contact with all the fans at both sides of her. The barricade only separates the people so far.

[Jenny Gold] Introducing first, the challenger. Residing from Dallas, Texas. Please welcome Michelle Wright!

The ‘freak’ or ‘psycho’ as people call her is only booed a little but as she was entering the ring, her music is cut away and replaced by Dean’s. ‘Footsteps’ is the music playing as out walks the hard hitting champion Dean Creed.

[Jenny Gold] And now introducing his opponent. He IS the TXW IC Champion, weighing in at two hundred and forty five pounds, please welcome Dean Creed!

Creed is happy to be here and he takes his time walking to the ring. It made him pleased to be in this position having also pissed off the other Wright in Madison. Dumping her on the eve of this match was pretty harsh but he got bored of having others ride his coat tails. He also didn’t want anyone to think he is a nice guy simply because he is with a bubbly Madison. That’s why she deserved to be kicked to the curb. Now he hopes to do the same with Michelle, who will be fired if she doesn’t win.

[Mike Hawk] Michelle is looking good. I have a feeling she is going home with the championship here tonight.

Could be the good prediction but as Dean enters the ring, you had a feeling he didn’t feel threatened by the psycho. If anything he seemed overconfident which might be because that no matter what Michelle can’t seem to focus on the task at hand. Could she focus when Dean has something to say? It’s possible as now he has a microphone, so surely she will listen.

[Dean Creed] Here we are, round number three. I would say it’s the best of three but we both know that I have already won that, because I have two wins to your zero. You should be on your knees thanking your lucky stars that you got to share the ring one more time with me. You should be grateful redemption is achievable.

Dean walks around a little as he parades around with the IC Championship. It looked like Michelle had no patience to hear him talk for much longer.

[Dean Creed] Unfortunately what is achievable for you, will be denied by me. You see, this IC Championship is mine and it will stay mine for a very long time. Especially considering the match I have chosen is a Falls Count Anywhere NO DQ match!

With that said he uses the microphone and slams it right against Michelle’s head to knock her down. The title is dropped as all Dean cared about right now is hitting his opponent. He continues to use the microphone, bashing it across her face as he attempts to derail her from the start. It did do a lot of damage as right away the Texan is bloody.

[Mike Hawk] Only he would take a cheap shot like that.

Dean throws the microphone away and points at the referee who officially started this match. The One Man Army is fired up to win this one fast, just so he can brag about how he ended this rivalry with a clean sweep. He gets her in position for the Creed Bomb [Spinning Sitdown Powerbomb] as the fans booed his attempts to end this one quickly.

Unfortunately for them he is able to lift her up, spin her around and slam her right down for the finisher! It made a lot of fans look on in shock as this could be it already for the ‘psycho’. After years of being hyped up as one of the best, she might now have a humiliating loss here in Moscow. Cover made as the referee counts down Michelle’s shoulders.


Shockingly for Creed, Michelle kicks out of the finisher. She wasn’t here to lie down easily and it pissed Creed off, especially since this is supposed to be his big night. He is clearly not a happy man as he gets in the referee’s face, suggesting he spend less time checking Michelle out and more time doing his job.

Watching the violent Texan should’ve been Creed’s main job, because taking his eyes off her was bad since she recovered faster from the move than most others. Soon as she is on her feet she is back in the face of her sister’s ex boyfriend, punching away at him with anger all over her face. The elbows followed as Dean is left rocking by the former champion, a woman on a mission.

[Mike Hawk] Michelle has woken from her slumber, this is bad news for Dean.

Michelle kept throwing punches into Dean backed into the corner, once he is there Michelle climbed to the second rope and starts punching away at him, each punch counted by the fans. The number of punches went far beyond ten into Dean grabbed her, lifted her onto his shoulders as he attempted to walk to the middle of the ring for another attempt at his Creed Bomb.

Instead the challenger wraps her legs around Dean’s head and uses her strength to flip him over. She ends up on top of him with his shoulders pinned to the mat. Could she have gone for a pin? Sure. But she instead reigns down loads of punches and lets out angry grunts while she hit them. Dean’s face wasn’t bleeding yet but he was getting pretty damaged as there is swelling around his eye already.

Lucky for him the punches soon stopped, because he managed to block one and push Michelle off of him. It didn’t stop him retreating the ring as he began to pace as he likely had to think of something else to put his challenger away. She is obsessed with getting him back, putting aside all her other distractions going on.

[Tasia Wicha] Michelle has Dean on the ropes, this is a fight.

Michelle didn’t just wait for Dean to decided when he wanted back in, she went out the ring to get him. The champion started to back away which was perhaps a sign of what he really is all about. He kept going towards the stage INTO someone jumped over the barricade and suddenly hit Michelle across the back of the head. Then to follow it up he hits a German Suplex right against the barricade, the back of the challengers head taking the brunt of that move.

[Tasia Wicha] Wait a minute, that’s Mike Malice! The former partner of Dean Creed has just attacked Michelle!

Dean seemed find with what just happened, as his plans for a quick win have been dashed by the fighting spirit of Michelle. Now he has another chance to end this one as he goes over and shook Mike’s hand. The former partners then both reach over to Michelle, about to plan a double team move that will surely finish her off.

Instead of it happening, this scene becomes more crowded as Jake Mathieu and Madison Wright run on out to stop them from doing what they had planned. Jake fought it out with Mike and is fast to send him flying over the barricade into the ring. The champion fights Jake back but is soon forced to retreat back into the ring. It didn’t help him that his ex girlfriend is now helping up Michelle, and while hurt, she is also VERY pissed off.

[Mike Hawk] That is NOT a look you want to get from Michelle, at all.

Michelle stood up, moves to the ring with her sister following her. Jake also picked a side as they all looked to be closing in on Dean. To be fair to the champion he didn’t exactly curl up in a ball, he got ready for what is to come, whatever it may be. His plight looked worse when Melissa Wright made her way out, all about to get some revenge for the family.

[Mike Hawk] This is going to be entertaining.

All three Wright’s enter the ring along with Jake as Dean now found himself surrounded. He was ready for them but then he got an unexpected assist when Melissa hit the Wright Ending [Super Kick] right on Michelle! It left the Prince of Cool and the Lyric Lover frozen from the shock. It added to it when the Texas Butterfly then hit the same move on Jake, her boyfriend, and pushed Madison towards Dean. The IC Champion just charged through her almost taking her head off with a clothesline.

[Tasia Wicha] What the hell just happened?

Melissa turned and took her leave as the fans booed her for what she just did. Dean seemed surprised too but he made the most of it, dragging Michelle up, lifting her in position for the Creed Bomb, then hitting it. Both legs hooked and this one looked done.


Dean Creed retains the title AGAIN as he now has a clean sweep against Michelle. To make it worse that betrayal by Melissa has caused Michelle to be released from TXW as she HAD to win. The One Man Army is delighted and so he should be, his biggest threat is gone.

[Jenny Gold] Here is your winner and STILL IC Champion, Dean Creed!

The fans here booed as Dean left with his IC gold. His returning former tag team partner soon recovered from his trip into the crowd to lift the arm of his oldest friend. The two clearly have put their differences aside to make sure this is a new era for Dean Creed.

Outcome: The Tag Team Champions are seen about to exit the arena, very happy with what they have achieved tonight. However they are soon confronted by new Xtreme Champion Devil, Calvin Bateman, Rebecca and Hansom. The Reaper steps furthest forward as he looks right at the championship resting on Vincent’s shoulder.

[Calvin Bateman] Congratulations on your title win, but we’re just here to tell you that your reign won’t be lasting as long as Andy and Raine’s spell lasted. We’re coming for those.”

Neither Vincent or Blair said anything, they just laughed about what was said and held hands as they skipped off together, leaving the Reapers annoyed by what just transpired as they were now targeting more gold after adding the Xtreme title to their achievements.
Jezabel Jezzi (c) vs Kry vs Rachel Nightingale vs Cassie Montgomery / Telsia Brook vs Angelina Acid / Diamond Jackson and Diane Murphy vs Karla Winchester
Elimination Chamber / Women's title
Result: Drum roll as the chamber is lowered into place for the final chamber of the night, the one for the Women’s championship. It will pit many women against one another for the right to be called the champion. What it also marked is the return of several talented women, all out to leave this ring tonight as the champion. History could also be made should FAB or the Telsia/Cassie combo win, as it means TXW will have a joint champion under the free bird rule for the first time.

[Jenny Gold] The following contest is the elimination chamber AND it is for the TXW Women’s Championship!

The announcement is over as it’s now over to those who will compete in this structure. Just like earlier those who came out as the first four would be the ones in the pods. The two who end up entering after the four will start it out. All the women competing in this have already been handed entry numbers. So only they knew who would be doing what to begin this one.

‘Automatic’ hit first as out walks the Canadian ‘Devil’s Telsia Brook and Cassie Montgomery. The two best friends returned about the same time to kick some ass, each dreaming of a moment where they can hold the Women’s championship as a pairing. It might not be as strong as FAB due to the numbers, but it would still make quite a pair.

[Jenny Gold] Introducing first, residing from Canada. Please welcome Telsia Brook and Cassie Montgomery!

The two Canadians finished up their entrance, entering the door and going over to their shared pod. They knew how important this match is, so will do everything in their power to leave as the holders of the gold. It is just easier said than done.

‘This what Rock and Roll looks like’ hit next as the champion Jezabel Jezzi made her entrance second. The fans here in Russia cheer her, as she IS one of the few likeable women on the roster. The other is actually her opponent for tonight in Rachel. Their plans to join forces as a team failed when Alek turned down the request. It gave the fans more reasons to hate him, even if his home country love him to death.

[Jenny Gold] Introducing next, residing from Liverpool, England, please welcome the Women’s champion Jezabel Jezzi!

She is cheered by the fans as she looks a lot more serious than usual. There is likely a lot of confliction going on in her head, considering she could get her friend fired should she retain the gold OR just pin her friend to stop the threat. To be realistic she had to do her best OR the title will be lost as it is all for all.

Next ‘Grown Woman’ hit as the fan favourite Rachel Nightingale makes her entrance. At least this confirmed the numbers weren’t rigged as you knew that if Alek or Frank got their way, Rachel AND Jezabel would’ve started this match out. Instead they weren’t going to be doing that.

[Jenny Gold] On the way to the ring, the challenger. Please welcome Rachel Nightingale!

The wife of former president Josh Nightingale gets cheered BUT her entrance is soon soured by the fact Diamond Jackson of FAB rushed on out, blinded sided Rachel by grabbing her hair and then forcing her head first into the nearest barricade! It was very brutal looking and it got no better when the leggy blonde dragged up her target, just do it again to the opposite side.

[Tasia Wicha] What the hell is this! Why couldn’t Diamond just wait for this match to begin?

No one knew the answers but the leggy one of FAB is VERY pleased with herself. She just stood there taking in all the boos into the sound of ‘Fuck Dem Bitches’ hits as the rest of her group walk on out. Diane and Angelina came out, stepped over Rachel like she was nothing and went to the ring.

[Jenny Gold] Introducing next, the collective unit of Angelina Acid, Diane Murphy and Diamond Jackson. They are the Fine Ass Bitches!

Massive boos for what they just did as they all went to the door, got in and started to laugh while pointing at the direction of Jezabel who is now secured in her pod. The group continue to laugh as they all get into the pod together, feeling very good about their actions.

The music cut off as EMT’s came out to check on Rachel, who is holding her head while laying near one of the barricades. There was no cut but she didn’t look in the best of ways, especially since she had just recovered from a severe head injury caused by Karla Winchester. This one she may not recover from in time.

Out next is to the sound of ‘Sweet Sacrifice’ is Kry, a woman who is determined to follow in her aunt’s footsteps by becoming the Women’s champion. It will be tough to replicate but you know full well she will give it everything that she has.

[Jenny Gold] Now on the way to the ring, residing from Flamming Starr, Massachusetts. Please welcome Kry!

Jenny announces as Kry just ignored what is going on with Rachel, instead choosing to just enter the ring. There is no pod for her as she is one of the two who will start this out. We now know who she will be facing as only Karla is next to make her entrance.

‘Lady Venom’ hit as out walks Dave Wilson’s main squeeze, the sexpot Karla Winchester. The red head seemed happy when she saw Rachel struggling, she enjoyed it so much that she went over and made fun of her pain. At least she didn’t attack as she just went to the ring, eyeing Kry as she would be the first person she needed to defeat.

[Jenny Gold] Now introducing the last challenger, she resides from Boston, Massachusetts, please welcome Karla Winchester!

Karla walks into the structure and when he does, he calls for the bell, amusing Rachel is officially out of this one due to the attack. Kry got the louder cheers when they locked up and the first thing she did is get her in a headlock. The niece of Raine wanted to follow in her footsteps so she was trying her best to wear down the woman she is now facing. Karla wasn’t having any of it as she pushed her away, into the ropes and on the rebound she hit a spinning heel kick.

[Mike Hawk] Wilson might be a boring bastard but his woman has a nice ass, I’ll give her that.

The focus away from the match there but Karla is vicious as she shows why Dave finds her so appealing. The red head stamps right on Kry’s face, catching the nose. Once she has her rocked, she grabs her legs, drags her to the middle and flips her over. With that she is able to lock in the Sultry Beauty [Cross Legged STF]. This caused Kry to scream as she knew not even a rope break would save her. In the end she had to just tap out, giving a very shocking early elimination.

[Tasia Wicha] Wow an early elimination as Karla has just made Kry’s dream crash before her eyes. The World Champion’s girlfriend means business.

All of a sudden Rachel enters the chamber as the fans cheer loudly. Karla is ready for her as the Golden Girl jumps over the ropes, makes a run but is swatted down to the canvas by the red head. The vicious Karla then got on top of Rachel, not the way everyone wanted as she starts slamming her head violently against the canvas. That won’t help those past issues or the ones she got at the hands of FAB. The way this is going there aren’t many who are going to back Rachel to survive the whole thing.

Karla has Rachel at her mercy and soon rolls her over, the same way she did to Kry. Despite the fans willing on the wife of the Badass, she is locked in the Sultry Beauty [Cross Legged STF] as Rachel is left in agony. Her friend Jezabel bangs on the pod door, helpless to save her friend as she did want out right now. Instead she had to watch as her friend struggled in the submission.

[Tasia Wicha] As much as I hate to say it, Rachel should just tap. If she doesn’t she might break her neck which will be worse in the long term.

The red head demands that Rachel tap out, but she refused and continues to fight off the urge to tap out. Hearing her name being chanted by the fans in Russia helped too. Her friend Jezabel is also cheering her on, hoping she can hold on a little longer as it would be terrible if she lost this early.

Suddenly the buzzer goes off which means someone is about to be freed from their pod. There are a lot of Jezabel chants because the champion being freed will help out Rachel. The chants are there, the fan support is there but will it be the one they want to see? Will the Women’s champion be freed?

Unfortunately the answer is no as the team of Telsia and Cassie are released from their pod. The two Canadians are eager to get out as they get in fast, break up the submission and team up on Karla. At least that pleased the fans as they weren’t expecting that at all.

[Tasia Wicha] Rachel survives thanks to the Canadians.

It seemed good news as they team up on Karla, first with a double drop kick. Cassie lifts Karla up after, throws her towards the self dubbed vampire, who jumped on her for the Thesz Press. Punches follow the press as Telsia shows she is back and better than ever.

The two of them didn’t stop there as they go on the attack to Rachel, setting her up for a double suplex. They each grab onto the Golden Girl’s shorts, lift her up and slam her down for the team move. Telsia then wasted no time by going into a cover as she tries to cut down the people in this match.


Survival from Mrs Josh Nightingale who may have been finished off there. She sure has been through it as the Canadian’s decide what they are going to do next. Telsia focuses on Rachel while Cassie goes back over to Karla as the four women battle it out.

Cassie hits a Tornado DDT on Karla in the middle of the ring as she builds momentum. On the other side Rachel battles back versus Telsia, blocking some of her more violent shots as she got in a slap to the chest followed by a headlock that became a bulldog. The Golden Geek watched Cassie stand tall, decided to go over and ends up Irish whipping her into the nearest corner. The momentum kept going in her favour as she runs towards the ropes, clothes lining the Princess right there to knock her into a seated position in the corner. Everyone knew what this set up.

[Mike Hawk] Things are about to get bootylicious.

Mike knew what this meant as Rachel, despite being hurt ending lifting off her latest ‘geeky’ shirt showing off her also geeky bra on underneath. She did this as she is about to lift up her shorts and go in for the ‘Kiss My Behind’ AKA stink face. It would be a move most don’t like to take.

Unfortunately she never got to do the move as Karla got back up, rolled up Rachel from behind and pulls right on the shorts almost ripping them from her body. She wasn’t doing this to take them off, she was doing this to cheat her way to getting the Golden Geek OUT the match. It might just work as Rachel is struggling to kick out.


A last ditch kick out from Rachel, who survived the cheating from the woman who wanted to break her in two. There was a lot of that going on in this match as everyone seems to be targeting the person who isn’t even the champion. Karla is pissed off as she wanted to be the one to do this for the owners. Instead the only damage she has done is to Rachel’s shorts.

The buzzer goes off as we’re set to free someone else. We all get to hear who the fans want, chanting Jezabel’s name as she wanted out too, just for her own sake and not just her friend’s sake.

Again she is being left with disappointment as the trio of FAB are released from the chamber. That spelled bad news for Rachel and everyone else in the ring, simply because they will work as a unit. Then again this works out that if you eliminate ONE you eliminate them ALL. One pin is all it will take hence the reason they are all sharing a pod and one place in this match.

Right when they get in, Diane and Angelina stick together as they both start beating on Cassie. This left Diamond to go after Rachel, having to push Karla out her way first to do so. The Golden Geek still hadn’t stood up from that last gasp kick out. So it meant she just got a booted right in the stomach as she sat there. Talk about painful.

Across the other side Telsia backs up her friend Cassie as it’s turned into a two on two battle. Telsia gets the better of Angelina, knocking her up against the ropes. The Vampire backs up, makes a run and right when it looked like she might do something dangerous, she gets booted right in the face for a big boot. Mrs Khaos then helps out Diane who got knocked on her ass by Cassie. She grabs the Canadian’s arm, swings her around and when facing her, bitch slaps the hell out of her.

[Tasia Wicha] What a nasty slap! You could feel that echo all the way back to the states.

Angelina follows up the slap, throws Cassie over the ropes onto the solid steel on the outside. The beauty queens team together on Telsia as they get her into the corner. Once they have her there, more slaps are handed out. Diane gets one right across the side of the face, while Angelina decides to just slap her across the chest. Right after Diane lifts Telsia up onto the top rope, climbing up herself, only for Angelina to do the same as they look to be setting up a double superplex.

[Mike Hawk] This is going to be a crash landing.

Each of the two blondes grabs onto Telsia’s shorts, lift her a little and then follow through with the superplex. It showed how in sync the group are as they worked a move that was both high risk and damaging.

Across the ring Diamond is in control of Rachel, dragging her around the ring by the hair as she looks to put her out of the company for good. The leggy blonde drags her up, knees her in the stomach as she is about to set up the Diamond Cutter [Belly to back, Inverted Mat Slam]. If she hits this then it is likely the end of days for the Golden Geek.

Lucky for her it’s time for the final buzzer as Jezabel is freed. The first thing the champion does once free, is get out and go on the attack Diamond, denying the finisher attempt. It gets a loud cheer as they wanted the baby faces to survive this.

[Mike Hawk] These two should make out and get it over with.

Mike had some interesting comments, although likely tongue in cheek as he is a good friend to Josh Nightingale. He’ll also not want the new bosses to have someone else fired tonight having already seen Michelle exit the company.

Things at least were starting to narrow down as we had Angelina and Diane fighting Telsia and Cassie, while Rachel and Jezabel battle it out with Diamond and Karla. Eight women that would soon become even less. Cassie had recovered from her trip onto the steel and is currently getting the better of Diane. The Socialite is seen as the weakest of the trio and it showed. She is taken down with a spinning heel kick as the Canadian Princess is going to do her best to finish his match for the Fine Ass Bitches.

Telsia meanwhile bested Angelina as she got in some multiple chops prior to knocking Mrs Khaos on her back with a step up enzuigiri. She then wanted revenge for that earlier suplex as she went over to Cassie, suggested a move and they both seemed in agreement. The Canadians carried Diane over to the corner, lifted her on the top rope and both climbed up as they were about to return the favour.

The former Women’s champion Angelina didn’t just lay down as she got up, saw what was about to happen and put a stop to it. She rushed over, pushes Cassie by the legs which caused her to fall down, landing on the steel surrounding the ring. Angelina reaches up, grabs Telsia’s leg and yanks her down to the canvas. The Vampire couldn’t react fast enough as she is lifted up, hit with the Acid Rain [Spinning Side Slam Back Breaker], and pinned. To make it worse Diane helped hold the Canadian down.


No kick out as Telsia is eliminated, meaning Cassie is also gone. That killed the title chances of the Canadians and you could tell it meant a lot to them judging by the way Cassie looked upset on the outside.

[Tasia Wicha] Cassie and Telsia have fallen short of their aim here tonight, they are eliminated.

Cassie helped Telsia up to her feet as the two made their exit. Angelina and Diane were happy as they made the most of this. Now they wanted to get everyone else out to confirm the trio as the first ever freebird ruled champions.

All of FAB soon crowed together after Diamond booted Jezabel in the face. Karla and Rachel had already floored one another with an attempt at a clothesline at the same time. It meant the trio now have control. They could do whatever they wanted which could be either vicious OR embarrassing.

They went for a mixture as they all pin pointed an opponent and got on top of them for some slaps, punches and head slams to the canvas. Right after they started to do what they normally try to do, humiliate the people they are fighting.

Angelina attempted to rip off Karla’s halter top, while Diane pulled down Jezabel’s colourful pink pants with the skulls on them, showing her off skull themed panties. Diamond just dragged up the hurt Golden Geek, attempting to finish her off with the move the pink haired champion interrupted earlier. Rachel tried to fight back but she is weak and that left her open to losing a fist fight or any fight really. Her friend is too busy fighting to keep her clothes on to help her out as the leggy blonde is able to set up the Diamond Cutter [Belly to back inverted Slam]. Mrs Josh Nightingale is lifted up and slammed right down onto her face, rolled into a cover instantly after. Is this it all over for Rachel?


Sad faces all around as there was no dream moment here. The kick out didn’t happen as Diamond is delighted with what she had just done. To celebrate she just gave Rachel a sharp kick to the side of the chest and left her laying there. Knowing she just ended her TXW career was satisfying enough.

[Tasia Wicha] Sadly Rachel Nightingale is now finished in TXW. She had to win this match, yet she come up short.

[Mike Hawk] This sucks. Can’t you see why I hate the new bosses? They fucking suck.

Mike clearly was never going to magically become a fan of those he hated. But like everyone else he had to watch this unbalanced match continue. The Trio weren’t going to be stopped as despite Karla fighting back against them, she did lose some of her clothes. Her halter top and her booty shorts were taken off leaving her in only her underwear, what little she had on.

Karla fought back against Diane, taking her down with a sudden Tilt-A-Wheel DDT. But then she got hit in the back of the head by Angelina, rolled up in a school girl and has her panties pulled as Mrs Khaos may have just got one over Wilson’s girlfriend here.


Over for Karla as she couldn’t find a way out or a way to prevent a booty shot. Still that was little bother compared to being eliminated from this match. She got up, fixed her panties and just looked annoyed on her way towards the door. The fans were silent, hating what they were seeing as Jezabel is the only one left in FAB’s way.

Silence from the announce team as they watch the Fine Ass Bitches go on the attack, giving the champion not much of a chance when it came to fight backs. She was hit across the face hard by Angelina. The blondes then drag her to her feet, push her towards the Queen and let her drag her down in position for the Facelift [Crippler Crossface]. Diamond then locked in a reverse figure four while Diane trash talked. All this combined looked just too painful. No matter how much the fans cheered, Jezabel knew of only one way out as she tapped out!

[Tasia Wicha] Damn it!

FAB have done it in the most convincing of manners. Ending Rachel’s career, embarrassing Karla AND now making the champion submit to a double submission. It was a great achievement as the three of them all embrace. The chamber is lifted and that’s the last we see of that. What we see instead is all of FAB take a turn at holding the Women’s championship as it now all belongs to all of them equally.

[Jenny Gold] Here are your winners and the NEW Women’s champions. Angelina Acid, Diane Murphy and Diamond Jackson!

The first ever time more than one person has held a singles championship. It’s a great moment for the faction, not so for everyone else.

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  • Register:12/31/2008 2:17 AM

Re:Moscow Massacre 2016

Date Posted:02/22/2021 12:54 PMCopy HTML

LOCATION: Moscow, Russia
DATE: Sunday 29th May 2016
GENERAL MANAGERS: Frank Stone and Aleksandr Grigory
THEME: 'Someone To Hate' by Demon Hunter


Outcome: Melissa is seen exiting the arena as Bobby Beckett tries to get a word with her. She didn’t seem interest and kept going out the back, leaving those answers for another day. Either way she likely knew her sisters wouldn’t ever let her forget what she has done.
Pierce Kingsley vs Daniel Khaos
Result: The final is now here as we are given a sighting of the throne the winner will sit on. Neither man will want to walk past that and NOT sit on it later, they will want to be the king. It’s a proud achievement to hold considering it means you get to at least brag about being king for a year. For Daniel this will be his perfect response for those who say his best days are past him. It will also be a great first achievement for Pierce.

[Jenny Gold] The following contest is scheduled for one fall, and it is the King of The Ring final!

The fans cheer, excited to see who will be sitting on that throne by the end of this. Many were still backing Khaos, likely due to his history as a competitor and due to the fact Kingsley is still very new to the business.

‘Four Walls’ hits first as out walks Pierce Kingsley, the fixer. The six foot two brawler is so far undefeated in his young TXW career. If he can stay unbeaten for one more match, he’ll be the 2016 King. That’s just not going to be as easy as he hopes, especially considering he is a little bruised up from all those kicks he took from Lauren.

[Jenny Gold] Introducing first. He resides from Vancouver, BC, Canada. Weighing in at two hundred and twenty four pounds. Please welcome Pierce Kingsley!

Pierce enters the ring just as his music is cut off to be replaced by ‘The World Belongs To Me’ hits as out walks Daniel Khaos, the current king. To show this he came out wearing the crown he won last year which has 2015 written on it. He’ll want to upgrade for a new 2016 one, so he had to win.

[Jenny Gold] Introducing his opponent. He resides from London, England. Weighing in at two hundred and twenty five pounds, please welcome Daniel Khaos!

The King enters the ring as he ends up face to face with Kingsley. They were trying to intimidate one another but it really wasn’t working for either man. The bell sounds as the two titans lock up. One swift punch to the gut gives the Brit control, followed by a couple of knife edge chops. That chest is still hurting from Lauren’s kicks, so more hits there will be beneficial for the current King.

Khaos had Pierce backing off, into he moved in close to get in some European Uppercuts. This clearly is going to be The Fixer’s toughest test to date. That’s probably because he hasn’t had that many matches so far here in TXW. Unbelievably this is only his third having come through Johnny, Lauren and now trying to add Khaos to that list.

So far it will be a struggle as Pierce is backed into the corner, hit with more European uppercuts and knife edge chops. Khaos continues with multiple uppercuts in the corner, eventually lifting Pierce onto the top rope after the onslaught. It really is going well for the King.

[Tasia Wicha] Vicious stuff from Daniel Khaos here.

Khaos lifted Pierce onto the top rope, climbs onto the second rope himself as he now attempts to hit a top rope fisherman’s suplex. If he succeeds, this will be a devastating move for the Fixer to take. The leg is hooked, Pierce is lifted up and the move gets hit! What a move it is, especially when the leg gets hooked once they both hit the canvas, as really that hurt them both.


The fixer survives, just about as Khaos sits up after it looking pissed off that his high flying top rope move, came to naught. Khaos given his history of having a short temper, starts threatening the referee, calling him a peasant. Of course the referee is being fair but that didn’t stop the King punching him right in the face, knocking him out cold.

[Tasia Wicha] Oh come on that was uncalled for!

Khaos got out the ring and grabbed a steel chair, already annoyed by how things are not already over. Having already beaten Hansom, he now wanted to wrap up this match to be the first man to retain the Kingdom. Getting a weapon shows how much he wants it, by any means necessary. In the ring he gets, about to smash Pierce’s brains in.

In the ring he gets as the fans hope he misses with the chair, just for the sake of this match. However he doesn’t miss, connecting the chair over the head of Pierce, leaving him flat out in the middle of the ring. It produced a smirk on Khaos’ face as he basically just took a short cut to give himself a big chance of wrapping this one up.

[Tasia Wicha] Why did Khaos have to bring the chair into this? The fans wanted to see a war between them.

[Mike Hawk] I suppose he wants to take short cuts.

Khaos is pleased, yet he still forces Pierce to get up as he wanted to put this in the bag for sure, or what he felt was sure. He places himself behind Pierce, looks at the chair then jumps up for the Khaos Theory [Zig Zag], sacrificing his own back just to force the back of the Fixer’s head to smack off the chair. That should be that as the cover is made yet the referee is still out the picture, all thanks to Khaos.

At least he is redeemed when a replacement referee runs on out and gets in position to count. It should be the end for Pierce who took a nasty blow to the head, not once but twice. He wasn’t looking very good after that, which is to be expected so this should be it.


Pierce somehow, some way kicks out of that. It made Khaos angry as he went out his way to try to win this match via cheating aka using the chair. Now his two moves have not got the job done, when usually that would always end things. Are we seeing a Khaos Maker out of ideas? Sure looked that way.

[Tasia Wicha] Khaos hasn’t won this match, at least not yet. Pierce Kingsley is showing what he is made of as few kick out of that finisher.

Khaos angrily got the chair again as he wanted to try to bash in the skull of Pierce for a second time. If he succeeded it would likely be the end BUT he didn’t as he missed the first swing, then on the second one we see Pierce run, jump and hit a high jumping knee right to the chair, pushing it back right into Khaos’ face. Chair plan backfired!

The Brit isn’t knocked down but is knocked back, chair dropped and he is extremely rattled. When he faces Pierce again, he is hit with a spinebuster as the bruised Canadian is fighting back into this one. Despite his efforts neither man is getting any support. In an ideal world for the fans, they would both lose.

Instead we see Kingsley take advantage by locking in the Liontamer in the middle of the ring, leaving the King in agony. At first it looked like he was considering tapping out, just to save himself from harm. However he just didn’t enjoy the idea of losing in what would be a way of getting back at all those who are beginning to write him off.

[Tasia Wicha] Will Khaos tap out? It looks like he is doing his best to fight doing just that.

Khaos is fighting as he tries to pull himself away from the middle of the ring. When that didn’t work he begins to try to turn over and flip over Pierce. It’s a test of arm strength versus leg strength. In the end the leg strength wins as Khaos finds a way free, rolling out the ring as soon as he gets the chance.

[Tasia Wicha] Khaos escapes the submission attempt, but he has to be feeling that.

[Mike Hawk] Khaos is doing a lot of running and shortcuts here. It makes me wonder if he is as good as he believes he is.

The King is avoiding the issue that is before him as he starts walking around the ring, taking his time in joining Pierce back in the ring. Khaos walked right over to the beginning of the walk way to the stage, taking a moment to stare over at the throne. It is a place he wants to again be sitting by the end of this one, no matter how he achieves that.

Khaos continues to circle the ring with Pierce waiting for him. The two men have already been through it tonight, so this wasn’t going to be everything they hoped it would be. This is just about getting over the line, getting the reward.

In the ring gets the 2015 King, making a run and avoiding a clothesline from Pierce. He ends up behind his opponent AND right away he attempts a second Khaos Theory. This one is blocked however as Pierce is able to stand fully still, using his strength to shrug off the move. It annoyed Khaos who bounced himself off the ropes, made another run BUT is taken down with a second spinebuster!

[Tasia Wicha] Down goes Khaos!

This isn’t good for the Brit, despite how quickly he stands back up. That’s only because he gets forced to his knees when he does stand back up, gets slapped in the face in a disrespecting manner. Pierce takes a step back, looks at the crowd for a moment, only to then return forward and kick Khaos across the side of the head.

[Tasia Wicha] That ladies and gentlemen is the Pay Up.

[Mike Hawk] I think he is going to take Khaos lunch money after this. Maybe some of the big bucks his wife just brought in too.

Pierce has the control and he knew the King is now in trouble. He didn’t just wait for Khaos to gather himself, he drags him up, pulls him close and snaps him down fast for the first half of the Debt Collector. He then runs towards the ropes, springboards off and hits his moonsault, going right into the pin. Could this be it for Khaos? Will his time calling himself king be at an end?


No kick out as the finisher really is the finish of this match. Pierce stood right up upon getting the winning fall and he looks around, giving a look as if he is trying to tell them ‘He told you so’. Defeating a man fallen from grace in Johnny Mercer might not bat many eye lids, but defeating Lauren Li and Daniel Khaos in one night will get him the attention, the headlines and the respect. You don’t do that by fluke.

[Jenny Gold] Here is your winner and the 2016 King of the Ring, Pierce Kingsley!

The fans give a mixed reaction as they watch Pierce leave the ring, walk towards the throne and sit on it. We have a 2016 King and you know for a fact this is just the beginning for the Fixer.

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  • Register:12/31/2008 2:17 AM

Re:Moscow Massacre 2016

Date Posted:02/22/2021 12:55 PMCopy HTML

LOCATION: Moscow, Russia
DATE: Sunday 29th May 2016
GENERAL MANAGERS: Frank Stone and Aleksandr Grigory
THEME: 'Someone To Hate' by Demon Hunter


Outcome: Michelle is seen on the hunt for her sister, wanting to tear her head off for costing her everything. The Texan isn’t happy at all and starts knocking pictures off the walls, kicking doors and eventually finding her way towards the office of Aleksandr Grigory. The Russian stepped out but had more security with him than earlier.

[Aleksandr Grigory] Ah Miss Wright, how unfortunate what happened to you tonight.

[Michelle Wright] Unfortunate my ass ,you made this all happen. You paired me up with Josh and that’s why you wanted me gone.

[Aleksandr Grigory] I didn’t pair you up with anyone. It was you who wanted to sleep around with the voice of the negativity Mike and Josh. It was you who wants to threaten the man responsible for bringing TXW new life. All of this you brought on yourself, including what your sister did to you tonight. Do you not remember trying to break her neck? Do you not remember the way you dismiss her when she is the oldest of you. I had a talk with Melissa, I admit. I just told her she needs to realise that as the oldest, she needs to put her younger siblings in their place. The oldest must always be the strongest, the wisest. It is why my friendship with Josh failed, because he is far from the strongest of his house. If anything he is the weakest.

Michelle stepped forward, wanting to fight him for what he said. It made the Warrior laugh despite what happened earlier with the stolen document.

[Aleksandr Grigory] Now that you are no longer apart of this company, you will lose any assets that don’t belong to you. Also you will return the document Josh stole from my office. I disapprove of any info on Brian White being in your hands, especially as a psycho.

Again Michelle moved forward and this time she knocked down one of the guards. Lucky for Alek this would not be a repeat of earlier as he had more who are able to restrain her.

[Aleksandr Grigory] Make sure this one is locked away somewhere she can’t hurt anyone. My country always has places for women like you, or should I say animals as you are no woman.

Despite her fight and her strength, Michelle is dragged away by at least five security guards. Where Alek plans to put her is a mystery but he just wanted that document back AND those who try to ruin the new dawn, to be gone.
Josh Nightingale vs Frank Stone
Grudge Match
Result: Two fired and one to follow if the next match goes the way the bosses want it to go. Next it is the grudge match as Josh Nightingale fights it out with his former friend Frank Stone, a fight that has never happened before. The Badass has been accused of many things, including trying to gouge out the eye of Frank. In his own words it put him back several years and took away his ‘fun’. Now he is back, he has been having fun at Josh’s expense which has included taking his role as president from him, destroyed his friendship with Alek and put his wife through hell. Now everything gets settled here because either Josh kicks his old friend’s ass OR he loses which means his place in TXW is gone, he is done.

[Jenny Gold] The following contest is a grudge match.

‘The Vengeful One’ hits which is very fitting as he still wants payback for all that has happened to him over the years. The six foot six monster of a man is in no mood to show mercy tonight, he wants to break Josh in half.

[Jenny Gold] Introducing first. He resides from Scranton, Pennsylvania. Weighing in at two hundred and eighty pounds. Please welcome the Dark Oasis General Manager, Frank Stone!

The brawler enters the ring, giving a dirty look to Mike who he has stated his dislike for on many occasions. It didn’t help the colour commentator kept his job thanks to a tag team win on the recent Dark Oasis.

Everyone is now waiting for Josh to make his way out, to join the brawl that will take place in a very moments. Instead of his usual theme playing ‘Why Can’t We Be Friends.’ Hits which surprises many but they get the humour behind it. Only Josh would enter a very serious match this way, he really is that type of guy.

The music left everyone speechless, especially Jenny Gold who didn’t introduce him. Instead we get to hear Josh sing along with the lyrics on screen, some of it even in Russian. Josh was winning over the fans which says a lot since their home town hero hates the Badass with a passion.

While this is amusing, it wasn’t so much when the former President gets into the ring. Frank moves a lot faster than many would expect which meant he caught Josh with very fast body blows. The bell rings to officially start this grudge match, the Badass already in trouble. Each body blow winds him. It also allowed Frank to set up the Exploder Suplex, which sent the Smokin Ace across the ring.

[Tasia Wicha] This isn’t a good start from Josh, not at all.

[Mike Hawk] He’ll do fine, Frank will run out of steam and ideas.

Mike was hoping as he watches his friend get lifted up and thrown across the ring for a second exploder suplex. The bully wasn’t finish as he got on top of him for a good ground and pound, punching away at his jaw, the side of his face etc. It made his face swell and could lead to brain damage if he keeps getting hit. Lucky for everyone watching Josh is a skilled fighter, not just a joke. He blocks a punch, head butts his former friend and boots him from the ground when given the space to do so. The Badass getting on his feet showed he isn’t finished this early.

Getting to his feet the two men get into a fist fight, Frank winning it. He gets Josh in the corner, grabs him by the throat and throws him across the ring. The Badass got back up but for a second time he is grabbed by the throat, this time he is hit with a chokeslam to the canvas. Cover made as this could be it for Josh.

1......2........SHOULDER UP!

[Tasia Wicha] So close there from Frank, but Josh survives.

[Mike Hawk] Of course he does. Who are you cheering for anyway? You don’t have to worry about being biased.

Tasia never answered the question, likely happy with her job and not willing to be as risky as Mike is being. Back in the ring we get to see why Frank is feared by some, he has such a power it’s freakish. Josh isn’t a small man yet it looks like he is when anywhere near Frank.

The big man isn’t happy considering his friend was able to kick out. So he of course put him through more misery by lifting him up onto his shoulder like he is nothing. Then he hits a running shoulder breaker, without dropping him. Instead he does it again and again, really damaging the shoulder. Once he had done it at least five times he throws him down hard onto the canvas. This is beginning to become a massacre.

[Tasia Wicha] Josh needs to start fighting back soon if he doesn’t want to go the way of his wife or Michelle.

By that she means fired as both of them are now no longer TXW employees. Frank and Alek really have taken away their haters, which should make those that still remain, think about what they say. Mike probably would never change, but others might.

Josh is struggling back to hit feet, leaning on the rope to hold him up. He stayed there a little too long as Frank came over, started punching the hell out of him as he caught his head every time. If this were a boxing match, it would’ve been called by now. Frank isn’t showing any mercy as he is going for the kill. He throws a nasty looking right hook that sends Josh crashing to the canvas right near the ropes. That could be the fatal blow.

The commentators were quick as they watched the GM drag a lifeless Josh up just by lifting him from the legs. Frank lifts him up onto his shoulders and powerbombs him down, without releasing. With his strength he lifts him up again, hitting a second and then a third after a spin which meant Josh is laid out in the middle of the ring. The referee even suggested that it should be enough as he considered calling for the bell. The beast refused to allow it to end that way, choosing to cover him instead as that was the Set In Stone finishing move.


Josh kicks out and everyone cheers for the Badass. Frank is in shock as he expected that to be the end. He is pissed off, so much so he gets out the ring goes and finds a chair, just so he can bring it into the ring. Unfortunately for Josh he didn’t move much in that time. That meant he got a back full of chair when he does stand. The first chair just makes him arch his back, but he doesn’t collapse. The second shot does more of the same. By the time the third one is being lined up, the Badass is now facing his former friend.

[Josh Nightingale] Is that all you got?

The Badass channels his inner Muhammad Ali as he mocks Frank despite getting his ass kicked for the majority of this match. It seemed good to do just that but it really wasn’t as the response is just getting a face full of the chair. The GM then laid it down, drags Josh up and choke slams him onto it. Another cover made as the referee counts, wanting to put his former boss out his misery.


Another kick out is shocking but also has fans worried about what Frank might do. He yells out in anger, grabs the weak Josh by the legs , lifts him right up onto his shoulders and powerbombs him THREE times onto the chair. Third cover made as we are expecting this one to end. Even the beast himself looked tired by all he has dished out so far.


[Mike Hawk] Look at this fight and tell me this man shouldn’t be our president, not the big steroid freak in the ring.

The GM can’t believe it, he really can’t as his former best friend is just refusing to lose this grudge match. Though his bravery has meant several kick outs, he isn’t able to stand up. His energy has been drained away which means sooner or later he will be done. Frank had to throw everything at him and that’s why he grabs the chair again, out of anger and desperation.

The heavy hitter starts slamming the chair down onto Josh over and over again, no sign of stopping. He dents the chair badly then places it down, drags up Josh and yet again has him on his shoulders. With all the energy he has left he starts powerbombing Josh multiple times, reaching about ten and then dropping him a final time for an eleventh. Cover made as this must be the end of this grudge match as both legs are hooked.


Finally there was no kick out as Josh has lost this match. It was a one sided match in the end with Josh doing very little. It goes to show you what Frank is like when he is alone in the ring with someone. Still you had to admire the heart of the Badass as he kept kicking out.

[Jenny Gold] Here is your winner, Frank Stone!

Frank has the official raise his hand as he puts one foot on Josh’s chest. It’s a triple treat for the new bosses as they have got rid of Rachel, Michelle and Josh all in one night. Russia has been good for them and they will want a clean sweep with victory for their chosen face of TXW. Can Wilson put the icing on the cake? Anything is possible here tonight.

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Re:Moscow Massacre 2016

Date Posted:02/22/2021 12:55 PMCopy HTML

LOCATION: Moscow, Russia
DATE: Sunday 29th May 2016
GENERAL MANAGERS: Frank Stone and Aleksandr Grigory
THEME: 'Someone To Hate' by Demon Hunter

Outcome: We see the King Pierce Kingsley leaving, very proud he achieved what he said he would do. While he disappears out the back door, we see an angry looking Khaos following him. It seems he had thought about attacking him, but left it for tonight. This clearly isn’t over between the newly crowned King and the former one. Not by a long shot.
Dave Wilson (C) vs Crystal Sweet vs Trevor Marshall
World Championship
 Result: We are now set for the main event where Dave Wilson will defend his title against Crystal Sweet and Trevor Marshall in a triple threat match. On paper this looks like it might be the end of his reign considering he didn’t even have to get pinned to lose the championship. He won’t be pleased with that but it is just something he will have to accept as there is no other way around it.

‘Ready for war’ hit first as Trevor Marshall makes his entrance. The King Kong Destroyer is desperate to reclaim the title after only having it for a few minutes. That is not how he wants to remembered as a big star of TXW. He’ll do everything to make sure he gets the title back. Tonight in Moscow would be the best place to do it.

‘Badass’ hit next as another challenger Crystal Sweet makes her way out. She really is out to get the title for the first time in her career. The Baddest Bitch looks out at the fans as most of them were hostile. Since we are outside the states many of them supported Aleksandr Grigory and his decision making. The fact he is backing Dave Wilson said a lot and he might very well end up getting the best support here. His entrance might blow the roof off the place.

The fans are now hyped up as they start a Wilson chant. It’s the only time you will see this as Tasia and Mike are surprised. ‘Black And Blue’ hit as out walks the TXW World Champion Dave Wilson aka the Perfectionist , the Punisher. He looked confident and for some reason then stopped on the stage as he takes a moment to stare towards the ring where he sees his enemies. Crystal and Trevor are both standing next to each other so you can see they were ready to tear him a new one once he stepped in the ring. That’s if he ever comes out.

Instead the Russian national anthem hits which causes a loud cheer. Aleksandr Grigory walks out and to everyone’s surprise he is in wrestling attire. He also has a live microphone as the fans were excited at the prospect this could bring. Maybe we might see a fourth contestant in this match at the very last minute. It sure seemed that way due to how Alek is dressed.

[Aleksandr Grigory] I have seen my mistakes and in the interest of fairness, I have added myself to the match. This way we will not see our champion unfair put in a handicap match. It is best for the people of my country and for all TXW fans across the world. This needs to happen.

The cheer is loud while Trevor and Crystal weren’t too happy about it. But they knew he would do everything to protect his beloved champion, the face of TXW. At least they finally make their way to the ring as soon both get in. Once they do the bell sounds as Trevor just goes on the attack, punching away at Alek while Crystal tackles down Wilson and gets in some free shots before he scurries out the ring.

[Tasia Wicha] This sudden change has just brought the anger out of Trevor and Crystal, it might not be the best of ideas.

 The champion stays out the ring while Crystal stares at him. While that goes on Trevor throws Alek against the ropes then knocks him down with a shoulder block. It got loud boos as they wanted their country man to come away with the title, not to see him get crushed. Trevor is in no mood and he never gave a shit about the fans anyway. He just came here to walk out as the World champion in Moscow.

Trevor picks him up after that shoulder block and then ends up picking him up then showing his strength by lifting him up. Seconds later the front powerslam is hit as goes for an early pin attempt as this would be a good way to win the title. The weakest is obviously the Russian at least in terms of experience as he hasn’t done a whole lot with his career other than that IC title reign.

1……………………2……………………Crystal breaks it up!

[Tasia Wicha] Smart thinking there by Trevor but Crystal has her eyes open.

Crystal gets in some shots to Trevor’s dome right after breaking up the hold and despite this he ends up standing up. He blocks one of her punch attempts then kicks her across the stomach. Then he suddenly hits a spinning heel kick which shows he is building momentum. He reaches down and picks her right up like she weighs nothing. He sets her up over his shoulder then drops with a Canadian Backbreaker to add to the damage. The shake of his head and him muttering the words ‘ big mistake’ said it all. These two are now going to fight it out and damage each other.

Wilson remained out the ring for the time being as he just watched the two biggest threats to his championship reign fight it out. Trevor has the control as he lifts Crystal up then goes behind her, grabs her around the waist then ends up sending her flying across the ring with a vicious looking Overhead German Suplex. Talk about pain!

[Mike Hawk] Wow did you see how far Crystal flew? The last time I saw a woman fly back that far was when I unzipped my pants. I mean they needed the distance to get a full shot.

[Tasia Wicha] You’re terrible.
Mike just smiles as in the ring Aleksandr gets in some shots to Trevor. He hits a headbutt then he is joined in the fight by Wilson as they both double team him. They then both set up a suplex and end up hitting it as the teaming is expected, much to the fans delight. Most core TXW fans back in the states would think the opposite but this is Russia, the home land of Aleksander Grigory.

They keep the attack up as Alek drags Trevor back up. He fires back with punches but Wilson hits one to the side of the face. Then that allows Alek to then set up and show his strength by hitting a stalling suplex. Keeping a man this big up for so long is a testament to how strong the president of TXW is. Seeing Trevor hit the canvas hurt him and now this is playing into the hands of the face of TXW.

[Tasia Wicha] This isn’t fair at all as we shouldn’t be seeing people team up in the main event.

[Mike Hawk] Careful these Russians might lynch you. Your good looks won’t get you out of anything here, Russian’s like their women hairy. Like hair on the arms hairy.

Wilson starts stomping away at Trevor and really seemed to be putting aggression into each stomp. No surprise considering how much he hates him and would love nothing more than to disable him. He jumps up and hits a jumping knee shot then follows it up with another as the T man is in trouble here.

Surprisingly his saviour is Crystal who recovered from getting her ass kicked by Trevor earlier. She attacks Wilson and hits him with a quick DDT. Alek smacks her across the face but she is able to take it and move forward, getting in some hits of her own. She then surprises him by showing a complete lack of respect by slapping him right across the face with a bitch slap. It pissed off the Russian while the fans chant ‘Whore’ in Russian. Alek tried to take her head off with a clothesline but the Bitch avoid it then hits a clothesline. The first one didn’t knock Alek down but she is quick to bounce off the ropes then hit another which did take down the President.

[Tasia Wicha] Well Crystal is back in this one, never count her out.

Counting her out is a mistake as she is now alone with Dave Wilson or at least in terms of who is standing. Wilson went over and got in some rapid forearm shots. It knocked Crystal into the corner but she blocked his attempt at an uppercut and ends up uses the ropes to lift herself up then use both her legs to kick him hard in the stomach. It winded him and made him go back a few steps. She got down on her feet and went over, then she kicks him across the stomach. She then snaps him down with a rapid Twist of fate that planted down on his face. Some fans turned at this point as some cheered for. While most were still booing they were still interested to see how this is going to go for the champion.

Crystal is feeling good as she gives Wilson time to get back to his feet. She is ready and waiting for him. When he does stand up she hits her own version of the RKO which of course is very similar to Wilson’s finisher. She then makes the pin as this could be insult to injury if this is how it ends.

1……………………..2………………………..BREAK UP!

Aleksandr drops his elbow right on her then gets on top of her then grabs her by the throat as he begins to choke her. As tough as the Baddest Bitch is, she struggled to get the Russian off her and looked to be in real danger. That’s of course when Trevor came over and booted Alek in the face to stop the choking. He then takes a look at Wilson who is beginning to get back to his feet. Then he makes a run towards him and suddenly hits the Snapper aka Spear when he gets back up. Talk about breaking him in half!

[Mike Hawk] Holy crap what a snapper!

That could’ve been the end had it not been for the fact Trevor gets hit by Alek after that. He is not happy about being booted in the face and gets in hard punches to the T man. Crystal then joins in as she sides with Trevor as they overwhelm the big Russian and eventually knock him out the ring. We then see a face to face between the King Kong Destroyer and the Baddest Bitch. There would be no holding back here.

Trevor makes the first hit but Crystal gives back as good as she gets. She does end up being thrown against the ropes but avoids being hit with a clothesline then uses the momentum to run off the ropes then hit a clothesline of her own. It did knock down the Destroyer as this has just picked up. The Baddest Bitch made sure to follow it up as she hit a standing moonsault. It was good momentum to have as she knew Trevor would be the man to beat here.

[Tasia Wicha] Crystal in control here, can she wrap it up?

[Mike Hawk] Sure looks that way.

Crystal tries as she struggles to drag Trevor up to his feet. When he is a bit limp right now it makes sense as that is a lot of weight to make stand up. Trevor ends up wrapping his arms around her and suddenly hits a double leg takedown. It showed he had little problem throwing her around. It could now be the end for her as the T man goes into the corner as he wanted to make a run then hit the Snapper. It would be difficult for even the toughest to kick out of.

He makes the run but then ends up hitting it on Alek who had got back in the ring at the wrong time. However he is then soon spun around by Wilson who is back up and the Perfection gets hit as it meant two just got laid out there back to back. A good moment which leaves Crystal and Wilson as the only ones standing. Wilson lays into her and gets in some uppercuts. She looked hurt but fought back and wasn’t going to let this happen for long. That is just who she is.

The Baddest Bitch hit hard and eventually started to get the better of Wilson. He grew anger from all the hits and tried to clothesline her but she avoided it then kicked him low. To follow it up she send him packing from the ring with a clothesline as she looked good and now had a chance to try to get a winning pin over either Trevor or Alek. First she had to deal with the Russian who looked like his ribs hurt from that Snapper. It made him a target in that area as Crystal hits him there as she tries to finish this match.

[Tasia Wicha] Can Crystal do it? She has the Russian rocking here.

Crystal got in some more rib shots and is then able to set up the Nightmare aka Canadian Destroyer. She makes the jump and the momentum flips over Alek who lands on his head. The fans were left in a state of shock as this could be it. This HAD to be it! Trevor was still down from that Perfection and he wouldn’t be breaking this up as the cover is made.


Wilson breaks it up and to make it worse he drags Crystal up then suddenly throws her out the ring. He coughed a lot as he looked hurt but then he covers his ally Aleksandr Grigory which is genius as even if the Russian could kick out at this stage he probably won’t if he knew his selected face of TXW was pinning him, if he is even aware of what is going on after that finisher as there is a chance he has no clue. Anyway the referee counts as the fans count along in Russian.


 [Tasia Wicha] Oh come on!

Not a good word to say for Tasia as yes Dave Wilson retains the title by pinning Aleksandr Grigory. Had he not included himself who knows what may have happened there. It didn’t seem to matter to Dave Wilson who keeps his title here in Russian. The fans applaud him while he is soon handed his title.

[Jenny Gold] Here is your winner and still TXW World Heavyweight Champion, Dave Wilson!

More applause for the champion who climbs up to the turnbuckle to pose with his championship. However when he gets back down he is suddenly met with Trevor Marshall who waits for him to turn around then hits the Snapper on him. It caused a lot of boos but it was satisfying for the Destroyer. Crystal then looks at him as she got back in the ring as they both nod. Both end up getting out the ring then each get a table. They put them in and set them up as this wasn’t going to be the party Wilson wanted.

[Tasia Wicha] I can’t say this isn’t deserved.

Once the tables are set up the two enemies team up to hit a double powerbomb right onto Wilson through one of the tables. It was a painful reminder that these two are going to continue to go after him. Trevor mouths to Crystal if they think he has had enough. She shook her head then they both drag him then do the same this time through another table. It sure was a way of dealing with heartbreak as they each wanted to leave tonight as the new champion, instead they will feel robbed by the fact Alek got added.

They weren’t done here as Crystal points at the announcers table. Trevor grins and then ends up going out, taking away the cover and the monitors as Tasia and Mike move back. Crystal throws Wilson out then the two soon drag the champion near the table before they again hit a powerbomb through it with the Destroyer doing the heavy lifting. Moscow Massacre then goes off air with them both staring at each other then at the championship as the champion is left a broken mess here in Russian. ●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●

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