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Date Posted:04/09/2016 12:06 PMCopy HTML

LOCATION: Toronto, Canada
DATE: Saturday February 20th 2016
GENERAL MANAGERS:  Josh Nightmare, Hammad Haider, Aleksandr Grigory
THEME: A Line In The Sand By Linkin Park

 The preshow began with Josh Nightmare making his way out to the packed out arena in Toronto Canada. The Badass informed everyone that Reality Check has come to an end with Hammad Haider's role reduced to that of a manager. He thanked him for his hard work on the show but the ratings have not been good enough  which has brought an end to the second show. Tonight on the preshow we will see a send off as RC has it's first and final showcase.
Edward McGinlay  vs Blake Underwood
Stipulation: No Holds Barred
Result: The Glaswegian spoke a lot of trash ahead of this grudge match finale. While the fans were firmly behind Blake, he was unable to live up to his form in his early days in TXW. Instead he was unable to cope with Edward's aggressive attacks, including a moment where he laid Blake out with a steel chair in the process. Aggression is often a good way to get a win in this type of match and it worked out for the Prince. The match was won as it came to an end with his Samoan Driver type finished. It really was a dominating win.

After the match the Prince got a microphone and declared his entry into the Jason White memorial battle royal at New Dawn. He also stated that Blake should quit and if Marie has any sense, she will be single by the end of the night.

Ashley Ricci (c) vs Chris Orton
Stipulation: Xtreme Championship / 15 min Ironman Match
Result: The hype is real as the fans are beginning to get behind Chris Orton. After his surprising win over Lucas Prodigy, he has gained himself a chance of becoming a champion. Only thing is, he is against someone who has retained against all before her. If Ashley is able to retain again she could claim to be the most successful Xtreme champion in recent times. That's saying something considering all the people who have held it recently.

Yet this challenge of a fifteen minute Ironman match made it threatening. Was her reign going to come to an end on this night? Turned out that it wasn't to be as the match started with a quick roll up from Ashley which got her the first fall. It took the wind out of the fans who were really hoping to see a new champion.

There was a fight back from Orton who got one win in the fifteen minutes. BUT when Ashley got three pins it was no loss to her as she was able to keep the score into the buzzer sounds to end the match. Orton looked frustrated while Ashley was delighted. That was into Lucas Prodigy turned up, offering out a challenge to them both for Dark Oasis. Will it be a match we see?

BladeDJK Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #1
  • Rank:Diamond Member
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  • Register:12/31/2008 2:17 AM

Re:New Dawn 2016

Date Posted:04/09/2016 12:07 PMCopy HTML

LOCATION: Toronto, Canada
DATE: Saturday February 20th 2016
GENERAL MANAGERS:  Josh Nightmare, Hammad Haider, Aleksandr Grigory
THEME: A Line In The Sand By Linkin Park

Tonight is the night of a new beginning, a new chapter in TXW history. This is a new season, a new year and for the first time since November we’re going to have a new World Champion. ‘Line In The Sand’ hits as we get a video package including all the faces of the event tonight, Daniel Khaos, Lauren Li, Hansom, Crystal Sweet, Michelle Wright, Trevor Marshall. You name it and most were present in the opening. This is New Dawn.

Daniel Khaos vs Lauren Li
World Heavyweight Tournament Semi-Final / Falls Count Anywhere
The introductions to the show are over as we’re now set for the opening contest. A highlight package of the recent build up for this semi final is shown including the best moments they have both had during their time in TXW. Once the package comes to an end the fans start a Lauren Li chant which shows how popular she has become in recent weeks. As the underdog you always get the backing of the fans but that doesn’t mean they will get the results they are after.<!--?xml:namespace prefix = "o" ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /-->

In the ring is Jenny Gold who is ready to tell the fans all about this match. “The following contest is the World Heavyweight tournament Semi-final and it will be a falls count anywhere match.” Jenny said as the fans cheered, excited that New Dawn is finally set to officially get underway.

‘Gasoline’ hits first as out walks Lauren Li. Placed in her hand is a kendo stick, a weapon that is legal in this type of match. If she uses to advance it might lose her some of those fans as they aren’t going to get behind someone who uses weapons to win. It could always get her more likes however as no one likes Khaos. The fans might enjoy seeing him being hit with the kendo stick.

“Introducing first, Residing from Long Island, New York. She is the lethal one, Lauren Li!” Jenny announces as the fans cheer. Lauren doesn’t react to the cheers as she walks out in a karate gi in red. It will be interesting to see how Khaos copes with her attacks as she is very dangerous with her feet.

‘The World Belongs To Me’ hits next as Gold lights flash throughout the arena here in Canada. The King himself is then carried out on his throne of thorns along with his crown. Once the throne is placed down he stands up and lifts up the royal sceptre. It seems this would be his weapon of choice to combat that of Lauren who still is holding the kendo stick.

“And now introducing Lauren’s opponent. He resides from London, England. He weighs in at two hundred and twenty five pounds. Please welcome the Khaos Maker, King Daniel Khaos!” Its announced as the fans boo the King of the ring winner. To date it is his only success in TXW which he will want to change.

Khaos begins his slow walk to the ring, moving his crown from his had during the long walk down the extended walkway to the ring. While he is staring at the ring, Lauren is staring back to keep her focus on who she has to beat. Both are in an equal position with them both being only two wins away from being crowned the NEW World Heavyweight Champion.

For whatever reason the King is really delaying his entrance into the ring. This was clearly for a reason as soon without Lauren’s knowledge, Khaos’ wife Angelina slid in the ring from the other side. She had some brass nucks that her husband handed to her. There was no time for a reaction from Lauren who gets hit across the back of the knee with the brass nucks. It was a painful blow and had her holding her knee in agony. The Queen of Khaos is delighted.

“Come on now, how can this happen!?” Tasia said as Angelina got out the ring and was given a kiss by her husband. The plan they had in place worked out well and the Queen has given the Khaos maker a great chance of progressing now. Taking out the leg leaves Lauren without her arsenal. The right leg is the one used the most and that just so happens to be the one taken out.

The former Kingdom leader enters the ring, holding his spectre as the referee prevents him from attacking as he had to check on Lauren. This one could be called off already if she is unable to continue which means Khaos will progress to the final for the world title later on in the night. It is something he gloats about as he starts mouthing off the fans, telling them that this was always bound to happen.

Lauren refuses to throw in the towel as she shook her head when asked by the referee if she was unable to continue. She grabs the nearest rope and uses it to stand back up. The King isn’t impressed but the fans are really happy to see her not giving in. The bell sounds which means this one is officially under way.

Right away Khaos charges forward and hits the spectre right off Lauren’s knee as she drops down again holding that injured knee. The King looked pissed off as he dropped the weapon of choice and begins stamping down on the knee, everything he can to destroy his opponent’s chances. Taking out the knee is the best option as he knew if Lauren could not stand, she was finished in this match.

“Khaos working on the knee as he is targeting in on Lauren’s strengths. We all know her biggest strength is her kicks. The fact Khaos is trying to take that away is a smart move. Even if his tactic for getting this advantage was cowardly.” Tasia said as she like many weren’t impressed with how the King of the ring winner chose to use his wife to gain control before the bell had even rung.

Lauren is dragged in the middle of the ring as Khaos holds up her right leg. Once in the middle of the ring he drops an elbow to the knee, forcing more damage. It made the fans quiet as they weren’t enjoying the start of this match, not at all.

The Brit hit two more elbows to the knee and begins to drag Lauren towards the corner once he has hit those. He gets out the ring and pulled Lauren so she her legs are wrapped around the ring post. A lot of the fans shouted out no as he teased slamming the Lethal one’s knee against the ring post. It was something he laughed about and then without mercy, he does what he set out to do.

“Brutal.” Mike said not having many more words for it. Lauren is in agony as Khaos walked away, leaving his opponent to suffer in pain for the next minute or so. Clearly this was all going well for a man who has been World champ many times before. He just wanted to do it now here in TXW, a place he has yet to win a title in.

Things were bad for the Asian beauty but it could get a whole lot worse as the aggressive Brit just got himself a steel chair. This was going to go from a bad injury to one that could put her out of action. Considering she is still in the same position, it was not good for her at all. The fans did scream for mercy but this is just not the sort of thing the Khaos Maker offers.

Khaos lines up the swing, about to permanently damage the knee. BUT when he swings Lauren moved out the way. It left Khaos awkwardly smashing the chair against the post. Then he ended up too near the ropes as instantly Lauren baseball slides at him, knocking the chair right in his face!

“What a comeback there from Lauren!” Tasia said in delight as Lauren moved out the ring, hobbling along as her knee was clearly damaged. It wouldn’t stop her fighting as she sees Khaos trying to shake off the fact he had a chair kicked in his face. He was leaning on the barrier with his back to her. That’s when she starts using her left leg to start kicking him across the spine. Each hit left welt marks across his back showing how hard she was kicking. Khaos could only keep moving along the barrier, attempting to get away. He walked right over to the times keeper table, grabbed the ring bell and throws it over his shoulder in an attempt to stop the kicks. Yeah it worked but it didn’t hit Lauren who moved out the way.

The fact did remain that Khaos is backing off as he walks near the announcers table, Lauren hobbling after him. It seemed like a chase but instead it was a lure as once near the announces table the Brit turns around fast, kicks at the knee and watched the former Xtreme Champion drop to the floor.


“This is my world Lauren, My world!” Khaos shouts out as he reaches down, grabs Lauren by the hair and makes her stand up. Right away he lifts her up and slams her down onto the top of the announcers table, leaving her lying on top of it. One punch later he was having some very twisted ideas.

Khaos went back in the ring, climbs up to the top rope, facing the announcers table. This is a very risky move but if it works out he will do a whole lot of damage to Lauren. That’s if the table gives way with the weight of them as we are about to find out.

The Brit takes a dive as everyone was wondering if Lauren was still on the table. That she was as Khaos jumps off attempting to hit the flying elbow. BUT at the very last minute Lauren moved off the table, leading to Khaos smashing his elbow right off the table. It left him on the ground in pain. Yet he didn’t remain on the ground as he stood up, doing his best to not make the pain a suddenly target. What he didn’t see is Lauren standing up on the announcers table. Clearly it hurt her to stand up but she manages to stay on her feet long enough to leap off the table!

Smack as Khaos gets dropkicked and he goes right into the steel steps. It was pretty impressive from the Lethal one considering she was able to get the leap after the damage done in the knee. Yet the landing was not comfortable at all. Then again Khaos had the much worse of that as his back and head smacked off the steel steps.

“Lauren is back in this as Khaos is left seated in front of the steel steps after taking a strong hit against them. The fans are certainly have got louder after that attack.” Tasia said as the King remains in pain while seated in front of the steel steps. It wasn’t good for him to be there as Lauren backed off and despite her less than perfect walk, she still dealt with the pain to make a run, jump up and she throws her body right against Khaos, crushing him between herself and the steps. Talk about a risky attack!

The bold move left them both laid out, Khaos in a big heap after getting up close and personal with the steps. Lauren was hurting too but she wasn’t giving into it as she made the most of what just happened by putting her arm over Khaos, who is still lying down. Would this prove to be the moment we see someone progress? The referee begins his count which could be the only one he has to make.


Right when it looked over the hurting King is able to get his shoulder up. It meant the pain for them both is likely to continue. You just know somewhere backstage Hansom and Trevor are watching this with delight as they will want to face someone who has very little left to give. They both already have targets as Lauren is favouring her knee once standing up. She got in the ring just as we saw a weakness that Khaos had as he is favouring his arm.

“These two are killing each other and I approve.” Mike said as a commentator you do want to see everyone give everything they have. It might not be long into the match but the fact remains that these two are hurting.

Khaos is soon in the ring and once he is, he is on the end of an onslaught of kicks from the left leg of Lauren. The kicks were counted by the fans and it reached eight. When the ninth one is attempted the leg is caught and suddenly, just like that Khaos had lifted Lauren right onto his shoulders. Then the run is made before any counter could happen eventually leading to the Kapital Khaos being hit! It didn’t finish there as right away once the Lethal one hit her back against the canvas, Khaos drags her up. He positions himself behind her and right away snaps her back for the Khaos Theory [Zig Zag] !

“Well there we go, Khaos has advanced here to the final of the tournament.” Mike said as he couldn’t see this one being anything but over. Two finishers and Lauren is in the middle of the ring so she couldn’t reach the ropes even if she tried. Both legs are hooked and this one is in the books as  Khaos win.


Somehow, someway Lauren kicked out which left the whole arena shocked. Khaos sat in disbelief at what had happened. Surely we haven’t seen one of the most shocking kick outs of all time? It sure looked that way as that was TWO finishers one after the other. It was amazing what someone’s heart can do at times like that. We just saw a will not die reaction from the former Xtreme champion.

“I think the whole arena just had a stroke, it’s gone so quiet. How the hell did Lauren manage to kick out of that one? She’s beautiful I will give her that, but that was two finishers.” Mike is in disbelief like everyone else. One person who has got over that is Khaos who is now just pissed off. Almost shouting how dare she kick out of his finish. A move that has defeated so many people in the past.

This frustration, this feeling of being disrespect led him to go out the ring as he grabbed the same chair he tried to use earlier. Would it be second time luck as he really wanted to split open Lauren’s skull to make sure he gets to the final. To be the World Champion now when the company is crying out for a new face to lead the new generation. This had to be him now his biggest nemesis’ are gone.

The fans booed as they watched him get in the ring, just as Lauren is back on her feet, well barely. Khaos take a swing and misses! The Lethal one had moved out the way just in time. Right away Khaos went for another swing, only to get kicked hard across the knee making him drop. It left him vulnerable. This is a perfect set up for the Buzzsaw kick known as Put To The Sword. You could see it in Khaos’ eyes he knew he was in trouble yet the kick is coming. Lauren went for it only for Khaos to attempt to block by pulling the chair still in his hand, in front of his face. Yeah it knocked against his face but it also caused the Asian beauty to kick it with her right leg, knee hitting it.

“Ow I don’t know who that hurt more.” Tasia said as Lauren is still able to fall on top of Khaos despite the pain going through her leg from it. Leg hooked as this could very well be the end of this despite the Khaos Maker’s best attempts to block the finish by using the chair. All it really did is apply more damage yet in the long term it might’ve also really cost Lauren. The referee checks the shoulders as he counts.


No kick out as the fans cheer loudly at seeing this upset happen. Lauren Li, a woman who has been written off so many times in the build up has arguably defeated the favourite of the whole thing. It’s written all over her face about how big that win was for her. There was no help here, no pin after someone else’s. This was all her as she staggers back to her feet. The only question mark over her now is whether she can cope with that knee issue with still one more match to come.

"The winner of this contest, Lauren Li!" Jenny announced as we get a lot of cheers for what is a very big win. A lot of people were banking on seeing Hansom and Khaos in the final. Now that is no longer a reality. Instead we will see a chance of another woman joining an exclusive club by being the main champion of TXW.

“Lauren wins big here and goes on to our main event. Unfortunately she has got a big target on her now as that knee would be targeted by either Hansom or Trevor Marshall later in the show.” Tasia said what everyone was thinking. Khaos left while that was going on, pissed off about what happened but not enough to make an attack. While it was good he left on his own two feet, he won’t be in action again tonight. The person who is, needed help to the back. Not good for those wanting her to win the title now she has got this far.

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  • Rank:Diamond Member
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  • Register:12/31/2008 2:17 AM

Re:New Dawn 2016

Date Posted:04/09/2016 12:08 PMCopy HTML

LOCATION: Toronto, Canada
DATE: Saturday February 20th 2016
GENERAL MANAGERS: Josh Nightmare, Hammad Haider, Aleksandr Grigory
THEME: A Line In The Sand By Linkin Park

We see some competitors backstage getting their numbers for the Jason White memorial. For those who don’t know it works as a royal rumble type match. The winner will be rewarded the Jason White trophy. There has been rumours about what else it’s about. Winning it will be important to some but to others they might not care about it all that much. Jason White was not the most popular of superstars.
Crystal Sweet vs Dave Wilson vs Lucas Prodigy vs Johnny Mercer vs Dustin Cage vs MDS vs Dean Creed vs Frank Stone vs Chris Orton vs Andy Parker vs Salman Van Dam vs Vincent Underwood vs Michelle Wright vs Rizwan Ahmed vs Aleksandr Grigory vs James Reynolds vs Mystery Entrant vs Mystery Entrant vs Mystery Entrant vs Mystery Entrant
Jason White Memorial Battle Royal
Over at ringside we are set for the battle royal type event to begin. No one knew who the first person out would be. Suddenly ‘Bitter End’ hits as the fans got on their feet, crazy that CJA is really here. Not only does he walk out, he is carrying the Jason White trophy that he raises above his head on the stage. Just seeing him again was a great feeling for the TXW fanbase as he hasn’t been heard from or seen since his defeated Jason White in what proved to be his final match in TXW. <!--?xml:namespace prefix = "o" ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /-->

CJA carries the trophy to the ring and puts it in. He gets in himself and stands alongside it as Jenny hands over a microphone. Looking to his left he looks at the statue. It is pretty surreal to have this type of match happening. It is still surreal that Jason White is gone, Jason White is dead. Nope no storyline here as this was the real deal.

“Good to see you all remember who I am.” The fans cheer as he just smirks. “It’s been a while since I stepped foot in a TXW ring and well, It doesn’t feel as strange as I thought it would. What does feel strange however is this whole Memorial battle royal. For starters the fact Jason White broke down after his loss to me, was major. I actually felt guilty for my biggest win to date. Then I just knew that it was what he needed, what I needed. I did what I had to do and I was the one who put him out of his misery.” CJA said as he finally stated something about Jason. He has yet to give his view publicly on how things were as some new found fans of Jason gave CJA a lot of blame.

It’s also strange we are choosing to remember him at all. I knew my enemy and I know he wouldn’t want a memorial, he wouldn’t want to be given a tribute. His legacy speaks for its self. But my feelings for it aside, this is the final time you will ever see the name of Jason White. It’s also my way of finally passing on the torch as I plan to reward this trophy to whoever wins. Not only does it give them something to take home. It also grants them a match Jason White was very familiar with, a World Heavyweight Championship match. This trophy my friends, is a golden ticket to a future Main event of a pay per view. For me that’s the real reward and that’s not my opinion, that’s a fact.” CJA said as he drops the microphone and carries the trophy back out the ring. Taking it out he places it at the side of the announcers table and takes up a position himself to join the team of Mike and Tasia.

Now it is over to Jenny who had to pick up the microphone as she still had to introduce this. By doing so she gave Mike a good view of an up skirt and he reacted by giving a thumbs up to CJA who just gave him a funny look. Distraction aside we are going to be introduced to this next match.

“The following contest is the Jason White memorial battle royal. Each competitor has been given a random entry number order and will enter every two minutes. The only way to win is to throw your opponents over the top rope and be the last man or woman standing.” Jenny says as we are now about to all focus on who gets the ‘lucky’ number one pick of this thing. It could really be anyone as some names have not been announced as being in this thing.

‘Point Of No Return’ hits as entry number one is one half of the TXW Tag Team Champs Andy Parker. The Justice bringer walks out without his championship as he looks unimpressed at being the very first one into this match. Of course you all know what he will say, this is an injustice.

“Introducing entrant number one. He weighs in at two hundred and thirty three pounds. He is one half of the tag team champions. Residing from Chicago, Illinois. Please welcome Andy Parker!” Jenny announces as Justice slides into the ring. He stands in the middle of the ring waiting whoever is going to enter at number two. Whoever it was would have to be ready for him as he is determined to win this considering he isn’t on the card any other way.

‘Bang Bang’ hit next as we find out the person who is number two in this one is Salman Van Dam, the Hardcore Icon. He looks pretty confident for someone who has not done a whole lot while under contract. If anything he has been a big failure considering he is one of the biggest names out there, at least in terms of name value. What he has done with his time here is not living up to what he costs or what people would consider a ‘big name’ or ‘big draw’. Could this be the night he proves everything he can do?

“Entering at number two. He weighs in at two hundred and eighteen pounds, residing from Multan in Pakistan. Please welcome the Hardcore Icon, Salman Van Dam!” Announcement there from Jenny just as SVD gets into the ring. Right away he is under attack as the bell sounds to officially begin the Jason White memorial battle royal. Who is going to get that trophy? Who is going to get that title shot?

Andy was trying to already eliminate SVD early as a few fast fire punches had him against the ropes. It wasn’t quite working despite his best efforts to throw out the Icon. It would buy him some time to just rest as this type of match will take a whole lot of energy. It’s the survival of the fittest.

SVD survives being thrown over as he throws back some hits, lifts Parker up and uses the ropes to his own advantage by hitting the stun gun. It left the Vigilante holding his throat as that’s what part of his body hit the ropes. This might be painful but the fans enjoyed seeing it as they watched the Icon get the fans into it by lifting his hands up.

“You would think he just won by that reaction.” CJA said as he poked fun at what he just saw. He wasn’t poking fun when SVD climbed to the top rope, waits for Parker to stand and then connects with a missile dropkick. It was so good the fans started a SVD chant as they would love to see him throw out the egotistical Parker who has been telling everyone his perfect world, other than accepting what the fans want to see.

The former Xtreme Champion is clearly on the ropes from that move as the next thing he gets hit with is a flap jack when he walks over all dazed from the dropkick. Momentum is building for The Icon as he needed this to be his night. If it wasn’t then it might be the end of the road for him as you just don’t get that many chances in TXW if all you do is fail.

While SVD attempts to throw Parker over the ropes the buzzer sounds as we get to see who number three is going to be. ‘One Last Time’ hits as out walks James Reynolds, making a special one off appearance. The fans cheer him as he runs down the ring to enter this battle royal. The sight that greets him is Parker holding on for dear life on the apron. The vigilante is standing and gets in an elbow knocking SVD back. The One and Only makes a run towards him, only for Parker to shock him by leaping up, leaping off the ropes and nailing him in the face with a flying knee.

“What a move by Parker as he just welcome James back to ring action in the worst way possible.” Mike said as SVD exchanges punches with the tag team champ. Every time Parker got in a hit he got booed while SVD got cheered from every hit. This is still early in the battle royal so every hit counts. It’s almost important they start narrowing down the numbers as this will be very full as we go along.

The Icon gets the better of the hits as he ends up Irish whipping Parker against the ropes. Justice moves back towards him and is able to float over him then knock him down with a DDT. Reynolds is back up too and for getting up at the wrong time he gets grabbed then launched across the ring for an exploder suplex.

As expected after that he had to gloat as he seems very happy with himself for getting the best of his two opponents there. He’ll be hoping that it will get easier as it goes along but we all knew that wasn’t going to be the case, not with big names like Crystal Sweet and Michelle Wright in this match. They will want to win for two very different reasons. That’s if any of them get what they want as at the moment it’s open to anyone. Anyone could leave tonight with a future World title shot.

We’re soon again at the two minute mark as the buzzer goes off. No one was sure who was set to arrive next as the entry order is as random as it can get. ‘Bonecracker’ hits as out rushes MDS, the former Xtreme Champion as the fans cheered. He slides in the ring and right away jumps on top of Parker, hammering with punches as the Vigilante had to cover up from the hits. MDS stood up and avoided a clothesline from James, throws him into the ropes and knocks him down with a Powerslam.

“MDS is here and it’s no secret he is here to kick some ass.” Tasia said as we see SVD go face to face with MDS. The fans weren’t sure what one they wanted to cheer for. It’s a choice they soon had to make as they started throwing punches at one another. The man with many secrets got the control early on as he hit so many hits that it left the Icon against the ropes. The former W.A.R member tries to lift him up and throw him out, easier said than done. It left the Icon clinging to the ropes as he didn’t want his chance to go up in smoke already.

The tension is there as we are not sure who, if anyone is going to be  thrown out of this match any time soon. The four in the ring have done well so far but still had a long way to hang in there to walk out tonight with the trophy.

SVD recovers from the position he is in and starts to fire back with kicks to MDS. However his momentum is stopped when James clotheslines him down from behind. The One and Only locks it up with MDS as they try to best each other in a test of strength. Both of them were cheered but the months out the ring made James rusty so he wasn’t as strong as he could be. MDS wins the test and locks in a headlock.

Buzzer again as we’re now onto entry number five. ‘The Vengeful One’ hits as it’s now Frank Stone’s turn to show up. He gets a lot of boos and is escorted to the ring by security. His laughter is very telling as he looks to all those in the ring who are not taking much time to focus on him. Is that a mistake? CJA is very quiet as he is very curious to see what this beast is going to do. He’s been after revenge this whole time but no one knows what else he is here to do. Now we all get to see.

Frank walks to the ring and it was only when he entered the ring that anyone paid any attention to him. MDS attacks him with some punches but within minutes he is punched harder by Frank. The Vengeful one then lifts him up and throws him over the top rope like it was easy. We have our first elimination of the match.

SVD goes on the attack next and he ends up being grabbed by the throat, lifted up with both hands and choke bombed OVER the top rope, landing horribly on the apron and worse outside the ring. What a horrible elimination it was and you’d think those in the ring would get a clue. It didn’t seem to be the case as James went on the attack. Two punches he gets in before he is lifted up and slammed down for a double legged takedown.

“This is scary, I think I just shit my pants.” Mike said as Frank was dominating as he looks to replace the Venom in a match dedicated to him. It would be the best place to do it and who says he can’t? The way he lifts up James next and throws him over the top rope is very dominating. It even made Parker do the smart thing as he slides under the ropes and jumps over the barricade, moving through the crowd to escape Frank’s rage.

We are down to just the two at the moment but it is really only one in the ring as Justice isn’t dumb enough to get back in the ring just yet. Frank is laughing about what just happened and waits for whoever he has to fight next.

The buzzer sounds as we now get entry number six. ‘Generic Drum Roll’ hits as it’s time for the arrival of Dustin Cage. The Masked Rebel may want to reconsider his entrance into the match. You couldn’t tell what he thought about it. All you could see is he is moving a lot slower to the ring than he normally would. At least he was making his way to the ring, some might want to turn back after the way Frank man handled everyone.

Dustin jumps on the apron and jumps over the ropes towards Frank. He attempted a senton but he is caught mid attempt. The beast himself then runs and powerbomb’s the high flyer right over the ropes, forcing him to land square on his back from a very high distance. He wouldn’t be getting up any time soon.

“Frank Stone is making this battle royal his own. We need the bigger names to start coming out here as soon as possible to try to put a stop to his dominance. It won’t be a good sign if he is the one who earns a World title shot in the future.” Tasia said as Frank was laughing about everything. He didn’t even break a sweat yet and he has already eliminated four people. Was anyone going to pose a threat to him?

The next two minutes are just Frank moving around the ring, nothing special about it as Andy Parker is seated in the audience just watching on. The Justice bringer wasn’t going to move into he saw a good moment for him to do so. He is a very smart man and wouldn’t dare go back in the ring into he knows his chances of succeeding are higher.

The buzzer sounds yet again and the fans actually cheer when they hear ‘Black and Blue’ as they knew it meant Dave Wilson is the next one to be on the end of an ass kicking. Wilson walked on out without much emotion in his face but even he was slower than usual to enter the ring. Anyone with a brain would be cautious about running head first into danger. Wilson is another smart man who would bide his time. Unlike Justice however he fancied himself against anyone and believed he could tackle the beast in the ring.

Wilson enters and he goes face to face with Frank. The American Dream Contract holder is ready for a fight BUT he doesn’t get one. Frank doesn’t lay a finger on him or move. He just stares back and this surprised even Wilson. The Beast just laughs as the Punisher stays on guard yet didn’t get any attack or plan any of his own. After a minute he realised he wasn’t going to be attacked so was able to relax.

“The hell is this?” CJA said as he like the fans was confused to why Frank, who was dominating everyone has chosen not to do anything about Wilson now being in his way. The two men just stand around not doing anything which gets them both booed. Wilson begins to laugh and he decides to flip off the fans.

Once the buzzer goes again we now wait to see if anyone can challenge the two who are in the ring. ‘Strobelight’ hit as out walks Rizwan Ahmed, a charismatic Pakistani who wasn’t about to back down. He slides in the ring, avoids a clothesline from Wilson and jumps up to try a shoulder block to Frank. It didn’t work as he was unable to get him off his feet. Instead he almost bounced off him. Frank then gave him a big rush, right into the waiting Wilson who span him around and planted him with the Perfection aka RKO. No fairytales here as Rizwan night ends as he is thrown over the top rope.

“Pure dominating here as we have some kind of alliance going on. I don’t understand what Frank gets out of this and why he is choosing to help the man who could pose a threat to him in this match. Let’s say Frank wins, he’ll be watching his back if he gets the world title around his waist as Wilson can cash in a title shot any time he wants.” Tasia is trying to figure out something that she can’t. Frank reasons are known only to him as Wilson had no idea this was going to happen either. There was a rumour about a confrontation but since Wilson is likely a terrible actor, he knew nothing of this.

Yet there would be no complaining about it as they are both getting a benefit of resting during each two minute wait. Frank hasn’t broken a sweat and neither has Wilson. That helped both of them out when it came near the end as sometimes alliances are what get you victories in these types of matches.

Buzzer sounds at the two minute mark again as ‘Eye Of The Tiger’ hits as Johnny Mercer makes his entrance. The former IC Champion has his work cut out for him here as this is something he isn’t going to have an easy time with. He’s seen those before him enter and get thrown out; he doesn’t want to end up the same way as everyone else.

Johnny gets in the ring and is able to avoid being hit by Frank. He actually takes him out with a dropkick to the knee as the fans cheer. Are they about to see the alliance seriously threatened for the first time? Wilson would like to think not as he hits Mercer with jabs to the face, throws him into the ropes with the intension to clothesline his head off. Instead Mercer jumps on him for a Lou Thesz Press, reigning down punches to the face. Never count the survivor out.

“Look at Johnny Mercer go! He is threatening to derail the plan Wilson and Stone have in motion.” Tasia said as she spoke almost too soon as once Johnny is done with the punches he gets hit with an uppercut from Frank. The powerhouse follows it up with somebody blows which gets Mercer backed up against the ropes. Once he is there Frank grabs him by the throat, lifts him up and chokeslams him over the ropes, to the outside as again the TXW audience have to suffer seeing yet another elimination.

The fans reacted badly by chanting that the two in the ring both suck. It just made Frank laugh as he is happy to be the enemy here. Wilson is the same as he stands up from the punches. They weren’t here to be popular, they were here to do what needed to be done and so far it’s working out very well for them both.

More pacing from the two as we await who will be drawn in at number ten. With almost half the people already eliminated we could already be looking at the some of the final names. If this alliance continues it will be hard to see it not being the two of them as the last two. It’s not an alliance easy challenged.

Buzzer sounds as all eyes went to the stage to see who would challenge them next. Still a few names in the match who would want to give it a shot at throwing them out. ‘BattleBorn’ hits as the fans went nuts. It was great to see the President of TXW has decided to enter this match. The Badass’ arrival wiped Frank’s grin off his face as he suddenly started to take this all seriously.

Josh showed no fear as he entered the ring and right away he is double teamed by both Frank and Wilson. Each took a jab at him, knocking him into the corner. Once he was there Wilson hit several uppercuts to the man who has been a thorn in his side lately due to the booking. The American Dream Contract holder didn’t want to be in this battle royal to begin with. Now he might be happy with the choice as he gets to beat up the boss.

“Josh is here and maybe now it’s not looking like such a good idea to be apart of this battle royal.” Tasia said as we see Frank tell Wilson to get aside as he wanted to be the one to do the damage here. The Punisher is happy to let that be the case as it gave him time to just take it easy. Frank starts viciously head butting his former friend. He mixes it up with punches, eventually knocking Josh into a seated position as this was getting worse and worse as it went along.

Frank lifted Josh up out of the corner, placed him on the top rope and could’ve gone for an elimination. Instead he chose to just start hitting his enemy. Was it a mistake to not go for the elimination? Turns out yes as Josh got a kick in, connecting to the upper torso. He then dives off and hits a crossbody to knock his foe down to the canvas. Wilson tried to attack right after but gets hit with a spine buster for his troubles. It left all three of them down.

All few of them lay down for about a minute which led into the buzzer going off as we are due another entrant into this battle royal. ‘Breaking The Habit’ is the theme that hit as out runs Chris Orton. We saw him fail to capture the gold earlier but now he has a chance with everyone in the ring all down. He slides on in and drags up Wilson which got him a lot of cheers. The Florida born superstar went to throw him over the top rope BUT he gets reversed and instead he is the one who ends up getting thrown over the top rope, just like that.

“Hi and bye to Orton.” Mike said as that was another fast elimination. The kid had bravery to go after Wilson but it turns out it was a mistake as the counter has been made. Wilson is now free to attack Josh, who was just recovering from all the blows and also hitting the spinebuster.

The Punisher gets in more uppercuts, Irish whips Josh into the ropes and on the rebound he hits a spinebuster of his own. It prompt Wilson to look happy with himself as he was determined to prove everyone wrong. A lot felt the hybrid wasn’t deserving of what he holds but as weeks go by he is proving all of them wrong.

Wilson drags up Josh shortly after the spinebuster, throws him through the ropes and sets up a rope hung spike ddt. Despite the crowd noise, the move is hit as Josh gets badly spiked onto his head as he is struggling with this. It really doesn’t help when he has to battle two when they are not the easiest in the world to fight against one on one. Together it makes it twice as difficult.

At ringside you could see this was bothering CJA who has a long hatred for Wilson. This is something the Punisher also made the most of as he looks over at him and flips him off. As much as he wanted to react, the retired Adrenaline Pumped Machine wasn’t going to. He wasn’t here to kick off his career again, not when he had the perfect ending.

As the minute dragged on the fans were hopeful in seeing someone who was going to help out Josh. Frank was back up so he was the one taking control of the beating on the President of TXW. Frank grabbed him by the throat and instead of eliminating him like he could, he chokeslams him in the middle of the ring. You could tell he was purposely keeping him in at this point.

Buzzer time and suddenly ‘Going Under’ hits as the fans cheer loudly. It’s Kelly Nightingale! It produced a grin from CJA at ringside as Kelly runs out to help her baby brother. Wilson tries to take her head off but she ducks under it, runs against the ropes and hits the Punisher with a Headscissor takedown that sends him through the ropes. Not eliminated but still on his ass on the outside.

“I forgot how hot Kelly is.” Mike said as he then had to awkwardly remind himself of who he is sitting next to. CJA just pats him on the back but in the ring Frank grabs Kelly by the throat when she turns around. He starts mouthing off at her and it wasn’t looking good. Luckily this wasn’t her first rodeo as she kicks Frank low causing him to release the hold on her throat so he could hold his nuts. Right after Kelly kicks his midsection and hits the Incubus [Stunner] as the fans cheered watching the big powerhouse get laid out by a Nightingale.

The fans start a Kelly chant as she helps her brother stand and now we have an alliance to counter act the bullies. Josh always had moments where his sister pulled his ass out of the fire, this is another moment here as he stands alongside her as they had to keep the focus on Frank. The two of them work together to try and lift him up. As soon as they do he suddenly grabs them both by the throat and shows his power by hitting a chokeslam on them both!

“Holy hell what power from Frank!” Tasia said as CJA wasn’t pleased to see his wife take a bump like that but he knew the risks as did she. Now the Nightingale’s are the ones down as an angry looking Wilson enters the ring. It didn’t look good that he set his sights on Kelly.

Wilson grabbed her by the hair, throws her through the second rope and gets outside. He gets out himself and right away he starts trying to provoke his old enemy. CJA didn’t budge as he watches his wife get dragged up then have her face slammed against the announces table. Not a good sight for anyone, especially when that’s your wife.

“Come on Chris. Don’t tell me retirement has made you lose your balls. You’re clearly here to piss me off so how about instead of sitting there, you fight me. Look what I am doing to your wife you son of a bitch.” Wilson said as he continues to provoke. He has his hands on Kelly’s hair still and for a second time he slams her head against the table. This one bloodied her nose as the tension in the air is as the fans were chanting ‘CJA’ to see if he would react, kick ass one final time.

Instead he just watched on and as Wilson went for a third slam against the table for Kelly, she ends up mule kicking him when he is directly behind her. Now that’s balls and well it wasn’t very pleasant for Wilson who dropped holding them. Kelly directed a smile at CJA, likely for his decision to not react. She climbs on top of the table and waits for Wilson to stand back up. Once he does, she leaps off and hits the Fearless [Cross Body] from the table!

“Kelly’s still kicking ass here as that was some move.” Tasia said as the two are left on the floor at ringside. Back in the ring Josh is fighting back against Frank who has been in control for the past minute or so. Josh gets in a lot of punches only to be Irish whipped against the ropes. On the rebound they both went for a clothesline which was like two trains coming together. It left them both laid out in the middle of the ring.

Buzzer sounds just as Andy Parker decided to re enter the ring. What timing it was as he starts stamping on Josh, only for ‘I like To Fight’ to hit as out runs Vincent Underwood. The Brit slides into the ring, sees Andy and the Vigilante is taken off guard when he turned around. The Brawler hits him with a couple of European Uppercuts and some knife edge chops. It rattled the justice bringer as he ended up near the ropes. The bastard runs at him and hits a running heel hook that sends Parker over the ropes, eliminating him!

Parker is understandably furious when he lands on the outside. He starts having a hissy fit as Vincent laughs his ass off. It wasn’t good for one half of the tag team champions who had to leave now he’s been eliminated.

In the ring Josh gets back to his feet as does Frank. Vincent sees them both, makes a run and knocks them both down at the same time just by launching himself at them. It was probably the best move as you need the powerhouses disabled as soon as possible. The wacky bearded Brit gets cheered for his efforts despite having a very unlucky number to enter at. Maybe it could turn into a lucky number for him considering what he has done so far.

Kelly enters the ring right after the move and sees Vincent take out her brother along with Frank. Once the bearded Brit is back on his feet, Kelly went over and got in some forearm shots. She Irish whips him and takes him down with a flying lariat as the fans cheer for her. They were happy to see her return for this if it’s all she is back for. No one knew the story but it likely had a lot to do with paying tribute to Jason White.

Buzzer sounds as we due another entrant into this contest. ‘Animal I’ve Become /Monster Remix’ hits as out walks The Monster Lucas Prodigy. He knows Kelly well so it didn’t seem to bother him she is currently the only one standing up in the ring. She bravely stands there waiting for the tallest person on the roster.

“You might want to get your wife out of there.” Mike said as CJA just shook his head. Lucas enters the ring and the size difference is something else. Kelly looked like a small child in front of him and her attempt at a body blow didn’t do much. Lucas goes on the attack as he blocks a punch, lifts her up and slams her down for a spinning spinebuster. Right away she popped back up, holding her back. Getting up so soon wasn’t the best as Lucas lifts her up again, this time locking her in a Bearhug.

The hold left Kelly screaming in agony as Lucas had locked in tightly. It is uncomfortable viewing for CJA. At least into Vincent went on the attack to the back of Lucas, causing him to throw Kelly down. The Brit is now the one who has to deal with the monster. While he does throw punches, not a lot of them landed due to the height advantage the big man has. One kick does it’s job however allowing the bastard to throw himself against the ropes, attempting to hit his bigger opponent with a charged attack. Instead he gets a knee to the gut aka kitchen sink. From that it wasn’t looking good as Lucas lifted him up and throws him over the top rope after.

Vincent is eliminated but right after Frank is on his feet. Lucas had his back to him and that wasn’t good as he soon turned around which ended with him being hit with a clothesline that knocked him over the ropes too. What an impressive sight it was to see Frank eliminate Lucas in such a way.

“Two more down as we’re getting closer to the final tally. We have only a few more entrances left.” Tasia said as the field is narrowing. Six more are due out but those still in are tiring. Most have been through a lot as they give it their all to earn a title chance. It will be something else if Josh is able to win this as many will not like seeing the boss reward himself. Then again if he does win it was all earned as he even had an early entrance number.

We get the buzzer again as it’s time for entrant number fifteen. ‘Terminator Theme’ hit as out rushes Dean Creed, a former multiple time Tag champ. He is still looking to prove himself as a single’s competitor so this would be the best time to do it. Too bad Frank is on his feet when he enters the ring. The powerhouse attacks him, not giving him a chance to gain any momentum.

Frank uses his power to lift Dean up with both hands and throws him over the top rope, leading to an early elimination. The fans show him more hatred by booing him as he has been throwing people out all night. It didn’t help that Wilson gets back into the ring as the alliance is back again. Both of them go after Nightingale’s as the bruiser attacks Josh, while Wilson went back after Kelly, stamping on her midsection while she was sitting in the corner attempting to recover from that bearhug earlier.

Wilson lifts Kelly up and tries to get her over the top rope. She grabs on for dear life but loses her grip and ends up landing on the apron. Once on it she grabs the rope again as Wilson puts boots to her, trying his best to get her out this match. It would be important for him to do so as narrowing the field is important, especially with only a select few left.

Across the ring Josh is finally getting the better of Frank, besting him in a straight up fist fight. The Badass knocks his old friend down with a clothesline then sees his sister in trouble. Since he got his ass saved earlier, he decides to return the favour as he goes over and punches Wilson in the back to stop his attempts at eliminating Kelly. The American Dream Contract holder turns around, gets hit with some more boxer like hits, is thrown against the ropes and hit with a strong lariat by the Smokin Ace. His time out the ring hasn’t left him as rusty as people thought.

Now the Nightingale’s are the ones who are standing tall. Each look at one another and then at the stage when the buzzer goes off. ‘A New Way To Bleed’ hits as out rain like effects appear on the stage. Out walks someone in a black spiked sleeveless hoodie, clearly a woman. Both the siblings look confused at who it is. The hood gets pulled down as it’s revealed to be Becca who looked pale and had black lipstick on. She rips off her hoodie on her way to the ring.

“Becca Nightingale? She looks different.” Mike said as he shockingly called her by actual name, shock of the night folks as she runs out and let out an angry scream. She got in the ring and punches her sister hard once she tries to approach her. Josh attempts to go close but he is kicked hard between the legs then gets a knee right in the face.

Wilson stands up next as he is greeted with a bitch slap from Becca. She bounces off the ropes, ends up behind him and hits a jumping bulldog. It left a lot baffled to see this from her. Kelly stands up and looked pissed off as she went after her sister. The Fearless one gets in some hits but gets hit harder back. She gets poked in the eye then has a knee driven into her midsection. Becca hits a snap ddt which she used to call End Of Show. The move took a lot out of Kelly who was shocked at getting her ass handed to her by her younger sister. She gets more shocked when dragged up and thrown over the top rope by the Night Dream in what is a shocking elimination.

“Wow there goes Kelly. We haven’t seen Becca in a very long time and wherever she has gone it’s clearly a dark place.” Tasia said as Kelly looked surprised but also disappointed she is out of this contest. Josh now had to be the one to handle her as he stands back up. Words were what it seemed like he was going for but he never got any in as he gets bitch slapped across the face.

The Night Dream continues as she bounces off the ropes, jumps up and snaps her brother down with a tornado ddt. It is surprising what she is achieving as Josh looks baffled by it all as he stares up at the lights. The miracle however seemed to be coming to an end when Frank stands up. He blind sides Becca by punching her across the back of the head. She holds her head only to then get grabbed from behind and hit with a German Suplex that sends her right across the ring landing badly on her head and back.

Just as that happens the buzzer sounds as ‘Freak Like Me’ hits. The fans actually cheer as we get to see the woman who last saw Jason alive, Michelle Wright. The Texan seemed happy with who was waiting for her in the ring. Michelle got in the ring and avoided being hit in the face by Frank. Instead she jumps up to hit a punch of her own. Following it up she hits a elbow to the nose as the powerhouse had to handle trying to hit a smaller faster prey. The big man did the mistake of trying to lunge forward and hit a punch. He hit air with his punch and got tripped over with a drop toe hold. Michelle then locked Frank in the Crazy Pain [STF] as the fans cheered loudly.

“Submission hold on Frank! Can you believe it!?” Tasia said as everyone watches the seemingly unstoppable big man in a lot of pain. He is also probably surprised at how strong Michelle is as she held it in as tightly as she could. While it won’t win her the match it will at least weaken the biggest danger in this match.

However Wilson soon stamped on Michelle’s back to break the submission as he came to the aid of his ally. He grabs hold of Michelle by the hair, forces her to stand up and spins her around. Once he does he nails her with the Perfection [RKO]! It could prove to be really damaging for her. It also allowed Frank to get back up, although he was holding his neck.

Frank went on the attack, lifted Michelle up using both hands on the throat. He carries her across the ring that way and sits her on the top rope. Clearly he was ready to eliminate her but Josh is back up. He clotheslines down Wilson then runs over to Frank, clotheslines him hard in the back and it sends him over the top rope! Michelle fell but she was able to land on the apron as the powerhouse falls over her and is eliminated!

“Frank Stone is eliminated!” Loud cheers as the alliance is broken as the Badass has got the big powerhouse out this match. Frank can’t believe it as didn’t expect to be eliminated at this stage of the match. Josh was the one laughing now and he leans over the ropes to wave his foe goodbye. While it was a good feel moment it didn’t last as suddenly Becca drop kicks Josh in the back! He falls over the ropes and ends up out the ring. Now he is eliminated too!

Shocked silence as Becca gives him a stare and seems to have got her revenge for the firing. How she is even here is anyone’s guess. But either way she has now eliminated BOTH her more successful siblings. While she was pleased with that, Josh wasn’t so pleased. Security had to come into play to stop the Badass and Frank brawling as the powerhouse was looking to continue this heated rivalry.

The buzzer sounds as security are trying to handle the aftermath of that shocking double elimination. ‘Badass’ hits as Crystal Sweet has arrived. She walks on out and looks at Josh who was finally leaving after the brawl was stopped from happening. The Baddest Bitch enters the ring where she is greeted by Becca. She was hit in the face and right away Becca tries to cause a third shocking elimination as she lifts up Crystal and dumps her over the top rope. Lucky for her she hit the apron and held on or that would’ve been her gone already.

The Night Dream stamps on her a few times into she gave up trying to eliminate her that way. She turns around and unfortunately for her walked right into a Perfection [RKO] which understandably laid her out. That meant Wilson is the only one left standing as Michelle also was still recovering from that same move plus almost being thrown out by Frank. Crystal is at least soon on her feet and back on the right side of the ropes. She stands face to face with Wilson as the fans chant for her to kick his ass. If anyone has had the Punisher’s number, it’s her.

Crystal hits out first, gets hit back but comes back with stronger hits knocking Wilson back a few steps. The Baddest Bitch slaps him across the face, backs off two steps and lunges forward to knock Wilson onto his ass with a clothesline. Despite being a heel she gets cheers for this treatment of one of the most hated superstars on the roster.

“What a hit from Crystal. Wilson knows he has it all to do now and he’s finally going to have to do it on his own.” Tasia said just as Michelle stands back up. She could’ve attacked Crystal from behind but chose to instead wait into she turned around. The two tough women then go face to face as we are about to see them fight it out. Michelle gets a shot in first but her second punch attempt is blocked. Crystal fired back with punches of her own, rattling the Texan. She knees her in the stomach, lifts her up and powerbombs her down!

It was a good moment for Crystal, into Becca jumped on her back attempting to choke her out. She wrapped her arms around her and locked in the hold. It is a struggle for Crystal who steps forward, near the ropes as she attempted to try to prevent the rear naked choke being locked in. She reaches back, grabs a handful of her hair and flips her over her shoulders, over the ropes. Lucky for Becca she lands on the apron. She was still going to be eliminated had it not been for Wilson who attacks his enemy’s knee, leaving her grounded.

Time for the buzzer as we get the second to last entrant of the match. ‘Russian National Anthem’ hits as out walks the current Vice President of TXW, Aleksandr Grigory. The big Russian recently retired by has chosen to enter this for a one time only deal. He moves quickly to the ring as everyone in the ring is currently down. As soon as he enter the ring he goes after Michelle who is close to him and getting back to her feet. He lifts her up above his head about to go for a Gorilla press. The Texan finds a way to escape, lands on her feet behind him. She kicked at him when he turns around, gets him reeling up against the ropes. The Texan backs right off, makes a run and with all her strength she is able to clothesline the big Russian over the ropes, eliminating him!

“I am so proud of Michelle, what an elimination! Go on you can do this!” Mike said as Michelle has closed the numbers down even further. Alek is gone and all that remains is Crystal, Becca, Wilson and whoever the last entrant is going to be.

Wilson has Crystal in the corner now and is on his feet, stamping away at her, doing his best to damage her in every way imaginable. Michelle was going to interrupt but she gets Becca in her face. The youngest Nightingale has a new edge to her and she slaps the Texan across the face. It was a hard hit too but all it did was piss Michelle off. The ‘crazy’ one fired back with punches, ones that Becca was unable to handle. Using her strength she lifts up the Night Dream above her head. The FAB beauty screams out no as she is send flying over the ropes slowly after and lands awkwardly on the mats on the outside.

“Bye Becca, I like your new attitude.” Mike said whether he was being sarcastic or not didn’t really matter as after the great effort, Becca is gone. No Nightingale will now win this battle royal but it could very well be a Wright. Michelle has a lot of support due to her connection with the now deceased Jason. If she wins this it could be the biggest win of her career, especially with the talent sharing a ring with her.

Wilson tries to blind side her by charging at her when her back is turned. She surprises him back by hitting a drop toe hold and locking in the Crazy Pain. It caused Wilson agony as he wanted to reach for the ropes, not that it would break the hold as submissions and pinfalls don’t matter here. So it also means they can’t be broken like usual.

Buzzer sounds as the submission is held in. Then for whatever reason the lights go off. The screen lights up and again shows Jason White’s gravestone. It made Michelle release the hold in the ring, from what people could see. She is staring at the screen as the gravestone disappears and suddenly ‘Hush’ hits with Jason White’s entrance video playing on the screen now.

Gasps and stunned silences are the reactions as this couldn’t be real could it? It is real as out walks the six foot six Jason White in his skull mask that covers his whole face. His body was covered in bloody clothing like he has risen from the grave. No one had a word to say and Michelle looked terrified. Something you have never seen her like ever before. Jason walks to the ring, climbs onto the apron and goes over the top rope to enter the ring. The Skull mask remains on as CJA is standing too, shocked to the core.

Jason is looking right at Michelle who looked in the middle of a breakdown. She couldn’t move and we’re about see the Venom take the mask off but just as it was about to happen, the lights went off. Laughter is heard and then when the lights go back on, Jason was gone. Michelle looked around all terrified and her focus was completely gone. Suddenly Wilson attacks her and throws her over the top rope!

“NOOOOO not this way.” Tasia said as Michelle is eliminated and she looked distraught at being thrown out in such a way. Wilson milked the boos as now he is one of two remaining. Could he earn himself a second title shot? Wilson was so cocky he went on the turnbuckle and raised his hands up.

It turned out to be a big mistake as Crystal is back on her feet. She runs over to him and knocks him over as he falls down, over the ropes and lands on the apron. While he stays on the apron he is far from safe as the Baddest bitch bounces off the ropes, makes a run and knocks him right off. Eliminating him!

“Crystal has done it! She is the winner of the Jason White memorial battle royal and earns herself a  World title shot! What bizarre scenes!” Tasia said as Crystal is delighted with her victory having come back for the right reasons and a very big win. Wilson cocky ways got the best of him in the end as he thought he had won it before he had actually won it.

“Here is your winner, Crystal Sweet!” Jenny announces as CJA gets up from the announcers table, picks up the trophy and brings it into the ring to present to her. He hands it to her although he looked over at Michelle who is sitting on her knees staring at the ground. It was easy to see why as everyone is going to be talking about whether that really was Jason or if it was another mind game that we have been seeing in recent weeks. Either way it proved costly for Michelle as her inability to let go of The Venom has let her down here. Crystal is happy as she has her hand raised by CJA, who then left. He tried to help out Michelle but she was having none of it.

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Re:New Dawn 2016

Date Posted:04/09/2016 12:08 PMCopy HTML

LOCATION: Toronto, Canada
DATE: Saturday February 20th 2016
GENERAL MANAGERS: Josh Nightmare, Hammad Haider, Aleksandr Grigory
THEME: A Line In The Sand By Linkin Park

Outcome: An angry looking Daniel Khaos is seen trying to get over his first round exit. It wasn’t what he wanted at all and it meant his night is over. New Dawn wasn’t to be for him but he clearly wasn’t going to allow it to make him disappear into the background. Hansom ends up walking past him and laughs. That made Khaos attack him as the two long term enemies fought it out into security pulled them apart. Despite not being the main event, these two would have to settle this sooner or later.
Blair Black vs Karla Winchester
Cage Match
Result: Over to ringside as the cage is lowering after what was a hectic battle royal. We’re set for a more personal battle next as Karla Winchester battles it out with Blair Black inside the fifteen foot steel cage. The winner will likely be rewarded a place in the title picture later down the line as they will be putting their bodies on the line for the sake of winning. It shows that Josh can mix it up when he needs to as this isn’t an eye candy match, this is a war.<!--?xml:namespace prefix = "o" ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /-->

Jenny is in the ring ready to call this as the cage is finished being lowered into place. “The following contest is schedule for one fall and it’s inside the Steel cage!” She announced as the fans cheered, excited about seeing two tough fired up women battle it out in this. The grudge match will be over with this, there is no doubt.

‘I’m An Albatraoz’ hits first as out walks the bubbly Blair who has ducky in hand. She smiles despite about to head inside the steel cage. Vincent is with her and would hope she has better luck than he did in the battle royal.

“On her way to the ring, accompanied by Vincent Underwood. She resides from Boston, Massachusetts. Please welcome Blair Black!” Jenny announces as Blair skips around the cage all around. Once back near the door, she hands ducky over to Vincent giving ‘him’ a little kiss on top of the head. The Brit made sure to look after ‘him’ as he watches his girlfriend enter the dangerous structure.

Next ‘Lady Venom’ hits as out walks Karla Winchester, who is on her own. Wilson is likely smarting from how close he got to winning the battle royal so hasn’t turned up here. Also keep in mind that Vincent is likely only out here to be the guardian of Ducky. Karla wanted to get one over Blair having lost to her in the candy on a pole match all the way back on Dark Oasis thirty two. Sure she has got wins over Becca Nightingale and Madison Wright since, but will value this Pay Per View match as a more important match to win.

“Now introducing her opponent. Also residing from Boston, Massachusetts. Please welcome the New England Sexpot, Karla Winchester!” Jenny announces as the fans boo her. Some weren’t keen to boo her due to those booty shorts and just how she looks. A lot probably admire her more than Blair who is often not considered everyone’s favourite.

Karla enters the cage as she looks ready to put the beating on Blair. The cage is shut and the referee rings the bell to start this one. Both of them lock up attempting to overpower one another. The Sexpot overpowered Blair, throws her into the ropes and on the rebound she grabs at her legs, quickly trying to apply a submission. The Sassy New Englander rolls Blair over and locks in the Boston crab. One Boston girl to another applying this move just had to happen.

“Early submission here as Karla looks for some payback.” Tasia said as Blair struggles with the pain. Vincent does his best to help her out by standing at the side of the cage, holding up ducky. It was his way of trying to motivate her as it would be really bad to tap out from this early going in the match.

The motivation worked as Blair fought through the pain and is able to use her leg strength to flip Karla over. If that’s anything Blair has going for her, it’s her leg strength. She is also very fired up about what almost happened. Her time to attack as started kicking at her, grabbed her hair after and throws her across the ring while screaming. Right after she got on top of her and just starts hitting her while continuing to scream.

“Looks like Karla has pissed Blair off.” Tasia said as Blair slammed Karla’s head down about twenty times into she was pushed away by the Sexpot. It wasn’t a good moment for her and she wasn’t getting much breathing room as this is a cage, there is no real space to breath.

Blair continued to attack, got a hold of Karla’s hair and throws her right into the cage! The Sexpot hits off it, lands back on her feet but her face hurt. It never got better as Blair throws her against the opposite side of the cage. You’d think the fans wouldn’t be keen seeing a beautiful woman hitting the cage but they began to count along as it kept happening. It got the point where Karla hit each side of the cage and is left flat out after the worst time anyone can go through in the ring.

On the outside Vincent is delighted with what he is seeing. If it continues this way then the victory will be Blair’s as you can’t hit steel that many times and be fine to continue. Karla is looking out of it and it didn’t help that Blair wasn’t giving her much time to respond. The unique one went to set up a bulldog. She made the run and right when the move is about to happen, Karla pushed her away making her fall and land right on her ass.

The angry sexpot wanted to make the most of that as she runs over while Blair is seated and kicks her across the spine forcing Blair to lie on her back. It isn’t pleasant viewing for Vincent or ducky as it’s gone from going well to now turning to something not good at all. Karla is in control as she made the most of having her opponent on her back. She drags her up, holds her up in a fallaway Slam position. A standing moonsault later and we see the move known as SassyWit aka Moonsault Fallaway Slam. It’s a trademark of the Sexpot and it left her opponent laid out.

“What a unique move even if I am always going to be distracted by that booty.” Mike said as Karla is very happy with what she did there. She looks up at the top of the cage and decides it is the perfect time to start climbing out. With Blair down it might be the end of this one as she needed to be challenged.

The person who decided to try to help out with that is Vincent who goes to the side of the cage that Karla will be climbing out of. She saw this and stopped near the top of the cage, shouting at him for what he is doing, calling him a cheater. Not really cheating as at the moment he hasn’t done anything other than buy his girlfriend some time. It’s time that helped her out as the unpredictable one is on her feet, jumps up and reaches up to get a hold of Karla’s leg. Despite getting hold Karla kept climbing up and got a leg over to the other side.

This one was getting close to being over but Blair did not give up as she grabbed the leg, refusing to let go. At one point she wasn’t holding onto the cage at all, just holding onto the leg and it was dragging Karla back inside. Blair kept her footing on the side of the cage, got Karla back down despite her best effort to get back up and over. That came to a stop when Blair reaches up further, grabs onto the booty shorts and pulls them down! It unveils the booty and forced the sexpot to move down for the sake of her own dignity as her opponent would pull them off to prevent her escaping. It’s smart as she wanted to win.

“No Karla, keeping trying to escape. You don’t need the shorts.” Mike said as the two women end up back in the ring. Karla was able to fix her shorts but was on the end of some hits. Blair throws Karla into the ropes, knocking her down with a chick kick on the rebound. This match has suddenly turned and just like that the Shining Wizard is hit right when the Sassy one tried to get back to her feet. Foot meets skull and foot wins. Lights out for Karla? It looked like it.

Blair starts climbing the cage, with no challenge being made. That’s when Andy Parker of all people jumps over the barricade. His appearance surprises Vincent and the Vigilante seemed to have an issue with him, hence why he hits him with the baton that he had in his hand. It is a cowardly attack as it was a jump attack and it distracted Blair who was climbing near the top, slowing down to see her boyfriend laid out. Worse was yet to come as Andy got his hands on the rubber duck known as ducky.

“Don’t do this Andy. We all know it’s not normal but Blair is really attached to that rubber duck.” Tasia said as Andy holds it up when Blair reaches the top. She looked half tempted to jump down in an attempt to save what she cares about most.

Then the horrible happens as Justice drops the duck, steps on it, flattening it as Blair screams about it. The distraction was enough for Karla to recover as she crawls towards the door, an official opens it up and she escapes to win the match! When Blair notices she screams some more. Now the delay was not over as she just chose to dive right off in a very dangerous attempt. It didn’t work out as Andy moved out the way which made for a very bad landing from Blair. Despite being in pain from the fall, likely damaging her legs, she stands up. Justice then just hits her across the head with the baton.

“I don’t understand why Andy is doing this. It has to be more than just what happened in the battle royal.” Tasia said as Blair is left laid out. Vincent is the same as ducky is ‘dead’ since it’s been flattened by the boot of Justice. It was a cruel thing but clearly Andy Parker has his reasons for it and he left happy.

Someone who is also happy about it is Karla who left with a smile on her. While she left she is announced as the winner. “The winner of the match, Karla Winchester!” Jenny said as the fans boo. Karla blows them a kiss just to make them more irritated but she is happy to come out of this one with a win. Perhaps now an entry into the title picture is near.

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Re:New Dawn 2016

Date Posted:04/09/2016 12:09 PMCopy HTML

LOCATION: Toronto, Canada
DATE: Saturday February 20th 2016
GENERAL MANAGERS: Josh Nightmare, Hammad Haider, Aleksandr Grigory
THEME: A Line In The Sand By Linkin Park

Outcome: Michelle is seen angrily knocking on the door of Brian White’s office. Clearly she never read the note on the door which states he is on business. The mind of Michelle has been messed with and she is looking for answers. The person who found her doing this is Josh Nightmare who whistles just to get her attention, rather than tap her on the shoulder. You’re asking for a punch if you do that.

“Shelly, Brian’s not here. You can knock on the door all you want; it won’t change anything as he isn’t here.” Josh said as he just saw Michelle’s slouch in front of him, her hands on her hip and her eyes directed at the floor. Despite the fact he wanted to offer her some advice, maybe a friendly hand on her shoulder. He still knew that was risky.<!--?xml:namespace prefix = "o" ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /-->

Instead he stood back, out of harm’s way. Yet he would still try to ease her mind as he knew what happened out here was pretty twisted. “Look, I know your mind is fucked after that impersonator pretended to be Jason. It was in bad taste and if I find the culprit who let him in, I’ll make sure to fire them or suspend them. I thought I had beefed up security but strangely a lot of them went missing tonight. Almost as if someone paid them off or they just got lazy.” Josh said as he too wasn’t happy someone introduced TXW the way they did.

Finally Michelle turns around and the two of them look at one another. “No one will interfere in your match with Tyrone. I’ll make sure of it myself I have too. I know you and I have had the strangest of relationships but that doesn’t mean I am going to just let someone mess with your mind. Not while I am the president anyway.” Josh said as he actually offered a hug. Shelly refused of course as she just nodded and seemed a little better. Only way we know for sure is when she steps out in the ring to fight.

Tyrone Marshall (C) vs Michelle Wright
IC Championship / Badass Rules
Result: We’re back at ringside where up next the IC Championship will be on the line. It will also involved Michelle who will be competing for the second time. A replay of the strange events that occurred in battle royal which made people think Jason White had come back to life. Most believed it to be true, including CJA who was sat at ringside at the time. Since earlier in the night the stunt has been dismissed as an imposter and considered to be in poor taste. The only question left is if the Texan can get her head right to battle Tyrone for the gold.

“The following contest is a Badass Rules match and it’s for the IC Championship!” Jenny starts off by telling everyone what we are about to see. What are the rules of the Badass rules? Simple enough as it’s a NO DQ match where the only way you can win is via submission or a five count. Three counts are not enough to get the win. It can be one of the most gruelling matches in all of TXW which is why the Texan HAS to get her head right. She is against a fellow Texan and someone who will give EVERYTHING not to lose the championship he has held since October.

‘Freak Like Me’ hits as out walks Michelle, trying to keep her head up. She kept looking over her shoulder and didn’t seem like herself at all. Clearly the mind games has got to her and she is now paranoid with what she is doing. This won’t be pretty if her mind is not one hundred into this.

“Introducing first, she is the challenger. Residing from Dallas, Texas. Please welcome Michelle Wright!” There is a mixed reaction from her, not the same as earlier. She gets in the ring and just ends up sitting in the corner, talking to herself as her sanity has to be pulled into question here. The appearance of the fake Jason White is what has done this and at times like this it does seem like Michelle should learn to move on from the situation.

Next up ‘Becoming The Bull’ hits as out walks the IC Champion Tyrone Marshall. The Bulldozer seemed relaxed despite what is ahead of him. Perhaps he knew his opponent is rattled and would look to try to take advantage of that. There would be no regrets on his side if he does take advantage of things as it’s not his problem her mind is messed up, not at all.

“Now introducing the champion. He resides from Houston, Texas. Weighing in at two hundred and eighty pounds. Please welcome the current reigning and defending IC Champion of the World, Tyrone Marshall!” Jenny announces just as the Bulldozer stands outside of the turnbuckle as he stands up there and raises up one fist with his championship held high with the other.

Shortly after he gets into the ring, raises his championship one more time and is ready to fight it out with Michelle. That’s if she was willing to fight as she is still sitting in the corner not doing anything. There wasn’t eye contact as Tyrone found it amusing. He hadn’t seen anything quite like this in his young career.

Bell sounds and the movement of Michelle doesn’t change at all. It led to Tyrone standing near her and putting out his arms. “Come on Michelle, you here to cry or here to fight?” He said in an attempt to provoke her out of this. It didn’t work so he had to go on the attack himself. Tyrone reaches down and grabbed her by the hair, she suddenly jumped up and caught him in a front head lock. At first he was confused and attempted to flip her over her shoulder. It didn’t work as the grip was there and she suddenly wraps her legs around his waist, pulled back on his arm and applied a Kimura lock!

“Oh shit Michelle has that move she used to once break Josh’s arm applied on!” Tasia said as the fans are now in shock as they watched Tyrone struggle as his knees were almost giving way just due to the pain from being in this move, despite it not often being applied this way. Usually the opponent is on the ground yet on this occasion Tyrone is stood up yet hunched over as his arm is being pulled the wrong way.

The IC Champion starts to fight it, running towards the turnbuckle as he slams Michelle’s back against it. Despite that clearly being painful the hold wasn’t released as the Bull began to worry. He makes a charge to the other corner doing the exact same thing again. This time the Texan’s back is driven to it with more force. Yet still no luck in releasing the hold. His inexperience with submissions was causing him issues here as he didn’t know a way out of it technically other than his brute strength. You could see the veins in his neck sticking out just form the pain it’s causing.

His strength is fading due to the pain yet due to his heart he wasn’t giving in. Again he tries the corner, using his own weight in an attempt to crush Michelle. Instead it was just causing him more issues as his arm kept being pulled the other way. Then he tripped, falling to one knee as this is now getting much worse for him. Michelle screams, pulling the arm the other way. It’s almost like she could snap it any minute and it was getting much worse now the Bulldozer is fading.

With his free hand the IC Champion starts punching Michelle as hard as he could right in the spin, in the kidney. He was hitting her anywhere he could just to weaken the hold as he just refused to be beaten at this early stage of the match. Clearly he had fallen into the trap and fallen for the bait. No one knew this was bait, it was just how the Texan played it.

“Tyrone is throwing everything he has at Michelle but she is not releasing the hold. It’s a remarkable amount of strength from her.” Tasia said as the blows to the back keep continuing. Tyrone lets out a roar, charges to the corner and FINALLY the hold gets broken when Michelle’s back hits the corner for what felt like the fiftieth time. Yet the damage had been done as the arm of the Bulldozer took as much of that blow as Michelle’s back did.

The Bulldozer is pissed off and he makes a charge towards his challenger while she is against the corner. She lifts herself up and gets both her knees up high to catch him in the mid section. Michelle leaps off from the second rope as she attempts an early Dragoncanrana. BUT she gets caught in mid air, seated on the shoulders of the powerhouse. Another roar as he runs to the corner and powerbombs her right against it! The back of her head snaps off it in an uncomfortable way and the follow up wasn’t nice either as he smashes her face with the Seeing Red [Superman Punch].

Momentum has shifted and that last blow knocked Michelle out the ring as she fell through the ropes. She spat blood out which showed how much of all of that did to her body. Either she bit her tongue or there is an internal injury. It didn’t seem to slow her down as she is still able to climb back onto the apron as the champion approaches. He reaches over the ropes and grabs her hair on the apron. BIG MISTAKE as Michelle grabs his arm and drops off the apron. What it did was force the hurt arm to smack right off the ropes and extended it. The way the bulldozer dropped holding it after showing it was more serious than it looked and it looked bad. Fact is his shoulder just got dislocated and he is in agony because of it.

“Man I have seen Michelle vicious before but this is a new level. She is clearly as unpredictable as everyone says she is.” Mike said as he is telling it how it is. No one saw this coming after the mind fuck that happened in the battle royal. The Texan’s mind has many layers and it makes her very dangerous as you don’t know how she is, if she is vulnerable or if she is at her best.

In the ring gets Michelle as Tyrone is trying to fix his arm issue. It really is dislocated so he had to pop it back in and handle the pain. Either that or he would have to fight with one arm, which is going to get ugly pretty damn fast. He does fend the ‘psycho’ off as he throws out punches. The movement of the two brings them closer together and the Texan gets to take a shot at the arm, which she did. The champion responded by lifting his knee and driving against her gut. She leant over holding her gut as a suplex is set up.

Showing his strength Tyrone is able to lift her up by using the one arm. He held her up and was about to drop her when she starts kicking while her legs are up in the air. The momentum of the kicks makes her fall back the other way and she drops right into a front head lock position. One person in the crowd scream no while some gasp at how she did that, especially when she is able to transition back into the Kimura lock!

The champion falls and it looked like curtains for him as Michelle applies it tightly. She screams as the arm is pulled right back. While it is dislocated it would be worse if she broke the arm too. There has to come a point where you make a choice which is now upon Tyrone. In the end he chose to tap out, ending his reign but saving his arm as the referee made sure the hold was broken.

“We have a new champion and I don’t think anyone would’ve called that after the battle royal.” Tasia said as Michelle is brought the championship and lifts it above her head once she has it in her grasp. The Texan actually raised a smile and rested the new gold on her shoulder as she took one  negative and made it a positive by making up for her loss in the Jason White Memorial battle royal.

“The winner of this match and NEW IC Champion, Michelle Wright! ” Jenny announces as the championship is raised up again. Tyrone didn't acknowledge the new champion as he made his exit, pissed off at his opponent tactics and also at himself for buying into how she was behaving. It showed that although he has come a long way, he still has a lot to learn.

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Re:New Dawn 2016

Date Posted:04/09/2016 12:09 PMCopy HTML

LOCATION: Toronto, Canada
DATE: Saturday February 20th 2016
GENERAL MANAGERS: Josh Nightmare, Hammad Haider, Aleksandr Grigory
THEME: A Line In The Sand By Linkin Park

An advisement is already shown for TXW’s next Pay Per View Midnight Massacre. The billing will see Crystal Sweet, who won the Jason White memorial battle royal, challenge for the gold against either Lauren Li, Trevor Marshall or Hansom. Who that will be is going to be decided tonight at New Dawn.
Contestants to be announced
Stipulation: Miss Valentine 2016
Result: We’re back at ringside for what is set to be a very eye catching match, if you want to call it that. What we have now in the ring is a select few women of TXW who have decided to enter the Miss Valentine 2016 match. What is the match you ask? Well it’s created by Josh so all the women are in their best Valentine’s day lingerie. Whoever that is will be crowned Miss Valentine 2016. Since the President’s wife is in the ring it might end up being Mrs Valentine. Jenny is about to explain the rest.<!--?xml:namespace prefix = "o" ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /-->

“The following contest is the Miss Valentine’s battle royal. The only way to win is to throw your opponent out the ring and both feet must touch the floor. The women left standing at the end of the contest will be declared Miss Valentine 2016!” Jenny says from the ringside area.

Speaking of ringside, we see Josh take up duties as lead announcer alongside his buddy Mike. Why? Because Tasia Wicha has entered the Miss Valentine’s day match. The colour commentator is in her underwear and the fans just cheer seeing a different side of her as they are used to her being the voice of TXW. It shows how random the entry into the match is. A lot in the ring were just models looking to get in on the fun on this special day. The only notable names are Madison Wright and Josh’s wife Rachel. The rest were models as no one else put their name forward or informed Josh of their interest.

Bell sounds as all the women in the ring start fighting it out as most of the fans, most of the men, cheer for what they are seeing. A lot of beauties fighting it out in their underwear, attempting to become the first ever TXW Miss Valentine. While it might not be a championship, it’s still an accomplishment one of these ladies can add to their resume.

“I think I made the right call by booking this after all the violence we have seen. There is never a problem seeing both sides to the women here in TXW.” Josh said as he felt fine making this match. Yeah he will always have his critics but he didn’t really care. Those under contract knew what they got themselves into.

In the ring there are some quick fire eliminations as the crowd ring full of lingerie clad beauties soon narrowed down. Rachel had a hand in eliminating a couple of them as she shows that her days of kicking ass isn’t over yet. One of the girls is thrown out by force by the Golden Girl, while another ends up exiting after trying to slap Mrs Nightmare.

“Look at my baby go, she can kick ass wearing anything.” Josh said as he enjoyed seeing his wife do her thing. It wasn’t just getting in on the action as Tasia surprised one by getting an elimination of her own. It left the field at just four which included the three known names.

That was soon three when Madison got her first elimination by charging at a model she had pushed out onto the apron. It left the three women standing as it could be an unlikely win for the commentator. All three of them circle each other into Tasia locks up with Madison. They end up against the ropes both facing the same way as the youngest Wright has a headlock locked in. Rachel sees this, makes a run and dropkicks them both in the back, knocking them both out the ring!

“Yes my wife is the best!” Josh said as Rachel is delighted at winning this thing. It might’ve been less entrants than expected but the Badass is just as happy. Maybe next year it will get a better turn out. Even so the President gets up from the announcers table, goes into the ring and embraces his wife, lifting her up in his arms and just spins her around.

“Here is your winner and Miss Valentine 2016, Rachel Nightingale!” Jenny announces as Josh stopped spinning his wife around, let her stand and rises up her arm. She is happy to get back to winning something as it’s been a while since we have seen her in action. Now she is back and is Miss Valentine 2016.

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Re:New Dawn 2016

Date Posted:04/09/2016 12:10 PMCopy HTML

LOCATION: Toronto, Canada
DATE: Saturday February 20th 2016
GENERAL MANAGERS: Josh Nightmare, Hammad Haider, Aleksandr Grigory
THEME: A Line In The Sand By Linkin Park

CJA and Kelly Nightingale are seen leaving the arena, with Bobby Beckett soon chasing them down. “Guys, guys, do you mind giving us a word on what happened earlier tonight in that battle royal?” Bobby said while out of breath from all the running he had to do. It seemed to amuse CJA who takes the microphone from.<!--?xml:namespace prefix = "o" ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /-->

“For such a big dude, you sure are unhealthy. Maybe you should take a trip to the academy and test yourself out.” The Adrenaline Pumped Machine said as he then looked over at Kelly, then back at Bobby. “So you have questions? I happen to know what they are as it’s clear after what happened out there tonight. The first one everyone is going to ask me is if I am going to make an in ring return after Dave Wilson tried to provoke me. Answer is no, that simple. I’ve done it all and no longer feel a need to ever step in the ring again. I already kicked Wilson’s ass.”

A smirk on his face made him happy he did best his rival yet there would be no more battles between them. Not that anyone would want to see a rivalry that spanned a few matches already in TXW happen again. This event is about the new generation or at least a new chapter, hence the name New Dawn.

“The other question is probably about Kelly but it’s obvious why she was in the ring tonight. I don’t need to explain the old connection between her and Jason. It was all about respect.” CJA said as Kelly just nods as she wasn’t planning a comeback either. That might disappoint the TXW universe but he always told the truth.

In a reversal of how it normally works, Bobby had the microphone put to him as he clearly had another that wasn’t answered or brought up. “What about Jason White’s appearance tonight? You were convinced it was him the same as the rest of us.” Bobby asked as no one knew for sure who it was. There was a response from CJA.

“Honestly it doesn’t matter if it was him or if it wasn’t him. The Jason White I had a war with, the Jason White I won against, is gone. His legacy will cast a shadow over TXW forever but if he did return from the grave, it’s a different entity altogether. We’ve paid respects to the man we knew, the man I had many wars with. Now it’s time for something new.” He said and then made his exit with his wife as we have seen the last of CJA and Kelly Nightingale in TXW.
Hansom vs Trevor Marshall
World Heavyweight Tournament Semi-Final / Xtreme Rules
Result: Bell sounds at ringside to signal another match is due here at New Dawn. It’s time to determine who will go on to fight Lauren Li in the main event. Will it be Hansom who has faced Lauren twice one on one in the past and defeated her, or will it be the Walking Apocalypse Trevor Marshall. If it is him it will continue a rivalry that has been going on for a very long time. The problems have been present for a while yet if they are both to make it, it will be seen as the underdogs winning. Trevor is considered one due to his continued failure to capture any major championships in TXW despite having a shot at every single one of them.

“The following contest is the World Heavyweight Tournament Semi Final and it will be an Xtreme rules match up.” Jenny announced as the cameras turn to point at the stage ahead of the first entrant of this match.

We are greeted to a video with a lot of total disaster and war. 50 Cent’s Ready For War hit during it as the fans knew who this was. The T man steps on out and he is fired up. He walks to the right of the stage, looks at the fans and has intensity in his eyes. This is his big moment, maybe his last moment to be a World champion. He walks to the left, does the same thing and goes back to the middle of the stage.

“Introducing first. Residing from Houston, Texas. Weighing in at two hundred and sixty seven pounds. He is the Walking Apocalypse, Trevor Marshall!” It is announced as the fans give him a mixed reaction. It shows that in this day and age of wrestling you can either be a hero or a villain or sometimes both. Trevor had his supporters and his haters. He’ll silence one section of them tonight based on what he does here in the ring.

Trevor knew how big this is and is determined not to be a failure on the big stage yet again. It would haunt him for the rest of his days if he doesn’t at least hold the World Championship once. This is his time and he is fired up to get past Hansom, who will be pushing for the same achievement.

‘Friction’ hits next as out walks the Anti Venom, the former leader of W.A.R Hansom. He is booed, no disputing that as he gave an icy stare at those who gave him abuse. After all his words his build up hasn’t been the best so he’ll want to shove this abuse down their throats if he wins here and wins the main event against Lauren, someone he has the number of one on one. Yeah in recent tag matches he has been pinned by the Lethal one BUT alone he has been successful. It’s the person he defeated to win the Xtreme title so it will be very fitting if it’s the same person he defeats to be the new World Champion.

“Now introducing his opponent. Residing from Parts Unknown. Weighing in at two hundred and eighty eight pounds, he is the Anti Matter, Hansom!” Announcement made as Hansom walks towards the ring. His focus on the bigger Trevor Marshall. It didn’t put any fear into him as he has faced bigger challenges before. He also owes the Marshall family a beating after Tyrone was at hand for ending W.A.R. Now as revenge Hansom could crush Trevor’s dreams of being the real deal.

Hansom enters the ring and briefly the two men go face to face. The Anti Matter shoves the T man , steps away and gloats to the fans. He seemed happy with what he did. Only he turned back to face the man he just shoved and gets hit with the Snapper [Goldberg Spear]!

Lucky for Hansom that he was so close to the edge of the ring as it meant he could fall out easily enough and ends up laid out. It sure made him realise he isn’t in the ring with someone who is going to fuck around. You could see this by the way Trevor got out the ring right away after. He lifts the ring skirting and gets a loud cheer as he pulls out a table. Once he has it out he sets it up as he intends to put the Anti Venom  through it.

“We’ve only just started and Trevor is already in full control after that devastating Snapper.” Tasia said as she is back at ringside, dressed again much to the disappointment of Mike and all the men sat behind her in the crowd. They were a fan of seeing her out in that ring but she has a job to do and intends to it as always.

Back on the outside Trevor is attacking Hansom and begins dragging him over to the table. After a punch he lifts up his opponent, showing his strength and he is about to try slamming him through the table. Not looking good at all for the former Xtreme champion as he fights for his life by punching away while he is being held up. Lucky for him he is able to escape. He gets back on his feet, uses his fists to back the Apocalypse off and turns the tables by lifting up Trevor, carries him over to the table and places him on top of it.

Now he has him on the table, he punches away at him to keep him there. Hansom gets booed as he climbs up onto the apron and this doesn’t look very good for the T man. Oh how things have turned despite the fact the Snapper was hit in the early going of this one. Clearly it wasn’t enough as now the Anti Matter is on top and he is able to dive off the Apron with a High Angle Senton Bomb!

“I don’t think the bell has sounded and already these two are already destroying one another.” Clearly this is true as both are not moving after that risky move from Hansom. Diving off the way he did was risky, more so when he put himself through the table too. There is table debris all around them and it just shows you how much the championship means to them both. The referee just waited as he hasn’t officially started this yet.

Hansom is the first to his feet as he slides in the ring. It was at that moment the referee rings the bell to officially get this one going. It is a good thing this is an Xtreme rules match or this might be the moment where Trevor starts to get counted out. Instead he is able to stay out there for as long as he wants. Not that Hansom had any interest in that as he gets out the ring, favours his ribs a little showing that snapper did do the damage. Just his intolerance to pain allowed him to do what he intended to do and that was drag the Destroyer up, throw him in the ring and get back in himself.

Once they are both in the ring, Hansom drags Trevor up again, uses his power to lift up for a brainbuster which is hit. It brought Hansom some reason to be arrogant as he stands up, points to himself and is fired up for what he thinks will be his place in the main event. Cover made right away after without the hook of the leg as this might be over.


Trevor was able to kick out at that one as Hansom was arrogant enough to think the match should be over. He gets in the face of the referee, yells at him and does the count gesture to suggest it was how he should do it. Was the count too slow? Not at all, it’s just Hansom being himself as he expected to be handed a win.

All these actions have annoyed the fans as that mixed reaction has changed to full blown chants for Trevor. They wanted to see him get up and get back into this match. The chants are working as the T man is getting back to his feet. Hansom did attack him while he was getting up, throwing punches his way. One hit the jaw making him stumble back. It looked like it would be another amount of time with the big man on the back foot. BUT the Anti Matter walked towards him and gets surprised as he is hit with a spinning heel kick that just came out of nothing.

“Damn did you hear the sound of the foot hit off the jaw? It sounded like a knockout blow.” Mike said as the fans are cheering, on their feet and they watch Trevor get fired up. The big man wanted to get to the final, he needed the chance to become the champion as he just didn’t want to fail. Standing in the corner he waits for Hansom to stand.

The wait isn’t long as once the Anti Everything is on his feet, he is knocked down again with a shoulder tackle which he calls the Battering Ram. The crowd were so loud and Trevor lets out a roar as he has Hansom where he wants him.

Backing into the corner the Apocalypse is ready. The question is Hansom ready for what is to come as he looks hurt as he uses the ropes to get back to his feet. Everyone watches him turn around and then BOOM, the Snapper is hit as the fans went crazy at seeing it. Trevor makes the cover and hooks the leg as the referee counts!


The Anti Venom disappoints by not being able to kick out but you can’t blame him too much for that, it is the finish. Trevor sat there for a moment realising he is now only ONE win away from becoming the new champion. Can he follow his former mentor CJA by becoming a champ? It would be his greatest achievement. All he had to do now is get through Lauren as the rivalry is going to continue in the main event.

“Here is your winner, Trevor Marshall!” Jenny announced as Trevor stands up and looks proud of himself. He is able to survive being put through a table and progress. Now he’ll have to go backstage and wonder what exactly the three stages of hell will be for the main event. He had to study well as disappointing again after this will be a big knock to his confidence.

“Trevor with an impressive victory. It leaves us with a tough to call main event as both have had their share of success in the build up to New Dawn. We’ll also now see a first time World champion as neither Trevor or Lauren have held a major championship.” Tasia said as it’s true. One of them will break that duct in the main event. Just who is the question.

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Re:New Dawn 2016

Date Posted:04/09/2016 12:10 PMCopy HTML

LOCATION: Toronto, Canada
DATE: Saturday February 20th 2016
GENERAL MANAGERS: Josh Nightmare, Hammad Haider, Aleksandr Grigory
THEME: A Line In The Sand By Linkin Park

An angry Blair and Vincent are in the back doing their best to get to Josh’s office but he is in there having some alone time with his wife. Outside the door instead is Alek who knew what they were coming here for. Likely the death of Ducky or just the fact that Parker’s distraction was very costly for Blair.

“Wait there for a moment Mr Underwood and Miss Black. I know why you come here to disturb my friend Josh. You come here to ask for a match with Andy Parker in some form. Well to that I tell you that my friend has already decided on a match for you, on one condition, you do not interfere in the next match. We believe it would be unfair on Miss Jezzi if you were to distract Raine.  So instead we wish for you to go home and prepare for your match on next Dark Oasis. This match will see you two team up against Parker and Raine for the tag team titles.” Alek said as he managed to give the message to them.

The response? They are very happy as that would be a good way to get revenge. No real waiting around as they knew Dark Oasis would only be a week or so away. Vincent would love to be champs with Blair so this helps them curb their anger. The two left as Alek looks back at the door when he hears moaning coming instead. He shook his head and walks away.
Raine (C) vs Jezabel Jezzi
Women's Championship /  Last Woman Standing
Ringside as the next match is due on the biggest pay per view card that TXW has had so far. Next up we’re going to see Jezabel Jezzi challenge Raine for the gold. The red head is the longest reigning championship in recent history with ironically Rachel Slays the overall TXW history holder. But that reign she had was back in the original company. This is a new run and at the moment the run has lasted for over six months. Many have tried to rip the gold away from her but all that have come before her have failed. Will Jezabel be added to the list?

“The following contest is a last woman standing match and it’s for the TXW Women’s championship!” Jenny announced as the fans are hyped to see the first last woman standing match in TXW.

‘This Is What Rock And Roll Looks Like’ hits first as the challenger Jezabel makes her entrance. She walks towards the ring by herself, aware of what happened to Tyrone earlier in the night. He is no longer here having been taking to the local hospital to treat his injury. At least the bubbly one knew she could cheer him up and herself by taking the title home with her.

“Introducing first. She is the challenger for the Women’s title. Residing from Liverpool, England. Please welcome Jezabel Jezzi!” The fans cheer as soon as the introduction is made by Jenny. The fans want to see a new champion crowned as it’s been a reign of terror in recent times with the vigilantes closest ally.

Jezabel gets into the ring just as her music is cut off. ‘The Devil Within’ hits as out walks the current Women’s champion Raine. For six months she has had that title in her possession ever since winning a battle royal. It brought her a lot of questions due to the way she won it but has proved it is a deserved spell as champion by defeating anyone who stepped up to fight her. Now she has to do it again.

“Her opponent. She is the current TXW Women’s champion. Residing from Flamming Starr Massachusetts. Please welcome Raine!” Please welcome didn’t work at all as the fans booed the Crimson Curse. The champion is in a hostile environment and she will need to shut them up fast.

Raine enters the ring, lifts the championship above her head and is ready to have this battle. The title gets handed over and the bells sounds once the title is with the time keeper. Soon as it begins Raine pulls the dagger from the sheave into her hand. She holds it out in front of her just as Jezabel was about to run at her. Instead she stood still and has it held close to her throat.

“While I don’t agree with this, the dagger isn’t exactly illegal as there are no rules in a last Woman standing match, other than the obvious to be the last person standing.” Tasia said as there is a tense standoff. Raine was looking to make the Brit worried about who she is being put up against. Despite her trying to do just that, Jezabel had none of it. She kicks out her legs and it causes the dagger to go flying across the ring. The referee dove out the way for fear of being stabbed. Lucky for him and TXW’s reputation it didn’t hit anyone. While it wasn’t legal the referee requested it be taken away.

Raine saw it kicked out the ring and hated that but hated being punched in the face more. Jezabel Irish whips her against the ropes, jumps up and takes her down with a clothesline. The champion popped back up, straight into a second clothesline then a third as the process repeated itself. Eventually she got in a different move, hitting a DDT once she got the kick to the stomach. Right after the pink haired beauty points to the top rope as the fans cheer for her.

“Looks like we’re about to see a flying Jezabel.” Mike said as the Brit did go up high, faced away from the ring. She then jumps backwards, hits the moonsault and looks proud of herself as she sits on her knees after, flicking her hair behind her. The challenger stands up and the referee does his job by starting to count down the champ.


Rain gets back to her feet and walks into a fourth clothesline. This one kept her down and once more the high flying Jezabel went to the top rope. She stood up there looking towards the ring this time. Taking a deep breath she jumps right off with a shooting star press. It was a thing of beauty into the moment Raine got both her knees up, making Jezabel land right on them. She rolled away holding her stomach as the angry red head sat up.

“One too many high flying attempts there from Jezabel, now the champions pissed off.” Tasia said as Raine goes over and starts kicking her like she were a soccer ball or just a piece of trash. Kicks to the side, kicks to the back and some stamps on the stomach. After she had left Jezabel wincing from the pain, she drags her up lifts her up and drops her on her head for a brainbuster. Talk about pain.

Staring over at the referee the dagger lover points at her opponent to tell the referee to start counting her out as that’s his job at the end of the day, to make sure someone gets counted down for the ten and were unable to stand.


Jezabel is able to stand as she gets up much to the frustration of Raine. The Crimson Curse goes over and clubs her across the back of the head, throwing her out the ring right after. Clearly she isn’t a fan of who she is fighting. No wonder she IS trying to end her record setting title reign.

Raine got out the ring, looked at the steel steps and pushes the top half away from the bottom half. Next she reaches over and pulls Jezabel towards it. It looked like she is going to go for the Sweet Sacrifice [RKO]. The fans chanted for Jezabel, wanting her to counter this but just like that, the move is hit. The Pink haired beauties face is slammed right against the steps, busting her open and leaving her laid across the bottom half of the steps.

“Damn that was brutal. Jezabel might not be pretty anymore.” Mike said as Raine moved away and rolled back in the ring. She stands tall and is happy at what happened. It looked like another successful title reign as it should be enough to finish the match. Jezabel only had a count of ten to recover and that seemed very unlikely.


Jezabel shocks the fans by beating the count by standing up right when the ten was due to be counted. Raine can’t believe it, she just looks out the ring to a bloody Jezabel. She got back out the ring and starts throwing punches at her. The pink haired beauty was looking like the red headed beauty now as she was badly bleeding from the forehead. It didn’t get any better when she had her Irish Whip attempt countered as she was thrown right into the post, hitting her head right against it.

“Jezabel may have survived the Sweet Sacrifice but I don’t know if she will survive this.” Tasia said just as Raine didn’t allow Jezabel to stay on the ground. She drags her up and throws her right against the side of the announcers table. It left her laid out in front of it. Raine goes over and pulls the top of the announcers table off, grabs a monitor and waits for the Brit to somehow stand back up.

The fans saw Jezabel struggling but she was still in this fight, bloody and all. She stands up and looks in danger as Raine is holding up that heavy monitor. If she hits her in the face with it, this one should be over. The champion’s runs at her once she is standing and all of a sudden Jezabel drop toe holds her. It made the red head drop down and hit her chin off the monitor she was holding, leaving her laid out on the ground.

“An important counter there from Jezabel. If she didn’t counter there, she would’ve been finished.” Tasia is right as it would’ve been curtains for the challenger if she got hit in the face with the monitor. Not that she isn’t damaged as she is still bleeding and must be feeling light headed. The clock is ticking down for her as she knew sooner or later she would pass out.

The wounded Brit goes over to Raine, grabs onto her hair and makes her stand up. She then throws her onto the table as the fans get off their feet as they something was about to happen. Raine looked out of it so she might not be able to stop what happens next. Jezabel got the fans more excited when she reaches under the ring, pulls out a ladder.

Chants are started as the ladder is set up near the announcers table and Jezabel starts climbing it. Was this going to be a crazy daredevil type move. When she gets to the top boos start to reign out as Andy Parker made his way out from the crowd. He runs over and stands on the opposite side of the ladder. The Vigilante laughs at Jezabel and starts to push the ladder back the other way. It began to fall but Jezabel saw the ring behind her and right before the ladder fell, she shocked everybody by doing a back flip back into the ring.

It made a lot of the fans chant holy shit as it was incredibly risky but it paid off. Parker hadn’t even seen it as he turned his back once he tipped the ladder. Andy didn’t help Raine off the table but he was shouting at her, telling her she will end up losing this. He had a baton in hand and was going to hand it over to her. Jezabel slides on out the ring, sneaks behind Parker and grabs away the baton. By the time he turned around to react he gets hit with it between the legs as the fans cheer loudly. They cheer even louder when the Brit uses the Baton across Raine’s head as she sat up on the table. The hit meant she is back laid across the table.

“Wow this arrival of Andy has backfired badly.” Mike said as Jezabel sets up the ladder once again as the fans chant her name. She gets to the top, looks around and then decides to go for it, leaping off the top of the ladder with the Candy-Gram [450 Splash]! That had to be it.

Everyone chants holy shit when the table breaks and both women are left laid out. Mike and Tasia had backed off as the referee started to count. Now this could possibly end up being a double count out which meant the title would be retained.


Jezabel stirred but wasn’t standing, the fans willed her on hoping she was able to stand.


It happens as the Brit beats the count but the champion doesn’t. The fans are delighted as they all cheer that the six month reign of err Raine is over with. She is no longer the champion as Jezabel is the woman who has done the job others have failed to do.

“Your winner and NEW Women’s Champion, Jezabel Jezzi!” Jenny announces as Jezabel has dropped to the floor. She gets handed the championship as Josh makes his way out to help his friend. He helps her stand and raises her hand as the title is held by her other. His quest to make sure Raine is no longer champion has come to be and everyone is excited about it.

“Beautiful moment for Jezabel as she is now our Women’s champion. What a performance but she’ll need medical attention after this. I am sure for all the pain caused, she’ll think it’s been worth it.” Tasia said as Josh helps Jezabel make her way to the back as Raine is soon helped out by Andy who can’t believe he was unable to help his ally retain her gold.

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  • Register:12/31/2008 2:17 AM

Re:New Dawn 2016

Date Posted:04/09/2016 12:11 PMCopy HTML

LOCATION: Toronto, Canada
DATE: Saturday February 20th 2016
GENERAL MANAGERS: Josh Nightmare, Hammad Haider, Aleksandr Grigory
THEME: A Line In The Sand By Linkin Park


Michelle is seen leaving with her new IC Championship. For once she had something to smile about as she achieved something many thought she couldn't. While the cameras watch her go out the exit, a shadow of a large man looms and breaths heavily. Who is this man? What does he want? No one knew but either way it's clear it's no longer Michelle's imagination.
Trevor Marshall vs Lauren Li
World Heavyweight Championship / Three Stages Of Hell
Main Event time as after three long months a brand new World Heavyweight Champion will be crowned. Trevor Marshall will square off against Lauren Li for the right to follow in CJA’s footsteps. Ironically it’s almost a repeat of the last World title match as Trevor Marshall was trained by CJA and learnt a lot from him, while Lauren learnt a lot from the late Jason White. It might be telling on the outcome of this match.

‘BattleBorn’ hit first as out walks the President of TXW Josh Nightmare. It’s been a very good night for him as he’s seen new champions crowned, his wife crowned Miss Valentine and now he gets to see a new holder of the World Championship. There is no preference on who he wants to win. Josh takes a place at ringside and it’s over to Jenny to announce this main event.

“The following contest is a three stages of hell match and it’s for the TXW World Heavyweight Championship!” Jenny announces as the fans cheer ahead of this main event. Who will lead the new generation? Who will mark this New Dawn by becoming a first time champion?

‘Gasoline’ hit first as out walks Lauren Li back in her usual attire. Why the note on this? Because with the shorts on the knee can be seen and she has a knee brace on, something she doesn’t usually have. That is all due to the earlier damage done by Khaos and the brace is likely being used to protect her knee. Still it screams as a target which may or may not decide how this one goes.

“Introducing first. Residing from Long Island, New York. Please welcome Lethal Lauren Li!” The announcement is greeted with cheers as the fans are excited to see if she can be only the third woman in TXW history to hold the major championship. Those before her were not considered that great in the grand scheme of things but that won’t be the case with her as she has to do it the difficult way.

Lauren enters the ring and she looks really nervous. Probably not because of the occasion but likely because her knee. If it ultimately costs her then she knows it is all down to Daniel Khaos who did his best to damage her all through the match.

‘Ready For War’ hits next as Trevor Marshall makes his entrance. Unlike earlier he wasn’t delaying anything as he just moves to the ring at pace, wanting to get his hands on Lauren just so he can live his dream of becoming the World Heavyweight Champion.

“And now introducing her opponent. Residing from Houston, Texas. Weighing in at two hundred and sixty seven pounds. He is the Walking Apocalypse, Trevor Marshall!” Jenny announced as Trevor finishes his ring walk. He gets in and looks across to Lauren. His eyes went to her knee brace, an obvious target. It might disable her kicks so that’s a good thing. It gave the T man an advantage. Even so he knew this wasn’t going to be easy. Deep down this was the fight he didn’t want. Not that the world knows that. Only the Lethal one knows. Maybe she’ll take advantage of that to even things out.

Bell sounds as the first fall will be a standard fall, nothing special about it. Also means that you can be counted out or disqualified if not careful. Trevor steps forward and right away he is kicked at by Lauren with her left leg, not her strongest one. She kept hitting against his leg, turns around and goes for a spinning heel kick. Despite how high her leg went up for the kick, it wouldn’t reach Trevor’s head due to his height. Not that she hit it as Trevor caught her, lifted her up into a powerbomb position. The big man makes a run and is about to throw his opponent out the ring.

However at the last minute Lauren turns it around into a head scissors, sending Trevor out the ring instead. Despite getting the fans support earlier, that’s now gone for the Apocalypse as the fans are behind Lauren for this one. They would be happy to see her crowned the new champion over the big destroyer.

“Lauren is still agile despite her damaged knee as she almost went for a very bad ride to the outside.” Tasia said as Trevor takes his time getting back in the ring. He needed to get his head right as he knew that to win he would have to be ruthless as fuck or go home empty handed. When he gets back in the ring, he is attacked again by Lauren, using her left leg. Several fast kicks to the mid section were taking its toll on him, especially with what happened earlier with the table. He has had far less time to recover.

One kick too many and her leg was caught. For a second time Trevor lifts her up, this time on his shoulder rather than in a powerbomb position. Showing his strength he throws her over to his other shoulder so she is looking up at the arena roof. Not good as this is a perfect position for a Canadian Backbreaker and that’s exactly what he hits. It could’ve easily snapped the spine due to how big he is compared to Lauren. If it did , it did as he didn’t think about it as he just made the cover in an attempt to win the first fall.


Trevor shook his head and stood right up, placed his foot on Lauren’s stomach and then lifted his other foot, instantly putting all his weight on her. It lasted far longer than the Asian beauty would’ve liked and it hurt like hell. The T man put what he really felt about it to one side as he knew in this ring he is a horrible bastard. Perhaps he is like that to just about everyone else outside the ring too but clearly some gain his attention.

“Is it me or is Trevor not enjoying this as much as he usually does. The last time I saw him in the ring he was laughing at all the pain caused. Tension perhaps?” Mike wisely noticed that about him having called all his matches for months. Trevor is the guy who brags about laughing at others misery, even in his biggest of matches. Some probably read it as big match nerves as he has no chance to make a mistake, not this time.

The King Kong Destroyer stays in control and has Lauren in his arms, facing horizontal. One front Powerslam is hit, then another, then another. Whatever energy they had left it was fading the longer this went on and it’s only just the first fall. It’s never easy to go through two matches in one night no matter how tough you are. Despite the energy levels fading away, Trevor finishes his combo by hitting a backbreaker. Cover made and could this be the first fall done?


Nope not over as yet another kick out. Trevor just gets up as he wasn’t exactly shocked. Instead he just let out a roar which usually signals for his finish. He backs off into the corner and the fans went quiet as they expected this move to be hit now. Lauren struggles back to her feet, turns around and gets hit by a running T man with the Marshall Law [Clothesline From Hell]. He put EVERYTHING into that. It was like freight train hitting a car stuck on its tracks. Cover made with both legs hooked as this had to be it for the first fall.


Yet another kick out which shocked everyone. It was a finish that Trevor thought would wrap up the first fall for him. Instead it’s still going as he knew more damage needed to be done. He stands up wipes the sweat off his brow and goes into the corner once more. He just needed this and would keep trying into the first fall is his. The Lethal one is hurting, using the ropes to stand, took a couple steps back. Once she turns around the Snapper [Goldberg Spear] is hit as once again the legs are hooked.


Two finishers is what it took but the first fall is over. Trevor sat up out of breath as he looked at Lauren and is shocked at what a fight she gave there. He hopes now that the two finishers has broken her as he wants to wrap this up. The T man is ONE fall away from being a World Champion for the first time in his career.

“The winner of the first fall, Trevor Marshall.” Jenny announces as Trevor didn’t know what the next fall is. Josh at ringside soon let him known when he gets a loud cheer when he pointed up. The cage is starting to lower. The T man circles around the ring as the referee exits which is a clear signal that this one is escape only. Lauren is still staring up at the lights so Trevor wanted the cage to lower faster so he can escape and claim what he has wanted for a very long time.

Cage gets into place as Trevor starts to climb. It got the fans chanting for the Lethal one as if she doesn’t get up soon, this main event is over with. With all her strength and fight, Lauren gets up. She runs over and dropkicks at the cage, catching Trevor’s ankle. It is enough to make him fall and the two end up lying next to one another. Then at the same time they both sat up. It made the Destroyer smirk into Lauren turned on her side and kicked him in the face.

“Oh wow that was some kick!”  Mike said as Trevor is now the one on his back. Lauren looked at the fans for inspiration and is getting it in numbers. The Destroyer stands and started getting left kicks to the stomach. 1,2,3,4,5 the kicks continued as the fans are counting along. The final one saw Lauren jump up and catch a jumping super kick right to the face. It might not be her lethal leg but it’s still dangerous enough to knock the T man on his ass.

The fans chant for her more as she decides to start climbing the cage. She went as fast as she could while everyone was watching to see what Trevor is doing. The big man is on his feet and sees Lauren going up the cage. It made him rush to his feet, climb up himself and grab onto Lauren’s foot. It made her kick down, trying to prevent him from getting her. The kick connected but he kept the grip on the foot and soon grabbed the other. She dropped but someone ended up sat on his shoulders from the way she fell. Once Trevor realised what had happened he just drops back for a big fall for the Lethal one.

“What an electric chair there from Trevor, if you want to call it that.” Tasia said as both are again down. Lauren holding the back of her head and Trevor just panting a lot heavier. These two were putting it all on the line for the sake of the World Championship. No one was sure who was going to take it as despite being one fall up, both looked out of it at this stage.

The first to move and get to his feet is Trevor. He looked to Lauren who is stirring and it made him decide to back off to the corner. The big man roared again as he is going for either the Snapper or the Marshall Law. Hitting either will allow him the time to escape that he needs. His fist punches the canvas to signal he is going to make the run and that’s exactly what he does. BUT suddenly Lauren jumps up and connects with a jumping kick right to the face. Again both taken out.

Seeing these two give it their all got the fans excited. You can’t wish for anything more than seeing two give it everything they have. Lauren sure has as who knows how serious her knee injury really is. She wasn’t walking the same way she usually does as she hobbles back to her feet. Maybe the painkillers have worn off. The Lethal one bears with it as she has left Trevor seeing stars. The fans call for her to climb, so it begins. The Asian beauty climbs pretty much using one leg and reaches all the way to the top.

What she didn’t see was Trevor following her as he gets back up. They meet at the top and end up both sitting over the side, one leg over, one leg still the side of the ring. Trevor reaches out to grab her by the hair but she kicks him across the side of the head. It looked like he was about to fall back in the ring but he managed to stay the way he was. Lauren tried again and yet again Trevor managed to hold on but he fell down a little so he wasn’t as high up as she was anymore. Still when she tried to climb down he grabbed her foot, keeping her the side of the ring. Eventually in a last ditch effort Lauren leans forward, plants a shock kiss on Trevor only to viciously kick him a third time across the head, this time sending him crashing down to the ring.

“I can’t decide if I would’ve like that or not. To be kissed by Lauren would be good but I am not sure about that kick to the side of the head.” Mike said clearly not thinking through what Lauren did. She used Trevor’s own indifference against him and that moment where he accepted the kiss was also the moment he got kicked down. It also allowed the escape to happen.

The Lethal one sits on the floor after as Trevor is out of it in the ring. The cage now lifted up as these two are one fall a piece. It really is anyone’s game and both are suffering. This is why a time out is being taken by the former Xtreme champ. Wise on her part as her opponent is still down and out.

“The winner of the second fall, Lauren Li!” Jenny announces as Josh picks up the chair he is sitting on. He then points to the big X logo in the TXW letters on the stage. Yep this is going to end on in Xtreme Rules. This pleased the lethal one who began to crawl towards the ring, goes under and emerges seconds later with not one but TWO kendo sticks.

In the ring Trevor is moving but he isn’t moving very much. It’s not going to be a pleasant wakeup call as Lauren gets in holding her weapons of choice. The destroyer stands up, turns around and sees Lauren with the kendo sticks. Not good to see that as he soon felt them hit him. One across the chest, then the other. One across the thigh, then the other. One across the temple , then the other. One goes across his knees at the same time and he collapsed. This is now perfect for the Buzzsaw kick which is called Put To The Sword. First a kendo stick to the head then the move as this had to be it. We have a new champion surely as the cover is made.


The fans are in disbelief as Trevor powers out at two. Lauren is shocked too as she backs away and picked up the kendo sticks again. She waited for Trevor to get up again and broke one stick over his head. The other hit his stomach as he once again fell to his knees. This time Lauren bounces herself off the ropes and kicks him as hard as she could with a second Put To The Sword. Second cover made as we must’ve reached the finale.


Holy shit chants throughout the arena s the T man has kicked out of two. Lauren is distraught as she had no idea that was going to happen. Two finishes yet no win for her as she just goes out the ring just out of anger. She goes back under and grabs a second kendo stick, then a third and a forth, throwing them all in the ring. Lethal this is going to be.

“How is Trevor still going?” Tasia asked what many wondered too. How IS he still going. The Asian beauty is determined to find his breaking point as she starts hitting him with the kendo sticks. One gets broken, then the other. In the end she breaks every kendo stick she had across him as he lay on his back.

A scream from the Lethal one shows her frustration and she took a lot out there. She exits the ring one more time, goes over to Josh and requests a steel chair. The Badass provides it as he had no reason not to. Are we about to see a repeat of earlier when the chair was used against Khaos face? A Buzzsaw kick with the chair should be enough.

Lauren enters the ring and as soon as she does, Trevor is on his feet. She attempts to hit him with the chair but he kicks her across in the stomach, grabs the chair off her then without hesitation smacks the chair right against her knee brace. It is the first time in the match he attacked the injured knee and he watched as she got up from it only to get hit a second time with the chair.

“Stay down Lauren, this isn’t your night, it’s mine!” Trevor said as if he were doing something he regrets, perhaps he is but he hit her a third time anyway and he knew he was causing her great pain. She kept getting up so finally he smacked her across the head with the chair.

Everyone stays quiet as a disgusted looking Destroyer just throws the chair out the ring. He goes over and hooks the leg as he expects now to become the World Champion. Just like he said, he will do anything it takes to win and he has done that here.


The reaction from Trevor said it all as he just drops back and lays on the canvas, staring up at the ceiling, seeking for answers. How the hell did she get out from that? The fight in her tonight is unbelievable as the T man sits back up. Lauren could barely do that herself as the big man backs into the corner. He is whispering to himself and beats on his chest. The threat of it slipping away is still in the back of his mind as he waits patiently for Lauren to stand.

Finally she gets back to her feet and Trevor made the charge as then the Snapper is hit which could break anyone in two. Lauren is knocked half way across the ring with it, landing right central as Trevor hooks both the legs and prays to god that this is it dead.


It’s happened! Trevor Marshall is the TXW World Heavyweight Champion as the Lethal one couldn’t kick out anymore. Emotion in the eyes of the T man as he finally did the job, finally broke the curse. He sits up not believing it himself as the fans do give him some appreciation. At long last TXW will have a main champion after months without one.

“Here is your winner and NEW World Heavyweight Champion, Trevor Marshall!” Jenny announces just as Josh gets into the ring and hands over the championship. The big man takes it and raises it above his head with delight.

Mike and Tasia are on their feet clapping along with the fans in what was an impressive display and an impressive night for Trevor Marshall. Curse lifted as no one can now say he hasn’t been to the top of the mountain as here he is. The Destroyer is a proud yet beaten man as the president spends a moment in the ring with him, just clapping. Lauren is in the corner having managed to drag herself there, being checked on by the referee. She did well too. Trevor actually goes over to her and has a private word with her.

Suddenly ‘Black and Blue’ hits as the fans chant no and they all looked to the stage in horror. Trevor instantly gently placed his championship down knowing what this meant. The Badass wasn’t happy with it at all either. This would ruin a moment if a cash in happened. Everyone waited for Wilson as he would seemingly have to go though the president of TXW too if he wanted his championship chance tonight.

“What the hell is this? Why would Wilson ruin this?” Tasia said as a lot of people are mad. Yet for whatever reason it is only music they are hearing as no appearance from Dave Wilson. Instead they are greeted by someone else indeed as Frank Stone jumps over the barricade from the ringside area.

Despite warnings from the fans he is able to attack Josh successfully as he span him around, hit him with multiple punches and landed a knockout blow. It is the Stoned To Death. Soon as he is finished Trevor attacks him as he isn’t pleased about this party crash. The two men throw punches at one another into the former boxer gets the better of him. He grabs him by the throat and choke slams him in the middle of the ring. This pleases Frank as everyone else is just speechless. Why is this happening?

The brute turns around and he is surprised to be greeted by Lauren who is back on  her feet. She throws kicks best she could at the power lifted. Instead of hitting them all, her leg is caught. She is lifted up onto the Vengeful ones shoulders, hit with one powerbomb as her legs are held onto just so she gets lifted again for a second, then a third. The Set In Stone triple powerbomb had come to pass.

Frank turned around however and he walked right into the Snapper as the newly crowned champion is on his feet. The fans cheered as Trevor let out a roar. A roar which was short lived as this is becoming chaotic. So much that Wilson had made his way out, slips into the ring and hits the new champion with the Perfection [RKO]! It should be noted that he also brought his American Dream Contract out here with him.

“This is all planned out. Frank is working with Wilson as he is trying to get back at Josh by making someone he hates become the World champion. Wilson could do it. He could rob Trevor of his dream night.” Tasia said as the only one standing now is the potential challenger. He got out the ring and has his briefcase. His demand is to have a title match as he brought it over to the official, telling him it is time.

‘Badass’ hits as soon as Wilson is in the ring, no bell has sounded and it pissed Wilson off as he wasn’t happy about seeing his thorn in his side. Crystal rushed into the ring and warned the Punisher to back off. She clearly wasn’t interested in seeing him have his night tonight either. Not that it stopped Wilson as he went for the attack, leading to him being hit a few times.

Frank gets back up and so does Josh as we have ourselves a two versus two. Trevor and Lauren are not moving after a hell of a night so we’re left for a two versus two. Frank got the upper hand on Josh which made Aleksandr Grigory make his way out. The Vice President is out here to restore order as this has got out of control.

In the ring Crystal knocks down Wilson just as Alek enters the ring, grabbing a chair on the way in. He threatens Frank with the chair, only you communicate with him. Josh is thankful for his friend as he stands up. He took a step forward only to get the shock of his life as his best friend smacks the chair across his head. The Vengeful one laughs while Crystal looks shocked, stunned in fact. It allowed Wilson to get back up, spin her around and nail her with a Perfection.

“What the fuck!?” The usually professional Tasia is really shocked by all of this as are all the fans. Wilson pushes Crystal out the ring as Frank pulls up Josh. Aleksandr then cracks the chair over his skull a second time, busting him open. The Russian Warrior looks emotionless as he did this and screams something at him in Russian. Finally he lifts up his best friend, puts him in position for the Farewell Comrade [Tombstone]. The fans screamed at him not to do it but he did it anyway, right on the chair.

After the damage was done Trevor was getting back up. He saw what happened yet gets hit with a Perfection when he couldn’t start a sentence. Alek pointed the official who looked scared about what he just saw. His delay made Frank go out the ring and force him in. He does what he is told and calls for the bell, officially starting the ‘match’. The Punisher hooks Trevor’s legs and the referee counts as no one wanted to say anything.


Dave Wilson is the new World Heavyweight Champion in this shocking scene. Alek lifts the World championship up, hands it over to Wilson who has his hand raised by both Frank and Alek as New Dawn goes off air.

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