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  • Rank:Diamond Member
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  • Register:12/31/2008 2:17 AM

Date Posted:08/13/2016 1:47 AMCopy HTML

Picture Base: Chris Pratt
Name: Steven Sullivan

Name: Steve Sullivan
Live Action News
Residing From: Melbourne, Australia
: 6'2
Weight: 247 Pounds
Theme Music:  'The Bench' OGRE
In Ring Attire: What Red and Black singlet with words 'Live Action News'. No knee pads
Favourite Match Type: Clean cut wrestling matches
Crowd Status: Face
Gimmick Explanation: Man who runs around like a news reporter who happens to be a wrestler. Will sometimes report mid match.

Wrestling Style: Technical
In Ring Tendencies: Tries to take an opponent off their feet, wear them down with headlocks or hammerlocks, anything to gain the advantage.
: Able to out grapple most and figures out a way to get them off their feet, no matter how big.
Not an expert and probably not used to fast pace wrestling

Moveset: [minimum of 10]
Backhand Strike
Chop Combination
Sit-Out Shoulder Breaker
Spinning Hammerlock Takedown
Fireman's Carry
Neck Lock Suplex
School Boy Powerbomb
Rolling Neck Snap
Swinging Neckbreaker
Release Tiger Bomb
Monkey Flip
Argentine Backbreaker

Submissions: [maximum of 2]
Inside Toe Hold Inverted Figure Four

Trademarks: [maximum of 3]
Vertical Suplex Powerbomb
Spinning Double Leg Facebuster
Olympic Slam

Finishers: [maximum of 2]
Breaking News [Go Home Driver]
Goodnight From You [Slapjack aka Pedigree]

Entrance: 'The Bench' hits as it's time for a news bulletin, Steve Sullivan is here! Beside the stage a desk rises up with Steve Sullivan sitting behind it. He tells the world that he is here and reporting for you always. He jumps on the desk and starts running around, going towards the ring. On his way he makes up a report, which can vary. He then gets in and is his sign off is to tell everyone he is about to kick ass.

Biography: Former Australian Olympic wrestler Steve Sullivan has always been some what of a news buff. He'd keep up with it in many ways back in his homeland, seeing all the good and mostly all the bad. It's why he decided to bring to his wrestling life, merging the news with his favourite sport, professional wrestling. While he may not be a gold medallist, he did do pretty well for himself in the real sport of wrestling, winning a few tournaments. Now he wants to see what he can do in the entertaining styled wrestling, aka TXW.

Achievements: [list below]
Former Olympic wrestler

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  • Rank:Diamond Member
  • Score:2022
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  • From:United Kingdom
  • Register:12/31/2008 2:17 AM

Re:Steve Sullivan

Date Posted:11/26/2020 8:30 PMCopy HTML

•Picture Base: Chris Pratt
•Real Name: Steven Sullivan
•Ring Name: Steve Sullivan
•Alias(es): Mr Action News, News Breaker, The Holy God Of News
•Date of Birth (MM/DD/YYYY): January 9th 1989
•Born: Melbourne, Australia
•Residing From: The News Room, Toronto
•Height: 6'2
•Weight: 247lbs
•Theme Music: "The Bench" By OGRE
•In Ring Attire: Red or blue black singlet with words "Live Action News"
•Favourite Match Type: Wrestling match
•Crowd Status: Face
•Gimmick Explanation: Man who runs around like a news reporter who happens to be a wrestler

•Wrestling Style: Technical
•In Ring Tendencies: Tries to take an opponent off their feet, wear them down with headlocks or hammerlocks
•Strengths: Able to out grapple most and figures out most situations.
•Weaknesses: Not an expert as a professional wrestling , more of an amateur wrestler who is still learning a lot.

•Moveset [Minimum of 10]
- Backhand Strike
- Chop Combination
- Sit-Out Shoulder Breaker
- Spinning Hammerlock Takedown
- Fireman's Carry
- Neck Lock Suplex
- School Boy Powerbomb
- Powerslam
- Rolling Neck Snap
- Swinging Neckbreaker
- Release Tiger Bomb
- Fameasser
- Argentine Backbreaker
•Submission(s) [Maximum of 2]
- Inside To Hold Inverted Figure Four
- Sleeper

•Trademark(s) [Maximum of 3]
- Vertical Suplex Powerbomb
- Spinning Double Leg Facebuster
- Olympic Slam

•Finisher(s) [Maximum of 2]
- Breaking News [Go Home Driver]
- Goodnight From You [Pedigree]

•Entrance: "The Bench" hits as it's time for a news bulletin, Steve Sullivan is here! Beside the stage is a desk with Steve Sullivan sitting behind it. He straightens his tie , drinks his coffee and then grabs some papers as he then looks at the news ticker across the screen where usually the video packages are. He tells everyone some news about his opponent, or just gives a random update and likes to make sure he doesn't deliver fake news. 

He then tells everyone he is ready and thanks for joining him for the news. He stands up and then starts removing his blazer, his shirt and tie as he has his singlet on under it all. He points at the camera and then moves to the ring. 

He makes sure to interact with the cameras / fans as best he could and then gets in the ring ready to start things.

•Biography: Former Australian Olympic wrestler Steve Sullivan, now best known for his first run in the land of TXW 2.0. His career started in the company with a few wins and he eventually got into the Xtreme title picture. He ended up in a fatal four way where the men who weren't pinned would advance to a triple threat the following show. Lucky for him that night he didn't lose and he got to the triple threat. Only his quest ended in failure as Orion Rivers won to earn a title shot at that years War Games. 

Later in the year when War Games was over he was announced as co General Manager alongside Mike Hawk after Frank Stone was fired. It meant Steve took a step back from wrestling full time and focused his efforts on being the best Gm that  he could be. It did work out well as the two made for a dream team, even if many felt they didn't take it seriously enough. 

In early 2018 things with Brian White became intense after a few decisions made by Steve on the very first London Lockdown cost the company a lot of money. Later Mike Hawk, Steve's CO GM decided to go on a rant on Twitter. This led to Mike being fired as GM and suspended as an employee. The consequences on Steve weren't as severe but he had little interest in carrying on as GM without Mike.
Working with newly appointed Tyler York didn't last more than a show as he lashed out at him at the close of the show. He also tried to save Ashley from Wrath's rage but ended up being put through a table then FIRED as CO GM. It ended up making Tyler York the full time Dark Oasis GM on his own. 

Steve did stay a little longer as a wrestler but shortly after he decided to move back to Australia with his then girlfriend Kaci Woodworth. 

In the middle of 2019 he returned to the states and put a strain on his relationship with Kaci, who wanted to settle down in Australia and have kids. Steve had an addiction to being a professional wrestler, it was his dream and he didn't want to give it up. Especially since he wasn't even in his mid thirties. By the end of that year their relationship ended when Steve made the call to attempt a return to TXW. Josh Nightingale helped Steve return as a wrestler much to the annoyance of CJA who apposed it in every way.  

Josh did leave the company but CJA couldn't just fire Steve without good reason due to the Badass handing him a FIVE year contract. The news breaker did his best not to get on his bad side but did so when he ended up spotting a now alive Pierce Kingsley in a coffee place. He took a picture and decided to post it on Twitter, leading to a big issue with the company. 

That issue grew when Steve convinced Pierce to have an interview and CJA decided to spent Steve into 2021. His suspension was pushed to March when Steve showed up as a surprise guess in the Horror Bash.

Australian Olympic Wrestler
Dark Oasis CO General Manager with Mike Hawk [November 2016-February 2018]

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