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  • Register:12/31/2008 2:17 AM

Date Posted:01/15/2015 6:22 AMCopy HTML

LOCATION: New York City
Date: Sunday 24th August 2014
GM: Calvin Bateman
THEME: 'Here Comes The Summer' by Undertones

Match One
Denzel Brown Versus Lance Parker Versus Edward McGinlay
Triple Threat
United States Championship

Match Two
Miss Summer Mayhem Battle Royal
Features Divas of TXW

Match Three
Rachel Slays Versus Melissa Wright
Women's Championship

Match Four
Johnny Mercer Versus Aleksandr Grigory (c) Versus MDS
Triple Threat Elimination
US Championship

Match Five
Demer and Dagon (c) Versus Dean Creed and Mike Malice with Tara
Tag Team Contest
Tag Team Championship

Match Six
CJA versus Trevor Marshall
Last Man Standing

Main Event
Telsia Brook (C) Versus Josh Nightmare Versus Ronda Rousey Versus Vincent Underwood
Four Corners Match
World Heavyweight Championship

BladeDJK Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #1
  • Rank:Diamond Member
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  • Register:12/31/2008 2:17 AM

Re:Summer Mayhem 2014

Date Posted:01/15/2015 6:22 AMCopy HTML

Here comes the summer hits as the shot of Venice beach California where the very first TXW’s pay per view will take place. This goes to show how much money the investor has considering how he is able to book an invent here during the summer. The ring is in the middle and there are dozens of chairs shattered around. This type of venue won’t please anyone, especially with the blistering heat beating down on the athletes in the ring but this is Josh’s invention, the investor went with it. At the commentator’s booth at ringside are regulars Tasia Wicha alongside Ray Wallington who are set to get the show going.

“It’s here. Summer Mayhem is here!” Tasia said as the cameras focused on her and her broadcast partner at ringside.

“Welcome to Total Xtreme Wrestling’s very first pay per view and it’s very fitting that’s in the summer. We are live here at Venice beach for what is set to be a great event. Let’s start with the big match of the night, the battle for the World Heavyweight Championship. We will see a Four Corners match between champion Telsia Brook as she defends her title against Ronda Rousey, Josh Nightmare and Vincent Underwood. This is a very personal battle and whoever comes out on top will be feeling like they are on top of the world.” They sure will feel great considering it’s for the biggest title.

Ray next to her is in agreement as he couldn’t help but make some comments. “They will be the best TXW has to offer and let’s not forget it’s almost the battle of the sexes. Very rarely do we have a woman as the World champion. If we search the archives the only name that would jump out is the name of Meggan Slays. Should Telsia win tonight can she be ranked alongside her? I think so. I also think she is far hotter than Meggan ever was.” Ray said as he smiles sticking with his choice.

“That aside we are about to kick off here at the beach with a great triple threat match that will determine the first ever TXW US champion. Over to Jenny Gold for the introductions.”

The focus went to Jenny in the ring as she got a lot of whistles when about to kick start the show. “The following contest is a triple threat match scheduled for one fall and is for the United States Championship.”

Jenny said leading to the sound of Scotland the Brave hitting allowing for the introduction of Edward McGinlay. “On his way to the ring from Glasgow, Scotland. Weighing in at two hundred and seventy pounds Edward ‘The Motor’ McGinlay!” Edward gets booed while walked out at the make shift stage as it wasn’t what you usually see. To walk to the ring you had to go along the sand as there were only mats placed around the ring, nowhere else. While walking most people watching were probably reflecting on what has happened between all three of these men. The Scot has been slugging it out with both Denzel and Lance for the past few weeks leading to this confrontation. One of them will be the US Champ.

Next the sound of One Finger and a Fist by Drowning Pool hit next as out walks the rocker Lance Parker. To mark the pay per view occasion his tights had a bunch of guitar designs while he was actually carrying a guitar with him. He also showed his love for Hardcore by having a homage to Cactus Jack by wearing flannel. The fans responded well to him and more so while Jenny introduced him. “And his opponent. From Chicago, Illinois. Weighing at two hundred and thirty three pounds. Please welcome Lance Parker!”

Right when he got in the ring Edward attacked him causing the fans to boo as they sure as hell didn’t like seeing that. The bigger man hit hard and fast, flooring Lance. The referee had to get in the middle as this match is not due to start, at least not without the third competitor.

‘High Voltage’ hit next allowing for the entrance of the Dentist Denzel Brown. However unlike the rest he rushed to the ring kicking sand as he does and he shows his athleticism by jumping right onto the apron then jumping over the ropes to get in. Jenny got out of harm’s way to Ray’s relief. The referee just decided to get this one started as they were chopping at the bit. Once the match is officially started Edward clotheslines the two of them showing he is the powerhouse in this contest. The angry Scot didn’t leave them down for long as he reaches down to grab a handful of Lance’s hair to get him back to his feet. Once he had lifted him he pulls him so he is forced to run and he goes against the ropes. Edward then hoists him up on the rebound, caught him and proceeded to hit multiple backbreakers to showcase his strength. His last backbreaker caused him to shout out ‘For Scotland!’. You don’t have to be a genius to realise that it caused a lot of pain to the rocker.

“Edward is out here to lay down the pain on these two. I genuinely believe he’ll dominate this contest and become the very first US Champ.” Ray said showing he isn’t against being biased towards someone he thinks is the best in the match.

Edward is now fighting it out with Denzel Brown who he is getting the best of. He sets up a suplex, lifts him up and holds him up in the air for a remarkable amount of time. It showed his strength yet it wasn’t the wisest of decisions. Denzel managed to flip him out of it and he lands on his feet. He dropped behind the Scot and makes him pay by lifting him up, hits the Atomic drop to send him close to the ropes, followed up by a strong clothesline that sends the Glaswegian right out the ring.

“A great counter there from Denzel showing you this one isn’t over.” Tasia said followed by sticking her tongue out to mock Ray’s earlier prediction of the Scot dominating this one. The match has already changed and Lance is soon on his feet to allow the two men to battle it one on one.

Denzel sweeps the legs and then jumps on Lance with the elbow drop, hooking the leg to try to get the fall. The referee was about to count but there wasn’t even time as Lance kicked out form the attempt. He fights his way to his feet. They exchange punches into Denzel drove his knee to the gut of the Rocker. The fans are then treated to seeing the triple suplexes made famous by Eddie Guerrero as Denzel has adopted the move into his moveset as some kind of tribute. You can’t forget it’s also a very effective move. Once he hit the third and final suplex the fans were on their feet, happy with what they are seeing. Denzel stands tall, wipes his brow then raises his hands like he had already won.

“The three amigos, what a homage to Eddie Guerrero.” Tasia said as she too was happy with what they saw but it wasn’t over as the Dentist is going to make the most of his advantage. First he hit one of his trademark moves a standing moonsault which is impressive in itself, followed by him going to the corner of the ring. It looked to be time for the Dent End [Superkick] which would surely crown him the first ever US champ. All he had to do is wait for Lance to get to his feet.

The fans waited patiently as they saw the Rocker tumble to his feet and it looked certain he would walk into the Dent End. “Where the hell is Edward? I trusted this guy.” Ray said as he wasn’t all that impressed with the Scot who started so well yet is still out the ring licking his wounds from that strong clothesline.

Lance unsurprisingly walked right into the Dent End, leaving him out of it right near the ropes. The Dentist got overexcited and didn’t focus enough on his opponents legs, hooking the right one when he probably should’ve hooked both. The referee got down to count yet he got to two before he noticed Lance had put his left leg on the rope to stop the fall. It caused Denzel to get up, drag the split toned Parker into the middle of the ring. His follow up is him hooking both legs. However that matter of seconds let Edward get back in the ring and he broke up the fall.

“Denzel blew his chance there by not dragging Lance into the middle of the ring, what a buffoon. Hahaha” Ray said as he watched Edward lay his fists against the back of Denzel while dragging him up to his feet. The Dentist is thrown against the ropes then hit by a strong big boot on the rebound. This was blowing up in his face while the fans were quiet. They watched the Scot lift Denzel again then to hit two spinebusters in a row to knock the wind right out of the unfortunate Denzel.

The end is nigh as the Scot is back here to win the US title. He drags Denzel up and got a few punches for his troubles. It still didn’t stop him giving back some of his own and then put his opponent in place for the McGinlay Driver aka Rikishi Driver. This move isn’t pretty and once turned upside down there is a fight from The Dentist, yet it wasn’t enough as the move gets hit. Seeing this move get hit makes Ray get up and punch his fist in the air as he was seeing his prediction happen before his eyes, well close enough. Edward started to mock all the fans who came out to Venice Beach, most already live here. It proved to be a ill timed thing as Lance got up and booted him right across the back of the head. It floored him and it caused Ray to hold his head as he then watched Lance get to the top rope, about to hit his finisher. Sure he wasn’t fully recovered and took his sweet time but Denzel was out like a light. Edward was down too after that strong kick to the back of the head.

“Lance Parker is up on the top rope. Can he do it? Can he pull the rabbit out the hat?” Tasia said as she and everyone else watched Lance stand up on the top rope, look down and then he jumps off hitting his finisher the Airways [Corkscrew Shooting Star Press] onto his fellow Chicago born wrestler Denzel Brown. Right after he hooked both legs and the referee counts. 1,2,3!

If this place had a roof it would’ve lifted off but it didn’t so there are just loud cheers. The reward for Lance is to get his new championship, the United States Championship. The fans cheer for him as he lifts him up his title and is VERY happy. It’s understandable as he is the first US champ in history for this company.

The focus went back to a disappointed looking Ray who saw his prediction fail to happen. Tasia shook her head at her broadcast partner’s look yet she is used to it by now after all these months working together. “Great ending to our first match as Lance Parker is the very US Champion. We return there will be something to cheer up Ray as the Divas of TXW will be competing in bikini’s next.”

There is a smile from Ray as the cameras cut to a different part of the beach where there is a temporary shelter being used as the locker rooms. It isn’t as spacey as people would like considering they were all used to space. Josh is walking along the beach, outside of the temporary ‘room’s while some of the cameras were following him. It meant some fans get in on the action, mainly cheering trying to get on camera. Josh just laughs and continued walking into he was able to get a live microphone to interact with the fans who came out.

“Everyone enjoying the show? I hope you are as it’s about to get even better. What is the best part of the Summer? Women in bikini’s of course.” He said while pointing to the entrance way that has been made where all the girls of TXW are lining up to be apart of this contendership chance. They all walk out to the official Summer Mayhem theme ‘Here comes the summer’. Some were also dancing to the music, Josh sure was letting the people know he was having fun before his big match in the main event. Once they all got in the ring it’s time for the battle royal which despite it’s eye candy approach is for a chance at the Women’s championship.

In the ring competing for this honour are new signing Cassie Montgomery, Becca Nightingale, Marie Reyes, Taylor Starr, Lauren Li along with a bunch of models who were trying make the cut in the company. All were good eye candy though Josh was disappointed in two things, one his sister being in this and TWO the exclusion of Michelle Wright who was supposed to be in it into she showed her contract is different to everyone else’s. It didn’t stop Ray looking excited at ringside as this one begins.

It starts up with a lot of whistles and some rivalries are going on in this one due to Lauren’s problem with Becca. The two attack each other and were trying to tear at each other’s hair. Meanwhile new comer Cassie showed she isn’t just a pretty face by eliminating two of the bikini models with a strong double clothesline. After she blew a kiss to the fans showing she might make an instant impact.

“Cassie is new here but she could have a debut of dreams by earning herself a Women’s championship shot. Maybe being linked with Telsia is a way of getting yourself some success?” Tasia said as she knows all about that rumoured link between the two Canadians. Ray however was just too busy looking at her features as that’s what he is interested in when it came to new arrivals to the company. He gets to watch her eliminate another two narrowing the numbers down to just six with some of the more known women still in there.

Petite Marie is struggling to contain Taylor who is showing an aggression most have not seen before considering she was once the happiest girl in the world. It all changed when she lost her title chance when losing to Melissa in the semi final of the tournament. Now she gets a second chance. Taylor’s aggression got worse when she head butted Marie and then starts punching her aggressive while trapping her in the corner. She obviously had a mission to leave the win as a winner.

On the other side of the ring Becca is on top of Lauren and is choking her as they are also developing a hatred. This wasn’t the battle royal people were expecting as it’s getting a lot more aggressive. Cassie got rid of one of the remaining nameless models leaving it at just the five. She is getting a lot of fan support due to how she looks, how skimpy her bikini is AND more importantly how much ass she is kicking.

“I’m in love with this new arrival Cassie, she has everything it takes to become the next Women’s champion. I hope she gets to have all her dreams come true.” Ray said as he couldn’t help admire her. His admiration probably grew when he watched her get involved in the Becca / Lauren scuffle as she gripped onto the hair of the Night Dream then her bikini bottoms, giving her an almighty wedgie. Not exactly giving a reason for Josh to enjoy this, if he is even watching by this point. The wedgie wasn’t Becca’s only issue as she was thrown over the top rope and had to hang on for dear life when she landed on the apron. The Canadian then did the same to Lauren, drags her up and gives her a wedgie! It was giving the male fans reason to cheer considering they were seeing a lot more ass. The Samurai gets thrown over the top rope, hits right into Becca and both of them end up being eliminated.

Becca is furious when she lands, slamming her hand against the floor. She points at Lauren and blames her. It made her attack her and considering her bottoms was still in a wedgie it was fun for the fans to watch them roll around. Back in the ring Taylor had finally gotten rid of Marie after giving her a beating she won’t forget. The natural blonde then gets face to face with Cassie in what is now the final two. The Canadian got fans cheering when she grabbed a hold of Taylor’s breast. This didn’t go down well with the bitter one who slapped her hard for what she just did. In response the fans boo but they were soon stunned into silence when Taylor charges and clotheslines Cassie right against the ropes then out the ring. It meant she just won.

Taylor dropped to her knees and looked very happy that she finally gets her crack at the title. She got her shot by disappointing Cassie who looked set for a debut to remember. At least the fans were happy as they got more than they bargained for in this bikini babe battle royal. While she was celebrating her win Becca and Lauren were still fighting, this time through the crowd. Security had been called out to break it up before they killed each other. They were angry to be separated but this would have to be dealt with another day.

The focus is back on Tasia and Ray as they discuss what just happened and what is next. “Taylor Starr has been a changed woman ever since she lost to Melissa and now that change has allowed her to win the Miss Summer Mayhem battle royal. We’ll also get to find out who she battles for the title next as the gold is up for grabs. I can imagine she will really want to be up against Melissa in the future.” Too true as that’s how this whole bitterness began. However it could easily go either way.

First the cameras cut away to inside one of the temporary shelters where Jason White is seen and he looked unimpressed with the location. The person he is dealing with is Rachel who just so happens to be Josh’s girlfriend and she also seemed to be playing part of assistant since she just handed Jason the referee shirt he is supposed to be using. The Venom looked calmly at her despite not being pleased with everything that is happening. It didn’t look like there was going to be any dialogue between them into Jason gently grabbed her arm as she went to walk away. “You know if Josh is turning to the drink again, you should probably get yourself away. I may mess with Josh but I have no intentions of having another drawn out feud, he’s not why I am here. Any issues that start happening, they are in his head. So don’t go making an enemy out of me for no reason if things with him start to go south.” Jason said, letting her arm go after. Rachel just looked at him taking in the info and is then on her merry way as she had a match.

Back at ringside a lot who got to see that on the big screen set up to the side were interested in how things are developing. The sun is still beating down on the ring as there is now a space cleared which leads to the ocean. It’s the first time during the show that access to the ocean isn’t going to be an issue. Since nobody knew the match type this is a clear indication of what might’ve been chosen.

‘Blackout’ hits first as out The Texan Butterfly Melissa Wright complete with her wings. Unfortunately for most she did have her usual wrestling attire since she got pretty close to being forced to wear nothing but the wings on Dark Oasis, into the Investor got involved. She looked grateful for that and looked buzzed about this match. While she made her way to the ring Jenny Gold made her introduction. “The following contest is a Drag your opponent to the ocean match and it’s for the Women’s championship. On the way to the ring, from Dallas, Texas, please welcome The Texas Butterfly Melissa Wright!” She gets cheered from the introduction as she is a baby face despite her problems with Rachel. A lot of that comes from Josh Nightmare who is generally being a pain to just about everyone. The match is a unique type where it’s similar to an ambulance match only you have to throw your opponent into the ocean. The fans certainly won’t have an issue with seeing either one of these two wet.

The waits waited patiently for Rachel to arrive as ‘Grown Woman’ by Beyonce hits. The Golden Geek as she now calls herself still didn’t seem all that excited for her big shot as her mind is probably on all those personal problems. Yet she could make history in this one. “And her opponent from Hollywood, California please welcome the Golden Geek Rachel Slays.

She gets into the ring and despite her problems isn’t shown any love from Melissa who is bitter at her for just being with Josh. This match type is kinder than most but it still wasn’t exactly all about wrestling like it should be. The bell rings and Josh’s girl did offer out a handshake, yet got a strong slap in the face instead. Melissa targeted her jaw with well placed forearm shots after then throws her into the ropes. On the rebound Melissa made a run then hits a flying forearm shot to the face to show how much she wants the Women’s championship. There is no friendship or respect in this one. With Josh’s girl floored she took a good kicking from The Butterfly who was showing she had her own aggression. Every person has it deep down inside and only ever show it when they need too. This is a good of a time as any.

It wasn’t going well for Rachel who wasn’t given a chance to get a fight back as she did try, only to be shut down with a jumping ddt once she is on her feet. The fans are still enjoying seeing this despite it being one sided. A lot of it had to do with the personal beef on the verge of this very important match. The Texan goes to her opponents legs then decides to lock her in the Butterfly Lock aka Texas Cloverleaf. Sure she couldn’t win by submission but she seemed to be out to prove a point. Slays cries out in agony as she really did feel the pain in her back from this submission. Like all members of her family she tried to fight her way out as what else could she do? It wasn’t like Melissa planned to let it go anytime soon.

Rachel has a lot of fight but Melissa had the hold locked in tight, she wasn’t letting her opponent move an inch. That’s one thing you can say about Wright’s is that they all have a lot of strength to them. It was horrible agony for the girl of Josh and some say she deserves it for being associated with him.

“Wow I never thought Melissa has this evil side in her, it’s like torturing a kitten. Rachel is got herself in a fight with the wrong person, she can’t handle it.” Ray said as he watched the hold being kept in for more minutes. It eventually was released only after Rachel endured a lot of pain. Her head wasn’t in this and it’s going to be her biggest regret.

Wright didn’t give her opponent any time to recover, drags her up and starts hitting her forearm against her jaw. It happened so often that it began to hurt the arm of Melissa as she is hitting her pretty harshly.  The Texan ends the forearm assault by throwing Rachel through the ropes, to the outside where she lands awkwardly on her shoulder. It was one of the one sided matches in TXW history so far as Melissa is making Rachel regret everything she has ever done while in the company with the Badass.

There is pain and frustration from Rachel who hits her fist against the mat around the ring when she sits up. She then favours her shoulder into Melissa got out and kicked the back of her head causing it to snap forward and smack the mat. It was really going badly for the former playboy cover girl. The Texan wasn’t letting up and she pulled away one part of the mats, exposing the sand underneath it. She grabs onto the back of the Golden Girl’s hair and pushes her face right into the sand. “Eat it!” Melissa said loudly as some cheered, some were indifferent to what was becoming more one sided by the minute.

Rachel begins coughing as some sand went in her mouth and it got into her eyes. It wasn’t at all good especially with Melissa not having any regrets over it. “You shouldn’t mess with a Wright. When you do this sort of thing happens to you, you nerd.” Melissa isn’t normally like this she just wanted to prove a point that even the nicest can be pushed over the edge. The Texan added insult to injury by yanking down Rachel’s shorts at the back and then grabbed a handful of sand. She then shoved it down her shorts and dragged her back up to her feet before she could do much about it. The helpless Slays has some of her hair ripped out as she was dragged towards the ocean. There was fight but it wasn’t enough as they got closer. Melissa let her go and made her turn around, she kicked her knee and then hit the Wright Ending [Superkick] to the face to force her into the shallow part of the ocean. It was still enough to confirm her win and the fans were happy for her.

Amazingly this was one sided which wasn’t expected at all. The Texan is happy and turned her back away from Rachel, going into the ring to claim her new championship. She is happy to be handed it and Vincent Underwood came out to celebrate the moment with her. There was no one there for Rachel as she dragged herself out of the ocean and was having trouble walking. She looked like she had her spirit crushed in what has to be her worst night of her life.

“Looks like Rachel could use a hug after that.” Ray said as he could tell she is distraught. He however wouldn’t get the chance as she walked away in a hurry after that humiliation. Melissa looked to have already forgot about her as she kissed her boyfriend in the ring and then holds her new title close. She deserves her glory.

The cameras cut  away from the ring showing the temporary shelters where inside is CJA who gets the chance to settle his own score in a last man standing match. If he had his way it would go the exact way it went for Melissa, a one sided beat down. Yet it won’t be for any type of gold, just for honour. His wife joined him on camera. “Ashley isn’t around, I’ll make sure she plays no part.” Kelly said as CJA just nods and strokes his beard. He wasn’t at all sure if she has vanished like it seemed. There is also the problem with Trevor’s newest ally, World Champion Telsia Brook. It wasn’t discussed here as CJA went away from the camera with his wife as they had more to discuss, in private.

Back at ringside Tasia and Ray are getting ready for the fourth match of the night, The battle for the IC Championship. Current champion Aleksandr Grigory has been getting some headlines lately after he got in the face of Jason White. It’s led to a match between the two of them on the next Dark Oasis which will be a Flag match. Jenny is back in the ring set to announce the next match.

“The following contest is a triple threat elimination match and it’s for the TXW IC Championship.” Jenny said just as the Russian National Anthem hits allowing current champ Alek to walk on out ,carrying the Russian flag. Unlike some who carry the flag in wrestling he’s actually from Russia so he carries his country’s flag with pride. On Dark Oasis he expects to lift his flag high while wiping his ass with the Canadian Flag that Jason will be trying to honour.  “On his way to the ring, from Moscow, Russia, weighing in at two hundred and seventy pounds. He is the IC Champion. Please welcome Aleksandr Grigory!”

The Russian is booed by those who turned up at Venice Beach. They weren’t interested in seeing him or his anti American ways. Preferably they would like to see him lose the title tonight. Whether they want him to beat Jason is another thing as everyone knows the Canadian is one of the most hated men in the country, if not the world. For tonight Alek gets the hate and he put his flag near the ring post, awaiting his opponents who are due to show up.

“Survival” by Eminem hit next as out walks former IC Champ Johnny Mercer. Lately he’s been linked with Ronda Rousey of all people after being seen in her company many times. Yet for the past few weeks he has been focusing on getting his title back as he doesn’t want to be known as a one hit wonder. Mercer gave the fans nearby some love by high fiving some of them and then getting some cheers when he loudly says he is going to kick the Russian’s ass. Jenny introduces Johnny once he got in the ring. “And his opponent, hailing from Los Angeles, California, weighing in at two hundred and thirty pounds. Please welcome Johnny Mercer.” Having him be from Cali got him a lot of cheers. It didn’t work well for Rachel but it might just work for Mercer who wants to be the third new champion of the night.

The Russian begins gloating by holding his title near to Johnny telling him only a man can hold this title, not a boy. It would be easy to take the bait and start the fight but he wasn’t biting, he was waiting. “Bonecracker” hits next as out walks Micheal Davis Simmons, someone who got the best of Alek on Dark Oasis. This time if he wants the gold he’s going to have to beat them both as this is an elimination contest making it twice as difficult.

“Lastly on his way to the ring, from Cleveland, Ohio, weighing in at two hundred and twenty four pounds. Please welcome Michael Davis Simmons! “ The man of many secrets joins others in the ring which means this one is getting closer to starting.

With all three are in the ring it’s go time and the referee calls for the bell to begin this one. The match starts and the two American’s team up on the Russian as he is the biggest target in this one. They punch and kick at him, but he begins swatting them away. First he hit MDS with a strong punch that lays him out then he hit Mercer with a clothesline. It got boos but the Russian is a mercenary so he wouldn’t care what the people think. He’s paid to kick ass and that’s what he is doing. It also helps that he is fighting Americans.

The big Russian drags up MDS by the scruff of the neck then starts clubbing him across the back of the head over and over and over again. It did incredible damage due to the strength behind it. Johnny got back up and began to help out his opponent, hitting Alek with everything he’s got. Everything didn’t seem to do a lot as whatever fired Alek up has made him tolerate the punches more than he normally would. The champ headbutts Johnny to knock him back. The move is followed up with a running headbutt to the chest with authority. He likes to call that one the Battering Ram.

“Aleksandr is toying with both of his opponents at the moment as he wants to show why he is the IC Champ in the first place. I won’t go out my way to back him due to how he disrespects our country but he has a special talent.” Ray has praise even for the anti Americans due to how he has been showing everyone why he is the champ to begin with.

MDS gets back involved and uses his speed to try hit fast hits to the face, including a backhand. It did at least rattle the Russian who has so far not been damaged at all by the hits. It looked good and MDS bounces himself off the ropes about to get some momentum behind his next attack. However he got hoisted up onto Aleksandr’s shoulders on the rebound then hit with the Russian Roulette [F5]. This caused gasps and boos , leading to the fans watching the Russian make the cover. 1,2,3!

“Holy shit MDS has just been eliminated from this contest. I can’t believe it!” Ray said in an impressed tone as it was very sudden and very good. The Russian might be hated but he can back up a lot of what he says, no matter the language.

Disrespect followed when Alek pushes MDS out the ring using his foot, like he was not good enough to be in the ring anymore. The Russian targets Mercer and hip tosses him to the canvas. When the young buck gets to his feet he is punched so he ends up draped over the ropes, not good at all. While he is trapped there it was time for some knee lifts right to Mercer’s body, doing some serious damage as the power adds to the pain.

The Warrior signals for the end as he wanted to retain his title asap since he wanted to have as much energy for when he does battle with Jason, even if it won’t be for a little while due to the schedule of the shows. It would not be easy for the Russian however as he knew Mercer is capable of surviving, it’s what he is. Instead of taking his time however he went to lift the young buck and former champ onto his shoulders to try to hit yet another Russian Roulette as that is what finished off MDS. The move isn’t hit as the survivor fights his way off of his shoulders, ending up behind him and he rolls him up. Can he steal it here? 1,2,NO!

Almost over there yet the champ is able to kick out at the last second. It was annoying for Mercer as he almost made history repeat itself by becoming the new champion. Aleksandr was just not going to let it happen that way. The former bare knuckled fighter is angry and he charges at the smaller opponent. The survivor however dropkicked his knee forcing the Warrior onto his knees. This made the fans delighted as Mercer shouted out  “Shining Wizard!”. It’s his call and he bounces against the ropes then whacks the champions head with his boot for the Shining Wizard!

“Right to the head, what a hit!” Tasia said as she like many fans are happy to see the Russian take some punishment. Can this now be over with? The cover is made the fans hope that the referee counts the three. 1,2,NO! A large amount of sighs as the kick out was made by the champion again at the very large second. It sure sucked for Mercer who thought he had just pulled off the big win he is after.

Johnny thought he should go for the kill, he gets in a stance that would allow him to hit his version of the GTS which he calls No Mercy. Hitting this would be put an end to the contest. Alek climbs to his feet and he is lifted up onto Mercer’s shoulders. Almost predictably the bigger man escapes and he grabs then places Mercer into a tombstone position out of what seems like nothing. However Mercer escapes again which wasn’t expected. He then puts Aleksandr on his shoulders and HITS the No Mercy! The fans went ballistic.

The cover gets made as both legs are hooked, surely this is the crowning of a new champion. 1,2,3! Yes it happened, Johnny Mercer has defeated Aleksandr Grigory and taken back the IC Championship. “No way, no fucking way.” Ray said as he is shocked at what he has just seen. The survivor has done it again; it’s almost like a miracle.

Johnny drops to his knees and puts his head down to the canvas. After being dubbed a one hit wonder this is a great feeling for him. Mercer has conquered the Russian and this is going to hurt the Warrior’s pride, especially going into a big match with Jason. The young buck gets handed his new title and he leaves with it, high fiving the fans on his way back to the temporary locker rooms.

The cameras switch inside one of those temporary shelters where Josh is back there with the tag champs who he informs are no longer competing on the show due to time constraints. Instead he gave them a secret important mission for tonight’s show. What that is kept to the three of them only which must make people wonder. The cameras didn’t pick up the audio very well yet they did pick up better quality when Ronda showed up on the scene. “How’s Rachel?” She asked fully aware of the night from hell she had. Josh looked to the ground and then back up at her. “I don’t know, I haven’t seen her since the match. I heard she just left so it’s not good. I’ll have to deal with that problem when it comes about. For right now I won’t let it damage my mind as I want to win back MY title. Don’t want to have you win it when I am not at my best. If you were to kick my ass I want to at least have no excuses. I’m sure we’ll be the last two anyway.” He said, fully confident in his ability and that of Ronda. However it doesn’t mean it will happen the way it’s supposed to, shocks do happen. The two then walked away after wishing each other luck.

 Back at ringside it’s time for the clash between CJA and Trevor Marshall who have been at each other’s throats ever since the former CJA student attacked Kelly without regret. Attacking a man’s wife just isn’t going to slide, especially when you brag about it after. ‘Run This Town’ hits first as out walks the big powerhouse Trevor Marshall who had a gym bag in his possession for some reason. He seemed very happy for some reason yet he was booed all the same. In the ring is Jenny who made the introductions.

“The following contest is a last man standing match. On his way to the ring, from Houston, Texas. Weighing in at two hundred and sixty seven pounds, the King Kong Destroyer Trevor Marshalllll!” Boos followed which weren’t directed at the stunning Jenny. Nope they were all targeted at the man with the gym bag who looked like he just robbed candy for a baby and got away with it. When he’s in the ring he takes the microphone from Jenny and tells her to get out the ring. As she turns around he slaps her on the ass causing her to jump and he has a good laugh about it.

The fans hate this guy, he’s a bully and he knew they hated him. However he might’ve met his match with the arrival of Jason White. “Next up here at Summer Mayhem on this lovely beach, you’ll see the end of Christopher Jack Archer. That hasbeen messed with the wrong dawg when he decided to take offense to that time I got my hands on his wife. It’s not my fault she breaks easily; it’s simply what bitches do sometimes. At least that chump will be put out his misery soon. Anyone who fucks with me always gets the same treatment as this is my yard, not anyone else’s yard. I should be in main event matches yet I am stuck rotting away with the likes of CJA. Well after tonight it all changes.” Trevor is determined to make a change, he does want the title his favourite girl has. Sure he won’t want to piss her off but at the end of the day he just sees her as inferior to him. If anyone should have the title, it should be him.

The focus is back on the bag as he hasn’t explained why he has it. “First I’ll add a little fuel to the fire by having a little sale right here in front of the fans.” He said before opening the bag. What he takes out is belongings of Kelly Nightingale. First he took out a shirt and then points at the fans. “Who wants these clothes? They belong to Mrs Archer who was at the gym earlier. She was followed by my girl who pinched her bag when she went for a shower. Big mistake from your dumb wife Chris. I am sure she had a painful experience coming home that day.” The Destroyer laughs into the sound of ‘Bitter End’ hits as out runs CJA who had a look to kill. He gets into the ring and dodges the attempt of the Snapper [Spear] by Marshall. He then manages to lift his student onto his shoulders and hits the A-driver!

When that happened the fans cheered then watched the Sinful Manipulator grab his wife’s bag then zip it back up, putting it safely out the ring. The referee came out as he needed to restore order so the match can official begin. Just as he gets in out comes one of  Trevor’s allies Ryan Johnson who stormed the ring with a steel chair. He really wanted to nail CJA with it but it was another attempt that was avoided by the hall of famer.

Da Power soon ate an A-driver too as this is becoming a lesson from the veteran who is teaching the less experienced wrestlers a thing or two. At thirty two he isn’t past his peak and it’s a good start for him so far. The referee did still have a job to do so he does call for the bell since it had to begin at some time. Right away he was counting down Marshall who was still down holding his head from the A-driver.

“Could this be over before it really begins? I can’t say I have any sorrow for Marshall. He asked for this and look where it’s got him.” Tasia said as Marshall is still down at the count of five. This would be a bad match for him if he doesn’t get up as he bragged about ending the career of the Sinful Manipulator tonight, which won’t happen if he loses. The referee gets to seven and it’s looking increasingly likely the match is over with.

At the count of nine the powerhouse is on his feet. When he is on his feet he has the nerve to mock CJA asking him if that’s all he has. This caused a fury of punches from Archer who wanted to kick Marshall’s teeth down his throat. One kick landed on the big man’s head, flooring him and out of pure anger CJA let out a cry. He was pissed off and wanted to put an end to this right here at the first ever TXW pay per view. It wasn’t even good enough having him down, he wanted to break him in two. He grabs onto his feet and drags him to the ropes. There he gets out himself and drags out the Destroyer, about to take him over to the announcers table. Tasia and Ray could already see bad things were about to happen. At least with what is in mind.

All of the monitors were pulled off the table then the top as he climbs on top taking Marshall with him. CJA uses his strength to lift Marshall onto his shoulders as if he were about to plant another A-driver. This one will be a lot more brutal than the last, it could break his former students neck. Da Power Ryan Johnson ruins what could be an career ender by getting involved again, grabbing at CJA’s leg to knock him off balance. The Destroyer escapes from the shoulders of his former mentor however he then turns it right around by putting the Manipulator on his shoulders. Then it happened as he A-drivers CJA right through the announcers table!

“He’s dead! CJA is dead! “ Ray said without knowing the real condition of the Archangel yet. There was no movement and Trevor looked very pleased with what he did. However he wanted Ryan to drag up his former mentor anyway. While that was happening the former football star went over to the steel steps, pulled away the top half then pulled the bottom half nearer to him. Looks like he wasn’t joking when he said he wanted to end the career of his former mentor.

The motionless CJA is dragged over and then lifted on Trevor’s shoulders as he was about to A-driver him on the bottom half of the steps. They were interrupted by the arrival of Kelly who rushed out and yes she was dressed despite Trevor’s claims about an earlier gym incident. She went right over telling Marshall not to dare do what he is about to do. The cocky powerhouse mocks Kelly and even tells her to kiss his ass as he wasn’t about to stop no matter what. However out came Ashley who had a kendo stick in hand. She position herself behind Kelly and this wasn’t good as Mrs Archer has just been focusing on her husband only. The big grin on Marshall’s face said it all. However Ash then hit Ryan between the legs with it and did the same to Trevor! Talk about agony.

“What the hell? I thought Ashley was on Trevor’s side!” Ray said in shock as Trevor fell to his knees in pain allowing CJA to escape. CJA got it together and then angrily kicked Marshall right in the face. He in a lot of pain himself but manages to fight through it to then left his former student onto his shoulders. For revenge he then hit the A-driver right on the steps doing maximum damage to the King Kong Destroyer. The hurt ArchAngel is weak and he is held up by his wife as the referee counts down Marshall.

1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10! The match is over as there was no reaction from Trevor who is out like a light. The victory is CJA’s yet he doesn’t look much like a winner as he couldn’t walk on his own. He also seemed to not have a clue what was going on due to the head blow. Still he got the job done. Ashley let those she once betrayed pass her by as medical personal are out to check on Marshall and also aid CJA best they could.

The focus is back on the announcer team who are now sitting in front of a destroyer table. They still have ONE more match to call. The one where the World Championship is up for grabs. The hype is made by a video shown on the screen they have set up, it highlights everything all four competitors have been through over the past few months. There is a lot of personal issues in this one and they will be all settled in the ring tonight. Once the video package ended it was time to introduce everyone, including the late addition of Jason White as enforcer / referee. His role makes him different to a normal referee as he can kick someone’s ass if he feels like it.

“Reincarnate” hits as Jason White makes his entrance. Despite being quiet tonight he could possible steal the show right when it matters, especially since it’s really up to him who becomes the champion. It’s another decision Josh Nightmare certainly doesn’t agree with since they are not friends and never will be again. Jason couldn’t make his usual entrance due to the set up, there aren’t any lights here. But it didn’t bother him, he adapted to the environment and got in the ring as Jenny Gold introduced him. “The following contest is a four corners match and it’s for the Wolrd Heavyweight Championshippppp. In the ring, please welcome the special referee and enforcer Jason Whiteeee!” The fans boo him as they already don’t like him or the way he reacts. The owner still gets a lot of love despite some of the actions that he takes.

White stood in the ring waiting as the sound of ‘Alive and Kicking’ hits to mark the entrance of the British Brawler Vincent Underwood. Earlier tonight he got to celebrate the win for his girlfriend Melissa. Now he’ll hope the same can happen for him, that he can win a major championship here in TXW. The Bristol born wrestler isn’t sure what to make of Jason White as he’s only ever heard stories from Michelle. While he walks to the ring he is introduced by Jenny. “Now the challenger. On his way to the ring from Bristol, England. Weighing in at two hundred and twenty four pounds. Please welcome the Bristol Brawler Vincent Underwood.” That intro is cheered as the Brit is in the ring and he looks over at Jason. All he got back is a blank stare which made Vincent and pretty much everyone else wonder how The Venom is going to call this one.

Next out is Josh Nightmare who comes out to ‘Battle Born’ hits as he walks out pumped up for this one, there was no jokes this time around. “And his opponent. From Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Weighing in at two hundred and sixty pounds, please welcome Josh Nightmare!” The fans cheer for the creator of this next version of TXW and he clearly is having issues with who the referee is. This could get ugly fast especially when the Badass gets into the ring. It looked like he was going to lunge for the referee right away only for Vincent to make sure there was no fight as he gave Josh a push and called him a wanker. Jason actually began to smirk probably because he’s done so little and already got under the skin of his former tag partner. Imagine what it would be like if they were actually feuding.

‘Cult of Personality’ hit next as out walks Rowdy Ronda Rousey, better known for UFC. Yet she has been kicking ass since joining the wrestling world and is determined to become the second female champion that TXW has had at the top. “And his opponent. Coming from Las Vegas, Nevada. Please welcome ‘Rowdy’ Ronda Rousey!” The ex UFC Champion gets cheered by the fans , more so than the previous two. She is in fight mood and that’s always a dangerous thing for anyone. It will be a challenge for her but it’s one she can cope with much like everyone else in the ring.

All that is left now is the champion who is still the most surprising champion of 2014.  ‘Diamonds’ hits and the champion walks out looking very pleased for some reason. “And now introducing the champion. Residing from Toronto, Canada. She is the current TXW World Heavyweight Champion. Please welcome Telsia Brook!” The self called Dirtiest Diva in the game got booed by the fans , she just laughed it off then skipped towards the ring ignoring some who wanted to high five or just touch her. She gets into the ring dragging the World title with her. As she gets in she winks at Jason who didn’t react to it at all. Must be her way of trying to gain an advantage considering how they were recently having a Twitter war when the champion claimed she had no idea who Jason is.

With everybody in the ring and the World title handed to Jason to pass out. It was time to start this four corners match. Basically all four would never all be in the ring at the same time. Instead only two may start with everyone having a corner each. The only way the two on the apron can get in is if they are tagged in. Eliminations apply so the match will soon whittle down to just a one on one contest.

“Telsia is looking mighty fine. I hope she gets to keep the World title she has held so proudly over the past few months. Surely Jason will be biased towards his fellow Canadian.” Ray said buying into the whole Canadian bond they must share. Tasia begins laughing finding his comment ludicrous. “Jason doesn’t like anyone. He won’t’ care if Telsia is Canadian especially after the way she acted on Twitter towards him. If anything she has more to lose with him as referee.” Tasia gave her few just as the bell rings, this match is on.

The two choose to start this one out are champion Telsia and challenger Ronda who have had a big history recently. A lot of times it led to the champion being knocked out. Right away the former UFC babe went for a knockout punch only for the champ to see it coming and move out the way. She kicks as hard as she could at Ronda doing her best to best her for a change. One kick too many and Rowdy caught her leg, brought her in close then lifted her up and slammed her down for an MMA styled takedown. This wasn’t pretty already.

Ronda is used to this type of position and she was going to try to slowly transition into an armbar that would surely end Telsia’s hopes of retaining. Ronda is sitting on top of her and begins punching away. The champion did her best and succeeded to move onto her stomach, trying to block the punches best she could. Jason sat back and allowed it all to happen as it’s not like what she is doing is illegal. The champion did however shout out that she demanded protection. Even with her words the punches kept coming into she is able to escape herself, getting to the ropes was helpful.

The bruises now on Telsia’s face made her mad and she went over to the referee telling him it’s a wrestling match not MMA. All he did is stare and didn’t show any concern for the champion’s health, why should he. The champion started to back away when Ronda came hunting. Telsia backed near Josh’s corner and he tagged himself in by slapping the champion’s ass when she got close. It counted as a tag and it almost came at a relief for her as she got away from the UFC babe for the time being.

Josh got in and the fans cheered loudly as they were about to see these two clash. Ronda didn’t back away, aiming punches at Josh’s head meaning she had to reach up. Josh showed his own fight background by kicking at the back of the knee. One shot was strong enough to cause Ronda to buckle to one knee as she hadn’t ever been kicked quite like that before. The Badass went over, grabbed her and lifted her off her feet into a bearhug. On another occasion he’d be loving this but here he was only looking to cause Ronda pain, which is happening.

“Ronda is in trouble here as Josh is trying to squeeze the life out of her. He might’ve signed her but he would sure as hell love to defeat her too.” Tasia said as Ronda struggled to get out of the move despite her own strength. Jason had to check when she looked to have passed out as he lifted her arm to check if she would be unable to continue. Her arm dropped the first time he lifted it which meant if her arm drops two more times, she is eliminated.

The fans began a Rowdy chant when her hand went down a second time as they weren’t keen to see her eliminated first. The chant seemed to work as she showed some life and managed to keep her arm up at the third time of asking. She then begins hitting Josh across the jaw with her fist, normally enough to knock someone out. All it did to Josh is make him lose his grip then back off a few steps. After he managed to smile showing he was enjoying the battle that is before him.

The two of move around the ring trying to figure out each other’s next move. Josh moved forward too earlier and got kicked right in the gut. The former UFC girl then showed her strength by lifting up Josh and slamming him down a takedown. It might be a lot of guy’s dream to get Ronda on top of them but not what it’s a match. She hit him with stinging right handers then went for the armbar. Once upon a time the Badass had his arm broken from this move so he resisted it all he could since he wasn’t looking to be the first one out of this match.

Lucky for him he is able to get away from the hold and gets to his feet. He ends up backing too near to Vincent who then tagged himself in. The Bristol Brawler didn’t please Josh with his decision but it’s every person for themselves so it’s not too much of a surprise. Ronda walked over and got caught with a couple of stiff punches followed by an European Uppercut. Usually the respectable Brit would not fight a woman but this is for the World title and Ronda wasn’t just an ordinary woman. The Brit started working on her knee, kicking at it into Ronda was having issues standing on it. It was a smart move from Vincent since he had to work down one of them in order to win the match. No one is out of this contest just yet.

The brawler knocked Ronda onto her back then attempted to lock her in the Figure Four Leg Lock. Rowdy did try to fight it but her kicks kept being blocked and eventually the hold gets locked in giving her yet another moment where she is in pain. The Brit didn’t demand she tap but he sure was doing his best to make her do so.

“Tap out Ronda. You don’t belong in a wrestling ring with all the other wrestlers. I still think the investor has a point about all of Josh’s signings. They are a joke.” Ray said as he normally normal backs up the heels which he is doing here. Soon he’ll be Jason White’s biggest fan.

The former UFC babe is able to escape the figure four leg lock, refusing to tap out. When she breaks it she hobbles to her feet and had to avoid being kicked again. The Brit make a mistake of coming in to close to get attacked, this gave Ronda the space to throw one of her trademark punches. She hit the jaw and it floored the Brit but didn’t knock him out. It showed how strong Ronda’s punches are. Amazingly Vincent is able to stand up but he is extremely dazed. He then walked right into Ronda’s version of the RKO which should put his chances to bed. The leg is hooked as Jason makes the count.

1,2,3! Vincent Underwood is eliminated first despite his best efforts. Fans got on their feet to appreciate his efforts but mainly to cheer for Ronda who is showing the world just how tough she is. However she is still hurting clearly due to all that damage done to her knee. That would be exploited by Josh and Telsia. Especially the heel Telsia who would love nothing more than to deny Ronda her quest to become champion.

Josh stepped into the ring as he is about to have another round with Ronda. However the Tag Team Champions showed up with Ciara at their side. They were seen with Josh earlier so it was questioned by Ronda. The Badass acted all innocent like he had nothing to do with it. Jason would now be tested since he is the enforcer. Dagon and Demer along with Ciara all got close to the ring but then the big surprise happened when Jason took a running jump and went out the ring for an outrageous suicide dive on three of them. No one had ever seen that before, not even Josh who was taken off guard. The Venom has struck.

“Holy shit did you see that? That’s why the Investor signed him because he’s an actual wrestler, unlike Ronda.” Ray said as he seemed to already become a fanboy to Jason. The Venom isn’t done as he started to throw the champions against the barricades that were there just to try to make them get lost. However he took the eye off the ring which meant Telsia got her title then snuck into the ring. First she struck Ronda across the back of the head with it then knocked Josh between the eyes with it to leave them both floored. It was a bold and smart move by the champion.

The tag champions who are big monsters actually retreated due to the unexpected attack from Jason. Whether they were actually going to help Josh win is now a mystery. If they were it would’ve changed his status with the fans. Not that it now matters as he is flat out in the ring. Jason got back in and saw this as he wondered what happened and is met by a flirty look from Telsia who was acting like she didn’t do anything yet she did.

The first to move is Josh as his blow wasn’t nearly as damaging as the one to the back of Ronda’s head. He crawls towards Ronda and rolls her over, placing an arm across her as Jason again did his job by counting. 1,2,NO! Ronda gets her shoulder up somehow, showing she wasn’t yet done here. Josh sits up and couldn’t believe it, he thought for sure he had gotten Ronda out this match. His bitterness turns towards Jason who he then goes face to face with. The two of them exchange words and Josh even shoved his former friend that got the fans ready to see a battle.

Nothing came of it as Ronda is back up and she pushed Josh away before he could get hit by Jason who was more than ready to do so. She then told Jason not to ruin this for her. The owner is getting lived making the fans turn against him. It wasn’t good for a baby face to use all these heel tactics, yet he just wanted the gold back.

Josh and Ronda begin slugging it out in a fist fight. One that the Badass seemed to be losing which is very unlike him. It again shows the strengths of Ronda who could hang with about anyone. She got in some body blows then hits a ddt on Josh to get the momentum. However Telsia got into the ring illegally and grabbed Ronda then hits her with the TB Driver! It wasn’t a good sign at all as she could’ve just gotten Ronda eliminated. Jason told her to get into her corner, which was refused. It forced the enforcer to lift her up and carry her over to the corner, he then drops her on the apron and she didn’t like that at all. When he turns back around he saw Josh hooking both of Ronda’s legs looking to now eliminate her.

It couldn’t have been an easy job for Jason but he made the count anyway. 1,2,NO! Jason was dragged out the ring by Aleksandr of all people just when he was about to make the count. The Russian had come to the ring and he starts punching away at Jason. He didn’t seem to want to wait for their flag match. Jason begins firing back with his own punches as Josh is applauded by what just happened as he had Ronda beat. The Tag Team Champions come back out as the referee / enforcer finds himself out number by three to one. The Badass then shocks everyone by helping him out yet it didn’t really seem like he needed help.

“This is getting crazy. There is so many personal issues out there in the ring and this is now becoming more intense than ever. “ Tasia said as the brawl continues. Back in the ring Telsia drags Ronda over to her corner and tags herself in. She was then waiting for Josh to stop with his brawl so this match can resume. Everything calmed down and Josh was bragging to Jason on their walk back to the ring that he just saved his ass. It was not at all how it happened but that is what Josh would say.

Right when he is in the ring Telsia hit Josh with the TB Cutter and lays on top of him wanting the pin. The Venom drags her away and says she hasn’t been tagged in. She screams at him and says that she has been. Her complains meant nothing as she was dragged back to her corner then Ronda covers Josh. The Venom went back to doing his job and counts. 1,2,3! The move was enough to get rid of the Badass, It left Telsia furious however as she was sure about being the one to eliminate Josh.

It’s down to the two women who have been in a bitter war for a very long time. The champion gets in the ring and she complains that she was the legal person, not Ronda meaning he just made a big mistake. The Venom denies that he did and he tells her she better watch how she talks to him. It didn’t make his fellow Canadian back away as she ends up slapping him across the face causing a dangerous reaction from Jason. Ronda is there in time yet again as she just hits Telsia across the face with a knockout punch. The fans went crazy when they saw the champion fall as they are probably about to see a new champion crowned.  Both legs of Telsia are hooked as Jason counts down her shoulders.


“Ronda Rousey has done it. She is our brand new World Heavyweight Champion! “ Tasia said as Ray shook his head at how it happened at the end. There was a tag made which changed the course of this one considering how Telsia would’ve had the momentum. He still refused to criticise his new hero Jason White.

The World Championship is brought to the ring and handed to Ronda as she poses with it, showing she is very tough to get the best of. Summer Mayhem ended with a shot of her holding the gold.

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