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  • Rank:Diamond Member
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  • Register:12/31/2008 2:17 AM

Date Posted:09/26/2015 12:53 AMCopy HTML

LOCATION: Miami, Florida
DATE: Saturday August 15th 2015
THEME: -R.I.O. Feat U-Jean - Summer Jam

Dave Wilson (C) vs CJA
IC Championship
Excitement all about as the opener for Summer Mayhem is nigh. In this contest the IC Championship. ‘Bitter End’ by Veer Union hits first as out walks the challenger CJA, who walks out backwards to the sound of his music. His new shirt has a list on it of people he has intended to beat. Interestingly the names of Shawn Blade AND Wilson are already crossed out. The name under that only said ‘You know who comes next’. Seems he’ll be getting an update every so often if he achieves all he is out to achieve.

“CJA is here as we are set to finally see the end of this long standing hatred. They have battled in many places around the world, but tonight we see them fight in a TXW ring. The winner will leave here as the IC Champion.” Tasia building it up and to be truthful, this match is a surprise as neither man has been known to settle for the secondary title anywhere else. Now they will battle over it in what is being dubbed the rubber match.

Why is it the rubber match? Because in the past they have fought three times. One win each, one draw which leaves it with this. Winner gets to go home with the title and have ultimate bragging rights. Whoever wins will at least be able to walk out of the match tonight knowing they are the current highest ranked champion in TXW. At least into the main event.

‘Black and Blue’ hit next just as CJA had placed himself in the corner. The IC Champion made his entrance looking as cold as ice, he was out to kill a man who has belittled him for many weeks. Now there is no more talking, the match itself will decide who is better. Interestingly it is a standard match, no special condition involved. It technically meant Wilson could escape with the title if he gets himself disqualified.

Wilson enters the ring and right when he is in, he raised up the IC Championship. It caused an instant reaction as CJA runs over and tackles him to the canvas as the fans cheer. The Adrenaline Pumped Machine punches away at him causing him to scurry to safety as soon as he could. Dragging himself out of the ring was the only counter he had.

“Haha Dave Wilson just looked like he shit himself.” Mike didn’t mince his words as Wilson held his lip, busted from the punches. His title is left in the ring and CJA begins to wipe his feet on it. No respect for the title but he still wanted it taken from Wilson.

Since the champion only wanted to stand out the ring and look angry, the Sinful Manipulator begins stamping on the championship. At least doing that finally got a reaction. Too bad he was using his anger and not his head as he tries a clothesline. Easily avoided which leads to the challenger getting in some punches, throwing him up against the ropes, throwing him up and hitting an aggressive version of the Samoan Drop aka Believe.

Right after the champion had to roll out the ring for his own safety as he knew it the momentum was against him. Basically he is getting his ass kicked and the fans sure the hell loved it. ‘CJA’ chants began as he just walked from one side of the ring to the other. You could tell he hasn’t come here to play around. There is no play in this man, not one little bit. His focus has never been clearer than it is tonight.

CJA looks at the referee and tells him to officially start the match just because he thinks his enemy will just cower away after getting his ass handed to him in the past few minutes. This is something the referee went along with just as the Adrenaline Pumped Machine decided to take a risk. He runs towards the ropes and launches himself over them about to dive on top of Wilson. BUT suddenly mid air the attempt is countered into the Perfection [RKO] as everyone just gets left silent as they watched CJA’s head get drove to the mats on the outside.

“Out of nowhere as Wilson hits his finisher! The match has just been turned right on it’s head, I am in shock.” Tasia said as Wilson is able to move from his earlier beating and slides back into the ring. With the bell already rang thanks to CJA, the count out is now being made. Are we about to see a win by count out?


Shockingly CJA begins to stir which gives the fans a reason to make some noise again. The move did make them quiet.


CJA somehow rolls into the ring, stands back up but unfortunately for the fans he walks into a second Perfection [RKO]. It was a sudden turn but it might be the most important turn of the match as that is a second finish, surely it is enough to put an end to this match as two should be enough to put down any man. The title is retained.


Somehow some way CJA is able to kick out and Wilson sits up looking very shocked. It caused more chants from the fans while also let him get deep into his demented side which hasn’t been shown since he last battled it out with the ArchAngel. Now you could see he wants to bring that back into action. While the kick out did happen, it still seemed to be a struggle for him to stand upright. Much to the disappointment of the fans.

“What is Wilson trying to do now? Doesn’t he know there are Disqualifications in this one?” Tasia said as she watches Wilson go to the corner. He’s about to go for the punt that he has brought back to his arsenal. Anyone who gets on the end of this is out of it, there won’t be a kick out as CJA isn’t superman.

Wilson makes the run but CJA suddenly jumps up and hits a clothesline on him to cause an eruption from the fans. They were delighted to see this swing just when it looked like the end. It was enough to fire him up as he is now the one signalling for the end. We could be able to see a new champion or well it was looking that way into Diane Murphy ran out, holding both of stiletto heels.

“Who is this babe with the short skirt? Isn’t she something?” Mike said probably forgetting she is a former TXW employee. She got onto the apron and throws one of the heels CJA’s way. It was meant to catch him on the head but instead he just caught it. It just made the Adrenaline Pumped Machine smirk. Another one is tossed his way but he catches that too.

The referee sees all this and threatens to disqualify Wilson because of this interference. Instead the champion is able to go on the attack, knocking CJA down with a clothesline, the heels included. Looking over the champion gave a smile to Diane and then it looked like they were about to share a kiss. Only the Adrenaline Pumped Machine had other ideas as he got up, shoved Wilson right into Diane, knocking her from the apron. From there spins the champ around , lifts him onto his shoulders and much to the delight of everyone, drops him right on his head for the A-driver!

“A-Driver! This has to be it!” Tasia said out loud as the leg is hooked where we might be seeing  a new champion crowned.


No kick out as Wilson is unable to recover from the finishing move. It has ended with a new champion and finally there seems to be a leader when it comes to their head to head records. Now what will happen when the title is handed over? Turns out he took it gladly but also wanted a microphone.

Shortly after asking he soon had it and he stands near the out of it Wilson who has just tasted defeat for the first time in a long while. It seems his misery was about to increase as CJA stood on his hand, making sure he is paying attention. “The job is done Wilson. You gave it your best shot, you slammed my head pretty hard but your best wasn’t enough. Don’t bother trying to continue this as it is over.” CJA stamps on his hand and then makes his exit with the gold. It seems his point has been made as now he’ll want to move onto bigger and better things. Whether that means he carries around the IC gold or not.
Somewhere in the back is Calvin Bateman who for a change is without security who have left him to roam free. He is however with all members of W.A.R and Michelle Wright who has been forced into the forthcoming Summer Bash Battle Royal. It wasn’t a good feeling for her as she stood there in a robe with her arms crossed. No one has seen much from her publicly after she was introduced to everyone as Chelsea Bateman and where she later broke Josh’s arm. The group seem confident of a clean sweep.

“Tonight is the night where we conquer. No Josh, no rules. We walk out of this event with Hansom as double champion and Chelsea as women’s champion.” Calvin said as he stood there with his mask on. He is holding another one in his hand as he passes it to Chelsea who pulls it on over her head, covering her face as she really has become the Reaper’s wife.

Women's Championship Open
Summer Bash Battle Royal
Excitement next as it is time for the Summer Bash Battle Royal which is for the vacant Women’s championship. Already around the ring are mini pools of water which can be used to eliminate some of the competitors. It is about to get wet and wild.

“Hey Tasia is this a dream? We’re about to see a whole host of hotties all out in here in one match. This is the life.” Mike said as Tasia follows it up by pinching his arm as that’s what you usually do to tell someone it isn’t a dream. Nope this is real and happening, all thanks to Josh’s wild imagination despite the fact he has no presence here tonight.

Jenny explains the rules, stating how it would be a rumble type match where everyone enters one at a time. Could end up with not seeing everyone in the ring at the same time. Depends if they last that long. The entry orders were randomly selected yet you had a feeling they are not really that random.

Further proof of this is when ‘Freak Like Me’ hits as out walks Michelle Wright, who is introduced as Chelsea Bateman. Noticeable she has The Reaper walking behind her AND two members of W.A.R in MDS and Deric Quake. Clearly goes to show the allies are sticking together. Also means the Texan has a lot of back up giving her a big advantage in this one as she is one hell of a competitor on her day anyway.

“I think that pinch wasn’t enough as I really am dreaming with Michelle in this match.” Mike asked for another, one he never got as ‘Chelsea’ got into the ring and pulled off her robe showing she went with a one piece bikini for this one. Made it more of an obstacle if someone is targeting taking that off of her considering that IS one of the ways an elimination can happen.

The robe is handed to the Reaper who stood around the ring with the W.A.R members as we will wait to see what role they have to play in this one. If they will help the Texan win the women’s title for the first time in TXW, it is possible.

‘Problem’ hit next as entry number two makes her way out. It is the Spanish Sensation Marie Reyes, who didn’t bother with the robe as she stepped out in a Spanish themed bikini about to try doing much better than she did the last time she stepped in the ring. Who knows, this could be her redemption if she walks out as Women’s champion.

Mike is just admiring the two women this far as he watches the Spanish beauty get into the ring. Once she does the bell rings as we get to see this contest for the title begin. Marie and ‘Chelsea’ lock up with the more powerful woman getting the better, which is the Texan. She grabs her opponent into a headlock, squeezing the head as she tries to apply some damage. The Sapphire tried to push her away but didn’t manage due to the strength.

On the outside Calvin told her not play with her food suggesting she didn’t need to struggle with her. It seemed to piss her off as she goes from headlock to choke hold as she grabbed her around the throat. Despite the passion Marie has all of her hits, it didn’t break the choke hold. Michelle then lifts her up for a military press and ends up dumping her out of the ring, right into the pool.

Marie Reyes Eliminated!

One down just several more to go. The total number hasn’t been revealed as it is open to any woman on the roster who wants a chance of the title. Many refused due to the bikini stipulation but that is how Josh plays. It won’t be every week but it will be on special occasions such as this.

“That was sexy, I don’t think Michelle realises how well her booty looks in that bikini. Shame about the mask.” Mike focused on that rather than what show of strength she just had. Not everyone can lift someone up like that and throw them out. The Texan made it look easy as she ends up sitting in the middle of the ring awaiting who is next, if anyone actually wants to share the ring with her. They might not want to.

The clock ticks and eventually the third entry is due as ‘ET’ by Katy Perry hits next as out walks Becca Nightingale in her purple two piece bikini, a surprising early entry in this one. Has she requested to be early? Seems to be as she came out all fired up, shouting in Michelle’s direction. Likely wanting to get some payback for her brother.

“Becca is out here. We get a Nightingale versus Wright fight. Josh will be wanting to see his sister do some damage to Michelle.” Tasia brought up as the Texan looked back at Calvin, she seemed to be under instructions.

While she took her eyes off the Night Dream, she soon found herself on the end of a bitch slap. It got her Irish whipped against the ropes after and hit with a standing crossbody. No surprise it got her some cheers in what might be a change for her. Many wanted to see her much like her sister, doing her family proud.

Some ‘Nightingale’ chants started as she climbed to the top rope about to go for high risk. That was into MDS got on the apron, trying to talk his ex girlfriend down. She gave him a look and that split second got her knocked off balance by Michelle who pushed the ropes causing Becca to collapse from to the canvas from the top. It did leave her in pain which seems to please the Reaper who was clapping for what he seeing. MDS didn’t seem as thrilled.

Michelle grabs onto Becca’s hair, forcing her up as she grabs her by the throat and presses her in the corner. She lifts up her hand so she can force a hard slap across the upper chest wanting to inflict pain on her for being a member of the Nightingale family. After the one hit to the face she hip tosses her across the ring leaving her in agony as this Nightingale is not built for this.

“Pain for Becca as she is not suited for the ring with someone like Michelle. They are two different types of women.” Tasia said as Mike agreed, always forgetting what the name of Becca is half the time. Why that’s the case no one knew for sure but it would continue as he seems happy to sit by and watch Michelle throw people about.

Entry number four is due however so they might come to aid Becca who is holding onto the ropes for dear life at the moment considering she is hurting from the fall. Wouldn’t be something she shook off. Just as Michelle grabbed at her leg to try to drag her to the middle of the ring ‘This Is What Rock And Roll Looks Like’ hits as out runs the returning Jezabel Jezzi who rushes out in her pink bikini with black skulls.

The Brit slides in and she ran at Michelle flooring her with a fast super kick right to the face. It aided Becca who is able to stand up on her own two feet. The Night Dream appreciated it as they both went on the attack, getting some payback for Josh. They keep hitting away at the Texan when she was stood, hitting at her into she is seated in the corner. Once she is Becca takes a step back, makes a run and slams her own ass right into Michelle’s face for the Running Corner butt bump. It did two things, it did the damage AND got the fans cheering.

“Hey if anyone’s putting an ass in that face, it’s me.” Mike and his strange comments as he watches The Reaper drag Michelle out the ring. You’d think he would try to motivate her, instead he shouted at her and told her not to fail him or else.

Becca shockingly didn’t turn on Jezabel as she leans over the second rope, making an L sign with her fingers to taunt Michelle who was beginning to shake. It looked like there was an issue to work out there as the Night Dream and the Pink haired Brit look at one another. Were they going to fight? They have an extended past due to Becca formerly of FAB being all about embarrassing the Jezabel types in the past. Now they were on good terms? Seems that way as the owner’s sister seemed happy someone had her back. There weren’t many around who would.

Buzzer goes off to signal for another entry into this match. ‘Dead Inside’ hits as everyone is confused. Why? Because that music belongs to Mike Hawk who takes off his headset. That wasn’t unfortunately all he took off as everyone watched him take off his shirt, shoes and pants. Under he has a mankini on as suddenly this went from a match guys want to watch to one they all want to look away from. It wasn’t the sight they watched and Tasia covered her eyes when she watched Mike in front of her. Becca and Jezabel were stunned especially when they watched the colour commentator enter the ring.

There were cheers for this as they watched Mike point over at Michelle, wanting her to get in the ring. She was actually tempted into Calvin held her back telling her that the joker doesn’t deserve to share a ring with her. Seems his word of advice works.

At least he is sharing a ring with Becca and Jezabel who weren’t sure how to react. They had to do something as he is now in their way if they want to win the title. The former FAB member flirts a little at first only to then bitch slap Mike. She Irish whips him into Jezabel, who he called ugly on Chilling with Cliff. Once he went closer he is hit with a clothesline. Welcome to the battle royal.

“Errm well this is very unpleasant to watch.” Tasia said as she is likely talking for the male audience not her own view. Might be a bit of both as she watches Jezabel and Becca team up to drag Mike up. He is about to be eliminated as they make him walk towards the ropes. He gets thrown over, causing the two to turn around for a high five. BUT Mike had landed on the apron. He seems to be enjoying himself as he watches the two get the fans fired up but they were then both grabbed from behind, lifted over the top rope and sent crashing to the floor. Say what?

Becca Nightingale and Jezabel Jezzi Eliminated!

“Well then. That is unexpected!” Tasia said as she watches Mike dance around as Becca and Jezabel look at each other shocked. They thought it was all over with yet it wasn’t. Jezabel looked disappointed but is able to just leave. Becca however starts shouting Mike’s way. That was into MDS got a hold of her and started forcefully escorting her backstage. All for the approval of the Reaper, a strong ally and the rest of W.A.R. The Night Dream is kicking and screaming eventually as she is thrown over the shoulder, while Jezabel is forced back by Deric. It meant only Calvin is ringside with Michelle. This is when he looks at the man he considers a joke in the ring. Once again he was whispering to his wife, telling her she isn’t worth it. To his surprise she pushes him away and moves in the ring, getting in despite his protests.

We’re about to see Mike get closer to Michelle than he ever has but that is when ‘Psycho’ by Muse hits as out walks debutant Harlyn. She isn’t unaware of Mike either considering they have shared tweets. Pretty much any woman of his interest knows about him. Now there were about be three in the ring as who knows how many entrants there would be, if much more.

Harlyn slides in the ring and gets the attention of Michelle. Well into Ashley runs out, likely skipping her entry order as she slides into the ring and for whatever reason pounces on top of Harlyn. Mike sees this and is shocked so decides to try to break it up. What it resulted in is the two beauties rolling about all over Mike who ended up on his back. It sure got loud cheers.

The two were finally separated by a happy looking colour commentator only for Michelle to grab the back of his mankini and end up throwing him over the top rope, eliminating him from the match.

“Oh thank god that is over. I just hope he isn’t going to spend the rest of the night dressed like that.” Tasia said as yes Mike is now out. There are now three in the ring who will actually make fine women champions. If they are the last three. Still no sign of Raine or Ivy James seems to suggest they won’t be the last lot as they have stated their entrance into this match.

Harlyn and Ashley resume their battle with the newcomer getting the best of her. With the advantage she kicks out the knee forcing Ashley to drop, following it up she runs against the ropes and hits a Shining Wizard right to the face. It left only her and Michelle standing.

Mike is back at ringside enjoying this as two women he has shared tweets with are now battling it out. They lock up as the Texan overpowers Harlyn, throws her into the ropes and took her down with an elbow shot across the nose. Now there was only one standing.

Next up ‘War’ hits as out walks Ivy James, one half of the TXW tag team titles. The blonde gets a lot of whistles on the way to the ring, probably because she is rushing and wanted to get in the middle with everyone else as soon as possible. Once she is in, she had to avoid being hit by Michelle. She ducks under the clothesline and right when she spins around, she jumped on her with the Lou Thesz Press.

“This is still going to be the best match of the night.” Mike said while Tasia didn’t want to look in his direction. Back in the ring Ivy has gone up high as Harlyn and Ashley are both slowly getting back up. Once the two of them do we get to see a double crossbody as the fans get off their feet for that high flying moves. It has worked out well as right now Ivy is the only one standing.

She is fired up and is eager to win this one. Reaching down she grabs hold of Ashley’s blonde hair, forcing her to stand up. Once she does she puts her against the ropes grabbing onto her bikini to try to throw her over the top. It is a struggle but the Italian blooded diva is getting closer to being thrown out.

Ashley dropped onto the apron and held onto the ropes for dear life, not wanting to be eliminated as it would mean her chance of the title goes out the window. Ivy starts kicking at her, doing her best to get her out so the field could be narrowed.

Michelle decided to get involved, hitting Ivy across the back then headbutting once she had turned around. It had her leaning up against the ropes. She began choking her up against it just as Harlyn got back up. The newcomer noticed Ashley stand up so there were a line of them all together so she made a run, drop kicked Michelle in the back. It caused her to knock against Ivy, who knocked against Ashley knocking her out the ring. A second drop kick follows which is enough to knock the Texan into Ivy, who went over the ropes and out to the outside, meaning she is eliminated too.

Ashley Ricci and Ivy James Eliminated.

Two eliminations but Michelle is now the one on the apron after the amount of events all caused by Harlyn. Speaking of her, she tried to knock Michelle off the apron with some hits to the face. The Reaper’s wife ends up fighting her off but took a gamble by grabbing her hair and forcing her to step outside the ropes so they are both on the apron. The Texan headbutts her, almost knocking her off only for her to fire back with a punch of her own as they both desperately tried to throw each other off.

While they did just that ‘The Devil Within’ hits which is announced as the last entrant to the match. It meant out of the three of these women, only one would win.  During the entrance for the dagger lover, Ashley had reached up grabbed onto Haryln’s bottoms just so she could drag her off the apron almost causing a wardrobe malfunction. But she instead just eliminated her from the contest.

Harlyn eliminated.

“Well then. Looks like two of the women you have an eye on have a problem with one another. At least Ashley does.” Tasia said as they watched Harlyn sit up looking disappointed as Ashley laughs at her and makes an exit for costing her the best debut in TXW history.

On the apron Michelle stares down Raine who wanted her to get in the ring. The Reaper is behind Michelle and shouts at her, telling her to bring the women’s title home for him. It seemed to annoy her. She looked like she was about to enter the ring through the ropes but instead she stepped backwards and jumped down to the floor. Eliminating herself! It left Raine in utter shock as the bell rings.

“Wait a minute? What the fuck? Why would Michelle do that? She had it.” Mike said as Raine drops to her knees out of emotion as the Reaper looks Michelle’s way. She walked away from him and started heading to the back. Were we seeing defiance from the Texan? Or did she just do something stupid? Either way this is the strangest way a title has ever been won.

The title is brought into the ring and handed to Raine who holds it up high. This won’t go down well with Josh who will be watching while on his honeymoon. He’d want anyone other than her to be the champion right now, well other than Michelle.
Backstage an angry looking Wilson is shown. Earlier he lost the IC gold and with that he lost the feud overall, unless he wants to try to spark it back into life. However he is soon approached by Trevor who wasn’t welcomed very much.

“Easy man. What happened out there might’ve been complete bullshit, but it is the past now. I know you are sick of the whole Archer / Nightingale / Mathieu shit as much as I am. There is one way to put an end to it. Get me the world title and you can help me do just that. Take the next match for example. Help me and I’ll go on to take the world title later tonight. Then you and I can fight for it. Show this place what a real main event should look like.” Trevor said as he left it with that. Will he be able to get help from the former IC Champion? If he does it might help him as he will be out with several others, all trying to win the same thing.
The American Dream Battle Royal
Over The Top Rope Contest Battle Royal 
Next we have a true battle royal that will start with everyone in the ring at the same time. It is meant as a tribute as Dusty Rhodes who died recently but the main goal is to win the briefcase. Getting it gives you any title shot you desire for up to a year. Not want the world title? Cash it in for the IC or Xtreme. If a woman wins it they are of course able to cash it in for the women’s title. It makes for some interesting scenarios.

‘Common Man Boogie’ hits as out walks the entrants into this battle royal. Some decided to sport tribute attire to the late American Dream, including Tyrone who had an American Dream shirt on over his usual attire.

The entrants all made their way into the ring as we get to see the final line up. It is likely less than most thought it would be. Mike Malice, Tyrone Marshall, Kelly Nightingale, Jake Mathieu, Trevor Marshall, SVD, Summer Stratus, MDS and Deric Quake. Who would win? We’re about to find out as the bell sounds.

Right out of the gate SVD gets the most cheers when he starts using the bionic elbows on Mike Malice, the man he took the Hardcore title from. You could tell there is real hatred from the former champ as he couldn’t look at anyone else. Mike gets the better of the champ, getting in some hits with his knees as he gets him over to the ropes. Once there he tries to eliminate him. The fans didn’t want to see this as they chanted SVD’s name in a hope of turning the tide.

Meanwhile the two members of W.A.R battle it out with Jake Mathieu and Kelly Nightingale. Kelly has Deric while Jake is fighting MDS, his sister’s ex girlfriend and the person responsible for taking her backstage earlier. No explanation has been given to why that happened.

“The Nightingale’s are determined to put some damage on W.A.R. It will help if they are able to eliminate them both to save us from seeing one of them cash on a title shot.” Tasia said as W.A.R with more gold would be a dangerous thing. Things haven’t gone exactly to plan for them so far with Michelle deciding to eliminate herself to stop the Women’s title being won. Raine instead is champion.

The faction do start to gain some momentum when Jake is laid out by MDS which allowed him to go help Deric team up on Kelly. They both lift her up and start carrying her towards the ropes as they saw her as one of the biggest threats in the match due to her experience. She tries to fight them both but they were too powerful, about to get her over the ropes. However Summer is there as she takes out Deric’s leg causing them to both drop Kelly. The Fearless one then takes MDS down with a headscissors.

On the other side of the ring Mike has thrown SVD over the top rope but he landed on the apron. The bone breaker tried his best to throw him out but SVD uses his elbow again to start fighting back. One shot dazes Mike enough so the Icon drags him through the ropes to the apron. The fans cheer as they watch him set up a suplex which will be a very impressive move should it happen. BUT of course being in a vulnerable position meant that this is risky. It’s proven when Trevor charges and clotheslines them both sending them to the floor. Two eliminations there.

SVD and Mike Malice eliminated!

Despite being out the match the two of them continue to fight, not blaming Trevor for the elimination but each other. The fans at least got to cheer when SVD hit one more bionic elbow to lay out his new foe. It meant he could at least have reason to be happy over something.

Back in the ring we see the Marshall brothers finally battling it out. Tyrone gets the better of his older brother with his combo called Fists of Fury. Each hit is stronger than the last sending his brother closer to the ropes. The Bulldozer backs away and is about to come charging at him with a clothesline. He does just that but Trevor backdrops him over as the Bull goes flying out the ring, he is eliminated.

“Trevor has eliminated his own brother. That has to be disappointing for the younger Marshall. He doesn’t appear to be too thrilled with it. The Destroyed has got three eliminations so far, he is out to send a message and this is a way to do it." Tasia brought up as yeah this is a statement.

While that happened Deric Quake gets eliminated in a joint effort by Kelly and Summer as the only women in this match are giving it their best shot. It is working out well as W.A.R is only down to MDS who has the hopes of his whole group in this one. We’re now down to Kelly, Summer, MDS, Trevor and Jake. Everyone has been thrown out so one of these will be leaving tonight with the briefcase.

The field soon gets narrowed as MDS blindsided Jake and tossed him out as the fans boo loudly at seeing the Prince get dispatched. At least they have a reason to cheer shortly after as Kelly gets some revenge for her brother by throwing herself at MDS with a flying lariat to knock him out the ring, over the top rope and to the outside. We’re already down to three.

“That was quick. We have gone from five to three in a matter of moments Trevor is left alone with two women. Two women has decided to insult in recent weeks.” That he has but it didn’t seem to bother him considering how he has already gone through three and is not worried about going through more.

The two women teamed up on him seeing how it was probably the best option they have so far. Each get strong kicks in and force him to bend over as they made an ambitious play by trying to double suplex him. If they pull this off it will be a moment worth remembering. The fans wanted it and so did they as each tried to lift him to make him eat some humble pie.

Unfortunately he counters it using his strength to suplex them both at the same time. After he lets out a roar, very happy with what he just did considering he wants to finally live up to his hype having failed many times. He wasn’t about to lose his focus here as he wanted to move a step further, or it would another moment in his career where he has failed to get to where he wants to be.

Trevor reaches down and grabs hold of Summer’s hair, he trash talks her and pulled on her tights, almost giving her a wedgie. He drags her closer to the ropes as he is about to eliminate her from the match. Kelly makes the safe this time, jumping on Trevor’s back and trying to lock him in some kind of choke hold. It let Summer free as she kicks at him. They were really double teaming him. The momentum is turning and the fans are cheering.

“The two women Trevor has disrespected are damaging his chances.” Tasia said as yes they are. If anything he might live to regret disrespecting both of them in the past as he was getting close to victory there.

Suddenly Wilson arrives as the fans boo. They watched him sneak in the ring. Once in he grabs hold of Kelly by the ankle, drags her off Trevor’s back, spins her around and hits the Perfection [RKO!]. Summer saw this as she went to defend herself but found herself on the end of the same move. It caused the fans to boo especially when the Apocalypse is able to stand tall now.

“Oh come on. He isn’t even in this match!” Tasia said as the fans continued to boo as they watched Wilson leave looking satisfied. Trevor drags up Summer after, grabs her tights again and then sends her flying over the top rope to the outside. She is eliminated.

The fans feel screwed over as they wanted to see the two women as the last two. Doesn’t seem it’s going to turn out that way. Trevor drags up Kelly laughs about how out if she is, slaps her on the ass and throws her out too , winning the match and the briefcase!

Of course this gets him booed due to the way he had help. But no one said it was illegal. Appears the Apocalypse has now won an important match as he moves forward in TXW. Trevor gets handed the briefcase as he raises it high, knowing he can cash it in on any title match that he wants. Could even be later on tonight.

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Re:Summer Mayhem 2015

Date Posted:09/26/2015 12:54 AMCopy HTML

LOCATION: Miami, Florida
DATE: Saturday August 15th 2015
THEME: -R.I.O. Feat U-Jean - Summer Jam

Prior to the main event we see an angry looking W.A.R who have failed at two of their tasks for the night. Hansom seemed to be confronting an ally of an ally in Michelle or Chelsea as Calvin calls her. She still has the mask on worn in the ring earlier and The Reaper pulls it off of her so he can grab her arm. Clearly there are problems here.

Is it over the women’s title defeat? That seemed to be one thing. “I thought we settled this Chelsea. This defiance isn’t helping you. You blew a chance of becoming the women’s champion, why would you do that? Listening to me is what you should be doing. We can’t afford for that to happen again, not what is about to happen next. Chelsea. You don’t want to cross me or the rest of W.A.R.” The Reaper threatened her as she stood there emotionless as Hansom seemed to be irritated by what could become a problem. It was all meant to be planned out where the Venom finds himself in a three on one scenario.

Jason White vs Hansom vs Michelle Wright vs Calvin Bateman
Stipulation: Ladder Match For World Heavyweight Championship / Xtreme Championship
Result: Main event time as we will finally see a new World Heavyweight Champion crowned. It has been vacant for nearly three months when Calvin Bateman decided to take the title away from Jason. Now either the man who took it from him gets the last laugh, or Jason does by regaining what was taken from him. There is also a chance Hansom could get the biggest championship W.A.R has ever had or Michelle might become the latest woman to hold the biggest gold in the company.

‘Friction’ by Imagine Dragons hits first as out walks Hansom, Chelsea and Calvin Bateman. All opponents yet entering like a unit. With them is MDS, Devil’s Advocate AND Deric Quake. It meant this was looking like a six on one match considering all would want make sure Jason doesn’t regain his title OR capture the Xtreme title.

High above the ring is the Xtreme Championship , while the World Heavyweight Championship is sitting at ringside with Clifford Mathieu, Robyn Bryce and new RC GM Hammad Haider. They are the authority figures at the moment so it makes sense they are here for this match. It was going to be pretty crowded out here.

The three get in the ring as the fans start a surprise ‘Michelle Wright’ chant. Perhaps they realise she is under some kind of control from the Reaper which is why she is currently in his corner. Hansom has something to say to her, most likely about not costing them as this is about walking out with both championships.

‘Reincarnate’ hit next as out walks Jason White, the former World Heavyweight Champion . He gets a mixed reaction only because they would like to see him end the threat of W.A.R once and for all. It is likely he can as he doesn’t appear to be in the mood for letting this slip. On his way in, MDS , Deric Quake and Devil’s Advocate all got in his way. There is suddenly a smirk as he starts attacking them all. Despite the numbers he starts throwing each of them against the barricade leaving the three in the ring surprised.

“Jason has just dealt with three members of W.A.R. It’s almost like they were trying to soften him up before we even start this one.” Seems the case as why else would they stand in the way? Not the best of plans as it has failed.

The Venom gets in the ring as the bell sounds. The Reaper and Hansom went on the attack, attempting to make sure he doesn’t get what he has targeted here tonight. While this is going on everyone noticed how Michelle stood back. She soon exited the ring and grabbed one of the ladders placed at ringside.

“Oh Michelle is a smart and beautiful woman. It’s a shame those pants aren’t tighter.” Mike said as he watches Michelle put the ladder in the ring. While that is going on both Hansom and Calvin are struggling to get the best of Jason. Hansom is thrown over the top rope and out to the outside. It left the Venom with the man who took the title off him. The inexperienced Reaper backs away and tells Michelle to help him as she leans on the ladder she just set up. She doesn’t move, just watching as he kept backing up into he found himself trapped.

Loud cheers follow as Jason starts punching the shit out of him and throws him across the ring. It was quite something since Calvin IS two hundred and sixty five pounds. No one else would toss him around like that with ease. It was showed how much strength the former champion has.

The Reaper has to retreat as he gets out the ring, not at all happy with what he just experienced. He begins shouting, telling Michelle to attack. She did move and ends up face to face with Jason. What would we see here? In recent weeks she has been under the control of the former Investor. Now he wants her to break Jason, the same way she broke Josh.

There is a long delay as no one was sure how this would go. Michelle looked up at the Xtreme title and then moved in closer to Jason. The Venom moved in closer as a fight looked set to break out. Up into the former champion pulled the Texan in and kissed her. Making The Reaper furious as that’s his wife!

“Damn why can’t I get away with that?” Mike said as Calvin gets in the ring to attack Jason. Michelle had backed away and began climbing the ladder just as Jason throws the Reaper into the corner, tears off his mask and begins hitting him across his already scarred face. It is why he wore the mask to hide them despite how few there were, one was enough. He may have more after all these hits as he could easily end up with a broken eye socket judging by the way he is hitting.

The only one who seemed to notice the Texan getting closer to the title is Hansom who climbs up the other side of the ladder when he gets in the ring. He yells at her, asking her what she is doing as this is not what they disgusted. At first it looked like Michelle was backing down, taking one step back down the ladder. That was into she decided to hit Hansom across the face by surprise. It was enough to send him crashing off the ladder right down to the canvas. She then grabbed the Xtreme title and became the holder of it, just like that!

“Michelle has just gone against W.A.R and the Reaper! She is our new Xtreme champion.” Tasia said as Michelle began climbing down the ladder. Now that title is no longer on the line as the focus switches to the World title. Jenny announces that the ladder component is over with. Now you can win via submissions or pinfalls.

Once that was announced Michelle looked at her new title. Could she do the unthinkable and have two? She didn’t see why not as when she had the chance she shows that her and Jason are not suddenly allies. Showing that meant she smacked the Venom across the face when he was down beating the shit out of the Reaper in the corner. It did knock him off his feet so it was a good hit. Next Hansom is hit by it as he recovered from the fall. It left Calvin to stand back up as he is cut from all the hits. When he sees his wife holding the title near him he tells her to stop what she is doing. Remember who holds the power. That’s when he tells her to lay down and allow him to pin her, let him become the champion to deny the Venom anything. Oddly she sits down with the title.

“What is she doing? After her defiance she isn’t going to let this happen is she?” Tasia wasn’t happy with this as it seems the new set of instructions had made her listen. Perhaps there is more to this than made public as she laid on her back holding her new title, about to let Calvin pin her. It made him smile as he staggers over BUT when he got close enough his wife jumps up, drop toe holds him , releases her title and locks in the Crazy Pain!

It made the fans cheer as they saw the Reaper’s face for a change as he is in pure agony from the hold. He was about to tap out. Or well he was going to into Jason shrugged off the shot to the head and kicked Michelle across the back to force her to break the hold. When she stood up she wasn’t given any mercy. He got in a few straight body blows, kicked her in the ribs and Irish whips her hard against the ropes. On the rebound he lifted he up and slammed her down for the spinebuster!

“Man how can he treat a woman with a booty like that so badly?” Mike said not realising how determined The Venom is or how unstable he has become. His focus is only on one thing, to regain what was taken from him.

No cover is made as he stood up when seeing Hansom is on his feet. He goes on the attack, doing what he did to Calvin by knocking him senseless and into the corner. The true anger is coming of the former champion as everyone went silent as every hit looked very painful. Jason drags him to the middle of the ring about to the Jasonator. That was into he is hit across the back with a steel chair that The Reaper has got his hands on. It knocked both of them down. A determined former Investor then sees his wife stand up and out of pure anger he slams her across the head with it leaving her laid out in the middle. Someone who shares the same fate is the former World champ Jason as he is hit too when he stands back up. It made Calvin smile as he makes the cover on his long term enemy, hoping to be the one to deny him the title again.


Kick out, without aid as the Reaper can’t believe it. He accuses the referee of counting too slow as he was desperate to win there, be the one person who always denies the Venom. It is made worse by the fact Hansom saw that. It pissed him off his ally almost took everything for himself there, especially when he has just lost his title to another supposed ally.

“Trouble in paradise.” Mike said, suggesting something is about to happen. He isn’t wrong as Hansom starts pushing Calvin when they are both standing. Then he throws him right into the ladder that is still standing. It seems W.A.R have ended their alliance with The Reaper. The Anti Everything grabs the ladder as he is about to use it as a battering ram. First he wanted to wait into The Venom is standing.

Once he is, he tried to aim it at his face but Jason was ready for it, ducking under and using a move you don’t often see, a drop kick to the knees! It got a cheer just because it was unlike a move they saw him use before. That and Hansom tripped and landed head first on the ladder he was carrying. Ouch.

When they saw the main man fall. MDS , Deric and Devil got into the ring. Devil has a chain wrapped around his fist, the same one used by the Venom on men he has fought in the past. It was a good attempt to use it again him, only it failed as the Venom avoids the initial shot and almost takes off his head with a big boot. Deric is able to get in some hits to the stomach, throws him against the ropes and tries to throw his full body weight at him with a diving crossbody type move. Move missed so he landed on the canvas. The Venom was determined to not let anyone bring him down tonight. A chair that was used on him earlier is still there so he picks it up and hits Devil in the gut with it to stop him going on the attack. Then with a shocking show of power he smacked the chair across Deric’s skull. It actually breaks the chair and will likely send the W.A.R member to the hospital. There is now a high amount of bodies in the ring.

“This is getting horrible to watch. I don’t think we should forget how much of a dangerous man Jason is.” Tasia pointed out just as the Venom took the chain away from a hurt MDS. This wasn’t good that he had his favourite choice of weapon. Now it is his turn to wrap it around his fist. Not the best time for the Reaper to stand back up. Oh no. The former Investor turns around and he is hit across the stomach with the chain wrapped fist. Few shots to the side of the face later and Calvin is spitting out some of his teeth as this was looking brutal. He gets hit more times as his face begins to bleed. It was only when the Venom turned to Hansom, that the punishment was over with.

The big powerhouse of the group got in some attacks as he tried to get that chain away from him. Didn’t work as he gets hit in the gut with it. The fans were beginning to turn as they could see how out of it Jason is looking. With one swing he knocks Hansom out cold with the chain, it wasn’t a weak move not at all. It would knock out anyone. Cover made in what could end the match, crown a new champion.

1,2, NO!

Michelle breaks it up, having a desire to leave here with two championships. She was brave in doing so especially with Jason still having his fist wrapped in nothing but chain. Once he stands up Michelle attacks him, trying to bring him down and to find a way to best him. His response in the past might’ve been to push her away but tonight he uses the chain, hitting her across the stomach with it. With his free hand he throws her out the ring, dispatching of one problem.

There didn’t seem to be any more as Calvin is out of it having taken a beating with the chain while so is Hansom. This was turning into a disaster for the group who wanted to finish off Jason for good, instead he is proving to be what he always brags about, an untouchable force.

Everyone around is quiet as they waited to see what comes next. Turns out he is just waiting on Hansom or Calvin to stand up. Whoever did so first would take another hit which should be the finishing blow. Turns out it is the former Investor who is up first and he takes a strong hit to the face with the chain, which should end this once and for all. Cover made and the referee counts.


The Venom has done it. He is the World champion again and he has done so by ironically beating the man who took it from him to begin with, Calvin Bateman. You could see this is just not what you set out to do, mess with Jason White. This is where it should end too as there is no way the Reaper will want any more of the man he signed once upon a time.

The aftermath sees Jason handed the title but he laid it down as he sees Hansom stuttering back to his feet. With that he wraps the chain around his neck, drags him out the ring then proceeds to hold him against the ring post. Once he has done that he goes back in the ring while holding the other end of the chain. That’s when he starts pulling back, giving the former Xtreme Champion some kind of hanging as the fans looked away. It was pretty twisted as Robyn calls for him to stop off microphone. None of that worked as Clifford called out for security just to stop this from happening. The Venom did release it but only for one reason, ‘Bitter End’ hit.

The fans went crazy at the sound of CJA’s music as this has been a long time coming. He walks to the ring holding the IC title and steps into the ring with him, microphone and all. The World champion being confronted by the IC Champion. While this is going on security helped out Hansom who was struggling to release himself. Everyone else watched on what is going on the ring. You’d think CJA would think twice about this, but he was never one to stand back when he wants a match.

“Congratulations, you did the job you set out to do. Your business with Calvin, Michelle and W.A.R is over. My business with Dave Wilson is over. Now I am out here about what comes next for you. The answer is very simple. I’ll put it as simple as I can. You, me, World title at Insane Asylum.” CJA said as the fans cheered wanting to see this happen. The two men are face to face , The Venom the taller of the two. They weren’t about to shake hands as finally a face to face challenge has been made. It had been rumoured in the past but mostly ignored.

Jason grabbed the microphone from CJA, he isn’t one to shy away. “You think beating Wilson makes you worth enough to step up. We don’t need this question answered Chris. We already know the answer. White defeats Archer, White defeats Angle. There is no question needing answering. My answer is no.” Jason said as he pushes past the Adrenaline Pumped Machine and leaves with his world title. This left a bitter looking CJA as Summer Mayhem goes off air.

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