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  • Register:12/31/2008 2:17 AM

Date Posted:09/26/2015 12:41 AMCopy HTML


LOCATION: -Madison Square Garden
DATE: 31st May 2015
GENERAL MANAGERS: Josh Nightmare / Calvin Bateman
THEME: Warriors by Imagine Dragons

‘Warriors’ hits as TXW War Games is here finally! The fans in Madison Square Garden get on their feet as they are pumped to see the night where everything could change. As always the cameras pan over to the Pay Per View announce team of Tasia Wicha and Ray Wallington. They were both looking pumped for the event as they stared over at the War Games structure. Two rings surrounded by a steel cage. Adding to is the top of the structure as it is THREE levels. One level is the main part with the two rings, the second is exclusive to the main event which will be explained in time. It should also be noted that the layout of the arena is different with one main stage with another entrance as they create a cross that leads to the ring, it’s far from traditional.

“Ladies and gentlemen welcome to TXW War Games. As you see in front of us this is really going to be a war as we have a unique structure in front of us.” Tasia said as the cameras were still focusing all on it as why not, it’s a first of its kind in TXW and something that hasn’t been seen in YEARS. The levels are new as usually the structure is only about the two rings, not tonight.

Johnny Mercer (C) 
vs. Dave Wilson
Stipulation:  IC Championship

Ray is admiring it like it were some naked woman and while he did the sound of ‘Survival’ hits as out walks IC Champion Johnny Mercer. He is walking out from entrance way number one as he lifts the championship above his shoulder. Can he keep the gold or will his third reign prove to be disappointing? Many think he can still do it, deny Dave Wilson the championship but that remains to be seen.

Focus goes to Jenny who is standing near the announcers table to make the introductions. “The following contest is for the TXW IC Championship. On his way to the ring. Weighing in at two hundred and thirty pounds. Residing from Los Angeles, California. He is the current TXW IC Champion. Please welcome Johnny Mercer!” She said as the fans cheer, they want another successful defence, anything to  stop Wilson.

Mercer sees that the door is open to the war games structure and he gets into the ring, handed over his title as that wouldn’t be entering with him. If you wanted a weapon, the structure itself is one. He took a deep breath and turned to look at entrance two.

‘Black and Blue’ hits next as out walks the challenger Dave Wilson, another from LA yet different in a big way. The fans boo him as he walks out slow, looking menacing and in the best shape of his life.

Focus went to Jenny who introduces him. “Now introducing the challenger. Weighing in at two hundred and thirty five pounds. He resides from Los Angeles, California. Please welcome Dave Wilson!” No such great welcome for the Perfectionist. No one likes him in the audience and he won’t be winning any over if he were to achieve what he is out here to achieve.

“Dave Wilson has another big moment here tonight as he must be feeling that this is his final chance to win a big match. In the past he has given everything but only come up short. Now he must make it count, he must win the IC gold.” Ray said as he did feel the need to express the pressure building on a man who is dubbed as a TXW veteran. He’s been in the Hall Of Fame, he’s won major titles. Now he must prove it in the new adaption of the company. It’s a whole new start.

Wilson enters the structure and immediately the door behind him is shut. Now it’s only the two of them, no interference, no excuses. Referee for this Paddy McRae calls for the bell and the contest begins. Who will walk out the champion?

To start they lock up, trying to overpower one another. Wilson gets in a strong headlock transitioning from the headlock, however he gets pushed against the ropes. On the rebound Mercer shoulder blocks him, knocking him to his ass. This prompt Mercer to shout ‘Come on’ at him as the Perfectionist just smirks and pops back up to his feet. He fires at him with Rapid Forearm shots as you could hear the thud noise from ever hit. One hit left the champ leant against the ropes, horribly close to the cage. Wilson grabbed onto the blonde locks of the champion, pulled him back away from the ropes only to turn him around and throw him head first into the steel, sending him crashing down.

Wilson licks his lips looking happy with himself as he was getting into this. He didn’t let Mercer relax while he is down as he begins stamping on him viciously. Dragging him up he was tempted to throw him into the cage again. Instead he throws him over the ropes causing him to end up in ring number two. Wilson climbs through the ropes to enter just as Mercer is standing back up. When the champ is up he kicks at his stomach pounds against the back of his head and gets him in a front head lock. From there he spins him around, puts him between the second rope and the top rope as he is about to go for the Rope Hung Spike DDT. No epic counter here as the DDT gets hit, face planting the Survivor.

“Wilson is as focused as ever as he takes control of this contest. He’ll want to put to one side his disappointments.” Tasia added just as Wilson backed away like he was thinking about putting this one to an end. He gets on all fours and begins to stalk his prey. The Perfection is near and perhaps a new champion is near.

All the fans tried to warn Mercer as he struggled back to his feet yet by then it’s too late as Wilson hits the Perfection [RKO] to floor the Survivor. Wilson smiles and falls down to make the cover as this had to be it, a new champion crowned.


Somehow, someway the kick out happens and Mercer remains the champion for the time being. Wilson jumps up in shock as he couldn’t believe he isn’t the new champion. His anger is towards Paddy who he told just counted two slow. The referee reminded him it is a two count and the kick out happened. Shockingly Mercer sits up smiling and says ‘Is that all you got!’ talk about poking the shark.

“What a disrespectful little shit. I hope Mercer gets his head kicked off now.” Ray said, not impressed by what just happened. The fans saw the anger in Wilson’s eyes as he went on the attack, trapping the champion against the ropes and hitting him with rapid forearms again.

One gets blocked as the survivor fights back hitting some punches of his own along with an uppercut. Mercer throws him into the ropes and on the rebound shows his impressive virtual leap by jumping over him, ending behind him and he lifts him up onto his shoulders so he is sitting up there. Could we be seeing Merciless? The Electric Chair Driver. Despite the squirming the move gets hit, followed by a cover attempt.


Yet another surprise kick out as this time it is the Perfectionist who is able to survive a finish. Unlike Wilson the champ didn’t get angry about it, he shrugged it off and waited for him to recover which will be a few minutes as that move isn’t one you just shrug off, neither is the Perfection to be fair as you can see the champ is having issues with his neck.

Wilson stands, Mercer runs to the ropes and springboard’s off them attempting a clothesline. BUT Wilson is ready for it and counters it into yet another Perfection out of nowhere as the fans went dead silent at what they just saw It was a devastating catch and likely one that will see a new champion finally crowned after a month of seeing the Survivor as champ.

“This has to be it Tasia, this has to be a crowning of a new champ!” Ray said excitedly as everyone expects this to be the end as Wilson crawls over and hooks both legs as he looks to capture his first title in the reborn TXW.


Somehow, someway another kick is made as Wilson can’t believe it. That’s two finishers he has used yet he still isn’t the champion, he still hasn’t overcome a man he has overcome in the past. Can he just not get it done when it matters most? It sure seems that way as that would normally be enough to win two matches let alone one.

“We can at least say that Johnny hasn’t fluked his way to championship glory, he has done it by working hard and never giving up. Look at how he is surviving here, that isn’t out of luck.” Tasia said as Wilson moved to the corner holding his head as if he were losing his shit. No wonder if he were as this is supposed to be his night of glory. So far it’s been anything but as he is growing frustrated. Didn’t help his mood when he watches the champion struggle to his feet using the ropes. The champion leans on them then smug as anything smiles and again says ‘Is that all you got Wilson!’

Anger is growing as the challenger charges at him only for Mercer to pull down the top rope causing Wilson to fall over them and land in the other ring. Mercer uses the ropes himself after to springboard himself over as he hits a clothesline to knock down the champion as the momentum has now change as the fans go nuts. All chant ‘Mercer’ as the tide is turning and the chances of retaining are now increasing.

Mercer positions himself near the ropes as he waits for the challenger to stand back up. Once he does he launches himself at him, flooring him with a lariat. The champion beats his chest as he is fired up and determined to retain as he crouches into position the stance he makes when he is about to set up the No Mercy [GTS]. Wilson is hoisted onto his shoulders, span around and is about to get a knee to the face. Only he finds a way to squirm free, drop behind and spins the champion around to try a THIRD Perfection. It gets blocked with a push. Wilson spins back around and had to roll away from a roundhouse attempt. He springs back up and is able to shock everybody by hitting the third Perfection. He did roll behind Mercer so all he had to do is spin him around which is what he did.

Another cover attempt made as both legs are hooked as could this now finally be where the survivor just can’t survive any longer?


Boos reign out as the third was the final nail in the coffin for the champion. Ray got to his feet to start clapping as the Perfection is able to get to his feet feeling some pride as he has finally set out and done what he said he was going to do. His first championship is won.

“Here is your winner and NEW IC champion. Dave Wilsonnnnnnnnn!” Jenny announces just as the door is opened and the title is brought in the ring. The Perfectionist admires his new championship and he raises it above his head. Mission accomplished.

LOCATION: -Madison Square Garden
DATE: 31st May 2015
GENERAL MANAGERS: Josh Nightmare / Calvin Bateman
THEME: Warriors by Imagine Dragons


In the back after what just happened we see Josh Nightmare with his wife Rachel as they are both gathering their thoughts for the big pre main event match which will see Team Investor clash with Team Nightmare for a second time. It’s being dubbed as the end by Josh who believes he’ll leave The Investor with no excuses when his team wins again.

“Tonight is going to be a good night baby as I am finally going to rid TXW of that sulky Investor. I don’t think he is worth the hassle anymore as I can always get someone else to bring money into this company. Who needs him? I certainly don’t.” Josh said as he stands there feeling on top of the world already. It seemed perfect timing when The Investor turned up right there just after he mentioned him and yes he did hear that last comment.

There is a lot of tension as the two men go toe to toe with disapproving looks. Rachel had to get in the middle of them both to stop a fighting break out there and then. If it did happen it wouldn’t be good especially since they are the team captains.

“Without me TXW will crash and burn Josh. I don’t know why you’re so blind to that considering when you won the TXW license, you had the talent wrestling in gyms. You’ll go back to that and have a small roster if I go away. It’s funny to me how dismissive you are of my team. If you’re so confident you should put more up for grabs. How about the ability to run Dark Oasis.” Bold challenge there as he has figured out that the owner just can’t resist a wager as he feels he’ll always win.

Josh takes a look at his wife, who is still standing in the way, as he thought on what to say. “Works for me as I can’t see your team getting the job done. My team is stronger and more of a team. You’ll have egg on your face when your goal to take my job comes to an end once again as it’s not going to be yours.” Josh agreed to it as he just feels his team has it all going for them. The Investor left happy as he sees to share the same belief in his own team. However only one of them will be happy come the end of the match.

-FAB [Angelina Acid, Diamond Jackson, Diane Steel and Becca Nightingale] vs. Octiva, Jezabel Jezzi, Amari Rose and Melissa Wright
Stipulation: Four Vs Four War Games / Women's title

Ringside again as the fans are looking forward to the next match as the Women’s title is on the line. The Fine Ass Bitches will take on Octiva, Jezabel Jezzi, Amari Rose and Melissa Wright where one of them can remove the title from around Angelina’s waist. All they would have to do is defeat the champ and go on to win the match. It could change hands a couple of times if someone pins Angelina then a FAB member defeats that person. The fans surely will want to see an end for FAB.

“The following contest is a four versus four elimination contest and is for the TXW Women’s championship.” Jenny says as she brings it to everyone’s attention that the Fine Ass Bitches haven’t got away with no title defence, thanks to Josh.

‘Fuck Dem Bitches’ hits first as out walks the Fine Ass Bitches, the collective unit of Angelina Acid, Diamond Jackson, Diane Steel and Becca Nightingale. All successes in their own rights. The focus stayed on them as Jenny announces them while they make their entrances.

“Introducing first. Angelina Acid, Becca Nightingale, Diane Steel and Diamond Jackson. The Fine Ass Bitchesssssss!” Jenny said as the follow up to is a lot of boos, mostly from women. Guys cheered them and that was no surprise as many approve of what they do, how they have their fun. It was easy to see why they get whistles too as they are all easy on the eye. Tonight however the title is up for grabs and some eyes are on it as the Queen herself carries it to the ring.

Each of them climb into the ring one after the other as they are forced to leave the gold out the ring. As they enter the structure all of them were ready to do what needed to be done in order to win. They wanted to have the last laugh on those who have gone against them.

Next to hit is Hands All Over as Amari Rose leads out the Texas Butterfly Melissa Wright, Octiva and Jezabel Jezzi. All four have reasons to become the next women’s champion. It put into question how they would operate as a team as surely one way or another they might see an issue if one tries to go after the title more than help the team. Sometimes success can get to people.

“Now introducing their opponents. Please welcome Amari Rose, Octiva, Jezabel Jezzi and Melissa Wright!” The fans cheer once Jenny makes the introduction as they were moving fast toward the ring, walking out from entrance two which means all those in FAB had to face the other way as there are two doors into the War Games structure.

All four of them enter and the door is shut behind them as people got excited to see this. Eight hot women all locked in the same cage, all trying to defeat the other. Bell sounds and this one is on. Amari locks it up with Angelina, getting in a good hit to the face. She got hit back and the two ended up in one corner. At the same time Becca fought it out with former champ Melissa with the Night Dream getting the best of her simply by poking her in the eye. She grabbed a handful of her hair and used it to allow her to hit a snapmare takedown followed by a kick to the back.

“I hope we finally see the end of this with FAB walking out victorious. They are the best TXW has going for it when it comes to the Women’s division. Take it away and you’re back to boring matches involving Melissa Wright.” Ray never hiding his love for FAB who he has openly supported since they were formed again in this company. Not everyone will agree with his opinion, especially Tasia who shook her head.

Back inside Octiva is bitch slapped by Diamond and left on her ass when that move is followed up by a quick ddt. The leggy blonde smirked about it as she saw everyone else was busy fighting. Diane got herself in a tangle in the ropes thanks to Jezabel, Angelina was on her ass after struggling to contain Amari and Becca is controlling Melissa.

Diamond drags up Octiva, slaps her again and calls her pathetic. A strong kick to the stomach follows as she forces the Brit to bend over. The blonde hooks the arms, lifts her up and hits the Diamond’s Edge [Lifting Double Underhook Sitout Facebuster]. It left everyone silences especially when she made the cover as everyone else was too focused.


First elimination and we’re down to four versus three as Diamond has done her team proud by eliminating the newcomer Brit. She didn’t appear to be done as she stood up only to kick at her. The aggression shown is just a trait all of the members of FAB have. They don’t call themselves bitches for nothing. Octiva is hurt and she is soon hurt more when she found herself thrown head first into the cage, damaging her face. The vicious blonde did it again, causing there to be a cut on the forehead of the Brit as she would be reminded of what the group can do as individuals too.

More brutality was coming into Jezabel ran over and hit a running super kick on Diamond. It was her way of watching out for her partner, despite the fact one has been eliminated already. It felt good but what did feel good was when Diane rolls her up from behind and grabs a handful of her bottoms, attempting to cheat to win.

1,2, NO!

Kick out from the Pink ball of fury as she refused to be screwed over there. She jumps back to her feet after the kick out and hits some elbow strikes to the face of Diane, throws her into the ropes and knocks her down with a clothesline on the rebound. More cheers followed.

“Good moment there for Jezabel. She will now look to try to bring her team back into this match as they are outnumbered as we speak.” Tasia pointing it all out as the fans wondered if they would have enough now they are a person down, it wouldn’t be easy.

It didn’t help that Angelina had taken control of her fight with Amari having fought her way back to her feet and using a bulldog to leave the brunette hurting. The champion was in no mood for games, neither were the rest of FAB. They were out to send a message and there would be no moving away from giving it. Melissa is still down so soon Becca and Angelina double teamed on Jezabel who thought she had probably gained momentum. Taking on the two of them was difficult even for someone as talented as her.

The two of them hit away at her and set up a double suplex, about to slam her right down onto her back. They got her lifted up and balanced her in the air giving her more hang time. However she started kicked her legs like a mad woman and it helped her change the momentum as she came back down, turning the move into a double ddt. Seeing Becca and Angelina’s head hit the canvas got cheers as that would’ve taken a lot out of them.

“What a move there by Jezabel!” Tasia is very happy seeing that as the fans got ont heir feet to give some appreciation. Jez is here to win and come home with the Women’s gold. There was no doubt she could do it with a counter like that which will boost anyone. It helped she saw all four FAB members are still down. She got Melissa and Amari to help her as they dragged them all to the centre of the ring. Once there all three of them go to the top rope. First the pink haired beauty dives off with a moonsault, landing on three out of the four, her feet smacking Diane in the gut while her knees hit Angelina.

Mel waited for one to stand and when Diane did, she jumped on her for a flying thesz press. Lastly Amari dived off at Diamond, hitting a flying superkick right to the face. This is the type of thing you always see on pay per view and everyone is happy with how this is going. Right after Diamond got pinned as she looked out like a light after the heel of Amari hit her square in the jaw.


Elimination number two and this time it is a FAB member who is gone, no clean sweep like they would’ve hoped. Three versus three as Ray looked worried, not happy he has just seen one of his favourite girl group lose her place in the match.

Melissa, Jezabel and Amari stand around each other as they take a moment to get used to the situation they now find themselves in. Octiva is gone and Diamond is exiting the ring looking pissed off, yet she stays around ringside to watch the remainder of the contest.

Diane, Becca and Angelina recover from what they went through as they look across from them seeing who they had to get through to win this match. They weren’t at all intimidated as they still felt they could get the job done, without Diamond. They are began fighting again as this match continues.

“Come on FAB. You can still win this match and show these disrespectful girls what it means to be the best.” Ray continues his biased views hoping what he says will help in some way. If he were to see the heel group win he will feel justified in talking the way he has from the get go. If it blows up in his face he’ll likely pretend that he never said these things as that is the type of person he is, always looking to be right.

Speaking of right or should that be Wright, Melissa is in the second ring fighting it out with Diane. She is getting the best of her, throws her into the ropes and knocks her on her ass with a flying forearm to the face. The Texan could very well get a third reign as champ if she is able to outlast everyone else and get the pin on Angelina. It helped she is getting the best of Diane as she will look to eliminate her to narrow down the numbers.

Back in the other ring Angelina is hit with a powerslam by Amari who wanted to be the one to take credit for the title reign ending. Anyone who pinned down her for the three would end it as there would be no hope of her retaining the gold considering it would then fall on her best friends to win it for the group again. If that would cause any friction remains to be seen as it’s not happening right now.

Amari was going to go for a cover when she was attacked from behind by Becca. A strong hit to the back of the head and then she throws her face first into the steel cage. Right after hits a Becca Breaker [Inverted Headlock / BackBreaker] to give the deadliest Rose a strong amount of pain. The Night Dream used the momentum she gained to climb to the top rope, turn her back and she dives backwards hitting a Moonsault Double Foot Stomp aka Closing Credits right to her stricken foe. Cover made where it looked all over for Amari.


Elimination number two which means the Fine Ass Bitches have once again got the number advantage. Becca is happy with herself up into the point she gets hit in the face by Jezabel. However Angelina intervened as yet again they were going to team up on her. The fans booed this as they could tell the pink haired ball of fury was going to gain more momentum as she has been the danger in the match the whole time.

Amari left disappointed yet she got hit with a big boot when making her exit as Diamond is still out there. She trash talked her and told her to never get in their business again. This prompted Octiva to run on out as she was bitter about being eliminated earlier.

“What is that bitch doing back out here? How dare she attack Diamond!” Ray said as the attack was going well for the Brit who leans the leggy one against the barricade as she tries to take her out. She attempted to splash her in the corner but she missed when the blonde moved out the way.

Back inside the cage Melissa began helping out Jezabel as they fight in a two versus two scenario. Melissa hits away at Angelina, throws her against the ropes, jumps up and hits a thesz press followed by mat slams. She did about five into she is on the end of an attack by Diane. Jezabel ends up thrown over the ropes by Becca, who turned around to see what the Socialite is doing. She teamed up with her FAB bestie as they team on the Texas Butterfly. Melissa is a fighter however and she is able to fight them both off, using her forearm strongly against the face of Diane and she blocks a bitch slap from Becca, hitting her with a strong hit too.

“What a fight here from the former champion as she really wants to prove to everyone why she is worth getting another shot at the title.” Tasia said as she kept backing up those who are trying to make the women’s division FAB free. Easier said than done.

Melissa saw Angelina trying to come and she shocks her by kicking her right across the jaw with the Wright Ending [Superkick], likely to end the chances Mrs Khaos had of defending the title. That’s if she gets pinned right here , yet it seemed unlikely as both Becca and Diane haven’t been thrown out of this.

Diane who was leaning on the ropes did help out by hitting out after being knocked against the corner a moment ago. Becca also gets back up as she helps out Diane once again. The two suddenly hit a double snap ddt on the Butterfly. They roll her over and both hook a leg as the referee counts.


Shock elimination here as now the former Women’s champion is out of here. That leaves it as Angelina, Diane and Becca versus Jezabel Jezzi. The Texan is disappointed as she rolled towards the exit door while she was made fun of by those who have just eliminated her. She didn’t bite yet found herself looking over at where Diamond was as she has been beating on Octiva for the past few minutes. Being the good Samaritan that she is, she helped her out. Melissa ran at the leggy blonde and tackles her right onto the announcers table as they both end up on the lap of Ray who loved that.

“Whoa ladies calm down, we can save this for the bedroom. Well not you Melissa, definitely Diamond she's a ten.” Ray said just as they were fighting on the ground in front of him while he had to stand up and back away. When they were both standing the colour commentator got major heat when he gave the Texan a big shove which sends her flying back over the announcers table. It was shocking. Diamond seemed to appreciate it as it let her stand up and dust herself down. She climbed back over the announcers table, climbs on top of Melissa and slaps her hard across the face as the fight of those eliminated takes the focus off those in the ring.

Speaking of in the ring Jezabel is triple teamed in the ring she was thrown into earlier. Trying to overcome all three of them would be a major challenge yet she wouldn’t throw in the towel, it’s not her.

She blocks a slap from Diane and shoves her on her ass. Once she did that she surprises Becca with a dropkick that floored her. Angelina kicked at her, grabbed her by the hair and throws her across the ring, leaving strands of some pink hair in her finger tips. She brushes it away looking disgusted as she shouts at the fans telling them the game is over. Following it up she forces the Brit back to her feet about to try to finish her off with the Acid Rain or maybe the Facelift. Instead she gets knocked with a forearm hit that left her reeling. Jezabel grabs her arm, throws her against the ropes and knocks her onto her ass.

Diane AND Becca tried to attack her with a double clothesline but she slid under their attempt uses her leap and jumps to the rope, spins around in mid air and hits them both with a DDT. It showed how good she can be and the fans went nuts. Both the Socialite and the Night Dream are down. She rolled them both over and lays across both of them hooking the leg of Diane as the referee counts.


“Two eliminations for the price of one. If you can keep yourself out the match I suggest you start to panic now as it’s a one on one contest.” Tasia said just as a security had put the brawl outside the ring to an end. In some places it would be far from over but others it would be. Ray seemed fine with what he did as he had no look of regret on his face. He still has every faith in FAB.

The worst did just happen next for the Brit as Angelina as smart as ever is quick on the attack. She kicked the knee then is able to drag her to the canvas and lock her in the Face Lift [Crippler Crossface]. All the fans went silent as they watched the pink hair beauty struggle. To add to it there was no way out using the ropes. Becca sat up in the corner holding her head but watched in delight as she screamed for her to tap out. The lock is in very tight and Angelina is determined to retain. After all of this she wants no other outcome.

Some fans began a Jezabel chant as she held on for dear life for the next few minutes, minutes of pain. No matter what she did she couldn’t break out and in the end she had no choice but to tap out, giving Angelina the title defence she wanted, FAB win!

Ray jumps to his feet and punches the air as the bell sounds confirming that the winners and STILL Women champion were FAB. The cage door opens as the title is brought back in and Diamond walks back out to join her best friends in this moment of triumph.

“Here are your winners The Fine Ass Bitches!” Jenny announced as the group all hugged each other while Jezabel leaves in disappointment. This should mark a new chapter for them all as they gave it their all out there and in the end the gold remains with the self proclaimed Queen.

LOCATION: -Madison Square Garden
DATE: 31st May 2015
GENERAL MANAGERS: Josh Nightmare / Calvin Bateman
THEME: Warriors by Imagine Dragons


Dustin Cage is on his own in the back as he is preparing for the match is next which sees W.A.R and Kingdom settle their differences. Suddenly he is blindsided by the two big Germans Dagon and Demer as they attack him, lift him up and choke slam him through a nearby wooden table. What follows is laughter from a certain King as his group has done the damage that he wanted them do. He is holding a sceptre and starts hitting Dustin Cage of it as he continues laughing like a manic. It was a good move. His focus then went to his partners. “Nehmen Sie die Nacht” He says which means take the night off as he spoke a little German. The monsters seemed fine with it as they made their way from the scene.

Finishing up the King takes off his crown, throwing it to the ground as something seems to have fired him up. He walks past Vincent who seemed to know about this. “Go get them mate. I’ll go find Blair or something.” Vincent said as his mate walks past him. Is he out? It seemed that way.


Kingdom [Daniel Khaos, Vincent Underwood, Dagon and Demer] vs. W.A.R [Deric Quake, Dustin Cage, Devil's Advocate and MDS]
Stipulation: Four Vs Four War Games

The cameras are on ringside as Ray and Tasia are trying to go through what has happened so far. There sure has been a lot and right this moment for whatever reason Jake Mathieu walks on out. He walks down the ramp without music and approaches the announcers table. His shades are taken off and he looks directly at Ray. “I believe you’re in my seat.” Jake said as Ray looked confused into he is knocked off the chair with a punch as the fans cheer. The Prince of Cool walks around and drags him up then throws him into the front row. He takes his seat and winks at Tasia, putting his feet up on the table.

No words are spoken into ‘The World Belongs To Me’ hits as out walks the King of The Ring Daniel Khaos without his crown. He seemed happy with his actions as he walks towards the War Games structure. Walking to the cage he goes around it and asks for a microphone from Jenny prior to introductions. Why? We’re about to find out.

“Cut my music.” The music is cut as the fans look at him wondering what is going on. “A lot has been going through my mind lately during this ‘war’ with that band of losers and I have been wondering if it was really worth me recruiting my buddy Vince or those German ‘monsters’. True be told. No it wasn’t worth it, not at all. I don’t need anyone to defeat W.A.R , I don’t even need my mate. That’s why I intend to destroy the remaining members of the group all by myself. There are but three and they will all fall at my hands.” He slammed down the microphone and goes over to the door, opening it up and entering it. Was he really about to go into a handicap match? Seemed that way.

No longer is it a four versus four but a three versus one it seemed. The group he is fighting made their way out to Deric Quake’s ‘My Curse’ theme. He led the way as MDS and Devil’s Advocate followed. Three versus one it is.

Jenny who had her microphone taken away from her still had to announce this match so she had to get another microphone. Once that is done she does her job. “The following contest is a War Games match. Introducing first in the ring. He weighs in at two hundred and twenty five pounds. Residing from London, England. He is the current TXW King Of The Ring. Please welcome Daniel Khaos!”

There was no time to introduce the other three as they had got into the ring to begin this. No fear on Khaos’ face as he went on the attack kicking and punching at them. At first they overwhelm him with the numbers but he began holding his own by using headbutts. One knocked MDS on his ass and he then kicked Deric between the legs. He viciously went on the attack on Devil , working on his older knees doing what he can to make him  wish this match never happened. He uses his fist and headbutts to continue the attack as he finishes it by launching Devil into the cage face first.

Whatever has brought this out of him seems to have helped as he is now holding his own against three tough opponents. Khaos went after MDS, his long term enemy and forces him to eat the cage too as he just tosses him against it. He’s on fire and is not going to give an inch to any of them. Deric is the next to eat the cage and this time when he falls back down the Khaos Theory gets hit! It led to him making the cover as the referee counts.


“Elimination there as this bold move by Khaos has worked out in his favour.” Tasia said as Jake gives the thumbs up while Ray has now long gone, running off with his tail between his legs. More importantly the cocky Brit has just got rid of one of W.A.R and he did it without the aid from anyone. It shows his arrogance about taking them out all by himself isn’t something he is crazy about.

The King goes on the attack again, targeting MDS. He backs him off into the corner and hits him with a couple of knife edge chops. Once he hit the fifth one he drags him back over to the centre and sets up a suplex. Move is hit and the King pops his hips to hit several more, finishing up with a brainbuster a combo he likes to call Khaos Maker. It sure is.

Devil gets his team back into the match after as he gets in a few shots, throws Khaos into the corner and does a run towards it. STINGER SPLASH HIT! It is a move that gets people cheering as they still hated the King more than those in W.A.R.

“Man I don’t think those in W.A.R are all that cool but they sure know how to please the fans, far more than Khaos does.” Jake said as he contributed to a position he seems to have forced himself into. Why? Nobody really knows but it seemed to be better than having Ray seeing how he did shove Melissa earlier.

Back in the ring and Devil has found some momentum as he lifts Khaos up into a Miltary Press and soon slammed him down showing he has a lot of strength to him. He beats his chest after and is fired up as he wanted to show the arrogant King he wouldn’t be getting through all of them on his own like he wanted.

Everyone watched as Khaos slowly gets back to his feet and is hit with a haymaker that rocks him. Devil throws him into the ropes and knocks him down with a clothesline as the fans cheer. The older member of W.A.R shows how good he still is by climbing to the top rope after and is about to go for a diving clothesline which will get the fans off their feet. All he had to do is wait for the King to stand up as that will help the move happen. MDS also is up as he was standing back to watch this happen.

Moments pass and eventually the Brit is standing so Devil can dive off. However he misses as the King rolls out the way giving a bad landing to the facepainted superstar. Khaos didn’t have time to gloat as he is he is under threat from MDS who made some attacks once he is standing. The man with many secrets lifted his long term enemy onto his shoulders and wanted to finish him off with the MDS Doom OR the Midnight Drop. Not to be as he is able to escape from the shoulders, drops behind and nails him with the Khaos Theory [Zig Zag]. Cover made which could now make this a one on one contest.


No kick out from MDS as the King gets the better of him leaving this between Devil’s Advocate and MDS. Nobody knew for sure which way this would go now as if the King overcomes his enemies all by himself he will never let them hear the end of it. His ego will also grow bigger than it’s ever been before.

He is fired up and is about to bring the pain to Devil who is still recovering from his fall. His attention went away when Diamond ran out on. She had a look of concern and got into the structure when the door opened for MDS to leave. Getting everyone watched her go over to the King as she pleaded for him not to hurt Devil anymore. It made the Brit look angry at her as he was telling her not to be stupid and get the hell out the ring. The leggy blonde refused leading to the King grabbing her arm and threatening to hurt her if she doesn’t leave. This made Devil mad as he stands up is able to pull his interest aside and he hits Khaos hard across the face, eventually knocking him over the ropes so he lands in the second ring.

“What a gentleman Devil is for helping out Diamond. I didn’t really like how Khaos was going to mistreat someone who is very close to his wife. He’s losing his head.” Tasia said as they all watched as Devil checked on a very shocked looking Diamond as he made sure she is ok. When he felt she was fine he turned his back and looked towards the man who has angered him.

The King Of The Ring winner crawls back in the main ring as he is stalked by Devil who was looking for a way to put this to an end. However the painted faced superstar is kicked between the legs from behind, it was his leggy love interest who has just tricked him badly. She shouts at him and watched as the Khaos Maker gets back to his feet, he gives his wife’s ally a look of approval and lifts the hurt Devil up. He’s put in a powerbomb position and soon hit with the Kapital Khaos [Running Sitdown Powerbomb]. This is now over surely.

Cover made 1,2,3!

All over as the win no one expected to happen, at least way, has happened. Khaos has defeated THREE members of WAR all by himself and he is very proud of himself as Diamond left , also feeling proud. However music hit soon after and it WASN’T his. It’s ‘Friction’ by Imagine Dragons as Hansom shows up on the second entrance ramp. This shocked Khaos as Hansom is here for a reason and has a microphone in hand.

“Cloak and dagger. Smoke and mirrors. You may feel these have led you to victory but there is one more you haven’t gone through. W.A.R didn’t agree to your terms. We are still four man strong and I have only counted three you have defeated. Say hello to number four.” Hansom said as the fans go nuts as they watch him walk to the ring. A slightly more worried Khaos just told him to bring it on.

Hansom enters the War Games structure and goes face to face with Khaos. The King takes the first shot but is knocked back and it put him back a few feet. When he came back for more he is thrown up then hit with the pop powerbomb aka Anti Super Bomb as the cover gets made seconds after.


Just like that Hansom has won it for W.A.R on the night. The four man unit have been saved by the arrival of this new member Hansom who filled in for Dustin. For tonight he has defeated the King and proven to the world that W.A.R always have something up their sleeve. He stands tall as the fans chant his name.

LOCATION: -Madison Square Garden
DATE: 31st May 2015
GENERAL MANAGERS: Josh Nightmare / Calvin Bateman
THEME: Warriors by Imagine Dragons


Insane Asylum 2015 is advertised in what looks set to be a bunch of gruesome matches to come in the near future.

Team Investor [Calvin Bateman, Michelle Wright, Raine and Andy Parker] vs. Team Nightmare [Josh Nightmare, Rachel Nightingale, Hope Sweet and Trevor Marshall]
Stipulation: Four Vs Four War Games 

At ringside a highlight package is shown of everything that has led to Team Investor versus Team Nightmare II which included how the first match between two teams representing the powers went. It didn’t go well that night for the money man and he’ll want to do much better this time around. That aside one important note for this match is it will work differently to the previous matches. For one not everyone will start this one, it will be an entry order like a rumble which is how the main event will work too.

“The following contest is a War Games elimination match.” Jenny said just as the sound of ‘Freak Like Me’ hits first as out walks Michelle Wright representing Team Investor. “Introducing first. Residing from Dallas, Texas. She is part of Team Investor. Please welcome Michelle Wright!” Introduction over as the fans boo her as most are against the Investor believe it or not. They like fun and they think the owner provides more value for entertainment than the business man ever will.

The Texan gets into the ring and is ready to go to war with just about anyone on the rival team. Many are excited at the prospect of seeing Hope fight it out with her as they are both lovers of everything violent.

‘Run This Town’ hit next as the fans were disappointed the big man was on his way out, not Hope as they were all looking forward to that battle. At least they get to see two Texans fight it out in what won’t be a friendly battle as the T man will be wanting to do his team a favour by eliminating Michelle early.

“Next to enter the War Games match. Weighing in at two hundred and six seven pounds. Residing from Houston, Texas. Please welcome Trevor Marshall!” Jenny announced him just as Trevor pulled open the door. The bell does sound as he walks towards Michelle, ready to beat her into the ground as he won’t be happy with anything less.

The former Hardcore champion brought the crazy one into a test of strength which wasn’t as one sided as you might think. Trevor did win it and he hits Michelle across the side of the face with a strong punch, showing he wasn’t against smacking her around as he wanted to win. The strong Texan gets up and fires back with punches of her own, having to make a jump to get shots to the face. All of them the T man shrugged off no matter how hard they were. He’s used to being hit by strong women.

Trevor gets in a boxer jab to the jaw of Michelle and he pulled on her hair, ripping it out of the ponytail it was tied up in. His hand gripped the back of her neck and made her bend over as he pulled her towards the cage. He pushed her so her back is rested against it and he places his hands around her throat, lifting her up and begins violently slamming her against the steel.

“Brutal attack here from Trevor as Michelle looks to be in trouble. She’ll be a big loss if she gets eliminated first.” Tasia said as she wasn’t sure if this is the beginning of the end for Michelle as she is showing signs of pain after being slammed against the cage. T never let her go as he kept slamming her into he had her crying out in pain as it had to hurt being slammed so hard against steel. Luckily she is a fighter and wasn’t about to give up.

The crazy one is high up so she is able to wrap her legs around Trevor’s head and uses her free arms to start hitting out at his big bald head. The former hardcore champion could feel the hits so he wisely just throws Michelle across the ring to avoid anymore damage. It also gave the Texan a bumpy landing.

When that happened the timer appeared on the screen as another entrant is due which could be just about anyone, unless the entry order is rigged. ‘Grown Woman’ hits to make people think it is as Rachel Nightingale makes her arrival. The wife of the owner is sporting a Team Nightmare shirt and has her ‘power’ wrist bands on to help give her a boost or it does in a morale sense. She rushes down the ramp while Jenny announces her.

“Now entering the match. From Hollywood, California. Please welcome Rachel Nightingale!” The fans cheer as she gets into the cage and the first thing she did is run at Michelle who stood back up , clotheslines her down and gives a high five to Trevor.

“My sister in law showing how tough she is as not many would want to charge at Michelle like that, I know I wouldn’t.” Jake said as Rachel kicks at Michelle while she is down. The Golden Geek grabs onto her hair, drags her up and sets her up for the Slayed [Piledriver]. Turns out it is too soon as Michelle backdrops her over her shoulder and right away goes on the attack against Trevor as she tries to stop this becoming a beating.

Michelle used her fist to hit at the bigger opponent as hard as she could and she gets an elbow strike to the nose. Everything she is doing would work eventually as everyone gets worn down if you get hit enough. She kicks hard across the chest not once, not twice but three times and hit a DDT which gives her a lift as she couldn’t be happy with having to fight on her own right now. She’ll hope someone on her team will be out here soon.

The Texan goes up high while her two opponents are shaking off the cobwebs. She took that chance to dive down onto Rachel with a Snuka Body Splash and hooks the legs, doing her best to eliminate Mrs Nightingale from the match.

1,2, Shoulder up from the former Slays as Michelle just gets on top of her, raining punches to her head after as she takes out all her anger. Rachel did her best to cover up but every time she did, the punches would hit her across the chest, the stomach, the legs and the arms, there was no way she could protect herself all over.

Trevor interrupted by grabbing onto Michelle’s hair and dragging her across the ring. He lifted her like she were a feather and hit her with a front power slam, causing her a strong amount of pain. It sure pleased the Apocalypse bringer who stood up, backed away and looked ready to finish off his fellow Texan.

“Could we be seeing our first elimination? Michelle is in trouble and it looks like Trevor wants to finish her off with the Snapper.” Tasia commented as the charge is made, yet Michelle is able to turn the charge into a drop toe hold. She then locks in the STF aka Crazy Pain as the fans were shocked by this. As powerful as Trevor is, he is locked in tight and might have to tap out, what a turn around.

‘All Nightmare Long’ suddenly hits as Josh Nightmare rushes out, knowing one of his team might be eliminate. The chances of the entrant order now being rigged appeared to be true as that makes it three Team Nightmare members and only ONE Team Investor member. It also seems perfect that they have singled out Michelle who they see as the strongest on that team.

First thing Josh does is jump on his ex, forcing her to break the submission hold. He grabs the back of her neck and her shirt, forcing her to stand then he proceeds to throw her head first into the nearest part of the steel. It was what he had to do. Trevor seemed to appreciate it when he stands up and now this looks really bad for Michelle.

The owner watches Michelle struggles to her feet, he knocks her across the back and made her land in the place between the ropes and the cage. He made her stand up and kept her trapped there as he told Trevor to back away. The T man did just that only to make a charge and crush Michelle in between himself and the steel, now that was damaging as he weighs over two hundred pounds and not many could take that.

Silence around as the crazy one is on a heap on the floor looking out of it. Josh smirks, drags her up and puts her head between his legs as he wanted to finish her off with the Bon Voyage [Cradle Belly To Back Inverted Slam]. He lifts her up without a problem then proceeds to slam her right down onto her face.

“Bon Voyage hit and this could be it all over for Michelle, arguably the best person on Team Investor. If she is out first then it won’t be very good for Calvin or his team.” Tasia said as Josh rolled over his ex and despite having her at his mercy, he didn’t pin her. Instead he drags her across the canvas as she remains face down and he gave Trevor the chance to be the second person to make her tap out as he told him to lock her in a Camel Clutch. The big man does just that, locking her in it as he tries to force her to submit.

Suddenly the timer appeared on screen as the stubborn Texan refused to tap out. Josh shouted at her to do so yet she refused as making her tap out is one of the most impossible things in the world, yet somehow it’s happened once. The timer is ignored and ‘Get Paid’ hits as everyone looks confused as Jake stood up from the announcers table, took off his headset and his shirt as he walks to the ring. Josh looks baffled. Has something changed? It appears that way as the door gets opened and Jake gets in. We get a stare down between brother and brother.

The eldest Nightingale throws his brother into the ropes and on the rebound hits a jumping clothesline. He then drives both his knees into the back of Trevor to break the submission. Rachel while shocked tried to bitch slap him but he sweeps her legs out from under her to prevent that from happening. The Prince of Cool made the attack on Josh, hitting him with strong punches into he backed him into the corner. When he has him there he picked up one leg and put on the second rope, then did the same with the other as the owner finds himself in a very comprising position. So much so that Jake backs off, takes a run then hits the Shattered Dreams [Aka A kick to the nuts].

Agony is the word as Josh drops holding himself while Jake seems happy with himself. Trevor is back up and tried to take his head off with a clothesline BUT missed. Jake surprises him with a strong kick to the mid section and hits the Jake of All Trades [Lift Single Underhook DDT] which shows his strength; he has more than people though. Cover made and this one could be shocking.


No kick out from the T man who is the first eliminated in what proved to be a shocking entrance. No one thought Jake would be in this match or this fired up, it’s proven to be wrong but no one knew who he has replaced in the match. Even so the curve ball has upset Team Nightmare who are down a man.

Jake is happy with himself as Michelle gets to her feet, seeing Trevor forced to make his exit while Josh is still in pain. It made Michelle go on the attack on Rachel, who just stood back up. The Golden Geek gave it as good as she got it but in the end the strength is in the corner of the Texan. One headbutt was enough to knock Mrs Nightmare to one knee. Then following it up the strong Texan lifted her above her head and hit a Gorilla Press Slam, leaving Rachel in agony.

“The momentum has switched here as Jake’s introduction has allowed Team Investor to go ahead in this one. We’re down to three on four. Trevor is gone and now only Hope is due out for Team Nightmare.” Truth said there as the switch happened so fast no one saw it coming. They expected Michelle to be out this contest first. Now she is bringing the pain to the wife of the owner.

Timer shown again as everyone was interested to see if we would get another momentum swing if someone from Team Nightmare would come out here. They surely needed it at this stage as Rachel is in trouble as she isn’t in a winning fight.

Sadly for her ‘The Devil Within’ hit as Raine walks on out slowly. She is happy with what is happening and approaches the ring as the fans give a mixed reaction. They still would want to see Josh as owner in the long term but as things stand that is at risk, if Calvin has his way.

“Now entering the match. From Flamming Starr, MA. Please welcome Raine.” The fans boo her as she gets in and watches Michelle throw Rachel across the ring with a T-Bone Suplex, almost at her feet.

Raine licked her lips and grabbed a handful of Rachel’s hair, making her stand and pushes her over to the corner. When in the corner she starts slapping the shit out of her with strong hits to the face, everyone worth cringing about as they are powerful strikes. Raine slapped Rachel’s chest, then licks her hand and does it again. The dagger loving red head adds insult by ripping open the shirt Mrs Nightmare is wearing, exposing the bra underneath just so she can slap her across the chest for a third time, this time without material in the way.

The outcome it left Rachel’s chest beat red and she gets tossed across the ring by her hair as she struggles. Josh was soon going through pain too as Michelle targeted him. She kicked him and got Jake to help her drag him across the ring. When he was in the centre Michelle got on top of him to begin punching him right across the face into his face began to swell up. Team Nightmare are in real trouble.

Timer is due again which could mean more misery or salvation. Everyone watched both the entrances to see who would walk out. If it was the Vigilante or The Investor then it would be a massive ask for Team Nightmare.

‘Crazy Bitch’ hits to give them hope however, no pun intended as out runs Hope Sweet, looking to save her team. She gets into the cage and the first thing she does it kick Michelle off of Josh. Then she punches away at Jake, taking him down with a quick neckbreaker. Lastly she bitch slaps Raine, throws her against the ropes and hits a powerslam as the fans shockingly cheer her just because of what impact she has just made.

“Hope to the rescue as she has just helped out her team in a big way there. They might be a person down but with her they have a chance.” Tasia said just as Hope nails Jake with the SEX [RKO]. Cover made while the rest of Team Investor are on their asses and the referee counts.


Elimination number two as despite his shock entrance, Jake is now gone. This left it to three versus three or well in the match it’s actually now three on two. No one knew who the last entrant for Team Investor is but they do know they would need to come out here soon.

Raine got in Hope’s face, attacking her with hits and trying to chick kick her. The kick gets blocked and Hope head butts her, goes behind her and hooks her arms from the back. She lifted her after and slams her on her back for the Full Nelson as she continues to show how valuable she is for the team. It might be the difference between winning and losing.

The red head stands back up and gets back into the fight as these two were once tag partners, now they are far from it. Raine is able to give Hope a good fight, throws her into the ropes and on the rebound spears her down. Right when she turns her back Rachel jumps on her back attempting to choke her out. It didn’t work as she gets her hair grabbed and flipped over her shoulder, ending on her ass.

This was getting fun for her and she stalks her long term enemy Rachel, waits for her to stand. Once she does she hits her with the Sweet Sacrifice [RKO] , followed by a cover a she hooks both legs.


Bye bye Rachel Nightingale as she is the next to be eliminated in what is now a two versus two match, if you don’t include Calvin or the Vigilante who are due out. No one knew what twists were yet to come as right now this could go either way. Hope is back to her feet and although she was unable to save Rachel, she is back in Raine’s face to hit her hard. One strong punch rocked the red head, only for her to fight back with a punch of her own then an eye poke. She shoved Hope back only for Josh to sneak behind, roll up Raine and grab a handful of her bottoms, almost ripping them off as the referee counts as despite the cheating, it’s legal.


Josh has got rid of Raine as he backs away smiling once the job is done. This left Raine furious as she showed the referee her ass basically but was telling him about how her attire had been pulled on. Nothing can be done as it was legal and she is forced to leave. The owner gives an approved look at Hope as he points to Michelle, about to allow them to have a one on one fight. The one everyone wanted to see.

It got the fans off their feet as they watched Michelle stand and look at Hope while Josh stood back about to admire this war. No hesitation from either of them as they went closer together. Hope got in the first strike and doubled it up with a bitch slap after. She grabbed the Texan’s arm, tossed her into the ropes and hit a fast powerslam. Right after the move she got on top of her and began choking her, showing how vicious she can be.

“We finally get to see the fight everyone wanted to see. Two crazy women going at it in a fight.” Tasia said as yes they are going to have a crazy battle. It is clear when Hope uses her free hand to punch away at Michelle’s ribs as she is still choking her. Michelle fights back using her hands, getting the Hardcore champion off of her.

Standing up she uses her elbow against Hope’s nose, trying her best to break it. One punch could’ve been enough as it did leave the champion with some pain. A scream from Michelle showed how fired up she is as she went in with every strong punch she can give into she has some of Hope’s blood on her knuckles. They fight it out into they are both in the second ring, blood dripping from the nose of Hope. She gets hit hard in the stomach, lifted up above the Texan’s head then dropped down for a Gorilla Press Slam. Instantly following it up Michelle pulled her over and locked her in the Crazy Pain [STF]. If she is able to make someone like Hope tap, it would be something that would make her proud.

The owner stood by watching when he could’ve easily stepped through the ropes and broke it up. He just knew Hope wouldn’t go down that easy, no chance. He watches as she bites at Michelle’s fingers causing cries of pain from the Texan as she couldn’t help but release the hold. It made Josh clap as he is taking it easy while he watches the two of them destroy one another.

Josh’s rest came to an end when the timer appeared and shortly after ‘I get Money’ hits as out walks the Investor ready to finally get one over his ‘boss’. Many booed him but some cheered as he could be the man who changes TXW for the better if given the chance. Josh is ready for him, ready for war. BUT it was a trick as Andy Parker ‘The Vigilante’ enters through the other door, he ignores the battle between Hope and Michelle to sneak behind Josh. Adding to it is the fact he has a baton in hand. Calvin stopped on the ramp and crossed his arms as the owner realises someone is behind him.

Once he turns around he gets hit across the face with the baton and the cover is made. Trick successful.


Nightmare is gone from Team Nightmare leaving it as a two on one handicap match. The Investor replaced himself with Jake Mathieu which seems to be a plan he made in order to get one back over Josh who had Crystal as his surprise last time they had a match. The owner exits the cage looking hurt and feeling embarrassed he was just tricked. Calvin laughed about it, walked around the cage and took a seat at ringside as he felt his team could see this out now.

“Only one member of Team Nightmare is left standing and that is Hope. She will have to go through Michelle and Andy now or Team Investor wins this one.” Tasia said just as Hope got the better of Michelle by hitting a chokeslam on her. Andy joins her in that second ring, with baton in hand but he missed with his first strike and he doesn’t get a second as the Hardcore champion jumps up then connects with SEX [RKO]. Cover made and everyone seemed happy with this.


Hope takes out the two men on Team Investor as Calvin now looks a lot more worried than he was a minute ago. Josh meanwhile is sitting on the stage watching the whole thing as he seems happier. He shouts “Come on Hope” as he would like to now see her win it for his team.

The Hardcore Champion seems happy with herself as she waits for Michelle to stand up. When she does she kicks her back down with a big boot. She has the momentum and this one could end any minute, especially after all that the Texan has been through. Hope drags Michelle up, looks at the door and ends up throwing her against it, breaking it open as the tough Texan falls out of the cage, landing on the floor. It got a cheer as this is now going to increase in violence. Hope followed her out which is legal, they can fight wherever they want as long as it ends in the War Games structure.

Calvin looks her down and she randomly goes on the attack, jumping right on the money man, punching the hell out of him when she is on top. The fans cheer as they weren’t expecting this. She is enjoying herself and stands back up once she has got in her shots. She grabbed the chair which the colour commenter was using, lifted it up and uses it as a battering ram against Michelle. No one said she couldn’t.

“Ouch that had to hurt Michelle, those aren’t steel chairs.” The chair left Michelle in pain on the ground as Hope added to it by grabbing hold of the ring bell. She rings it just to mess around and is about to use it across Michelle’s skull. The Texan gets to her feet and is smacked across the top of the head with it. Josh continues to smirk.

The shot left Michelle bloody and Hope decided enough fun time out the ring, so she dragged her by the hair, throws her back in and felt she had done enough to finish this one off. If she does it will be the end of the war as there will be nothing the Investor can say to convince people there should be another Team Investor versus Team Nightmare battle.

Michelle is struggling to stand as this one draws to an end. Hope ready’s to hit the SEX once again but out of nowhere the Texan just levels her with a strong haymaker. It knocked Hope down and she was really rocked by it. The fight is still there from Michelle, who unwisely goes towards the top rope. Calvin gets up, now with a bloody lip and looked worried. She went up high, Hope stumbles to her feet. Risk taking is the word used now as the crazy one dives off, hits the Dragoncanrana, hooking both legs with the follow through.


Hope kicks out a second too late as both women are left laying on the floor after. A risky high flying move has paid off and Michelle has won the match for her team. It was as epic as many people thought it would be yet Hope is still the one with more in her, Michelle is out of it. The Hardcore Champion gave the person who had beat her some credit by patting her on the back as she lay down. However she leaves after and likely will be back for more later in the night as there are rumours she’ll be in the main event which is next. Calvin gets in and helps his girlfriend up, kisses her bloody cheek just to show how much he loves her and raises her arm. Josh looked broken on the stage as he is laying there holding his face. Whatever this means is unclear but one thing is certain, he won’t be running Dark Oasis for the next few weeks.

LOCATION: -Madison Square Garden
DATE: 31st May 2015
GENERAL MANAGERS: Josh Nightmare / Calvin Bateman
THEME: Warriors by Imagine Dragons

Jason White (C) vs. Nineteen Others
Stipulation: World Heavyweight Championship / War Games

The time for talking is over as the main event is near. Clifford Mathieu has taken a role at ringside to replace Jake Mathieu who earlier had replaced Ray Wallington. He’ll get the pleasure of watching this epic main event which will see twenty people fight it out for the right to be the main champion here in TXW.

Focus on Jenny Gold as she made introductions to this match and would announce all those who enter this contest. Not all those are known just yet. “The following contest is for a War Games match and is for TXW World Heavyweight Championship.” Jenny said just as everyone looked to the stage to see who would enter this match first. There was no big surprise when ‘Reincarnate’ hits which means the champion will be starting this out.

“Introducing first. He is the current TXW World Heavyweight. Residing from Toronto, Ontario, Canada. He weighs in at two hundred and eighty five pounds. Please welcome The Venom Jason White!” Introduction made as Jason didn’t look like a man who had nineteen people trying to defeat him. Very little would throw him off his stride, he is ready for what it to come.

The referee for this one interestingly enough is Aaron Bateman, brother of Calvin Bateman. There has to be some questions there as he might look to help his brother achieve his goal of ending the title reign.

Jason’s title is handed over as an official climbs up the structure to hook it at the very top just above the ring. Tasia reminds everyone what that means. “In this main event we will see the use of the second level and the third level. The second level has weapons attached to the sides and it will see the final four compete in it. Once that is down to just the two, they will move up to the final layer where the goal is to escape the top level to win the match. That’s if anyone has the energy to do so by then.”

While that’s being talked about the Venom looks up as he sees where he needs to end up to continue to spite the man who gave him this job in the first place. It’s funny how it’s all turned out.

‘Born this Way’ hits next as out comes the man who drew entry number two. He has been lucky enough to have a rest after not being involved in the four versus four like scheduled. He’ll be hoping that freshness gives him an advantage over anyone else who steps into this dangerous structure.

“Now introducing the first challenger. Residing from Bristol, England. He weighs in at two hundred and twenty four pounds. Please welcome Vincent Underwood!” Jenny announces the British Bastard as he moves down the ramp fast. He gets into the ring and looks ready to fight it out with the man who seems untouchable.

Bell sounds and this one is underway. It’s going to be a long one with so many competing for the chance to be the main champion here in TXW. Vincent is keen and he uses his feet to attack the champion from the start. He begins hitting him across the chest after the kicks, knife edge style as he looks to wear him down. It is a task he is willing to have a go at achieving. White seems to be standing off him, letting him attack. Let him throw everything at him to begin. The Brit sure is as he hits a European  Uppercut, more knife edge chops and finally a Roundhouse kick that sent Jason crashing. It at least got him down and he was fired up because of it.

“Controlled here from old beardo as he takes it to the untouchable man. Will we all be shocked and not see the champ make it to the final two. Anything’s possible in TXW. Just like I have a chance of taking you home tonight Tasia.” Classic form from Cliffy who hasn’t been there many minutes yet is already hitting on his broadcast partner.

While he hyped that up Vincent climbed up high and looked down, awaiting Jason standing. When he does it would be time for a Missile Dropkick as that is normally Vincent’s go to high flying move. He does dive off but Jason moves and shouts out. “Enough of these games.” Like he had been just letting it happen just because.

Finally we see the champ go on the attack as he knocks Vincent back on his ass almost as soon as he is up. A stiff arm clothesline is used as White will be looking to make sure he doesn’t suddenly have nineteen people attacking him as even he won’t be able to survive if he gets teamed up on by that many talents.

With that not in mind Jason lifts Vincent up right above his head in a gorilla press and then he just casual as you like, walks over and throws him right against the steel. It almost broke open the side , it was that powerful and it left the tough Bastard in agony from the fall and of course hitting the steel. The games are truly over.

“Vicious from Jason as we are now beginning to see why he has been so difficult to defeat. If it were that easy he wouldn’t be posing such a headache for the Investor.” Tasia said just as Jason lifts up the Brit again. The never say die Underwood did start to fight back, throwing punches wherever he could land them. It’s his goal to win the major title so he won’t just be swatted aside. He is able to block a Jason punch and hit an Uppercut. He follows through with a second, Irish whips White BUT on the rebound gets knocked on his ass with a well executed spear. That fight knocked out of him yet again.

The buzzer goes off as entrant number three is due. ‘Kiss My Eyes’ hits as out walks Mike Malice, a man who gets booed due to his actions against his own tag team partner AND long time friend. Now he is going at it solo and he wanted to put the icing on the cake by winning the gold.

“Now introducing entrant number three. He resides from Atlanta, Georgia. Weighing in at two hundred and fifty two pounds. Please welcome Mike Malice!” They did no such thing despite Jenny trying to encourage them as it is her job to try to get them to react to talent, whether negative or positive. They booed Mike and he got into the ring just to watch Jason throw about Vincent.

He wasn’t going to be a bystander forever as he chose to attack the champ from behind when he turned around. A strong club to the back would grab anyone’s attention. He follows it up with Stuff forearms to the face when the Venom turned to face him. Everyone knew how to make a name for themselves, defeat Jason.

Mike made sure to stay focused and he kept hitting the shots into he had the champion rattled. When he thought he did he bounced himself off the ropes about to go for a running body block. Instead he just gets hit with a spinebuster as the fans didn’t know what to make of that. Either way you can now all see who is targeting who. It would be a long match for the champion as he would have a host of people wanting to best him, there will be no friends here.

There is no care for that from this man as he defended himself from Vincent who got a couple more knife edge chops. He fought back with some kicks of his own, some to the ribs, some to the liver and some to the legs. Finishing up the combo he boots the bearded bastard in the face, leaving him staring up at the lights or well in this case he would see the roof of the first cage.

Mike went back on the attack this time managing to hit an Inverted DDT while Jason’s back is turned. He seemed happy with himself as he tries to build himself up as a single’s competitor. You can’t beat anyone better than the person he just knocked down and he knows it. He drops his fist right onto Jason’s face , attempting to keep him down or the very least hurt him. A second fist drop connects as he chose to look over at the corner and climb to the second rope. It is nearby so why not? He wanted to do more damage and he knew what to do. He jumps off and goes for Diving Double Foot Stomp.

Instead of stomping Jason however, he misses. It meant he stomped the canvas and hurt his ankle. When he turns around he is speared to the ground as The Venom has struck again, like he has been doing since the beginning. He is being a difficult person to get the best of or at least keep down.

Buzzer sounds again as this time ‘My Curse’ hits as out walks Deric Quake, MDS and Devil’s Advocate who are all three entrants into this match. This brings the tally of people in so far at a number of six. There were only fourteen others to arrive yet the fans are excited to see what the group do now they have a new target in mind.

“Now entering at number four, five and six. Representing W.A.R. Please welcome MDS, Deric Quake and Devil’s Advocate.” Jenny said as the trio of them get to the ring just as Jason notices them. He wasn’t afraid and stood his ground ready to greet them the only way he knows how, with his fist.

“Here come W.A.R. They have been talking a lot of smack lately and I have to wonder how it will work , when they are in the ring with the man they want to beat. I think they are all talk as Hansom did them a favour earlier. He isn’t out here now.” Blunt as always by Cliff as he didn’t feel the need to kiss their asses. He says it how it is like anyone in the Nightingale / Mathieu clan. He probably has a point.

In steps W.A.R who all go after Jason as they triple team him. Mike and Vincent also join in making this a five on one beatdown which will not bold well for the champ. As tough as he is the numbers are too much as they knock him down and stamp away at him. All of them hungry to defeat him, no matter who they have to team with. It showed when Vincent, a member of Kingdom had no issues helping them out as they all ganged up on the Venom. All backed away so they could take a turn doing more damage.

Mike is up first as he grabbed onto Jason’s legs, lifted him up using his strength and began spinning him around for the Airplane Spin. He went around ten times as the fans counted and let him go after. It made him dizzy and likely did the same to the champ as he is left flat on his back.

Vincent pushed Jason over to his stomach and signalled for the Brit Brutality [Curb Stomp]. He waits for Jason to raise his head a little and when he did, the move gets hit. Seeing Jason’s face slam against the canvas got some cheers as they thought maybe he won’t last much longer which to him will be a bad thing.

However this is where the team work ends as from behind Devil grabs Vincent and hits the Devil’s DDT [Scorpion Death Drop]. At the same time Deric attacked Mike and finished him off with the World Disaster [Swinging Reverse STO into Cutter Variation]. W.A.R are done working with those outside their ranks. Covers made on both men as they look to thin the numbers.


Aaron did both counts at the same time seeing they were both laid out next to each other. It was easy to do and neither kicked out meaning Mike Malice AND Vincent Underwood are now eliminated from the match.

 “We’re down to just the eighteen as W.A.R have eliminated Kingdom member Vincent Underwood and also thrown out Mike Malice. If they continue to stay in this I wonder how many they can get through.” Tasia said as Cliff still didn’t seem to buy into how good they are supposed to be. Two eliminations means nothing at this stage as there are still plenty of talents to go.

The trio continue the attack on Jason as they all lift him up, carry him over to the corner then proceed to throw him right against the steel. On their own that would’ve been difficult but as a unit it was achieved. Jason is hurt and this is rarity. Perhaps they are the ones to take him out after all.

The buzzer goes off to mark another entrant as ‘All Nightmare Long’ hits as out runs Josh Nightmare. The Badass might’ve lost the match versus the Investor but he could yet cap off the night by doing something the money man will never want to see, him as champion. His arrival got loud cheers as he fired up, ready to eliminate anyone in his way.

“On his way to the ring. From Pittsburgh, Pennslyvania. Weighing in at two hundred and sixty pounds. Please welcome Josh Nightmare!” Jenny announced as the roof almost went off. It got louder when he got in the ring and started attacking every W.A.R member in sight. He clotheslines down MDS, he backdrops Devil when he tries to clothesline him and he hit a powerslam on Deric. ‘Nightmare’ chants follow as he has just put the group on their ass.

One person he won’t get any appreciation from is Jason who is able to get up from his nasty fall. Most men would be far more damaged but he is ready to go. Hell is ready to fight Josh as the two men look at one another. Just seeing this got them excited. They were about to fight it out when W.A.R all got back up. Seeing them get surrounded made the Badass smirk as he looks at The Venom. “Just like old times right?” Josh said as the two of them TEAMED up as they started battling it out with the W.A.R members. The earlier chants for Nightmare were now replaced with ‘NWA’ chants, the Night-White Alliance.

Josh gets the better of Deric, punching him like crazy. He then Irish whips him so hard he hits against the cage and falls back down. Jason meanwhile is doubling up as he fights it with MDS and Devil. They managed to make the champ back off into the corner but he came fighting out of it , taking them both down with a double clothesline. When one gets up they get tossed in the second ring. It led to Devil and MDS taking some time out in the second ring while Deric is on his ass.

The owner seems happy with himself as he ends up looking the way of his old rival, his enemy. They were not just looking at each other as the fans now wonder if the next thing they see is a brawl between them. There is a lot of hatred here despite what they just did. Neither man is afraid of the other.

Minutes of a stare down ended when Josh went on the attack, trying to punch his old tag team partner. The move is blocked as Jason hit him instead. He gets in a second one, Irish whips him. Once he is thrown he hits a spine buster to gain control.

The Venom goes up top after as he goes to do something risky. He can see that move took a lot out of Josh, especially considering he already has competed tonight. The champ didn’t seem to be in the mood for wasting time, so he dived off with the SDL [Stardust Legdrop]. It connects sweaty took likely enough to finish off Josh as the cover is made.

1,2, NOOOO!

Kick out from Josh as the fans cheer and begin chanting his name once more. They thought he might be done for but he proves there is still much to give. He’d fight on as long a she can and maybe, just maybe leave with the title he originally gave himself during the early days of TXW.

“The old Nightingale spirit never goes away. Josh won’t get beaten easily as he has entered this for two reasons. One is to win the World title back, the second is to spite the Investor as that would make things far worse if the owner gets the gold.” Cliff said as he backs his nephew in this one as we could yet see a Nightingale as champ.

Buzzer sounds again as ‘Going Under’ hits as the fans cheer again as out walks Kelly Nightingale, another one famous for waving the old TXW flag. She is in this to stop her husband going down a dangerous path but you’d know she wouldn’t mind winning either.

“Introducing next. Residing from New York City, New York. Please welcome Kelly Nightingale!” Jenny announced as Kelly moves to the ring fast. Jason takes notice as she gets in the ring but right away W.A.R are on the attack. They attack Jason while Deric hits Kelly with a clothesline showing he doesn’t care who he has to go through, he wants to achieve his goal. They are determined to wipe out The Venom, be the anti Venom.

Deric is the more determined of the trio as he goes to try finish off Jason with the World Disaster. It was enough to get one elimination earlier so it will be better now. His goals would be achieved no matter what as he was willing to go to hell and back to do what he says.

His dreams get crushed when Kelly showed she isn’t misplaced in this match as she dropkicks Deric. MDS tried to clothesline her but she ducks under, bounces off the ropes and attacks with a flying lariat. Unfortunately Devil grabs onto her by the throat as soon as she stands as he was about to put her through some pain for taking out his ‘brothers’. Lucky Kelly has a brother too as Josh hits a boxer hit right to Devil’s face. Jason gets up too and he sets up then hits The Jasonator right onto MDS.

Cheers follow when Kelly hits the Night’s Over on Devil, Josh then sets up and hits the Bon Voyage [Cradle Belly To Back Inverted Slam] on Deric as they all look set to wipe out W.A.R or what represents it in this match. Triple cover made and Aaron makes the count.


Deric Quake, MDS AND Devil’s Advocate all eliminated here as TXW originals have wiped them all out. It is a good sight as Kelly stands up and gave her brother an embrace. The only one they were getting an embrace from is Jason who still kept his distance despite seeing those who target him lowered in number.

“I told you W.A.R were nothing special and look at that. The Nightingales and White have taken them all out. We can enjoy this match without the bullshit team.” Cliff said just as W.A.R leave. They weren’t happy and probably worse off when ‘World Belongs To Me’ hits after the buzzer. It meant a gloating Daniel Khaos walked past them as he couldn’t contain himself.

“Introducing next. He resides from London, England. Weighing in at two hundred and twenty five pounds. Please welcome the TXW King of The Ring. Daniel Khaossss!” Jenny introduces the gloating one as he soon focused on what he is about to face. Neither of the three of them are fighting just yet since they are likely taking a break to last the rest of this match. Still a long way to go and there are talents out there would still do a lot of damage.

The King gets in and he looks at Kelly right away. The two of them have a past and he wouldn’t let her hear the end of it if he bested her again. She wasn’t holding back as she went on the attack getting in some forearm shots. Kelly backs off and bounces herself off the ropes then attacks with a headscissors Takedown as the fans start a ‘You Still Got it’ chant which made her smile. Josh leans on the ropes watching this as The Venom kept back too. The Fearless one went to the top rope and is likely looking for her Fearless move which is a flying crossbody. She dives off BUT Khaos caught her and proceeds to slam her against the side of the cage, letting her drop right after.

Once he did turn around Josh went in on the attack, acting how he should be being a protective brother. He wasn’t about to let that slide and gets in some boxer jabs. Josh Irish whips him and was about to go for a spinebuster when Khaos slide under his legs. Ending behind him he attempts a Khaos Theory only for it to be blocked so he ended up on his ass. The owner drags him up, locks him in a headlock only for Jason to run through them both with a double clothesline as he got bored of watching. The fans were really into this and began a ‘Venom’ chant. Yet it died off when Jason gave them all the middle finger.

“Classy as always from Jason. At least he knows how to be hated.” Tasia said as now the only one left standing is The Venom. No one knew who would last out of all those in the ring currently but it would make a fantastic final four if they were the ones to do it. Still a long way to go however as more would make their way out to try to bring the numbers down further.

One of those people are due as the buzzer goes off again as everyone focused on the two stages. Who would be the next entrant? Turns out it is debutant SVD as ‘Rules Of Nature’ hits. The fans cheer for him and as they are so into the match, more chants happen. This time they are supportive of the new arrival who has had a hyped debut for a while now.

“Introducing next. He resides from Murray, Kentucky. Weighing in at two hundred and twenty five pounds. Please welcome Salman Van Dam!” Cheers accompany Jenny’s words as the legendary figure gets into the cage, pulling the door wide open as he steps inside. He could see that only Jason stands so he knew who he is going to fight.

No backing down as he goes towards him, gets hit a couple times and backed against the ropes. He gets thrown towards the second ring and once he sees the ropes he grabs them, throws himself over to avoid the big boot that was waiting for him. The champ walks over, steps over the top rope and is now with him in the second ring.

SVD gets to his feet and starts landing some kicks. One caught Jason’s thigh and then his rib area. The new arrival gets in a third kick to the chest. Once he has landed with all of those he throws himself against the ropes, flys at the champ and knocks him down to the canvas with a Flying Forearm Smash. Following it up he runs towards the ropes, jumps on the bottom one and leaps back with a Lionsault, connecting with it beautifully.

“What a move there from SVD!” Tasia said just as the cover gets made. Will he knock off the champion at this early stage? Anything is possible in this mad match that really can go anyone’s way.

1,2, KICK OUT!

Answer is given swiftly as The Venom is able to kick out at a near fall. While the move took the wind out of him, it didn’t kill off his fight. You would need a LOT more to finish him off. It was still worth doing the pin as the momentum is with SVD as he looks to prove why the Investor splashed out money to sign him up.

With the control his, he goes top and was about to try something high flying. He turns his back on the ring but what he wasn’t expecting was to be joined by someone as Josh climbed up behind him. He clubs him across the back and then gets more people off their feet by hitting a back drop right from the top rope. A very bad landing from SVD!

The outcome is both of them are now down. Kelly is getting back up in the first ring, while Khaos and Jason still haven’t got back up. The numbers are still high as we all look to see who can be the final four, then the final two. Once it does get to four we’ll finally see the second layer in play as it hasn’t been all night. It’s a lot smaller and will be a lot more brutal with the weapons inside. None are inside this one yet it’s been bloody throughout the night.

Buzzer goes once more as the match is due another person in it. ‘Vodoo’ hit as out walks the monster Jacob Night. A man once dubbed as a jobber has actually got some wins under his belt. If he is to get one here then no one will want to call him a jobber ever again as he would’ve achieved the ultimate goal.

“On his way to the ring, joining the War Games match. Weighing in at two hundred and ninety seven pounds. Please welcome Jacob Night!” Jenny’s words didn’t get much noise after as there wasn’t many boos or cheers. Most are probably just scared of this giant as he will now be the biggest man in the match.

The big man gets ‘greeted’ by Khaos who attacks him without fear. While he does get in a few punches he is soon hit back, grabbed around the throat and hit with a chokeslam. Second person to get hit with the chokeslam is Kelly who was already standing when he got in. She went up higher as she is lighter so her landing was worse as she held her back in agony when the move was done. Everyone knows about her back issues and well that could mean she is out of this one.

“Oh no not her back! That’s going to be bad.” Cliff said out of concern as he watches Jacob go into the second ring. There however he is greeted with a spear from Jason who wasn’t going to let any monster run through him. The Venom is about to start throwing his weight around as he sees Josh stand up. He runs over and clotheslines him down, following it up with a spinebuster to SVD who also stood back up. House cleared since he is now the only one left standing.

He focuses back on Jacob who he drags back up. Then his strength is shown as he is able to lift the monster up and slam him onto his head for the Jasonator [Vertebreaker] Not many people could lift such a wait but the champ sure could. Cover made and this could be goodnight for Night.


Elimination for the monster who just ran into someone more of a monster than he is. While he didn’t last long he did do the damage to Kelly and Khaos who are still trying to recover from the chokeslams. In the long run that might not be satisfying but it would have to do. He sits up and looks pissed off.

While he left SVD is back in the first ring as he looks at Khaos who is doing his best to shake off the chokeslam, no easy feat. He gets into a stance as he is about to try to finish him off by hitting the Icon Bomb [GTS / Codebreaker]. If he were to hit it then the chances of the King being the champ would be over. Everyone paid attention to this while Jason began another round with Josh, forcing him to stand up.

SVD gets Khaos up onto his shoulders and is about to eliminate him from this when at the last minute, The king escapes. He lands behind the Icon and connects with the Khaos Theory [Zig Zag]. Normally you’d see a three count after but instead both men were left down. That chokeslam plus the earlier match had taken a whole lot of the Brit. He was not going to have much luck standing at the moment, he is tired out.

In the other ring Josh eats steel as Jason throws him head first against one side. He launches him shortly after against another as he bloodied the Badass. His old friend wasn’t into giving Mercy, there would never be any from him. He knew that the numbers needed to get smaller as he has been sharing the ring with two many for far too long. If it continued he knew how tougher it would be to win as despite how he feels, he isn’t super human. Everyone currently in the ring is drained, especially those who have been in for a very long time now.

“Jason doing the damage to Josh while everyone else is still down. Khaos looks really drained while SVD is hurting from that Khaos Theory.” Point made by Tasia who overlooked Kelly who was sitting in the corner, looking worse for wear. 

The sound of the buzzer must be horrifying for those struggling as ‘Run This Town’ hits as out walks Trevor Marshall. The Apocalypse Walking must fancy his chances as he made his way to the ring. He could only see one man standing and that is the target everyone wants to defeat. Other than that he could see some people to pick off.

“On his way to the ring. Residing from Houston, Texas. Weighing in at two hundred and sixty seven pounds. Please welcome Trevor Marshall!” Jenny announced him as the T man enters the ring. He watches as Jason just hits Josh a Fallaway Slam. His focus went away from him as he saw Kelly make some movement. A big smirk went on his face since he could make an example out of her like he has done in the past. They once trained together yet that is all behind them now.

The Apocalypse walking grabbed onto her hair drags her up and brings her to the centre of the ring. While there he made her bend over in front of him, pulled on the tank top with his free hand into he was getting it over her head.  He gripped her bra too as he tried to move the material up so he could pin point the weakness on her back. Without mercy he elbows her right across the spine, causing her to collapse to her knees.

All of this is amusing to the T man but he wasn’t laughing much longer when Khaos surprisingly comes to the aid by nailing the Khaos Theory on him, followed by a quick cover.


Trevor Marshall eliminated right there as he didn’t last long at all. But that’s what he gets for not keeping his eyes on everybody like he shouldn’t. Khaos is ‘rewarded’ with Jason joining him in the ring as he has at the moment left Josh in pain on the canvas. The Venom is now targeting his long term foes and he got the better of the King in a punch exchange. He throws him into the ropes and on the rebound lifts him up then slams him down for a sidewalk slam.

“Jason just keeps going as he now has Khaos hurting. You’d think he would be struggling more than the rest but that isn’t the case as he is looking fresher than any of them despite being out here first. I have to give him credit when it’s due.” Credit from Cliff who can see why everyone just finds it impossible to stop The Venom. He’s been hit with a lot yet is once again the only one standing. Khaos is recovering from the sidewalk slam, Kelly is having back problems , Josh is beaten and bloody while SVD is trying to shake off that earlier Khaos Theory.

The Venom forces the King to stand. Knees him in the midsection and sets up a powerbomb. With his strength he made it look easy to get the Brit up, then down as the move is hit. That would take more energy out of Khaos who has already had to content with a lot, like three W.A.R members earlier in the show. Now here he is fighting more as he tries to be the best champion.

The champion is on top but he has done a mistake. That’s take his eyes off Kelly who is back up and she senses a moment to do a sneak attack. She grabbed Jason’s arm, made him spin around and kicks him hard across the chest then leaves many jaws on the floor as she hits the Night’s Over on him. Too bad she is too tired out to make the cover BUT everyone notices Josh beginning to climb the top rope. Are we about to see a Nightingale family finisher double? Answer is yes as Josh dives off and connects with the City Night Lights!

“Holy shit no way! Is Jason White about to be eliminated? It can’t be?” Cliff is in shock as are most of the fans as Josh hooks the leg of The Venom and all the fans count along as they have just seen a finisher double from the Nightingales.


Somehow, someway The Venom kicks out as Josh looks like a broken man. “You son of a bitch!” He shouts as he seriously thought that would be it, the reign would be over. Most fans thought the same thing as normally one of those would be enough yet two were hit. Still the attempt was not enough.

Buzzer sounds once more as now ‘Like A Machine’ hits as out walks Blake Underwood, the former Xtreme Champ. Interesting twist in this match being the fact he could become champ twice should he pin Lauren in this match then go on to win the match itself. He’s the only one within a shout of that as no one else can win the gold off Lauren.

“On his way to the ring. From Dallas, Texas. Weighing in at two hundred and three pounds. Please welcome Blake Underwood!” Cheers follow the introduction by Jenny as Blake enters the cage about to liven it all up as most are already out of it. All the fresh people have quickly been eliminated so Blake will want to do better.

His first move is to attack Josh who just got up from that failed pin attempt. A Running Knee Kick to the face sends the Badass down onto his ass. The fans are getting lively again as Blake is fired up. He runs towards SVD and knocks him down too with a leg lariat as he is really fired up.

“What a welcome Blake is. Someone fresh always add to this as he is now bringing it to those who have been in this match for a very long time.” Tasia said just as Blake hits a second leg lariat this time on Khaos as he wanted to be the only one standing.

As things stand there are seven entrants still to come. No one knew for sure if any of the current selection in the match would make it to the final stages. If they did it would be with them in a bad way. Most of these don’t have a lot left. Blake can see this and that is why he drags up Khaos, throws him into the nearest corner which means he wants to go for Running Blake [Running Big Boot]. If he is successful with this it’s likely he will eliminate someone from the match.

Run gets made but the King moved out the way at the last minute forcing the former Xtreme champion to boot the turnbuckle padding rather than the face of Khaos. The King attacks him from behind, clubs to the back of the head and the upper back. Out of his moveset he then grabs him around the waist and hits a German Suplex that throws Blake across the ring, yet leaves Khaos staggering around. It left him exposed and that is when SVD strikes. The Icon lifts him onto his shoulders, connects with the Icon Bomb [GTS] and makes the cover.


Bye King Bye as Daniel Khaos is now eliminated from the match. There is no surprise in that since he was drained beyond belief yet he gave a good account of himself. If he were fresh from the get go it might’ve been different. But for tonight it is not his night as he has now been eliminated thanks to The Icon.

“Daniel Khaos is out of here and we’re down yet another man. I really don’t know who is left but whoever they are won’t have to get through the King.” Tasia said as SVD now finds himself in trouble as Josh is on the attack. The Badass Irish whips him across the ring and hits a powerslam on the rebound. All this despite the fact he is bleeding and heavily winded from all he has gone through, all he has had to endure during this match. His passion to piss off the Investor is proving good motivation.

Buzzer sounds next as everyone gets a shock as ‘ET’ hits meaning Becca Nightingale is entering this. She walked out looking determined as FAB will be represented by her as she passed Khaos who has a surprised look on his face.

“Introducing next. She resides from Pittsburgh, PA. Representing The Fine Ass Bitches. Please welcome Becca Nightingale!” Jenny said almost with surprise in her voice. Many are surprised as they see the twin of Josh Nightmare enter the ring. First thing she does is run against the ropes, jump up and hits SVD with a head scissors takedown.

Her effort there gets her a cheer as she looks around and sees Jason stand up. This was interesting as the ex couple go face to face. The look on The Venom’s face said it all as he looked to be questioning why she was in a match like this, it seemed out of place for her. She seemed to be getting some mercy into she bitch slapped him across the face. It pissed him off and he grabbed a handful of her hair. Only she had people to rescue her as Josh and Kelly both interrupt at the same time as all three Nightingale’s team up on Josh. All of them throw the champ into the ropes BUT on the rebound he runs through them all with a strong clothesline. It must be the first triple clothesline in history.

“The Venom has just knocked down the entire Nightingale family! I am sure you don’t like that Cliff.” Tasia said just as The Venom stood up, shaking his head as he couldn’t believe what he had to deal with. His moment there was broken when Blake went on the attack. He kicks at his leg and is able to weaken him enough to hit a quick Russian leg sweep. The former Xtreme champion has some momentum. His next decision is to go up high as he wanted to do something risky. What he sees in front of him is Kelly and Josh who get back up. So he dives off the top and lands on them both, knocking them down once more as the fans cheer. This is becoming pure carnage.

Champion stands up slowly after his fall after that Russian Leg sweep. His time standing wasn’t long as he is low blowed from behind by Becca. The Night Dream stood in front of him after, kicks at him into he is flat down on his back and while everyone looks on shocked, she climbs up to the top rope. Her back is turned and she moonsaults off, stamps on Jason’s chest for the Closing Credits [Moonsault Double Foot Stomp]! Mindblowing stuff here as she then makes the cover, hooking his leg.


Almost the upset of the century there as Jason powers out, preventing one of his exes eliminating him from the match. It made her have a tantrum as she thought that would’ve been her career moment. One that no one would ever see coming, not in a lifetime. Cliff is stunned into silence about what he is seeing and what he almost saw. No one thought this couldn’t get any crazier yet it has AND there are still more people due out.

Kelly gets back up, seeing her sister almost make history made her want to do some of her own. If she does what her husband never could then it might be something worth talking about. She teams with her sister as they both try to get Jason to stand up. They were obviously trying to get him out this match just because of what it would mean for them. Ambitiously they try a double suplex on him when they get him standing. BIG MISTAKE! The Venom still lives and he reverses it by lifting them both up then dropping them for a strong suplex, leaving each holding their backs after.

The champion went on full rampage mode as he starts hitting a clothesline on everyone in sight. First Blake, then SVD, then Josh. No matter what they seem to do he finds more momentum. It’s something that no one else seems to have as now he is cleaning house.

Buzzer sounds and The Venom wasn’t sure who it would be but the sound the fans made let him know as ‘Bitter End’ hits as out walks CJA. The fans went crazy as the Adrenalined Pumped Machine starts jumping on the spot. He lets out a roar and rips off his hoodie, throwing it into the crowd. He’s finally here.

“Introducing next. From New York City, New York. Weighing in at two hundred and thirty six pounds. The Adrenaline Pumped Machine CJAAAAAAAAAAAA!” Loud cheers after the introduction as Jason stands still as his welcoming mat for him is a load of bodies in front of him. CJA opens the cage and gets in as we are finally set to see these two battle here in TXW. The two of them go face to face as they exchange words. But just when they are about to hit each other Kelly launches herself at her husband, knocking him to the ground. It got loud boos as she punches away at him, preventing the battle from happening.

The Venom’s attention changed to SVD who went on the attack but he decided enough is enough and kicked him hard across the chest, lifted him up onto his back and drops him on his head for the Jasonator [Vertebreaker]. Cover made and this has to be it for the Icon.


SVD is eliminated and Jason has another to his collection of all the people he has beaten or eliminated so far. It is a good number and he’ll likely get more as the match continues. His focus went to Kelly who was still hitting away at her husband into one punch is blocked. It allowed CJA to fight his way back up, he has a grip on her hair and without hesitation he throws her face first into the door, knocking it open and sending her out. That obstacle was now out the way for at the time being. Yet another Nightingale got in his way as Becca tried to bitch slap him. He just blocks it, lifts her on his shoulders. Jason didn’t stop it as the A-driver is hit and the cover is made.


Becca eliminated as her dreams of making history are crushed. CJA only wanted to fight one man and he is knocking everyone out the way who stands his way. The next in the way is Blake who gets in Jason’s way, trying to attack him. Jason head butts him which spins him around into CJA. The Adrenaline Pumped Machine then hits him back, spinning him back the other way. This led to a mockery as The Venom lifts the former Xtreme champion onto his shoulders and hits an A-driver. There were a lot of ohhs and ahhs from that as it was done as a direct taunt. Cover made by the current champ as we could be seeing another elimination.


Blake Underwood’s hopes of winning any title here tonight have been put at an end by Jason. The chances of putting this clash on hold seem to be impossible as just like that three people have been eliminated. CJA and Jason are set to fight into Josh runs at them both, hitting a double clothesline from the side to knock them both down. It got some boos as it again stopped the clash from happening but you also understood why he did it as he is still out here to win gold.

“The dream match everyone wants to see is almost happening but every time someone gets in the way. It does personally disgust me how CJA is throwing around my niece but I can see both points of view on a night like this.” Cliff said as he sees that only FOUR remain in this match with only five still to come. Closer and closer we go to seeing who the final four will be.

Buzzer time as ‘Gasoline’ hits as out walks Xtreme champion Lauren Li, who thanks to Jason, will now NOT have to worry about losing her title in this match. Might change how she approaches it yet everyone saw on Twitter what Jason told her. If she doesn’t come to kill, she will leave hurt.

“On the way to the ring. She is the current TXW Xtreme Champion. Residing from Long Island, New York. Please welcome Lauren Li!” Introduction made as Lauren approaches the ring as she is very cautious. She had to step over a hurt Kelly on her way in as she looks to try to go at this with all her effort. Anything less and she’ll not last very long at all.

The Dangerous Li gets in, looks at the first person who moves, which is Josh and kicks at him, right across the chest. She jumps up and catches him across the chin, leaving him down on the canvas in what must be the tenth time tonight. Attention is focused on her further when The Venom gets back to his feet, dusting himself down from that clothesline. He sees the one he has been training with and he’ll soon see if she has any plans to show mercy. If she does it will end badly.

“What will Lauren do? Will she back down or can we see her kick Jason’s ass?” Cliff said as he along with everyone want to see an answer to this question. The answer is soon given to them as Lauren attacks with her kicks. She kicks fast, a lot faster than she would have before. They were hard to counter a she is using her right and her left leg. She mixes it up by using her hands to slap his chest. Jason did try to take her head off with a clothesline but she ducked under it and kicks the back of his knee making him drop as even a big man can fall if they get kicked hard enough.

All this time she seems to be keeping her mouth shut for one reason or another. Why? Well she soon shows why by spitting green mist into the face of Jason. It again showed no mercy is being given as she has likely damaged the vision of the champ, at least temporarily. She is fired up and bounces herself against the ropes about to go for another kick when she gets hit with a very strong clothesline from The Venom which is something he sensed. Not a pretty sight. The move was strong enough to knock Lauren silly as Jason rubbed his eyes and made the cover.


Xtreme champion eliminated as another valuable lesson is given to young Lauren Li. She thought it was all in her hands there and like always Jason proves her wrong, eliminating her from the match in the process. Mercy isn’t given in these matches no matter who you are.

“Harsh business this is and Jason just put aside whatever he has for Lauren by almost taking off her head. She is out of this one and we’re getting smaller in number. I can’t wait to see the second level. We have an interesting list of competitors remaining.” Cliff said excitedly as he knew very few remained. Those who do have not got much left so shortly there would be a final four, then a final two.

With the numbers getting ever smaller the buzzer is getting ever quicker. It sounds once more as ‘Nightmare’ hits as out walks the annoying, the perverted and the sadistic heel known as Shawn Blade. He has been getting in a lot of heads recently so he’ll want to continue it here and possibly become champ. He isn’t alone as Ashley is with him, likely for support.

“Now on his way to the ring. Residing from Los Angeles, California. He weighs in at two hundred and fifty five pounds. Please welcome Shawn Blade!” No welcome for Shawn as he is just booed. It can be noticed that Ashley is holding Miss Liz and they seem to forget about entering when seeing Kelly still outside the cage in pain. Ashley hands the weapon to the sadistic one and points at Mrs Archer.

Going over he drags her up, pulls her near a barricade and lifts her up, stomach first onto it to leave her balanced over it. While he has her there he runs the sharp bit of Miss Liz across her back, cutting open the shirt. Ashley encourages him as he cuts a line right through it, tempted to do the same to the bra but first he had to yell over at CJA. “Hey fuck face. What do you think of this?” Shawn shouted as it did get the attention of the Adreanline Pumped Machine. It was testing to see how he reacts especially when the perverted one grabs Kelly’s ass.

It made him just sighs as he gets out the ring and goes on the attack. Ashley jumps on CJA’s back trying to choke him out as Shawn swipes at him with the pointy end. It left a cut on the Sinful Manipulator’s chest but he soon knocked Ash down with a sharp elbow to the side of the head. He kicks out at Shawn, knocking the ‘doll’ out his hand and he ends up ramming him face first into the outside of the cage.

Following it up the angry CJA made sure to put Shawn into the cage, just so he can try to eliminate him. The two of them brawl and while this happens Josh is on the end of a beating again by Jason. It looked like his chances in this match were fading by the minute as he is bloody, hurting and not giving much back. He is lifted to the top rope in ring two as Jason now wanted to hit a super plex. Not been seen so far tonight and IF hit, it will drain the Badass further.

“Dangerous here from Jason as he might do some damage to himself. No one goes unharmed form a fall like this.” Tasia said as the move is set up. Yet Josh starts throwing out punches as he tries to put a stop to it. He is giving everything he has to block it, including head butts. The fifth or so headbutt was enough to knock the champ down, leaving him laying in the centre of the canvas. The fall itself got cheers and those grew louder when they saw what it now set up. Are we about to see another City Night Lights? Looked that way as Josh stands. He looks down and makes the jump, hitting the move! Cover is made and we should now see an end to Jason’s resistance.


Second kick out from the finishing move as Josh just lays down after his failed attempt. For him it was the last roll of the dice as he thought that might be it. Turns out two finishers is not enough, it might take two hundred.

The announce team remain quiet as the buzzer now sounds as it is time for entrant number eighteen. After this only two people remain. For ‘Freak Like Me’ hits as out walks a bandaged up Michelle. What a good entrance number she has got as most who are left are near the end. She would love nothing more than to become champion herself. Sure she isn’t fresh but would be better healed than those in the structure.

“Introducing entrant number eighteen. She resides from Dallas, Texas. Please welcome Michelle Wright!” Jenny said as the first person Michelle knocks over is Kelly who is still outside the ring. The Texan gets in and she clothesline down CJA, then does the same to Shawn. Her focus wasn’t on them long as she steps through the ropes to enter the other ring. It was almost like a gift as the owner is down, struggling to stand. It pleased the crazy one as she kicks him in the face, grabbed onto his feet and drags him across the ring. With her strength she made him roll over and locked in the Crazy Pain [STF]. After the night Josh has been through and all he has suffered, he is now suffering again. He did his best to get through this but his body was broken, his mind was in a giving up mood. All he has is now gone so he slammed his hand against the canvas, tapping out to give his ex a lot of satisfaction.

“That must’ve felt good for Michelle. She makes Josh tap out and eliminates him from this match. We’re now down to seven. Only two people due out next and then we’ll see who gets to the next level. If anyone actually does at this rate.” Tasia commented as this was getting brutal. There were a lot of drained people out there and it really is the survival of the fittest now.

While Josh left on his own, Shawn and CJA were still fighting it out. The Adrenaline Pumped Machine aggression gave him the upper hand as he is able to hit a Swinging Neckbreaker. He stands up and roars as he wants to try to eliminate someone who has become a big pain in the ass. Getting rid of him will bring him one step closer to fighting it out with Jason. He waits for the perverted Shawn to get back up and once he does he starts kicking him hard against the abdomen. Three kicks in and he superkicks him to complete the combo known as Cleansed. A second roar shows you how fired up he still is.

You can tell Shawn is rattled as he tries to get to his feet. It seemed like he was in a hurry when he should’ve taken more time to get back his breath. Instead he gets lifted onto CJA’s shoulders and dropped on his head for the Archer Driver commonly known as the A-driver. A satisfied Sinful Manipulator hooks the leg as the referee counts.


Shawn Blade is eliminated as once again CJA has bested him. It’s a good moment and he gets to his feet ready to take out his next challenge. However he gets shocked when his wife sneaks back in the ring, spins him around and hits him with the Night’s Over. Some fans cried out NO as the cover is made, could it be?


Unbelievable Kelly has just eliminated her husband denying him on his quest to face Jason here tonight. It may be his only chance to do so yet the woman he married has stopped him. CJA put his hands on his head as he knew what just happened. He heard his wife lean over him and say sorry , like what she did was an accident. Eventually the anger took over as the Adrenaline Pumped Machine got up and had his hand around Kelly’s throat. It made the fans scream no at him this time as he was going to hurt her, more than he has done so already. It only stopped when Michelle pushed Kelly in the back knocking them both down. She then went over and locked Kelly in the Crazy Pain now. CJA sat up and watched his wife in agony yet he just went for the door, made his exit. He walked to the back looking disgusted as his wife struggled in the submission hold.

Everyone was speechless by what happened just as the buzzer sounds.  ‘Crazy Bitch’ hits as out walks Hope Sweet from another entrance. A very dangerous person to enter this match at this late stage. She could fancy her chances as if Kelly taps, we have our final four.

“On the way to the ring. She is entry number nineteen. Residing from Coweta, County Georgia. Please welcome the Hardcore Champion Hope Sweet!” Hope gets into the ring and thought it was more fun to break up the hold. Why? No one knows but her. It’s likely she wants to gets some payback on Michelle considering it was earlier in the night where she was defeated by her.

Hope head butts her, grabbed onto the straps of her top and throws her across the ring. She was in a mood to fuck someone up and that someone looked to be Michelle. The Texan stumbles back to her feet but she gets hit across the head. Her bandage then gets pulled off as Hope hits at the wound, reopening it as she enjoys the sight of her blood. More hits happen produces more blood as she is putting her through a lot of pain now.

Back in the other ring Jason is watching on as he is more surprised than anything at who is left. If someone had told him it would be him and three women, he might not believe them. There is also the mystery final entrant but the dream scenario is now gone with CJA out of the match. The Venom does stay focused and he gets into the other ring, choosing to pick a fight with Hope. He saved Michelle from a further beating as he hit at the Hardcore Whore, getting in a couple strong punches. He throws her against the ropes and takes her down with a Batista style spine buster. It brings extra pain to the back that is for sure.

“The Venom knocks Hope down as we have four left in the ring BUT that isn’t the final four as we are still due one more person. Who can it be?” Tasia asked as no one knew. Was this going to be a big shock? Or were they over looking someone as it could easily be that way.

Michelle recovery from all the blood she now has all over her, goes in for the kill on Kelly who is still looking out of it. She lifts her up and slams her down for a takedown. Once she has her down she rolls her over to her stomach for a second attempt at the Crazy Pain [STF]. This time no one was going to break it up. No interest shown by Jason who is going back for an attack on Hope. So that meant this time Kelly joins her brother in tapping out to Michelle. Not a bad night’s work for the Texan.

Once that happened there is a confirmed final four. Michelle, Hope and Jason are three of them but no one knew who the fourth one was. Kelly made her exit, struggling by herself. She still managed it as everyone waited to see a confirmation of the final person. There didn’t seem to be much waiting around for the Texan who went out the cage then began to climb up it. She wanted to be inside that second cage asap.

Buzzer sounds and we finally get out answer as ‘I get money’ hits. Calvin Bateman is the final entrant into this match and now it makes sense why he did not compete for his team, why he saved himself for this. He has his fists taped and he is holding a steel chair as he looks up at the second cage. In there he hoped to end the reign Jason has been strangling TXW with.

“Introducing our last entrant to this match. He is the Investor of TXW. Residing from New York City, New York. Weighing in at Two hundred and fifty nine pounds. Please welcome Calvin Bateman.” The fans give a mixed reaction as they weren’t sure to make of this. If successful this could be the greatest night the Investor has ever had. Jason sees who is coming out and he knew where he needed to be. He made his way to the second door and began to climb up just as Michelle had already found herself at ‘home’ in the cage. Hope too is on her feet and looked excited about what waits for her in the second smaller cage.

Jason enters and is hit in the gut with a chair by Michelle. She sees Hope climbing up and throws a chair down trying to hit her to knock her off. The chair missed and the Hardcore Whore climbs all the way up as the two remaining women in this match get into a brawl as Hope tackles her down. Chants of ‘Take it off’ were going to fall on deaf ears, unless they meant take each other’s heads off, which could happen still.

“We have our final four and you’re out this contest if you fall off the cage or if you get pinned up there.” Tasia said as yes you can be out if someone throws you down. They are supposed to fight IN the cage of weapons but that seems to already not be the case. The Investor joins them on the second layer as he looks at the winded champ in the ring. With a chair in hand he begins slamming it down right onto the spin of the man he brought to TXW. There is a lot of bad blood between them now as you can see with every chair shot.

Hope just outside the ring is on top of Michelle and starts hitting her in the stomach then even hits her on the right boob just to show you she’ll hit you everywhere. She drags her up and begins head butting her as whatever Michelle had left is fading. A bitch slap follows as she grabbed onto Michelle by the back of the neck and throws her off the cage without any problem. Michelle flew off and crashed through the announcers table as the fans chant ‘Holy Shit!’. The fall was nasty and that could break bones quite easily. Hope had no regrets as she is in this to fuck up people and proved it by doing that. It also eliminated Michelle from the match.

Three remain as Calvin saw what just happened. He is pissed off and tried to use the chair on Hope. She hit it against him, using her hand and knocked him on his ass with a strong punch. Her focus is then on Jason who she has always wanted to fight. Champ stands up and is hit across the face with some elbow shots. Every hit there is a sense of joy form Hope and she liked it more when she got hit back.

Jason is bruised and damaged yet he still took all the shots. He gets busted open when Hope head butts him and slams his face against the cage. No matter how different the height was, this was always going to be a fight for anyone. Hope grabs a weapon off the wall, a barbed wire bat and slams it across Jason’s back as he leans up against the cage after being driven face first into it. She began to whip him with it as it tears into his flesh. How much more could he take? No one knew as he might not ever call it quits. The look of his back after was horrible yet Hope was having fun. That was into there is a loud smack as steel meets someone’s skull as the Investor smacked the chair across the back of Hope’s head. With all his anger, all his aggression he uses it again and again just so he can do enough to eliminate her from the match. A second shot to the skull as she tried to sit up looked to be enough as he makes the cover, hooking both legs.


Hope Sweet is eliminated as despite her great fight, no human can take those shots to the head and get up okay. If Jason goes through the same brutal attack, his title reign will be over. That’s if he can recover from the shots to the back as it’s pretty fucked up right now. Blood all down it, likely some fresh scars. Still it’s now one on one. The Investor versus The Venom. One of them will be World champion by the end of this.

No one made a sound as the announcers have been taken out by that fall Michelle took earlier. Calvin with chair in hand climbs up to the final level which is where they have to escape. The title is just above it. With no fear the Investor steps inside the glass structure. Very small as it wouldn’t be able to keep them locked in for long. Everyone watched to see if Jason would get up. He did just that.

The fans are on the edge of their seats as Jason begins climbing. He looked a beaten man, crawling he was as he moved to the last level. The Investor looked happy, he looks to have done his job he set out to do. Jason struggles to his feet, steps inside and closes the door behind him. There was little room to move as Jason stood there with his eyes closed. The final blow was about to be made as the chair is still in Calvin’s hands. He is about to win. Yet suddenly The Venom opens his eyes and he has a smirk on his face. The cameras got a shot of that just as Calvin looked on shocked. With everything he had left Jason throws hard hitting punches as he begins to beat the shit out of the money man. The chair is knocked out his hand and he is knocked on his ass. 

Was there no stopping him? Didn’t seem liken there was as he drags The Investor up, uses his head against the glass, breaking it open. Then he kicks at it, breaking out. The job is done as he has escaped and everyone gave him more appreciation. Nineteen people have FAILED. The Venom reigns supreme as he exits the final cage and rises up his hands as escaping is how he needed to win. A hurt Investor crawls out the ring and drops down onto the second level as he began to cough blood. Bell does sound as the match is won BUT the title is raised up, stopping Jason grabbing hold. It left him wondering why that happened. Was it a mistake?

Calvin climbs down the first cage and gets near ringside where he goes over and gets a microphone. What is going on? He seems to have the answer.

“Congratulations Jason you did it. You survived everyone I put you up against, no matter how good they are. But I supposed I should also give myself some congratulations as this is where it all ends for you. I thought I’d give you the benefit of the doubt and try to remove the gold from you the ‘fair way’. But lets be honest. The fair way was never going to work with you was it Jason? You’re unbeatable. But you’re also unworthy and a cancer in this company. If you weren’t so expensive to fire you I would’ve done so already. Instead I’ll do the next best thing. I’ll free TXW of a piece of you. A piece that makes you tick. Jason White, I hereby strip you of the TXW World Heavyweight Championship. Effectively immediately.” Calvin said as he holds his stomach in gain. He helped Michelle up and began walking to the back as the title is raised high into the rafters. The Venom’s smirk is gone as he looks lived. He kicks at the glass cage at the top and starts making his way down. By then The Investor has managed to make a wall of security appear on both entrances as they were looking to contain the situation. War Games ends with Jason losing his shit as he starts wrecking the place, Attacking anyone who moves and ripping down the barricade, pulling up the safety mats. His world has changed.

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