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Date Posted:03/07/2021 2:58 PMCopy HTML

LOCATION: Toronto, Canada
DATE: Sunday November 6th
THEME: This Is A War By The Phantoms

Frank Stone(c) vs Orion Rivers vs Chris Orton
Stipulation: Xtreme Championship
Preview: Frank disgustingly used his power to rob Orton of his Xtreme Championship. As punishment for that the captain of the Presidents Cabinet will DEFEND his gold against number one contender Orion Rivers AND former champion Orton. Big risk by Aleksandr for officially agreeing to this match. But it seems there is tension between the President and the man who can keep him in a job.
Kelly Nightingale vs Wrath w/ CJA
Stipulation: Stretcher Match / Kelly's career on the line
Preview: Tension between CJA and his wife is at a high after he tried to fake a medical report to force her to retire. He claims her decision to keep going is disgracing his legacy and airing their dirty laundry. Now he intends to force her to stop by putting her in the ring with the big monster known as Wrath. Will this be Kelly's final destination?

Cassie Montgomery (c) vs Diamond Jackson vs Rebecca Bateman
Stipulation: Winner gets a title shot
Preview: Talk about naughty as Cassie got her hands on her briefcase last Dark Oasis and relieved FAB of the title. Now she defends it against Diamond , who will be on solo action, and former FAB Rebecca Bateman. This really is hard to predict but you just know the numbers game may just come into play once more, if FAB have their way.
House Nightingale vs The Reapers vs The President's Cabinet
Stipulation: 5 vs 5 vs 5 WAR Games Elimination / Winning teams captain is TXW Undisputed President
Preview: The war is here as fifteen of TXW's finest fight it out in the War Games structure. Which team will survive? Who will be TXW's president?

BladeDJK Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #1
  • Rank:Diamond Member
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  • Register:12/31/2008 2:17 AM

Re:War Games II

Date Posted:03/07/2021 2:58 PMCopy HTML

LOCATION: Toronto, Canada
DATE: Sunday November 6th
THEME: This Is A War By The Phantoms

Outcome: The war is here as ‘This Is A War’ hits allowing for pyros to shoot off and the camera to pan out the sold out arena here in Toronto. We are given a rewind of all the events leading to this match, this war. The War Games will settle the debate on who will guide TXW’s future, who will be the man to handle the day to day operations of the company. Will it be Calvin Bateman, Frank Stone or Aleksandr Grigory? Each had their positives and negatives, but the only way it will be decided is in the War Games structure. Two rings, one cage, one winning team.

Tasia Wicha and Daniel Khaos give a rundown of each match in this eventful night. They point out all the importance’s of each match and give some predictions. Well Khaos does anyway as he predicts most of his friends to win or those he respects, not anyone named Nightingale.
Frank Stone(c) vs Orion Rivers vs Chris Orton vs Ashley Ricci
Xtreme Championship
Result: War Games is here and we’re going to kick it off with a match for the TXW Xtreme Championship. Defending his title is Frank Stone, who stole it from Chris Orton by abusing his power. In doing so it has caused issues between the GM and Aleksandr Grigory, right at a time when it’s not really needed. You can tell by this shocking inclusion into the Xtreme title match that things are not rosy. How will this affect how the main event goes remains to be seen, but it isn’t good thus far. They will fight it out in the ring closest to the announcers table, but it doesn’t mean they won’t find themselves near that other ring at some point as they are connected.

Out first to the sound of ‘Wild’ is Ashley Ricci, someone was not schedule to compete for the title. Turns out she has a rematch clause too and since a new era is bound to kick off after this event, best to get that out the way now. It just meant more challengers for Frank, who was expecting to make light work of Orion Rivers and Chris Orton.

Now the Rebel is out here it begs the question how these two will get on in the main event. It’s a big gamble by both to be involved, especially in a match with no disqualification. This could lead to them being injured. You know Frank will want to injure Ashley as that means House Nightingale will struggle with numbers.

Next out to challenge for the title is the former champion Chris Orton. To date he is a record holder of the Xtreme title having held it THREE times. If he wins again tonight his own record will only increase. It will be something to look back upon with pride.

The former champion gets into the ring and stares at Ashley, someone he wasn’t expecting to meet tonight. This is a spanner in the works and some may like it, some may not. Either way the Rebel deserves a rematch after all this time so it will be interesting to see if she is still capable of competing in the Xtreme division.

‘Rebel Few’ hits next as out walks another challenger in Orion Rivers, a man wondering how this became a fatal four way as he won a match just like this to advance closer to the title match. He probably thought that was him done with multiple people matches, yet here he is again in one. Still he has a chance of being champion after his recent winning streak. It will be quite the achievement due to how quick he will pick up a championship, should he do it that is.

Last out once the three challengers are in the ring, is Frank Stone, the Xtreme Champion. Walking out he gets the biggest boo as his actions lately have been disgusting. He knows he’ll never be over with the people and most who he gets to book hate his guts. Still he is the champion and he’ll do everything in his power to walk out of here as the champ. It would help boost him for what he has to do later as team captain.

All four are now in the ring as everyone seems fired up for what is about to happen. The referee takes the title as all four had to now think about how they can win this one. It won’t be easy and it very well might be bloody. Most these things they all accept anyway.

“Here we go, a battle for the Xtreme Championship.” Tasia said as the bell sounds to kick off this match. Right away Frank goes after Ashley Ricci, believing she shouldn’t be here. He prepared all week for Orion and Orton yet gets her included too. His power allows him to lift her with ease and charge her to the corner, slamming her into it then driving his shoulder right into her gut. It was probably unlike any power she has experienced as most she fought weren’t as big as Frank.

The two baby faces lock up while this is going on with Orion locking in a headlock. He is soon thrown against the ropes as the three time champion dropkicks him on the rebound. The fans couldn’t really pick between the two. In an ideal world they would love to just see the match between the two of them like it was meant to be.

Orton drags Orion up only so he can throw him against the ropes, lift up the Huntman’s and slam him down for a spinebuster. This could be his night judging by the way things are going. Frank has taken his eyes off the others as he throws Ashley out the ring. Once he has her out there he lifts up the top half of the steel steps, intending to use them on her. Instead of running at her with them, he throws them at her! She is unable to avoid them but does turn her body so it hit her on the side , still knocking her to the ground and likely doing damage to the arm.

“Ashley doesn’t belong here with a man like Frank Stone. She should realise the Xtreme division is no longer for her.” Khaos said as a biased supporter of the President’s Cabinet. That’s only due to how they treat his wife. If it were any other captain giving his wife the world, he’d likely support them also.

Back in the ring Orton is hitting some hard stomps on Orion as he shows why he is a three time champion. The Huntsman is struggling with this as he might have found the night where things don’t go to plan. The fans did start to raise their voice for him, so it may help.

Just as Orion is getting back to his feet, Frank Stone gets in the ring. He sees both standing and ends up charging at them then hitting a double clothesline. It caused a lot of fans to get pissed off, some in the front row even stood up and told the GM to fuck off. He heard the words as he sticks up his middle finger and slowly turns around so he gets to do it to all sections of the fans.

“Such disrespect to our fans by Frank Stone. He wouldn’t win any popularity contests.” Tasia said as Orion is the first to his feet. He found himself on the end of some punches. It weakened him enough for Frank to then lift him up, lock in the bearhug as he tries to force his smaller foe to pass out. This would be a way to retain so he is putting as much strength into it as possible. Orion did look like he is beginning to fade.

All of a sudden Ashley gets back in the ring, chair in hand as she smacks it right across Frank’s back. It caused him to drop Orion, hold his back in pain. Out of anger he turns around only to get a chair shot to the gut, then a second across the back. Most men would’ve dropped by now but he remains standing. The challenger went for another shot, only for the champion to take a swing then punch the chair right into the Rebel’s face. It knocked her down and left the champ shaking his hand to try to cope with the pain of punching the chair.

During this Orton gets up, kicks Frank hard against the injured stomach and then sets up his Razor’s Edge finish. Lifting up the Scranton born powerhouse would be quite a feat, especially considering he weighs in at near three hundred pounds.

Frank disappointed the fans by fighting out of the position and back dropping Orton over him. He looked ready to kill as he gets on top of the downed former champion then starts punching the hell out of him. All the damage taken wouldn’t help Orton at all as each punch is taking its toll. At least the fans got to see Orion stand up, which got loud cheers.

The cheers only got louder when he super kicks Stone in the face once he stands up. It left him staring up at the ceiling and everyone else is out the picture. Ashley is out the ring after taking that punch to the face with the chair. Orton is hurting from those punches and the superkick has taken down the champ.

“Orion is back in this just like that.” Tasia said as everyone watches the Huntsman climb out to the apron. Once out there he grabs onto the ropes as we are about to see one of his trademarks attempted. He jumps up onto the ropes and throws himself across the ring when Orton is the unlucky man to stand up first. Orion’s forearm is smashed right into the former champion’s face for the Hunting Season.

No cover made as Frank Stone is back on his feet, clubs Orion across the back of the head then throws him right out the ring. The beast then drags up the hurt Orton as he looks to take advantage of this. He starts throwing out punches as he looks to Stone him to death. All of them do some damage and then he finishes it off with a hard shot to the jaw that left Orton flat out near the ropes.

The champion drags him to the middle of the ring as this looks to be over. Not many people kick out of this move as his last punch is always intended to knock out his opponent. It seems to have done the job here against Orton who wasn’t moving much. Well it did look over into Ashley Ricci gets back in the ring. She surprises Frank by drop kicking him in the base of the spine. It knocked him forward and he ends up rope hung.

“No not this, not this!” Khaos said as yes it does perfectly set up the 619. Ashley runs at Frank swings around the ropes and her legs smash right across his face. The fans went crazy as they loved seeing that, especially when the Rebel gets back in the ring from the apron right after. She rushes over and hooks Frank’s big leg, about to cause a massive upset.


Shocking as Frank seems to have been knocked senseless by that 619 aka In Your Face. It means his title reign is already over which means Ashley Ricci is CHAMPION. The fans went crazy as Ashley looked hurt yet happy with her win. The Xtreme Championship has returned to the waist of the rebel as the former CJA academy student has joined Hansom and Orton as the only people to hold the title more than once.

“This is a disgrace, Ashley shouldn’t even be in this match!” Khaos said as he is bitter about seeing someone from House Nightingale win the championship. But he will at least be happy when Frank got out of his daze then attacked the new champion. He knocked her and then grabbed the Xtreme Championship.

That’s when Trevor Marshall and Lauren Li of House Nightingale rush out to make the save. Frank backs out on side of the ring and walks around as the Dark Oasis GM is not happy with the outcome here. The Xtreme Championship is in Ashley’s hands and this was not the way to start a PPV for the President’s Cabinet. Not on a night like this.

BladeDJK Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #2
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  • Register:12/31/2008 2:17 AM

Re:War Games II

Date Posted:03/07/2021 2:59 PMCopy HTML

LOCATION: Toronto, Canada
DATE: Sunday November 6th
THEME: This Is A War By The Phantoms

Outcome: The Reapers are all together, all doing their own last minute work out routine in the back. The War is upon us as the main event is coming up soon. Kaci Woodworth tried to get a word, only for Calvin to put out his hand. He simply said that now is not the time for speeches, those are over. Tonight is for action and everyone will see the Reapers victory later on here at War Games.
Kelly Nightingale vs Wrath w/ CJA
Stipulation: Kelly's career on the line
Result: Is Kelly about to say goodbye to her sixteen year career here? The Fearless one could very well be bowing out as she has the massive challenge of taking on CJA’s latest Academy graduate, the man known as Wrath. Not only is the man over seven foot tall, he is near five hundred pounds which means he is over four hundred pounds heavier than Kelly. This is a mismatch and it is pretty much an execution, one the Adrenaline Pumped Machine didn’t want to happen. He tried everything to convince his wife to call it quits, yet she refused.

‘Going Under’ hits as out walks Kelly Nightingale. She looked nervous, although it is interesting that there is no sign of any stretcher which was meant to be what this match is all about. Her entrance seemed to be going to plan, when suddenly Wrath charged out holding a baseball bat wrapped in barbed wire. There warnings for Kelly but it was far too late as the bat hits against her spine causing her great agony, especially when it dug in deep to her skin.

There is silence as Kelly drops and Wrath pulled away the bat , pulling away material of Kelly’s shirt and leaving her heavily cut across the back. She is laying there in agony as Wrath raises up the bat and is silent. CJA walks out after him and just watches as his wife goes through a world of pain.

“Kelly was warned about this yet she still continues to fight. She’s been beaten, embarrassed and maimed yet she thinks this is the right move for her. Something is wrong with her brain. This is going to be pleasant to watch as I think Kelly deserves this beating.” Khaos said as Wrath grabs the back of Kelly’s shirt, lifts her up and throws her over his shoulder just as he did on the last Dark Oasis. There is a lot of pain on the face of the Fearless one as who knows how much damage that shot did to the spine. Her back is bleeding and she doesn’t look like giving much of a fight as Wrath throws her into the nearest ring.

Wrath reaches up and grabs the ropes as he climbs up onto the apron, goes over the top rope and this is looking bleak for Kelly who is still not standing up. CJA looks up and gestures for the war games structure to be lowered. His wish is amazingly granted as it begins to lower into place as he decides to remain outside of it.

“What the hell is this?” Tasia said the one thing many were wondering. Why is he lowering the cage? Which member of management signed off on this as you think this would be a very dangerous for Kelly to be. Wrath seemed to have no emotion as he reaches down and drags the Fearless one to her feet.

The referee is already outside the ring, slides into place as he too doesn’t understand why the cage has been lowered. CJA just watches on as he knew what this means for his wife, likely a tough fight and one that should put her down for good. He walks over and grabs the cage then starts to yell in at his wife who has her throat grabbed by Wrath.

“I didn’t want it to be this way Kelly! You made it this way, you just didn’t want to quit. You should quit, this is the end. Lie down and don’t bother fighting this. It’s over.” CJA shouts as you can feel his emotion. He rattles the cage and demands that his wife surrender to what is about to happen. If she does and goes on to lose whatever this match has now become, her career with wrestling is over.

Wrath looks at the Adrenaline Pumped Machine almost for advice on what he is doing. That’s despite using the bat earlier that badly damaged Kelly’s back. She took that moment to kick him low which got a loud cheer from fans. The hit is done twice as even a man of his size will fall to his knees after those hits.

Kelly is struggling to stand on her own two feet due to the damage to her back, but she ends up hitting the Night’s Over right on Wrath who was on his knees. The move caused CJA great anger as he kicked the cell and shouted out no as he didn’t want to see his wife harm herself this way, by sheer stubbornness. Cover made as this could it be it all over with.


Wrath powers up and then sits up as now the preacher of the future looked worried for his wife’s safety. Yes he has thrown a lot at her but in the long run he is just trying to prevent her from fighting on when really she is a thirty four year old mother now who has no place wrestling anymore, not with her back issues. Those issues have only been made worse as you could see the pain on her face every time she moved.

“Kelly is fighting through this, she is fighting the world.” Tasia said as the fans cheer as they watch Kelly stand back up first. It was a close one but not enough to win this match. Wrath stands up and again he seemed unsure, almost as if he is holding back due to the fact this IS his mentor’s wife. No matter what you might think, CJA doesn’t want his wife broken forever. Yeah it would be a lesson but it’s not ideal to his life going forward. The baseball bat was meant to be the end. Clearly he has understated how much his wife wants this.  

Nothing is said by the Preacher as he just looks away from the cage as his wife soon has both of Wrath’s hands around her throat. Hearing her gag from being choked wasn’t pleasant as this could be the end of things. It sure looked that way as Kelly struggled.

While his back is turned, Josh Nightingale comes out from the crowd as the fans cheered. To make them cheer more is the fact he finds a way to open the door on the other side of the War Games cage. CJA is too busy with his hands over his face, fully expecting his wife to be beaten. Instead Wrath let her go when he saw Josh.

“Turn around Chris, your stupid brother in law is ruining everything.” Khaos said as Josh teams up with his sister to take down the mighty Wrath. Knocking him off his feet is a sight to behold. The Badass then went over to the top rope, leaps off and hits the City Night Lights on Wrath. There is no disqualification so anything goes and well this is legal. Cover made as the referee counts just as CJA looks at the screen in disbelief.


Kelly wins and doesn’t have her career ended at the hands of Wrath. Instead she has won! CJA looks around and puts his hands on the back of his head as he can’t believe it, he really can’t. The War Games structure is raised back up as the Badass helps his sister out the ring and provides support for her to start walking to the back. They pass the ArchAngel as they both give him a disgusted look. Seems things are over there but who knows how far the former World Champion will go to help the future of this company. He knows his wife or soon to be ex wife is one of the people standing in the way of a new era.

BladeDJK Share to: Facebook Twitter MSN linkedin google yahoo #3
  • Rank:Diamond Member
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  • Register:12/31/2008 2:17 AM

Re:War Games II

Date Posted:03/07/2021 2:59 PMCopy HTML

LOCATION: Toronto, Canada
DATE: Sunday November 6th
THEME: This Is A War By The Phantoms


Outcome: The cameras are fast to follow CJA from the ring to the backstage area. This time Steve Sullivan tries to get the latest news but he didn’t get any answers as he watches the Preacher of the future exit through the fire exit. When outside the Adrenaline Pumped Machine does stop. He just says this it for him as he is about to go back to New York. While his wife may have got help tonight, he still believes in the future of TXW. Tonight will show that, but for now and forever this is him signing off.
Cassie Montgomery (c) vs Diamond Jackson vs Rebecca Bateman
Women’s championship
Result: Next up it’s time to see what Cassie Montgomery is made of. She gets to defend her title against not one but TWO opponents. The two who earned their place are former FAB member Rebecca Bateman and former champ Diamond Jackson. They are out to leave here with the gold which in turn also gives two teams bragging rights ahead of the big main event match. If Diamond wins, she’ll make Frank happy. IF Rebecca wins she will make her husband Calvin Bateman very happy also. Then again if Cassie retains she doesn’t exactly have a team, although she might get the impression most of the potential bosses don’t like her.

‘New Way To Bleed’ hits first as out walks the ‘Reaperette’ Rebecca Bateman. She might not be fighting alongside the Reapers later, but she could win some gold here which will boost the confidence of all those around her. That’s of course if she wins. She looked the part and seemed ready for anything.

Once she is in the ring it’s time for her music to cut away and be replaced by ‘Mr Saxobeat’. That meant Diamond Jackson walks out on her own. That sight alone is weird as it seems the rest of her besties have vanished from the scene ever since the title was lost. Angelina’s status is unknown while Diane and Heather haven’t had their contracts renewed. That could all change depending on the winning team but right now the leggy blonde is the only member left of the once dominating group.

The two former besties couldn’t wait as they attack each other right away when they lock eyes. Rebecca tackles Diamond and gets in some slaps. The blonde blocks one and is able to roll the Reaperette over to get on top. She then gets in some hard forearm shots as the referee tried to keep them apart. Not working at all so far as neither wanted him to stop them, they wanted to tear each other apart.

‘Automatic’ hits next as out walks Cassie Montgomery, enjoying what she is seeing right here. Diamond ends up winning the cat fight in the ring, throwing Rebecca right over the top rope, causing her to land awkwardly on her right ankle. The FAB beauty then shouts at Cassie, telling her to get her loser self in this ring.

The champion takes her time, adding to the annoyance of Diamond. It was always her job to annoy those who wish the worst for her and want to take away the championship she recently won. Taking it via cash in might’ve watered the win down in some eyes, but the Canadian didn’t seem to care as she has her championship and will always have her name in history as a Women’s champion.

The champion does get in, avoids a clothesline from Diamond and runs against the ropes. On the rebound she jumps up, hits a Lou Thesz Press and just for good measure plants a kiss right on Diamond’s lips. That after several punches might be one thing but the leggy blonde rolled out the ring as fast as she could in disgust.

“How is this tramp the Women’s champion? This thing is disgusting.” Khaos said as he referred Cassie to a thing. The normal heel does get a lot of cheers, especially when she faces her ass towards Diamond and shakes it a little to add salt to the wounds of that kiss. It is a good show for everyone as none of these are really the biggest faces in the world. So generally the male attendance will cheer for the one with the least on and that’s the champ.

Rebecca gets back in the ring and tried to blind side the champ, only for her to spin around to hit her with some forearm shots. The challenger is thrown against the ropes and on the rebound she is suddenly hit with a drop toe hold. STF locked in right away after as the Repearette screams at the hold she is locked into. It’s a former trademark of the woman who gave Cassie the briefcase to begin with. What a way to retain the title this would be.

Thankfully for the Reaperette who old bestie got in the ring to break up the submission. She didn’t want to see it end like that as she is after the title here tonight. Diamond drags Cassie up by the hair, slaps her across the face. The former champion throws her into the corner and is about to use those legs as a weapon. First she hit a spin kick while she is trapped then, then uses her long legs to choke the Canadian while she is in the corner. This is what Diamond is all about now, pure aggression.

“Diamond has taken control as she looks to become a two time Women’s champion. Mind you her first reign was not on her own, so does it really count?” Tasia asked but the answer is yes it does count. They all are one time women’s champions as the ruling was that it was defending under freebirds rule. Now those complicated rules will no longer be a worry as it seems from now on only one woman can hold the main women’s gold.

Diamond released the choke as she kept control of Cassie. She drags her up by the hair again, throws her into the ropes of the ring they are in and big boots her. Then she looked over to the second ring briefly. She sees Rebecca getting back up so chose to grab her hair and throws her over the ropes, making her land in the second ring. Diamond follows her, makes her stand and slaps her hard across the face. What follows that is a big boot to the stomach and a lift up as she is about to hit the belly to back Inverted Slam aka Diamond Cutter.

Instead Rebecca fights out of the hold as she is lifted up and she is dropped onto her face. She does get back up and starts her own fight back, giving Diamond hell. A slap response from the leggy blonde doesn’t do a lot as Rebecca throws Diamond into the corner, charges at her and hits a jumping double knee shot to the chest. It caused the blonde to drop as the Reaperette smiled about that.

“Rebecca showing her own aggression right there.” Tasia said as Khaos is probably hating every moment of this. While he did once have a relationship with Rebecca, those days are long since dead. He has no care for her now and would rather see his wife in this match.

Instead he watches as Rebecca walks over to the first ring, the one Cassie is in, and climbs up to the top rope. Looks like she is about to take a risk. She waits for the champion to stand then decides to dive off, going for the Fearless Crossbody. Move hit as it knocks the wind out the champion and Rebecca is now ready to put this one to an end, to win her first championship here in TXW.

Mrs Bateman goes back to the top rope and faces away from the ring as she is about to follow her risky move by doing another. This one is her finisher as she likes to finish every match off with the Closing Credits aka Moonsault Double Foot Stomp. She took a deep breath then jumps which does get appreciation as a rookie can’t do this move.

It would’ve won her the match, if it hit. Instead Cassie moves out the way causing Rebecca to land again badly on that right ankle as it gave way giving her a lot of pain. It then allows Cassie to punch her hard in the stomach, causing her to bend over. When she did that she set up and connects with the Miss Me aka Sitout Crucifix Powerbomb. Cover made and this could be it all over for the Reaperette.


Cassie has done it and is STILL the Women’s champion here in TXW. She looked very happy to have survived the challenge from two former FAB members. It seems like a healthy reign as she is handed her championship back. The referee raises her hand as the fans give her some love despite being a heel.

Her moment is spoiled however when ‘Lady Venom’ hits. Out walks Karla Winchester , someone who has been missing for a very long time. The red head smiles as she gets booed by the fans. Her smile remained as she gestures that the title will soon be around her waist. Cassie has more competition.

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  • Register:12/31/2008 2:17 AM

Re:War Games II

Date Posted:03/07/2021 3:00 PMCopy HTML

LOCATION: Toronto, Canada
DATE: Sunday November 6th
THEME: This Is A War By The Phantoms


Outcome: An emotional looking Kelly has been patched up and is with her family, including former TXW employees Jake Mathieu and Clifford Mathieu. The Badass then tells the team that the name of Nightingale doesn’t die tonight as many want it to do just that. Tonight they win and he gets back what is his. While he does admit he will wrestle his last match tonight, he knows a lot of the people in this room with him have a bright future ahead. They are the future, the present and the past.
House Nightingale vs The Reapers vs The President's Cabinet
5 vs 5 vs 5 WAR Games Elimination / Winning teams captain is TXW Undisputed President
Result: You want to start a war? Well one is now underway as it’s finally time to discover who the President of TXW is going to be. Will it be Aleksandr Grigory, Calvin Bateman or Josh Nightingale? Each man has a history and each man will like to destroy the other. But it’s their teams who matter, can they get along, can they be victorious?

The rules for this one are simple, last team standing is the winning team. But to start it will only consist of one member each from the team. The whole team won’t enter together and there is a chance that one team is heavily outmanned by the end. It’s all about the luck of the draw, which will be decided by Aaron Bateman a man who has no side in this war despite his brother being in it.

Drum roll as the War Games structure is lowered into place over the two rings. It’s the biggest structure in TXW history at least in terms of width. It will trap everyone inside and the only way back out is being eliminated, which no one on either team wants. They all have their own reasons to win not just for the sakes of the would be President’s.

Entry number one is due as ‘Gasoline’ hits as we get Lauren Li as entrant number one. She is representing House Nightingale, which is an odd decision considering she isn’t a member of the family or wasn’t trained by them. Her whole career drive was to once get revenge on Jake Nightingale best known as Jake Mathieu. Now here she is fighting for their future as without a win, they fade into the night.

All of a sudden Andy runs out holding a baton. He then hits it right across Lauren’s knee as she was about to go into the War Games structure. Instead she fell to the floor holding her knee. The Justice Bringer soon made his exit as Raine jumped the gun on her entrance to make her way out. She had a baton of her own and starts violently hitting the Lethal one with it. She pulls down the former Xtreme champion’s knee pad on her right knee then starts hitting the baton right against it.

Raine is vicious and she screams out as she drops the baton, drags Lauren and then throws her right into the barricade. The Lethal One looks to be in trouble, especially when Raine took her dagger that’s attached to her thigh, then begins cutting at the protective mats placed at ringside. She tears one open and pulls what’s left of it away to reveal the concrete underneath.

“I don’t like this, Raine is trying to take Lauren Li out of the match before it’s started.” Tasia said as she is worried for Lauren who looked hurt as she leans on the barricade. When Raine came for her, she starts kicking out with her left leg, not her strongest of legs. She still is able to get some kicks to the stomach to just keep the Crimson Curse away.

Interrupting this is entrant number three representing the President’s Cabinet. ‘My Curse’ hits as Deric Quake makes his entrance, about to use this match as his redemption as the team has put a lot of faith in him for this match of epic proportions. He wasn’t backing down from the women as he rushes over and knocks them both down with a double clothesline. That means he is the first to enter the structure as he walks over, goes through the door and slams it behind him.

Getting into the first ring he drops to his knees and shouts out that this is the end as the Prophet of Death will have his way, as will the face of fear Frank Stone. This really could be the dawning of a new era if he gets his way along with his team, which boasts Tag Team Champ Matthew Taylor and World Champion Dean Creed. Can the team get the luck of the draw as that will come into play in this one, you can tell already.

Lauren and Raine soon get back up, both making their way in so this one can officially start. When they do get in, Raine lets Lauren walk ahead of her just so she can chop block her knee out from behind. She then grabs at her leg, makes her flip over so she is on her back and then drives her elbow right into the knee. Clearly that injury Lauren suffered a long time ago is now going to be the target at all times.

At least Deric is there as he got Raine’s attention by grabbing at her hair. She had left her dagger on the outside so she reached at nothing while her hair is pulled. That led her to being thrown against the ropes and then hit with a Powerslam. First cover made as we could be seeing a member of the Reapers eliminated.

1......... KICKOUT BY RAINE!

That was never going to finish her off, so Deric just stands up and doesn’t argue with the official inside this terrifying structure with him. Soon this ring will become more crowded as there is a total of fifteen wrestlers involved in this one. There is also the chance the numbers could be cut very early on. It would probably be ideal as the more in this one, the more dangerous it will become.

The prophet stands up, only to be met by Lauren Li’s left leg as she kicks him as hard as she could across the chest. She steps a couple of feet back then runs over and nails him in the head with a jumping kick right to the face.

The buzzer then sounds as ‘Hurricane’ hits as out walks the fan favourite, the Tag Team champion and the Modern Day Conqueror Matthew Taylor. That means the President’s Cabinet now has two members in this match, leaving the other teams with just the one representation so far. Taylor knew he was pulled onto this team rather than join willingly. Still he had the chance to eliminate some big names and raise his stock.

Since Lauren is the only one standing, she is the one targeted by Taylor. He avoids a kick from her then jumps up and hits a drop kick. It knocked her down as he then looks at his team mate Deric Quake who normally he would probably fight with. The Brit just kept his focus, ran towards the ropes then springboards off for a 450 Splash right on Lauren. Hooks her leg as the referee counts down the former Xtreme Champion’s shoulders.


Almost an elimination there as Lauren survives barely. She is in trouble still as Deric asked Matthew to move out the way, just so he can lift her up, scoop slam her and then run at her for a senton bomb. Seeing a man of his weight land on her wasn’t a pleasant sight, it might be the end for her. Cover made as could this be it?


Yet again Lauren survives just as Raine recovers to jump on the back of Deric Quake, who just stood up. She wraps her legs around his waist as she attempts to choke him out. Taylor stood and watched as he just let his team mate find a way out of it himself. He struggled at first into he is about to reach around, grab onto Raine’s hair. He then leans over and throws her over his shoulder to force her to land on the canvas.

“This is going well for the President’s Cabinet so far as they have the number of advantage. Backstage Josh and Calvin will be hoping to see a member of their teams come out next in the draw or it might be all over for Raine and Lauren.” Tasia said as we watch as Deric hits a senton bomb on Raine. He then looks to Taylor who seemed to be having trouble teaming up with this man, it seemed to go against who he is.

Khaos just shook his head at ringside as Taylor took his time going over to Raine. He did drag her up and then hit a snap suplex on her. The cabinet are in control as the fans give Matthew a mixed reaction to this. They didn’t like Raine either, but to see him teaming up with Deric is very conflicting.

The buzzer sounds again as we get to see which team gets another member of their team. The sound of ‘Ready For War’ hits as the fans cheer for Trevor Marshall. Anyone on House Nightingale is a fan favourite for tonight, so he got loud cheers as he charges towards the ring. He gets in and right away clotheslines down Matthew. Deric then tries to attack him only for the bearded Prophet to be hit with a Snapper!

Trevor roars and then gets face to face with Raine. She jumps up and hits him with a forearm only for him to not really be effected by it. He then responds by clothesling her down and looking at his girlfriend Lauren. The Lethal one then starts to kick at Raine while she is down as the issues between the two have grown here tonight. Clearly the red head had a reason for targeting the former contender for the World title.

“How the tables have turned as the president’s cabinet are down while Raine is on her own.” Tasia said as she might end up being on her own for a few minutes more as the way the entry goes is not determined if it will be a Reaper next or not. Either way this war is heating up as Trevor gets out the ring and is able to access the weapons under the ring as the structure is that big. His choice turns out to be a chair.

“Looks like Trevor wants to be a coward and use weapons.” Khaos said just as Andy Parker returns and starts hitting his baton against the side of the cage. It distracted Trevor who decided he wanted to go after him. He wasn’t happy with his cheap attack on Lauren, so he wants to naturally kick his ass from one ring to the other. The Reaper shouts his way and demands he come fight him.

Trevor took the bait and goes out the ring as he confronts Andy outside the cage. The T man tells the Justice Bringer that he best stay the hell out of this match or he’ll get the ass whooping of a life time. The former World Champion is in no mood to play as he kept Andy backing up the ramp. This is a tense standoff as they get closer to the stage. Why was Justice luring him like this?

That answer is soon provided when Tyrone Marshall ran out and then hits the Seeing Red on his brother. The fans booed as the former IC Champion must’ve set that all up to take out one of House Nightingale’s strongest members. Parker and Tyrone then team up as they drag Trevor closer to the edge of the stage.

In the ring Lauren gets distracted by this as she attempts to get out the cage too. However she gets her arm grabbed by Raine, who spins her around and then hits her with the Sweet Sacrifice [RKO]. The fans are stunned as Raine rolls her into the cover and hooks both her legs as the referee counts.



Shocking outcome here as Lauren Li is the FIRST person eliminated from the War Games match. Yes it took an early attack and a distraction but it still remains that she is gone from House Nightingale. The full squad hasn’t made it out which will disappoint Josh backstage. It was well worked by the Reapers, especially with what’s happening on the stage.

Tyrone and Andy both lift up Trevor then end up double powerbombing him off the stage, right through a nearby table that has been set up there! The Reapers have sent a statement here already as Andy and Tyrone shake hands. The Bulldozer then makes his way to the ring as a hurt Lauren makes her way to the cage. This is a proud moment for the IC Champion as he is ready to destroy anyone he shares the cage with right now.

He is officially announced when the buzzer goes off, so his entrant is confirmed. He gets in the cage and gives a nod to Raine, then looks at Deric Quake and Matthew Taylor as all four are caught in a staredown. It is odd to see one team missing as House Nightingale doesn’t have anybody standing right now. Lauren is eliminated and Trevor is currently getting EMT treatment after being slammed through a table from off the stage.

At least the pairings remaining end up fighting it out as Matthew battles Tyrone while Raine goes at it with Deric. The Prophet gets the better of Raine, sending her into the corner. He then goes to splash her right in the corner, only for her to move out the way at the last moment. It caused Deric to hit the corner hard and he holds his shoulder.

Tyrone and Taylor made their way into the second ring as they beat the shit out of one another with punches. The former IC Champion takes control as he has a longer reach. He dazed the Brit enough to send him against the ropes and hit a hip toss on the rebound. The Bulldozer then backs away into the corner, makes a run once Taylor is standing then hits him with the Seeing Red aka Superman Punch. Could this be it?

Well we don’t find out as ‘Friction’ hits as out walks Hansom, someone who despises the Reapers. Tyrone turns to face him as he will gladly fight him in this one. The fans are looking forward to this as they want to see if the Anti Hero can get the job done against those he hates. If he does it will be a way of rebuilding himself.

Hansom joins the rest of his team in the ring as instantly went on the attack on Tyrone, who had Matthew laid out in the middle of the ring. Deric joins in after he throws Raine out the ring, so the Bulldozer is double teamed here. The two former members of WAR were out to help the President’s Cabinet take a step closer to victory.

Tyrone is thrown against the ropes about to be hit by a double clothesline. Instead he ducts under them both, bounces off the ropes and then jumps up to hit them both with a double clothesline. The fans actually cheered that as it is impressive from the two hundred and eighty pounder.

“What a move there by Tyrone. The Reapers are fighting back strong.” Tasia said as Raine stands up and helps Tyrone stamp down on the three members of the President’s Cabinet. If they were going to win this, some people had to be eliminated. That’s why the former IC Champion goes to the corner as he is about to hit the Seeing Red one more time.

He runs then nails the move on Deric, only for Taylor to get to his feet and drop kick him in the face. The Brit gets cheered as he then avoids Raine’s attack, drop kicking her too. It gets him some chants as he then went up to the top rope, about to hit his finisher known as Breathless aka Phoenix Splash.

The move is about to happen when the buzzer goes off. Calvin Bateman enters, the first team captain to make his entrance. He runs to the ring and gets in as Taylor stays on the top rope. The Brit then dives of and hits a top rope clothesline right onto the Reaper, much to the delight of the fans watching.

“Welcome to the match Calvin Bateman.” Tasia said as the Reaper is left reeling from that move. It is made worse when Hansom is there to start attacking his former ally. It would satisfy him to end this for him right here. It would be the ultimate bragging rights if he is about to eliminate someone who was once his friend and ally during the WAR days. Those days are now over as Hansom punches away at him, doing as much damage as he can.

The President’s Cabinet still have control as Taylor goes back on the attack of Tyrone, who is still out of it. He was set up for the finish earlier but thanks to Calvin’s arrival, he avoided that. Not that he is avoiding these kicks as the two of them end up in the second ring as things became more spaced out for them. The referee had to have eyes in the back of his head to keep this thing under control, it’s a massive task.

Hansom drags up Calvin, only for him to get a headbutt. He then goes low by kicking his former friend between the legs. The Reaper isn’t against doing this as he backs up, makes a run then hits a running big boot straight to the Anti Hero. Hansom falls as the Reaper gives a nod to Raine who makes the cover on the fallen opponent.

1...........2.................SHOULDER UP!

Hansom survives just as Deric is about to make the save. The prophet starts fighting it out with Calvin as we get closer to the next arrival. It could really be anyone and it remains to be seen if they can swing this match one way or another.

Buzzer sounds as ‘BattleBorn’ hits to a loud cheer. Out runs the Badass Josh Nightingale, the captain of House Nightingale. He is out here to fight for his family name as he charges to the ring. Once he is in he targets Calvin as the two old rivals can’t stand one another. Josh won one war against this man, he wants to win another.

It also means finally House Nightingale has someone to fight for them as Trevor has been wheeled out on a stretcher while Lauren is gone. Only people backstage waiting for their entrance for them is Ashley Ricci who already had a match and rookie Zoey Mathieu. It almost means the fate of the victory will be decided by Josh.

“The Badass is fighting for his life as he is taking it to Calvin.” Tasia said as Josh throws Calvin into the corner then runs at him for a hard clothesline.  Raine tries to attack her old enemy only for him to side step her. He ends up behind her, grabs her around the waist then German Suplexes her across the ring. There are no fun and games here.

Hansom comes over next as he exchanges punches with the man who used to be President. Josh is the better brawler so he punches him into the corner, throwing in headbutts with the mixture of punches. Josh is not messing around.

Meanwhile Tyrone knocks Taylor down in the other ring with a shoulder tackle. He lets out a roar as he is a proud Reaper, about to do as much damage as possible to all the enemies sharing this cage with him. It’s strange how he is fighting against the team that made him what he is. But he seems to have bought into the cause of the Reapers.

Tyrone decides to go back to the first ring as he goes face to face with Josh. He mouths some words to him then the two start to fight. The Badass gets beaten to the punch by the younger Bulldozer who would be very satisfied with being the one to eliminate the only true Nightingale on House Nightingale. No one else has the name.

The Reaper member is able to throw get in some punches to Josh and then able to lift him up above his head for an impressive Gorilla Press. The move then becomes a spinebuster as Tyrone drops him down and lays waste to the Badass. That move at least got some appreciation.

“What a move by Tyrone!” Tasia said as the Bulldozer makes his way to the corner about to hit the Seeing Red on Josh. If this hits it could be night’s over for Josh who will not want to go out while he is the only one currently left on his team. He’ll want to be the last man standing if anything.

The buzzer suddenly goes off as ‘Wild’ hits. It is perfect timing as outcomes Ashley Ricci, just as Josh is about to be finished off. House Nightingale has another member competing for them which gives the fans something to cheer about. Josh looks at her like she is an angel as that is perfect timing.

Tyrone aims his finish for her, only for her to see it coming and move out the way. She then dropkicks him across the spine making him fall onto his face and then roll out the ring. Deric then went to attack, only to be hit with a drop toe hold. Since they were near the ropes he is left rope hung. It perfectly sets up the 619 aka In  Your Face.

“Here we go, Ashley could very well be about to hit her finisher.” Tasia said as Ashley runs and hits the move, kicking Deric right in his bearded face. Ash then goes up to the top rope and dives off for a diving Senton right onto the Prophet. Cover made and we could see the first elimination for The President’s Cabinet.



What an introduction from Ashley, only she then gets thrown right out the ring by Hansom. It got him some boos but he soon gets double teamed by Calvin and Raine who have been quiet for the past few minutes. The Reapers are the only team who haven’t suffered an elimination yet and they would like to keep it that way.

Hansom got some unlikely help from Josh, who just wanted to attack Calvin. He gets in some hits and then ends up taking him down with a strong uppercut. That left Hansom to fight it out with Raine as things get ever so intense. The Anti Hero takes control and goes to set up his version of the Pop Up Powerbomb. He throws Raine up and nails her with it as the fans cheer! Cover made as this could be it for Raine.


Tyrone breaks it up at the very last second. The Reaper saves his fellow Reaper as they deny Hansom the chance of eliminating someone from the team he hates. The Bulldozer then lifts him up and throw him into the ropes. On the rebound he hits the shoulder tackle as he might now be thinking of the end for Hansom.

As that happens we hear the buzzer again as ‘Four Walls’ hits allowing for the IC Champion Pierce Kingsley to finally enter this match. He rushes to the ring as he is in no mood to wait for this, he has waited long enough. Pierce gets in and right away he attacks Josh, who was getting the better of Calvin.

“The Reapers have grown stronger.” Khaos said as he didn’t like seeing this but he would be happy to see them fall apart as they don’t seem like the most stable of teams. Tyrone is eyeing an elimination as he is about to go for Seeing Red.

Tyrone runs towards Hansom and looks like it will be an easy hit. Instead the Anti Hero moves out the way, causing Tyrone to accidently nail the move right onto Pierce who had been pushed over by Josh at the worst time. It meant one Reaper just took out another. The Bulldozer looked stunned and couldn’t exactly apologise.

The former IC Champion then turns around into a kick from Hansom who throws him into the ropes, throw him up and hits the Anti-Supa Bomb right in the middle of the ring. To make it worse for Tyrone is the fact Taylor is suddenly perched on the top rope. Hansom sees this and allows him to jump off then hit the Breathless right on him. Cover made as the Reapers are about to lose a man.



There goes Tyrone as he is beaten by two finishers. The turning point was that accidental hit to Pierce which send the IC Champion out the ring. Josh is just sitting in the corner while Calvin had been laying down after being knocked to his ass by the Badass earlier. He almost gets up at the worst time as Hansom wants him gone.

Calvin is hurting so is helpless to the next attack as he is thrown up then hit with the Anti-Supa Bomb. This time Hansom wanted to get revenge for months of hate between the two by being the one to eliminate the captain from the team. This will be very hurtful for the Reapers and would make them the team with the least amount of members officially left in this war. Legs hooked as this should be it for the Reaper.



One Team captain has been eliminated as Josh watched on in delight as his former enemy has been eliminated. Yet that smile went away pretty fast when he saw himself targeted by both Hansom and Matthew Taylor. They have got rid of two Reapers while Pierce is still recovering from that Seeing Red move. At least Ashley is there as she gets back in and rolls up the Anti Matter from behind.



Moments after his dream elimination, he is out the match as Ashley caught him off guard and was able to keep his shoulders down long enough to win this one. It seems that Xtreme title win has brought her back to life as she is already showing what she can do here.

Taylor not found himself as the one out numbered as he had Ashley behind him and Josh in front. House Nightingale could help damage the President’s Cabinet further. That’s into Taylor drops back and hits a Pele Kick to Ashley. He kicks up to his feet and avoids a clothesline from Josh, who he hits with a few kicks. Taylor then runs against the ropes, springboards off as he goes for dive towards him.

Josh however caught him in mid air then hits a nasty looking backbreaker on him as the fans cheered after that exchange. Josh gives a nod almost showing some appreciation there for what Taylor did there as he did get himself out of a pickle and caught both the House Nightingale members by surprise.

Buzzer sounds again as we get another team Captain in Frank Stone. Alongside him is Aleksandr Grigory who was originally in this match, only to make the decision not to compete. It put the faith in Frank Stone which may or may not be misguided. The powerhouse has already lost tonight and he seems to be holding a grudge against Ashley for it. That’s the person he goes after first, lifting her from the ground when he is in the cage and then slamming her right against it not once, not twice but three times. It caused agony for the Xtreme title especially when Frank follows it up by body slamming her on the steps that are nearby.

“This is why this man is going to win, look at that domination.” Khaos said as he has kept his support for one team all night long. The former Xtreme Champion then gets in the ring to confront his former friend Josh. The two didn’t take time to start fighting one another as this is a war and these men want to rip each other’s heads off.

As they are fighting Pierce Kingsley gets back in the ring. The first thing is go to the top rope. Then he makes up for lost time for throwing himself at Frank and Josh, knocking them down with a crossbody. Raine joins him in the ring as she is happy to see what he just did. Each of them then make a cover, Raine on Josh and Pierce on Frank as they look for an elimination each.

1............2............................KICKOUT FROM BOTH!

Neither stayed down for the count after that double crossbody. Pierce isn’t surprised as he stands up and starts stomping down on Frank. He is doing enough damage to keep him down as the Reapers look to try to recover from suffering two eliminations.

Raine decided to do something else as she went to the top rope. The red head then dives off and goes for a shooting star press. Only she misses! Josh rolled out the way to cause a very painful landing for his long term enemy. He left her lying in pain as he decided to take a few shots at Pierce as he owes him an ass kicking after losing the Mr Fortune finale against him and also a cage match. Pierce is a big danger no matter what anyone says about his relationship with the Reapers. Tonight he is fighting with them.

Time is due for the next entrant as ‘E.T’ hits as Zoey Mathieu makes her entrance. The rookie looked nervous ahead of her biggest match yet. Getting such a late entrance into this match. She took off her leather jacket and just gets into the ring, ready for this fight.

Josh and Pierce are still fighting, both in the second ring now as eventually the IC Champion gains control, knocking the would be president on his ass. Zoey ends up coming face to face with Frank Stone, who laughs about sharing a ring with her as this is a mismatch if there ever was one.

“Of all people Josh picks, he picks Zoey? What a dumbass. I am glad this guy won’t be our boss.” Khaos said as he watches Zoey bravely throw her best shots at Frank. He just stood there and took them, daring her to keep trying. It would take a lot for her to knock him off his feet. It didn’t stop her trying.

In the end Frank has enough and grabs her by the throat. She tried to fight it but gets lifted up high by the GM. Some fans screamed no and they wanted to see someone help her but no one did as Ashley is down, as is Josh. Chokeslam hit right in the middle of the ring as this isn’t how Zoey wanted to fight for her family.

Trevor Marshall charges out, not wanting to go down from that attack earlier. He gets in the ring quickly enough to grab Frank’s attention. The two big men then start to brawl as that saves Zoey’s skin. Trevor gets the better of Frank, throws him against the ropes and then suddenly hits the Snapper. Unfortunately for those who hate Frank, he is able to fall out the ring after saving himself from a pin.

While that happens Raine gets back in to start an attack on Zoey, trash talking her the whole way. Trevor sees her doing this, looks at the fans and then ends up running over to Raine, hitting her with the Snapper [Goldberg Spear]

“Revenge for Lauren right there!” Tasia said as Trevor did look hurt. But he then drags Zoey over and places her arm over Raine as the fans cheer. This could be a big upset and would also bruise Raine’s ego considering all the trash talk she has made towards the youngest member of the Nightingale clan.



What an elimination that is for Zoey, not that she knew much about it. The little fairy tale wasn’t one to last long either as Pierce gets into the first ring. Right away he picks out the fact his enemy Trevor is hurting so he takes advantage by attacking him with pure aggression. One shot to the back did the damage as you could tell that he didn’t belong out here. Pierce kicks at Trevor’s ribs into he is on his knees. He shouts in their face and then finishes the Pay Up combo by booting the T man across the side of the head.

“Looks like Trevor is on the verge of a third loss to Pierce here.” Khaos said as everyone watches Pierce force Trevor to his feet, bring him close and then hits the Debt Collector, first the Sister Abigail then the Springboard moonsault into a pin. The already damaged Apocalypse might be on the verge of being eliminated officially from this match.



Pierce sits up on his knees looking happy with that one as it means he has taken out a big member of the House Nightingale team. It also means the other teams only have three members left. Pierce and Melissa are the only two Reapers remaining.

Speaking of Melissa, she is out next and she rushes out as she wanted to make sure Pierce doesn’t find himself in a numbers game. It didn’t seem that way as he simply looks at Zoey who tries to get back to her feet. Once she does, Melissa is in the ring and she took the pleasure of kicking her in the face for the Wright Ending. Cover made as this one looks over for the young rookie.


Ashley breaks up the pin but then finds herself surrounded by Melissa and Pierce. They weren’t about to go easy on her. Melissa gets in a forearm shot, only for Ashley to fire back with some of her own. Pierce then intercepted and grabs her for a short arm clothesline. The IC Champion has just taken down the Xtreme Champion.

Dean Creed suddenly appears, jumping the gun despite the fact he is the last entrant into this one. The champion holds up his World title and took his time coming to the ring. When he sees Ashley kicked in the face by Melissa, it changed his mind as he decided he wanted those spoils. He gets right in grabbing their attention, only for Josh Nightingale to get back involved by rolling up Pierce Kingsley.


Almost caught out the IC Champion there. He loses his temper and fires back at Josh, the badass couldn’t handle his quick attacks and ends up in the corner. All competitors who are now left are here, so we will soon know who the last team surviving is.

“The Reapers may have the fewest members left but they are doing well here. Pierce is taking it to Josh.” Khaos said as Josh gets irish whipped against the ropes. On the rebound the champion hits a shoulder block and then immediately attacks everyone around him, hitting clotheslines one by one. First Frank got one as he gets back into the ring, then Creed. Then Taylor, then Josh and Ashley. Zoey avoided one as she is in the corner but how much longer isn’t known as she will have to be eliminated too by the other teams.

Pierce targets Frank as he drags him up, pulls him in close then hits the Debt Collector combo only without the pin. He left him laying then did the same to Josh when he turns around. It left them both laying there together. Unwisely Zoey then made her attack on Pierce. She slaps him across the face twice as she tries to defend her family. He reacts badly and ends up hitting her across the face. Then he does the same to her what he did to her brother, leaving her out of it on the canvas. The IC Champion drags her over and lays her next to Josh as he now had three bodies all next to one another. This could be something else if he does what everyone thinks he is going to do.

“Is Pierce going to try eliminate all three at once? It looks that way.” Tasia questioned as Pierce climbs to the top. He then looks down and is about to dive off for the Swanton Bomb which he calls Six Feet Under. He flips in the air but misses Zoey, landing on Josh and Frank only. The youngest Nightingale gets dragged out the way by Dean Creed who then watches as Pierce pins the final two captains at the same time.



Devastation as Josh doesn’t kick out, meaning he will no longer be in the fight. Frank is also gone which means no team has a captain, all of them are gone. It was an impressive elimination from Pierce, who stands up. He then looks at Creed who is sitting there and has Zoey near him. The Canadian then questions that as he asks the champion if he is the defended of the old guard secretly. The One Man Army stands up and shook his head.

Then Creed steps to the side and attacks Melissa. Then while looking at Pierce he goes to set up the spinning powerbomb. Pierce doesn’t make the save as he found himself on the end of an attack from Zoey, who got back up. She throw weak punches and then pulled close for the set up for another Debt Collector. Both champions might’ve been tempted to save the women but instead they hit the finishers on both, almost in an attempt to out do one another. Creed pins Melissa while Pierce pins Zoey.



The War Games has been narrowed down as only Ashley Ricci, Dean Creed, Pierce Kingsley and Matthew Taylor remain. Outside the cage we soon see a gathering as Josh stayed out there, while Alek has been watching this whole time. Calvin Bateman appears back on stage with his wounded Reapers and his wife. Nerves are kicking in as the end is nigh.

Creed and Kingsley circle each other as this is the champion versus champion match everyone has wanted to see. Each man would love to the one who wins the War Games here to follow in the footsteps of Jason White by being the winner of the most dangerous of games.

“Here we go, the two major stars of this year are about to fight it out.” Tasia said as they do start throwing punches at one another. At first Creed gets the better as he knocks the lighter Kingsley against the ropes. Once he has him there he starts punching away at his chest, slapping and punching him into he causes bruising. This is pretty damn vicious as the World Champion wants to defeat the IC Champion.

All of a sudden Ashley gets involved, meaning we get all three current single champions fighting it out. The Rebel tries to lock in a sleep hold as she did her best to once again get a win over Creed. In the past she done it a countless amount of times.

The World Champion had to back up and he does so into he is able to slam Ashley in the corner. The rebel did hold on but Creed kept slamming into she fell off his back and stayed where she was. After getting her off his back the champ went on the attack, punching her across the face  then slapping her across the chest. He then places his hands around her throat as he really did have a problem with her.

Ash sudden raises her knee up and catches the champ between the legs. With all her power she then pushes him back. It backed him right into Pierce, who spins Creed around and hits him with the first part of Debt Collector. He then runs towards the ropes only for Matthew Taylor to run over and drop kick him right as he does it. The Brit seemed happy with that into Ashley rolled him up and pulled on his trunks at he back.


Matthew Taylor Eliminated!

The Brit is in shock as Ashley looked happy with what she just did. She winks at the Nightingale family looking on as they celebrated that one with delight. The fact that Creed and Kingsley are laid out helps also, but Taylor is disappointed. As he is a face he doesn’t react by attacking, he just accepts his loss and makes his leave.

“This is almost over as only one person from each team remains. We have the Xtreme Champion versus the IC Champion versus the World Champion, a first in TXW history. Only one can win here and that person standing is Ashley.” Tasia said as she seemed happy for her old friend. The Rebel looks at Creed about to try to defeat him like she has done so many times in the past. Instead Calvin Bateman finds a way back into the cage. Others outside tried to stop him but it just caused a mass brawl. The Reaper has Pierce’s championship in hand and he suddenly hits Ashley across the back of the head with it.

The fans scream out no as Calvin looks to have killed House Nightingale. But then he aims for Creed who is slowly getting to his feet, as is Pierce. This is going to be an interesting moment as Pierce doesn’t want to win like this, it’s not in his nature.

Calvin made the run and it almost seemed like things were going in slow motion. The Reaper aims for Creed, only for the champion to duck under the attempt as he the former Investor nails his ally Pierce Kingsley between the eyes with his own championship title. Creed then throws Calvin from the ring as he is left in shock. It is the second time a miscommunication has resulted in damage done to the IC Champion.

Creed could’ve gone for the cover but drags up Kingsley instead. He then places him position for the powerbomb, lifts him up then hits the Creed Bomb aka Spinning Sitdown Powerbomb. But he doesn’t go for the cover, instead something possessed him to then drag Ashley over and lay her across Pierce is anyone’s guess. Maybe he wanted to have him share the same fate as this would be the same fate. The referee counts and it looked bleak for Kingsley.



“What have we just seen?” Khaos said in shock as well Calvin Bateman just cost his own team as the Reapers are done. Calvin Bateman won’t be the President of TXW. The brawl gets called down outside as Josh watches on. Creed gets to his feet drags up Ashley then knees her right in the face. Cries of no as he then lifts her up and hits the Creed Bomb on her too. The Nightingale’s looked emotional as the World Champion makes the cover, hooking both legs.


Silence as Dean Creed has won the War Games match. The president of TXW is Aleksandr Grigory, everyone looked devastated as the nail has been put in the coffin. Kingsley also gets what he wants but in the end he will want some answers from the Reapers or at least want to kick their ass. He’ll also not likely forget the moment he laid Ashley on top of him to cause him to be eliminated from this match. It was clearly done for a reason as he hates Ashley.

The World Champion leaves, able to leave with a smile on his face from this chaos. Pierce recovers and the first thing he does is go after Calvin Bateman who is already retreating once the cage is being lifted to the ceiling. He had the match in safely in his hands into the Reaper tried to force the win his way.

The Nightingales of Kelly, Josh, Jake, Cliff and Zoey all get in the ring with one another. They all help out Ashley and were grateful for her efforts. She makes her leave disappointed she couldn’t keep the Nightingale legacy alive. The family all hug in the ring and bow to the fans who clap them for their efforts. Aleksandr Grigory even claps them and joins them in the ring. He offers Josh a handshake, which the Badass actually accepts. The war is over between them and the Russian has given his respect to his old friend. Rebecca Bateman then shockingly walks out as enters the ring. She looks surprisingly emotional as she offers out a hug to her brother. The Badass accepts and the family are united one last time. Fear the night, fade into the night.

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