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  • Rank:Diamond Member
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  • From:United Kingdom
  • Register:12/31/2008 2:17 AM

Date Posted:03/07/2021 2:57 PMCopy HTML


Outcome: This is Halloween hits as we have the very first Halloween show. It gives everyone some warm ups prior to War Games as some haven’t wrestled that much in recent weeks. Now they get the chance while also enjoy the holiday that is Halloween. You can see by the colour of the ring and all the props around ringside that this is a unique event. Maybe an annual event?

Blake Underwood vs Denzel Brown
Stipulation: Standard
Result: Not a spooky start as the opening to the show is a rematch from RC as ‘The Dentist’ Denzel Brown takes on the challenge of Blake Underwood once again. Last time out it was a shock loss for the Tag Team champ. This time he’ll want to do better, especially since his partner will be watching on as he continues his preparations for War Games.

Out first is Blake to the sound of ‘Like A Machine’ as he gets cheered by the fans, especially when he lifts up the Tag Team championship. The fan favourite gets into the ring and is ready to get his hands on the Dentist, just to see if he can avenge that loss he suffered on RC. To many it was a big upset considering how good Blake has been lately.

‘High Voltage’ hits next as out walks Denzel Brown in a complete new look for Halloween. He has orange shorts on with pumpkins all over them and even had a gumshield to protect his teeth. He walks out quick , jumps onto the apron and gets in as he wanted this match to begin already. If he could go 2-0 against this man he would be very happy with that.

Bell sounds as the two men lock up, Denzel gets in some elbow strikes right away to the midsection. He pushes him against the ropes, sees him bounce off them then kicks him right to the mid section. This allowed him to set up and then hit the snap suplex, causing some fans to boo. It also caused Blake to grunt as his back smacked off the canvas and he is soon covered early.


Denzel grins as he expected that to happen but he locks in a chin lock right when Blake sat up after the kick out. He really is going for the early kill just by wearing him down this fast. He wants to continue his momentum as who knows it may lead him to being back involved in the Xtreme title picture.

“Denzel is looking sharp here as he looks to beat up the tag team champion Blake. If he wins again I might have to question if he is worthy of a shot at the titles. Maybe find a partner.” Khaos said as yes the Dentist would be doing well for himself if he wins again. But that is too early to say as the fans start clapping as they try to rally the underdog into getting out of this chin lock.

It begins to work as Blake fights his way to his feet. Once up he starts elbowing at Denzel and manages to escape. He backs off and bounces off the ropes about to go for an attack. The Dentist jumps over him which shows his vertical leap. Both men bounce off the opposite ropes and end up colliding when both of them go for a clothesline. It left the two of them down as this entertaining match continues.

“Both men down as I am not sure how to call this one.” Tasia said as the fans decided as they started a Blake chant to try to get him to his feet. They booed when Denzel got up to his feet seconds earlier than Blake does. The two men start exchanging punches into the Dentist gets on top. He then goes for a gut kick, only for his leg to get grabbed. It seemed like it would led to some momentum. Instead the former Xtreme champion jumps and hits an enzugiri.

It sure didn’t please the fans but Denzel is happy as he raised his arms and gets booed for it. The Dentist has the momentum still and he could now find a way to get his second victory over the underdog. He backs away into the corner, waits patience and once Blake is standing he runs over to him. BIG BOOT hit and it lays out the tag champion as this could be it for him.

Denzel starts slapping his own forearm as he is prepared to drive it into the face of Blake. It’s called the Dentist Drill and he expects it to knock out some teeth or the very least knock out the baby face.

Move is attempted, only for Blake to roll out the way. He then kicks up to his feet and runs at Denzel, hitting him with a leg lariat. This got a massive cheer as Blake seemed fired up. Once the Dentist is on his feet he gets hit with several punches, knocking him into the corner. He then backs away makes a run and suddenly hits him in the face with the Running Blake aka Helluva Kick! It came so suddenly that many were surprised with what they saw. They do cheer for it and watch as the cover is made.


The Dentist is defeated just like that and he’ll be unhappy at how the match turned for him so suddenly. But that is why Blake is one half of the tag team champions. He has his win back and seems delighted with it.

“Congratulations to Blake on his win there. He’s done his partner proud by getting a win so close to War Games.” Tasia said as yes Matthew Taylor will probably be watching this somewhere. He’s involved in the big War Games event this coming weekend so maybe seeing his buddy win will inspire him to kick all kinds of ass in the biggest match of the year.
Backstage Segment

Outcome: Josh Nightingale is backstage as he is dressed as Jon Snow. He is fully prepared to fight this way as he believes he can fight in a main event match this way. Some might say he isn’t taking this seriously because he is going up against the World Champion Dean Creed later. It is the first meeting between the two and the last as Josh has confirmed he will retire from the ring no matter what happens at War Games. Obviously he feels confident in his team as in his mind he’ll retain ownership then be able to watch from the sidelines as TXW enters a new era.

He discusses his main event match with Kaci Woodworth as he talks about how the current champion is not the finished article. He sees flaws and he said it is a shame the title is not up for grabs as he would do what his sister never did, claim the World Championship. If he did win it, it would be the first time he did it as his first reign was one he handed to himself. Not to be but the main event will be intriguing to see.

Chris Slaughter vs Edward McGinlay
Stipulation: Standard
Result: Next up we have the debut of Chris Slaughter, a man who has only had creepy video packages so far. It’s unclear what he is like as a professional wrestler. Could he come here and destroy all or will he just be another guy with a creepy name who isn’t up to much. Many have failed to deliver when seeming to offer so much. Edward McGinlay will stand in his way as the Glasgow Prince has been dying for some ring action. Maybe he’s made a mistake.

‘Scotland The Brave’ hits first as out walks the former Xtreme Champion with a cocky look on his face. As a former member of Kingdom he looks to have carried over his confidence for his run as a solo star. His record might not be the best when compared to his other buddies but he expects to win here against someone he sees as a rookie. Slaughter is very unknown so he is presumed to be a very green wrestler hiding behind a monster type gimmick.

‘Endzeit’ hits next as we finally get to see the man himself, Chris Slaughter. He creeps people out right away when fake blood starts to drip from his mouth. You’d think this is just some stunt for Halloween but it really isn’t.

He enters the ring and right away the Glasgow Prince attacks him. He drives his knee several times into his stomach and then lifts him onto his shoulder about to set up his version of the Samoan Driver. Instead Slaughter fights his way down and starts beating the shit out of Edward. He knocks him against the corner and punches away viciously. He mixes it up with trapped clotheslines into the Scot is left in a seated position.

“Look at this guy go, I have never seen someone hit Eddie so hard. My cousin is a tough bastard so this Slaughter guy must pack a punch.” Khaos said as he had to watch Slaughter back away into the opposite turnbuckle. He then makes a run and drives his knee right in the face of Eddie. It busts him open as that is called the Slaughter To Prevail. It really did silent many of the fans as the Prince is completely rocked as he is dragged up to his feet.

Slaughter places him in position for the powerbomb, lifts him up and hits a powerbomb keeping a hold of the legs. Just to do that was mad due to the size of the Scot. But then the power to dead lift him back up and hit a second said it all. That’s the double powerbomb which is called Go To Hell. Cover made in what could be a very quick debut for Slaughter.


It’s over just like that as Slaughter wins here. He stands there and scares the referee who didn’t want to go close to him. Slaughter takes his leave as EMTs rush out to check on Eddie who has a nasty gash on his head now due to that knee. He has learnt a valuable lesson to never underestimate who you fight as this Slaughter guy looks dangerous.

“What a win for Chris Slaughter as he really does bring the horror to this Halloween show. Where will he go from here?” Tasia said as the fans are left terrified by this new monster of TXW. It remains to be seen if he can continue this momentum and who knows when he’ll debut on Dark Oasis or Reality Check.
Backstage Segment

Outcome: Josh Nightingale is backstage as he is dressed as Jon Snow. He is fully prepared to fight this way as he believes he can fight in a main event match this way. Some might say he isn’t taking this seriously because he is going up against the World Champion Dean Creed later. It is the first meeting between the two and the last as Josh has confirmed he will retire from the ring no matter what happens at War Games. Obviously he feels confident in his team as in his mind he’ll retain ownership then be able to watch from the sidelines as TXW enters a new era.

He discusses his main event match with Kaci Woodworth as he talks about how the current champion is not the finished article. He sees flaws and he said it is a shame the title is not up for grabs as he would do what his sister never did, claim the World Championship. If he did win it, it would be the first time he did it as his first reign was one he handed to himself. Not to be but the main event will be intriguing to see.

Halloween Costume Contest Battle Royal
Stipulation: Winner of Battle Royal is Halloween Costume winner for 2016
Result: It is this time again as the Halloween Costume contest is underway again. Tasia Wicha is the host of the contest as Mike Hawk is unavailable. She seems happy to have this position as she is dressed as a witch. The fans are hyped up for this one as we are soon introduced to the contestants for this one.

Out walks Rachel Nightingale as Daenerys from Game Of Thrones, Madison Wright as Elsa from Frozen, Jezabel Jezzi as Little Red Riding Hood, Raine as Arkham version of Harley Quinn, Women’s Champion Cassie Montgomery with her unique outfit that also happened to include Melissa Wright’s cowboy hat, Britt Montgomery as Dorothy from Wizard of Oz.

That was the first wave of entrants. The second wave included Foxy Roxy as a Gangster, Johnny Mercer as Rick Grimes from the Walking Dead, Aaron Bateman as Rafael from the Turtles. It is quite the turn out for this contest which includes men this year. So no it wouldn’t be some battle royal, there were ways to decide who wins this thing and who doesn’t.

“Right ladies and gentlemen, this is the 2016 Halloween Costume contest and there is really only one way to decide who wins, with you the fans deciding. We’ve set up a noise meter and whoever gets the loudest reaction will be crowned the 2016 Halloween Costume Contest winner. Good luck to all those involved.” Tasia said as it’s time for them to strut their stuff. Who will be going home with the 2016 trophy?

First to do his moves is Johnny who gets a lot of cheers from the female fans. He poses with his fake gun and gives a stern look like Rick would in the Walking Dead. It gives him a good start as he might just end up winning this thing to follow up last year’s winner Karla Winchester.

Next to step forward is Foxy Roxy who does a few poses in her gangster outfit. She gets cheered although the fans cheered for Johnny more than her. Perhaps that’s because she is still very new and hasn’t had the chance to win over a big fan base. It still did well for her but right now she is in second place behind the former IC Champion.

Posing next is Britt Montgomery, the person who defeated Foxy Roxy. There is a look between the two women as ‘Dorothy’ starts doing some poses. Britt gets cheers as she does more sexy poses that Dorothy would ever do and that gets her some love from the male fans who cheer her so loud she looks to have passed Johnny in terms of popularity.

That’s into Rachel steps forward. The Mother of Dragons had some on her shoulder as she blows a kiss and gets a loud cheer. Her outfit isn’t at all skimpy but she has a great following which means she surpasses everyone in terms of crowd noise. She is very happy with that as the wife of Josh wouldn’t mind winning this one, especially after coming so close last year.

Raine gives it a go next but is booed by the fans which just makes her give up trying to pose. She didn’t seem too upset as she expected this to happen but decided to enter anyway to try her chances. Instead she won’t be winning any trophies here. She will just have to settle to see someone else win, whoever that might be.

The RC GM poses next as he does some moves as Rafael including some kicks. It almost trips him over but he managed to stay on his feet and smiles for the camera. The GM shows he is nothing like his brother as he wouldn’t have anything to do with something like this.

Next to do her thing is Madison who does a few dance moves as Elsa, which gives her a great cheer. It still wasn’t as loud as Rachel’s but she is happy with the love and waves at the fans after that. She walks back over to Cassie who then gets the nod to step on up. There are loud cheers just for her outfit alone as the fans got to see a lot of her. The women’s champion gets a lot of ‘take it off’ chants. She didn’t do as asked but she did tease a lot which got her the best reaction.

Last up is Jezabel who gets a loud cheer too. But her efforts weren’t enough to beat the previous cheer as she wasn’t the sort to use her body to get cheers. In the end they all lined up as Tasia is set to announce the winner as it seems pretty clear who won out of all of them. Khaos brought in the trophy although he didn’t seem pleased about who he is going to hand it over to, considering what happened between them and his wife Angelina.

“The fans have decided who wins this one, so it’s my pleasure to announce the winner of this years contest. Put your hands together for The Halloween Costume Contest winner of 2016, Miss Cassie Montgomery!” Tasia said as Khaos is fast to just hand her the trophy then exits right away. The fans cheer as some congratulate her.

All of a sudden Diamond comes out and attacks her from behind. Most in the match just get out the way but Johnny steps forward to protect his favourite girl, only to get kicked hard between the legs which disabled his ability to help. Madison tried to step in to but she gets booted right in the face by the aggressive former Women’s champion. Britt got the same treatment when she tried to defend her sister but none of the help was able to stop Diamond right now.  No one else stepped in as others were keen on getting out of harm’s way. Jezabel is getting Rachel out of harm’s way which brought some questions there as usually they would take a stand.

Diamond grabbed the trophy and waits for Cassie to stand back up. When she does she smacks her across the head with the trophy, breaking it and busting the Women’s champion open. What a message that is as the leggy one has now shown what working with Frank has done for her. She has always been talented but now she is more vicious than ever. Cassie’s title is really under threat this coming weekend.
Backstage Segment

Outcome: We see Rebecca Bateman backstage in a Batgirl outfit complete with a short skirt. She is embracing the spirit of Halloween but she is with husband Calvin Bateman who is just in his Reapers get up. He didn’t seem happy with the match that his wife is in, but he had faith she could send a message to the Women’s champion AND her fellow challenger Diamond by embarrassing Kelly. Calvin mentions how Rebecca has waited all her life to get one over her sister, destroy her in every way possible. Now she gets the chance.

Rebecca Bateman vs Kelly Nightingale
Stipulation: Halloween Horror
Result: Next up on this Halloween show is something Frank likes to call a Halloween Horror. Why? Because he thinks this match will give one of these women nightmares for the foreseeable future since two sisters will face off in this Halloween Themed match. Kelly will warm up for her career threatening match by facing younger sister Rebecca. It will see both women dress up in a Halloween Costume and the only way to win is to throw your opponent into the provided pool of ‘blood’. Only the catch is something Frank’s old buddy Josh would’ve enjoyed, had it not been for the fact his sisters are facing off in it. The catch is that the Halloween Costume has to be torn off before you can throw them into the pool.

‘New Way To Bleed’ hits first as out walks ‘Batgirl’ Rebecca Bateman. The Reaperette hasn’t come alone as her husband has decided to accompany her. Can never be too careful with a war just around the corner. Calvin didn’t want his wife to be attacked the same way Cassie was attacked earlier in the night. He is also not very trusting of CJA either who has been a shadow over Kelly ever since he came back.

‘Going Under’ hits next as everyone now waits for the arrival of Kelly Nightingale. She came out dressed as Supergirl from the TV show which means we are about to get a DC clash between the two sisters. They both seem fired up for this as neither wanted to end up without their outfit on. Rebecca especially since she is supposed to be going for the Women’s title. Another loss makes people wonder how she is in that match.

Both women had to go past the pool to get to the ring which means they know where this match ends. Kelly went face to face with Rebecca. The Fearless one is the taller of the two and she really can’t afford to lose this one either. The Reaperette suddenly slaps her sister and tackles her to the ground. She got on top of her and starts choking her, taking out years of anger out on her right here. Calvin seemed to be enjoying it.

“Look at Rebecca’s years of frustration coming out here. She has been in the shadow of Kelly for so long, now she is her own woman we get to see if she is any better than the veteran.” Tasia said as Kelly pushed her sister away and got to her feet.

Kelly came at her with multiple forearms, throws her against the ropes and hits the flying lariat. The Fearless one kept an eye on Calvin as she had to do that even when knocking her sister on her ass. Kelly runs at her and hits a forearm shot right on Rebecca as she stands up.

Supergirl is doing her best to get a big win heading into War Games. Somewhere CJA will be watching and again pointing out that she is ruining herself by staying in the business. Every warm blooded male wants to put her in these gimmick matches. Since she isn’t taken seriously as the woman she once was, this is her future. Frank will book her this way, while Calvin will probably fire her if he gains control. House Nightingale winning will just delude Kelly as she will be booked like a million bucks but the Adrenaline Pumped Machine just does not believe his wife can perform at her past level. Why drop down? Yet here she is in this match with her dignity at risk again.

Kelly goes up top as she is about to fly just like Super girl. She waits for her sister to stand up, only for Calvin Bateman to jump on the apron. Kelly saw and instead of jumping on her sister, she jumps towards Calvin to hit the Fearless Crossbody, creating a loud thud as the Reaper hits the floor with the multiple time Women’s champion on top of him.

“Kelly did well there as Calvin was doing his best to turn the momentum in his wife’s favour. Instead he has been taken to the floor.” Tasia said as Kelly stands back up and climbs onto the apron. She has her back to the ring as she made sure the Reaper was taken out. That turned out to be a mistake as Rebecca grabs her by the back of the hair and then pulls her through the ropes. She is left hanging on them and hit a vicious looking neckbreaker that could’ve easily badly damaged the neck. Kelly folded during that move and end up face down.

Rebecca stood over her sister and then wasted no time in attempting to rip the supergirl outfit off of her. The neckbreaker really did the damage as Kelly wasn’t fighting this as the top part gets torn off, then the skirt comes off leaving the Fearless one in her red boots and red underwear. It meant if she gets thrown into the blood pool, this one is over.

“Could  this be it? Kelly is in danger now as she will lose this match if she is thrown into the pool.” Tasia said as Rebecca grabbed her sisters arms and drags her closer to the ropes. She got out and reaches in to drag her out. The fans started a Kelly chant which got her to stir. Rebecca forces her sister to stand up on the outside as she is about to end the match. Instead Kelly started her fight back, gets in a hard punch that makes her sister take a couple steps back. The veteran then runs, jumps up and hits a lariat. It did cause her to land on her back but her adrenaline seemed to be carrying her through as she stands back up.

Let’s go Kelly were the chants as she had control and she waits patiently for her sister to stand up. When she does, the Reaperette is about to be hit by the Night’s Over. All of a sudden ‘Adrenaline’ hits which distracts Kelly.  She pushes her sister to the floor and sees CJA on screen with Sophie in his hands. No words were said as he just stares at his wife. Kelly stares back and this is costly as Rebecca goes behind her and hits her as hard as she could across the back. She spins her around and then nails her with the Night’s Over causing her sisters face to smack off the floor. That had to be it.

“Kelly should really retire, she isn’t good enough anymore.” Khaos said as he watches Rebecca stand over her. The Reaperette looks at Calvin, who has recovered. She likely remembers what they talked about earlier and went for the humiliation as it would be something she could hold over her sister forever. Kelly is out like a light so her sister could do anything. The former FAB member grabbed her sister’s bra and unhooks it then pulled it off from under her. The fans chanted no but Kelly didn’t stir.

Rebecca stands up and holds up the bra then shows all her hatred for her sister by saying she deserves this and so much more. Wrath walks out but he wasn’t holding a towel nor was he walking very fast. He actually stopped on the stage as Kelly lay there. Rebecca gave the bra to some fan in the front row then went back over, took her sister’s red boots then throws them down at her one by one. More insults were thrown as the Reaperette did not want to let her sister damage her anymore.

“I think this has gone far enough, just end the match Rebecca.” Tasia said as she already got the costume off, anything else is just extra salt in the wound as a win for Rebecca over Kelly is big anyway. But all the history between them plus the war with FAB has made the Reaperette want to send a completely different message.

She did just that by pulling off Kelly’s red panties exposing her ass and that really would make people talk. The Reaperette isn’t smiling as she sees her husband hand over a belt, his belt. Rebecca carries it back over to Kelly who is still laying face down near the pool. She then starts using the belt right on her, at least causing her to regain consciousness but she had to feel the pain as the belt is wiped against her back several times. Rebecca did stop when Wrath got closer but she then drags her up and just throws her right into the pool. It meant the match is over and the women’s title challenger has a huge win.

 “If anyone needed proof Kelly needs to retire, that’s it. Some may say that distraction was costly but the old Kelly would’ve found a way to win that match. Instead she was beaten and humiliated by her own flesh and blood. House Nightingale needs to die, this is proof.” Khaos said as Rebecca is approached by her husband and has her hand risen. She looks down at Kelly who sits up in the pool, the ‘blood’ was deep enough to cover her whole body but she looked devastated at what had just happened, also in pain.

Rebecca left as Wrath approaches the pool. He reaches in and drags Kelly out, not caring what state she is in. He throws her over her shoulder as she didn’t show much fight. Instead she is carried to the back, stained red from the fake blood though she won’t forget this Halloween in a hurry.

Outcome: Backstage CJA is seen heading for the exit as he has Sophie in a baby carrier. He is asked why he caused the distraction that led to his wife’s defeat and humiliation. CJA just says his wife needed a wakeup call and that was the biggest one she could get. He said he still loves her but doesn’t understand what it will take to realise she needs to quit. This is the second attempt and he hopes the third attempt doesn’t happen as he admits the third will see Wrath break Kelly in two.

Dean Creed vs Josh Nightingale
Stipulation: Standard
Result: An eventful Halloween as it now ends with Josh taking on Dean Creed. With one Nightingale already embarrassed you would think Dean will want to beat Josh within seconds to add to the bad night for House Nightingale. The Badass hasn’t got the best record here, so he could improve it greatly by beating the hot shot Creed. The World Champion has been accused of being a Nightingale hater despite the fact he just wants to be the best.

‘Battleborn’ hits first as out walks Josh who decided to ditch the Halloween outfit to take this seriously. He gets a loud cheer as this is his FINAL one on one match. What a match to have as he gets to fight it out with the man who is meant to be the new torch bearer. He was once named the face of the company after making sure Dave Wilson was taken out the picture. He hasn’t been seen in months.

Suddenly Creed rushes out and hits Josh across the back of the head with his championship. As expected the fans hated the hell out of that as they booed him loudly. It didn’t stop him doing further attacks as he stamps away at him and leaves him laying there.

“A cowardly attack there from Creed, why would he do this when he wants to prove so much?” Tasia questioned as the champion gets in the ring and holds up his title. Then he tells the referee to start this one just so he can count out Josh. The referee hesitated at first but then he knew this show had a run time, so it had to be done.

Bell sounds and the count begins as it looked like Josh is unlikely to make it back up to his feet. Like his sister earlier, he was looking out cold and maybe has no way of getting back in this one. The fans did chant his name but that didn’t stop the referee getting to the count of six with him still on the ground.

Then he got up and started making his way back, it caused a loud cheer but he may not make it. The referee reached eight as he moved as fast as he could towards the ring. Creed wanted the count out victory as he threatens the referee to count faster.

Josh made it back in right after the nine count and he is attacked right away by Creed. The champion tries an Irish whip but it countered into one of his own by Nightingale, who hits a spinebuster on the rebound.

The Badass is hurting but he is now fired up as he waits for Creed to stand back up. Once he does he grabs him by the throat by both hands, lifts him up and his a double handed chokeslam. He rolled right into a hook of the leg as this could be the victory most want to see. It might knock Dean Creed’s ego.

1..............2..............SHOULDER UP!

No finishing blow there as the champion is able to survive the move. Josh wasn’t exactly disappointed as he knew this guy wasn’t the main champion for nothing. It is also the type of problems the Badass had with Pierce as he knew that guy was going to be tough, which he turned out to be. This match is no different but this one is one the former President wants to win.

Josh got to his feet first and once Creed did, he got hit with a few uppercuts which rattled him. Then one kick to the stomach allowed Josh to set up the Bad Timing aka Jackhammer. He uses his strength to lift him up and then slams him right down in the middle of the ring. What a set up it is for the City Night Lights as the champion is right in the middle of the ring.

“Here we go, Josh has the end in sight.” Tasia said as we could be about to see one of the biggest upsets. It never used to be one but it will be now due to how Josh isn’t the top level talent he once was, while Creed is the World Champion. The Smokin Ace goes up to the top, jumps up and HITS the City Night Lights aka Frog Splash. Cover made as this could be it for the One Man Army.


Kick out from the champion as he survives would could’ve been his first loss in a very long time. Instead he kicks out and fights on as the Badass had to think of what he could do next. The fans are chanting his name so that gave him confidence to get this one done, to take Creed down a few levels.

Creed gets up and right away is kicked in the mid section. Josh then goes for the Bon Voyage , only for Creed to back drop him over. The champion looked annoyed as he then started to stamp on Josh as he lay down from that back drop. The One Man Army really doesn’t want to have his winning run ended by someone on House Nightingale. After all these two men will be on different teams in that War Games match, out to eliminate one another.

The champion drags up Josh as he wanted to do some damage to him , perhaps even eliminate him here tonight to make sure he can't compete at War Games. He takes him over to the corner and lifts him up. Looks like he is planning to hit a superplex, going up to the second rope to go for it. 

When he does Josh just throws haymakers at him and ends up knocking him down which again is a perfect set up for the City Night Lights.  He dives off only for Creed to get his knees up making for a bad landing for Josh.

Right away the champ got up, he drags up Josh and just like that sets up then hits the Creed bomb aka spinning sitdown powerbomb. The Josh of the past may kick out here but the way his head hit there, you might think this is over with. The fans hoped he would kick out as the cover is made, which could end this one.


The 'dream' match is over just like that as Josh loses to Creed. The champion is happy with that even if the fans wishes they got more out of that one. Perhaps it tells you Josh is at the end of his carer as he didn't give as much fight as he used to give. He'll be wanting to save a lot for Sunday, so maybe why he didn't go on longer.

"Creed wins here in the main event in what has been a bad night for House Nightingale. We'll see you Sunday for War Games 2."  Tasia said as Xtreme Halloween goes off air with Creed standing tall.

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